SWEUS MASARYK JULY 2018 Navigating Through Lectures & Seminars 1 IN THIS WORKSHOP •Brainstorm •Signposting language •Activity 1: Lecture styles •Handling a Lecture •Seminar Skills •Activity 2: a seminar discussion •Conclusion and evaluation 2 Navigating Through Lectures & Seminars BRAINSTORM •Brief discussion: •Remember some of the lectures or presentations that you have recently attended. What made it easy / difficult to understand the content? How can the speaker help the audience understand the main message of the talk? 3 Navigating Through Lectures & Seminars SIGNALLING LANGUAGE •A focus for attention •Helps to focus on the structure of a lecture •Keeps you alert 4 Navigating Through Lectures & Seminars ACTIVITY 1 • •A good or a bad lecture? • •https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DY1e0Grwtw • •What makes this a bad lecture? • •https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YdtLELVhEQg • •What makes this a good lecture? 5 Navigating Through Lectures & Seminars HANDLING A LECTURE? •KEY WORDS (prepare beforehand) •Signalling language •Recording (notes) •Background reading 6 Navigating Through Lectures & Seminars NOTE-TAKING • • • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UAhRf3U50lM • •DISCUSSION: •What works for you? •Notes in first or second language? 7 Navigating Through Lectures & Seminars SEMINAR SKILLS (1) •How to prepare for a seminar oGive yourself enough time oRead around the subject oFormulate some questions (and the answers you expect) oWhat could you contribute to the discussion? oRehearse a possible contribution 8 Navigating Through Lectures & Seminars SEMINAR SKILLS (2) •During the Seminar o JOIN IN oListen to others and adapt your opinions – take notes oDon’t interrupt oUse signposting language to give your contribution structure oDon’t talk too much (be concise) 9 Navigating Through Lectures & Seminars SEMINAR SKILLS (3) •Think about how you are speaking oLook up when you are speaking and focus on who you are talking to – EYE CONTACT oSpeak clearly with pauses oThink about the volume of your voice oThink about the tone (don’t be too emotion-led) oThink about the speed oTry and use academic language with accuracy 10 Navigating Through Lectures & Seminars ACTIVITY 2 • • A seminar discussion • 1.10 minutes to think of a contribution 2.10 minutes in small groups 3.PLENARY DISCUSSION • 11 Navigating Through Lectures & Seminars TOPIC FOR DISCUSSION • • •English should be promoted as the most important global language. 12 Navigating Through Lectures & Seminars SOME FINAL THOUGHTS 13 Navigating Through Lectures & Seminars 1.The best initial preparation for a seminar is good lecture attendance. 2.This means more than just sitting in the lecture theatre...it means active involvement in, and processing of, the lecture 3.It’s a good idea to briefly but systematically review your lecture notes before the seminar. 4.You should deliberately think of issues you want to ‘take forward’ from the lecture for clarification during the seminar EVALUATION •What can you take away from this workshop? • 14 Navigating Through Lectures & Seminars