1 / 3 Masaryk University Instruction No. 1/2017 Provision of Personal Protective Equipment, Washing, Cleaning and Disinfectant Means and Protective Drinks (in the version effective as of 4 January 2017) In accordance with to Art. 15 of the Organisational Regulations of Masaryk University (MU), I hereby issue this Instruction: Article 1 Introductory Provisions (1) This Instruction lays down the procedure for the provision of personal protective equipment (PPE), washing, cleaning and disinfectant means and protective drinks. (2) This Instruction is binding for all departments of the Rector’s Office of Masaryk University (RMU) and also for selected university facilities, i.e. the Language Centre, the Publishing House, MU Archive, Mendel Museum, the Centre for International Cooperation, the Support Centre for Students with Special Needs (Teiresias), the Technology Transfer Office, the Institute of Biostatics and Analyses, the Centre for Education, Research and Innovation in Information and Communication Technologies, and the CEITEC Central Management Structure (CEITEC - CMS). (3) Definitions of terms and abbreviations: PPE personal protective equipment OHS occupational health and safety UČO university identification number Article 2 Providing PPE (1) The selection of PPE for the above-mentioned workplaces is carried out by the RMU Technical Operations Office through the OHS and FS officer in cooperation with the manager of the given workplace based on the actual occurrence of work risks that affect or may affect employees. (2) The workplace manager shall notify the OHS and FS officer of any change in the risk assessment for PPE selection (e.g. a change in technology, purchase of new machinery or equipment, hazardous chemicals or mixtures, etc.). (3) The provision of PPE to employees is ensured by the RMU Technical Operations Office through the OHS and FS officer in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to this instruction - “List of Personal Protective Equipment” based on a written request application form (Appendix No. 3) or an e-mail (with the completed request) from of the relevant senior employee. The application shall include the following: a) name, surname and UČO of the employee (size of work clothes and shoes), b) name of provided PPE according to the list (Appendix No. 1), c) date and signature of the relevant senior employee. 2 / 3 (4) The financial limits for purchasing PPE are set by the methodological sheet of the RMU Technical Operations Office. (5) PPE is issued to employees for personal use against a written confirmation (Appendix 2 - Personal Sheet for Issue of PPE) issued and registered by the head employee of the workplace or a person authorised by him/her. (6) The manager of the workplace informs the employees about the risks from which the use of the provided PPE should protect them and, if necessary, informs the employees of the use of the PPE. (7) Washing and cleaning of PPE, especially clothing, is provided by the RMU Technical Operations Office through the OHS and FS officer. This service can be used by any employee who has been assigned work clothes. (8) In case of loss of functionality of PPE, the employee is obliged to report this fact immediately to the manager, who will ensure the issue of new PPE in accordance with paragraph 3. (9) If the conditions for the equipment of a PPE employee cease to exist, for example upon termination of employment, change of performance/risk/work, ensuring work safety in another way (when there is no longer an obligation to provide PPE), the employee is obliged to return the used PPE in a state corresponding to its normal use. (10) Discarded (yet returned) but still working PPE may be re-provided to another employee, provided that precautions have been taken to prevent the risk of communicable diseases. (11) The senior employee of the workplace shall hand over to the RMU Technical Operations Office (OHS and FS officer) returned PPE who shall ensure its disposal or cleaning. Article 3 Provision of Washing, Cleaning and Disinfectant Means and Protective Drinks (1) The head of the workplace is responsible for ensuring the provision of washing, cleaning and disinfectant means. (2) For employees performing clean work (e.g.: administration, porters, laboratory work, technical supervision, etc.) the sanitary facilities are equipped with a sufficient quantity of washing materials (liquid soaps, paper towels or electric hand dryers). (3) Employees performing other types of work (according to Appendix No. 1) are provided, in addition to paragraph 2, also with cleaning and disinfectant means in the quantity given in Tab. No. 1. Tab. No. 1 The amount of washing, cleaning and disinfectant means provided Kind of work Quantity provided grammes/month Towel pcs / yearSoap Cleaning paste Protective ointment Unclean 100 600 By type of work 2 Less clean 100 300 By type of work 2 Clean 100 - - 2 3 / 3 (4) Protective drinks are not provided on the basis of an evaluation of the specific working conditions at the above workplaces. Drinking water is provided free of charge for drinking and first aid purposes. Article 4 Final Provisions (1) This Instruction follows a) the provisions of Section 102, paragraph 104 of Act No. 262/2006 Coll., the Labour Code, b) Article 1, Rector's Directive No. 10/2009 Organisation of Occupational Health and Safety at MU. (2) I authorise the head of the RMU Technical Operations Office to interpret the individual provisions of this Instruction. (3) This Instruction belongs to the area of methodological management “Occupational health and safety, fire safety and crisis management preparation”. (4) Control of compliance with this instruction is performed by the OHS and FS officer. (5) This Instruction comes into force on the day of publication. (6) This Instruction comes into effect on 4 January 2017. Appendices: No. 1 List of PPE No. 2 Personal Sheet for the Issue of PPE No. 3 Request for the Issue of PPE In Brno on 4 January 2017 Mgr. Marta Valešová, MBA Bursar