Placement Offer Form SCHOOL INFORMATION Name of organization Ecole Saint-Michel Primary school (pre-elementary and elementary school) Address 27 faubourg des Balmettes - BP 257 Postal Code 74007 City Annecy Country France Telephone 00 334 50 45 05 20 Fax 00 334 50 45 52 87 E-mail Website Size of organization [nr of employees]: small (≤ 50), medium (51-250), large (> 250) Small (primary school) Short Description of the school Saint-Michel is a Catholic school with primary, middle and high-school levels. There are three classes in pre-elementary school (from 3 to 6 year-old children). There are ten classes in the elementary school of Chamonix Centre, from CP (6 year-old children) to CM2 (11 year-old children). There is one class for autistic children. The school is situated in Annecy, in the French Alps, a touristic area where people from all over the world come to visit or stay. The town is well-known for its lake and mountain related activities: swimming, sailing, cycling, mountaineering and rock-climbing in summer, skiing and skating in winter. Annecy is a half-hour-drive from Geneva (Switzerland) where the nearest international airport is situated and a one and a half hour-drive from Lyons. CONTACT PERSON DETAILES Name Emmanuelle ESTRANGIN Department / Function primary school Headteacher Direct telephone number 00 334 50 45 05 20 Mobile 00 336 18 91 33 27 Direct e-mail address PLACEMENT INFORMATION Department / Function English Description of activities School time: working with small groups of children in order to improve their abilities to speak and understand English through activities such as drawing, acting or music. Extracurricular activities: English Club during which pupils volunteer to spend time in small groups to participate in activities carried out in English (listening, speaking, reading, singing, cooking, crafts …). Duration et period From September to May. Working hours / Weekly working hours 32 hours a week School time: 24 hours. Extracurricular activities: 8 hours. City Annecy Other Transport facilities are available. REQUIREMENTS Oral and written language skills English speaking students. Field of study Education studies, French studies. Computer skills Word processor, internet, Interactive Whiteboard software. Other Students willing to work with children would be best suited for this placement.