30. Rope climbing 1. What type of mechanical energy is constantly increasing during rope climbing? ____________________________________________ 2. What are two mechanical parameters that affect the magnitude of the frictional force between the hands/feet and the rope? a) _________________________________________ b) _________________________________________ 3. What do you need to strengthen before practicing the rope climbing? _________________________________________________________________________ 4. Is it necessary to be able to do pull-up for the rope climbing with the help of legs using the wrap technique? YES NO 5. How long can you do a overgrip pull-up hold and where did you measure the endurance (on a bar, on a rope, on a branch,...)? ____________________________________________________________________________ 6. Write the 3 basic faults in rope climbing. a) __________________________________________________________ b) __________________________________________________________ c) __________________________________________________________ 7. Draw "a wrap and lock" that you use to hold the rope between your feet. 8. How do we climb down the rope? _____________________________________________________________