Features of Hepatitis Viruses: Virus Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Hepatitis C Hepatitis D Hepatitis E Family Picornaviridae Hepadnaviridae Flaviviridae Unclassified Unclassified Genus Hepatovirus Orthohepadnavirus Hepacivirus Deltavirus Hepevirus Virion 27 nm, icosahedral 42 nm, spherical 60 nm, spherical 35 nm, spherical 30–32 nm, icosahedral Envelope No Yes (HBsAg) Yes Yes (HBsAg) No Genome ssRNA dsDNA ssRNA ssRNA ssRNA Genome size 7.5 kb 3.2 kb 9.4 kb 1.7 kb 7.6 kb Stability Heat- and acid-stable Acid-sensitive Ether-sensitive, acid-sensitive Acid-sensitive Heat-stable Transmission Fecal-oral Parenteral Parenteral Parenteral Fecal-oral Prevalence High High Moderate Low, regional Regional Fulminant disease Rare Rare Rare Frequent In pregnancy Chronic disease Never Often Often Often Never Oncogenic No Yes Yes ? No Hepatitis Viruses Antigens and Antibodies Definitions: Disease Component of System Definition Hepatitis A HAV Hepatitis A virus. Etiologic agent of infectious hepatitis. A picornavirus, the prototype of a new genus, Hepatovirus. Anti-HAV Antibody to HAV. Detectable at onset of symptoms; lifetime persistence. IgM anti-HAV IgM class antibody to HAV. Indicates recent infection with hepatitis A; positive up to 4–6 months after infection. Hepatitis B HBV Hepatitis B virus. Etiologic agent of serum hepatitis. A hepadnavirus. HBsAg Hepatitis B surface antigen. Surface antigen(s) of HBV detectable in large quantity in serum; several subtypes identified. HBeAg Hepatitis B e antigen. Associated with HBV nucleocapsid; indicates viral replication; circulates as soluble antigen in serum. HBcAg Hepatitis B core antigen. Anti-HBs Antibody to HBsAg. Indicates past infection with and immunity to HBV, presence of passive antibody from HBIG, or immune response from HBV vaccine. Anti-HBe Antibody to HBeAg. Presence in serum of HBsAg carrier suggests lower titer of HBV. Anti-HBc Antibody to HBcAg. Indicates infection with HBV at some undefined time in the past. IgM anti-HBc IgM class antibody to HBcAg. Indicates recent infection with HBV; positive for 4–6 months after infection. Hepatitis C HCV Hepatitis C virus, a common etiologic agent of posttransfusion hepatitis. A flavivirus, genus Hepacivirus. Anti-HCV Antibody to HCV. Hepatitis D HDV Hepatitis D virus. Etiologic agent of delta hepatitis; causes infection only in presence of HBV. HDAg Delta antigen (delta-Ag). Detectable in early acute HDV infection. Anti-HDV Antibody to delta-Ag (anti-delta). Indicates past or present infection with HDV. Hepatitis E HEV Hepatitis E virus. Enterically transmitted hepatitis virus. Causes large epidemics in Asia, North and West Africa, and Mexico; fecal-oral or waterborne transmission. Unclassified. Immune globulins IG Immune globulin USP. Contains antibodies to HAV; no antibodies to HBsAg, HCV, or human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). HBIG Hepatitis B immune globulin. Contains high titers of antibodies to HBV.