Flexibility Index This index measures the degree to which male and female employees agree with statements regarding flexibility. A Flexibility Index value of 100% means that all male/female employees agree to the highest degree with the statement. In this case, the employer has achieved the ideal situation and the organisation is definitely meeting the needs of all employees in terms of work-life balance. A value of 0% indicates an organisation that places minimal emphasis on reconciling the work-life balance of its employees. Diversity Index This index measures the degree to which employees agree with statements related to diversity. An index value of 100% represents an advanced level of diversity, with a minimum value of 0% indicating an organisation that has not yet placed an emphasis on diversity or is not consciously developing a diverse work culture. Inclusion Index This index measures the level of agreement of male and female employees with statements regarding their sense of belonging to the team and the organisation. An index value of 100% and reflects a company with a very welcoming, cooperative and friendly atmosphere; a minimum index value of 0% indicates a toxic work culture with hostile tendencies and elements of discrimination in the workplace. Prejudice-Free Mindset Index This index reflects the degree to which male and female employees agree with statements that contain social prejudice. The index has a maximum value of 100% and reflects the lowest level of agreement with stereotypical social patterns. Conversely, a value of 0% reflects the highest level of agreement with stereotypical social patterns.