Evidence of HR Award activities - initial phase Date Activity Targent group 3/25/2019 Information about HR Award project at ECON MU Dean´s board (= SC) / senior management 4/8/2019 "Information about HR Award (to be nominated: steering committee, working group, expert team, next steps)" senior management 4/29/2019 "Information about HR Award (what is it, Charter/Code, schedule for HRA actions, benefits, target groups, website set up, Steering Committee/Working Group/Expeart Team nominated)" senior management 4/29/2019 Academic community meeting all staff 5/29/2019 Introduction to HR Award - breifing department of Regional Economics and Administration - meeting 6/27/2019 Introduction to HR Award - breifing "department of Finance - meeting department of Corporate Economy - meeting" 8/28/2019 "Kick off meeting, regular meetings set up" expert team 9/24/2019 HRA workshop / no. 1 - Ethics and professional responsibility expert team/working group (Nečas - R2) 10/10/2019 HRA workshop / no. 2 - Evaluation expert team/working group (Holešinská - R2) 10/15/2019 "Regular meeting, Charter/Code discussion - principles" expert team 11/5/2019 HRA workshop / no. 3 - Working and wage conditions expert team/working group (Jahoda - R3) 11/19/2019 "Regular meeting, Charter/Code discussion - principles" expert team 11/28/2019 HRA workshop / no. 4 - Carier development expert team/working group (Struk - R2) 12/5/2019 HRA workshop / no. 5 - Continuing Professional Development "expert team/working group (Matulová - R2, Struk - R2)" 12/16/2019 "Regular meeting, Charter/Code discussion - principles" expert team 12/16/2019 "Update on HR Award (acitivites, endorsment, employees survey, schedule for 2020, website etc.)" steering comittee (dean´s board) / senior management Q4 2019 Introduction to HR Award - breifing department of Public Economics - meeting 1/8/2020 HR Award employee survey - approval steering committe 1/12/2020 Kick-off meeting working group 1/29/2020 Charter/Code disccussion - principles 36-40 working group 1/30/2020 HRA workshop / no. 6 - Research enviroment / Emplyee survey expert team/working group (Nečas - R2) canceled - Covid-19 2/3/2020 HR Award survey - questionnaire approval steering comittee (dean´s board) / senior management 2/3/2020 Charter/Code disccussion - principles 1-11 working group 2/4/2020 Charter/Code disccussion - principles 12-21 working group 2/11/2020 Charter/Code disccussion - principles 22-35 working group 2/11/2020 Charter/Code disccussion - principles expert team 2/28/2020 Charter/Code - final comments/priorities for Action Plan working group - online 2/12/2020 Employee survey information / promotion department of Corporate Economy - meeting 2/24/2020 HR Award on-line survey kick-off all employees 2/27/2020 HRA workshop / no. 7 - OTMR process/Gender Balance expert team/working group (Králová - R3) 3/24/2020 "Regular meeting, Charter/Code discussion - principles" expert team 3/26/2020 OTM-R policy/checklist - discussion HR dept. (expert team members) + R3 4/8/2020 "Regular meeting, Charter/Code discussion - principles" expert team - online 4/30/2020 "Regular meeting, GAP/OTMR/employee survey outputs discussion" expert team - online 5/27/2020 On-line workshop with EURAXESS Accessors MU HR Award managers 5/28/2020 On-line workshop with EURAXESS Accessors MU HR Award managers 6/24/2020 "Regular meeting, GAP analysis - fisrt draft disucssion" expert team 8/11/2020 "Regular meeting, AP - fisrt draft disucssion" expert team 8/24/2020 GAP analysis / OTMR checklist - disussion / approval steering committe 9/7/2020 GAP analysis / OTMR checklist - disussion / approval steering committe 9/9/2020 Action Plan - implementation process discussion expert team 9/14/2020 Action plan - discussion working group - online/via e-mails 9/15/2020 Action plan - discussion working group 9/21/2020 Action plan- discussion / approval steering committe 9/29/2020 Employee survey / GAP / Action plan - presentation Dean´s board (= SC) / senior management 10/12/2020 Information about HR Award project (current status) Academic Senate - online 10/14/2020 Employee survey results / Action plan presentation all employees - online 10/15/2020 Employee survey results / Action plan presentation all employees - online