1 / 2 Masaryk University Directive No. 10/2017 USE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (in the version effective from 15 June 2020) In accordance with Section 10(1) of Act No. 111/1998 Coll., On Higher Education Institutions and on Modification and Amendment of Other Acts (Higher Education Act), as later amended (hereinafter referred to as the “Act”), I issue this Directive: Section 1 Subject of Regulation This Directive regulates obligations of information technology users at Masaryk University (hereinafter referred to as “MU”). Section 2 Definitions For the purposes hereof: a) information technology at MU (hereinafter referred to as “MU IT”) means the set of hardware and software, networks and services intended for the processing of data at MU; b) user means an employee, student or another person enabled by MU to use MU IT; c) security incident means a breach of functionality, confidentiality and integrity of MU IT; d) CSIRT-MU (Computer Security Incident Response Team of Masaryk University) means the team of the Institute of Computer Science (hereinafter referred to as “ICS“), who ensure coordination and determine the security incident response. Section 3 Basic Rights and Obligations (1) Users are obliged to utilize solely MU IT for the fulfilment of their work tasks except for cases where there is a legal reason or a reason worthy of special consideration for another procedure. (2) Users are obliged to utilize MU IT in accordance with their work tasks and study assignments. MU IT is forbidden to be used for: a) illegal conduct; b) religious and political agitation aiming at the support of political parties and movements, or racial and ethnic discrimination; c) gainful activities, dissemination of commercial communication or other activities of commercial nature outside employment or study relations with MU; d) harassing, deceiving or intimidating other users. Such activities also include sending chain e-mails or e-mails to randomly selected addresses. (3) When utilising MU IT, users are obliged to prevent security incidents. In this context, users shall in particular: a) become acquainted with the rules of MU IT use and comply with the rules; 2 / 2 b) refrain from using services and technologies that pose a security risk for MU IT; c) promptly notify CSIRT-MU of suspicion of a security incident; d) follow instructions of MU IT administrators. (4) Users are obliged to read messages delivered to their e-mail address at muni.cz without undue delay. (5) Users are entitled to access MU IT through hardware and software, networks and services that are not part of MU IT. However, they are obliged to make sure they will not cause a security incident. Section 4 Protection of Credentials (1) Users are entitled to access MU IT solely through their credentials or in a method determined by the MU IT administrator. Users are not entitled to enable access to MU IT through their credentials to third parties. (2) Users are obliged to exercise the sole control over their MU IT credentials. (3) Users shall promptly notify CSIRT-MU of an impending or existing loss of sole control over their credentials or over the credentials of another user. Section 5 Common Provisions The ICS director is entitled to decide on exceptions from this Directive. The ICS director shall promptly inform the MU vice-rector in charge of information technology of such a decision. Section 6 Final Provisions (1) This Directive repeals MU Directive No. 10/2017– Use of Information Technology of 12 September 2017 effective from 1 October 2017. (2) I authorize the ICS director to interpret the individual provisions hereof. (3) This Directive is part of the methodological procedure “Information Systems and Information and Communication Technologies”. (4) The compliance with this Directive shall be inspected by the ICS director. (5) This Directive shall enter into force on the day of its execution. (6) This Directive shall enter into effect on 15 June 2020. electronic signature Martin Bareš Rector