Implementation of the (project at FI MU) internship model in ICT area Platform for Industrial Cooperation Platforma průmyslové spolupráce Project partners:  IBM Česká republika, spol. s r. o.  Microsoft s. r. o.  Red Hat Czech s. r. o.  JIC, zájmové sdružení právnických osob This project is co-financed by the European Social Fund and the state budget of the Czech Republic Contact information Project lead: Tomáš Pitner Internship manager: Jana Bartáková CZ.1.07/2.4.00/17.0041 First phase  students can work on real projects or theses in application area with support of teachers from FI  students advance knowledge by attending technical workshops, meetings with experts from business and/or standard curricula lectures  students have opportunity to meet specialists from companies directly at FI and become familiar with practical applications of theoretical approaches and modern technologies used by companies ● participating in activities of the first phase may help students to determine their own career vision Second phase  students go to pre-selected companies where they can use their experience and knowledge gained from first phase of the internship model, and  their vision can guide them during the process of setting strategy and goals for their internship → thus they are able to plan and manage it Two-phase model Q: What is in it for me? Whilst company resources are significantly limited, the effect of internship (transfer of knowledge and the overall contribution for all parties) needs to be maximized → internship is not suitable to draw up like “vacation job” but better approach is to plan and managed as a project → goals, time limitations, resources has to be set → student's vision is the key factor Best concept? Benefits FI S C shaping own future ✓ ✓ establishing contacts ✓ ✓ ✓ praxis related to studies ✓ ✓ ✓ enrichment of theoretical knowlege by experience ✓ ✓ ✓ systematic buildig and extending knowledge ✓ ✓ ✓ source of potential employees and employeers ✓ ✓ financial support of PPS ✓ ✓ FI – Faculty of Informatics, S – student, C - company team projects thesis (preliminary analysis) + workshops/seminars/lectures at FI team projects thesis (preliminary analysis) + workshops/seminars/lectures at FI first phase internships at companies internships at companies second phase involve experts from companies involve FI (administrative and technical support) full – time jobfull – time job part – time jobpart – time job