RECORD OF THE PROGRAMME BOARD MEETING ECON: Ekonomicko-správní fakulta Programme name [1]: Business economics and management (Master's degree in English) Type: Navazující magisterský Chairman of the Board: doc. Ing. Bc. Petr Suchánek, Ph.D. Number of study programmes: 1 Date of the Programme Board meeting: 19. 9. 2023 Participation Name Classification doc. Ing. Bc. Petr Suchánek, Ph.D. Study programme guarantor Ing. Petr Smutný, Ph.D. The academic staff member from the programme doc. Ing. Radoslav Škapa, Ph.D. The academic staff member from the programme Ing. Alena Šafrová Drášilová, Ph.D. Programme Coordinator for Student Success Ing. Kanchana Madhumali Kodikara Employer/graduate representative - excused Gyasi Yeboah Student representative Tuan Vu Dao Student representative doc. Ing. Ondřej Částek, Ph.D. Guest / proposed new study programme guarantor doc. Mgr. Ing. Jakub Procházka, Ph.D. Guest (head of the department) * Complete the lines as required 1. Describe the significant and non-significant changes that have taken place in the study programme during the last evaluation period (since the last evaluation meeting or since the last development plan was discussed). Comments : There have been no significant changes during this period. The following non-significant changes occurred during the period. Three courses were cancelled: Management 2, Marketing in the EU and Business process management. The course Human resource management was moved to the Bachelor's degree (as a compulsory elective) and in the Master's degree this course was moved among the electives. Course Corporate social responsibility was moved from the third to the first semester and the guarantor changed from Dr. Smutný to Assoc. Prof. Klapalová. Course Corporate management system was moved from the second to the fourth semester. Course Business research was moved from the second to the third semester. Four new courses have been incorporated into the programme: Organizational behavior (1st semester), Business process analysis (3rd semester), Digital marketing and social media analysis (4th semester), Management in the Digital Age (4th semester). The course Macroeconomics 2 is newly guaranteed by Assoc. Prof. Čapek. The course Strategic management is newly guaranteed by Assoc. Prof. Částek. The workload of the International Management course was changed from 1/1 to 0/2. 2. Describe the extent to which the objectives have been met and evaluate the development plan you developed during the last evaluation. Comments : In view of the major internal evaluation that took place in the spring of this year, too little time has elapsed to make the intended changes and meet the objectives. However, new admission procedure was tested and should be implemented for the forthcoming application period. 3. Evaluate the past year of implementation of the study programme (e.g. admissions, academic failure, final state examinations, internationalisation). Please specifically address the results of the student quality assessment (subject survey and other instruments) and what measures have been taken and with what results. Comments : The assessment was carried out during a major internal evaluation, please see the report. 4. Formulate further recommendations for the future development of the study programme (in bullet points or summarising verbal comments). Goal of the study programme development Actions leading to the target Implementation of the action (year or cycle) Improving the quality of applicants admitted to the program. Modification of the admission procedure or inclusion of the examination in the admission procedure. 2023 and further Continue surveys among partners (businesses) and students (graduates) of the study program On the basis of the developed questionnaires, to ascertain from two groups of respondents (companies and graduates) the correctness of the direction of study program, or the correctness of the concept of programs and courses in terms of the required and acquired competences. Continuously (1 x per year) Preparation of international accreditation EQUIS Communication and participation in the development of documents for accreditation so that all prescribed conditions for accreditation are completed within the programs. 2024 and further Establishing a system of communication with program graduates Initiate steps to create an alumni club at the program level. 2024 and further Increase the share of student internships in companies Build on existing partnerships with enterprises and expand external cooperation, previously focused only on teaching, to include internships 2024 and further Involvement of foreign staff in teaching Establishing long-term cooperation with partner universities for teaching selected subjects From the year 2024 Supplement the study program with actual or important topics or courses Modification of existing courses or modification of the existing study program (addition of new courses or replacement of selected courses). 2024 and further Expand the number of compulsory electives and elective courses To recruit additional teachers from other departments of our faculty, or among practitioners or foreign experts (either from universities or from practice) 2024 and further Comments : Recommendations (including objectives) for the future development of the degree programme as detailed above were formulated in the Development Plan, which was formulated as an output of a major internal evaluation of the degree programme and which was submitted to and noted by the Programme Board. 5. Space for comments and observations beyond the above topics. Comments : The study programme guarantor informed the members of the Programme Board about the change of personnel being considered for the position of the study programme guarantor, which is proposed by Assoc. Prof. Ondřej Částek, Ph.D. Prepared by: doc. Ing. Petr Suchánek, Ph.D. Day: 19. 9. 2023 ________________________________ [1] In the case of a joint programme board, please list all related study programmes