TEMPLATE 3 – OTM-R – Checklist OTM-R – Checklist A checklist for self-assessment in the areas of open, transparent and merit-based recruitment (OTM-R). The current status, details of indicators, and the form of measurement used are given. The check boxes – Open, Transparent, and Merit-based – indicate the type of policies and procedures covered by the questions, as detailed in the Code and the Charter for Researchers. They are pre-set in the E-HRS4R tool and cannot be changed. OTM-R checklist Open Trans parent Merit- based Answer: ++ Yes, completely +/- Yes, substantially - / + Yes, partially -- No * Suggested indicators (or form of measurement) OTM-R system 1. Have we published a version of our OTM-R policy online (in the national language and in English)? x x x -/+ Yes, partially ECON MU does not yet have an overarching OTM-R policy (recruitment and selection rules). The selected principles are partially dealt with in the MU Statute, and in more detail in the MU Regulations on the Competitive Selection Procedures (in local and English versions), which, however, do not reflect all the requirements of the Charter and the Code for Researchers. They are also partially treated in the ECON MU Statute (Czech version). Indicator - Newly created the university OTM-R policy - Revised the MU Regulations on Competitive Selection Procedures (in cooperation with the MU Rector´s Office) in accordance with the OTM-R Policy requirements - Publishing documents on the faculty website in Czech and English versions 2. Do we have an internal guide setting out clear OTM-R procedures and practices for all types of positions? x x x +/- Yes, substantially Procedures in the area of recruitment and selection of employees are dealt with in the MU Regulations on Competitive Selection Procedures. However, these do not fully comply with the recruitment and selection requirements set out in the Charter and the Code for Researchers. Indicator - Revised the MU Regulations on Competitive Selection Procedures (in cooperation with the MU Rector´s Office) - Internal recruitment and selection guide defining clear procedures for recruitment and selection of all types of R1–R4 positions – a faculty OTM-R guide - Familiarisation of employees with documents and the publication of documents on the faculty website in Czech and English versions 3. Is everyone involved in the process sufficiently trained in the area of OTM-R? x x x -- No There is no specific educational/training programme on recruitment and selection rules, most participants are not adequately trained. Indicator - Creation of an educational/training programme - Number of trained employees 4. Do we make (sufficient) use of e-recruitment tools? x x +/- Yes, substantially All job offers are advertised online. Filing applications is done through MU career website in the form of e-applications, in exceptional cases, applications may be submitted by e-mail, in writing, through the portals Jobs.cz or INOMICS.com, or else through the Jobs.cz portal for non-academic staff. Invitations to selection procedures and notifications to candidates are sent by e-mail, or they are notified by telephone. In case of need, it is possible to use online tools, e.g. Skype, tele/video conferencing, etc. for the selection process. The internal JOBS.MU e-application is used for recruitment and selection, it serves for registering and administering the selection procedures announced for MU vacancies. However, at present this application does not cover all phases of the recruitment and selection process. Indicator - Modification of the JOBS.MU e-application in order to speed up and streamline the recruitment process (in cooperation with the MU Rector´s Office) - Number of applications through the e-tool 5. Do we have a quality control system for OTM-R in place? x x x -- No A specific quality control system is not currently in place. A non-public record is drawn up on each selection process, which can be used for internal quality control and compliance with internal regulations. The internal faculty guide for recruitment and selection of researchers will include mechanisms for the formal control of the recruitment process. Indicator - Internal recruitment and selection guide (mechanisms to control the recruitment process) – a faculty OTM-R guide - Questionnaire – feedback on the selection process - Repeated carrying out of employee survey (Recruitment and Selection section) 6. Does our current OTM-R policy encourage external candidates to apply? x x x +/- Yes, substantially All academic staff positions are published on the MU career website in Czech and English. The EURAXESS and INOMICS (the site for Economists) portals are used for selected positions. Internet job portals are also used, e.g. www.jobs.cz, and social networks (LinkedIN – ECON MUNI profile, Facebook – Career at MUNI). There is space for improvement in advertising on paid Czech and foreign channels. Indicator - Unified templates for advertising researcher positions (Czech and English versions) - Trend in the share of external candidates - List of suitable and available advertising channels, including advertising rules (in cooperation with the MU Rector´s Office) 7. Is our current OTM-R policy in line with policies to attract researchers from abroad? x x x -/+ Yes, partially The MU Regulations on Competitive Selection Procedures impose an obligation to advertise positions in Czech and English, and for R3 and R4 there is also the obligation to additionally use foreign media relevant to the given field. Faculty policy is aimed primarily at postdocs from abroad. At MU level, the HR Policy 2020- 2024 support programme is used for hiring employees from abroad, as well as projects from the European Union and the Czech grant agencies - GACR and TACR. Indicator - Trend in the share of applicants from abroad - Necessary documents, forms and regulations translated into English - Internal recruitment and selection guide (including advertising rules) – a faculty OTM-R guide 8. Is our current OTM-R policy in line with policies to attract underrepresented groups? x x x +/- Yes, substantially During the selection process for academic staff and other employees, the requirement of equal opportunities is respected, including taking into account the specifics of individual social groups and the specifics of persons with sensory and physical disabilities (see the MU Regulations on Competitive Selection Procedures). Indicator - Trend in the share of female candidates - Trend in the share of foreign applicants - Training the members of the selection committee 9. Is our current OTM-R policy in line with policies to provide attractive working conditions for researchers? x x x +/- Yes, substantially ECON MU offers researchers good working conditions, including benefits that are comparable to or exceed similar institutions in the Czech Republic (e.g. working environment, equipment, wage conditions, mobility programmes, flexible working hours, part-time working, working from home, creative/sabbatical leave, etc.) These incentives are open to all groups, regardless of age, gender, race or religion, and allow workers to reconcile family and professional life. Indicator - Trend in the share of applicants outside the organisation (from the Czech Republic and abroad) - Repeated carrying out of employee survey (working conditions) 10. Do we have means to monitor whether the most suitable researchers apply? -- No We currently have no tools; this is a subjective assessment. Indicator - Once the rules for recruitment and selection have been set (a faculty OTM-R guide), there will be continuous monitoring to see whether suitable candidates are applying (e.g. monitoring the used advertising channels vs. quality of applying candidates, etc.). Advertising and application phase 11. Do we have clear guidelines or templates (e.g., EURAXESS) for advertising positions? x x +/- Yes, substantially Vacancies are primarily published according to the information specified in the MU Regulations on Competitive Selection Procedures on the MU career website in Czech and English. The advertising of academic positions generally uses pre-set templates, which need to be revised with regard to the principles of the Charter and the Code for Researchers. Indicator - Internal recruitment and selection guide (advertising rules) - a faculty OTM-R guide - Unified advertising templates 12. Do we include in the job advertisement references/links to all the elements foreseen in the relevant section of the toolkit? x x +/- Yes, substantially Advertisements contain most of the recommended information on the relevant position – name of the position, job description, qualification requirements, start date, and offered benefits. Nonetheless, examples of missing information include details on career development, the offered wage (internal wage regulations are publicly available on the MU website), or the number of vacancies. https://www.muni.cz/en/about-us/official- notice-board/mu-internal-wage-regulations Indicator - Unified advertising templates with a link to the website of the department/faculty/MU and supplemented by other information relating to the selection procedure (e.g. Career Code, internal wage regulations, etc.) 13. Do we make full use of EURAXESS to ensure our research vacancies reach a wider audience? x x +/- Yes, substantially EURAXESS services are used mainly for positions of postdocs, and associate professors and professors; positions that require knowledge of the Czech language are not advertised. Indicator - The share of academic positions advertised on EURAXESS - Number of employees recruited outside the organization/from abroad 14. Do we make use of other job advertising tools? x x ++ Yes Currently used are: - MU Career website – Czech and English versions - INOMICS – website for economists - www.jobs.cz – primarily for advertising non-academic positions - Official MU notice board/ ECON MU notice board – offline version - Social networks – LinkedIN , Facebook Indicator - Internal recruitment and selection guide (advertising rules) – a faculty OTM-R guide - Pilot advertising on a selected advertising channel that could lead to an increase in the number of good/top quality foreign candidates (in cooperation with the MU Rector´s Office) 15. Do we keep the administrative burden to a minimum for the candidate? x ++ Yes Where possible, yes, we do. The required documents are sent electronically, in some cases it is possible to provide these documents after the end of the selection procedure. The internal JOBS.MU e-applications also reduce administrative burden. If necessary, the selection interview also takes place electronically/on-line, especially for foreign candidates. Selection and evaluation phase 16. Do we have clear rules governing the appointment of selection committees? x x +/- Yes, substantially The general rules for appointing selection committees to select academic and other staff are regulated by the MU Regulations on Competitive Selection Procedures, which include the procedures for the selection committee appointments. However, these regulations do not contain all the recommendations of the Charter and the Code. Indicator - Publication on the faculty website of the rules for the appointment/composition of selection committees 17. Do we have clear rules concerning the composition of selection committees? x x -/+ Yes, partially The composition of the selection committee is regulated by the MU Regulations on Competitive Selection Procedures at a more general level. However, these regulations do not set conditions corresponding to the requirements of the Charter and the Code for all positions. The selection committee must have at least five members and the number of members must be odd. An expert from abroad is also a member of the selection committee for filling the position of an associate professor, professor, R3 and R4 researcher and extraordinary/adjunct professor. Requirements for gender balance, the participation of external experts for all types of selection procedures, or the requirements for expertise or competencies of selection committee members are not specified.This will be addressed within the framework of updating the MU Regulations on Competitive Selection Procedures (in cooperation with the MU Rector´s Office). Indicator - Revised MU Regulations on Competitive Selection Procedures - Publication of rules for the appointment/composition of selection committees on the faculty website - Monitoring the composition of selection committees 18. Are the selection committees sufficiently gender-balanced? x x +/- Yes, substantially The MU Regulations on Competitive Selection Procedures do not regulate the gender composition of committees. However, in each selection procedure an effort is made to maintain this balance, provided the conditions allow. This will be addressed within the framework of updating the MU Regulations on Competitive Selection Procedures (in cooperation with the MU Rector´s Office). Indicator - Revised MU Regulations on Competitive Selection Procedures - Monitoring and evaluation of the composition of selection committees (with emphasis on gender balance) 19. Do we have clear guidelines for selection committees which help to judge ‘merit’ in a way that leads to the best candidate being selected? x -- No Instructions for the selection committee procedure are defined in the MU Regulations on Competitive Selection Procedures. However, this internal regulation does not specify in detail the method of judging a candidate’s ‘merits’, any ’variations in the chronological order of the CV’, or the ’recognition of mobility experience’. When deciding on whether a candidate meets the conditions of the selection procedure for academic staff, the committee mainly bases its decision on the submitted materials and interviews with the candidate. When assessing the eligibility of a candidate, the committee may additionally request the submission of other documents or papers, or invite the candidate to deliver a public lecture. This will be addressed within the framework of updating the MU Regulations on Competitive Selection Procedures (in cooperation with the MU Rector´s Office). Indicator - Revised the MU Regulations on Competitive Selection Procedures - Internal recruitment and selection guide (rules for judging merit) – a faculty OTM-R guide - Training the members of the selection committee Appointment phase 20. Do we inform all applicants at the end of the selection process? x ++ Yes All participants in the selection procedure are informed by e-mail after the procedure’s completion. Successful candidates are also usually informed by phone. The result of the selection procedure is communicated to candidates without delay. The results of selection procedures are published at https://www.muni.cz/en/about- us/official-notice-board/publishing-results-of- selection-procedures. 21. Do we provide adequate feedback to interviewees? x -/+ Yes, partially We provide formal/general feedback – passed/failed. We do not provide detailed feedback (strengths and weaknesses of the candidate), although we do so upon request. Indicator - Internal recruitment and selection guide (rules and conditions for providing feedback) – a faculty OTM-R guide - Template for evaluation of the candidate (basis for members of the selection committee) 22. Do we have an appropriate complaints mechanism in place? x +/- Yes, substantially The filing of complaints at Masaryk University is governed by the Rector's publicly available Directive No. 3/2008, Processing and Registration of Complaints at Masaryk University - https://www.muni.cz/en/about- us/official-notice-board/submitting-and- processing-complaints. The specific mechanism for filing and resolving complaints about the course and outcome of a selection procedure is not currently set. However, if a complaint is filed, it is processed immediately. Indicator - Internal recruitment and selection guide (procedure for filing and processing complaints about the course and outcome of a selection procedure) – a faculty OTM-R guide - Monitoring complaints Overall assessment 23. Do we have a system in place to assess whether OTM-R delivers on its objectives? -/+ Yes, partially The selection procedures are governed by the MU Regulations on Competitive Selection Procedures. At ECON MU, the recruitment and selection rules are not further specified. There is also no system in place to assess how we are doing in terms of recruitment and selection. In future, the application of the recruitment and selection rules will be monitored using indicators set for each of the above actions.