Minutes- General Meeting Dec. 14th 2012- 7PM

At 7pm only 6 people present +board therefore delayed until 7:30pm (until atleast 30 people present)


7:35pm: Meeting started wit 37 people

- Initiation paper was signed by previous president and VP and new 2013 president and VP

-Main purpose of new MIMSA: improve relationships between the MIMSA board and its students, equalize the education between the Czech and Englsih students, also provide more social opportunities to integrate. 

-New board introduced: President: Sam Okereke, VP: Afonso Sequeira, Social department: Angie Gioni + Paul Peters, Education: Anshu Jha + Mafalda Martins, Secretary- Veronika Sykorova, Treasurer: Kenan Aykut, PR: Luis Cyrillo IT: Rahil Siddique


-Afonso: Improve the constitution

_Angie+Paul: More events with greater, more valuable, difference between card holders, non cardhodlers. Accepting new ideas. Trying to do more cultural events.

-Luis: More communication between group representatives, especially about problems with the courses, in order to solve issues faster. 

- Anshu+Mafalda: Provide same materials to foreign studetn as for czech students, continue with anatomy sessions, more notes uploaded for each year. Continue with workshops- suture, etc., Provide more info about applying for jobs in the UK, USA, etc. Continue with the book sale- Please keep bringing your books and notes in. 

            -If you need any help  with pre-requisites and other problems with your studies, please feel free to contact the study department. 

Kenan: In regards to the the issue of last year with the money missing nothing can actually be done across the police because there was no forced entry into the office. But the office has been made safer by buying a safe, to which the code will be provided only to Kenan and the Sam. 

             - We will try to get a new sponsors for cafe's, etc


It: website will be revamped 

Thank you for coming, please don't forget to sign the paper on your way out.