13. Horizontal bar: swing, glide kip 1. Number the individual movements of the swing on the bar as they follow each other: 1. movement forward in a slightly piked position ______ swing backward ______ correction of the grip ______ gymnast eyes are on toes ______ the gymnast slightly bends in his hips ______ feet overtake other body parts ______ the body arching starts 2. It is necessary to have a strengthened core for proper trunk work during the swing. Draw 3 exercises that you can do to prepare yourself physically outside the gym. 3. What does the single swing drill look like? ____________________________________________________________________________ 4. How should the physical preparation be focused before practicing a glide kip? a) ___________________________________________________________ b) ___________________________________________________________ 5. Write the 3 basic phases of the glide kip element. a) ___________________________________________________ b) ___________________________________________________ c) ___________________________________________________ 6. What helps a gymnast maintain sufficient movement speed to complete the glide kip from a mechanical point of view? ____________________________________________________________________________