31. Elements performed on different apparatuses: inverted pike hang, inverted hang, L-sit 1. What physical preparation is important for practicing inverted pike hang? ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. List all apparatuses on which we can perform inverted pike hang. a) __________________________________________ b) __________________________________________ c) __________________________________________ 3. What are the common mistakes when performing the inverted hang? a) __________________________________________ b) __________________________________________ c) __________________________________________ 4. How do we hold the gymnast when we are providing assistance during inverted pike hang and inverted hang? ___________________________________________________________________________ 5. In what positions can we perform the L-sit? _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ 6. Draw the lever principle of movement in the hip joint during L-sit (axis of rotation, gravitational force and muscular force). 7. Measure how long you can hold Hanging bent legs rise (acute angle at the hips): ______________ hanging L-sit (at 90°): _____________