MASARYK UNIVERSITY Faculty of Economics and Administration, Lipová 41a, 602 00 Brno ___________________________________________________________________________ 1/3 Elaborated by: Mgr. Dejan Tošič, OHSA competent person, Certificate No.: ROVS/3098/PRE/2013 WORKING CONDITIONS FOR WOMEN Permissible weights of loads which can be handled manually ___________________________________________________________________________ The Government Decree No. 361/2007 Coll., setting the conditions of health safety at work, stipulates the permissible weights of loads which can be lifted and carried by women, and safe working conditions for handling of loads by women. The weight limitations and safe working conditions for lifting and carrying of loads by pregnant women, nursing women and mothers within the period up to the end of the ninth month after giving birth, are stipulated by the Decree No. 180/2015 Coll., defining works and workplaces prohibited to pregnant women, nursing women and mothers within the period up to the end of the ninth month after giving birth.. Permissible weights of loads which can be carried manually by women __________________________________________________________________________ The maximum permissible weight of loads which can be lifted and carried manually by a woman, is 20 kg for occasional handling, and 15 kg for frequent handling. The maximum permissible cumulative weight of loads which can be lifted and carried manually by a woman is 6,500 kg per eight-hour shift. The maximum permissible weight of a load which can be handled manually by a woman while seated, is 3 kg. Occasional lifting and carrying of loads mean operations of lifting and carrying of loads performed irregularly within a period not exceeding a total of 30 minutes per eight-hour shift. Frequent lifting and carrying of loads mean operations of lifting and carrying of loads performed within a period exceeding a total of 30 minutes per eight-hour shift. The load handling when standing or seated shall be organized in such a way that the operations are evenly distributed throughout the duration of a working shift. Permissible maximum weights of loads which can be handled by pregnant and nursing women and mothers within the period up to the end of the ninth month after giving birth ___________________________________________________________________________ Pregnant women and mothers within the period up to the end of the ninth month after giving birth are prohibited to manually handle loads heavier than 10 kg for occasional handling, or 5 kg for frequent handling of loads. In the case of manual handling of loads while seated, associated with frequent lifting or moving of loads, the weight of the load must not exceed 2 kg. MASARYK UNIVERSITY Faculty of Economics and Administration, Lipová 41a, 602 00 Brno ___________________________________________________________________________ 2/3 Elaborated by: Mgr. Dejan Tošič, OHSA competent person, Certificate No.: ROVS/3098/PRE/2013 Works and workplaces prohibited to pregnant and nursing women and mothers within the period up to the end of the ninth month after giving birth ___________________________________________________________________________ Pregnant women are prohibited to carry out following works: - hazardous works, except for works classified as hazardous because of the factor of “psychological stress” according to the criterion of night work,, - works associated with manual handling of a load whose weight exceeds 10 kg for occasional handling, or 5 kg for frequent handling, - works performed while seated involving frequent lifting or moving of a load heavier than 2 kg, - works requiring the worker to assume a posture with the body in a deep forward bend, kneeling, squatting, lying down, standing on tiptoes, working with hands above shoulder height, with the torso rotated or inclined by more than 10 degrees in repetitive work, - works associated with pressure applied to the abdomen, - working while standing or seated with a predominance of static working position without possibility of changing the body posture, - working at a forced pace, - works possibly exposing them to mechanical shocks, - working at height above 1.5 m, working on unguarded surfaces above open pits with a depth exceeding 1.5 m, or on a continuous surface inclined from a horizontal plane by 10 degrees or more. Works and workplaces prohibited to nursing women: - works associated with occupational exposure to chemicals or chemical mixtures labelled with standardised risk phrases (R-phrases) or standardised hazard statements (H-statements), causing acute or chronic poisoning with severe or irreversible adverse health effects, - works involving the use of chemicals or chemical mixtures harmful to infants by way of breastfeeding, labelled with standardised phrases R 64 or H362, - works involving the use of chemicals or chemical mixtures toxic to reproduction and adversely affecting fertility, labelled with R-phrases R60 or R62 or with combinations thereof, or with H-statements H360, H360F, H360FD, H360Fd, H360Df, H361, H361f or H361fd. Mothers within the period up to the end of the ninth month after giving birth are prohibited from following works and workplaces: - hazardous works, works associated with occupational exposure to vibrations, or hazardous works performed under heat or cold stress, MASARYK UNIVERSITY Faculty of Economics and Administration, Lipová 41a, 602 00 Brno ___________________________________________________________________________ 3/3 Elaborated by: Mgr. Dejan Tošič, OHSA competent person, Certificate No.: ROVS/3098/PRE/2013 - works associated with manual handling of a load whose weight exceeds 10 kg for occasional handling, or 5 kg for frequent handling, - works performed while seated involving frequent lifting or moving of a load heavier than 2 kg, - works where the body of the worker assumes a position of deep forward bend, kneeling, squatting, lying down, standing on tiptoe, with hands above shoulder height, with the torso rotating or inclined by more than 10 degrees in the case of repetitive work, - works associated with pressure applied to the abdomen, - working while standing or seated with a predominance of static working position without possibility of changing the body posture, - working at a forced pace, - works possibly exposing them to mechanical shocks, - works at height above 1.5 m, works in unguarded surface above open pits with a depth exceeding 1.5 m, or on a continuous surface inclined from a horizontal plane by 10 degrees or more, If a pregnant woman carries out work that is prohibited to pregnant women or which, according to a medical assessment, could threaten her pregnancy, the employer is obliged to temporarily transfer her to a workplace that is suitable for her and in which she will earn the same salary she was receiving at her previous position.. If a pregnant woman asks to be transferred from night shifts work to daytime work, the employer is obliged to comply with her requirement. Compiled on: 21/1/2008 Approved by: Updated on: 11/8/2015 prof. Ing. Antonín Slaný, CSc. Dean of the Faculty