Contents VII Contents Contents VII Preface XI 1. Why Norms in Cyberspace? I Radim Polcäk 2. Frontiers of Cyberspace-Subversive Potential of Cyberspace towards the State Especially the State Law 9 Mortui Skop 3. How to Derive an "Ought" from a "Can't": Virtual Laws, Artificial Societies and the Idea of Designing out Crime in Cyberspace 15 Nicholas Gervassis and Burkhard Schafer 4. Code, Cyberspace and Human Rights 23 Karol Dobrzeniecki 5. Enforcing Solidarity through Cybermoney: A Critique of the Dominant Economic Theory and Practise 29 Franz Aigner and Max Watzenboeck 6. Jurisdiction and Applicable Law on the Internet 37 Michael Bogdan VIII Contents 7. Geo-location Technologies: A Brief Overview Dan Svantesson 8. Internet Governance: New Needs of a Changing World Peter Lenda 9. Internet: Regulation of Cyberspace Martin Plíšek and Bohumír Stědroň 10. Legal Norms Regulating the use of Free Software in the Italian P.A.'s. Marina Pietrangelo I I. The Software as an Object of Legal Relationships in Private Law Zdeněk Tobeš 12. The Function of the Theory of Law in the "Net of Nets" Jaromír Harvánek and Roman Vaněk 13. Internet Piracy: The Fight Against a New Form of Infringement of Intellectual Property Irini Vassilaki 14. Normative Systems and the Internet Vladimír Smejkal 15. World Approaches towards the Child Pornography on the Internet Michael Vrtek 16. Regulation vs. Liberalisation with Regard to the Legislation of the So-called Common Ownership Petr Havlan 17. Threats of Electronic Communications Pavel Sejnoha Contents IX 18. Information Systems Certification: A Prerequisity of Their Profound Exploitation. 129 Václav Sedláček 19. Cyber Adversary Behavior From A Socio-Cognitive Perspective: A Fused Analysis 133 Meera Sarma and N. Balakrishnan 20. Cybersex as the Form of the Internet Communication: Motivation of the Users 149 Radana Dívínovó 21. Life Field, Europeanisation, Globalization and Cyberspace Petr Sak 155