Semantically Partitioned Peer to Peer Complex Event Processing Exploiting Information Loss References [1] Nguyen F., Pitner T. 2012. Information system monitoring and notifications using complex event processing. In Proceedings of the Fifth Balkan Conference in Informatics (BCI '12). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 211-216. [2] Kunc P., Nguyen F., Pitner T. 2013. Towards Effective Social Network System Implementation. New Trends in Databases and Information Systems Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 327-336. [3] Nguyen F., Škrabálek J. 2011 NotX service oriented multi-platform notification system. In Computer Science and Information Systems (FedCSIS). Szczecin, Poland, 313-316. [4] Wu, E., Diao, Y., Rizvi, S. 2006. High-performance complex event processing over streams. In Proceedings of the 2006 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of data - SIGMOD ’06. [5] Akram, S., Marazakis, M., Bilas, A. 2012. Understanding and improving the cost of scaling distributed event processing. In Proceedings of the 6th ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems (DEBS '12). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 290-301. [6] Luckham, D. C., Frasca, B. 1998. Complex Event Processing in Distributed Systems. In Standford University, Vol 28. Typical Complex Event Processing: Red produceres are sending events to black Complex Event Processing engine. Scaling Complex Event Processing [6] (CEP) applications is inherently problematic. Our solution for scaling CEP applications is fully distributed and aspires to scale CEP to the limits of current hardware. Our solution simplifies existent Event Processing Network abstraction and adds features on the level of CEP that change direction of its usage. Complex Event Processing was introduced by David Luckham. We are mainly concerned with subarea of Luckam's work related to distributed CEP [6] (also studied by [6] and [4]). Motivation of our work stems from our work related to event processing [3]. We have applied our theoretical ideas in concepts introduced in [2] and gave brief introduction to our overall research in [1]. Results We believe that fully distributed peer to peer CEP is inevitable solution to high volume event streams. Our implementation of presented concept is called peer CEP (PCEP). The main property of PCEP is semantic scaling. The scaling is not done by brute force or by exploiting specific feature of specific event context, but it is done by exploiting partitioning of peers according to their's affiliation to matching rules. The developed distributed engine is written in Java and thus runs on heterogenous platforms. In the implementation we leverage distributed algorithms developed in theirs natural form - not optimized to the state of being obfuscated code. In theoretical point of view, our solution introduces rigorously defined trade off between matching capabilities and throughoutput of the events. In the future we plan to extend this knowledge by revealing statistical properties of mentioned trade off situation. Masaryk University Faculty of Informatics Botanická 68a 602 00 Brno Czech Republic Related WorkAbstract There is ongoing research to distribute CEP. Every author makes his own definition of distributed CEP. Usually, it refers to a use of filters on producers or parallelizing existing CEP operators. We see distributed CEP differently. We aim to distribute the processing at semantic level. We do not want to just filter unknown events. We allow users to leverage standard operators and give them framework to easily trade off processing power with matching precision. Distributed CEP P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 EventEvents are traveling on edges towards engne. Event The definition of an event varies based on context of CEP. However some parameters are always the same. Each event has defined time of creation and producer. Events should be as fine grained as possible - to allow effective CEP. That means thousands, even milions of events per second are desirable. This is not uncommon thing today with advent of social networks, faster networking hardware and computer driven high frequency trading. Filip Nguyen P1 P2 P4 P5 Suppose we know that P1 and P3 produce events at the same time with high probability Then we can add an engine between them and match events. Very simple query that matches events that happenend in the time window of 0.01 second. select name(EA), name(EB) where abs(time(EA) - time(EB)) < 0.01s && EA!=EB This query needs all the produced events. P1 P2 P4 P5 12.24 13.11 14.44 12.27 12.29 14.00 16.24 12.20 22.24 12.24 13.11 14.44 12.29 14.00 16.24 12.20 22.24 12.27 Here the second engine between P1 and P3 will match events and is loaded with less events than the former engine. Unfortunatelly the event produced at 12.20 by P5 will not be matched. This is the trade off situation in our solution. How to deploy the engines dynamically? Our solution is to turn each producer into an engine. This way we gain additional property - high availability. We refer to this model as peer to peer model. The events are distributed throughout the formed network. Some of the events travel on dedicated paths, some are broadcasted. This behavior is based on the result of partitioning algorithm. A node is said to be a peer. There is another result we present - partitioning algorithms. We believe those algorithms may be extended and generalized to be used in other fields for set partitioning and analysis of data sets. These algorithms join several Distributed algorithms, Statistics and Complex Event Processing. We theorize, that the partitioning may be done in a distributed fashion. We also believe in adoption by users. We strive robust architecture. Our solution is Open Source and we plan to apply for Apache Incubation. We believe the science should be done for greater good and sharing the code will improve the implementation. Lastly, our solution is not mutually exclusive with recent research in the area of CEP. It will be possible to use standard CEP engines on the peer nodes and thus augmenting existing tools with PCEP. ? Event Coarse Event Peer Network Partitioning Algorithm Coarse Grained Event CEP Based and Monte Carlo Algorithm Basic Approach Links Github: LaSArIS: LinkedIn: University: P3 P3