1 Finance Academic year: 2024/2025 Department: Department of Finance This study plan is only for students in their first year of studies. Other students have to enrol in courses according to their control template in the Information system. Study plan The Study Planis a list of courses that students must complete duringtheirstudies. Students must obtain at least 120 ECTS to complete themaster’sdegree programme. At the same time, it is necessary topay attention to the Study and Examination Regulations which say that in order to be able to enrol in the following semester, students must meet specific requirements. You can check these requirements in the Information System here. During their studies, students have to pass the following types of courses: Compulsory courses During their studies, students are obliged to complete all courses listed in the table below. It is not necessary to enrol in the course in the semester when it is listed below; however, please note that most of our courses are only taught in autumn/spring semester, so the possibility to enrol in them is usually only once per year (only in autumn or only in spring semester). Before attending the final state examination at the end of their studies, students verify their completed courses using their control template in the Information system. Elective courses Students enrol in elective courses up to the required minimum number of 120 ECTS. They may choose from courses offered by any faculty of the university. At the same time, they have to make sure to search for courses in the correct semester and read the information about the course (especially about the teaching language!!) to make sure that the level and language of the course correspond to their skills. Practical Training As part of the elective courses, students can complete the MPF_PRAC Practical Training course, where they can earn credits for working in an organization related to their study programme based on a pre-approved plan (must be approved by the training coordinator of the department). More information is available in the course description in the IS or at the web of the faculty. Information about studies Students are obliged to monitor the Students section on the ECON MUNI website, which is full of essential information about their studies. Study advisors Do you have questions about courses, theses, state final exams, or other study-related issues? At that point, it’s time to contact your study programme advisor. More information here. 2 1. year 1. semester (autumn) COMPULSORY COURSES BPH_MAAC Managerial accounting zk 6 ECTS 2/2 Švandová, Švandová Prerequisites: ! BPH_MAUC MPE_ACMI Seminar in microeconomics z 5 ECTS 0/2 Fumarco, Kachur, Krčál, Tomeš Prerequisites: (! MPE_CMIE ) && (! NOWANY ( MPE_CMIE )) MPE_AMI2 Microeconomics 2 zk 4 ECTS 2/0 Fumarco, Krčál, Tomeš, Čapek, Kachur, Kosíková, Menšík Prerequisites: (! MPE_MIE2 ) && (! MKE_MIE2 ) && (! NOWANY ( MKE_MIE2 , MPE_MIE2 )) MPF_AACC International Accounting zk 5 ECTS 2/1 Horvátová, Procházka, Procházka Prerequisites: (! MPF_AIAC ) && (! NOWANY ( MPF_AIAC )) MPF_AFII Financial investments zk 6 ECTS 2/2 Araneda Barahona, Araneda Barahona Prerequisites: (! BPF_FIIN ) && (! MPF_FIIN ) MPJ_PJPSFS Presentation Skills for Foreign Students zk 4 ECTS 0/2 Punčochářová, Pojslová 2. semester (spring) COMPULSORY COURSES MPE_ACMA Seminar in macroeconomics z 5 ECTS 0/2 Blampied, Čapek, Kutlak Prerequisites: (! MPE_CMAE ) && (! NOWANY ( MPE_CMAE )) MPE_AMA2 Macroeconomics 2 zk 4 ECTS 2/0 Čapek, Žídek, Kutlak Prerequisites: (! MKE_MAE2 ) && (! MPE_MAE2 ) && (! NOWANY ( MPE_MAE2 , MKE_MAE2 )) MPF_ADTH Diploma thesis assignment z 3 ECTS 0/0 Plíhal, Vávrová Prerequisites: semestr ( 2 ) 3 MPF_AFAP Corporate Finance zk 6 ECTS 2/2 Kajurová, Výrost, Kajurová, Výrost Prerequisites: (! NOWANY ( MPF_FAPA , MPF_FAAP , MPF_FIFI )) && (! MPF_FAPA ) && (! MPF_FAAP )&& (! MPF_FIFI ) MPF_APOT Portfolio Theory zk 6 ECTS 2/2 Rigamonti, Rigamonti Prerequisites: ! MPF_TEPO && ! NOWANY ( MPF_TEPO ) MPF_ATAX Taxation zk 6 ECTS 2/2 Procházka, Valouch MPF_STPA Financial Derivatives zk 6 ECTS 2/2 Plíhal, Plíhal Prerequisites: ! MPF_STPR && ! NOWANY ( MPF_STPR ) MPV_ACAD Academic writing z 4 ECTS 0/2 Guzi, Guzi, Sharma Prerequisites: ! XPX_ACAD 2. year 3. semester (autumn) COMPULSORY COURSES MPF_AAUD Auditing zk 4 ECTS 1/1 Procházka, Valouch, Procházka, Valouch Prerequisites: (! MPF_AUDI ) && ! NOWANY ( MPF_AUDI ) MPF_ADS1 Diploma seminar 1 z 12 ECTS 0/2 Benada, Deev, Hvozdenská, Lemeshko, Vágnerová Linnertová, Vávrová Prerequisites: MPF_ADTH MPF_AIFI International Finance zk 5 ECTS 2/1 Moravcová, Moravcová Prerequisites: (! MPF_MEZF ) && ! NOWANY ( MPF_MEZF ) || (! MPF_MEFI ) MPF_ASAN Security Analysis zk 6 ECTS 2/2 Lyócsa, Vágnerová Linnertová, Lyócsa, Vágnerová Linnertová Prerequisites: (! MPF_ACP1 )&& ! NOWANY ( MPF_ACP1 ) 4. semester (spring) COMPULSORY COURSES MPF_ADS2 Diploma seminar 2 z 12 ECTS 0/2 Benada, Deev, Hvozdenská, Lemeshko, Vágnerová Linnertová, Vávrová Prerequisites: MPF_ADS1 4 Legend Compulsory courses Explanatory notes z credit (“zápočet”) k colloquium (“kolokvium”) zk examination (“zkouška”) Date and time of the document generation: 8. August 2024 at 11:12