COMPLEX EVENT PROCESSING IN BUILDING MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS — A PROTOTYPE System architecture overview Building and technology passport Passports are spatial databases containing information about facilities and devices that university uses. Each item in the databases is identified with unique code with hierarchic structure. Building management data semantics Joining data from BMS and from passport allows as to add „machine-readable“ information about semantics (meaning) of data points (i.e. inputs, outputs, control variables) in BMS. In addition to the information from technology passport we add information about measured quantity (temperature, pressure, humidity, actual current, voltage...) of each data point. Adam Kučera, Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University Introduction Complex Event Processing (CEP) is set of tools and techniques allowing us to handle events from large systems in real time. CEP in commonly used in network security, algorithmic stock-trading, fraud detection or business process monitoring for correlating, aggregating and analyzing various events. Modern ("intelligent") buildings are often equipped with BMS – network of interconnected devices that ensures integrated building operation, control and monitoring. Building operators and maintenance staff are easily overwhelmed by large amounts of data and events produced by the BMS. In this way BMS are similar to other fields where CEP is successfully used (network monitoring, credit card fraud detection, algorithmic stock trading etc.). Test environment — BMS at Masaryk University  Integrates monitoring and control of University Campus in Brno—Bohunice (first phase of construction ended in 2007) and other university buildings in Brno.  Uses BACnet as common communication protocol  Over 700 native BACnet devices by approximately 10 vendors  Integrated systems/technologies: HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air-conditioning), Fire alarms, Security system, Access control system, CCTV, Power systems, UPS monitoring, university information system (controlling door locks according to lecture room timetables) The goals Aim of this research is to adapt existing CEP framework (Microsoft StreamInsight) to work with data from intelligent buildings and provide building operators with the easily understandable outputs that help to optimize building operation and detect various types of faults that occurs in a building. The CEP framework was extended to be able to work with specific features of building management data (location, source device, measured/controlled quantity). A prototype of the system was implemented and tested in real operation environment. Attribute Value Meaning Data point 102.AV145 ID of data point in BMS Location BHA12P01005 Room 005 in the basement of building 12 at university camDevice BAPK Energy meter Quantity ESS0 Electricity con- sumption Selecting, filtering, joining, aggregating data Using building management data semantics, we are able to perform selections, filtering and computations (average, summa, maximum, minimum) over the data from the BMS. The system uses time windows for performing continuous computations of the data characteristics. We can utilize hierarchy of passport databases and use masks to gather related data into separate groups. System prototype — Data analysis and visualization System runs continuous user-defined queries that transform input data from BMS using various methods (selection, filtering, joining, aggregation, grouping). Results of the computations performed by the system can by further analyzed automatically (e.g. Detecting fault on particular device) or stored for later visualization that can be examined by users. References D. Luckham, "The Power of Events", Addison-Wesley, 2002. H. Merz, T. Hansemann and C. Hübner, "Building automation", Springer, 2009. O. Etzion and P. Niblett, "Event Processing in Action", Manning Publications, 2010. A. Kučera, "Complex Event Processing in Building Management Systems", Master thesis, Masaryk University, Faculty of Informatics, 2012. DISTRIBUTED EVENT-DRIVEN MONITORING MODEL FOR CLOUD DATACENTERS BotanickáDaniel Tovarňák Tomáš Pitner C C C C 1 1 2 3 P P P P Introduction References Research Goals Distributed Event-driven Monitoring Model 1 WASL’08, USENIX Association, 2 Event Processing in Action 3 ňá SYNASC’12 PR PR PR PR publish subscribe P roducer C onsumerPR ocessing agentS ensor (Virtualized) Hardware Application Operating System Middleware User 1 2 1 2 3 P behavior & state events complex events simple subscriptions complex subscriptions P P P P Conclusion and Expected Results Distributed Event-driven Monitoring Architecture ? 3 Methodology PR 1|2|3 – access permisions Aims and Objectives Distributed Eventdriven Monitoring Architecture 2 1 1 Scope Developing the (project at FI MU) ICT partners network Platform for Industrial Cooperation Platforma průmyslové spolupráce Project partners:  IBM Česká republika, spol. s r. o.  Microsoft s. r. o.  Red Hat Czech s. r. o.  JIC, zájmové sdružení právnických osob This project is co-financed by the European Social Fund and the state budget of the Czech Republic Contact information Project lead: Tomáš Pitner Project manager: Stanislava Sedláčková CZ.1.07/2.4.00/17.0041 The Platform project addresses those requirements by promoting four key activities that are interconnected through the two-phased internship model:  student projects – team or individual ▪ related to curricula or student's interests ▪ projects are lead by faculty supervisors and consulted by company experts  workshops – orientation on technology and business → student projects and workshops together create a first phase of the internship model allowing students to meet experts from companies at the faculty  internships at companies – correspond to curricula and student projects ▪ with support of the faculty  → internships are a second phase – they offer students opportunities to use their knowledge they have gained by participating in first-phase activities  own business – support for start-ups and spin-offs ▪ incubation at South Moravian Innovation Centre (JIC) with professional support from the faculty From idea to realisation The faculty currently cooperates with almost 30 companies in area of ICT. Cooperation with industry is one of the key instruments to fulfil FI's vision: '… to become an outstanding research university with significant accomplishments in this area...'. A sustainable approach to developing partners network has to meet some requirements like: a reasonable financial burden, simplicity of implementation of such activities and their attractiveness. Q: Best approach? Q: What is in it for me? FI – Faculty of Informatics, S – student, C – company Benefits FI S C cooperation as a source for new ideas    student as an agent to transfer knowledge    distribution of the “resources load”    start-ups and spin-offs as a future FI partner    ? at FI Workshops Student projects Internships at companies start-ups & spin-offs Design of a system for the analysis of social media content Introduction Methodology Conclusion References • Boyd, D. M., Ellison, N. B. (2007). Social Network Sites: Definition, History, and Scholarship. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 13(1), p. 210-230. • Pang, B.; Lee, L. (2008). Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis. Foundations and Trends® in Information Retrieval. 2(2), p. 1-135. • Ministr, J., Ráček, J. and Toth, D. (2012) ‘Visualization of the discussion content from the Internet’, IDIMT- 2012 ICT Support for Complex Systems – 20th Interdisciplinary Information Management Talks, Jindřichův Hradec, Linz: Trauner Verlag, p. 297-304. Jaroslav Ráček Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University & IBA CZ Brno, Czech Republic Active users of social media produce large volumes of data on a daily basis. This data could contain patterns and expression of sentiments which have value to commerce and academics alike. Many algorithms and methods for analysing social media data exist, but there is not any one platform uniting these tools and services. The solution is a design of a single system with four layers, to integrate all required elements. These layers are the: collection of data from different sources, data management and storage, analytical algorithm usage focused on relevant aspects and visualisation of analytical results and source data. This paper introduces a design of new component based system for social media analysis, which can be easily configured for use in academic and also commercial environment in traditional areas of social media analysis. The system was designed on the basis of applied research in cooperation with industrial partners of FI MU. • Chronologically arranged posts vs. threads of posts • Expressions of opinions, attitudes and reactions that can be viewed by other users. • Indirect conversation with benefit of hindsight • Integration of all components in a single platform • Provides human and software interface for visualisation of results and access to retrieved data • Specific configuration for different usage of the system • Direct and indirect conversations, sharing of profile content • Mainly short messages, no general topic • Long main article and related short comments • General or focused on narrow area of interest • Adapters for different data sources • Different purposes: personal diary, significant events of life, info about interests, company sites • Interactive (commented) or static sites • Specialized solutions for management of massive amounts of data and running indexing on it • Possibility of initial filtering of data • Essential task for text analysis • Identification of key terms contained in a source text • “Social” network of users, groups, similar behaviour • General part of any specific analytical tool • Visualisation of analysis results in a form of different types of graphs and record details • Identification of multiple identities as the same person • Using behaviour patterns, timing of posts, typos, phrases • Evaluation of text combinations by comparison to records in knowledge base Dalibor Toth & Graphics design of a mobile UI for primary school administration References: Cooper, Allan. 2007. About face 3, Wiley Publishing, Inc. Tidwell, Jenifer. 2005. Designing Interfaces, O'Reilly Author: Lenka Plháková Semantically Partitioned Peer to Peer Complex Event Processing Exploiting Information Loss References [1] Nguyen F., Pitner T. 2012. Information system monitoring and notifications using complex event processing. In Proceedings of the Fifth Balkan Conference in Informatics (BCI '12). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 211-216. [2] Kunc P., Nguyen F., Pitner T. 2013. Towards Effective Social Network System Implementation. New Trends in Databases and Information Systems Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 327-336. [3] Nguyen F., Škrabálek J. 2011 NotX service oriented multi-platform notification system. In Computer Science and Information Systems (FedCSIS). Szczecin, Poland, 313-316. [4] Wu, E., Diao, Y., Rizvi, S. 2006. High-performance complex event processing over streams. In Proceedings of the 2006 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of data - SIGMOD ’06. [5] Akram, S., Marazakis, M., Bilas, A. 2012. Understanding and improving the cost of scaling distributed event processing. In Proceedings of the 6th ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems (DEBS '12). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 290-301. [6] Luckham, D. C., Frasca, B. 1998. Complex Event Processing in Distributed Systems. In Standford University, Vol 28. Typical Complex Event Processing: Red produceres are sending events to black Complex Event Processing engine. Scaling Complex Event Processing [6] (CEP) applications is inherently problematic. Our solution for scaling CEP applications is fully distributed and aspires to scale CEP to the limits of current hardware. Our solution simplifies existent Event Processing Network abstraction and adds features on the level of CEP that change direction of its usage. Complex Event Processing was introduced by David Luckham. We are mainly concerned with subarea of Luckam's work related to distributed CEP [6] (also studied by [6] and [4]). Motivation of our work stems from our work related to event processing [3]. We have applied our theoretical ideas in concepts introduced in [2] and gave brief introduction to our overall research in [1]. Results We believe that fully distributed peer to peer CEP is inevitable solution to high volume event streams. Our implementation of presented concept is called peer CEP (PCEP). The main property of PCEP is semantic scaling. The scaling is not done by brute force or by exploiting specific feature of specific event context, but it is done by exploiting partitioning of peers according to their's affiliation to matching rules. The developed distributed engine is written in Java and thus runs on heterogenous platforms. In the implementation we leverage distributed algorithms developed in theirs natural form - not optimized to the state of being obfuscated code. In theoretical point of view, our solution introduces rigorously defined trade off between matching capabilities and throughoutput of the events. In the future we plan to extend this knowledge by revealing statistical properties of mentioned trade off situation. Masaryk University Faculty of Informatics Botanická 68a 602 00 Brno Czech Republic Related WorkAbstract There is ongoing research to distribute CEP. Every author makes his own definition of distributed CEP. Usually, it refers to a use of filters on producers or parallelizing existing CEP operators. We see distributed CEP differently. We aim to distribute the processing at semantic level. We do not want to just filter unknown events. We allow users to leverage standard operators and give them framework to easily trade off processing power with matching precision. Distributed CEP P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 EventEvents are traveling on edges towards engne. Event The definition of an event varies based on context of CEP. However some parameters are always the same. Each event has defined time of creation and producer. Events should be as fine grained as possible - to allow effective CEP. That means thousands, even milions of events per second are desirable. This is not uncommon thing today with advent of social networks, faster networking hardware and computer driven high frequency trading. Filip Nguyen P1 P2 P4 P5 Suppose we know that P1 and P3 produce events at the same time with high probability Then we can add an engine between them and match events. Very simple query that matches events that happenend in the time window of 0.01 second. select name(EA), name(EB) where abs(time(EA) - time(EB)) < 0.01s && EA!=EB This query needs all the produced events. P1 P2 P4 P5 12.24 13.11 14.44 12.27 12.29 14.00 16.24 12.20 22.24 12.24 13.11 14.44 12.29 14.00 16.24 12.20 22.24 12.27 Here the second engine between P1 and P3 will match events and is loaded with less events than the former engine. Unfortunatelly the event produced at 12.20 by P5 will not be matched. This is the trade off situation in our solution. How to deploy the engines dynamically? Our solution is to turn each producer into an engine. This way we gain additional property - high availability. We refer to this model as peer to peer model. The events are distributed throughout the formed network. Some of the events travel on dedicated paths, some are broadcasted. This behavior is based on the result of partitioning algorithm. A node is said to be a peer. There is another result we present - partitioning algorithms. We believe those algorithms may be extended and generalized to be used in other fields for set partitioning and analysis of data sets. These algorithms join several Distributed algorithms, Statistics and Complex Event Processing. We theorize, that the partitioning may be done in a distributed fashion. We also believe in adoption by users. We strive robust architecture. Our solution is Open Source and we plan to apply for Apache Incubation. We believe the science should be done for greater good and sharing the code will improve the implementation. Lastly, our solution is not mutually exclusive with recent research in the area of CEP. It will be possible to use standard CEP engines on the peer nodes and thus augmenting existing tools with PCEP. ? Event Coarse Event Peer Network Partitioning Algorithm Coarse Grained Event CEP Based and Monte Carlo Algorithm Basic Approach Links Github: LaSArIS: LinkedIn: University: P3 P3 Acknowledgments Thanks to all the staff members of the Masaryk University Department of Building Passportization for providing maps and consultations. Also, great thanks to Michal Holčík and Adam Berthóty for implementing localization prototypes. References [1] A. Chen et al: “An algorithm for fast, model-free tracking indoors”, SIGMOBILE MCCR, vol. 11 no. 3, 2006 [2] S. Cho: “MEMS Based Pedestrian Navigation System”, JN, vol. 59, pp. 135–153, Royal Institute of Navigation, 2006 [3] M. Arulampalam et al: “A Tutorial on Particle Filters for Online Nonlinear/Non-Gaussian Bayesian Tracking”, SP,Online Nonlinear/Non-Gaussian Bayesian Tracking”, SP, vol. 50 no. 2, 2002 Preliminary Results • implemented prototype Android application • results accurate to 2.3 meters Dead Reckoning • calculating position using previously determined coordinates advanced by known speed and course • position tracking - calculating steps • step length estimated using neural network [2] • course determined by gyrocompass. Sequential Monte Carlo FilteringSequential Monte Carlo Filtering • particles evenly spread in probable location determined by RSS fingerprint database • particles set to motion by step detection events • eliminated particles, which hypothetical motion leads through impassable obstacles • results in improvement of location estimation. Methodology • localization system based on [1, 2, 3] • consists of three localization techniques • techniques merged together for more accurate results Wi-Fi Localization • Received Signal Strength fingerprinting •• used to create a database of APs and their RSS • mapped to location coordinates • receiver’s location estimated from SS maps Introduction • difficult navigation in complex buildings • even if equipped with signs • no direct visibility to GPS satellites • GPS tracking not possible Jonáš Ševčík Indoor User Localization Using Mobile Devices Implementation of the (project at FI MU) internship model in ICT area Platform for Industrial Cooperation Platforma průmyslové spolupráce Project partners:  IBM Česká republika, spol. s r. o.  Microsoft s. r. o.  Red Hat Czech s. r. o.  JIC, zájmové sdružení právnických osob This project is co-financed by the European Social Fund and the state budget of the Czech Republic Contact information Project lead: Tomáš Pitner Internship manager: Jana Bartáková CZ.1.07/2.4.00/17.0041 First phase  students can work on real projects or theses in application area with support of teachers from FI  students advance knowledge by attending technical workshops, meetings with experts from business and/or standard curricula lectures  students have opportunity to meet specialists from companies directly at FI and become familiar with practical applications of theoretical approaches and modern technologies used by companies ● participating in activities of the first phase may help students to determine their own career vision Second phase  students go to pre-selected companies where they can use their experience and knowledge gained from first phase of the internship model, and  their vision can guide them during the process of setting strategy and goals for their internship → thus they are able to plan and manage it Two-phase model Q: What is in it for me? Whilst company resources are significantly limited, the effect of internship (transfer of knowledge and the overall contribution for all parties) needs to be maximized → internship is not suitable to draw up like “vacation job” but better approach is to plan and managed as a project → goals, time limitations, resources has to be set → student's vision is the key factor Best concept? Benefits FI S C shaping own future ✓ ✓ establishing contacts ✓ ✓ ✓ praxis related to studies ✓ ✓ ✓ enrichment of theoretical knowlege by experience ✓ ✓ ✓ systematic buildig and extending knowledge ✓ ✓ ✓ source of potential employees and employeers ✓ ✓ financial support of PPS ✓ ✓ FI – Faculty of Informatics, S – student, C - company team projects thesis (preliminary analysis) + workshops/seminars/lectures at FI team projects thesis (preliminary analysis) + workshops/seminars/lectures at FI first phase internships at companies internships at companies second phase involve experts from companies involve FI (administrative and technical support) full – time jobfull – time job part – time jobpart – time job Poster Presentations Supporting the Process of Learning Mobile Application User Interfaces References Lucia Tokárová, Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic The objective of this research project is to investigate how people learn to use mobile applications, and how can this process be supported in different phases so that they quickly perceive the value of the application, accomplish basic tasks, and gradually learn new features in a natural way. • focus on understanding the activity and attaining momentary goals • frequent, perceptually salient errors with immediate consequences • help of parent or teacher The process of learning • gaining experience • less frequent and serious mistakes • level of concentration is reduced • attaining an acceptable level of performance • performance is not actively controlled • most people do not perceive an urge for further improvements • the same level of performance is maintained for months/years • continuous learning • individuals are not satisfied with acceptable level of performance • deliberate practice: seeking challenges to achieve ever higher level of performance • first contact with application • focus on understanding purpose of the application, accomplishing basic tasks • ad-hoc feature exploration • asking for help (experienced user/forum) • practice and familiarization • short sessions with the application, predictable usage patterns [2] • ad-hoc problem solving • fewer mistakes, faster task completion • performance becomes autonomous, users focus on task instead of UI • most users stop learning new strategies and start actively avoiding frustrating and unfamiliar situations • finding more efficient ways • learning shortcuts • exploration of advanced features • personalization of user interface • systematic approach to problem-solving • with practice, users become quicker but not more efficient • problem-solving strategies differ among user groups [2] • users do not perceive an urge for further improvements, they tend to stick to familiar strategies • as individuals improve their performance, their needs evolve and the user interface should reflect these changes The process of learning mobile applications Gestural UIs are engaging and intuitive for simple tasks but not for advanced operations [4]. Sessions with mobile applications are short [1, 6] and variable in the context of use [6], which affect users’attention. Solely visual user interfaces without haptic feedback prevent activation of the muscle memory. Small screens provide space for displaying high-priority functions and reduce discoverability of advanced features [4]. With the recent expansion of the mobile industry, applications for mobile devices are becoming more complex, empowering people to perform more advanced tasks. However, modern mobile user interfaces introduce several challenges, which affect learnability of mobile applications. For example: Objective Methodology & expected results • most users leave mobile applications in the initial phase [3] due to insufficient onboarding strategies Research question: How to continuously support the process of learning mobile application user interfaces? Learning is a long-term process. Individual’s needs are changing over time. To achieve the highest levels of expertise, learners should be engaged in deliberate practice to continuously improve their performance. (via [5]) Thisstudywillconsistofobservationofusers’behaviorintheprocessoflearning mobile UIs. Patterns in users’ behavior will be investigated, in order to create learning profiles of representative user groups. Further profile examination should lead to the design of support mechanisms that will encourage various types of learners in the process of continuous learning of mobile applications. [1] Böhmer, M. et al. 2011. Falling asleep with angry birds, facebook and kindle: a large scale study on mobile application usage. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services (MobileHCI 2011). Sweden, Stockholm, 30 August – 2 September 2011:47–56. [2] Burnett, M.M. et al. 2011. Gender pluralism in problem-solving software. Interacting with Computers, 23(5):450–460. [3] Min, A. 2011. 26% of Mobile Application Users are Fickle — or Loyal. [05 December 2012]. [4] Norman, D. 2010. Natural user interfaces are not natural. interactions, 17(3):6–10. [5] Oulasvirta, A. et al. 2011. What does it mean to be good at using a mobile device? An investigation of three levels of experience and skill. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 69(3):155–169. [6] Oulasvirta, A. et al. 2005. Interaction in 4-Second Bursts : The Fragmented Nature of Attentional Resources in Mobile HCI. Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2005). USA, Oregon, Portland, 2 – 7 April 2005:910–928. The initial phase PrObLeM 1 PrObLeM 2 PrObLeM 3 PrObLeM 4 The expert approach The last phaseThe middle phase The initial phase Masaryk University, Brno 26 February 2013