Confirmation of placement period I. Details of the Student Name of the student: ………………..… Country: CZECH REPUBLIC Home university: MASARYK UNIVERSITY Academic Year: ………………..… Home university field of study: ………………..… Degree: ………………..… II. Details of the HOST University/ Institution Host university/institution: ……………………………………..…..........(in English) Country: ………………..………………..(in English) Faculty/department: ………………..… Postal Address: III. Confirmation of Placement period This is to certify that the student mentioned above has carried out a practical/study placement in our institution. / Tímto potvrzujeme, že výše zmíněný student absolvoval pracovní/studijní pobyt v naší organizaci From/ od _____/_____/__________( to/ do _____/_____/__________( Mobility type: □ physical □ virtual only □ blended (physical & virtual) Physical part in case of blended mobility From: / / to / / IV. Confirmation FROM THE HOST University/ Institution Coordinator’s name/ Responsible person name: Date: …………………( Signature: ………………..… Stamp: We would like to continue the cooperation with Masaryk University and offer intership for its students: yes, no. Confirmation must be signed within maximum of five (5) days before final date of student´s stay.