C4e Cybersecurity, Cybercrime and Critical Information Infrastructures Centre of Excellence §A multidisciplinary center that brings together expert academic departments to address complex cyberspace problems. § §We focus on technical, legal and social aspects of cybersecurity, CIIP and cybercrime. §We conduct excellent multi-disciplinary research, development and education. §We cooperate with public and private sector and by that we link theory and practice. § 2 §Cybersecurity, Cybercrime and Critical Information Infrastructures Centre of Excellence § §Critical Information Infrastructures Protection, lead by Tomáš Pitner. §Cybersecurity, lead by Pavel Čeleda. §Law, lead by Radim Polčák. §The Centre is managed by Roman Čermák. § 3 §Cybersecurity, Cybercrime and Critical Information Infrastructures Centre of Excellence § §Involved experts collaborate and carry out multidisciplinary excellence research and development within the research programmes. Their research results immediately reflect in their education activities. § §The centre aims on practical application of research activities. To this end, we collaborate with a wide range of public and private sector. 4 C4e – Cybersecurity Research Programme CSIRT-MU Involvement in C4e §Aims §Modelling, analysis and mitigation of cyberattacks §Objectives §Increase research performance §Improve the research infrastructure §Expand and strengthen research team §Strengthen international cooperation 6 CSIRT-MU Involvement in C4e §Activities §Basic cybersecurity research in ever-evolving threat landscape §Research in operationally relevant cybersecurity topics §Outputs §Proof of concept prototypes and demonstrations §Publications in journals and conference proceedings § 7 CSIRT-MU Involvement in C4e §Outcomes §Stepping up cybersecurity research capability at CSIRT-MU §International cooperation on cybersecurity research and funding §Impact §Masaryk University as leading cybersecurity partner in CZ §Research excellence in originality, significance and rigour 8 Summary §Cybersecurity is of utmost importance (high priority for anybody) §CSIRT-MU wants play an important role in the field of cybersecurity §C4e complements CSIRT-MU research and services portfolio §C4e is an unique opportunity for the next CSIRT-MU shift §C4e is a long-term commitment (5 + 5 years) § 9