2. Floor: full turn on one leg, standing scale, bridge 1. What moments of force give the body rotation into a turn? a) ___________________________________________________ b) ___________________________________________________ 2. After completing the turn, do we place the raised leg on the floor in front of or behind the standing leg? ________________________ 3. Stability in toe-standing is important for turns. How long can you stand on your right and left leg in the toe-standing position? Do 3 attempts on each leg, write down the best. right leg: ________________ left leg: _________________ 4. How should we target physical preparation for standing scale? a) ______________________________________________________ b) ______________________________________________________ c) ______________________________________________________ 5. Describe the sequence of individual movements when performing the standing scale: __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ 6. How can we make the bridge training conditions easier? ____________________________________________________________________________ 7. When performing the bridge, we transfer the weight rather a) on the hands b) on the legs 8. When practicing bridge compensation by holding the body in the tucked position a) is not recommended, it would reduce the effect of stretching b) is recommended to be included before bridge training c) is recommended to be included after bridge training