Academic Senate of the Faculty of Social Studies Masaryk University Minutes of the 217^th meeting, May 31, 2021 The meeting was held online on the Zoom platform. Present (in alphabetical order): · Bc. Barbora Adamková · Ing. Rudolf Burgr, Ph.D. · Mgr. Mikuláš Černík · Sonya Darrow · Mgr. Otto Eibl, Ph.D. · Mgr. and Mgr. Vratislav Havlík, Ph.D. · Bc. Daniel Jirků · Katarína Kováčová · doc. Mgr. and Mgr. Peter Spáč, Ph.D. · doc. Mgr. and Mgr. Jan Šerek, Ph.D. Absent: * doc. Mgr. et Mgr. Oldřich Krpec, Ph.D. Guests: ● prof. PhDr. Stanislav Balík, Ph.D. ● Ing. Pavlína Kadlčková, DiS. ● Mgr. et Mgr. Adéla Souralová, Ph.D. ● PhDr. Petr Suchý, Ph.D. ● doc. PhDr. Martin Vaculík, Ph.D. ● Bc. Veronika Dombrovská (interpreter) · Ladislav Otava Agenda: 1) Conditions of the admission procedure of the FSS MU in the academic year 2022/23 2) Proposal for the implementation of the Strategic Plan of the FSS MU for the year 2021 - for information 3) Miscellaneous 4) Internal agenda of AS FSS MU The program was approved (9 in favor, 0 against, 0 abstained from voting). 1) Conditions of the admission procedure of the FSS MU in the academic year 2022/23 Dean: He briefly mentioned the point concerning the admission procedure at the FSS for the academic year 2021/22. He informed that the management of the FSS intentionally does not propose any new changes, he proposes to continue admission without entrance exams. Eibl: He opened the debate on the issue. No comments were raised by the members of the AS FSS MU. Bugr: He suggested a change in the wording in the section on the admission of candidates without an entrance examination and asked about the criteria for admission without an entrance examination. Dean: He replied that the wording would be changed. Souralová: She responded to a question regarding the criteria for admission without an entrance exam. She said that candidates who advance to the national round (of SOČ) will be accepted in the same way as those who placed first, second or third in the regional or central round. The following resolution was then voted on. Resolution: AS FSS MU discussed and approved the Conditions of the Admission Procedure at FSS MU in the academic year 2021/22, as amended by the minutes. (10 in favor, 0 against, 0 abstained from voting) 2) Proposal for the implementation of the Strategic Plan of the FSS MU for the year 2021 - for information Dean: He thanked for the unanimous support of the Conditions of the Admission Procedure. He then briefly presented the proposal for the implementation of the Strategic Plan of the FSS and stated that some of the set goals have already been met. Jirků: He asked whether the faculty management have planned to publish a Newsletter also for students. Dean: He said that we were more and more feeling that the newsletter for students is missing. The first issue of the student newsletter will be published in September. It is currently expected to be published once a semester. Šerek: He asked a question regarding the social responsibility role of the MU and the set goals. Dean: He stated that in the Strategic Plan, this sector is understood not only outwards but also inside the institution. It is also aimed at students, applicants and employees. He informed that the set goals were chosen with regard to the current situation. Due to the uncertain times, priority was given to activities that can also be done online. Adamková: She asked whether the members of the Student Chamber of the AS FSS MU would also be able to contribute to the student newsletter. Dean: He answered that definitely yes, the cooperation with the Student Chamber of the AS FSS MU on the student newsletter is welcomed. Eibl: He closed the discussion and invited the members of the AS FSS MU to vote on the resolution below. Resolution: The AS FSS MU acknowledged the document Proposal for the Implementation of the FSS MU Strategic Plan for 2021, as amended by the minutes. (10 in favor, 0 against, 0 abstained from voting) 3) Miscellaneous a. Current information concerning the functioning of the faculty Dean: He informed that a green traffic light has been valid for MU since May 31. Non-academic staff no longer have the option of a home office. For academics, the issue of home office is determined by the head of the economic center. In connection with this, the opening hours of the study department were also extended, the study rooms were opened and the opening hours of the library were adjusted. Šerek: He raised the question of whether students will be able to use empty classrooms, for example, for online exams. Dean: He said that he agreed that students should use the empty classroom. However, he pointed out that on May 31, construction works of the faculty have begun, with which demolition work will also be connected. It is therefore necessary to take into account the increased noise and dust. Secretary: She added that no internet or power outages are expected. b. Bicycle Shed The secretary informed that the entrance to the FSS building from Marešova Street is fully accessible. She said the bike shed was available to staff and doctoral students. At the building entrance to the Marešova street there is a bell and the possibility of remote door opening from the gatehouse, access to the bike shed right next to the entrance is possible on an employee card or student ISIC. The bike shed has space for about 16 bikes. On the fifth floor there is a shower, the key to the shower can be requested at the gatehouse. The Dean thanked the Sustainability Working Group for making the showers accessible. c. Date of the next meeting of the AS FSS MU After discussions with the members of the AS FSS MU, the date of the next meeting was changed. The next regular meeting of the AS FSS is scheduled for Monday, June 21, 2021 from 16:00, online using the Zoom platform. Eibl: He reminded that he will no longer be present at the next meeting of the AS FSS MU. From June 1, he will hold the position of Deputy Head of the Department of Political Science. Dean: He thanked to dr. Eibl for his long-term cooperation and wished him much success in another role. 4) Internal agenda of AS FSS MU a. Change in the position of Vice-Chairman of the AS FSS MU The Vice-Chairman of the AS FSS MU D. Jirků resigned from the position of Vice-Chairman. Eibl: He said that a secret election would take place in the IS MU and asked colleagues from the Chamber of Academic Staff not to interfere in the student election. In the presence of all five members of the Student Chamber of the AS FSS, a secret election of the AS FSS Vice-President from among the Student Chamber took place, in which Katarína Kováčová was elected to the position in question. (4 in favor, 0 against, 1 abstained from voting) b. Change in the position of the chairman of the AS FSS MU Eibl: He informed that the election of the chairman of the AS FSS will take place in the same way - by secret election, in the IS MU and called on the senators to raise nominations. Spáč: He nominated Vratislav Havlík as a candidate for the chairman of the AS FSS. Havlík: He accepted the nomination. Burgr: He nominated Petr Spáč as a candidate for the chairman of the AS FSS. Spáč: He rejected the nomination. In the presence of ten members of the AS FSS, a secret election of the chairman of the AS FSS took place, in which Vratislav Havlík was elected to the position in question. (10 in favor, 0 against, 0 abstained from voting) c. Change in the Student Chamber of AS FSS MU Adamková: She announced that she would take the State Final Exams during July, and in connection with that, her studies would be terminated and her mandate in the Student Chamber of the AS FSS MU would end. 5) Supplement to the FSS MU Sustainability Working Group Eibl: He called on the present senators to nominate candidates from the individual chambers for office Nominated: Mgr. Kateřina Fridrichová, Ph.D. As no further nominations were proposed, a vote was taken. (10 in favor, 0 against, 0 abstained from voting) Resolutions adopted: 2021-05-31/1 AS FSS MU discussed and approved the Conditions of the Admission Procedure at FSS MU in the academic year 2021/22, as amended by the minutes. (10 in favor, 0 against, 0 abstained from voting) 2021-05-31/2 The AS FSS MU acknowledged the document Proposal for the Implementation of the FSS MU Strategic Plan for 2021, as amended by the minutes. (10 in favor, 0 against, 0 abstained from voting) Mgr. Otto Eibl, Ph.D. President of the Senate doc. Mgr. and Mgr. Jan Šerek, Ph.D. Vice-President of the Senate Bc. Daniel Jirků Vice-President of the Senate Minutes taken by: Kateřina Majdanová Translated by Bc. Veronika Dombrovská