Organizational Regulations of the Faculty of Informatics (as amended with effect from 1 January 2024) Pursuant to Section 28(1) of Act No. 111/1998 Coll. on Higher Education and on Amendments and Supplements to Other Acts (Act on Higher Education), as amended (hereinafter referred to as "the Act"), I issue these Organizational Regulations: Article 1 Introductory provisions (1) These Organizational Regulations are based on the provisions of Section 33(2)(e) of the Act, the Statutes of Masaryk University and the Statutes of the Faculty of Informatics. Its provisions reflect the Organisational Regulations of Masaryk University. (2) The Organisational Regulations of the Faculty of Informatics (hereinafter referred to as "Organisational Regulations") specify and supplement some provisions of the above-mentioned legal norms in the area of organisational structure and determine the scope and powers of departments and functions at the Faculty of Informatics of Masaryk University (hereinafter referred to as "Faculty" or "FI MU"), defining the division of activities and their provision by the organisational units of the Faculty. (3) For the purposes of simplifying the text of these Organizational Regulations, a role or function referred to in the form of a generic masculine shall mean a role or function performed by persons of different gender. Article 2 Status and rights of the faculty (1) The Faculty of Informatics is a part of Masaryk University (hereinafter referred to as the "University" or "MU") established by Act No. 50/1919 Coll., which established the second Czech university. The Faculty was established by a decision of the Senate of Masaryk University on 24 April 1994. (2) The position of the faculty and its relations to the University are defined by law, the Statutes of Masaryk University and the internal regulations of the University. (3) The bodies of the faculty have the right to decide or act for the university to the extent provided by law in the following matters concerning the faculty: a) establishment of self-governing academic bodies of the faculty, b) internal organisation of the faculty, c) Habilitation and appointment as professor, d) handling of funds allocated to the faculty, e) labour relations. (4) The bodies of the faculty shall also have the right to decide or act for the university to the extent provided by law and the statutes of the university in such matters concerning the faculty: a) design and implementation of study programmes, b) strategic focus of creative activity, c) foreign relations and activities, d) supplementary activities and the use of funds obtained from these activities, e) in other matters of the Faculty entrusted by the Statutes of the University. Article 3 Bodies of the Faculty (1) The self-governing bodies of the faculty are: a) FI Academic Senate, b) Dean, c) FI Scientific Council, d) Disciplinary Commission FI. (2) Another body of the Faculty is the Secretary. (3) The Academic Senate of FI (hereinafter also referred to as "AS FI") is its self-governing academic body. Its legal status, the manner of its establishment and its powers are determined by law, the Statute of Masaryk University, the Statute of the Faculty of Informatics, the Electoral Regulations of the FI AS and the Rules of Procedure of the FI AS. (4) The legal status of the Dean and his/her powers are regulated by law, the Statutes of Masaryk University and the Statutes of the Faculty of Informatics. (5) The legal status of the FI Scientific Council and its powers are regulated by law, the Statutes of Masaryk University, the Statutes of the Faculty of Informatics and the Rules of Procedure of the FI MU Scientific Council. (6) The FI Disciplinary Committee discusses disciplinary offences of students enrolled at the Faculty and submits a proposal for a decision to the Dean. Its position is regulated in detail by the law, the Statutes of Masaryk University, the Statutes of the Faculty of Informatics, the Disciplinary Regulations of Masaryk University and the Disciplinary Regulations of FI MU. (7) The Secretary manages the management and internal administration of the Faculty within the scope set by the Dean's measure. The Secretary is appointed and dismissed by the Dean. The Secretary is responsible to the Dean for the performance of activities within the scope of his/her authority. Article 4 Organisational structure of the faculty (1) The Faculty is organizationally divided into the following departments: a) Departments - are workplaces for the implementation of educational, creative and related activities of the faculty; research laboratories may be part of departments, but they do not have the status of an independent workplace, b) Purpose-built facilities - are workplaces for supporting the educational, creative and related activities of the faculty at FI: · Computer Technology Centre, · Centre for Education, Research and Innovation in Information and Communication Technologies (hereinafter referred to as "CERIT"), · Library, · Building Management, c) Dean's Office - is a workplace for ensuring the administrative activities of the faculty, for ensuring its operation and for preparing documents for the dean's decision-making, its components are: · Economic Department, · Department of Doctoral and International Studies, · Department of Academic Affairs and Quality, · Department of External Relations and Cooperation with Partners, · Research and Project Support Department, · Human Resources, · Dean's Secretariat, · Study Department. (2) Purpose-built facilities and the Dean's Office may be subdivided into departments, groups or sections as units fulfilling an organisational or thematic role. (3) The establishment, merger and dissolution of the departments referred to in paragraph 1(a) and (b) of this Article shall be decided by the FI Academic Senate on the proposal of the Dean. The Dean shall decide on the establishment, merger and abolition of departments of the Dean's Office. (4) The organisational structure of the Faculty is schematically presented in Annex 1 to these Organisational Regulations. (5) A more detailed definition of the powers and responsibilities for the performance of the individual activities of the special purpose facilities and the Dean's Office is set out in Articles 16-27 of these Organisational Regulations. Article 5 Economic structure of the faculty (1) The Faculty is managed as an independent economic centre of the University. The Dean of the Faculty is responsible for the comprehensive management of the Faculty's financial resources and property. (2) The management of the Faculty is governed by the standards set out in the Masaryk University Organisational Regulations and other internal regulations. The authority and responsibility in the exercise of financial control are laid down in the internal regulations of MU and FI. (3) The Faculty has a central budget system, without a breakdown into individual organisational units. Departments are allocated a portion of the funds from the contribution to educational activities based on the results of departmental evaluation. Article 6 Faculty management system (1) The Faculty is headed by a Dean appointed by the Rector on the proposal of the FI Academic Senate. (2) The dean is represented by vice-deans in the assigned area of activity and by the secretary in economic and administrative matters. (3) The management structure of the Faculty is a divisional structure with an arrangement of management relations combining direct (linear) and methodical (functional) management relations at two levels of management: a) central level, i.e. at the level of the faculty as a whole, b) divisional level, i.e. at the level of individual organisational units of the faculty. (4) Direct (line) management is applied by the rule of indivisible managerial (decision-making) authority and responsibility of managers in the direct management line. Line managers are: a) at the central management level: · Dean, · Secretary, b) at the divisional level: · Heads of Departments, · Director of CERIT, · heads of special-purpose facilities, · the heads of the individual departments of the Dean's Office. (5) Under the direct management authority of the Dean are: a) vice-deans (in the assigned area of activity), b) Secretary, c) Heads of Departments, d) Director of CERIT. (6) Under the direct management authority of the Secretary are: a) the heads of the individual departments of the Dean's Office, b) staff of the Dean's Secretariat, c) Heads of special-purpose establishments other than CERIT. (7) Methodological management is applied in the form of directing and coordinating professional activities in the assigned area of activity of individual organisational units, which is carried out by senior staff responsible for methodological management in the given area of activity, both at the level of the faculty as a whole and at the level of organisational units. Coordination of professional activities is achieved by agreement between professional managers at a higher management level and senior staff at the same or a lower management level. (8) Senior employees responsible for methodological management provide individual consultations, binding opinions and propose internal standards to the Dean to regulate the professional activities of individual organisational units. (9) Methodological leaders within the faculty are: a) Vice-Deans in relation to the staff of designated departments of the Dean's Office, b) the Secretary in relation to employees of departments under the direct management authority of the Dean in the areas of management, asset management and financial control. (10) Project management is also applied at the faculty due to the project management, where different project teams are created for different projects, with different leaders and different roles of individual staff nominated to each team. In the project management system, a distinction is made between superiors in the assignment and control of work directly related to the project and in other employment relationships. In the project management system, the project manager instructs and controls employees only in matters directly related to the project. Article 7 Advisory bodies of the Dean (1) The faculty management consisting of the dean, vice-deans, secretary, or other members determined by the dean, provides decision support at the central level of faculty management. (2) The Dean's College is a permanent advisory body of the Dean, with the main purpose of its activities being a coordinating role in the scope of the main tasks, economic activities, and management of the Faculty, including cooperation and collaboration of individual departments of the Faculty. The composition of the Dean's College is determined by the Dean, its members are: a) Dean, b) vice deans, c) Secretary, d) Heads of Departments, e) President of the FI Academic Senate, f) President of the Student Chamber of the FI Academic Senate, g) or other members designated by the Dean. (3) In accordance with the law and the MU internal regulation on the Approval, Management and Quality Assessment of Study Programmes of Masaryk University, each doctoral programme has a departmental board which monitors and evaluates the study and guarantees its consistently high standard. The rules for its composition, establishment and its powers within the process of quality assurance of doctoral programmes are laid down in the MU Internal Regulation on Approval, Management and Evaluation of the Quality of Study Programmes of Masaryk University. (4) On the proposal of the departmental board, the dean may establish departmental committees for individual fields of study or for curricula with specialisation. The members and chairpersons of the departmental committees are appointed by the dean on the basis of a proposal from the departmental board. The chairperson of the specialisation committee must be a member of the specialisation board of the doctoral programme concerned. (5) The Subject Committee, together with the Vice-Dean for Study Programmes and Internationalisation, is an advisory body to the Dean on issues of the organisation and content of teaching. The Subject Committee monitors trends in teaching and makes suggestions to the Dean for improving and innovating the organisation and delivery of teaching. Its members are heads of departments. (6) The Library Board approves proposed purchases of books and journals, collects and coordinates requests for the purchase of electronic information resources, and, through the Head of the Library, actively participates in university-wide projects related to electronic information resources. Members of the Library Board are representatives of all departments of the Faculty, nominated by the Heads of Departments. The Dean appoints the Library Board and its chairperson. (7) The dean establishes other advisory bodies as necessary for his/her decision-making. The list and composition of the advisory bodies is recorded and updated by the Dean's Secretariat and published on the Faculty's website. Article 8 Dean (1) The Dean acts and decides on behalf of the University in matters concerning the Faculty as specified in the Act, the Statutes of Masaryk University, the Organizational Regulations of Masaryk University, the Statutes of the Faculty of Informatics and other internal standards of the University, to the extent specified therein. (2) The Rector appoints and dismisses the Dean on the proposal of the FI Academic Senate. (3) The Rector may dismiss a dean on his or her own initiative, only after prior opinion of the FI Academic Senate and with the consent of the MU Academic Senate, in the event that the dean fails to perform his or her duties in a serious manner or seriously harms the interests of the University or the Faculty. (4) The term of office of the Dean is four years. The same person may hold the office of dean at the same faculty for a maximum of two consecutive terms. (5) In addition to the activities provided for by law, the Statute of Masaryk University and the Statute of the Faculty of Informatics, the Dean is responsible for: a) submitting proposals to the FI Academic Senate (e.g. proposal for the establishment, merger and division of departments, proposal for the annual activity report, proposal for the annual management report, proposal for the budget, proposal for the conditions for admission to study in study programmes implemented by the Faculty, proposal for study programmes implemented by the Faculty, proposal for the appointment and dismissal of members of the FI Scientific Council, the FI Disciplinary Committee, proposal for the long-term plan of educational, creative and related activities), b) appointment and dismissal of Vice-Deans after discussion by the FI Academic Senate, c) appointment and removal of members of the FI Scientific Council and the FI Disciplinary Committee after approval by the FI Academic Senate, d) announcement of the competition for the post of Secretary, his appointment and dismissal, e) appointment and dismissal of the heads of faculty departments under the direct management authority of the Dean, f) Execution of all labour law matters with respect to senior staff in its direct management competence and staff assigned to departments and CERIT workplaces, in particular announcement of selection procedures, conclusion of agreements on the establishment, change and termination of employment and agreements on work performed outside the employment relationship, determination and adjustment of salaries, proposals for remuneration, evaluation of senior staff in its direct management competence and staff assigned to departments and CERIT workplaces, g) deciding on general issues of the working regime of faculty staff (holidays, overtime, working time adjustments), h) the exercise of powers in relation to the habilitation procedure and the procedure for the appointment of professor at faculty level, i) deciding in the first instance on the admission of applicants to study in study programmes implemented by the faculty, deciding on the rights and obligations of students in study programmes implemented by the faculty, issuing supplements to diplomas, certificates and certificates of completion of studies, j) announcement of the Faculty's scholarship programmes, awarding of scholarships paid from the Faculty's financial resources, k) in accordance with the MU Disciplinary Regulations and the FI Disciplinary Regulations and following the recommendations of the FI Disciplinary Committee, decides on the imposition of sanctions on students, l) Approval of statistical reports on students of the faculty, m) admission of participants of lifelong learning to studies carried out by the faculty, deciding on the rights and obligations of participants of lifelong learning carried out by the faculty, issuing certificates of completion of studies within the framework of lifelong learning, n) concluding agreements on cooperation in matters concerning the faculty, o) concluding agreements on faculty membership in supranational or international organisations, p) Procurement of public contracts paid from the financial resources of the Faculty, q) appointment of study programme guarantors after approval by the FI Scientific Council, r) the establishment of advisory bodies and commissions, the appointment of its members and the management of its activities (programme councils, subject councils and commissions, library councils, subject commissions, etc.). (6) The Dean exercises direct management authority over: a) to the vice deans, b) Secretary, c) to the heads of the departments, d) to the Director of CERIT. (7) The dean is accountable to the FI Academic Senate and, to the extent determined by the university statutes, to the rector. The Dean is particularly responsible for: a) compliance with laws, other legal regulations and statutes of the University and the Faculty, b) the quality of educational, creative and related activities and the internal evaluation of the quality of educational, creative and related activities and for creating the conditions for these activities, c) for the management of the faculty's allocated funds according to their intended purpose, for the management of the faculty's own funds and for the management of the property managed by the faculty. (8) The dean may, by these organisational regulations or by a measure of the dean, permanently or temporarily transfer his/her powers to vice-deans, the secretary or other authorised persons. (9) The dean is obliged to designate a statutory representative from among the vice-deans who represents him/her in his/her absence in full. Article 9 Vice-Deans (1) Vice-Deans are permanent representatives of the Dean in the areas of activities entrusted to them, in which they act on his/her behalf to the extent provided by law, the Statutes of Masaryk University, the Statutes of the Faculty of Informatics and these Organizational Regulations. (2) Vice-deans are appointed and dismissed by the Dean after discussion in the FI Academic Senate. The Dean also decides on their number and the scope of their activities. (3) Vice-deans represent each other in a manner determined by the dean by his/her measure. (4) Vice-deans methodically manage, control and coordinate the activities of the faculty departments in their areas of competence. This is without prejudice to the powers that are the exclusive responsibility of the Dean or the Secretary. (5) Vice Dean for Undergraduate Studies a) The areas of activity entrusted to us are: · management of student affairs in Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes implemented at the Faculty, including admission procedures and state final examinations and scholarship policy for Bachelor's and Master's students, · the agenda of fees associated with studies in Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes implemented by the Faculty, · counselling activities for students, · lifelong learning, including the setting of fees associated with lifelong learning, · management of the student mobility agenda in Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes implemented by the Faculty. b) The Vice Dean for Undergraduate Studies in particular: · prepares documents for the Dean's decision on the admission of applicants to Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes implemented by the Faculty, · Executes decisions on the rights and obligations of students of Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes implemented by the Faculty (e.g. interruption of studies, approval of early return after interruption of studies, approval of transfers, change of form of study, recognition or non-recognition of a course), · prepares proposals for fees for admissions and study, · decides on the award, modification and withdrawal of scholarships for scholarship programmes for which it has been determined by a measure of the Dean or by a relevant faculty regulation, · in cooperation with the Vice-Dean for Study Programmes and Internationalisation, methodically manages the creation of academic year schedules and the timetable agenda, · coordinates the provision of studies in lifelong learning programmes, · cooperates with the Vice-Dean for Study Programmes and Internationalisation on the internal evaluation of the quality of educational activities, in particular on the system of quality evaluation of Bachelor's and Master's study programmes implemented by the Faculty, on the control of the activities of the programme boards of Bachelor's and Master's study programmes implemented by the Faculty, on the preparation of accreditations and re-accreditations of Bachelor's and Master's study programmes implemented by the Faculty, on the preparation of study plans, etc, · cooperates with the Vice-Dean for External Relations and Cooperation with Partners in promoting studies at the Faculty, · cooperates with the relevant Vice-Chancellor, · collaborates in the development of university and faculty regulations in the field, · methodically directs, controls and coordinates the activities of the faculty departments in the areas of its competence. c) The following powers are permanently delegated to it: · decisions on the rights and obligations of students of Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes implemented by the Faculty, · awarding, modifying and withdrawing scholarships to bachelor's and master's students for scholarship programmes for which it has been determined by a measure of the Dean or by a relevant faculty regulation, · recruitment of participants in the Faculty's lifelong learning, · decisions on the rights and obligations of participants in the Faculty's lifelong learning, including the issuance of certificates of completion of lifelong learning undertaken by the Faculty, · managerial powers in relation to the Head of the Study Department, except those which are the exclusive responsibility of the Registrar. (6) Vice Dean for Study Programmes and Internationalisation a) The areas of activity entrusted to us are: · conceptual and methodological activities in the field of quality assurance and internal quality assessment of educational, scientific, research, development and innovation, artistic or other creative activities (hereinafter referred to as "creative activities"), · preparation, accreditation and re-accreditation of study programmes implemented by the Faculty, · Preparation, accreditation and re-accreditation of habilitation procedures and procedures for appointment as professor, · the concept of development and methodological support of study programmes implemented by the faculty, · Recognition of foreign higher education and qualifications, · the agenda of student work placements in professional studies, · support/coordination of activities to increase student success, · the management of matters relating to the award of academic degrees pursuant to Section 46(5) of the Act (rigorosum proceedings), · the management of matters in habilitation and professorial appointment procedures, · coordination of the awarding of MU and FI honours and prizes, · management of student affairs in study programmes implemented at the faculty in cooperation with foreign institutions. b) Vice Dean for Study Programmes and Internationalisation, in particular: · compiles the study catalogue for the relevant academic year for all forms of study, · manages and sets up a system of internal evaluation of the quality of educational and creative activities, · coordinates processes related to the quality of studies at the faculty, · controls the activities of the programme boards of study programmes implemented by the faculty, · coordinates the preparation of accreditation and re-accreditation of study programmes implemented by the faculty, the preparation of study plans, etc., · decides on the award, modification and withdrawal of scholarships for scholarship programmes for which it has been determined by a measure of the Dean or by a relevant faculty regulation, · prepares documents for the preparation of the Faculty's strategic plans and annual reports, · participates in the evaluation of academic and research staff of the faculty in the field of educational activities, · in cooperation with the Vice-Dean for Undergraduate Studies and the Vice-Dean for Research and Doctoral Studies, ensures internal evaluation of the quality of educational and creative activities, · in cooperation with the Vice-Dean for Undergraduate Studies and the Vice-Dean for Research and Doctoral Studies, it ensures accreditation and re-accreditation of study programmes implemented by the Faculty, habilitation procedures and procedures for appointment as professor, · in cooperation with the Vice-Dean for Undergraduate Studies methodically manages the creation of academic year schedules and the timetable agenda, · cooperates with the relevant Vice-Chancellor, · collaborates in the development of university and faculty regulations in the field, · methodically directs, controls and coordinates the activities of the faculty departments in the areas of its competence. c) The following powers are permanently delegated to it: · coordination of the preparation, accreditation and re-accreditation of study programmes implemented by the Faculty, · internal evaluation of the quality of educational and creative activities at the faculty, · decisions on the recognition of foreign higher education and qualifications, · awarding, modifying and withdrawing scholarships for scholarship programmes for which it has been determined by a measure of the Dean or a relevant faculty regulation, · managerial powers in relation to the Head of Academic Affairs and Quality and the Head of Studies, except those which are the exclusive responsibility of the Registrar. (7) Vice Dean for External Relations and Cooperation with Partners a) The areas of activity entrusted to us are: · public relations faculty, · Preparation and implementation of communication strategies in relation to selected target groups (applicants, accepted applicants, students, graduates, employees, etc.), · conception and implementation of promotion and presentation of the faculty on the Internet (faculty website, social networks), promotional events of the faculty (including fairs and Open Days), · Coordinating the development and maintenance of the website, including the Employee Portal, · cooperation with secondary schools, alumni and other external bodies, · coordination of activities related to the MU Centre for Technology Transfer, · conception and management of cooperation with industrial partners, · academic entrepreneurship support and related consultancy, · Promotion of examples of good practice in faculty-industry cooperation, · support and advice in the involvement of practitioners in teaching and in the management of final theses in cooperation with industrial partners, · Supporting student organizations and faculty student activities. b) Vice Dean for External Relations and Cooperation with Partners Especially: · develops a concept for building the Faculty's external relations and proposes a strategy for the presentation of the Faculty, · Ensures faculty involvement in the University's external relations strategy, · participates in determining the form of the faculty's web pages and coordinates the agenda of the faculty's promotional materials, · coordinates the organisation of public and festive events of the Faculty (e.g.: Open Days, Researchers' Night, conferences, workshops, ...), · ensures contact with student associations operating at the faculty, · coordinates the popularization of the educational and creative activities of the faculty, · decides on the award, modification and withdrawal of scholarships for scholarship programmes for which it has been determined by a measure of the Dean or by a relevant faculty regulation, · in cooperation with the Vice-Dean for Undergraduate Studies and the Vice-Dean for Research and Doctoral Studies, ensures the promotion of studies and creative activities at the Faculty, · cooperates with the relevant Vice-Chancellor, · collaborates in the development of university and faculty regulations in the field. c) The following powers are permanently delegated to it: · managing the activities of the FI Industry Partners Association, · awarding, modifying and withdrawing scholarships for scholarship programmes for which it has been determined by a measure of the Dean or a relevant faculty regulation, · managerial powers over the Head of External Relations and Partnerships, the Head of Research and Project Support and the Head of Academic Affairs and Quality, except those which are the exclusive responsibility of the Registrar. (8) Vice Dean for Research and Doctoral Studies a) The areas of activity entrusted to us are: · management of student affairs in doctoral study programmes implemented at the faculty, including admission procedures and final examinations and scholarship policy for doctoral students, · Coordination of faculty policy in the area of institutional support for research and development, · Coordination of the preparation and implementation of research and development projects at the Faculty financed from national and foreign public sources, especially in the area of institutional and special-purpose support for research and development, · coordination of support for students' creative activities, · Coordination of the faculty policy for the development and use of research infrastructure, · monitoring of research and development performance and participation in the evaluation of the quality of creative activities, · Coordination and management of library services, including electronic information resources, · management and protection of intellectual property, · management of editorial activities. b) Vice-Dean for Research and Doctoral Studies, in particular: · prepares documents for the Dean's decision on the admission of applicants to doctoral study programmes implemented by the Faculty, · Executes decisions on the rights and obligations of students of doctoral study programmes implemented by the Faculty (e.g. interruption of studies, approval of early return after interruption of studies, approval of transfers, change of form of study, recognition or non-recognition of a course), · decides on the award, modification and withdrawal of scholarships for scholarship programmes for which it has been determined by a measure of the Dean or by a relevant faculty regulation, · coordinates the planning, preparation, administration and implementation of projects of a faculty-wide nature, · participates in the evaluation of academic and research staff of the faculty in the field of creative activities, · cooperates with the Vice-Dean for Study Programmes and Internationalisation on the preparation of long-term concepts of the Faculty in the field of science and research, · cooperates with the Vice-Dean for Study Programmes and Internationalisation on the internal evaluation of the quality of creative activities, including the reporting of research and artistic activities (RIV, RUV) and on the preparation of accreditations and re-accreditations of doctoral study programmes implemented by the Faculty, · cooperates with the Vice-Dean for External Relations and Cooperation with Partners in the promotion of doctoral studies and popularization of creative activities at the Faculty, · cooperates with the relevant Vice-Chancellor, · collaborates in the development of university and faculty regulations in the field, · methodically directs, controls and coordinates the activities of the faculty departments in the areas of its competence. c) The following powers are permanently delegated to it: · coordination of planning, preparation, administration and evaluation of projects of a faculty-wide nature, · decisions on the rights and obligations of students of doctoral study programmes implemented by the faculty, · awarding, modification and withdrawal of scholarships for scholarship programmes for which it has been determined by a measure of the Dean or by a relevant faculty regulation, · managerial powers over the Head of Research and Project Support, the Head of Academic Affairs and Quality and the Head of the Study Department, except those which are the exclusive responsibility of the Registrar. Article 10 Secretary (1) The Secretary is the representative of the Dean in the areas of activity entrusted to him/her, in which he/she acts on his/her behalf, unless ‑otherwise expressly provided for in the Statutes of the University or the Faculty, these Organisational Regulations or other regulations. He/she shall be ‑directly subordinate to the Dean of the Faculty, to whom he/she shall be responsible for his/her activities and for the legality in ensuring the economic and administrative running of the Faculty. (2) The Secretary is appointed by the Dean on the basis of a selection procedure. The Dean may also dismiss the Secretary at any time. (3) The Secretary manages the management and internal administration of the Faculty. In order to ensure a comprehensive coordinated approach of the Faculty, the Secretary cooperates with the heads of other departments and divisions of the Faculty, directs and controls their work in the assigned areas of activity. (4) The areas of activity entrusted to the Secretary are: a) Economics and accounting of the Faculty, budget management and financial control, b) internal audit and control activities, c) building maintenance, reconstruction and modernization of the building managed by the faculty, d) asset management, maintenance and inventory, e) operational and technical matters of the faculty, f) Managing the employment affairs of the staff of the various departments of the Dean's Office, the Computing Centre, the Library and the Buildings Management , g) management of legal services and coordination of internal legislation, h) public procurement agenda, i) analysis and evaluation of the economic feasibility and sustainability of strategic projects. (5) The following areas of activity shall be the exclusive responsibility of the Secretary: a) Faculty budget, management analysis and annual management report, b) preparation and submission of faculty investment plans to RMU, c) asset management, protection and inventory, d) management of economic and administrative activities at the faculty, e) announcing selection procedures for non-academic staff positions assigned to the faculty, except for staff of departments under the direct management authority of the dean, f) concluding agreements on the establishment, change and termination of employment and agreements on work performed outside the employment relationship with non-academic staff assigned to the faculty, except for employees of departments under the direct management authority of the dean, g) Determination and adjustment of salaries and remuneration of non-academic staff assigned to individual departments of the Dean's Office, Computer Centre, Library and Building Management, h) sending the heads of individual departments of the Dean's Office, the Computer Centre, the Library and the Building Management on business trips, i) Exercise all management authority over subordinate departments, j) Conclusion, amendment and termination of contracts for short-term lease of real estate which the faculty is authorized to manage, provided that the duration of the lease for a single case does not exceed the period set by the internal regulations of the University , k) an internal control plan and its evaluation, l) the conclusion of agreements on material responsibility and certificates on the management of the funds entrusted to them, m) Issuing and approving internal standards of the Faculty in the area entrusted to the Secretary and updating them. (6) The secretary organizes the performance of tasks in the field of occupational safety and health and fire protection. (7) The Secretary is authorised to perform legal acts on behalf of the Faculty which the Faculty disposes of property which the Faculty is authorised to manage, legal acts related to ensuring the operation of the Faculty, legal acts related to ensuring health and safety at work, up to the amount set by the Public Procurement Act for small-scale contracts , unless these acts are within the exclusive competence of the Rector, the Bursar or the Dean. (8) In addition to the general duties, responsibilities and rights of a senior staff member, the Secretary shall be responsible in particular for the following activities: a) management and internal administration of the Faculty to the extent determined by the Dean, b) keeping proper records of economic operations in accordance with applicable regulations, c) management and protection of the faculty's property, d) inventory of the faculty's assets and liabilities, e) maintaining the filing service in accordance with the Filing and Shredding Rules. Article 11 Senior staff (1) Senior employees are those employees who manage an organisational unit of the faculty at any organisational level, have at least one subordinate employee and are authorised at individual levels of faculty management to determine and impose work tasks on subordinate employees, to organise, direct and control their work and to give them binding instructions to this end. (2) Senior staff members shall follow the instructions of the Dean, or his/her authorised representative, the Secretary or the Vice-Dean in accordance with these Organisational Regulations. (3) Senior employee in particular: a) Exercise all managerial powers over the employees under him/her except those which are the exclusive responsibility of the Dean, Vice-Deans and the Secretary, b) submits proposals to the Dean or the Secretary for the announcement of a selection procedure for filling the post, c) submits to the Dean or the Secretary proposals for the conclusion of agreements on the establishment, change and termination of the employment relationship and agreements on work performed outside the employment relationship in relation to employees under his/her authority, d) is obliged to determine in writing for subordinate employees (except academic staff) on commencement of work or on change of work assignment the distribution of working hours and the scope of their work duties (workload), according to which the employees are assigned to the appropriate class according to the job catalogue, e) submits to the Dean or Secretary proposals for the determination and adjustment of salaries and remuneration in relation to the employees under him/her, f) sends subordinate staff on mission and determines the conditions which may affect the granting and amount of travel allowances, in particular the time and place of commencement and termination of the journey, the place of performance of the duties, the mode of transport (including the use of private motor vehicles) and accommodation, g) determines the use of leave and is responsible for attendance; in the case of employees with a split time between several workplaces, these powers are exercised by the head of the workplace to which the employee is assigned on a tribal basis, and the employee is obliged to inform the heads of all workplaces to which he/she is assigned about the business trip or leave, h) Ensures that the professional level of subordinate employees is improved, i) handles the evaluation of subordinate employees, j) leads subordinate employees to comply with work discipline, safety and health and safety regulations, k) enters into agreements to accept and be responsible for the loss of items entrusted to , l) informs subordinate staff of the facts and documents necessary for their work, m) submit requests for investment funds to the Secretary, n) provides periodic and one-off inspection activities. (4) A senior member of staff is responsible to his/her supervisor in particular for: a) the activities of the assigned organisational unit and the implementation of the instructions of the management staff, b) economical, efficient and effective use of allocated financial resources, in accordance with legal standards and MU internal regulations, c) proper management and protection of the property at the workplace, takes care of its maintenance and repair and possible restoration, d) compliance with the directives and other regulations of Masaryk University and the Faculty in all areas of activity, e) creating favourable working conditions and ensuring health and safety at work. Article 12 Head of Department (1) The head of the department is appointed by the dean from among professors, associate professors or, in exceptional cases, assistant professors on the basis of the results of the selection procedure. The term of office of the Head of Department is three years. (2) The head of the department is directly supervised by the dean of the faculty, and methodologically supervised by the respective vice-deans. In the field of economic and administrative matters, he is methodologically controlled by the secretary. (3) The head of the department in particular: a) monitors and manages the teaching load of department members, b) is determined by the teacher of the subjects provided by the department, c) monitors the amount of teaching delegated to external collaborators, d) actively ensures, in cooperation with other heads of departments, the equality of working conditions of academics across departments and participates in the decision on the creation or termination of taught courses as a member of the FI Subject Committee, e) carries out evaluation of academic staff according to faculty rules, based on the quality of their teaching performance, scientific performance and work for the academic community, f) establishes plans for the qualification and professional growth of department members, their annual review and evaluation, proposals for adjusting the amount of performance bonuses based on the results of the evaluation. (4) In addition to the above general duties, the Head of Department is responsible for: a) carrying out all educational activities assigned to the department according to the instructions of the respective vice-deans, study programme guarantors and the Study Department, b) organization and overall quality of teaching of courses provided by the department, c) assignment and guidance of bachelor and master theses, d) in the economic area, it is responsible for the management of the departmental budget, which supports the activities of the research groups and laboratories relevant to the department. (5) Head of the department as a member of the FI academic community: a) leads the teaching of selected subjects or is otherwise significantly involved in teaching, b) is at least partially scientifically active. Article 13 Project Leader (Principal Investigator) (1) The project leader (researcher) is a temporary role that is established for the duration of the project and does not constitute a functional position in the organisational structure of the faculty. (2) The project leader (researcher) may be authorised and dismissed by the Dean. An integral part of the assignment is the establishment of specific rights and obligations of the project leader (researcher), including the allocation of financial, material and personnel capacities for the project and the establishment of rules for their disposition. (3) If the project is designed to use the capacities of several different MU units, the above-mentioned definition of rights and obligations and allocation of capacities is preceded by an agreement between the senior staff of these units. In the event of a dispute, the Rector shall decide. (4) In the organizational and material issues of the project, the persons specified in the Organizational Regulations of Masaryk University and the relevant economic centre have methodological supervision and control authority. The economic aspect of the project is methodically managed and controlled by the Secretary. (5) Project leader (researcher): a) is responsible for the substantive solution of the project according to its assignment, b) is responsible for the economic, efficient and effective use of the resources allocated in the project budget in accordance with the applicable regulations. c) usually ensures the financial control of the project as the principal of the operation, d) in the line structure, he/she is subordinate to the head of the organisational unit where the project is registered. Article 14 Representation of senior staff (1) In his absence, the dean is fully represented by his statutory representative, and in his absence by other vice-deans as determined by the dean by his measure. (2) Vice-deans substitute for each other during their absence on the basis of the dean's arrangements. (3) In his absence, the Secretary shall be fully represented by the Head of the Economic Department or such other staff as the Secretary may determine by measure. (4) The senior staff referred to in Article 6(4)(b) shall be required to designate a deputy to represent them fully in their absence. (5) The Dean and the Secretary may transfer their powers by their own measure permanently or temporarily to other authorised persons; this does not apply to powers for which this possibility is excluded by law or the Statutes of Masaryk University. Article 15 Guarantors of study programmes (1) The study programme sponsor is appointed by the dean from among the academic staff of the faculty after approval by the FI Scientific Council. (2) The study programme sponsor coordinates the preparation of materials for the application for accreditation, for the extension of the validity of the programme accreditation or for the application for the extension of the accredited programme. (3) The study programme sponsor continuously assesses the staffing of courses for the programme and the current composition of courses. (4) The programme guarantor regularly evaluates the quality of teaching, including through institutionally provided feedback from students, and proposes personnel measures in the area of teaching to the Vice Dean for Study Programmes and Internationalisation. (5) Together with the Vice-Dean for Study Programmes and Internationalisation, he/she participates in the regular evaluation of the study programme. (6) The study programme guarantor is responsible to the Dean for the implementation of the study programme and its quality. (7) The advisory body of the study programme guarantor is the Programme Board, which is one of the main elements of the study quality assurance system at the faculty. The activities of the Programme Board are regulated by the MU Internal Regulation on Approval, Management and Evaluation of the Quality of Study Programmes of Masaryk University. Article 16 CERIT (1) CERIT is a special purpose facility of the faculty, which assists in the preparation and implementation of projects supporting the development of educational and research infrastructure and contributes to building a resilient digital society. (2) In particular, CERIT's activities include: a) ensures the operation of the science and technology park and the business incubator CERIT Science Park, b) Coordinates the preparation and management of projects in the areas of cybersecurity capacity building, governance and regulation in cyberspace, and critical infrastructure resilience, c) establishes and supports cooperation with government departments, public institutions, industry and commercial partners so that knowledge and experience is transferred between the university and the application sphere. (3) The activities of CERIT are managed by the Director, who is subordinate to the Dean. The term of office of the Director is three years. Within the scope of his/her activities, the Director of CERIT shall in particular: a) provides comprehensive management and organisation of CERIT's work, b) prepares documents for the financial plan and budget of CERIT and CERIT Science Park and submits reports on activities and use of funds to the Dean once a year, c) is responsible for compliance with the conditions for the use of the allocated funds and the balanced budget of the CERIT Science Park, d) is responsible for the preparation, implementation and sustainability of projects falling under the CERIT's remit, including compliance with the purpose and conditions of use of the grant provided, compliance with the limits and sources of funding for eligible and ineligible project expenditure, meeting all deliverables within the planned deadlines, in particular meeting the binding indicators, setting and adhering to project budgets, setting and adhering to the overall project schedule, the project risk management system and their elimination, and project sustainability, e) is responsible for compliance with applicable legislation and MU internal standards in the context of the projects and operation of the CERIT Science Park. (4) The Academic Director of CERIT is subordinate to the Director of CERIT and in his/her activities, in particular: a) is responsible for scientific cooperation with companies located in the CERIT Science Park, b) coordinates, shares and creates joint projects with the settled companies in the field of research, development and education in the field of informatics and ICT, c) Responsible for the area of ICT commercialisation and technology transfer and harnessing the potential of the companies located in the CERIT Science Park to strengthen research programmes. Article 17 Computer Technology Centre (1) The Computer Technology Centre is a special-purpose facility of the faculty, which serves to support and develop the educational, creative and related activities of the faculty, provides the necessary technical facilities and participates in the further development of information and communication technologies of the faculty. (2) Within the scope of its activities, the Computer Centre mainly: a) is responsible for the operation of the faculty's computer technology, including the computer network and computer rooms, except for specialized laboratories, b) provides administration of audiovisual equipment in classrooms and lecture halls of the faculty, lends the equipment for teaching if necessary, provides training of users of the equipment, or professional assistance in operation, c) ensures the purchase of computer technology and related equipment and software, except for equipment for specialised laboratories, d) maintains records of hardware and software, prepares ICT assessments for the disposal committee, participates in the physical registration and inventory of assets within the faculty, participates in inventory and asset management, and cooperates with departments in all phases of the life cycle of computer and audiovisual equipment from acquisition to environmental disposal, e) ensures physical handling of ICT and AVT according to the needs of the faculty, transmits the necessary information for the operational registration of material assets to the economic department, f) provides consulting services in the field of information and communication technologies and information systems, g) provides user support in the use of ICT, develops methodological materials and guidelines on ICT, h) provides technical facilities for conferences and other events approved by the Faculty Secretary, i) actively follows modern trends in information and communication technologies and acquires and applies the acquired knowledge in its activities, j) Defines the needs and makes suggestions for the development of the ICT of the faculty and its functionality, k) is responsible for the operation of the faculty website and administration of the domain, l) in cooperation with the Building Management, ensures the operation of EPS, EZS, CCTV, EKV, BMS and other technical and technological equipment of the building, m) in cooperation with the MU Department of Computer Technology, ensures the operation of the faculty's telephone network and is responsible for updating the telephone directories, n) ensures the preparation of documents for the strategic conclusions of the faculty, annual reports, etc., o) cooperates in the development, updating and commenting procedure of university and faculty regulations in the given area. (3) The activities of the Computing Centre are managed by the Head, who is subordinate to the Secretary. The Head of the Computing Centre is responsible in particular for: a) is responsible for the operation of the faculty website and administration of the domain, b) Compliance with all regulations relating to the areas of activity entrusted to them, c) up-to-dateness of information in the subject areas on the faculty's website, d) processing and storing documents in accordance with the MU Filing Regulations. (4) The operation of the Faculty's computer systems and computer classrooms managed by the Computer Centre is regulated by the "Operating Rules for Computer Systems of the Faculty of Informatics" and the "Operating Instructions for Computer Classrooms of the Faculty of Informatics". (5) In addition to other activities for the Faculty, the Computer Centre operates and develops the Information System (IS) as a specific product of the Faculty's research and development activities and provides services on its basis to other entities, in particular Masaryk University as a whole, towards which the Computer Centre acts independently on behalf of the Faculty, as well as to other entities under contracts for the provision of IT services or project solutions, towards which it acts within the terms of contractual arrangements between these entities and the Faculty. Article 18 Library (1) The library is a special-purpose facility of the faculty for professional library, bibliographic and information activities in the fields in which the faculty carries out educational and scientific activities and in related fields. The library provides public library and information services within the meaning of the relevant provisions of the Library Act. It is a part of the MU library system, the activities of which are coordinated by the Library Information Centre of the MU Institute of Computer Technology on the basis of the MU Library Regulations. (2) The provision of services is regulated by the FI MU Library Operating Regulations issued by the Dean of the Faculty. (3) Within its activities, the Library mainly: a) complements and updates the library collection in accordance with the teaching and research objectives of the faculty, selects and purchases specialist literature, specialised types of documents and electronic information resources, implements the requirements of individual departments and workplaces for the purchase of specialist literature, assesses offers for the donation of specialist literature and recommends its inclusion in the collection, b) manages all library collections of the faculty, performs name and subject cataloguing of the library collection in accordance with international standards, creates records for the MU electronic catalogue, performs checks and revisions of the library collection, c) provides interlibrary loan service, d) manages the technical equipment under the responsibility of the library and takes care of their proper operation, e) participates in the provision and promotion of electronic information resources, makes electronic information resources available in accordance with the licence conditions, f) follows new trends in the library sector, g) participates in the expansion of the university's archive of digitized publications, h) keeps records of the library's receivables and prepares documents for their recovery, i) cooperates with other departments of the faculty and the university in areas related to library activities, j) participates in works related to the implementation and operation of specialized library systems based on computer technology, k) supplies the necessary documents for the content and continuous updating of the library's website, l) Provides support and consultation in the areas of Open Science and research data management (FAIR data), publication support and coordination of faculty editorial activities, m) ensures the preparation of documents for the strategic conclusions of the faculty, annual reports, etc., n) cooperates in the development, updating and commenting procedure of university and faculty regulations in the given area. (4) The library is managed by the head, who is subordinate to the Faculty Secretary and in professional matters is methodically directed by the Chairman of the Library Board and the Library Information Centre of the MU Institute of Library and Information Science. The Head of the Library is responsible in particular for: a) Compliance with all regulations relating to the areas of activity entrusted to them, b) up-to-dateness of information in the subject areas on the faculty's website, c) processing and storing documents in accordance with the MU Filing Regulations. Article 19 Building management (1) Building management is a special-purpose facility of the faculty, which ensures the operation and maintenance of the building and external areas of the faculty, including its equipment. In its activities, the building management mainly: a) ensures the operability and routine maintenance of the building, technologies, machinery and equipment affecting the operation and use of buildings (except ICT), including the implementation of minor maintenance of the building in the professions of HVAC (technical equipment of buildings), as well as the implementation of locksmith and carpentry work by its own forces, b) in cooperation with the Computer Technology Centre is responsible for the operation of EPS, EZS, CCTV, EKV, BMS and other technical and technological equipment of the building, c) develops concepts, plans and schedules for the technical management, maintenance and renovation of the building and the basis for their financing, d) secures documents and opinions from professional institutions for building maintenance, reconstruction and modernisation projects, e) participates in the design preparation of building maintenance, reconstruction and modernisation projects, f) maintains the necessary project documentation for the building, g) cleaning of the building, maintenance of paved and grassy areas and winter maintenance of roads, h) ensures the collection, storage, sorting and disposal of waste, i) in the field of energy management, it ensures and coordinates the energy consumption at the faculty, collects documents and prepares proposals for the plan of electricity, water and heating medium consumption, monitors energy and water consumption, proposes and implements optimization measures in energy and water consumption, j) ensures all revisions related to the operation of the building, k) Ensures the smooth operation of the reception service, including building security in the continuous operation of the faculty building, l) ensures the removal of materials and tangible assets, provides the necessary information for the operational registration of tangible assets to the economic department, prepares documents for the liquidation and damage commission, participates in the physical registration and inventory of assets, m) in the area of OSH and OHS, performs the function of the faculty officer, carries out regular inspections and preventive examinations, ensures the elimination of identified defects, keeps records of work accidents, processes statistical reports, provides protective work equipment for selected professions of workers according to the applicable regulations, n) in cooperation with the FI lawyer, ensures the agenda of damage proceedings related to the faculty building and its equipment, o) keep records of personal protective equipment, p) cooperates in the preparation and implementation of faculty events, q) ensures the extraordinary distribution of small information publications and materials for the needs of students and information service to visitors, r) provides the function of a chaplain and participates in academic ceremonies within MU, s) prepares documents for updating departmental data on the faculty's website, t) cooperates in the development, updating and commenting procedure of university and faculty regulations and measures in the given areas. (2) The activities of the Buildings Administration shall be managed by the Head, who shall be subordinate to the Secretary. In particular, the Head of Building Management is responsible for: a) technical operation of the building, security of the building, cleaning of the building, cleaning and safe use of pedestrian roads and parking lots outside and inside the building, b) carrying out maintenance of the building by its own maintenance staff, in the case of a larger scope of work, arranges and coordinates work with external contractors, c) continuous troubleshooting of building assemblies and operational units of the building, d) ensuring a continuous supply of electricity, water and heat, e) waste management, f) maintenance of technical documentation of the building, including updating the building and technological passport, g) Compliance with all regulations relating to the areas of activity entrusted to them, h) up-to-dateness of information in the subject areas on the faculty's website, i) processing and storing documents in accordance with the MU Filing and Shredding Regulations. Article 20 Economic Department (1) The Economic Department is a department of the Dean's Office, within its activities mainly: a) provides comprehensive management and processing of the Faculty's accounting agenda, checks the formal correctness of accounting documents, b) controls compliance with all regulations governing the management of the Faculty's public funds and funds from other sources, c) handles operations related to the closing of the accounts, the annual clearance of all sources of funding and the transition to the next accounting period, d) prepares the budget documents, monitors its implementation, e) maintains the travel order agenda, including the collection of advances in the relevant currency at the RMU currency cash desk, f) ensures the tax and customs agenda according to the RMU methodological management, including sending INTRASTAT CZ reports and withholding tax for the faculty, g) methodically manages the agenda of order processing, participates in their issuance, including communication with suppliers, h) manages the agenda related to the acquisition, transfer, loan and disposal of assets, takes inventory of assets and accounts, including continuous control of inventory work, prepares documents for liquidation and damage commissions, i) prepares documents for the RMU Legal Department on outstanding overdue receivables, j) manages the agenda of banking and cash operations, including cash withdrawals at Komerční banka and registering valuables, k) provides methodological assistance in the preparation of project applications and subsequently in the use of project funds in accordance with generally applicable regulations, provider rules and other internal standards, participates in audits of the use of project budgets in accordance with provider rules, continuously checks the movement of funds in the bank accounts of the Faculty's projects, ensures the agenda of indirect costs according to financial sources and provider rules, l) Updates order dials and access rights in EIS and INET, m) actively participates in the preparation of documents and communication with internal and external audit and with the control bodies of the funders, n) cooperates in the preparation of contracts concluded at the faculty, o) prepares documents for annual reports, statistical reports, management reports, etc, p) prepares documents for updating departmental data on the faculty's website, q) cooperates in the development, updating and commenting procedure of university and faculty regulations in the given area. (2) The activities of the Economic Department are managed by a Head who is subordinate to the Secretary. The Head of the Economics Department is responsible in particular for: a) complete accounting agenda of the Faculty in accordance with the applicable legislation and internal regulations, b) preparation of monthly and annual financial statements, c) ensuring a physical and documentary inventory of assets and liabilities, d) correct and complete use of the individual accounting system agendas, e) compliance with all regulations governing the accounting agenda of the Faculty, the management of the Faculty's public funds and funds from other sources, including ensuring financial control, f) up-to-dateness of information in the subject areas on the faculty's website, g) processing and storing documents in accordance with the MU Filing Regulations. Article 21 Department of Doctoral and International Studies (1) The Department of Doctoral and International Studies is a department of the Dean's Office. Methodologically, the department is managed by: a) in the field of doctoral studies by the Vice-Dean for Research and Doctoral Studies, b) in the area of short-term foreign studies (Erasmus, etc.) by the Vice-Dean for Study Programmes and Internationalisation, c) in the area of admission of foreign students to study programmes implemented at the faculty in English by the Vice-Dean for Undergraduate Studies, d) in matters of economic and administrative affairs by the Secretary. (2) In the field of doctoral studies under the methodological guidance of the Vice-Dean for Research and Doctoral Studies of the department, in particular: a) ensures all agenda related to the admission procedure, processes and concentrates documents for the review procedure, processes documents for reports on the admission procedure, b) organizes and administratively secures all work related to the study agenda, maintains the agenda of student files, performs all record-keeping work related to the number, movement and study results of students in the IS MU, performs the administrative agenda related to the enrolment and termination of compulsory courses, enrolment for studies, enrolment in individual semesters, termination of studies, checks that all conditions for the advancement of students to other semesters and for admission to state final examinations are met, c) handles student requests - interruption and abandonment of studies, transfers between specialisations, recognition of courses, permission for exemptions from unfulfilled study obligations and administratively takes care of other student needs regarding studies (information, certificates, transcripts of completed courses, etc.), d) ensures the agenda of all commissions whose activities are related to the study agenda, in particular, it keeps a list of members and chairpersons of state final examination commissions, e) organizing and administrating the activities of the disciplinary council and other committees whose activities are related to doctoral studies, f) administratively secures the decisions of the Disciplinary Committee, g) monitors compliance with the regulations governing the administrative agenda of the study. (3) In the field of rigorosum proceedings, under the methodological guidance of the Vice-Dean for Research and Doctoral Studies, the department administratively and organisationally ensures all activities related to the rigorosum proceedings. (4) In the area of admission of foreign students to study programmes implemented at the faculty in English under the methodological guidance of the Vice-Dean for Undergraduate Studies, in particular: a) Completely ensures the agenda of the admission procedure to master's degree programmes implemented at the Faculty in a foreign language, evaluates the results of the admission procedure, processes and concentrates documents for the review procedure, processes documents for reports on the admission procedure, b) Processes and prepares documents required for visa processes or other purposes, communicates with embassies and OAMP, c) provides verification of previous education completed abroad of applicants for study at the faculty, d) Participates in the preparation and implementation of the enrolment day and Orientation Week (student enrolment, IS training, Faculty introduction, etc.). (5) In the field of international studies under the methodological guidance of the Vice-Dean for Study Programmes and Internationalisation of the Department, in particular: a) ensures the administrative agenda related to the admission and stay of foreign students on short-term studies and internships, b) in cooperation with the MU Centre for International Cooperation, organises and administratively manages the agenda of mobility programmes for students and faculty staff, c) cooperates with the Department of External Relations and Cooperation with Partners on the promotion of the faculty abroad, including the preparation of appropriate printed materials, on the administration of the English version of the faculty's website, on the dissemination of information about foreign internships, study stays and possibly other foreign projects, d) provides information and administrative support for the development of new joint programmes (joint/double degree, cotutelle). (6) In addition to the above activities, the department also: a) ensures the publication of information and matters from the assigned areas of activity on the faculty's website, b) issues and registers student ID cards, c) handles the scholarship agenda, d) preparing documents for annual reports, statistical reports, preparing analyses and statistics from the assigned areas of activity, etc, e) ensures the preparation of documents for the strategic conclusions of the faculty, annual reports, etc., f) cooperates in the development, updating and commenting procedure of university and faculty regulations in the given area. (7) The activities of the Department of Doctoral and International Studies are managed by the Head, who is subordinate to the Secretary in line and in economic and administrative matters, and is methodically supervised by the Vice-Dean for Study Programmes and Internationalisation and the Vice-Dean for Research and Doctoral Studies in the individual areas of activity. The Head of the Department of Doctoral and International Studies is responsible in particular for: a) all work related to the administrative agenda of the study of foreign students of the Faculty, b) Compliance with the regulations governing the administrative agenda of the study of foreign students at the Faculty, c) the agenda of fees for foreign students studying in programmes taught in a foreign language, d) up-to-dateness of information in the subject areas on the faculty's website, e) processing and storing documents in accordance with the MU Filing Regulations. Article 22 Department of Academic Affairs and Quality (1) The Department of Academic Affairs and Quality is a department of the Dean's Office. Methodologically, the department is managed by: a) in the area of quality assurance processes and accreditation of bachelor's and master's degree programmes by the Vice-Dean for Study Programmes and Internationalisation, b) in the area of quality assurance of research processes and in the area of accreditation of doctoral study programmes, habilitation procedures and procedures for appointment as professor by the Vice-Dean for Research and Doctoral Studies, c) in the field of industrial placements by the Vice Dean for External Relations and Cooperation with Industry, d) in matters of economic and administrative affairs by the Secretary. (2) In the field of accreditation of study programmes of all forms of study, accreditation of habilitation procedures and accreditation of procedures for the appointment of a professor under the methodological guidance of the Vice-Dean for Study Programmes and Internationalisation of the Department, in particular: a) provides methodological and administrative support to study programme guarantors, prepares documents for the accreditation of new study programmes and for the re-accreditation, modification and extension of existing study programmes in accordance with applicable national legislation and MU internal regulations, b) prepares documents for the approval, management and evaluation of the quality of study programmes implemented by the faculty, c) prepares documents for the preparation of proposals for the accreditation of habilitation procedures and procedures for the appointment of professors, d) Provides methodological and administrative support for the process of accreditation of habilitation procedures and procedures for the appointment of professors, prepares documents for accreditations, checks the dates of validity of accreditations, prepares accreditation schedules, checks compliance with the schedules and the formal and substantive accuracy of accreditation files, e) provides administrative support to the Vice-Dean for Study Programmes and Internationalisation, the Vice-Dean for Undergraduate Studies and the Vice-Dean for Research and Doctoral Studies in setting up quality assurance processes for accredited study programmes (appointment of programme boards, monitoring of their functioning, regular annual and five-year cycles of internal evaluations of accredited study programmes, changes in accredited study programmes, etc.), f) Ensures communication with the National Accreditation Office for Higher Education and the MU Internal Evaluation Council, in particular the notification of changes in guarantors of accredited study programmes, g) prepares inspection reports on accredited study programmes, h) prepares documents for the preparation of proposals for the creation of study programmes and study plans, prepares final versions of study plans and their descriptions, i) organizing and administrating the agenda of habilitation and professorship procedures, including the agenda related to the recognition of foreign education in habilitation and professorship procedures in cooperation with the RMU (nostrification) and the preparation of documents for the remuneration of external members of evaluation committees and opponents in habilitation and appointment procedures. (3) In the area of supporting the educational strategy, creative and related activities of the faculty under the methodological guidance of the Vice Dean for Research and Doctoral Studies of the department, in particular: a) organizes and administratively ensures the meetings of the FI Scientific Council, provides supporting materials and prepares and archives minutes, prepares documents for the remuneration of external members of the FI Scientific Council, b) coordinates the entry of information on the results of research and development projects and publication activities into the Registers of Information on Results (RIV). (4) In the area of quality assurance processes under the methodological guidance of the Vice Dean for Study Programmes and Internationalisation of the department, in particular: a) provides organisational and administrative support for the process of internal evaluation of study programmes implemented at the Faculty, including the preparation of documents, the organisation of meetings of programme councils and the preparation of documents for the remuneration of external members of evaluation committees, b) provides organisational and administrative support for the process of evaluation of creative activities at the Faculty, including the preparation of documents, the organisation of meetings of evaluation committees and the preparation of documents for the remuneration of external members of evaluation committees, c) Provides administrative and methodological support to implementers of activities funded by the Ministry of Education and Science to support the strategic management of universities, the National Recovery Plan under the Ministry of Education and Science, etc., including continuous monitoring of the fulfilment of indicators and the use of funds in accordance with the rules and the preparation of documents for interim and final monitoring reports, d) manages the agenda of awarding honorary scientific degrees and titles, MU and faculty awards and prizes awarded by other institutions, e) mapping processes and contributing to the development of the internal culture of the Faculty in accordance with the principles of the HR Award (onboarding support - handbook for new employees, preparation and provision of GEP, etc.), f) prepares documents (data collection, analyses, research reports) for annual reports and long-term development concepts in individual faculty content activities, etc, g) cooperates in the development, updating and commenting procedure of university and faculty regulations in the given area, h) prepares documents for strategic materials in the areas of educational and creative activities. (5) In the field of student internships under the methodological guidance of the Vice Dean for External Relations and Cooperation with Partners of the department, in particular: a) in terms of organisation and administration, it completely ensures the agenda of student internships, b) actively searches for partner organisations for student internships, c) prepares contracts and other documentation related to the preparation and implementation of student internships, d) provides administrative and organizational support in the implementation and organization of student internships, supervises internships, e) communicates with partner organisations for the implementation of student internships. (6) The activities of the Department of Academic Affairs and Quality are managed by the Head, who is subordinate to the Secretary in line and in economic and administrative matters, and is methodologically supervised by the Vice-Dean for Study Programmes and Internationalisation, the Vice-Dean for Research and Doctoral Studies and the Vice-Dean for External Relations and Cooperation with Partners. The Head of Academic Affairs and Quality is mainly responsible for: a) Compliance with all regulations relating to the areas of activity entrusted to them, b) complete management of the accreditation agenda in accordance with applicable legislation and MU internal standards, c) complete management of the study programme evaluation agenda in accordance with applicable legislation and MU internal standards, d) complete management of the agenda of habilitation proceedings and proceedings for appointment to professor in accordance with applicable legislation and MU internal standards, e) complete management of the student internship agenda, f) Drawing on the funds of the Ministry of Education and Science for the support of the strategic management of universities, from the National Recovery Plan under the responsibility of the Ministry of Education and Science, etc. in accordance with the rules and submitting interim and final monitoring reports within the deadlines according to the instructions from the RMU, g) up-to-dateness of information in the subject areas on the faculty's website, h) processing and storing documents in accordance with the MU Filing Regulations. Article 23 Department of External Relations and Cooperation with Partners (1) The Department of External Relations and Cooperation with Partners is a department of the Dean's Office. Methodologically, the department is managed by: a) in the area of external relations and cooperation with partners by the Vice-Dean for External Relations and Cooperation with Partners, b) in matters of economic and administrative affairs by the Secretary. (2) In the area of external relations, the department mainly: a) ensures the promotion of the faculty in all ways and forms (social networks, web, education fairs in the Czech Republic and abroad, promotional materials, promotional items, etc.), including communication with domestic and foreign media, preparation of press releases and materials for journalists, b) Designs, prepares and implements marketing campaigns and then monitors and evaluates the success of the campaigns, c) provides the content concept, methodology of creation and administration of the faculty's web pages, provides consultation and professional assistance to the faculty's organizational units in processing the content of the web pages, d) holds the position of Faculty Coordinator of the Faculty Staff Portal, e) manages and coordinates communication on the Faculty's social networks, f) manages plasma screens in the faculty premises, on the basis of documents supplied by the faculty staff, publishes information concerning the activities of the faculty on them, g) organizes and provides faculty and university promotional events such as Open Days, OpenDay, Night of Scientists, MJUNI, proFI theatre, FI MU Film Festival, etc, h) develops cooperation with secondary schools, especially the ambassador programme, i) prepares documents for the popularization of the educational, scientific, research and development activities of the faculty, ensures its communication and popularization to both the professional and the general public, both outside and inside the faculty, j) completely ensures the organization of events organized by the faculty, as well as events approved by the faculty management organized on the premises of the faculty, in particular scientific conferences and workshops, professional educational events, faculty-wide staff meetings, etc, k) participates in the organization of events organized by RMU, l) provides media monitoring, photo documentation of events organized by the faculty, maintains the faculty photo archive, m) Provides implementation and consultancy and methodological support of a uniform visual style, ensures support of the employer brand and internal communication, n) on the basis of the documents prepared by the Academic Affairs and Quality Support Unit, prepares annual reports on the activities of the Faculty and participates in the preparation of other strategic documents of the Faculty, o) prepares and provides promotional materials of the faculty (printed materials, promotional items), keeps their records, p) communicates with faculty student associations, q) cooperates in the development, updating and commenting procedure of university and faculty regulations in the given area. (3) In the area of industrial partners, the department provides a complete agenda in terms of organisation and administration, in particular: a) complete administrative and organizational support for the agenda of cooperation with faculty partners from the application area, b) prepares documents for concluding contractual relations with members of the Association of Industrial Partners, c) organizes faculty activities in connection with the Association of Industrial Partners, especially the Day of the Association of Industrial Partners, d) ensures the promotion of the Association of Industrial Partners and the results of mutual cooperation, e) keeps records of successfully defended final theses of students conducted in cooperation with members of the Association of Industrial Partners and other results of cooperation, f) prepares documents for statistical reports, annual reports and other strategic documents. (4) The activities of the Department of External Relations and Cooperation with Partners are managed by the Head, who is subordinate to the Secretary in line and in economic and administrative matters, and is methodically managed by the Vice-Dean for External Relations and Cooperation with Partners in the individual areas of activity entrusted to him. The Head of the Department of External Relations and Cooperation with Partners is responsible in particular for: a) external communication and marketing of the faculty on the faculty website, notice board and social networks, b) is responsible for the content concept, methodology of creation and management of the faculty's website, c) Compliance with all regulations relating to the areas of activity entrusted to them, d) up-to-date information on the faculty website in cooperation with other departments, e) processing and storing documents in accordance with the MU Filing Regulations. Article 24 Research and Project Support Department (1) The Department of Research and Project Support is a department of the Dean's Office. Methodologically, it is managed by: a) in the area of research and project support by the Vice-Dean for Research and Doctoral Studies, b) in the field of intellectual property, technology transfer and contract research by the Vice Dean for External Relations and Cooperation with Partners, c) in matters of economic and administrative affairs by the Secretary. (2) In the field of research and project support under the methodological guidance of the Vice Dean for Research and Doctoral Studies of the department, in particular: a) provides complete organizational and administrative support for all agenda related to all projects, including foreign projects (except for projects falling under the competence of CERIT), from the phase of their preparation and submission, through the implementation phase, including change management, audits and controls, opposition procedures, to the phase of project closure and sustainability, b) Seeks information on potentially interesting financial sources for the implementation of the Faculty's development and scientific research projects, c) informs faculty staff about current project opportunities, including providing information on the conditions and rules of the individual programme frameworks, d) proactively communicates and cooperates with potential partners to prepare joint project plans (including searching for partners, conducting negotiations with partners, concluding cooperation agreements, etc.), e) during the implementation of the projects, provides comprehensive project support to the researchers and research teams (including setting up all project components, setting up the budget spending in accordance with the provider's rules, checks on the project budget spending in accordance with the provider's rules, ensuring any change procedures, communication with the provider, preparation of monitoring reports, communication with audit bodies and preparation of documents for audits, ensuring project sustainability, etc.), f) coordinates and plans faculty-wide projects and projects of strategic importance in cooperation with the faculty management, g) in cooperation with the FI lawyer, provides administrative and methodological support and advice in the field of intellectual property arising from research, its protection and commercialization, in cooperation with the Centre for Technology Transfer provides support for contract research and coordination of cooperation with the application sphere, h) prepares statistics and analyses of project activities at the faculty, i) Ensures that data on projects, including their complete documentation, are stored in the university database ISEP, j) cooperates in the development, updating and commenting procedure of university and faculty regulations in the given area, k) prepares documents for statistical reports, annual reports and other strategic documents. (3) The activities of the Research and Project Support Unit are managed by the Head, who is subordinate to the Secretary in terms of line and economic and administrative matters, and is methodically managed by the Vice-Dean for Research and Doctoral Studies and the Vice-Dean for External Relations and Cooperation with Partners. The Head of the Research and Project Support Unit is responsible in particular for: a) Timely and complete transmission of information on changes in conditions from the providers, submitted and accepted projects, change procedures in projects, audits and controls of projects to the researchers, the Economic and Personnel Department and the Secretary of the Faculty, b) completeness of project data in the university database ISEP, c) up-to-dateness of information in the subject areas on the faculty's website, d) Compliance with all regulations relating to the areas of activity entrusted to them, e) processing and storing documents in accordance with the MU Filing Regulations. Article 25 Personnel Department (1) The Personnel Department is a department of the Dean's Office, within its activities mainly: a) provides comprehensive management and processing of the Faculty's personnel and payroll agenda in accordance with the applicable legislation, in particular the agenda of establishment, changes and termination of all employment relationships, b) maintains the agenda of staff personnel files, including job descriptions as part of staff personnel files and continuously checks the topicality of job descriptions, c) announces and organises selection procedures according to the instructions of the Dean or the Secretary, cooperates in the creation of selection committees, and administratively ensures the activities of these committees, d) participates in the onboarding and adaptation of new faculty members, e) ensures the complete agenda of employment of foreigners, including reporting to the Labour Office, etc., f) ensures communication with authorities in connection with labour relations - Labour Office, ČSSZ, health insurance companies, etc, g) compiles and provides statistical information for the CSU, the Ministry of Education, etc, h) preparing documents for the award of pensions and social benefits, i) Ensures annual payroll clearance and tax return documentation, works with the Economics Department and the Research and Project Support Unit on operations related to the closing of accounts, annual clearance of all funding sources and the transition to the next period, j) controls the use of the approved limits for the conclusion of agreements outside the employment relationship for the provision of teaching by external collaborators, k) keep records of working time, sick leave, maternity leave, vacation and leave without pay of all faculty employees, l) keeps records of preventive medical examinations of faculty employees, m) keep records of employees with reduced working capacity, n) manages the agenda of benefits provided by the faculty (pension contribution, meal allowance, Multisport cards, etc.), o) maintains the agenda of identification cards of employees, external collaborators and partners of the faculty, p) keeps a record of time-limited, elected or appointed positions (especially dean, vice-deans, heads of departments) and submits a proposal for new appointments or announcement of selection procedures to the dean in accordance with the Regulations for Selection Procedures at FI in advance, q) keeps records of professional training of faculty staff, especially driver training, training of the Occupational Safety and Health and Safety at Work, r) provides methodological support in the preparation of project proposals in the category of personnel costs, methodological support in setting up the use of personnel costs of projects in accordance with generally applicable regulations, rules of providers and other internal standards, provides assistance in audits of the use of personnel costs of projects, s) coordinates and ensures activities related to the HR Award certification, implements and evaluates employee surveys, proposes measures to the Dean and the Secretary to improve the working conditions of the target groups, t) Informs staff of the options available to resolve complaints, and if resolved, proceeds in accordance with University regulations, u) prepares documents for the budget, annual reports, statistical reports, prepares analyses and statistics in the field of personnel and payroll, etc, v) analyses the existing HR processes and prepares proposals for a new HR management strategy according to the HR Award methodology with an emphasis on the recruitment and selection process taking into account the requirements of the OTM-R methodology (open, transparent recruitment and selection), w) cooperates with heads of organisational units in the areas of career growth, education and development of faculty staff and in the area of staff evaluation in relation to the methodology of research and teaching evaluation, support and development of the research environment, x) prepares documents for audits and inspections, y) prepares documents for updating departmental data on the faculty's website, z) cooperates in the development, updating and commenting procedure of university and faculty regulations in the given area. (2) The activities of the Personnel Department are managed by the Head, who is subordinate to the Secretary. The Head of the Personnel Department is responsible in particular for: a) complete personnel and payroll agenda of the faculty, in accordance with applicable legislation and internal regulations, b) fulfilling the employer's reporting obligations and cooperating with the Labour Office, the Social Security Agency and health insurance companies in accordance with applicable legislation, c) for the preparation of documents to maintain HR Award certification, d) for the processing of monthly and annual accounts in the payroll area, e) Compliance with all regulations governing faculty labour relations, f) up-to-dateness of information in the subject areas on the faculty's website, g) processing and storing documents in accordance with the MU Filing Regulations. Article 26 Dean's Secretariat (1) The Dean's Secretariat is a department of the Dean's Office, which mainly ensures organisational and administrative work related to the performance of the functions of the Dean, the Secretary and other members of the Faculty management and provides central services in the field of legal advice, the register of contracts and the file management service. (2) The Dean's Secretariat, as part of the activities of the Assistant Dean, in particular: a) records the Dean's work programme and organises its implementation, b) handles the dean's correspondence, maintains the correspondence archive and the dean's directory, c) organizes and administratively secures meetings of the faculty management, the College of the Dean and other meetings, provides supporting materials and takes minutes of the meetings, d) monitors the fulfilment of tasks assigned by the Dean and the Secretary, tasks from management meetings and the Dean's College, e) maintains an archive of minutes of the management and college dean's meetings and other documents defined by the dean or secretary, f) transmits, receives and registers the assigned faculty stamps, g) performs acts related to the registration of contracts in the National Register pursuant to Act No. 340/2015 Coll, h) provides administrative support for disciplinary proceedings in cooperation with the Disciplinary Committee and the Study Department, i) in the absence of the secretary/assistant of the departments, he/she arranges payments by faculty credit card, j) processes and stores documents in accordance with the MU Filing Regulations. (3) The Dean's Secretariat within the framework of the activities of the lawyer in particular: a) provides legal consultation and administrative support to all organizational units of the Faculty in the following areas: · contractual agenda, including contracts in the field of labour law, · organisation of the faculty (development of internal standards, consultation on faculty competences), · intellectual property (licensing agreements, copyright), · project support (consortium and partnership agreements, contracts for the exploitation of project results), · public procurement, · interpretation of legislation, · claims (damage to property or building, theft and loss, etc.), b) Responsible for: · completeness of the management of the agenda of contracts concluded by the faculty in the FI internal register of contracts, · publication of contracts concluded by the Faculty in the National Register pursuant to Act No. 340/2015 Coll. (Act on the Register of Contracts). (4) The Dean's Secretariat, as part of the activities of the mailroom clerk, in particular: a) maintains a central filing protocol, assigns incoming documents according to their content to individual organisational units of the faculty, b) carries out clearance and payment of all outgoing mail, which is handed over to the post office, operates the franking machine, c) ensures the transmission of documents within MU via the RMU mailroom, d) mediates the circulation of files, e) provides filing services in accordance with the MU Directive as amended f) according to the requirements of the Personnel Department, maintains electronic records of attendance of employees of all departments of the Dean's Office, the Library and the Building Administration (including leave usage). (5) The position of secretary/assistant of the faculty departments is also organizationally integrated into the Dean's Secretariat, which within its activities, in particular: a) provides all administrative work related to the activities and operation of the departments, b) on the basis of the requirements of the heads of the departments, administratively ensures the preparation of agreements on work performed outside the employment relationship to ensure teaching by external collaborators, in accordance with the methodological guidance of the Personnel Department, c) provides orders for materials and services based on the requirements of the departmental staff, in accordance with the methodological guidance of the Economic Department, d) ensures orders and payment of goods and services paid for by faculty credit card, in accordance with the methodological guidance of the Economic Department, e) Provides administrative and organizational support for colloquia and the MUNI Seminar Series, including the issuance of contracts pursuant to Section 1746(2) of the Civil Code, f) provides organizational and administrative support to foreign guests and faculty collaborators, g) maintains records of departmental staff attendance (including business trips and leave usage) in accordance with the methodological guidance of the Personnel Department, h) processing of INTRASTAT CZ reports, i) takes minutes of the meetings of the FI Academic Senate, j) in the absence of a mailroom employee, ensures the receipt and dispatch of faculty mail, k) processes and stores documents in accordance with the MU Filing and Shredding Regulations, l) Responsible for the accuracy of processes and amounts for faculty credit card payments, m) is responsible for compliance with all regulations relating to the areas of activity entrusted to him. (6) The activities of the Dean's Secretariat are managed by the Secretary. Article 27 Study Department (1) The Study Department is a department of the Dean's Office. Methodologically, the department is managed by: a) in the field of Bachelor and Master studies and in the field of lifelong learning by the Vice-Dean for Undergraduate Studies, b) in matters of the study catalogue by the Vice-Dean for Study Programmes and Internationalisation, c) in matters of economic, administrative and personnel matters by the Secretary. (2) In the field of bachelor's and postgraduate studies under the methodological guidance of the Vice-Dean for Undergraduate Studies of the department, in particular: a) ensures all agenda related to the admission procedure, processes and concentrates documents for the review procedure, processes documents for reports on the admission procedure, b) organizes and administratively secures all work related to the study agenda, maintains the agenda of student files, performs all record-keeping work related to the number, movement and study results of students in the IS MU, performs the administrative agenda related to the termination of individual courses, enrolment in studies, enrolment in individual semesters, termination of studies, checks the fulfilment of all conditions for the advancement of students to other semesters and for admission to state final examinations, c) handles student requests - interruption and withdrawal from studies, transfers between programmes, recognition of courses, permission for exemptions from unfulfilled study obligations, administratively takes care of other needs of students regarding their studies (information, certificates, transcripts of completed courses, etc.), d) ensures the agenda of all committees whose activities are related to the study agenda, in particular, it keeps a list of members and chairpersons of state final examination committees, e) modifies the registration and control templates of studies in IS MU according to the study catalogue, f) Prepares drafts and final versions of the academic year and semester schedules, g) manages the agenda of fees charged to students of Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes, h) administratively secures the decisions of the FI Disciplinary Committee, i) prepares documents for defences and state final examinations, j) handles the agenda of scholarships paid from FI funds, k) in cooperation with the Department of External Relations and Cooperation with Partners, ensures the presentation of the Faculty at the Gaudeamus fair, Open Day, etc., cooperates in the promotion of the Faculty abroad, including the preparation of promotional and informational printed materials, l) ensures the graduation of students, produces diplomas and supplements to diplomas of graduates, including requests for duplicates, and keeps records of diplomas issued, m) handles requests for recognition of foreign education sent from RMU, n) issues transcripts of completed courses and other certificates related to studies at the faculty, o) monitors compliance with the regulations governing the administrative agenda of the study. (3) In the field of lifelong learning under the methodological guidance of the Vice-Dean for Undergraduate Studies of the department especially: a) organises and administratively secures all work related to the lifelong learning agenda, b) ensures the agenda related to the admission procedure to lifelong learning, c) concludes training contracts with participants in lifelong learning and monitors their implementation, d) carries out the administrative agenda related to enrolment in the Faculty's lifelong learning programmes, e) checks that all conditions for progression to further periods of lifelong learning have been met, f) completes individual periods of lifelong learning, issues certificates and certificates of participants of lifelong learning of the faculty, keeps records of issued certificates and certificates, g) keeps records of lifelong learning participants in the IS MU, h) maintains an agenda of fees associated with lifelong learning programmes, records payments. (4) In addition to the above activities, the department also: a) ensures the publication of information and matters from the assigned areas of activity on the faculty's website, b) issues and registers student and lifelong learning participant cards, c) preparing documents for annual reports, statistical reports, preparing analyses and statistics from the assigned areas of activity, etc, d) cooperates in the development, updating and commenting procedure of university and faculty regulations in the given area, e) ensures the preparation of documents for the Faculty's strategic conclusions, annual reports, etc. (5) The activities of the Study Department are managed by the Head, who is subordinate to the Secretary in line and in economic and administrative matters, and is methodically managed by the Vice-Dean for Undergraduate Studies and the Vice-Dean for Study Programmes and Internationalisation in the individual areas of activity. The Head of the Study Department is responsible in particular for: a) all work related to the administrative agenda in all forms of study under the responsibility of the Study Department, including lifelong learning, b) Compliance with regulations governing the administrative agenda in all forms of study under the responsibility of the Study Department, including lifelong learning, c) the agenda of fees for exceeding the standard study period, d) up-to-dateness of information in the subject areas on the faculty's website, e) processing and storing documents in accordance with the MU Filing Regulations. Article 28 Final provisions (1) The FI Rules of Organisation of 1 January 2023 are repealed. (2) I entrust the interpretation of individual provisions and the continuous updating of the Organizational Regulations to the Secretary of the Faculty. (3) These Rules of Procedure shall enter into force on the date of signing. (4) These Rules of Organisation shall enter into force on 1 September 2023. Attachments: No. 1 - Organizational chart of the Faculty No. 2 - Signature Rules Jiří Barnat Dean FI signed electronically