Faculty of Economics and Administration Title of the Thesis > [Select type of the thesis] Autor práce Supervisor: Supervisor Department Programme Select English name of study programme > Brno [Year of Submission] ATTENTION! 1. This template is intended only for study programmes taught in English. At the Faculty of Medicine, the "english" templates are also used in Czech phd programmes, if the thesis is written in the English language. 2. An integral part of the template is a user manual. The manual describes how to set opening pages, use built-in styles, insert figures and tables, and generate special content. Unauthorized changes in the document make it very easy to disrupt its structure and destroy formatting. Click in this frame and press the DELETE key to remove this warning Bibliographic record Author: Autor práce Faculty of Economics and Administration Masaryk University Department Title of Thesis: Title of the Thesis Degree Programme: Select English name of study programme Supervisor: Supervisor Year: [Year of Submission] Number of Pages: 5 Keywords: [Write 5–10 key words in Czech. The same list must be inserted into Thesis/ Dissertation Archive in MUNI Information System.] Abstract [Write an abstract (500–600 characters including spaces) in English. The same text of the abstract must be inserted must be inserted into Thesis/ Dissertation Archive in MUNI Information System.] Declaration Prohlašuji, že jsem na téma Title of the Thesis [Vyberte podle mluvnickéhorodu] samostatně pod vedením [Uveďte vedoucího práce v druhém pádě] a [Vyberte podle rodu] v ní všechny použité literární a jiné odborné zdroje v souladu s právními předpisy, vnitřními předpisy Masarykovy univerzity a vnitřními akty řízení Masarykovy univerzity a Ekonomicko-správní fakulty MU. Brno December 1, 2024 ....................................... Autor práce Acknowledgements [You can write acknowledgements here (optional). It is also used to insert an affiliate, for example if the work was created within a project.] Table of Contents List of Figures 11 List of Tables 12 Glossary 13 List of Appendices 14 1 Introduction 15 2 [Chapter title (use style Heading 1 or Nadpis 1 for chapters)] 16 2.1 [Section title (use style Heading 2 or Nadpis 2 for sections)]............................ 16 3 Conclusion 17 Bibliography 19 Appendix A [Appendix name] 20 Name Index 21 List of Figures Nenalezena položka seznamu obrázků. List of Tables Nenalezena položka seznamu obrázků. Glossary [Heslo] – [Definice] List of Appendices Text Appendices Appendix A [Appendix name] 20 Others [Označení] [Název přílohy] [soubor] 1 Introduction Click here and start to write an introduction to your thesis. There are two styles for ordinary paragraphs in this template: First paragraph and Next paragraphs. In the ‘First paragraph’ style, the first line is not indented. It is intended for paragraph sub headings, pictures, and quotations. The ‘Next paragraphs’ style starts with an indentation and is intended for all other paragraphs. 2 [Chapter title (use style Heading 1 or Nadpis 1 for chapters)] 2.1 [Section title (use style Heading 2 or Nadpis 2 for sections)] 3 Conclusion Bibliography Aktuální dokument neobsahuje žádné prameny. Appendix A [Appendix name] Name Index Nebyly nalezeny položky rejstříku.