Masaryk University, Centre for International Cooperation Komenského nám. 220/2, 602 00 Brno T: +420 549 49 1106, E:,, Administration of the ERASMUS+: Erasmus Programme at MU The Erasmus programme at MU is centrally coordinated by the Centre for International Cooperation (CZS), specifically by the Institutional Coordinator (IC). Institutional Coordinator (CIC) ↓ International Programmes Coordinator ↓ Faculty Coordinator (International Relations Office) ↓ Departmental Coordinator (department/institute) ↓ Authorized Representative The roles of individual coordinators and persons involved in administering the programme Institutional Coordinator of the ERASMUS+: Erasmus Programme • coordinates the entire programme at MU • takes care of financial and organizational aspects of the programme— responsible for the preparation of funding applications for the Centre for International Cooperation in Education, the National Agency for European Educational Programmes, and the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports, as well as ongoing and concluding reports, and program audits • submits documents to the MU Rector for signature and checks their factual accuracy • oversees the marketing programme—promotion and presentation of the programme at MU • organizes seminars and presentations for MU students and employees • organizes seminars for Erasmus subject coordinators • acts as the central source for setting deadlines for selection procedures for students and instructors • prepares and presents overviews of programme functioning • coordinates the work of CZS coordinators for outbound and inbound students, faculty coordinators, and subject coordinators Masaryk University, Centre for International Cooperation Komenského nám. 220/2, 602 00 Brno T: +420 549 49 1106, E:,, Coordinator for Inter-Institutional Agreements • coordinates the conclusion of new contracts via the ISOIS database • is authorized by the rector to sign contracts • oversees the extension and alteration of current contracts • coordinates the fulfilment and maintenance of agreed quotas by contractual parties • updates the ISOIS database • mediates contacts that might lead to cooperation abroad and the conclusion of contracts Outbound Student Coordinator • comprehensively oversees the study abroad of MU students • administers the database of nominated MU students in ISOIS, Mobility Tool+, OLS (Online Linguistic Support) • issues OLS licenses to students • checks and signs student applications and learning agreements, participation contracts, and all documentation connected with the programme • pays stipends and oversees the financial aspect of the programme • offers students practical information and advice about their study abroad • sends student nominations to universities abroad • is responsible for checking documentation upon return • manages data connected with the concluding report and the audit • evaluates applications for internships and selects successful candidates Inbound Student Coordinator • serves as ISOIS administrator for inbound Erasmus students at MU • prepares informational materials for foreign students and sends information and support for foreign students before they come to MU • issues letters of acceptance • administers records of foreign students in the MU information system for the entire period they study at the university (enters students in the personal and academic sections of the IS, issues personal IDs, enters accommodation requests, activates magnetic cards, shares primary passwords and variable symbols, prints certificates, and in some cases registers courses and enters marks) • secures accommodation for inbound students, sets them up with Czech language courses, and arranges orientation programmes before the start of the semester • is the contact person for the Erasmus Student Network MUNI Brno (ESN); • administers the final paperwork at the end of foreign students’ study at the university Masaryk University, Centre for International Cooperation Komenského nám. 220/2, 602 00 Brno T: +420 549 49 1106, E:,, Coordinator for Outbound Instructors • takes care of administration for outbound MU instructors • confirms the maximum grant amount for instructors and the authorized • representative in the bookkeeping department of the relevant faculty • is responsible for checking documentation upon return • checks travel orders and the amount of actually incurred costs • prepares data for the concluding report and the audit Coordinator for outbound non-academic employees • serves as administrator for outbound non-academic MU staff • confirms the maximum grant amount for outbound employees and the authorized representative in the bookkeeping department of the relevant faculty • is responsible for checking documentation upon return • checks travel orders and the amount of actually incurred costs • prepares data for the concluding report and the audit DEPARTMENTAL COORDINATOR—an academic employee who has been authorized by a Dean, Vice Dean, or unit head to administer the Erasmus+: Erasmus programme in his or her department, faculty, or institute. • any MU instructors (i.e., not only department heads) may become subject coordinators • every MU unit involved in the Erasmus+:Erasmus programme must have a subject coordinator appointed For outbound students, the coordinator: • bears responsibility for concluding inter-institutional agreements and arranging the specifics of cooperation; working closely with the Centre, he or she also bears responsibility for extending agreements, modifying them to include additional information, and withdrawing from them • bears responsibility for selection procedures for studying abroad: announces selection procedures in the ISOIS application, makes sure the selection procedures take place as envisioned (ensuring objectivity), announces results, and nominates selected students and standbys • must prepare a written report on each selection procedure and submit it to the Centre coordinator • bears responsibility for the academic aspect of student study abroad!— confirms student Learning Agreements, and affixes his or her signature to confirm that the study abroad will be fully recognized upon the student’s return! • should there be any discrepancy in the study programme, contacts the foreign partner to clarify the matter • bears responsibility for study abroad being recognized (working closely with the Registrar’s Office) Masaryk University, Centre for International Cooperation Komenského nám. 220/2, 602 00 Brno T: +420 549 49 1106, E:,, For inbound students, the coordinator: • checks and approves Learning Agreements upon request from a coordinator and sends them to the Centre (his or her signature is a guarantee that the student will be able to study the courses selected) • becomes the academic tutor for arriving foreign students or appoints a faculty colleague to take on this role (students have their own student tutors—the subject coordinator bears responsibility only for teaching) • enters ECTS credits and marks in the IS at the end of stay or else emails them to the Centre For instructor mobility, the coordinator: • keeps records of outbound and inbound instructors to and from departments/institutes • meets deadlines designated by the Erasmus coordinator and sends nominations of outbound instructors from his or her unit to the Centre – nominations must be submitted electronically using a designated form, as well as signed in paper form • bears responsibility for stays by invited foreign instructors in the department: 1) before arrival he or she must sign the foreign instructor’s Teaching Programme, 2) after the stay, he or she issues the instructor a confirmation of the length of stay and number of lessons taught • upon request by the International Coordinator, provides information on the number of foreign instructors accepted per academic year, or any other information on mobility within the unit in question Authorised Representative • The authorised representative is an academic guarantor for MU students studying abroad, i.e., he or she serves as the guarantor who recognizes the subjects studied upon students’ return from abroad, as well as a contact person for students who need to consult the academic objective of their study abroad. • The authorised representative is appointed to carry out the duties above by a Dean in the MU department in question. In some cases, his or her competencies are delegated to other persons by a staff member designated to do so by the Dean. Masaryk University, Centre for International Cooperation Komenského nám. 220/2, 602 00 Brno T: +420 549 49 1106, E:,, Recordkeeping of study abroad and recognition of academic results by MU Important norms and documents that govern recordkeeping and the recognition of foreign study results at MU: • MU Rector’s Directive ̌No. 8/2011 Rules for the Recognition of Results Attained during Studies Abroad or on Internships by MU Students (valid as of 1/9/2011) • MU Student Charter • Methodology Directive of the CZS MU Director No. 1/2014 Recordkeeping of Student Studies and Internships Abroad and Its Annexes (valid as of 26/6/2014). recognition-of-placements Internal Schedule of the ERASMUS+: Erasmus Program for MU Subject Coordinators January/February Subject coordinators take part in information seminars organized by the Centre February/March Subject coordinators announce department selection procedures, and nominate students for studies abroad for the upcoming academic year February/March Subject coordinators announce department selection procedures, send lists of instructors who plan to go abroad during the upcoming academic year September Subject coordinators send lists of foreign instructors accepted at their departments in the past academic year October /November Subject coordinators send proposals to extend or modify inter-institutional agreements for the upcoming academic year November/December Subject coordinators conclude agreements using ISOIS ongoing Subject coordinators check and approve applications and learning agreements for MU students and are responsible for recognizing their academic results ongoing Subject coordinators check and approve the learning agreements of inbound students Note: These dates are strictly indicative—actual deadlines are always announced in advance by email.