18. Balance beam: cat leap, split leap, standing scale, roll forward 1. What is the trajectory of the body's centre of gravity during a split leap? ___________________________________________________ 2. For the split leap you need to strengthen both hip flexors and extensors, suggest two exercises focused on this. a) _______________________________________________________________________ b) _______________________________________________________________________ 3. What are the common faults when performing a cat leap? a) _____________________________________________________________ b) ____________________________________________________________ c) _____________________________________________________________ 4. Describe how you would provide assistance during a roll forward on the balance beam. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 5. What type of energy does the gymnast's body have while rolling forward on the balance beam: ____________________________________________ after completing the roll forward in a standing position on the balance beam: _________________________________________________ 6. Draw the correct position of the arms in the lying phase of the roll on the balance beam. 7. What exercises would you recommend to a gymnast who will have problems with standing up in the last phase of the roll forward on the balance beam? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________