Adobe Systems CJV week, 2024 1 Aligning English Language Courses with Specialized Professions: Lessons learned from development of an ESP course for Medical Lab Technicians Tetiana Kibalnikova, Katarína Lexová 22-25 January, 2024 CJV LF MU Adobe Systems CJV week, 2024 2 Outline ̶Needs analysis✔️ ̶Goals and objectives ✔️ ̶Methodology ✔️ ̶Material selection ✔️ ̶Study materials development ✔️ ̶Examples of customized lesson materials and activities ✔️ ̶Assessment (work in progress) ⚙️ ̶ ̶ ̶ Adobe Systems CJV week, 2024 3 In one or two words, describe the biggest challenge you face when developing English for Specific Purposes courses Adobe Systems CJV week, 2024 4 COURSE CHARACTERISTICS Name of the course: English language II Term: spring 2024 (pilot version) Number of hours: 2 per week Type of Completion: zk The TEAM of COURSE DEVELOPERS Veronika Dvořáčková ‒ Unit 6, chief editor Tetiana Kibalnikova ‒ Units 3, 4, 9, 10, 12, 13 Katarína Lexová ‒ Units 3, 5, 8, 11, 13 Jana Klapilová ‒ chief graphic designer Adobe Systems CJV week, 2024 5 Needs Analysis ̶Different sources: a) field guarantor (MUDr. Zdeňka Čermáková, Ph.D.) b) instructors (MUDr Miroslava Beňovská, doc. MUDr. Milan Dastych, CSc., MBA) c) students (BLAN 0321) ̶A variety of complementary methods to gather information for needs analysis (documents analysis, interviews, questionnaires) ̶ Adobe Systems CJV week, 2024 6 2 lab tours: 1) The University Hospital Brno (January 30, 2023) – MUDr Miroslava Beňovská, doc. MUDr. Milan Dastych, CSc., MBA 2) Masaryk Memorial Cancer Institute (February 7, 2023) – MUDr. Zdeňka Čermáková, Ph.D. Document analysis: 1)Bachelor’s study programmes: Medical Laboratory Technologist (Laboratorní diagnostika ve zdravotnictví), Laboratory Assistant (Zdravotní laborant) 2)CEFR - Are students capable to define their needs effectively? Adobe Systems 2) What for will you need the knowledge of English for specific purposes (ESP)? You may choose more than 1 option: - Further education 7 - Work placement in a multinational team 6 - Scientific research 6 - Reading specialized literature for professional 8 development - Other 0 CJV week, 2024 7 Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 1) How motivated are you to attend the course of English focused on your specialty? (5 stars - very motivated; 1 star - not motivated) 3) What specific language skills would you like to practise in the ESP course? You may choose more than one option - Speaking 12 - Listening 10 - Reading 4 - Writing 7 BLAN 0312 (14/16 students) Needs Analysis Questionnaire 7 6 6 8 12 10 4 7 Adobe Systems 4) Which classroom activities would you prioritize in the ESP course? You may choose more than one option - learning specialized vocabulary 13 - reading authentic professional texts 8 - watching authentic videos on professional topics 9 - discussing specialized issues in English 6 - revising grammar and doing exercises 5 - doing problem-solving tasks (e.g. case studies) 1 - role playing professional scenarios 2 - creating posters on professional topics 2 - writing reports on professional topics 2 - other 0 CJV week, 2024 8 Figure 4 Figure 5 5) Which forms of classroom activities would you prioritise in the ESP course? You may choose more than one option - pair work 8 - team work 4 - individual work 7 - self-study (assigned home task) 6 - interactive activities (e.g. quizzes, posters…) 4 - other 0 Adobe Systems CJV week, 2024 9 6) Are there any specific topics or subjects within your field that you would like the English for Specific Purposes course to cover in detail? Please, list them. “Microbiology” “Laboratory” “Useful vocabulary for lab technicians, for example the methods, instruments etc.” “All English lessons can be only for our specialization. Not everything for all” “Special vocabulary” “Metabolism”…… Adobe Systems Define footer – presentation title / department 10 New ESP Course Syllabus Curriculum: Laboratorní diagnostika ve zdravotnictví, Zdravotní laborant CEFR Unit 3 Medcial Lab Technician Profile Reception: -Can obtain information, ideas and opinions from highly specialised sources within their field.-Can follow the essentials of lectures, talks and reports and other forms of academic/professional presentation which are propositionally and linguistically complex. Unit 4 Clinical Laboratory and its Automation Instrument Technology (Year 1) Unit 5 Laboratory Safety First Aid (Year 1), Handling Chemical Substances (Year 1), Hygienic Rules in Laboratories (Year 3) Unit 6 Laboratory Biosecurity to the Outside World First Aid (Year 1), Handling Chemical Substances (Year 1), Public Health Protection (Year 3) Production: -Can give clear, detailed descriptions and presentations on a wide range of subjects related to their field of interest, expanding and supporting ideas with subsidiary points and relevant examples. -Can use appropriate technical terminology when discussing their area of specialisation with other specialists. Unit 7 Oral Exam Training Unit 8 Quality Control, Analytical Errors and their Prevention Quality Management in Bioanalytical laboratory(Year 3) Unit 9 Haematology Clinical Haematology (Year 2), Immunohaematology and Blood Banking (Year 2) Mediation: - Can interpret and describe reliably (in Language B) detailed information contained in complex diagrams, charts and other visually organised information on topics in their fields of interest. -Can formulate questions and give feedback to encourage people to make connections to previous knowledge and experiences. Unit 10 Urinary System and Urinalysis Clinical Biochemistry (Year 2), Unit 11 Microbiology Biochemistry (year 1), Histology (year 1), Molecular and Cellular Biology (Year 1), Techniques of Molecular biology and genetics (Year 1), Medical Microbiology (Year 2, 3) Unit 12 Immunology Clinical Immunology (Year 2, 3) Linguistic competence: -Has a good range of vocabulary for matters connected to their field and most general topics. -Has a good command of simple language structures and some complex grammatical forms, although they tend to use complex structures rigidly with some inaccuracy. Unit 13 Diagnostic tests Molecular and Cellular Biology (Year 1), Techniques of Molecular biology and genetics (Year 1) , Clinical Genetics (Year 2), Clinical Biochemistry (Year 2), Adobe Systems CJV week, 2024 11 Goals and Objectives of the ESP Course ̶to enhance the students’ productive (spoken, written), receptive (listening, reading), interactive (spoken, written) and mediative (oral, written) communicative skills at B2 CEFR level ̶to develop the students critical thinking through problem-solving activities ̶to boost the students’ specialized vocabulary to communicate effectively in their job environment ̶to foster practical application of language structures and enhance grammar proficiency at B2 CEFR level Adobe Systems CJV week, 2024 12 Methodology Task-based Language Teaching and Content-based Instruction : ̶focused on the completion of meaningful tasks ̶problem solving ̶contextualized language learning ̶integration of basic language skills within the context of meaningful tasks Adobe Systems 13 Material Selection Video: Professional articles: Medical websites: Chat GPT Healthline: Medical information and health advice you can trust. Named As One of the World's Most Innovative Companies by Fast Company TED: Ideas Worth Spreading CJV week, 2024 Adobe Systems CJV week, 2024 14 Study Materials Development ̶A typical unit framework: 4-5 sections organized around a subject-matter topic ̶Starter: lead-in discussion session or a set of pictures ̶Content: authentic texts, videos, form-focused activities ̶Language: specialized target vocabulary and grammar structures ̶Task: case studies, role plays, projects (pair / team work) ̶Incorporation of scaffolding strategies ̶ ̶Unit 4 ̶ Adobe Systems Customized lesson materials CJV week, 2024 15 Specific Objective: to communicate effectively with colleagues regarding laboratory automation, equipment, processes, and technologies. Lead-in: discussion session about their recent visiting a lab Activities: - watching a video, note taking, relaying - matching definitions - case study - labeling pictures - reading and matching headlines - grammar practice: Passive Voice - gap filling, word formation Unit 4 Clinical Laboratory and its Automation Adobe Systems CJV week, 2024 16 Laboratory Equipment Adobe Systems CJV week, 2024 17 Grammar Practice: Passive Voice Adobe Systems CJV week, 2024 18 Specific Objective: to acquire and use a range of specialized vocabulary and grammar structures relevant to safety communication. Lead-in: Which everyday situations pose risks for people and why? Activities: - designing a concept map based on a text - interpreting diagrams (mediation) - synonym discrimination exercise (risk vs hazard) - gapfill - video (2) Unit 5 Safety Control Adobe Systems CJV week, 2024 19 Key: Follow-up Reading activity: The rules formulated in the bubbles are briefly defined in the following text. Match the description with the rule identified in the picture: Adobe Systems CJV week, 2024 20 Adobe Systems CJV week, 2024 21 Grammar Practice: Modals (prohibition, permission, obligation, rules, regulations and prevention) Adobe Systems CJV week, 2024 22 Specific Objective: to proficiently implement quality control measures, identify various types of analytical errors and implement preventive measures demonstrating mastery of relevant vocabulary and language structures with an emphasis on language of speculation Lead-in: discussion session about QC in a medical lab Activities: - matching definitions - sentence completion - interpreting the information in the cartoon and a diagram - complementing a concept map - note taking (listening) - sorting / categorizing terminology - reading and gap filling - sequencing paragraphs in the case report - text relaying (group work) Unit 8 Quality Control, Analytical Errors and their Prevention Adobe Systems CJV week, 2024 23 Adobe Systems CJV week, 2024 24 Adobe Systems CJV week, 2024 25 Units of measurement, numbers Pronunciation Practice Units of measurement Adobe Systems CJV week, 2024 26 Specific objective: to develop proficiency in specialized vocabulary to be able to interpret and communicate information related to blood components, diseases and laboratory techniques. Lead-in: a Blood quiz “How well do you know what's flowing through your veins?” Activities: - reading the text, filling in the gaps and labeling the diagram - matching definitions - categorizing / sorting terminology - listening, notetaking, completing the grid - case study - scanning Unit 9 Haematology Adobe Systems CJV week, 2024 27 Adobe Systems CJV week, 2024 28 Specific Objective: to employ specialized vocabulary and communication skills to comprehend, analyze, and convey information related to microorganisms, laboratory techniques, and microbial processes. Lead-in: discussion session about hot topics in microbiology Activities: - reading and gap filling - matching definitions - listening (watching a video) for gist - reading for orientation (scanning a website for locating relevant details - interpreting charts (mediation) - matching headlines - grammar practice: noun-forming suffixes - word formation Unit 11 Microbiology Adobe Systems CJV week, 2024 29 A slideshow Vocabulary practice: Wordwall Presented below are a series of images showcasing the key milestones in the history of the microscope, arranged chronologically. Your task is to figure out the significance of each milestone based on the provided pictures Adobe Systems CJV week, 2024 30 Grammar Practice: Noun-forming Suffixes Adobe Systems CJV week, 2024 31 Specific Objective: demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of fundamental immunological concepts, including immune responses, cell-mediated immunity, laboratory techniques commonly used in immunology Lead-in: discussion session “How can understanding of immunology help lab technicians in diagnosing and treating diseases?” Activities: - listening / watching a video for details - matching definitions - inferring meaning of the target vocabulary - reading for detail - role play Unit 12 Immunology Adobe Systems CJV week, 2024 32 Grammar Practice: Direct and Indirect Questions Adobe Systems CJV week, 2024 33 Role Play Adobe Systems CJV week, 2024 34 Limitations of the new ESP course for MLT ̶cultural considerations: the new ESP course is not fully relevant for Czech medical laboratory environment ̶time constrains ̶language complexity ̶ ̶ Adobe Systems CJV week, 2024 35 “If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail” (A.Maslow) Adobe Systems CJV week, 2024 36 Resources Lesiak-Bielawska, E.D. (2015). Key Aspects of ESP Materials Selection and Design. English for Specific Purposes World. Issue 46. Salazar E.U. (2017). Designing and Implementing an ESP Course: Revisiting an Experience: Revista Pensamiento Actual. Vol 17. No. 28. Sufiyandi, M. F. (2020). Some basic principles in designing materials for students of English for specific purposes: IJIERM. Vol 2. No 1. Upton T.A. (2012). LSP at 50: Looking back, looking forward. IBERICA. No 21. 8-28. Adobe Systems CJV week, 2024 37