IT1 Project Support Structure | En X + v (r GO* ft it Cg ® =f d (^Aktuallzovaf Q About us v About me v Teaching v- Research and projects ^ Operations and services ^ About Portal © News || Calendar LU Documents ;p My links ZD Newsletters fffl Daily menu ° Wore apps ^ Q- > Research > Support > Project Support Structure Masaryk University i^j Faculty of Sports Studies Project Support Structure Grant Office at the MUNI Rectorate Services for researchers We allocate out efforts on first-come-first-serve basis, so make sure you contact us well in advance if you plan to use our services! The recommended timescale is: • 1 year before the deadline to get support with coordinated H202GVHE proposal or get strategic advice with ERG; 74 ITl Project Support Structure I En X + 4r G Ú * i ů © * □ • 1 year before the deadline to get support with coordinated H202GVHE proposal or get strategic advice with ERC; • 6 months before the deadline to be able to fully benefit from MSCA-IF support programme; • 3 months before the deadline to get limited consultation time for ERC or MSCA-IF application. Coming later does not prevent you from submitting the proposal, but you will be unlikely to receive our full support. All proposals we assist with must be first consulted with grant support at your faculty/centre. It is your responsibility to get acceptance from all responsible persons/departments at your faculty/centre - obtaining and/or negotiation of such approvals is not part of our services. ERC Support Scheme We provide complex support to ERC candidates using both internal resources and external consultants. Feel free to contact us anytime to discuss your eligibility, strategy to improve scientific profile, choice of panel, and proposal preparation schedule. When you jump onto the actual writing, we are ready to provide detailed templates, guidance, and repeated proposal review by internal and external (Lotte Jaspers, Gavin Thompson) experts. In coordination with faculty research departments, we also consult budgets. We are here to help you structure and formulate your ideas in a way that catches the attention of evaluators and does not let loose until the end. Contact person: Ida Součková Olšová MSCA-IF Writing M/hilp> nrn inrlorl in anH tn a brnp pvtpnl ch/eiIi intoH nrt a rpcparrh nrnifsr^t Mnriři i?HrwHrMiwcIf irifi IT1 Project Support Structure | En X + 4r GO* A * Om © * =i □ MSCA-IF Writing While grounded in, and to a large extent evaluated on, a research project, Marie Sktodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships are first of all actions to promote career development through mobility. Grasping this aspect may be tricky, so we have designed a programme to help you cope with the proposal writing of MSCA-IF. In February, we start with information session for supervisors. In April, we welcome all potential applicants to an info day, where we explain basic characteristics of the MSCA-IF programme - eligibility criteria, evaluation, panels and sub-programmes, budget. After the info day, you should have a clear idea whether the MSCA-IF is the right choice for your career progress. In May and June, we engage already committed applicants in two-day hands-on proposal development workshop. Mostly, we focus on MSCA-IF candidates incoming to MUNI (or submitting Global Fellowship with MUNI as the main beneficiary}, but we are ready to provide basic guidance also to those who are leaving MUNI with Standard Fellowships. After the hands-on workshop, you may consult your proposal structure and text with us repeatedly. Contact person: Jakub Zeman Support to H2020/HE Coordinators Leading an international consortium is a long-term, demanding ambition. If you apply for funding from H2Q207HE as the coordinator, our support can make your life much easier. We are flexible -the activities and tasks we may supply to you as the coordinator are diverse, and we always agree on a mode of support that will suit your actual needs and personality. Our service portfolio starts with consultations on match of your idea with upcoming calls. Then, we offer pre-screening of funded projects / similar previous calls, which may help you get familiar with your competition and/or potential collaborators. Knowing what the EU already funded, you will avoid potential overlaps and will hp wpII-sii litpirl tn rritinalk/ rpfpr tn nn-nninn wnrk If uni i HpniHp tn nn nn tn thp> "hnt" nhatip nf ITl Project Support Structure I En X + v (r G Ú * ft it Cg ® JI =í Q (^Aktualizovat1 • .....--------------— — ... — j--rr-j — J------— —---" " ""--1 ---"" — a ■-- on a mode of support that will suit your actual needs and personality. Our service portfolio starts with consultations on match of your idea with upcoming calls. Then, we offer pre-screening of funded projects / similar previous calls, which may help you get familiar with your competition and/or potential collaborators. Knowing what the EU already funded, you will avoid potential overlaps and will be well-suited to critically refer to on-going work. If you decide to go on to the "hot" phase of consortium building, we may support your partner search activities and help you present the initial idea in a clear and concise way. We design proposal preparation schedules to guide our collaboration and interaction with the consortium in the intense writing phase. We can channel most communication with partners - request data and sections of text, push for timely delivery, review and clarify the inputs with partners. We assemble partners1 contributions, create and edit the proposal draft, write non-scientific sections. We can facilitate systemic approach to budget design and explain to partners our reasoning for the resources they are being allocated. We do final checks - smoothen formatting, control consistency in figures and in text, proof-read for typos and unclear formulations. We take full care of the administrative forms and often also click the submit button. Contact person: Ladislav Čoček Advice on Funding Strategies New to MUNI? Establishing an independent team? We are ready to help you shape a strategy and action plan that will maximize your chances to get the right resources at the right time. Based on r^=w--your scientific profile, we can recommend a schedule of applications for funding from national and international providers that matches your profile. Z^..,,.., Contact person: All of us IT1 Project Support Structure | En X + 4r GO* A * Om © * =i □ Info Days and Training Each semester, we have a unique and rich event schedule. Make sure to follow the IMPROVE calendar! Grants Week Taking place since 2015, once a year in the Autumn semester, the Grants Week concentrates the best knowledge we can offer. We regularly invite leading international expert on H20207HE, Sean McCarthy as the keynote speaker. We organize experience sharing sessions involving successful applicants from MUNI in all areas our university covers. The diverse programme of Grants Week covered also research ethics, science communication, administration of international projects and many other - each year, we strive to design lectures, workshops, and courses that bring new value to MUNI and the South Moravia Region. MSCA-IF Training Series Each year, we run three MSCA-IF preparatory events: (1) in February, we start with engaging supervisors, explaining to them the value of MSCA-IF for their teams and their role in proposal preparation; (2) in April, we introduce the MSCA-IF funding schemes, evaluation, and other basics to a wider range of potential applicants; and (3) in May/June, we support candidates who already decided to go for MSCA-IF in structuring and drafting their ideas in a way attractive to the evaluators. Pi mHinn I anrlcrsnoc anH Mrtw tn M/rifo a 37 IT1 Project Support Structure | En X + 4r GO* A * Om © * =i □ Funding Landscapes and How to Write a Competitive Proposal We have recently started to provide an introductory overview of the core competences needed to successfully fuel research teams with appropriate resources. The series of two seminars is planned for each semester. MSCA-RISE and ITN Every Autumn, we introduce the two multi-party Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions. The Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) funding scheme has been very productive for MUNI recently - we are the coordinators of 3 international networks and partners in 2 more. The Initial Training Networks (ITN) are extremely competitive, yet also in this programme, MUNI is a coordinator of one consortium. In the information day, we present the expertise of researchers, managers, and administrators involved in the successful MSCA consortia. Bringing the Best from National Contact Points to Brno Regularly, we invite the National Contact Points for H2020/HE from Technology Centre of CAS to Brno to share the expertise they get by interacting with R&l institutions across Czechia and by participating in programme committees in Brussels. REGON IT1 Project Support Structure | En X + 4r GO* A * Om © * =i □ REGON We coordinate the South Moravian platform of research managers. This REGON is a unique meeting place, originally for professionals involved in international funding, later getting much wider scope to national funding, research policy, human resources and many other areas connected to research support. We meet once a month, listen to a lecture of an invited guest, and openly share our recent achievements, experience, and upcoming events and challenges. FRESHERS: Funding Landscapes and Grant Writing for PhD Students We are active in PhD skills development. The Grant Office at Rectorate runs two lectures within the FRESHERS (previously PREFEKT) course. We are teaching the PhD students - our early stage researchers - basic principles of financing of research and core elements of grant writing. Grant Agency of Masaryk University The GAMU programme F - 'Support of International Grant Preparation" - finances the ERG Support Scheme and is continuously open to applicants for multi-party international projects. As a partner in a consortium preparing a H2020/HE proposal, you may apply for funding of your travel costs to project meetings and/or contribution to coordinator on consultant costs. As a coordinator, you may ask for a budget to organize a project meeting yourself, to travel to partners, or to hire a consultant (though we highly recommend rather using the Rectorate Grant Office services, if capacity allows). Services for Grant Support Offices at Faculties/Centres On a monthly basis we meet with the heads of grant support offices to share news and recent experiences and plan for the upcoming challenges. Approximately twice a semester, we organize a half-day training open to all grant support professionals from MUNI dedicated to currently "hot" topics (e.g. ethics, GDPR). Our Info Days and Training includes a wealth of events specifically tailored for research support professionals (such as project management workshops by Europamedia, financial and legal seminars on H2020/HE from NCPs). If capacity allows, we welcome support officers also at the researcher-oriented courses. We are open to consultations on strategies of grant support at MUNI faculties/centres. Pi Project Support Structure I En X + 4r O O: * Contact Mgr. Eva Nagyova Science communication officer, Research & Development Office Phone: +420 549 49 4207 E-mail: Mgr. Taťána Straková, Ph.D. Project coordination manager, Office for Development Phone: +420 549 49 5007 ~ i__I---. ~ i __