Muscle hypertrophy: theory, application and periodization ´ Výsledek obrázku pro bodybuilder powerlifter and Something about me ´Jan Cacek ´ ´my sports career: ´runner 800 a 1500 m, soccer player, ice hockey player ´3 children (17 – 14 – 11 years old) ´ ´Vice dean for research and science FSpS MU ´Chairman of the National Association of Strength and Conditioning Trainers of the Czech Republic ´Head of division of Track and Field FSpS MU ´Study program guarantor „Personal and Strength and Conditioning Trainer“ ´Chief editor of the Journal Studia Sportiva ´Member of the Methodological Committee of the Czech Athletic Federation and Rowing federation ´Track and Field and Strength and Conditioning trainer ´Coach of many elite athletes from different sports disciplines Determinants of strength and power ´ ´total amount and composition of muscle fibers ´muscular architecture ´hormonal profile ´polymorphism ´neuromuscular factors ´ ´ Testosterone_functions Výsledek obrázku pro testosterone hypertrophy training •stimulates GH secretion and increases the presence of neurotransmitters on muscle fibers • •helps activate muscle tissue growth • •leads to protein synthesis. Muscle architecture Architektura2 Fusiform muscle (biceps) X Penniform muscles (vastus lateralis) potential for muscle hypertrophy - limited by muscle length Polymorphism ´Interleukin 6 (IL-6) gene -174 G / C ´studies demonstrate a pivotal role in post-exercise hypertrophy processes (Ruiz, 2010) ´power athletes had a higher incidence of G. ´ ´Gene for hypoxia-induced factor 1α (HIF1A) - Pro582Ser ´detection of HIF1A variant - Pro582Ser in Russian power athletes (weightlifters, wrestlers) at regional and national level vs control group ´ ´Gene for creatine kinase muscle isoform (CKM) - rs8111989 A / G ´Alea G is associated with power output. Significant incidence was found in power-oriented athletes (Chen, 2017). ´ ´Angiotensinogen Gene (AGT) - Met235Thr ´The AG2 polymorphism of the Met235Thr gene can be considered a genetic determinant of strength, as evidenced in several investigations, for example, in jumpers, sprinters, or weightlifters, where more significant Met235Thr was observed (Zarębska et al., 2016). ´ ´Nitric oxide synthase gene (NOS3) -786 T / C ´T allele is associated with power output (Drozdovska, 2013). Drozdovska (2013) ´significantly higher T allele frequencies in 53 Spanish elite power athletes (jumpers, sprinters) Neuromuscular factors determining muscle strength (FRY a kol.1994) 1.Recruiting motor units 2.Rate coding 3.Intramuscular activation 4.Inter-muscle activation 5.Use elastic energy and reflexes 6.Neural inhibition 7.Type of motor units 8.Biomechanical and anthropometric factors 9.Hypertrophy The relationship of force and velocity shortening ´ ´Cooper, 2018 ( nick curson ´ ´ Henneman's principle of size ´ Hypertrophy ´Definition - increasing the cross-section of muscle fibers ´Sarcoplasmic and Myofibrillary ´Zatsiorsky (5 - 60s) ´ ´ Uddrag fra bogen "power to the people" ????? •hypertrophic progress over 100 % muscle fibers composed of: myofibrils - 85-90% residue extracellular connective tissue blood vessels mitochondria, glycogen 5-10% 15-20% membrane invagination - serves for propagation of electrical signals Sarkoplasma 0.5-2% (Macdougall et al., 1982) Výsledek obrázku pro sarcoplasmic vs myofibrillar Fares D. Alahmar, 2015 Sarkoplas. hypertrophy? ´Research shows TBW increase of about 3 l / 12 weeks (beginners) ´Intracelular = about 1 kg (in sarkoplasma) ´muscles increase only 4% in 12 weeks ´But in the body up to 3 liters of fluid outside the extra muscles - where are they? ´ ´Ribeiro et al. 2014 Changes in body water in Ribeiro et al 2014 Effect of different forms of strength training on Fmax and RDF ´Hypertrophy or maximum strength ´3RM vs 10RM Heavy loads for improving RFD HYPERTROFICAL TRAINING Manipulable Variables - Influence on Hypertrophic Processes ´the weight of resistence - the load ´ ´number of repetitions ´ ´number of sets ´ ´rest time between sets ´ ´ exercise velocity ´ ´ type of rest ´ Functional hypertrophy ´Vanderka (2016) ´Assessment of exercise intensity ´ ´by calculating the training volume ´ ´calculating training intensity ´Intensity vs Effort ´Background 1 RM ´ Intensity and velocity when exercise to failure ´Decrease in intensity ´decrease in repetition rate in series ´reducing the amount of resistance between sets at the same number of times ´reducing the number of repetitions between sets with the same resistance U6RnONzBlkKt72xL0O76l8XjlU U6RnONzBlkKt72xL0O76l8XjlU Concentric versus eccentric training ´Concentric and eccentric strength ´Do we develop both components? ´Do we know how to develop this types of strength? ´ ´Absence of research! Eccentric specific Structural adaptation ´ ´Eccentric training increases the amount of muscle mass ´causes an increase in the cross-section of muscle fibers - associated with the growth of the number and cross-section of myofibrils - the role of satellite cells ´It is not yet known what volume of work, exercise intensity and rest intervals are optimal for hypertrophy ´Wernbom et al., In. Brady 2012 ´Baroni, B. M. et al (2014) ´ Perodization of strength development ´Planning an annual training plan - basic principles ´ ´continuity ´ ´sequence ´ ´adequacy ´ ´individualization ´ ´specificity ´ (Andersen, přednáška) • ZVÝŠENÉ RIZIKO PORANĚNÍ • SNÍŽENÝ VÝKONNOSTNÍ POTENCIÁL Specificity ´Structure of strength performance ´Velocity ´Type of contraction ´Force vector ´Muscle group ´Power peak in relation to range of motion (angle) and speed ´Stability (groud) ´Range of motion ´Metabolic coverage ´One vs multi-joint exercise Strength is specific Fmax and speed Type of periodization ´ A Simple Guide to Periodization for Strength Training - Fitness, programming, strength training, progress, periodization, conjugate, linear, block A Simple Guide to Periodization for Strength Training - Fitness, programming, strength training, progress, periodization, conjugate, linear, block Thank you for your attention