What is the purpose of Orientation Week? Orientation Week is run with the primary objective of helping ease the transition into study and social life in Brno. We have various social events throughout the week before studies begin, geared towards mixing of students together, so that by the first day of classes you know not only where all your classes are but, also the other people in your class. We hope this makes the prospect of joining the University far less daunting and much more enjoyable. As we are aware that parents too have questions about the University, every day after registration board members will be hosting a luncheon during which parents may ask us any questions they have about studies or life in general in Brno. Hope to see you soon! Regards MIMSA Board 2011 Orientation Week 2011 MIMSA (Masaryk International Medical Students Association) Represents you to the University and is your first port of call for any study related or personal problems. We run study help sessions throughout the semester, various social events and the Orientation week for the new first year students. Basically we are students who are here to help other students. Should What is MIMSA? you have any problems before starting your studies in Brno, we suggest that you contact the relevant person on the MIMSA board - all contact information can be found on our website: www.mimsa.cz “MIMSA- here to help” Schedule September: 12th - Scavenger hunt around the city and Tour of Campus 13th- Enrollment, Lunch with parents and pool hall evening 14th- Enrollment, Lunch with parents and night out-in the centre 15th- Enrollment, Lunch with parents and Bowling night 16th - Welcome Barbeque, speech from the Dean and Beer ‘n’ Music night 17th - Day off – to unwind 18th - Day of fun in the park 19th- 23rd - First week of classes 23rd- Freshers’ party MIMSA 2011 www.mimsa.cz