Coffee Index as Quick and Simple Indicator of Purchasing Power Parity Jakub Fischer, Hana Lipovská Work Intensity of Households: Multinomial Logit Analysis and Correspondence Analysis for Slovak Republic Erik Šoltés, Mária Vojtková, Tatiana Šoltésová Long Seasonal Cycle Modeling: the Case of Realized Volatility Jiří Procházka, Milan Bašta, Samuel Flimmel, Matej Čamaj Economic Assessment of the Development Level of the Central Federal District Regions of the Russian Federation: Econometric Approach Roman Zhukov Impact of Different Questionnaire Design Characteristics on Survey Response Rates: Evidence from Croatian Business Web Survey Berislav Žmuk Analysis of Data from Questionnaire Surveys – Book Review Iva Pecáková ROBUST 2018 (Rybník) 20th Event of International Statistical Conference Ondřej Vozár Recent Publications and Events