Press seminar for Czech students of journalism organized by EPLO Prague ahead of the CZ Presidency Brussels, 17 - 19 May 2022 English summary of the draft programme Tuesday, 17 May 2022 08:15 Arrival of the participants to Brussels airport (Flight at 6: 45) 09:30 Hotel + Accreditation in the European Parliament 11:00 Presentation of the EP press service, visiting press room and background for journalists 12.00 Lunch 13.00 Visit of POLITICO premises + short debate 14:00 Introduction to the EU institutional framework 16:00 Thematic roundtable with MEPs - theme according to the current political agenda 18: 00 End Wednesday, 18 May 2022 9:00 Introduction to the role of the EP in the legislative process 11:00 AV facilities at disposal of journalists in the EP/AV website 12:00 Lunch with Brussels based Czech media representatives 14:00 Visit the House of European History 16:00 Meeting MEPs' in their offices - a background of the work of MEPs (participants divided into small groups, each group visits another MEP) 18:00 - 20.30 Working dinner with guest Thursday, 19 May 2022 9:00 Meeting with the spokesperson and representatives of the Permanent Representation of the Czech Republic to the EU - Czech Presidency 11:00 European Parliament Plenary session from the tribune 12:00 Buffet lunch with Political group Press officers 12:40 Departure from Brussels airport 14:40 Flight to Prague