1 / 4 ORGANIZATIONAL REGULATIONS MASARYK UNIVERSITY LANGUAGE CENTRE (in the version effective from 22 June 2022) In accordance with Section 10(1) of Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education Institutions and on Modification and Amendment of Other Acts (Higher Education Act), as later amended (hereinafter referred to as the “Act”), I issue these Organizational Regulations of Masaryk University Language Centre. Section 1 Introductory Provisions (1) Masaryk University Language Centre (hereinafter referred to as “LC”) is a university unit under Section 22(1)(c) of the Act, established as a pedagogical and research unit. (2) These Organizational Regulations govern the mission, activities and organizational structure of LC and its relations to other units of Masaryk University (hereinafter referred to as “MU”). (3) The designation “MU Language Centre” is used on the stamp, official deeds and as an outside designation of rooms where LC is located. Section 2 Mission and Activities (1) The mission of LC is to enhance and improve the language skills of MU students and staff, aiming at the support for their intellectual and personal development, mobility and global careers. (2) The main task of LC is to organize and provide language instruction in accordance with degree programmes of all MU faculties. (3) LC in particular mediates academic skills and specifics of professional terminology in selected foreign languages to MU students and organizes other language courses depending on the requirements of students, faculties or MU. (4) LC organizes language courses also for academic and other staff of MU and language courses within lifelong learning programmes and university-wide studies. (5) The scientific and research activities of LC focus mainly on the research in the area of language functional styles of the fields of study represented at MU; they also focus on selected linguistic features of languages in the broader context, and on the methodology and didactics of foreign language instruction. (6) The LC’s work also focuses on preparing grant proposals, cooperation with university and non-academic institutions in Czech and international projects, on application of modern technologies in teaching, preparation and publication of textbooks, and on designing other teaching and learning aids, language consultancy, specialized translations and proofreading. Section 3 Organizational Structure LC has the following divisions: 2 / 4 a) Language Centre Unit at the Faculty of Economics and Administration (MU LC, FEA Unit) b) Language Centre Unit at the Faculty of Informatics (MU LC, FI Unit) c) Language Centre Unit at the Faculty of Social Studies (MU LC, FSS Unit) d) Language Centre Unit at the Faculty of Sports Studies (MU LC, FSpS Unit) e) Language Centre Unit at the Faculty of Pharmacy (MU LC, FPharm Unit) f) Language Centre Unit at the Faculty of Arts (MU LC, FA Unit) g) Language Centre Unit at the Faculty of Medicine (MU LC, FMed Unit) h) Language Centre Unit at the Faculty of Education (MU LC, FEdu Unit) i) Language Centre Unit at the Faculty of Law (MU LC, FLaw Unit) j) Language Centre Unit at the Faculty of Science (MU LC, FSci Unit) k) LC, central unit (MU LC, Unit for Pan-university Studies and Life-long Learning) l) other organizational units providing administrative, economic, project and similar activities. The establishment and dissolution of such units are decided by the LC Director. Section 4 Management (1) LC is managed by the Director, who is appointed and dismissed by the Rector under Article 17(2) of MU Statutes. The term of office of the LC Director is five years. The same person may serve as the LC Director for the maximum of two terms of office. The Director is appointed on the basis of a selection procedure. (2) The LC Director reports to the Rector, who is his/her direct superior; methodological guidance to the Director is provided by the vice-rector authorized under the MU Organizational Regulations. (3) The LC Director has the right to decide or act on behalf of MU in issues concerning his/her unit as mentioned in the Act, MU Statutes, MU Organizational Regulations and other MU regulations, in the extent specified in such regulations. (4) The LC Director determines the vision and the strategy, finds resources, guarantees the values of MU and represents LC and MU toward third parties. (5) The LC Director: a) is responsible for the preparation of the plan of activities and evaluation of results of LC, b) is responsible for the preparation of the budget, supervises expenditures and ensures that the budget is balanced (in cooperation with the LC head accountant), c) appoints and dismisses the LC deputy director and heads of the units, d) manages the work of the LC deputy director and heads of the units, e) manages and organizes all activities of LC that apply to more than one faculty (in cooperation with the relevant LC deputy director and heads of the units), f) if necessary, decides on the transfer of LC’s employees or parts of their workload to other units of LC (in cooperation with the relevant LC deputy director and heads of the units), g) is responsible for pedagogic work, professional growth of the staff and development of research and project activities, h) determines and adjusts wages and decides on payment of bonuses to employees within his/her authority, i) sends employees within his/her authority to business trips, 3 / 4 j) awards public contracts in case they are financed from the LC’s funds, k) is responsible for disposal of MU property which LC is entitled to manage, unless this is a competence of the Rector or the bursar, l) manages and performs the necessary administrative work and inspections, m) advertises selection procedures for the positions of LC’s staff, n) concludes, modifies and terminates employment contracts and agreements on work performed outside employment of LC’s employees, o) determines and adjusts wages and decides on payment of bonuses to LC’s employees. (6) The deputy director of LC acts within the scope of his/her responsibilities in the matters concerning LC. (7) The LC deputy director in particular: a) ensures comprehensive and coordinated actions in the specific area determined by the Director, b) creates the conception and strategy of areas under his/her responsibility, c) manages and inspects the areas under his/her responsibility, d) creates and manages the internal quality assurance system of the areas under his/her responsibility, e) is responsible for preparation and inspection of final reports, plans of activities and evaluation of results of the areas under his/her responsibility, f) manages and organizes all activities of the areas under his/her responsibility that apply to more than one faculty (in cooperation with the LC Director and heads of the units), g) proposes wage adjustments and payment of bonuses to employees under his/her responsibility, h) performs the necessary administrative work and inspections in the areas under his/her responsibility, i) ensures conditions for professional, methodological and qualification growth of employees under his/her responsibility. Section 5 Unit Management (1) The LC units at individual faculties and the central unit are managed by the heads of units, appointed and dismissed by the LC Director. The term of office of the unit head is four years. (2) Upon an approval by the LC Director, the unit head is obliged to appoint one of the unit teachers as his/her deputy who fully represents the unit head if absent in urgent matters and in the scope and activities determined by the unit head. (3) The unit head acts at his/her faculty in the LC’s matters within the scope of his/her responsibilities. (4) The unit head in particular: a) prepares the plan of activities and evaluation of the unit’s results, b) prepares information and documents for the unit’s budget and is responsible for expenditure, c) manages and organizes all activities of the unit at the relevant faculty, d) discusses personnel issues with the LC Director, proposes wage adjustments and payment of bonuses to employees of his/her unit, 4 / 4 e) is responsible for pedagogic work of the unit and determines the teachers’ workload in accordance with the applicable rules, f) discusses with the LC Director the need for engaging teachers from other units or external teachers in order to ensure instruction, g) in cooperation with the LC Director ensures conditions for the professional growth of staff and development of research activities, h) participates in meetings of unit heads in accordance with the dean’s requirements, i) provides information about the provision of language instruction and its quality to the dean of the faculty, j) manages and performs the necessary administrative work and inspections. (5) The unit head reports to the LC Director, who is his/her direct superior. Section 6 Academic Staff (1) The academic staff of LC work at faculty units, for which they provide language education. (2) In justified cases, the LC Director may decide on the transfer of an LC’s employee to another unit. Section 7 Financial Management LC covers from its budget the costs related to the performance of its activities carried out at MU economic units, i.e. all personnel costs, travel expenses, meal contributions, depreciation of the LC’s assets and other costs not having the nature of operating costs. Costs of the operation of premises assigned for the activities of and use by LC units at individual MU economic units and costs of material equipment of LC units are settled by the relevant economic unit of MU. LC units are included into the budget of the relevant MU economic unit and their independent budgets are prepared within the framework of the relevant MU economic unit for the calendar year concerned. Section 8 Final Provisions (1) These Organizational Regulations repeal the Organizational Regulations of Masaryk University Language Centre of 19 June 2020, effective from 1 July 2020. (2) I authorize the MU manager for internal administration and organization to interpret the provisions hereof. (3) These Organizational Regulations are part of the methodology procedure “Internal Administration and Organization”. (4) The LC Director and deputy directors check the compliance with these Organizational Regulations. (5) These Organizational Regulations shall enter into force on the day of their execution. (6) These Organizational Regulations shall enter into effect as of 22 June 2022. electronic signature Martin Bareš Rector