1 Action Plan of the Faculty of Economics and Administration for fulling the principles of the Charter and Code (December 2020) Proposed ACTIONS GAP Principle(s) Timing Responsible Unit Indicator(s) / Target(s) Ethical and professional aspects 1. Raising awareness about the content of the Code of Ethics and basic processes and research documents. a) Implementation of trainings and workshops for new and existing employees and Ph.D. students in the areas of the ethical and professional aspects of work, intellectual property, the management of research data and research results, project administration and project financing. b) Updated information on the faculty website. 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 Q2/2021 and in the following years * Office for Science, Research, Quality and Qualifications in cooperation with the Office for Strategy and Project Support Number of implemented actions; Number of trained employees (R1–R4); Web link; Target: to create conditions for compliance with ethical principles and good practices in the field of research. 2. Improving the dissemination and commercialisation of research results. a) Creation and implementation of the faculty policy of commercialisation of research results. b) Creation and implementation of the faculty communication and marketing strategy towards the public. c) Familiarisation of employees with basic activities and communication channels. 5, 8, 9 Deadline Q4/2024 * Vice-Dean for Science, Research, Quality and Qualifications * Vice-Dean for External Relations and Marketing Created documents; Web link; Target: to popularise science and research through available channels and websites, as a result of which the faculty’s attractiveness for potential students and good quality researchers will increase. 3. Increasing the number of women in decision-making bodies and leading positions of the faculty and support of the gender-fair environment. a) Implementation and promotion of appropriate measures/actions to support women in science and research within the practice of the faculty (support for individual career plans, reflecting on the needs of parents with young children, raising awareness of 10, 22, 24, 27 Deadline Q4/2022 Q4/2023 (remuneration review) * Dean * Personnel Office Share of the number of women in faculty bodies; Number of activities to support women; Web link; Document – remuneration analysis; Target: to create conditions for increasing the number of women in leading positions and faculty bodies, recognition of women as members of a professional group. 2 gender issues, better visibility and rewarding of successful women researchers). b) Establishing cooperation with the National Contact Centre for Gender & Science – https://genderaveda.cz/en/gender-and-science/. c) Sharing good practice with national/foreign institutions. d) Remuneration review. 4. Improvement of the faculty evaluation process. a) Linked to the revision of the EVAK evaluation application at the university level (12/2021) to revise and adjust the evaluation criteria (hard/ soft) for all faculty departments and to set up simple criteria for evaluating teaching and its quality. b) To acquaint head of departments with tools and options of remuneration in connection with the annual evaluation and employee´ work performance. 11, 25, 26, 33, 38, 39 Deadline Q4/2022 * Personnel Office in cooperation with the Office for Science, Research, Quality and Qualifications * Heads of Departments Revised and modified evaluation criteria; Number of informed employees; Created support materials for senior employees; Target: transparent, equal, comprehensive and objective evaluation. 5. Familiarization and raising the awareness of researchers with the Open Science topic. a) Trainings and workshops on Open Science topics (publishing, managing research results, data management). b) Updated information on the faculty website/ Science and Research section. 6, 7 Q1–Q3/2021 and in the following years * Office for Science, Research, Quality and Qualifications in cooperation with the Centre of Scientific Information Number of implemented actions for researchers; Web link; Target: to increase the awareness and information level of academics and R1–R4 researchers about the given issue and to support the researchers in open publishing. Recruitment and Selection (OTM-R Policy) 6. Creation of a university OTM-R policy and revision of the MU Regulations on Competitive Selection Procedures. a) Creation and implementation of a central OTM-R policy for the recruitment and selection of academic and nonacademic staff, taking into account the principles of the Charter and the Code valid for the entire MU. b) Revision and updating of the MU Regulations on Competitive Selection Procedures in accordance with the principles of the university OTM-R policy and 10, 12, 13, 14, 15 Deadline Q3/2021 (OTM-R Policy) Q2/2022 (MU regulations) * Personnel Office in cooperation with the MU Rector´s Office Created document – OTM-R policy; Updated The MU Regulations on Competitive Selection Procedures; Web links Target: recruitment and selection process comparable to international standards, the Regulations on Competitive Selection Procedures are compatible with OTM-R policy. 3 supplementing the missing principles of the Charter and the Code. 7. Standardisation of the recruitment and selection process at the faculty level. a) Creation and implementation of a faculty OTM-R guide for recruitment and selection (clear rules and methodology for each phase of the recruitment and selection – including setting criteria for the renewal of fixed-term contracts without a selection procedure, definition of the roles and responsibilities in the process). b) Training the members of selection committees and HR staff on correctly conducting and managing a selection interview/ procedure. c) Revisions and updates of advertisement templates in accordance with the requirements of the “OTM-R toolkit”. d) Creation of templates for conducting an interview, transparent evaluation of candidates and communication with candidates. 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 23, 29 Deadline Q3/2022 * Personnel Office * Heads of Departments Created documents (methodology and templates); Web link; Number of trained employees; Share of candidates from outside MU/ abroad x internal candidates; Questionnaire – feedback on the selection procedure; Target: professionalisation and streamlining of the recruitment process, reduction of administrative workload for process participants. 8. Creation and implementation of a faculty Post/Role System. a) All job positions are clearly defined, including job descriptions, required competencies, responsibilities, and teaching workload in the case of academic staff (using also the European Framework for Research Careers which identifies both necessary and desirable competencies for each of the broad R1-R4 profiles). b) All employees (new and existing) have updated job/ post descriptions. 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 28, 36, 38, 39 Deadline Q1/2022 Q2/2023 (job description update) * Personnel Office Created document; Web link; % of employees with job description; Target: unification of requirements, definition of duties and responsibilities for individual types of R1–R4 positions, updated job descriptions for individual employees; transparent recruitment, selection and evaluation of employees. 9. Creation and implementation of the Adaptation/onboarding process for new employees. a) Creation of internal methodology and support materials for newcomers and senior employees (checklists). b) Updated guide for new employees. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 24, 31, 32, 34, 38, 39 Deadline Q4/2021 * Personnel Office * Heads of Departments Checklist for newcomers/senior employees; Updated guide for new employees; Number of implemented workshops/employees trained; Feedback after a probationary period (structured interview or questionnaire); 4 c) Creation and implementation of initial training/ welcome workshop for new employees; the training will be divided into a general part and modules according to target groups (administrative staff/researchers). Target: to provide basic information for working and operating at the faculty, better access to information for new employees. 10. Strenghtening the position of Postdocs. a) In connection with the created university strategy for postdoctoral positions (Q3/2021), to define the postdoc status, including employment targets and period of employment, job description, and the required competencies. b) To set up concept/standards for the recruitment, selection and career development of postdoctoral staff (with focus on incoming/international researchers). 13, 14, 21, 25, 28 Deadline Q4/2022 * Vice-Dean for Science, Research, Quality and Qualifications Created document; Web link – internal OTM-R guide; Number of postdocs; Target: internationalisation of the faculty, increase in the number of postdocs. Working conditions 11. Improvement of the faculty internal communication. a) Updated and added information on the faculty website: Staff section – HR information for employees and senior employees (including materials for recruitment, selection, adaptation, FAQ on work issues, complaint handling, links to important forms and documents, offer of development activities, etc.); Science and Research section – signpost, FAQ, project administration, commercialisation, Open Science, links to important forms and documents, project administration and project financing. b) Implementation of the faculty newsletter – a regular overview of important information and news across the faculty. c) Creation and implementation of a faculty communication strategy towards employees. 2, 5, 7, 9, 13, 14, 24, 28, 32, 34, 36, 38, 39 Deadline Q4/2021 (newsletter) Q2/2022 (web) Q4/2022 (strategy) * Personnel Office * Office for Science, Research, Quality and Qualifications * Vice-Dean for External Relations and Marketing Web link; Monitoring website usage; Created document – Communication strategy; Employee survey outcomes; Target: all employees have all the necessary information easily accessible, including current documents and manuals. 12. Implementation of Health and Safety courses and other legal trainings in the form of e-learning tool. 7, 23 Deadline Q2/2021 * Bursar in cooperation with the Building Web link; Target: compliance with occupational health and safety, prevention and elimination of critical 5 • Conversion of health and safety courses and fire safety courses into e-learning form, regular training of employees. management department events, knowledge of regulations, clear records of trained employees. 13. Repetition of employee (satisfaction) survey at the end of the revised Action plan implementation phase. • The survey will focus also on the areas of the Charter and the Code for Researchers, the results will be communicated and available to employees. 23, 24, 36 Q3-Q4/2025 * HR Award team Response rate/participation in the survey; Development trends; Target: evaluation of the fulfilment of the principles of the Charter and the Code and the revised Action plan, and employee satisfaction. 14. Improvement of communication and services provided in English. a) Translation of all relevant and important working and strategic documents, and ECON websites, into English. b) Providing language courses for administrative staff according to their work requirements. 5, 10, 21, 24 Ongoing + till Q1/2022 * Secretariat * Personnel Office Web link; Translated documents; Number of trained employees; Target: all foreign employees have the same access to information as Czechs. 15. Reduction of pedagogical and administrative burden. a) Revision of the pedagogical workload at individual departments, proposals for solutions. b) Development of support tools and measures to further reduce administration (documents, paperwork) or transfer it to electronic form. c) Creating a clear repository of current forms and documents on the faculty website. 23, 24, 26, 33, 37, 38, 39 Deadline Q4/2023 Q4/2021 (repository) * Heads of Departments * Bursar Document – analysis, proposals for solutions of pedagogical burden; Web link; Employee survey outcomes; Target: reduction of the administrative burden, improvement of working conditions, and sufficient space for research projects. 16. Creation and implementation of the Career Code and improvement of support for researchers in the field of career guidance a) Creation and implementation of the Career Code at the central level – in cooperation with the MU Rector´s Office, and its subsequent implementation at the faculty level. b) Finding out the possibilities of offering the services of the Career Center for MU / faculty employees and their active use at the faculty level. 21, 24, 28, 29, 30 Deadline Q4/2023 * Personnel Office in cooperation with MU Rector´s Office * HR Award team Implementation of the Career Code document at ECON MU; Web link; Number of informed employees; Target: to set the framework for a professional career and it’s expected milestones for researchers and job applicants, in terms of their expected career growth and motivation towards it. 6 17. Strengthening and increasing the number of mobility (outcoming / incoming). a) Monitoring and evaluating obstacles to mobility for individual groups of researchers and responding to them as needed. b) Revision of mobility programmes and programmes targeting young scientists and researchers. c) Improving awareness about the possibilities and conditions of taking creative/sabbatical leave. 10, 18, 24, 29 Deadline Q2/2022 * Vice-Dean for Science, Research, Quality and Qualifications Number of mobilities (outgoing/incoming); Web link; Target: to create opportunities for mobility in its various forms, increasing the number of mobilities. Education and development 18. Improvement of the leadership and supervision of young researchers a) Setting and implementing standards for supervisors (roles, duties, and responsibilities in the process of supervision of Ph.D. students). b) Regular training and development of supervisors − in cooperation with the MU Rector´s Office, including methodology and examples of good practice on how to work with novice supervisors. c) Regular evaluation of the activities of internal supervisors (e.g. within the regular annual evaluation in the EVAK application) and on the basis of information from the internal information system (IS). d) Creation of supporting materials for supervisors – “ten rules for supervisors”/supervisor’s checklist. 2, 3, 4, 22, 28, 36, 37, 40 Deadline Q4/2022 * Vice-Dean for Science, Research, Quality and Qualifications in cooperation with the MU Rector´s Office Web link; Number of events for supervisors; Created documents; Share of successful Ph.D. students at different phases of study; Target: to set standards for supervisors´ work, to improve the involvement of young R1 researchers in research, and to increase successfully completed Ph. D. studies within the standard length of the doctoral programme. 19. Improvement of the awareness and development of Ph.D. students. a) Updating the Ph.D. Day format, reorganisation of enrollment for study – supplementation of information, informal networking, and sharing experience with older doctoral students. b) Creation of the faculty Ph.D. student guide. c) Organisation of a workshop focused on the specific knowledge and skills related to research, publishing, co-authorship and plagiarism. 22, 28, 30, 37, 38, 39, 40 Deadline Q4/2022 * Office for Science, Research, Quality and Qualifications in cooperation with the Office for External Relations and Marketing Number of events for Ph.D. students; Web link; Created documents; Number of Ph.D. students trained; Target: to improve awareness about the course of Ph. D. study, increase of professional knowledge and skills for R1. 7 d) Improving visibility and promotion of FRESHERS courses organised by the MU Rector´s Office. e) Updated information on Ph.D. study on the faculty website (FAQ). 20. Improvement of the training and development process at the faculty level. a) In connection with the university concept of education and development (Q4/2022), to set up a process of training and development at ECON MU, including the creation of a standard offer of key topics and the training format. b) Strengthening and developing knowledge and skills of: • administrative/support staff, especially in the areas of: specific HR skills/HR management, managerial skills, communication skills, time management, teamwork and cultural diversity • academic and research staff ), especially in the areas of: people management/managerial skills, coaching/mentoring, pedagogical and language skills, project management and administration, and gender issues 6, 11, 14, 22, 28, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40 Deadline Q3/2023 * Personnel Office * HR Award Team Created document – description of the internal process; Standard offer of development topics and formats (catalogue); Web link; Number of courses implemented; Number of trained employees; Employee survey outputs; Target: to improve staff skills for the performance in the given position, to increase the quality of services provided by the administrative staff of the Dean’s Office, to improve the professional skills of R1–R4, and to improve opportunities at the labor market. 21. MU Networking • Sharing knowledge, experience, and best practice of HR Award Managers/teams of individual faculties in the preparation, implementation and evaluation of the HR Award project at MU. 2, 10, 11, 13, 14, 24, 27, 28, 37, 38 Ongoing – till Q4/2022 (the end of implementation phase) * HR Award team Unified materials and procedures within MU/selected faculties; Web link; Number of meetings; Target: sharing knowledge and experience, streamlining work and set processes.