1 Vidět znamená rozumět Martina Šindelářová Skupeňová Obsah 2 Využití vizuálních materiálů ve výuce jazyků na VŠ: Jestli? Proč? Jaké? Jak? ▪ Vstupní test Poznáte materiály z vysokoškolského prostředí? Pridat priklady sucheho vs a zajimaveho ss materialu Literatura jako start ale ne jedina moznost pro visualizing activities 4 http://www.arara.cz/i/imgs_orig/192/240192.jpg 5 Actual print screen – Ss using PCs 6 https://lh4.ggpht.com/_LvIlIYaA8M4UncVHZs1bHUOe8KpbwmKZ4IhTAYwirvX6HtDlayFD8HmLtrPbaF5-Ns=h900 7 8 9 10 Ostrý test Skupina/y A – neviděli film Arrival (Příchozí) Skupina/y B – viděli film Arrival https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AMgyWT075KY 0 – 1:33 11 Výsledek obrázku pro arrival movie Ostrý test Co byste dělali vy, kdybyste se měli domluvit s mimozemšťany vydávajícími tyto zvuky? ▪https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5T54491fOOM ▪ 12 13 Související obrázek 14 Výsledek obrázku pro arrival movie První otázky k využití vizuálních materiálů ve výuce jazyků na VŠ Jestli? Moc ne. Proč ne? Proč ano? Pamatujete si druhý slide? 15 Obsah 16 Využití vizuálních materiálů ve výuce jazyků na VŠ: Jestli? Proč? Jaké? Jak? ▪ Další otázky k využití vizuálních materiálů ▪Jaké materiály? 17 Future: What will our houses look like? ? ? ? ? ▪ 18 Future: What will our houses look like? ▪Obrázky ▪ 19 Zero House Privat House Design by Specht Harpman Zero House, Future House Design by Specht Harpman Future: What will our houses look like? ▪Prezentace 20 Future: What will our houses look like? ▪Videoukázka ▪ http://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/uk-now/video-uk/homes-future ▪ 21 Další otázky k využití vizuálních materiálů: 22 ▪Které materiály a kolik materiálů? ▪ ▪Jak je použít? Pridat priklad video aktivity Výhody vizuálních materiálů 23 Visuals have the advantage of being inexpensive, of being available in most situations, of being personal, that is, they are selected by the teacher, which leads to an automatic sympathy between teacher and materials and consequent enthusiastic use and of bringing images of reality into the unnatural world of language classroom. (Wright) Jak? ▪Videoukázka bez obrazu ▪ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TiACOLuYlJ4 ▪ ▪ ▪ 24 Co jste viděli? ▪ ▪ 25 Co jste viděli? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TiACOLuYlJ4 26 Vlastní vizualizace Imagery work in the classroom can be used first as a way to connect with students who have become accustomed to the external visual expositure and then to give them a chance to go inside, to extend their attention span and to become more centred and clear-thinking. (Puchta) 27 Define footer - Name of the presentation / Your name / Unit, Office Výhody studentských vizuálních materiálů ▪ ▪K ▪A ▪V ▪K ▪A ▪ 28 Pridat citaci a ilustraci Výhody studentských vizuálních materiálů ▪ ▪Kreativní ▪Autentické ▪Vlastní ▪Komunikativní ▪A spousta dalších ▪ 29 Pridat citaci a ilustraci Vizualizace textů 30 Dodat cvičení Vytvořte první panel komixu: This is me when I was 10 years old. ▪ 31 32 Neexistuje špatná odpověď No wrong answers 33 https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSPdn6gElgIYZSVSB8VV_FdFkzEo_6vuf37hLyhpNqoikg JMeb8Bg Vizualizace rozdílných kulturních a osobních východisek a předpokladů pro čtení Dodat satrapi prvni panel a prvni strana 34 https://blogs.stockton.edu/postcolonialstudies/files/2011/03/the-veil.gif The student is an active agent not a passive recipient. It is vital for us that the activites provoke a genuine interaction between the reader and the text, and between the readers themselves – including the teacher! (Duff & Maley) 35 Define footer - Name of the presentation / Your name / Unit, Office Portrét 36 Pridat fota tugendhat – issova - kidman Weak students contribution - focus on communcation Casting​ A film contract for The Glass Room has just been signed with Rudolf Biermann's production company IN FILM Praha. That's just the beginning of the beginning. The next step will be getting a screenplay done. http://www.simonmawer.com/news.htm Kdo by měl hrát Liesel? A Reinera? Ludwig Mies van der Rohe Tugendhat09 http://cms.parlamentnilisty.cz/image.ashx?w=632&h=307&f=issova2-634897093287394365.jpg&id=8839 Karel Roden Picture Možnost pro slabé studenty přispět ke skupinovému řešení Ludwig Mies van der Rohe Tugendhat09 Language comprehension will not only depend on learner´s good decoding or vocabulary skills but also in part on their ability to create and use mental images which will enable them to understand texts in the foreign language better. (Puchta) 40 Define footer - Name of the presentation / Your name / Unit, Office Možnosti vizualizačních aktivit ▪Job interview, CV writing ▪Soft skills – presenting, negotiating www.shakespeareinbusiness.com www.oliviermythodrama.com 41 Ala Shakeaspeare for business Najit priklad Příklad Visualize your success: ▪Visualize the stage ▪See the audience. ▪Visualize doing well. 42 Vizualizace textů 43 A They climbed on sketchy ladders towards God, with winch and pulley hoisted hewn rock into heaven, inhabited sky with hammers, defied gravity, deified stone, took up God’s house to meet Him. And came down to their suppers and small beer, every night sleep, lay with their smelly wives, quarrelled and cuffed the children, lied, spat, sang, were happy or unhappy. B Shining Steel will be as translucent as water Light will be as solid as walls And walls as transparent as air I conceive of a house That will be unlike any other Living space that merges seamlessly A place that is at once of nature And quite aside from nature Pridat basen- glass room Tugendhat Floor plan activities Hrabal Pub activity Stone church in village near Sanmin, Taoyuan County Vizualizace obsahu Vizualizace formy The Cathedral Builders by John Ormond They climbed on sketchy ladders towards God, with winch and pulley hoisted hewn rock into heaven, inhabited the sky with hammers, defied gravity, deified stone, took up God's house to meet him, and came down to their suppers and small beer, every night slept, lay with their smelly wives, quarrelled and cuffed the children, lied, spat, sang, were happy, or unhappy, and every day took to the ladders again, Shining steel will be as translucent as water, light will be as solid as walls and walls as transparent as air. I conceive of a house that will be unlike any other living space that merges seamlessly. A place that is at once of nature and quite aside from nature. The Glass Room by Simon Mawer Vizualizace textu A The morrow brought a very sober-looking morning, the sun making only a few efforts to appear; and Catherine augured from it everything most favourable to het wishes. A bright morning so early in the year, she allowed, would generally turn to rain, but a cloudy one foretold improvement as the day advanced. B You might like to ask why the Sun is able to supply it own light, heat, and energy whereas the Earth and the other planets only shine feebly with the aid of borrowed light. Strange as it may seem, it is best to start this problem by considering the interior of the Erath. C Snow. Why did she think of snow? That particular bath of light, the sky’s light reflected upwards from the blanched lawn to light the ceiling as brightly as the clouded sun lit the floor. Light become substance, soft, transparent milk. Vizualizace klíčových slov A The morrow brought a very sober-looking morning, the sun making only a few efforts to appear; and Catherine augured from it everything most favourable to het wishes. A bright morning so early in the year, she allowed, would generally turn to rain, but a cloudy one foretold improvement as the day advanced. B You might like to ask why the Sun is able to supply it own light, heat, and energy whereas the Earth and the other planets only shine feebly with the aid of borrowed light. Strange as it may seem, it is best to start this problem by considering the interior of the Earth. C Snow. Why did she think of snow? That particular bath of light, the sky’s light reflected upwards from the blanched lawn to light the ceiling as brightly as the clouded sun lit the floor. Light become substance, soft, transparent milk. Vizualizace klíčových slov Různé nástroje pro práci studentů https://wordsift.org/ Vizualizace textu special status – size - long relationship – Norway and Switzerland – Article 50 – free movement of people – sit around the table – vote to leave – removal – hope – push the date later – not ready ▪ 49 Vizualizace struktury textu 50 Vizualizace popisu In Glasses, Newspaper and a Bottle of Wine, Gris incorporated objects often used in Cubist still-life painting—newspaper, a glasses, and a tabletop. Rather than shatter their forms, however, Gris took a more synthetic approach to the composition. The objects have been taken whole and then fragmented, painted and glued back together again within the confines of parallel vertical planes. The artist has also used sliced sections of newspaper to create this unusual interpretation of a still life. The overlapping planes, flattened appearance, and rhythmic patterns of the painting reinforce the two-dimensional nature of the picture’s surface, while the deeply saturated colours, strong light-dark contrasts, and precise definition of forms give the still life an extraordinary physical reality. The importance of this work lies in its innovative method of portraying different sections of an object simultaneously, while rejecting the conventions of light and shade. 51 Vizualizace popisu 52 Vizualizace textů - psaní ▪Napište pohlednici (beze slov) 53 Vizualizace textů - psaní ▪Napište formální dopis (beze slov) 54 Vizualizace textů - psaní ▪Napište seminární práci (beze slov) 55 Vizualizace textu – tón See what he is suggesting? The house will be sort of hung from the first storey, here. I mean, the fellow hasn’t really bothered with walls. Just glass. I will build you a house upside down, that’s what he said. But is it what we want? Why not? And this room, all glass! We will be like plants, hothouse plants. Over-hot in summer, perishing cold in winter, I’d say. What’s this line? He proposes some kind of partition to divide the area. At least there’s one curve. Vizualizace textu - koherence 1.She laughs, shifting her belly, leaning forward again. 2.His tone is one of amazement and excitement, as though he has just been the witness of a natural phenomenon, that you see only once in a lifetime. 3.And as Viktor said, the street entrance seems to be on top floor with the living room below it. 4.She examines the plan of the main floor. 5.He unfolds the architect’s plan on the floor beside her desk. http://st.hzcdn.com/fimgs/0b61fc460227f9df_1586-w618-h421-b1-p0--mediterranean-floor-plan.jpg glass+room glass-room Vizualizace popisu Student A https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qC9EG9Vh9CA&t=66s Student B https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wWeIRmm7T_0 1:50 59 Další možnosti ▪Mind mapping ▪Visualizing study materials ▪Creating visual study support ▪Descriptive speaking / writing ▪Creative writing 60 Básně ▪Light is going through the plants No one knows where it ends As time passes by, you will miss This morning bliss. ▪Sun shower Like morning dew Attacking curtains Transparent light that leaks And swallows ghosts of the worried past Still present within emptied space 61 Ideální využití vizuálních materiálů - výhody pro učitele ▪Využití kreativního potenciálu studentů ▪Podpora komunikace ▪Rozvoj kritického myšlení 62 Ideální využití vizuálních materiálů - výhody pro studenty ▪Individualizované materiály ▪Zpřístupnění i obtížnějších textů ▪Hmatatelný výsledek aktivit ▪Možnost sdílet 63 Literatura 64 ●Brumfit, C.J., Carter, R.A.(1991): Literature and Language Teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ●Carter, R.A., Long, M.N.(1987): The Web of Words. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ●Clarke, D.F.(1989): Talk about Literature. Hodder and Stoughton Limited. ●Daniels, H., Steineeke, N.(2004): Mini-lessons for Literature Circles. Heinemann. ●Deller, S., Price, C.(2007): Teaching other Subjects through English. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ●Duff, A., Maley, A.(1991): Literature, Resource Books for Teachers. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ●Lazar, G.(1993): Literature and Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ●Short, M.(1992): Reading, Analysing and Teaching Literature. London: Longman House. Díky za pozornost. Martina Šindelářová Skupeňová skupenova@phil.muni.cz 65 Masaryk University Language Centre, Departement at Faculty of Arts