SWEUS MASARYK JULY 2018 Effective Introductions & Conclusions: Structure And Style 1 IN THIS WORKSHOP •Brainstorm: What is your experience of presenting? •Introductions (TED Talks) •Conclusions: dos and don’ts •Anecdotes •Over to you: a practice activity •Evaluation and feedback 2 Effective Introductions & Conclusions: Structure & Style SOME EXAMPLES •Watch these openings to five TED talks (Technology, Entertainment, Design) How does each speaker start the presentation? .What technique or strategy does each use? • •https://www.ted.com/talks/dan_pink_on_motivation • •https://www.ted.com/talks/amy_cuddy_your_body_language_shapes_who_you_are • •https://www.ted.com/talks/richard_st_john_success_is_a_continuous_journey#t-41893 • •https://www.ted.com/talks/susan_cain_the_power_of_introverts • •https://www.ted.com/talks/hans_rosling_shows_the_best_stats_you_ve_ever_seen • • • • SWUES, 21 July 2017, Jiřina Hrbáčková SOME TIPS FOR INTRODUCTIONS •Establish a good relationship with your audience •Know the audience: who are they? What do they already know? •Get your audience interested: story, a picture, an interesting fact, a question •SHOW YOUR OWN ENTHUSIASM •Explain something about yourself and your experience (unless a moderator has introduced you) •Set out the content of the presentation: theme, outline, etc. •Be clear about your goal for the presentation •The questions problem! • 4 Effective Introductions & Conclusions: Structure & Style CONCLUSIONS: DOS AND DON’TS •DO •Realise that the end is as important as the beginning •Allow time for questions •Think about a “second conclusion” •Give your presentation a rounded ending •DON’T •just stop! •“umm” and “err”: prepare for possible questions •ignore the questioner: think of strategies to answer •PANIC: body language • 5 Effective Introductions & Conclusions: Structure & Style ANY ANECDOTES? • •Who would like to share any positive or negative experiences of introductions or conclusions? 6 Effective Introductions & Conclusions: Structure & Style A PRACTICE ACTIVITY • •Introducing and concluding a short presentation 7 Effective Introductions & Conclusions: Structure & Style WHAT? & HOW? •Groups of 2 or 3. Prepare the introduction and conclusion to a presentation on one of these topics. Use strategies to engage the audience . Time your introductions and conclusions to 3 minutes (in total). Be prepared to “perform” to the group. •starting a new job •moving to a new house •preparing for a job interview •giving new students advice about life at university •giving advice to someone traveling to Europe for the first time •making the right career choice • 8 Effective Introductions & Conclusions: Structure & Style WORKSHOP EVALUATION & FEEDBACK •Some useful links: •https://www.speakconfidentenglish.com/3-steps-introduction/ •https://www.wikihow.com/Introduce-a-Presentation •https://business.financialpost.com/business-insider/7-excellent-ways-to-start-a-presentation-and-c apture-your-audiences-attention • •https://www.ethos3.com/2014/12/the-best-way-to-end-a-professional-presentation/ •https://scientific-presentations.com/2010/02/01/the-conclusion-traps/ •https://www.presentationload.com/thank-you-slides.html • 9 Effective Introductions & Conclusions: Structure & Style