ECONOMIC VALUE OF ECOSYSTEM SERVICES IN THE EASTERN ORE MOUNTAINS Ondřej Vojáček, Jiří Louda The Eastern Ore Mountains landscape has its speci?c and unique character. In particular, it is due to several speci?c landscape elements and biotopes, which either do not exist in other locations or are not as frequent. These locally speci?c ecosystems include notably montane meadows, clearance cairns and natural streams. více THE DOWNSIDE RISK APPROACH TO COST OF EQUITY DETERMINATION FOR SLOVENIAN, CROATIAN AND SERBIAN CAPITAL MARKETS Mirela Momcilovic, Dejan Zivkov, Sanja Vlaovic Begovic The cost of equity represents signi?cant input in the investment process evaluation, company valuation or in the process of an acquisition. In developed countries, the cost of equity is usually determined on the basis of Capital Asset Pricing Model – CAPM (Sharpe, 1964; Litner, 1965) according to which in the state of market equilibrium investors expect return from the security proportional to its systematic risk. The model uses beta coef?cient of secutity as a measure of systematic risk. The CAPM disregards unsystematic risk, because the model assumes that investors hold highly diversi?ed portfolios, which enable investors to eliminate unsystematic risk (see Wagner & Lau, 1971; Klemosky & Martin, 1975). Investors at developed markets, besides CAPM often use some other asset pricing models, like Arbitrage Pricing Model (Ross, 1976) or Fama-French Three-Factor Model (Fama & French, 1992; 1993). více THE MARKETING-ENTREPRENEURSHIP PARADOX: A FREQUENCY-DOMAIN ANALYSIS Slavka T. Nikolić, Nikola Gradojević, Vladimir Đaković, Valentina Mladenović, Jelena Stanković The notion of entrepreneurship is not new, but entrepreneurship is continuously searching for new ideas while increasing their applications (Morris & Trotter, 1990; Morris, Lewis, & Sexton, 1994). Marketing and entrepreneurship are broadening their ?eld of synergic activity, but some gaps in this interaction still remain (Bhuian, Menguc, & Bell, 2005). Numerous studies have indicated the link between marketing and entrepreneurship (Murray, 1981; Morris & Paul, 1987; Herron, Sapienza, & Smith-Cook, 1992; Hills & LaForge, 1992; Becherer & Maurer, 1998; Morris, Schindehutte & LaForge, 2002; Kraus, Harms, & Fink, 2010; Gilmore, 2011, Hills & Hultman, 2011; Hultman & Hills 2011; Kurgun, Bagiran, Ozeren, & Maral, 2011; Morrish, 2011; Busenitz, Plummer, Klotz, Shahzad, & Rhoads, 2014), but a number of research question have remained underexplored. více WHY DO SOME MUNICIPALITIES APPLY ACCRUAL-BASED RULES MORE THAN OTHERS? EVIDENCE FROM TURKEY Selver Seda Ada, Johan Christiaens In recent decades, public sector accounting reforms have been one of the most striking aspects of the adoption of New Public Management (NPM) (Lapsley & Pallot, 2000; Christensen, 2007; Christensen & Parker, 2010; Ball & Craig, 2010; Pollanen & LoiselleLappointe, 2012). Accrual accounting, which is closely related to public-sector accounting reforms, has been studied in various contexts from various perspectives (Pallot, 1994; Shand, 1990; English, Guthrie, & Carlin, 2000; Ryan, 1998; Carnegie & Wolnizer, 1995; Barton, 1999; Carnegie & Wolnizer, 1999; Salinas, 2002; Carlin, 2005). více THE INTEGRATIVE MANAGEMENT MODEL FOR RESTRUCTURING SMALL AND MEDIUM-SIZED ENTERPRISES (SME) Andrius Tamošiunas Restructuring processes are continuous in market economies. Technological progress, diffusion of innovations results in market disruptions and convergences. The latter create new markets and value networks, impact the scope and scale of consumption and related businesses changing the nature of competition and market dynamics. Such evolution affects all sectors of economic systems including processes of integration and globalization, causing enterprises to restructure in order to maintain or strengthen their market position. více INNOVATIONS AMONG PEOPLE. HOW POSITIVE RELATIONSHIPS AT WORK CAN TRIGGER INNOVATION CREATION Aldona Glińska-Neweś, Agata Sudolska, Arkadiusz Karwacki, Joanna Górka Nowadays it is more and more frequently emphasized that organization’s ability to innovate is an explanatory factor in determining its competitiveness. It refers to the fact that contemporary organizations act under permanent pressure of economic, technological, political and social changes. Taking into account such an unstable environment, the issue that becomes signi?cant is enhancing organizational capacity to respond to external changes with some novel products, processes, ideas etc. (Nonaka & Takeuchi, 1995; Bessant, Lamming, Noke, & Philips, 2005; Bessant & Tidd, 2007; Ellonen, Blomqvist, & Puumalainen, 2008; Pietrzak & Łapińska, 2015). více THE IMPACT OF SOVEREIGN WEALTH FUND OWNERSHIP ON THE FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF FIRMS: THE EVIDENCE FROM EMERGING MARKETS Dariusz Urban Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWFs) are still considered to be new-born institutional investors, in international ?nancial markets, as well as innovative investment vehicles, despite their relatively long history. Several funds have been operating at a global level for more than ?fty years, however the number of those created after the year 2000 represents the majority of the total in existence. For many years, these state-run funds have been almost anonymous investors, existing in the shadows, maintaining a low pro?le in the public eye. SWFs have been regarded as investment vehicles established in order to manage, in a rational and pro?toriented way, pools of national wealth for future generations. více THE PRESENT STATUS OF SUSTAINABILITY CONCEPT IMPLEMENTATION BY BUSINESSES IN SELECTED INDUSTRIES IN THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC Viera Marková, Petra Lesníková, Alena Kaščáková, Miroslava Vinczeová The signi?cance of the business sustainability concept has been increasing not only abroad where it has been pursued by professionals as well as the general public for a longer time, but also here in Slovakia. It has evolved from the understood universal concept of sustainable development centred on bringing solutions to global problems and issues. It is mainly concerned with the use of limited natural resources, environmental exploitation, a ?ght against poverty, society polarization, etc. In a more comprehensive understanding, it involves the change and replacement of current production and consumption models with future, more sustainable ones. Looking at the complex and sectional issues of sustainable development, a positive relationship with the business sector can be observed. HEALTHCARE SYSTEMS AND PERFORMANCE EVALUATION: COMPARISON OF PERFORMANCE INDICATORS IN V4 COUNTRIES USING MODELS OF COMPOSITE INDICATORS Pavlína Hejduková, Lucie Kureková Healthcare systems have been providing clients with services of an increasingly higher quality thanks to many positive developments in healthcare, primarily the high level of expertise of healthcare personnel, improvements in technology, and speedier approaches to treating illnesses. However, the healthcare system has struggled with other various negative aspects: inappropriate structuring, poor management, or ineffective ?nancing. In light of these negative aspects and the support and development of the positive, these systems should be managed properly and their performance should be evaluated (Hejduková & Kureková, 2016b). FACTORS AFFECTING SENSITIVITY OF COMMERCIAL BANKS TO BANK RUN IN THE VISEGRAD COUNTRIES Pavla Klepková Vodová, Daniel Stavárek The recent ?nancial crisis has shown that liquidity risk plays an important role in the contemporary ?nancial system. This is especially true for economies that are traditionally based on banks and credit markets. A liquidity shock may propagate through a real channel or an information channel and then affect the entire ?nancial system (Frait & Komárková, 2011). As a systemic banking crisis can have costly consequences such as declines in gross domestic product growth, real house prices and real equity prices and increases in unemployment rate, real public debt, among other effects (Reinhart and Rogoff, 2009), it is not surprising that most regulators, policymakers and academics devote signi?cant attention to various aspects of liquidity risk measurement and management. THE PERCEPTION OF SELECTED ASPECTS OF INVESTMENT ATTRACTIVENESS BY BUSINESSES MAKING INVESTMENTS IN THE CZECH REPUBLIC Ivan Jáč, Marie Vondráčková Investment attractiveness re?ects how interesting the relevant territory, area or region is to businesses. The set of factors in?uencing the level of investment attractiveness includes both ?xed factors (geographic location, deposits of iron ore or large waterways), and factors manageable from the state policy viewpoint (education of the population, investment incentive policies, labour costs and the taxation rate). There are many indicators showing the strengths and weaknesses of a country and its economy, and whether the business environment is suitable for investors or if the business environment is risky and problematic. A MONTE CARLO METHOD SIMULATION OF THE EUROPEAN FUNDS THAT CAN BE ACCESSED BY ROMANIA IN 2014-2020 Gheorghe Săvoiu, Emil Burtescu, Vasile Dinu, Ligian Tudoroiu In the economic, econometric and demographic literature, there coexist a few concepts, seemingly similar but signi?cantly different, whose purposes are predictive, intended to restructure and optimize, but also from a natural scienti?c need to know, understand, predict or prevent processes and systems; such concepts as forecasting, estimation, designing, assessing, planning, prediction and prospecting (Săvoiu, 2007, p. 351) and, last but not least, the simulation. DEMOGRAPHIC, SOCIAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL CHARACTERISTICS ON THE LEVELS OF MOBBING AND SINGLE CASES OF HARASSMENT: THE MULTICOMPLEX APPROACH Jolita Vveinhardt, Dalia Štreimikiene Understanding of the reasons of destructive relationships in work environment is a big step towards the solution of the problem. In recent years, there are a growing number of studies which analyse various aspects of such relations in the work environment. Mobbing and harassment take a signi?cant place. However, when analysing academic literature, there is a dual problem: in many studies mobbing and single cases of harassment are researched separately. ANALYSING LARG SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT COMPETITIVE STRATEGIES IN IRANIAN CEMENT INDUSTRIES Gholamreza Jamali, Elham Karimi Asl, Sarfaraz Hashemkhani Zolfani, Jonas Šaparauskas Supply chain refers to the complex network of relationships that organizations maintain with trading partners in order to procure manufacture and deliver products to services (Maleki & Cruz-Machado, 2013). From the supply chain as a network is expected to provide the right products and services on time with the required speci?cations at the right place to the customer. EFFECT OF INTEGRATION OF GREEN CONSTRUCTS AND TRADITIONAL CONSTRUCTS OF BRAND ON GREEN PURCHASE INTENTION OF CUSTOMERS Ahmad Esmaeili, Akbar Sepahvand, Reza Rostamzadeh, Izolda Joksiene, Jurgita Antucheviciene Most recently, a number of customers have shown concern over the considerable damage caused to the environment. Natural resources are gradually being replete, and climate change threats are the most important of these concerns (Euro barometer, 2011; European Commission, 2010; Lapinskiene et al., 2015; Barrier, 2016). Formerly, organizations avoided investing in support of the environment, which became a setback for their own future progress (Chen, 2010). Presently, as a result of increased attention to the environment, they tend to take greater responsibility for the environment than before (Chang & Chieng, 2006). Even the studies highlight the role of future generations as being vital toward eco-awareness (Simionescu, 2013; Csigéné Nagypál et al., 2015).