Estimating Stochastic Volatility and Jumps Using High-Frequency Data and Bayesian Methods Authors: Fičura, Milan; Witzany, Jiří Pages: 278-301 Issue Credit Spreads and the Links between the Financial and Real Sectors in a Small Open Economy: The Case of the Czech Republic Authors: Babecká-Kucharčuková, Oxana; Konečný, Tomáš Pages: 302-321 Issue Did Investors Seeking Short Exposure Move to the CDS Market after the 2011 Short-Sale Bans in European Financial Stocks? Authors: Pereira da Silva, Paulo Pages: 322-353 Issue Demand for Food Away from Home in Slovakia Authors: Cupák, Andrej; Pokrivcak, Jan; Rizov, Marian Pages: 354-369