1 Staff mobility elc – European Language Competence Frankfurt School of Finance and Management červen 2016 Frankfurt nad Mohanem 2 elc – European Language Competence §"Every time we speak we perform a cultural act." § § Claire Kramsch (1993). Context and culture in language teaching § §Interkulturní komunikační kompetence (IKK) §Kurzy IKK pro učitele §IKK blended kurzy §Testování IKK § The ICE Train-the-trainer course §Intercultural Competence in English: Critical Issues §1. den §Culture and Discourse §International English (ELF) §2. den §Corporate Cultures §Gender § • 3 Kulturní podmíněnost §Jazykové funkce § Saying No / saying yes § Giving advice / asking for advice § Giving / accepting compliments § Criticising / complaining § Accepting / refusing help § Accepting / refusing invitations § Negotiating § etc. 4 Kulturní podmíněnost §Komunikační strategie §Directness §Enthusiasm §Formality §Assertiveness §Self-promotion §Personal disclosure 5 Critical incidents – Kritická události §A Puerto Rican woman, who had been living for many years in the United States, was visited by her father. During his stay, he helped her take care of her son (his grandson). When she thanked him for his help, he became angry and felt hurt. §Helen Spencer-Oatey (2008). Culturally Speaking. Culture, Communication and Politeness Theory (2nd ed.). p.46 § 6 Critical incidents – Kritická události §This incident involved an American as well as a Korean couple who lived next door to him. When the American returned from the hospital after a night of very little sleep fol- lowing his daughter’s birth, he met the couple in the parking lot. When they heard the good news, the Korean woman said, solemnly, that he ‘looked much older’. §Adapted from: Yamuna Kachru/Cecil L. Nelson (2006). World Englishes in Asian Contexts. Hong Kong University Press. p.54 § 7 Doporučený postup 1.Otázky 2.Sdílení 3.Hypotéza 4.Řešení 5. 8 Otázky §Co – Kdo – Kdy - Kde – Proč – Jak atd.? §Prostor pro individuální dotazy týkající se situace §Všechny otázky by se měly zaznamenat §Cíl: utvořit úplný obrázek situace § § § 9 Sdílení §Názorů a pocitů k problému §Prostor pro všechny § § 10 Hypotézy §Možné důvody a motivace aktérů §Hledání více odpovědí / domněnek § § § 11 Řešení §Praktická řešení §Učitel poskytuje studentům: §Komunikační strategie §Jazykové prostředky §Procvičení jazyka § § 12 Další kritická událost §Cíl: •Povědomí o individuální limitech přizpůsobení •Procvičit strategie, jak si poradit s nepříjemným pozváním §. §David is a French engineer who has recently been assigned to his company’s subsidiary in Finland. Here is his report about something that happened soon after he arrived in Helsinki. § § 13 Další kritická událost §“After two weeks, we had one of those afternoons that are meant to consolidate team spirit [...] and there, first shock, huge cultural shock, well, I had my first sauna at that time, and, well, I started to adopt a little bit ... the Finnish spirit regarding partying [laughs] [...] The first sauna, it was quite an experience. The day after, I had written a long e-mail to all my friends in France, explaining all the details [...]. I‘m not very modest, but well, to be there with your boss... and then again the heat, it had burnt my nose, it had burnt my mouth, everything. And then the cold in the sea, because we went to bathe then, with water which was around 12-13 degrees!“ § 14 Postup §Discuss: §David talks about an all-male sauna visit. How do you feel about mixed saunas? §What would you do and say if you were invited by your host / business partner to a sauna? §At what point would you reach your limits? §What do you do and say if this happens? § §Follow-up: •Podobné obtížná pozvání § 15 § § § § Děkuji za pozornost. 16