Faculty of Medicine • Masaryk University • Brno • Czech Republic Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Department of Functional Diagnostics and Rehabilitation PROCEEDINGS SYMPOSIUM NONINVASIVE METHODS IN CARDIOLOGY Edited by: Halberg F., Kenner T., Fišer B., Siegelová J. 2008 Faculty of Medicine Masaryk University Brno Czech Republic Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Department of Functional Diagnostics and Rehabilitation PROCEEDINGS SYMPOSIUM NONINVASIVE METHODS IN CARDIOLOGY Edited by: Halberg F., Kenner T., Fišer B., Siegelová J. 2008 2 The Symposium takes place under the auspices of Prof. PhDr. Petr Fiala, Ph.D., Rector of Masaryk University Brno Prof. MUDr. Jan Žaloudík, CSc., Dean of Faculty of Medicine Masaryk University Brno Ing. Petr Koška., MBA, Director of the St. Anna Teaching Hospital in Brno MUDr. Marie Košuli ová, Director of National Centre of Nursing and Other Health Professions ISBN 978-80-7013-481-8 3 CONTENTS ROLE AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE OF THE EVALUATION OF ARTERIAL PULSES Kenner T..................................................................................................... 5 QUO VADIS CHRONOMICS 2008: MEASURING VARIABILITY IN US, AMONG US AND AROUND US Halberg F....................... 16 CIRCADIAN STAGE-DEPENDENT INFRADIAN-MODULATED CHANGES IN A MENTAL FUNCTION DURING AGING Halberg F.............................................................. 26 THE COSMOS IN A EUKARYOTIC UNICELL Halberg F............................................................ 32 SOLAR SIGNATURES IN AUSTRALIAN SUICIDE INCIDENCE: GENDER DIFFERENCES IN PROMINENCE OF PHOTIC VS. NONPHOTIC SPECTRAL COMPONENTS Halberg F.................................................................. 44 REASONS FOR A PROTOCOL FOR RADIATION TREATMENT AIMED AT EXPLOITING WEEKLY RHYTHMS Halberg F.......................................................... 63 BRÜCKNER-EGESON-LOCKYER (BEL) CLIMATE CYCLE IN ORIGINAL BRÜCKNER’S, LOCKYER’S AND FOLLOW-UP DATA Halberg F................................................................................................................................ 74 SHOULD 7-DAY/24-HOUR CHRONOBIOLOGICALLY INTERPRETED BLOOD PRESSURE MONITORING REPLACESINGLE MEASUREMENTS BEFORE CATARACT SURGERY? Cornélissen G........................................................................................... 90 BRÜCKNER-EGESON-LOCKYER (BEL) CYCLE IN HELIOGEOMAGNETICS Cornélissen G................................................................................. 106 BODY MASS INDEX (BMI), PULSE PRESSURE (PP) AND PREMETABOLIC SYNDROME Cornélissen G................................................................... 116 AURORAL AEOLIAN PERIODICITY DURING 1545-1724, INCLUDING THE MAUNDER MINIMUM Cornélissen G.......................................................... 124 ON GAPS AND INTERPOLATION METHODS TO AVOID ERRORS IN PERIOD ESTIMATION WITH CONVENTIONAL TIME SERIES ANALYSIS Czaplicki J.................................................................................................................... 128 AMBULATORY PROFILE IN A NON-AMBULATORY SUBJECT: A SPHYGMOCHRON WITH GAPS (WHEN WE SHOULD MEASURE AGAIN, NOT INTERPOLATE) Hörmann H............................................................. 137 C-ABPM REVEALS SOLAR CIS-HALFYEAR AND TRANSYEAR SIGNATURES IN HUMAN DIASTOLIC BLOOD PRESSURE Katinas S................................. 144 PAIN AND THE CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM REVISITED IN A LONG-TERM MONITORING Katinas S.............................................................................. 147 HARM VS. BENEFIT FROM LOSARTAN WITH HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE AT DIFFERENT CIRCADIAN TIMES IN MESOR-HYPERTENSION OR CHAT Watanabe Y.................................................... 149 TIME-SPECIFIED NORMS REVEAL FULL SYSTOLIC BUT INCOMPLETE DIASTOLIC EARLY MESOR-HYPERTENSION, MH Watanabe Y............................................................................................................................... 168 DIFFERING FAR-TRANSYEAR/CALENDAR YEAR AMPLITUDE RATIOS IN BLOOD PRESSURE VS. HEART RATE IN ADOLESCENCE Watanabe F................................................................................................... 177 4 TRANSYEARS, NO CALENDAR-YEAR IN BLOOD PRESSURE DECADES BEFORE MESOR-HYPERTENSION: NORMAL OR ABNORMAL? Watanabe Y......................................................................................184 CHRONOMICS: ANXIETY DISORDER IN ADOLESCENCE AND HEART RATE ASYNCHRONIZED WITH WEEKLY SCHEDULE Watanabe Y................................................................................................................189 A TRANSTRIDECADAL CYCLE IN HUMAN HEART RATE: SELECTIVE INFRADIAN, NOTABLY MULTIDECADAL SOLAR-PHYSIOLOGIC BEL CONGRUENCES Sothern R.........................................................204 EFFECTS OF PHASE II CARDIAC REHABILITATION ON INSULIN RESISTANCE AND MYOCARDIAL REMODELLING IN PATIENTS WITH ACUTE MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION Kohzuki M..................................214 ARTERIAL STIFFNESS DETERMINED BY PRESSURE WAVE VELOCITY, AORTIC COMPLIANCE AND CARDIO-ANKLE VASCULAR INDEX Fišer B............................................................................................................227 AMBULATORY ARTERIAL STIFFNESS INDEX IN PATIENTS MONITORED FOR 6 CONSECUTIVE DAYS Siegelová J...........................................................233 PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND 24-HOUR PROFILE OF BLOOD PRESSURE Havelková A...........................................................................................238 INTERVAL AND CONTINUOUS TRAINING IN CARDIOVASCULAR REHABILITATION IN MEN AFTER ACUTE MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION: INFLUENCE ON AEROBIC CAPACITY AND PERFORMANCE ON THE LEVEL OF ANAEROBIC THRESHOLD Chludilová V.................................................244 BAROREFLEX SENSITIVITY IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Konečný L....................................251 EFFECTIVITY OF PHYSIOTHERAPY IN STROKE IN ACUTE PHASE Tarasová M.....................................................................................................262 MUSCLE STRENGTH EXAMINATION OF HAND AND MOTOR SKILLS OF HAND IN PATIENTS WITH CEREBRAL PALSY Drlíková L...........................................................................................................................272 QUALITY OF LIFE AFTER CARDIOVASCULAR REHABILITATION IN CHRONIC ISCHEMIC HEART DISEASE Pochmonová J......................................................279 AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM IN PARKINSON’S DISEASE Pospíšil P.........................................................................................................................288 PATIENTS WITH STROKE: RESULTS OF PHYSIOTHERAPY AND OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY Bártlová B.............................................................................298 5 ROLE AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE OF THE EVALUATION OF ARTERIAL PULSES Thomas Kenner Physiologisches Institut, Graz Dedication This short and incomplete review of some own interests and some outlooks is dedicated to Bohumil Fiser who, together with all members of the “Brno-team” organized and stimulated so many interesting ideas and meetings, and who together with all friends in this city made Brno to a meeting point, where all of us love to come together. It seems to me that many ideas and plans, on which all of us sometime started to work and which then were forgotten or neglected, suddenly come up again, so that even some historical parameters recently receive a kind of scientific medical OSCAR, which is titled “ GOLD STANDARD”. I would say, that exclusively Bohumil and all members of the "Brno Team" deserve such a “Gold Standard” title. Below I will try to present my opinion that I have doubts about the validity of all other “gold standard” titles in medical science. Remarks The choice of words, which are used in order to express certain thoughts, gives insight into unconscious trends of brain activity. I am astonished about the increasing abundance of expressions like „gold standard“ in medicine and medical research. One interesting explanation of using such an expression can be found in Sigmund Freud’s book on “jokes and their relation to the unconscious”. There appear to me two main considerations for an analysis. At first the jealous association of medicine with gold and money may play a role. In fact, this is in agreement with the observation of a present trend in clinical medicine towards business-like industrialization (Lüscher, 2008). On the other hand it seems surprising that in the current time of financial and banking crisis, the rather slippery and variable gold value is chosen for the description of biological norms and standards. Perhaps unconsciously the word gold expresses the wish that life should not be associated with the uncertainties of international oil corruption. One such “gold standard” supposedly is the value of the pulse wave velocity for the estimation of the stiffness along the aorta as measured between carotid and femoral artery (see T. Weber 2008). Introduction The time course of functional processes in a dynamic system – like the CV-system - depends on the structure of the system. Therefore, one can state that the observation of functional processes can be used to extract diagnostic information about structure and function. The functional processes of the CV-system are related to flow and pressure in the vascular channels. This trivial introduction aims to the question how to extract relevant diagnostic information, and how to analyze and present this information. Any time-dependent signal – like arterial pulses – can be analyzed and described in terms of time domain or in terms of frequency domain. The time sequences of arterial pressure and flow are described mathematically by a pair of transmission equations. These equations have been used already in the 19 th century by E.H. Weber, by A.I. Moens and by J. v. Kries. When I read about hemodynamic recordings, interpretations and calculations I have the feeling that experiments and descriptions should be revisited, which Wetterer and Kenner have published in 1968 in a book, which had the disadvantage to be written in German and which in addition is unavailable since many years. These experiments and explanations were easy to understand and were intended to present some basic knowledge about developments in analysis of arterial pulses in a simple form. The following is the attempt to review and to explain some fundamental facts, which seem to me essential for application in diagnostic procedures. 6 7 TIME DOMAIN Pulse wave velocity The pulse wave velocity is an essential term in these equations. The equation, which describes the pulse wave velocity as a function of the physical properties of an elastic tube and the contained fluid bears the name Moens’ equation: c = Eh/2r c: pulse wave velocity, E: elastic modulus, h: wall thickness, r: radius of the tube, : density of the fluid The pulse wave velocity in a tube increases with increasing elastic modulus (a measure of stiffness) and with wall thickness. c decreases with increasing radius and increasing density of fluid (blood). Due to the tissue properties, distension of arteries – by increasing blood pressure – inceases the elastic modulus and consequently the pulse wave velocity. Characteristic impedance For illustration of the behavior of pulse waves in an artery Wetterer and Kenner used a model system consisting of a pump and an elastic tube, which on its distal end is adjusted with an outflow resistance. In the example of Fig. 1 the pump generates a flow pulse. The pressure reacts with a pressure pulse. As will be shown below, such a pump like a normal ventricle may be called a “hard” pump. During the diastole the outflow valve is closed, consequently no central flow can be seen during this period. The relation between the amplitude of the pressure pulse (dp) and the flow pulse (dq) is described by the so called characteristic impedance Z = dp/dq Z can be determined by the following relation: Z = c /r2 The stiffer the artery and the higher the pulse wave velocity, the higher is the pressure amplitude – in relation to a given flow amplitude. 8 Pulse wave reflection Pressure and flow waves run along a fluid filled tube with velocity c. On a location where the characteristic impedance increases or decreases or where a resistance is located, wave reflection takes place. The reflected part of a wave then runs into the reverse direction. In the arterial system the main peripheral reflections are positive, thus the pressure wave returns without changing sign, as in the simple example of fig. 1 (from Wetterer and Kenner p. 28). If a reflected wave reaches the closed outflow (e.g. aortic) valves, then total reflection takes place – as can be seen in fig. 1. As long as the valve is open through systole, the reflection factor may be reduced. The reflection factor k indicates the sign and magnitude of the reflected part of the wave as related to the incoming magnitude. The following equation describes the reflection factor at the location of resistance. k = (R – Z)/(R + Z) The equations include the description of the reflection of both, pressure and flow waves. It was Ph. Broemser who recognized the fact, that the returning reflected pressure wave may influence the ejection of the corresponding ventricle. He was the first to discuss the possibility of an optimal matching between heartbeat and the structure of the vascular system. Pressure-flow relation and wave reflection A resistance R is defined as the quotient of pressure gradient and flow gradient. From the observation of a typical pressure-flow relation it can be concluded that at any point of the function shown in fig. 2 (from Wetterer and Kenner p. 316), that – according to the given definition – R may have a different value for different pressure values. It was to my knowledge R. Ronniger (1955) who recognized that for the peripheral reflection of a wave the steepness of the pressure-flow relation in the range of the pressure amplitude is essential: Rdiff = dp/dq The fact that the pressure-flow relation is not proportional, but may be nonlinear and may be described by a non-proportional line, is important for the actual values of systolic and diastolic pressure as indicated in fig. 2. It can be concluded that the reflection factor and the magnitude of peripheral reflection is not necessarily related to the value of the total peripheral resistance. 9 Negative reflection There are two interesting conditions where negative reflection takes place. One condition is present when – e.g. in the upper extremity – a reflected wave runs towards the branching point at the aorta. At this point the reflected wave finds – entering the aorta - a marked decrease of the characteristic impedance. Therefore, this wave is negatively reflected. – It returns in distal direction after changing sign. Another condition is artificially produced by the inflation of a cuff during the classical measurement of blood pressure. The location of the artery, which is occluded by the inflated cuff, has an effect as a positive reflection site. During the following reduction of the cuff pressure, the arterial pressure wave may suddenly open the occluded artery, thus generating an effect which corresponds to a sudden shift from positive to negative reflection at this location (see Kenner 1979). In any location and/or condition of the body where arteries are compressed by outside pressure, similar phenomena may be present. Hard (flow) and soft (pressure) pump Fig. 3 (from Wetterer and Kenner p. 185) explains the difference between extreme types of pumps. A normal strong ventricle generates flow pulses even against increasing outflow resistance. It rather corresponds to a “hard pump”. In contrast, a ventricle in a state of decompensation reacts markedly towards changes of outflow resistance. It rather can be compared to a soft pressure pump. In the case of a hard pump retrograde incoming waves, which arrive at the root of the aorta during systole are reflected positively. In the case of a soft pump, during systole the reflection factor is reduced or even a negative central reflection can be expected. These considerations explain the fact that the properties of the heart muscle have a characteristic effect on the central aortic pulse contour. FREQUENCY DOMAIN Resonance and transfer function If, into the elastic-tube model, instead of periodic pulses of a certain frequency, sinusoidal flow oscillations of variable frequency are generated by the pump then, resonance phenomena can be observed as shown in fig. 4 (from Wetterer and Kenner p. 60). 10 It is evident, that a peripheral pressure contour has a different shape a central (aortic) pressure pulse. In the case of sinusoidal pressure variations, the shapes of flow and pressure are always and everywhere sinusoidal. Besides by the frequency, central as well as peripheral oscillations can be characterized 1. by amplitude and 2. by phase. In fig. 4 only amplitudes can be recognized, which vary in characteristic manner as function of the frequency. The importance of calculations in terms of frequency domain can be explained by the fact – mentioned above – that any signal can be transformed from time domain into frequency domain by so called Fourier transform. An example in Fig. 5 (from Wetterer and Kenner p. 258) will be explained below. The relation, which permits to determine the connection between two pulses describes the frequency dependence of the relation between amplitudes and phases, and thence between the pulse contours, is called transfer function. Recently the transfer function between radial and aortic pressure pulses is quite often mentioned. This transfer function supposedly permits to calculate the shape of the aortic pressure pulse from recorded pressure pulses at the radial artery (O’Rourke 1996). Input impedance and extended analysis of cardiovascular control The relation between pressure and flow pulses can – in the frequency domain – be described by a transfer function. The amplitudes (“modulus”) of this function, which depends on the frequency has the dimension of a resistance. In order to illustrate this function, fig. 5 shows the frequency dependence of this function from measurements by O’Rourke and Taylor in a dog (taken from an illustration in Wetterer and Kenner 1968). Dogs have a marked respiratory arrhythmia, which is shown as an insert; this simplifies the estimation of the data shown in fig. 5. The function which describes the frequency dependence of the input impedance is characterized by a U-shape with a marked minimum. In a study published nearly 40 years ago (Kenner 1972) it was shown, that there are two components of information in the input impedance. The part above the heart rate contains information about the arterial system as discussed above. The second part of lower frequencies, which can not easily be measured, contains information about cardiovascular control; e.g. baroreceptor reflex and autoregulatory control of blood flow and blood pressure. 11 The observation of input impedance in the region of frequencies below the heart rate, depends on the presence of slow pressure-, flow-, or heart rate- variations. In the example of fig. 5 the spontaneous arrhythmia was useful. Also, experimentally generated variations, which influence blood pressure and flow like e.g. tilting may be used. In the paper mentioned (Kenner 1972), a simple method for the description and examination of the overall control properties of the circulatory system was derived and discussed. The objective of the study was, to present an overlook over the behavior of the whole circulation in response to disturbances in the low frequency region. Therefore, approximated transfer functions were used to describe the circulatory control properties. The low frequency input impedance (frequency region between about 0.0005 Hz and heart rate) is shown to be a very useful magnitude to examine the closed loop behavior of the system. The term closed loop condition indicates the presence of feedback within the system. In contrast, open loop is an experimental condition if the sensors (e.g. baroreceptors) can be stimulated isolated without feedback. It is found that the basic control mechanisms in local arterial beds as well as in the whole circulation can be described by pressure and flow control loops, both having first order transfer properties. Considering the circulation as a whole, the fact has to be taken into account, that the system, including the heart as an amplifier, is a mechanical feedback system. Onto this system the autoregulatory and neural (baroreceptor) control loops exert their influence. A set of equations was established which permits to describe the dynamic properties of the circulatory system under closed loop condition and under a variety of open loop conditions. The effect of blood volume variation, infusion of vasoactive drugs, and the role of a time delay into a control circuit can be demonstrated. The equations in addition yield a simple and powerful stability criterion, which permits to predict under which conditions instability and pathologic oscillations of blood pressure, blood flow and also of respiration may be generated. 12 Summary Quite some time after the periods of Otto Frank, Philipp Broemser and Erik Wetterer – whom I can call my teacher and who wrote a book on the arterial pulse together with me – the interest in arterial hemodynamics appeared not really of importance in medicine. Recently fluid dynamics of the cardiovascular system and in particular, the generation of arterial pressure and flow pulses gain more and more interest. Parameters and mathematical variables were rediscovered or reinvented and several types of indices were constructed. The computerization finally permitted easily to estimate and calculate parameters and indices. And of course, competition between different types of instrumentation plays a role, even as far as normal values of parameters and indices are concerned. Funny enough, as a consequence, certain parameters and measurement techniques are being revalued as “gold standard”. In this short study it is attempted to summarize some basic facts of cardiovascular fluid dynamics. Furthermore it is attempted, as short as possible to explain the two ways to describe signals: in the way of time domain and in the way of frequency domain. Supported by grant MSM 0021622402 Literature Freud S.: Der Witz und seine Beziehung zum Unbewussten. Verlag Fischer, 8. Aufl. (2006) Kenner T.: Dynamic control of flow and pressure in the circulation. Kybernetik 9: 215-225 (1971) Kenner T.: Physical and mathematical modeling in cardiovascular systems. In: N.H.C. Hwang, D.R.Gross, D.J.Patel (eds.): Quantitative cardiovascular studies. Clinical research applications and engineering principles. pp 41 - 109 University Park Press, Baltimore 1979 Lüscher T.F.: Ist die Medizin ein Business? Neue Züricher Zeitung Nr. 193, 20. 8. 2008 O’Rourke M.F.: Perspective for the 21st century – Overview Z. Kardiol. 85: Suppl 3: 143 145 (1996) Ronniger R.: Zur Theorie der physikalischen Schlagvolumenbestimmung. Arch. Kreislaufforschung 22: 332-373 (1955) Schneditz D., Kenner T.: Noninvasive assessment of vascular function. In: Ronco C, Brendolan A, Levin NW (eds): Cardiovascular Disorders in Hemodialysis. Contrib. Nephrol. Basel, Karger, 2005, vol 149, pp 306-314 13 Weber T. et al.: Pulswellengeschwindigkeit, zentraler Blutdruck und ugmentationsindex – “neue” parameter zur Beschreibung eines Endorganschadens der arteriallen Strombahn bei Hypertonie. J. Hyperton. 12, 7 – 13 (2008) Wetterer E., Kenner T.: Grundlagen der Dynamik des arteriellen Pulses. Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York (1968) Fig, 1 Central flow pulse (bottom) and positive end-reflection of pressure pulses i flow, M pressure (central, middle, end of tube). Fig. 2 Non-proportional pressure (p) – flow (Q) – relation In an anesthetized dog. C control, A after Adrenalin-infusion 14 Fig. 3 “hard” flow pump “soft” pressure pump Fig. 4 Resonance of pressure oscillations. From left to right the frequency of the flow-input increases from 0.7 Hz to 6 Hz. Arrows: resonance frequencies at 2.22 Hz and 4.44 Hz. i flow, M pressure (central, middle, end of tube) 15 Fig. 5 Input-impedance of a dog-aorta. (after O’Rourke and Taylor 1966). See text. All figures are taken from Wetterer and Kenner (1968) 16 Quo vadis chronomics 2008: Measuring variability in us, among us and around us Franz Halberg, Germaine Cornélissen and Othild Schwartzkopff Halberg Chronobiology Center, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA The project on The BIOsphere and the COSmos (BIOCOS) works toward change from a health care based on spotchecks in care providers' offices to a more thorough cost-effective selfsurveillance based on monitoring. For instance, the chronomics of blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR) detect vascular variability disorders (VVDs) and their combinations in vascular variability syndromes (VVSs). 7-day/24-hour chronobiologically interpreted ambulatory monitoring has been ongoing at Masaryk University, the leading European academic institution for chronobiology, in Brno. The time series thus obtained lend themselves to monitoring the sun, specifically space weather, unseen but important, accounting for novel differences between life and death. 1. VARIABILITY ACCOUNTS FOR THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LIFE AND DEATH Genetics, the study of diversity in space, in inbred mice enabled the development of chronobiology, the study of diversity in time. Both are important since: In response to the same stimulus such as noise, - one audiogenically susceptible inbred strain of mice may respond with convulsions and death; but - another audiogenically resistant strain may not respond to the same noise and will survive as studied by genetics (not shown) In response to the same stimulus such as noise, - one group of audiogenically susceptible mice may respond with convulsions and death when exposed at a vulnerable time; but - another group of the same audiogenically susceptible mice can be prevented from convulsions and death and will survive, when exposure is targeted at a resistant time; i.e., by shielding in time as studied by chronobiology Next, nonphotic cycles were found to characterize - sudden cardiac death, suicide, crime, war and terrorism, as studied by chronomics 2. ORIGINS: - Study of the quantitative rules of plant hybridization began in a pea patch in Brno, now in the Czech Republic, and developed into genetics - Study of the quantitative and inferential rules of variability in blood eosinophil counts in inbred mice began in Minneapolis, USA, and developed into chronobiology - These sciences study diversity: - genetics in space - chronobiology in time The diversity of the cosmos embedded in us led to chronomics, the study of aeolian yet congruent transdisciplinary time series around us, e.g., by chronobiologically interpreted 7-day/24-hour and much longer multidecadal, physiological and archival monitoring implemented in Brno, Minneapolis and the broader project on The BIOsphere and the COSmos, BIOCOS 17 These differences, first encountered in chronobiology, then extended to chronomics, complement genetics, led to the recognition that our genes have coded the information not only ~24hour rhythms but also about infradians with periods, , ranging from 0.5 week to s shorter and longer than 0.5 year and to s beyond 1, 2, 3 or 5 decades. Some of these cycles discussed long ago, forgotten and surfacing again because of biological counterparts, are detected for HR and/or mental function (1, 2). BIOCOS contributes papers to this volume dealing with BP (4-6) as a densely sampled variable in order to avoid "flying blind" with respect to diagnostics, therapeutics and space weather (7-12). A truly individualized health care starts when, in addition to a reference standard derived from peers of the same gender and age, a sequential test also provides a reference refined for the given subject at the given time (3). Monitoring is not a luxury when, as shown in Figure 1, the same currently popular drug Hyzaar can do harm in a patient (Su) in the morning, but is very beneficial when taken in the same dose by the same person in the evening some weeks later. In Su, Figure 1, described in detail in these proceedings by Prof. Watanabe (3), medication was changed systematically, on a usual routine of living with diurnal activity and nocturnal rest. In the morning the medication raised the circadian amplitude of BP to an extent of exacerbating or inducing a circadian overswing or CHAT, whereas at another time it lowered both the circadian amplitude and MESOR, and offered benefit, Figure 1. Figure 1 © Halberg Earlier, Figures 2 and 3, a student (TT), in whom a high BP was just diagnosed and in whom the administration time, as in Su, had also been systematically varied around the clock to find the optimal treatment time, we found differences as a function of time. The optimal time differed between patients Su and TT. More specifically, we show in Figure 2 how medication was changed in one and the same newly diagnosed patient: the same dose of the same treatment at certain times, such as at 12:00, did not lower the BP MESOR further (fifth column headed " Rx 12"). When we tried the same treatment time again, (11th column), we found that it failed. In Figure 3, we also find that at certain times, such as at 20:00, the treatment raises the circadian amplitude of BP in TT. 18 -17.6 -13.2 -8.8 -4.4 0.0 4.4 9/26/04 10/10/04 10/24/04 11/7/04 11/21/04 12/5/04 12/19/04 1/2/05 1/16/05 1/30/05 2/13/05 2/27/05 Time (calendar date) CUSUM Effect detected Estimated time effect took place (from back- tracking) : No Rx to Rx at 00:00 Rx Time (clock hour): None Rx 00 Rx 04 Rx 08 Rx 12 Rx 16 Rx 20 00 04 08 12 16 Increase Decrease Decision Interval Figure 2. Changing timing of medication ( Rx) during consecutive spans shows efficacy of treatment. An empirical approach to chronotherapy: immediately after diagnosis, one should ascertain that the treatment is effective. Optimization of treatment effects by timing can be achieved for the individual patient by systematically changing, e.g., advancing the time of treatment. Successful treatment of MESORhypertension assessed by a self-starting cumulative sum control chart (Cornélissen et al. 1997). To optimize his hypotensive treatment (Rx), a just-diagnosed 24-year-old individual (TT) switched his Rx first every 17 days by 4 hours and then mostly at shorter intervals. Note statistically significant decrease in MESOR, evidenced by the breakout outside the decision interval of the negative CUSUM line. With continued Rx, the blood pressure MESOR leaves the decision interval, indicating a statistically significant decrease in overall blood pressure. © Halberg -17.6 -13.2 -8.8 -4.4 0.0 4.4 9/26/04 10/10/04 10/24/04 11/7/04 11/21/04 12/5/04 12/19/04 1/2/05 1/16/05 1/30/05 2/13/05 2/27/05 Time (calendar date) CUSUM Effect detected in retrospect (at time of summary after end of recording) Estimated time effect took place (from backtracking) : No Rx to Rx at 00:00 Rx Time (clock hour): None Rx 00 Rx 04 Rx 08 Rx 12 Rx 16 Rx 20 00 04 08 12 16 Increase Decrease Decision interval Figure 3. Changing timing of medication ( Rx) during consecutive spans shows risk of iatrogenic CHAT. An empirical approach to chronotherapy: immediately after diagnosis, one should ascertain that one does not induce circadian hyper-amplitude-tension (CHAT) by inappropriate timing of anti-hypertensive medication. In this 24-year old man (TT) who advanced the time of treatment by 4 hours every 17 days initially and at shorter intervals thereafter, treatment in the evening was associated with iatrogenic CHAT, raising the question whether the risk of MESOR-hypertension may not have been traded for the even higher risk of stroke that CHAT represents (see p. 30 of Halberg et al. 1995). Iatrogenic circadian CHAT, induced by treatment at 20:00 daily, was silent to office visits. TT may have traded benefit (lowering of the MESOR of blood pressure, Fig. 2) for something worse (circadian overswinging of BP). This danger applies to some hypertensives (who tend to have a large circadian amplitude of BP) to whom treatment time is not specified by the care provider, as was the case for TT (or is specified for bedtime). A few others who took hypertensive medication at bedtime were also found to have CHAT. The figure also shows the assessability of otherwise undetected harm by as-one-goes sequential analysis. © Halberg 19 Clearly, we need continued surveillance since we cannot predict when the lesson of Figure 1 may apply; the monitors are still slightly obtrusive and costly, but are affordable in BIOCOS with an 80% price reduction for use on a family-and-friends basis. We have the software to analyze treatment and other effects objectively, but we need computer routines to bridge gaps for special problems of research. To get this job done in a temporal microscopy and telescopy, when often the data present themselves with gaps; these problems are overcome by least-squares up to a point. Hence, methods to deal with unequally spaced data are of special concern to Prof. Jerzy Czaplicki (13), and we are glad to have his contribution included herein. The task remaining is that of the education of the public first and foremost, and of medical students upstream and of care providers, of course, to the extent possible. To cite a historical example, surgeons found it a terrible burden when it was suggested that they scrub before surgery. It will take more cases, such as that of fulminating CHAT (Figure 11 in [4]), to convince the public of the necessity to diagnose and treat vascular variability disorders, VVDs, notably when two or more VVDs coexist in vascular variability syndromes, VVSs, Figure 1. In this volume, we deal further with cancer, which also poses the task of marker rhythms monitoring so as to individualize the timed treatment, but as a compromise to practicality, a simple protocol is advocated (14) to convince the profession that the results already in hand in terms of circadian optimization need extension. In another paper, at the level of the eukaryotic unicell (15), we find again, as in the circulation, signatures of the cosmos, as we do when chronomics aligns suicides with the terrestrial and solar environment (16). Prof. George Katinas finds two of the solar beat periods in his diastolic BP (5), and we find that same ~0.42-year period in the 17-KS excretion and in urine volume of a late friend who monitored his steroid excretion for 15 years, Figure 4, whether he stayed at home in Copenhagen, visited Haile Selassie, the emperor of Abyssinia (now Ethiopia), or lectured at the Royal Society (he always took a volumetric along and saved a sample of his 24-hour urine) for determining the breakdown products of steroids, hormones essential for survival and reproduction. Moreover, the time course of 17-KS at the ~0.42-year period mimics that of the planetary geomagnetic index Kp, Figure 5 (17), and we find that the same ~5-month solar period is globally congruent in period also with the volume of urine in which the steroids were determined, Figure 6, but the time course of urine volume (not shown) mimics that in the cycle of Zürich numbers, a measure of solar activity also gauged by proxies such as aurorae (18). BIOCOS and the broader chronomics welcome the cooperation of Prof. Jarmila Siegelova in the spirit of Mendel and hope that her initiative in BP and HR monitoring will not have to wait (as long as Mendel had to) to see the fruits of her endeavors. This hope is justified since by contrast to Mendel, who was denied the right to teach, Jarmila is teaching us even as emerita. With her, we reanalyze the original data of Brückner and Lockyer, and follow-up information that became available in the interim (19) validating by chronomics the pioneers' time-macroscopic scholarship. In summary, we have tools for monitoring BP and HR that are somewhat cumbersome and costly, but are cost-effective and will be further improved as the demand for them increases. We have computer programs for a chronobiologic diagnosis and, what seems critical, for a chronobiologic optimization of the timing of treatment and for surveillance of its maintained efficacy. What is needed most is the recognition by the public and the medical student that a good drug at the wrong time can do harm, whereas at the right time it serves well. If a system with a website now being built becomes a reality, it can serve not only the user's individualized health care, but will also monitor the sun and its associations that include sudden cardiac death, suicide and the greatest societal ills affected by the cosmos, crime, war and terrorism, and thus the course of history. Figures 7 and 8 should emphasize the need to store, analyze and use data; Figure 9 shows a plan for doing so. 20 Figure 4. Urinary 17-ketosteroid recorded over 15 years in CH, a clinically healthy male scientist 49 years of age at start of study. Chronobiologic serial section showing, on top, the daily excretion of 17ketosteroids; in the next row the MESOR, M, as the lower curve and the cis-half-year (0.42-year) amplitude, A, as the distance between the two curves in the second row; dots below the lower and above the upper curves indicate the standard deviations of the Ms and As. Acrophases in the third row are shown with dots, corresponding to their CIs (95% confidence intervals) when results are statistically significant, P-values for the rejection of the "no 0.42-year" amplitude are shown in the fourth row and are mostly below the dashed horizontal line indicating the 5% level. The time course of cis-half-year acrophases in this figure mimics when the no 0.42-year amplitude assumption can be rejected the time course in Figure 5 of the acrophases of the cis-half-year of the planetary geomagnetic index, Kp. Urine volume is congruent overall in period globally with the former two variables, but its phase behavior is transiently congruent only with relative sunspot (Zürich) numbers differing in its time course from that of the phase of 17-KS and Kp (not shown). The two biospheric variables differ in terms of their environmental phase synchronization. © Halberg. 21 Figure 5. A chronomic serial section of the planetary geomagnetic index Kp from October 23, 1948, to October 29, 1963, with the fit of a 0.42-year cosine curve shows a similar time course of acrophases as that of the 17-KS in Figure 4. Note that statistical significance is lost toward the end of the record for Kp in this figure, but not for 17-KS in Figure 4. Note further at the beginning the lack of statistical significance in Kp, but not in 17-KS may be driven by Kp, but this is not suggested by the behavior of the As that are quite large for 17-KS at the end of the record in Figure 4, while the cis-half-year is not statistically significant in Kp and its amplitude decreases with time. Time courses of intermittently congruent environmental periods concurrent with the persistence of a previously or subsequently congruent period in the biosphere (when the previously congruent environmental period is not detected) serve to resolve partial endogenicity in cosmic-biospheric associations, preferably when all data series are equidistant and are the longest available matching data series at a given time. Problems arise when at least one series is unequidistant because of artifacts that can simulate a periodicity when none exists and vice versa can obscure a real periodicity to the point that it is no longer detected. © Halberg. 22 Figure 6. Global spectral window with a predicted ~154-day (0.42-year) component in both the excretion of certain breakdown products of steroidal hormones (the 17-ketosteroids, 17-KS) (top) and in the volume of urine excreted by a clinically healthy man (CH) (bottom). The ~0.42-year component is also found in two related but not identical environmental variables, the geomagnetic index (Kp) (Figure 5) and solar activity (Zürich relative sunspot numbers, not shown). © Halberg. 23 Figure 7. Failure to store, analyze and use routine cardiovascular, e.g., blood pressure, heart rate or other ECG monitoring for both further medical research in the light of long-term outcomes and the transdisciplinary study of solar variations recall the tall tale of Baron Münchhausen's horse, which was cut in two by the town gate as it closed: when the head of the horse subsequently drank at the well, the water poured of its severed midsection onto the ground. Similarly, much information from within the physiologic range (the indispensable water in our analogy) is lost today but may be usefully recycled tomorrow. Illustration by Martin and Ruth KoserMichaels from Münchhausen: Des Freiherrn Wunderbare Reisen und Abenteuer, Droemersche Verlagsanstalt, Munich, © 1952, facing p. 32. Reproduced with permission of the publisher. Figure 8. The alternative to the status quo is recycling, in a website in Figure 9. © Halberg. 24 Figure 9. The Phoenix Group of volunteering electrical and electronic engineers from the Twin Cities chapter of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (http://www.phoenix.tcieee. org) is planning on developing an inexpensive, cuffless automatic monitor of blood pressure and on implementing the concept of a website (www.sphygmochron.org) for collection and analysis of data collected with these instruments. © Halberg. 25 1. Cornélissen G, Prabhakaran Nayar SR, Czaplicki J, Siegelova J, Mendoza B, Halberg F. BrücknerEgeson-Lockyer (BEL) cycle in heliogeomagnetics. 2. Halberg F, Cornélissen G, Sothern RB, Otsuka K, Revilla M. Circadian stage-dependent infradianmodulated changes in a mental function during aging (MTE). 3. Watanabe Y, Cornélissen G, Halberg F, Beaty L, Siegelova J, Bakken EE. Harm vs. benefit from losartan with hydrochlorothiazide at different circadian times in MESOR-hypertension or CHAT. 4. Cornélissen G, Halberg F, Kaufman SC, Sanchez de la Peña S, Otsuka K, BIOCOS project. Should 7day/24-h chronobiologically interpreted blood pressure monitoring replace single measurements before cataract surgery? 5. Katinas GS, Halberg F, Cornélissen G, Sanchez de la Peña S, Czaplicki J, Siegelova J, BIOCOS project. C-ABPM reveals solar cis-halfyear and transyear signatures in human diastolic blood pressure. 6. Watanabe F, Cornélissen G, Watanabe Y, Siegelova J, Czaplicki J, Halberg F, BIOCOS project. Differing far-transyear/calendar year amplitude ratios in blood pressure vs. heart rate in adolescence. 7. Watanabe Y, Cornélissen G, Katinas GS, Watanabe F, Halberg F. Chronomics: anxiety disorder in adolescence and desynchronization of heart rate from weekly schedule. 8. Watanabe Y, Cornélissen G, Halberg F, Hillman D, Czaplicki J, Sothern RB, Otsuka K, Siegelova J, BIOCOS project. Transyears, no calendar-year in blood pressure decades before MESOR-hypertension: normal or abnormal? 9. Watanabe Y, Cornélissen G, Otsuka K, Revilla M, Czaplicki J, Schwartzkopff O, Siegelova J, BIOCOS project. Time-specified norms reveal full systolic but incomplete diastolic early MESOR-hypertension, MH. 10. Cornélissen G, Siegelova J, Abramson J, Sundaram B, Mandel J, Holley D, Halberg F. Body mass index (BMI), pulse pressure (PP) and premetabolic syndrome. 11. Hörmann H, Cornélissen G, Halberg F. Ambulatory profile in a non-ambulatory subject: a sphygmochron with gaps (when we should measure again, not interpolate). 12. Katinas GS, Cornélissen G, Halberg F, Sanchez de la Peña S, Czaplicki J, Siegelova J, BIOCOS project. Pain and the cardiovascular system revisited in a long-term monitoring. 13. Czaplicki J, Cornélissen G, Halberg F. On gaps and interpolation methods to avoid errors in period estimation with conventional time series analysis. 14. Halberg Francine, Cornélissen G, Halberg F, Ulmer W, Sanchez de la Peña S, Siegelova J, Schwartzkopff O, BIOCOS project. Reasons for a protocol for radiation treatment aimed at exploiting weekly rhythms. 15. Halberg F, Cornélissen G, Katinas GS, Hillman D, Berger S, Woolum JC, Sanchez de la Peña S, Siegelova J. The cosmos in a eukaryotic unicell. 16. Halberg F, Wolff C, Cornélissen G, Berk M, Dodd S, Henry M, Wetterberg L, Nolley E, Beaty L, BIOCOS project. Solar signatures in Australian suicide incidence: gender differences in prominence of photic vs. nonphotic spectral components. 17. Sothern RB, Katinas GS, Cornélissen G, Halberg F. A transtridecadal cycle in human heart rate: selective infradian, notably multidecadal solar-physiologic BEL congruences. 18. Cornélissen G, Halberg F, Revilla M, Siegelova J, Schwartzkopff O, Czaplicki J, Sanchez de la Peña S, Schröder W, BIOCOS project. Auroral aeolian periodicity during 1545-1724, including the Maunder minimum. 19. Halberg F, Cornélissen G, Czaplicki J, Prabhakaran Nayar SR, Siegelova J. Brückner-Egeson-Lockyer (BEL) climate cycle in original BEL data. Support GM-13981 (FH), University of Minnesota Supercomputing Institute (GC, FH), MSM 0021622402 26 Circadian stage-dependent infradian-modulated changes in a mental function during aging Franz Halberg1 , Germaine Cornélissen1 , Robert B. Sothern1 , Kuniaki Otsuka2 , Miguel Revilla3 Jarmila Siegelova4 , Bohumil Fiser4 1 Halberg Chronobiology Center, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA 2 Tokyo Women's Medical University, Medical Center East, Tokyo, Japan 3 University of Valladolid, Valladolid, Spain 4 Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic RBS, a clinically healthy man, started estimating 1 minute by counting at 25 years of age: he continued such estimations 2-7 times/day on the average 5 times/day, until the age of 60, with very few interruptions. The data are here separated into 3-hourly bins, providing 8 data sets for 8 fractions of the 24-hour day, i.e., 00:00-03:00, 03:00-06:00, 06:00-09:00 ..., 21:00-00:00. The mean and standard error (SE) were determined for each daily fraction on a yearly basis. Changes as a function of age were assessed by linear regression of yearly means for each of the 8 3-hour circadian stages. Results are shown in Figure 1. Between 09:00 and 12:00, counting to 60 takes statistically significantly less time at 60 than at 25 years of age (r=-0.802, P<0.001), whereas between 18:00 and 21:00, the opposite is true (r=+0.400, P=0.016). The bin from 03:00- 06:00 is the least documented, by only 199 measurements; it is most irregular to eyeballing, presumably due to the relatively small number of tests. In the 7 other well-documented bins (N=2888- 10542), the data between 00:00 and 03:00 allow the naked eye to discern a modulation by cycles with relatively long periods, but any impression of one or the other longer cycle is subjective. Table 1 is objective and qualifies impressions. Testing the estimation of one minute for decades around the clock at different times of the day corresponding to different circadian stages (on a routine of diurnal activity and nocturnal rest) thus reveals diverse changes as a function of age. To the unaided eye, these occur at some circadian times, seemingly more or less linearly, albeit in different, even opposite directions, and/or at other times are overtly modulated by infradian cycles. When analyzed time-microscopically, such modulations are not the same, Table 1. If we conceive of a time structure with a spectral element and an element of trends, the latter including one with age, we find in Table 1 that the spectral element of a mental function has several components, contributing in different ways to aging (1, 2). Above all, the Figure 1. Different time course of aging in data collected during various 3-hour spans of the day, during 36 years of around-the-clock estimations of 1 minute. RBS, clinically healthy man, 25 years of age at start of 1-minute estimations ~5 times a day for 36 years. © Halberg. 27 circadian rhythm's stage determines opposite effects that in their turn can be modulated further by components that also differ with circadian stage, Table 1. Most surprising is that between 12:00 and 21:00, an about 34-year component is statistically significant as a putative signature of the Brückner/Egeson/Lockyer cycle (3-6), also recently documented by Maravilla et al. (7) (35.6 years). Table 1 shows a few other periodicities as well in the same mental function, including about 15-year and about 9-year cycles, if not a circadecadal component, the former corresponding perhaps to a global cycle (8), the latter perhaps a signature of the solar wind, both validated by these analyses. Table 1: Spectral components, including a Brückner/Egeson/Lockyer cycle of ~34 years, modulating aging of a mental function revealed by separate analyses according to circadian stage* 3-Hour Bins of time Initial Trial period (y) Convergent NLLS Period [95% CI] (y) Amplitude [95% CI] 00-03 35 17.27 [13.65, 20.88] 1.55 [0.21, 2.89] 03-06 " 27.07 [17.50, 36.63] 4.54 NS 06-09 " 19.49 [14.64, 24.35] 1.73 [0.42, 3.04] 12-15 " 30.94 [16.37, 45.50] 0.87 [-.09, 1.82] BSS 15-18 " 33.53 [20.24, 46.81] 1.19 [0.11, 2.27] 18-21 " 33.63 [20.69, 46.58] 1.12 [0.16, 2.08] 21-24 " 18.66 [14.88, 22.44] 1.87 [0.62, 3.12] 03-06 15 19.31 [12.70, 25.92] 4.08 NS 09-12 " 17.57 [11.67, 23.46] 1.45 NS 12-15 " 14.29 [11.40, 17.17] 0.95 [0.04, 1.86] 15-18 " 13.95 [10.75, 17.15] 0.98 NS 18-21 " 14.27 [ 9.70, 18.84] 0.70 NS 12-15 10 9.09 [ 7.75, 10.43] 0.87 [-.05, 1.78] BSS 15-18 " 8.93 [ 7.49, 10.36] 0.96 [-.12, 2.05] BSS 18-21 " 8.92 [ 6.95, 10.89] 0.67 NS Weekly means 35, 25 or 11 y 25.92 [23.68, 28.16] 1.17 [0.90, 1.44] *Results converge to nonlinear least-squares (NLLS) analyses of different clock-hour bins approximating various circadian stages in RBS, a clinically healthy man 25 years of age at start of estimations continued to the age of 60 years (and beyond). BSS = borderline statistically significant, NS = not significant. 28 Figure 2. Opposite time course of aging during several decades as a function of clock-hour of testing the estimation of 1 minute. RBS, clinically healthy man, 25 years of age at start of 1-minute estimations ~5 times a day for 36 years. © Halberg. It is methodologically noteworthy that opposite effects can be seen at different circadian stages, to a point that in the morning, time passes faster at age 60 than at the age of 25 years and the opposite is true in the evening, Figure 2. Figure 1 and Table 1 also document that possible solar infradians deserve consideration as circadian stage-dependent modulating entities. These conclusions are in keeping with the detection (in SBS, the father of the subject here investigated), of a prominent half-yearly spectral component in the evening, but not in the morning in his selfmeasurements of blood pressure during 22 years (9). Melatonin concentrations tend to be higher in the evening than in the morning. This may render a person more sensitive to geomagnetics in the evening than in the morning. Geomagnetics that display a prominent component with a period of 6 months (10, 11) can actually be tested by follow-up analyses of the time courses of the solar and biospheric variables involved to see whether subtraction and addition in waxing and waning amplitudes of the half-year component in geomagnetics (or any other pertinent frequency more generally) may have any coincident associations in the biosphere (12, 13). Mental aging, dealt with by the axiom "use it or lose it" (14), may actually be qualified as "improve it", perhaps more so by timing, i.e., by using any mental exercise at the best time for optimization, a task for the future. For all students of aging, however, it seems clear that studies 29 done on a variable that changes its circadian amplitude with age such as a number of hormones do (1, 15), will have to be repeated with a view of different circadian stages contributing differently to the results (at circadian maxima and minima in opposite ways). The reason can be readily understood: If the amplitude increases with age, there will be an increase with age at the time of peak and a decrease at the time of trough, unless there is also a change in daily mean (MESOR) and/or phase. Vice versa, again assuming no change in phase if the circadian amplitude decreases with age, as in the case of circulating DHEA-S (15), there will be a decrease at peak time and an increase at trough time, unless there is also a change in MESOR and/or phase. As to Figure 1, the 09:00-12:00 span is probably associated with maximal cortisol concentration in blood, which is considerably decreased in the evening hours: the hormone may contribute to mental function. The span from 00:00 to 03:00 may be characterized by maximal melatonin concentration. Figure 3. While effects in opposite directions may contribute to canceling any effect of aging on MESOR, the acrophase advance is statistically highly significant, in keeping with similar findings for other variables such as blood pressure and heart rate. RBS, clinically healthy man, 25 years of age at start of 1-minute estimations ~5 times a day for 36 years. © Halberg. 30 Using the 8 3-hourly means computed for each year from 1971 to 2006, a 24-hour cosine curve was fitted by least squares to yield estimates of the circadian MESOR, amplitude and acrophase. These yearly imputations were linearly regressed as a function of age. Whereas no change in MESOR is observed (r=0.020, P=0.908), there is a slight tendency for the circadian amplitude to decrease with age, as anticipated (r=-0.197, P=0.249), and there is a marked circadian acrophase advance (r=0.551, P<0.001), Figure 3. All three parameters are also characterized by an about 19-year component, resolved nonlinearly. Period estimates (and 95% confidence intervals) are 19.20 (15.25, 23.15) years for the MESOR, 18.99 (13.95, 24.04) years for the circadian amplitude, and 19.91 (15.90, 23.93) years for the circadian acrophase, with respective amplitudes (and 95% confidence intervals) of 1.55 (0.49, 2.62) s, 1.08 (0.10, 2.06) s, and 12.45 (4.99, 19.91) degrees (with 360 degrees corresponding to 19.91 years), respectively. In the presence of low-frequency cycles with periods of about 10 years or longer as found herein, it is premature to speculate until accrual of more cases like RBS, and these added subjects and RBS himself collect longer series, so that time series covering at least 2 replications/subject and preferably more can be analyzed. 1. Halberg F, Sothern RB, Cornélissen G. Chronomics, human time estimation and aging. In preparation. 2. Halberg E, Halberg J, Halberg Francine, Sothern RB, Levine H, Halberg F. Familial and individualized longitudinal autorhythmometry for 5 to 12 years and human age effects. J Gerontol 1981; 36: 31-33. 3. Brückner E. Klimaschwankungen seit 1700 nebst Beobachtungen über die Klimaschwankungen der Diluvialzeit. Wien und Olmütz: E. Hölzel; 1890. 324 pp. (Penck A, Hrsg. Geographische Abhandlungen, Band IV.) 4. Egeson C. Egeson's weather system of sun-spot causality: being original researches in solar and terrestrial meteorology. Sydney: Turner & Henderson; 1889. 63 pp. 5. Lockyer WJS. The solar activity 1833-1900. Proc Roy Soc Lond 1901; 68: 285-300. 6. Lockyer N. Simultaneous solar and terrestrial changes. Science 1903; 18: 611-623. 7. Maravilla D, Lara A, Valdés Galicia JF, Mendoza B. An analysis of polar coronal hole evolution: relations to other solar phenomena and heliospheric consequences. Solar Phys 2001; 203: 27-38. 8. Markov VI, Sivaraman KR. New results concerning the global solar cycle. Solar Phys 1989; 123: 367-380. 9. Sothern SB, Sothern RB, Katinas GS, Cornélissen G, Halberg F. Sampling at the same clockhour in long-term investigation is no panacea. Proc., International Conference on the Frontiers of Biomedical Science: Chronobiology, Chengdu, China, September 24-26, 2006, p. 208-211. 10. Chapman S, Bartels J. Geomagnetism. 3rd ed. Oxford: Clarendon Press; 1962. 1049 pp. 11. Cornélissen G, Halberg F, Pöllmann L, Pöllman B, Katinas GS, Minne H, Breus T, Sothern RB, Watanabe Y, Tarquini R, Perfetto F, Maggioni C, Wilson D, Gubin D, Otsuka K, Bakken EE. Circasemiannual chronomics: half-yearly biospheric changes in their own right and as a circannual waveform. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 2003; 57 (Suppl 1): 45s-54s. 12. Halberg F, Cornélissen G, Katinas G, Tvildiani L, Gigolashvili M, Janashia K, Toba T, Revilla M, Regal P, Sothern RB, Wendt HW, Wang ZR, Zeman M, Jozsa R, Singh RB, Mitsutake G, Chibisov SM, Lee J, Holley D, Holte JE, Sonkowsky RP, Schwartzkopff O, Delmore P, Otsuka K, Bakken EE, Czaplicki J, International BIOCOS Group. Chronobiology's progress: season's appreciations 2004-2005. Time-, frequency-, phase-, variable-, individual-, age- and site-specific chronomics. J Applied Biomedicine 2006; 4: 1- 38. http://www.zsf.jcu.cz/vyzkum/jab/4_1/halberg.pdf 13. Cornélissen G, Halberg F, Wendt HW, Bingham C, Sothern RB, Haus E, Kleitman E, Kleitman N, Revilla MA, Revilla M Jr, Breus TK, Pimenov K, Grigoriev AE, Mitish MD, 31 Yatsyk GV, Syutkina EV. Resonance of about-weekly human heart rate rhythm with solar activity change. Biologia (Bratislava) 1996; 51: 749-756. 14. Recer P. The aging brain: use it or lose it. Cosmos Club Bulletin 2008; 61: 16-17. 15. Halberg F, Cornélissen G, Sothern RB, Wallach LA, Halberg E, Ahlgren A, Kuzel M, Radke A, Barbosa J, Goetz F, Buckley J, Mandel J, Schuman L, Haus E, Lakatua D, Sackett L, Berg H, Wendt HW, Kawasaki T, Ueno M, Uezono K, Matsuoka M, Omae T, Tarquini B, Cagnoni M, Garcia Sainz M, Perez Vega E, Wilson D, Griffiths K, Donati L, Tatti P, Vasta M, Locatelli I, Camagna A, Lauro R, Tritsch G, Wetterberg L. International geographic studies of oncological interest on chronobiological variables. In: Kaiser H (ed.) Neoplasms— Comparative Pathology of Growth in Animals, Plants and Man. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins; 1981. p. 553-596. Supported by grant MSM 0021622402, GM-13981 (FH), University of Minnesota Supercomputing Institute (GC, FH). Prof. Franz Halberg, M.D., Dr. h.c. (Montpellier), Dr. h.c. (Ferrara), Dr. h.c. (Tyumen), Dr. h.c. (Brno), Professor of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, Physiology, Biology, Bioengineering and Oral medicine, Director, Halberg Chronobiology Center, University of Minnesota, Mayo Mail Code 8609, Dept of Laboratory Medicine, Minneapolis Campus 420 Delaware Street SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA 32 The cosmos in a eukaryotic unicell Franz Halberg1 , Germaine Cornélissen1 , George S. Katinas1 , Dewayne Hillman1 , Sigrid Berger2 , John C. Woolum3 , Salvador Sanchez de la Peña4 , Jarmila Siegelova5 1 Halberg Chronobiology Center, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA 2 Fakultät für Biowissenschaften (Botanik), Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany 3 California State University, Los Angeles, CA, USA 4 Chronomic Res. Center, Escuela Nacional de Medicina y Homeopatía-IPN, Mexico City, Mexico 5 Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic This paper is dedicated to the memory of Hans-Georg Schweiger, who with one of us (SB) maintained an artificial culture of unicellular giant cells of Dasycladales at the Max-Planck-Institut für Zellbiologie after 1977 in Ladenburg bei Heidelberg, Germany. Hans-Georg realized that there are more rhythms than circadians, focusing on about (~) 7-day cycles. We here add evidence of ~yearly and even longer spectral components as signatures of our cosmos at the unicellular level. Abstract Acetabularia (Ac) is a model for a broad spectrum of rhythms, some mapped in individual unicells, others based on serially-independent sampling over a span of 14 years. We here emphasize first and foremost, with the late Hans-Georg Schweiger, that ~7-day rhythms can freerun in a unicell just as circadians do, desynchronized from a precise weekly schedule. The photic circannual rhythm here mapped is shown to be neither the sole nor the largest peak in a spectral window by the extended cosinor, a near- and a far-transyear can be documented in Ac as well as circadecadals, suggesting that nonphotics have been coded in genes already ~500 million years ago. Acetabularia acetabulum Ac is a eukaryotic giant unicellular alga with a nucleus that can be easily removed, a first advantage. At least equally important, however, is that this atavistic organism has a spectral element in its chronome (time structure), including inferentially statistically mapped ~24-hour (circadian) (1), ~half-weekly (circasemiseptan) (2), ~7-day (circaseptan) (3), ~half-yearly (circasemiannual) (4), yearly (circannual), longer-than-yearly -- near-transyearly (1.00 year < [ {period} - CI {95% confidence interval}] < [ + CI] < 1.20 years} and far-transyearly (1.2 years [ - CI] < [ + CI] < 1.9 years) (5) -- and ~10-yearly (circadecadal) (4, 5) cycles. This combination of photic and nonphotic components in the spectral element of Ac's chronome makes this organism unique among unicells. Much work has focused on Ac. acetabulum (formerly Ac. mediterranea), but other species, including Acicularia schenckii, have also been cultivated and investigated under laboratory conditions. The relative prominence of circadian and circaseptan rhythms as spectral components in Ac. acetabulum kept under conditions of light (L) and darkness (D) alternating at 12-hour intervals (LD) and in continuous light (LL) is shown for oxygen production in Figure 1. A prominent 24hour component in LD is very much reduced in amplitude in LL. This figure shows further in LD a weekly (168-hour) component that is less prominent than the circadian and is likewise reduced in amplitude in LL, but to a lesser extent, as compared to the circadian amplitude reduction in LL. Accordingly, for oxygen production by Ac. acetabulum in LL, the circaseptan amplitude is larger than the circadian amplitude, Figure 2. 33 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 RelativeAmplitude(LDMESOR=100%) * Mean and 95% Confidence interval OXYGEN PRODUCTION by ACETABULARIA CIRCADIAN ALL / ALD = 0.07 CIRCASEPTAN ALL / ALD = 0.57 LD LL LD LL 168 24 RELATIVE PROMINENCE of 168 h and 24 h AMPLITUDE * ON REGIMENS of ALTERNATING LIGHT and DARKNES (LD 12:12) versus ON CONTINUOUS LIGHT (LL) Fitting PERIODS Lighting REGIMEN N of algae 16 18 18 18 P < 0.0001P = 0.053 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 RelativeAmplitude(LDMESOR=100%) * On regimens of light and darkness alternating at 12-h intervals (LD 12:12) and in continuous light (LL); Mean and 95% Confidence Interval. 168 24 168 24 LD LL 0.28 A168 / A24 RELATIVE PROMINENCE of 168-h versus 24-h AMPLITUDE * Fitting PERIODS OXYGEN PRODUCTION by ACETABULARIA Lighting REGIMEN N of algae 16 18 18 18 P < 0.0001 2.33 P < 0.0003 Figure 1. Inhibition by LL after transfer from LD is greater for a prominent circadian rhythm of Acetabularia acetabulum than that for a less prominent (in LD) circaseptan rhythm. © Halberg. Figure 2. In keeping with Figure 1, a circaseptan rhythm is more prominent than the circadian in LL and less prominent in LD. © Halberg. 6.000 6.212 6.431 6.657 6.892 7.135 7.387 7.647 7.917 8.196 8.485 8.785 9.094 9.415 9.747 10.091 10.447 10.815 11.196 11.591 12.000 12.423 12.861 13.315 13.784 14.271 14.774 15.295 15.834 16.393 16.971 17.569 18.189 18.830 19.494 20.182 20.893 21.630 22.393 23.183 24.000 24.846 25.723 26.630 27.569 28.541 29.548 30.590 31.668 32.785 33.941 35.138 36.377 37.660 38.988 40.363 41.787 43.260 44.786 46.365 48.000 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 69 71 73 75 77 79 81 83 85 87 89 91 93 95 97 99 101 103 105 107 109 111 113 115 117 119 121 123 125 127 129 131 133 135 137 139 141 143 145 147 149 151 153 155 157 159 161 163 165 167 169 171 173 175 177 179 181 183 185 187 189 191 193 195 197 199 201 203 205 207 209 211 213 215 217 219 221 223 225 227 229 231 233 48 32 24 12 6 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Time (days after release in continuous light) ELECTRICAL POTENTIAL of ACETABULARIA ACETABULUM * * Integrated over consecutive 2 minutes, averaged for 30 minutes, averaged further for 22 single cells at start, 8 cells at end, analyzed by a moving periodogram, presented as a contour map, with the darkest shades corresponding to most prominent amplitudes. 16 8 Figure 3. Gliding spectral window reveals nonstationary nature of circadian rhythm in LL, waxing and waning and drifting in frequency in LL. © Halberg. 34 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 0 SIGNAL-AVERAGED ELECTRICAL POTENTIAL of ACETABULARIA ACETABULUM *; TIME-MACROSCOPIC VIEWResidualsafterdetrending(arbitraryunits) Time (days in LL) 0 2 4 6 8 10 * 20 single cells; Total number of observations: 38,578; experimental span: 376 days. Metaanalyzed data of Dr Sigrid Berger, Dr Luebbo von Lindern and the late Dr Hans-Georg Schweiger. Figure 4. The naked eye sees the greater aboutweekly as compared to the about-daily swing during the first 10 days in LL after prior synchronization in LD. © Halberg. LARGER ABOUT-WEEKLY THAN ABOUT-DAILY CYCLE IN ELECTRICAL POTENTIAL OF A UNICELLULAR ALGA ACETABULARIA ACETABULUM EVOLVED 500 MILLION YEARS AGO* * Nonlinear spectral analysis on signal-averaged data from 20 single cells, released (zero time) into continuous light (LL), After prior standardization in light and darkness alternating at 12-hour intervals (LD12:12) for up to one week. Total number of observations: 38,578; experimental span: 376 days. Note a more prominent amplitude (A) for a component with a period near a week, than tha As of the about daily and about half-weekly components (all freerunning). The circaseptan A is equated to 100 and the other As are expressed as percentage of the circaseptan. Metaanalyzed data of Dr. Sigrid Berger, Dr. Luebbo von Lindern and the late Dr. Hans-Georg Schweiger. Figure 5. Curve-fitting to data in Figure 4 shown as original values (dots) quantifies 3 spectral components (right) with circaseptan prominence. © Halberg. 35 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 0 24 48 72 96 120 144 168 192 216 240 264 DIFFERENT TIMING of FREERUNNING CIRCASEPTAN COMPONENT in OXYGEN PRODUCTION (OP), CHLOROPLAST MIGRATION (CM) and ELECTRICAL POTENTIAL (EP) in ACETABULARIA ACETABULUM * * Released into continuous light (LL) after prior standardization in light and darkness alternating at 12-hour intervals; period of 162.13 hours is average of presumably free-running periods of 160.7, 162.2 and 163.5 hours, for OP, CM and EP, respectively. Signal-averaged values of 20 - 24 single cells, each series detrended by 2nd or 3rd order polynomial, depending on length of series ( < or > 14 days). Data from Dr. Sigrid Berger, Dr. Luebbo von Lindern and the late Dr. Hans-Georg Schweiger. Residualsafterdetrending(arbitraryunits) Time (days in LL) 0 2 4 6 8 10 OP CM EP Acrophases and their 95% Confidence Intervals Figure 6. Division of labor in time in LL in a eukaryotic unicell, as shown by nonoverlapping 95% confidence intervals displayed by the width of bracketed horizontal lines on one of the peaks in each of the 3 approximating functions. © Halberg. CIRCADECADAL RHYTHM IN CIRCADIAN ACROPHASE (FRACTION OF CYCLE) OF OXYGEN PRODUCTION OF ACETABULARIA MEDITERRANEA* *Approximated by -0.6772 + 0.013 cos (2 t/11 y - 0.1375); tref = 2 Jan 1980; PR=10.2%; P<0.001; measurements in LD12:12. Data kindly provided by Prof. Sigrid Berger. Figure 7. Circadidecadal cycle in circadian acrophase in a population of unicells: putative signature of Schwabe's cycle (in relative sunspot numbers). © Halberg. 36 Figure 3 shows the time course of the nonstationary circadian behavior in electrical activity of a group of Ac cells (previously synchronized for up to a week with LD) for several days after release from LD into LL. Signal averaging reveals, to visual inspection, time-macroscopically in the first circaseptan cycle in LL, a circaseptan amplitude greater than that of the coexisting circadian component, Figure 4. Curve-fitting quantifies an about half-weekly (circasemiseptan) component as well (Figure 5), with an amplitude smaller than that of the circadian rhythm (6). Figure 6 shows differences in phase among three presumably free-running variables investigated in LL, oxygen production, electrical activity and chloroplast migration (7). Note from the nonoverlapping CIs (horizontal lines around the peak) that the differences in timing of the 3 variables are statistically significant, documenting a division of labor in time in a unicell. Figure 7 introduces a circadecadal rhythm in the circadian acrophase of oxygen production with a period of ~11 years. First circadian parameters in LD were assessed, and among these the circadian acrophase was seen to exhibit a cycle associated with Zürich relative sunspot numbers. Ac may have existed on earth ~500 million years ago (8). Hence it is a convenient object for comparisons of phylogeny, notably of nonphotic circaseptans with corresponding features in human ontogeny (9), demonstrating, at the unicellular level of chronomes (time structures) that spectral components like the near-week are prominent in both early phylogeny and in the multicellular human infant's early ontogeny, so that the latter can be modeled by the former (9). Several infradian rhythms which are cycles in individual humans have been mapped as population rhythms in Ac with serially-independent sampling as to individuals (4, 5) in Ac. During the span of 1980-1991, 341 experiments were performed on the giant unicellular alga Ac. acetabulum at the then Max-Planck-Institute for Cell Biology in Ladenburg, Germany. These data are available online at http://www.mpizb-ldb.mpg.de/, linked to http://www.lvloldz.privat.tonline.de/deveppon.html, courtesy of Dr. Lübbo von Lindern. We here analyze a longer set obtained directly from Dr. Sigrid Berger, covering 14 years. Oxygen production, electrical potential and/or chloroplast migration were recorded at 30-minute intervals for spans ranging from 19 to 109 days. In most experiments, the cells were first maintained for up to 7 days in the initial span of light and darkness alternating at 12-hour intervals (LD12:12). When the circadian rhythm was well expressed ad oculos, the cells were exposed to LL. In many experiments, after 7 to 18 days, different pulses were applied to the cells, such as dark pulses (for 8-24 hours), or a drug was added to the medium (3-aminobenzamide, caffeine, geneticin, oligomycin, ouabain, pentanol, ethanol, etc.), for spans of up to 97 days. Each stage of each experiment was examined for validity of protocol by the actual times originally recorded by computer in 341 experiments. Experiments ended as soon as the alga started to form gametangia (sign of maturation), or their cap diameter reached a size filling the diameter of the cuvette (sign of fast growth), or (less frequently) because of sudden cell death. Two endpoints were examined herein, Table 1: the total duration of each study on a given cell, and the duration of the initial span during which the cell was kept in LD12:12 conditions. The duration of LD12:12 standardization spans was used as a primary check on algal behavior, since a subjectively satisfactory behavior (rhythm) in LD12:12 was the condition for release into LL. For comparison, data on two planetary indices of geomagnetic activity, Kp and Dst, were considered over matching spans. In order to check against influences of artifacts, 100 noise series were generated. For each cell, the total study duration and the length of the LD12:12 span were assigned to the calendar date of the mid-time of the corresponding span. These data were analyzed by leastsquares spectra with periods ranging from 10.5 years to 2.5 months, followed by a nonlinear leastsquares scrutiny of the periods found linearly with ordering statistical significance (without 37 Table 1: Estimates and 95% confidence limits of spectral components characterizing the rhythms of two planetary indices of geomagnetic activity and the alga Acetabularia Trial period, Geomagnetic indices Acetabularia (span duration, in days) (years) Kp Dst Study span LD12:12 spans (arbitrary units) 10.5 8.013 (7.523, 8.535) 7.780 (7.192, 8.494) 10.017 (8.003, 12.031) 10.469(7.680,13.258) A 0.43 (0.36, 0.50) 6.07 (4.50, 7.66) 5.75 (1.71, 9.79) 2.13 (0.73, 3.54) 5.25 3.282 (3.148, 3.431) 3.374 (3.257, 3.502) 4.563 (3.549, 5.904) 4.265 (3.758, 4.918) A 0.20 (0.12, 0.27) 5.72 (4.16, 7.28) 3.56 2.10 (0.56, 3.65) 1.75 1.750 (1.713, 1.789) 1.739 (1.711, 1.769) 1.585 (1.481, 1.711) 1.848 (1.698, 2.058) A 0.22 (0.14, 0.29) 5.79 (4.24, 7.35) 4.51 (0.93, 8.08) 1.30 1.0 1.316 (1.294, 1.340) 1.019 (0.999, 1.038) 0.902 (0.864, 0.941) 1.032 (0.996, 1.091) A 0.19 (0.11, 0.27) 3.81 (2.22, 5.40) 5.10 (0.68, 9.53) 2.10 (0.54, 3.65) 0.5 0.499 (0.494, 0.503) 0.502 (0.500, 0.505) 0.485 (0.475, 0.498) 0.498 (0.402, 0.504) A 0.21 (0.13, 0.28) 6.22 (4.66, 7.79) 5.07 (1.27, 8.88) 2.81 (1.28, 4.34) A: amplitude. "Study span" and LD12:12 span are measures of vigor of the unicell in a total of 341 studies during 1980-1991. An About-Yearly Component is Neither the Sole nor the Largest Infrannual Variation Characterizing Acetabularia 's Oxygen Evolution* 0.000 0.004 0.008 0.012 0.016 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Frequency (cycles/14 years) Amplitudeof24h(fractionofcycle)** 1.09 y [1.13, 1.04] 9.24 y [11.33, 7.16] 1.31 y [1.36, 1.26] Period = 1 year (y) * In 14 years of experiments on these giant unicells kept in LD12:12, each cell contributing one of 279 estimates of the circadian acrophase based on up to a week's recording analyzed by cosinor. From Max Planck Institute for Cell Biology archives (HG Schweiger, director; courtesy of Sigrid Berger). Period lengths and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) assessed by nonlinear least squares. **Indicating prominence of change in circadian acrophase ( ) at frequency shown on abscissa. 0.980 y [1.013, 0.948] Period (y): 7 3.5 2.33 1.75 1.4 1.17 1.0 0.875 Figure 8. Another demonstration, in the data underlying this figure, of a set of solar signatures, including transyears, as well as components with a CI (95% confidence interval, given in parentheses) overlapping the calendar year at one extreme (right) and the circadecadal Schwabe cycle at the other extreme (left) in a population of unicells sampled with serial independence as to the individual alga. © Halberg. 38 CIRCASEPTAN (TOP) AND CIRCASEPTAN (BOTTOM) GROWTH RESPONSE OF INTACT (TOP) OR ENUCLEATED (BOTTOM) Acetabularia WITH FITTED MODEL (LEFT) AND COSINOR (RIGHT) Scheme of schedule shifts of the light-dark regimen A B C D Figure 9. Shifts of a regimen of light (L) and darkness (D) alternating every 12 hours carried out at intervals ranging 2 to 15 days in unicells with and without a nucleus are associated with different patterns, allowing a glimpse into the role of the nucleus in the genesis of about-weekly vs. about half-weekly cycles. Original data from Schweiger et al. (3). © Halberg. 39 Table 2: Endpoints of linear-nonlinear rhythmometry of light transmission by Acetabularia Estimates —— Circadian —— — Circaseptan — CS A CD A (%)Nucleus present? Period (h) 2A (AU) Period (d) 2A (AU) 1 (yes) 25.70 68.04 7.14† 26.34 38.71 2 (yes) 24.67 21.70 8.28 9.70 44.70 3 (no) 27.53 18.28 6.52 2.10 11.49 4 (no) 27.31 26.20 6.40 5.08 19.39 5 (no) 26.99 42.40 6.95 10.50 24.76 6 (no) 25.30 35.66 5.35 9.56 26.81 7 (yes) 24.84 10.34 8.13 5.54 53.58 8 (yes) 24.29 37.24 7.05 11.62 31.20 9 (yes) 24.48 7.20 7.25 10.94 151.94 10 (no) 26.09 53.78 6.44 6.22 11.57 11 (yes) 23.81 15.82 5.59 5.78 36.54 12 (no) 26.23 12.82 6.22 2.34 18.25 13 (yes) 22.47 27.28 8.88 17.42 63.86 2A=double amplitude. AU=arbitrary units. Estimates obtained by concomitant nonlinear fit of both circadian (CD) and circaseptan (CS) components and linear trend. †No trend included in model (CS not resolved with inclusion of linear trend in model). correction for multiple testing). The same procedures were applied to a planetary (Kp) and an equatorial (Dst) index of geomagnetic disturbance and to the 100 noise series matching the sampling of the biological data. Table 1 reveals congruence, i.e., overlapping 95% confidence intervals at a period of 6 months between the biological and geomagnetic variables. Table 1 shows that Ac shares with terrestrial magnetism disturbance a precise half-yearly cycle, in two unusual endpoints that deal with the vigor of the cell, namely the duration of a total of 341 studies as a whole and the span that was required in LD. Figure 8 demonstrates, in addition to a yearly component, a near-transyear and a far-transyear, with s of 1.09 (1.04, 1.13) and 1.31 (1.26, 1.36) years, respectively, in the circadian acrophase of oxygen production in LD in 279 separate studies. Ac's circadian, circasemiseptan and circaseptan rhythms have also been studied after enucleation (3, 10, 11). Figure 9 shows that a circaseptan pattern can become circasemiseptan after enucleation in Ac. acetabulum (3). By removing the nucleus, a normally subtractive (or rather frequency-demultiplying) coupling in frequency of the circaseptan and circasemiseptan spectral components may be uncovered. Figures 10a and 10b and Table 2 show the effect of enucleation of Ac as a reduction of the circaseptan vs. circadian amplitude ratio, a hint of amplifying coupling between the two rhythms' mechanisms, a possibility requiring follow-up because of the relatively small number of cells involved, statistical significance notwithstanding. There is the added finding in Ac. acetabulum that while enucleated cells are less vigorous than intact cells, insofar as more enucleated cells die during a study (as compared to nucleated ones) (3), the enucleated Ac's mortality can be greatly reduced by shifts of the lighting regimen (as compared to the mortality of unshifted cells without the rhizoid containing the nucleus). Figure 11 shows that among many other laboratory models of phase-shifting (of LD), the greatest effect upon the modification of lifespan, expressed as % of the mean, was found in Ac. acetabulum, as a prolongation rather than as a shortening of life, as a potentially favorable effect (12, 13). Models other than Ac are also useful (14). Changes with age are reported (15). The reader is further referred to studies on Acicularia schenkii (16) and more generally to (1) and (8). Apart from the opportunity to study enucleation effects, along with average trends, Ac has the thus-far broadest spectral element mapped in a unicell. 40 Figure 10a. Circaseptan-circadian relations in the presence and absence of a nucleus displayed for the unaided eye are analyzed in Table 2 and summarized in Figure 10b. © Halberg. Figure 10b. Enucleation in Acetabularia acetabulum changes the circaseptan-to-circadian amplitude ratio of light transmission by Acetabularia kept under constant environmental conditions of light and temperature. The circaseptan prominence is reduced in a relatively small sample of individual unicells (dots) investigated (cf. Table 2 and Figure 11). * Data of J.C. Woolum. © Halberg. 41 Figure 11. Manipulating the regimen of alternating light and darkness in Acetabularia acetabulum without vs. with a nucleus (last column) allows insight into the role of the nucleus as a useful putative synchronizer, replaced by the lighting regimen to the advantage of the enucleated cell. © Halberg. 42 1. Schweiger H-G, Hartwig R, Schweiger M. Cellular aspects of circadian rhythms. J Cell Sci Suppl 1986; 4: 181-200. 2. Schweiger H-G, Halberg F. Can a unicell measure the week and an isolated cytoplasm measure half a week? Notiz SIBioC 1982; 6: 525-526. 3. Schweiger H-G, Berger S, Kretschmer H, Mörler H, Halberg E, Sothern RB, Halberg F. Evidence for a circaseptan and a circasemiseptan growth response to light/dark cycle shifts in nucleated and enucleated Acetabularia cells, respectively. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1986; 83: 8619-8623. 4. Hillman D, Katinas G, Cornélissen G, Siegelova J, Dusek J, Jancik J, Masek M, Halberg F. About-10-yearly (circadecennian) cosmo-helio-geomagnetic signatures in Acetabularia. Scripta medica (Brno) 2002; 75: 303-308. 5. Halberg F, Cornélissen G, Faraone P, Schwartzkopff O, Regal P, Holley DC, Otsuka K. A transdisciplinary near-transyear in Acetabularia validates its counterpart in the solar wind and geomagnetics. 3, Proceedings, 5th International Workshop on Chronoastrobiology and Chronotherapy, Matsubayasi K (Ed.), Division of Human-Nature Dynamics, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Nov 6, 2004. p. 43-51. 6. Halberg F, Cornélissen G, Katinas G, Hillman D, Schwartzkopff O. Season's Appreciations 2000: Chronomics complement, among many other fields, genomics and proteomics. Neuroendocrinol Lett 2001; 22: 53-73. 7. Katinas G, Hillman D, Siegelova J, Dusek J, Svacinova H, Cornélissen G, Halberg F. Aboutweekly changes in electrical potential, chloroplast migration and oxygen production in Acetabularia grown under continuous exposure to light. Scripta medica (Brno) 2002; 75: 309-314. 8. Berger S, Kaever MJ. Dasycladales: An Illustrated Monograph of a Fascinating Algal Order. Stuttgart: Thieme-Verlag; 1992. 247 pp. 9. Katinas G, Berger S, Cornélissen G, Hillman D, Woolum JC, Engebretson M, Syutkina EV, Masalov A, Wang ZR, Wan CM, Bakken EE, Schwartzkopff O, Halberg F. Acetabularia acetabulum: Unicellular model of neonatal vascular chronome. Neuroendocrinol Lett 2003; 24 (Suppl 1): 201-207. 10. Woolum JC, Cornélissen G, Halberg F. Chronometaanalysis: enucleation changes the infradian-circadian amplitude ratio of Acetabularia. Abstract, 6° Convegno Nazionale de Cronobiologia, Chianciano, Italy, November 27-28, 1998, p. 64. 11. Woolum JC, Cornélissen G, Hayes DK, Halberg F. Spectral aspects of Acetabularia's light transmission chronome: effects of enucleation. Neuroendocrinol Lett 2003; 24 (Suppl 1): 212-215. 12. Berger S, Schweiger H-G, Halberg F. Lighting schedule shifts prolong survival of enucleated Acetabularia. Progress in Clinical and Biological Research 1990; 341B: 699-705. 13. Cornélissen G, Halberg J, Halberg F, Nelson W, Schwartzkopff O, Stoynev A, Haus E. Schedule shifts, cancer and longevity: good, bad or indifferent? J Experimental Therapeutics and Oncology, in press. 14. Edmunds LN Jr. Circadian organization in the algal flagellate Euglena. In: Circadian Rhythms, Eurekah Bioscience Database Eurekah.com/Landes Bioscience; 2005. p. 1-30. http://www.eurekah.com/abstract.php?chapid=2504&bookid=140&catid=85 15. Lindern L v, Berger S. Decreasing period-length of the endogenous circadian period of oxygen evolution in Acetabularia and its possible relation to aging. Chronobiology International 1996; 13: 341-347. 43 16. Berger S, Lindern L v, Mergenhagen D. Lack of an endogenous circadian rhythm in oxygen evolution by an ancient alga (Acicularia schenkii, Acetabulariaceae). Eur J Cell Biol 1995; 68: 339-344. Support GM-13981 (FH), University of Minnesota Supercomputing Institute (GC, FH), MSM 0021622402 44 Solar signatures in Australian suicide incidence: gender differences in prominence of photic vs. nonphotic spectral components Franz Halberg*, Germaine Cornélissen*, Michael Berk‡, Seetal Dodd‡, Margaret Henry‡, Lennart Wetterberg§, Ellis Nolley*, Larry Beaty*,Jarmila Siegelova, Bohumil Fiser, Charles Wolff• And the broader BIOCOS Project *Halberg Chronobiology Center, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA ‡Department of Clinical and Biomedical Sciences -- Barwon Health, University of Melbourne, Geelong, Australia §Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden •Solar Physics Branch, NASA Goddard Space Center, Greenbelt, MD, USA Abstract Irrespective of gender in Australia, in a sample with many more males (50,169) than females (15,859) and much more prominently in the undiluted sample of males only, the photic calendar year is the largest component in spectra of the incidence of suicide. In the spectrum of suicide incidence of Australian females, a period, , of about (~) 0.563 year, of putative solar origin (insofar as it was identified as a beat period of solar rotation rates by one of us [CW]), happens to predominate in the para-annual, including parasemiannual spectral regions over much lower amplitudes at trial s of 1.00 (and 0.50) year, with the latter being very prominent in the incidence spectrum of males committing suicide in Australia. The CI (95% confidence interval) of the ~0.56year component (0.56-0.567 year) in the spectrum of women does not overlap the precise 0.50year length, which in turn dominates the spectrum of suicide incidence in Minnesota, irrespective of gender. These geographic and gender differences among spectra with too many, albeit some predicted peaks should be complemented by more extensive data from many more locations. Introduction The built-in photic and societal signatures of the changes along the scales of 24 hours and of the seasons have been of consistent interest to psychiatry (1), including the topic of suicide, Figure 1 (2; cf. 3). Spectra of the incidence of suicide also reveal putative nonphotic effects, such as those of geomagnetics (4; cf. 5, 6). There are further nonphotic associations with (solar) weather in space, which influences geomagnetics. The sun can also act directly via particle emissions from it, the solar wind, which may in part penetrate the earth's magnetosphere. Any solar-terrestrial vs. human associations can be gauged in incidence spectra of environmental cycles vs. those of various epidemiological, psychophysiological and other biospheric time series (7-9). Figure 1. Cosinor summaries by fit of a 1-year cosine curve show circannual rhythms in the incidence pattern of mortality from suicide, cardiovascular diseases and accidents in Minnesota during 1941 to 1967. Note reproducibility of findings in consecutive spans. Deaths from heart diseases peak in the winter, suicides in June, and accidents somewhat later in the year. Focus upon the photic seasons must not detract from other nonphotic environmental contributions resolved by the extended cosinor in Figures 2, 5-7. © Halberg. 45 Suicides in Minnesota Referred to Calendar Date of Death (1968 - 2002) 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.10 0 35 70 105 Frequency (cycles in 35 years) Amplitude(N/day) Trend 1.0 Year (P=0.007) 0.5 Year (P<0.001) 1.3 Year (P<0.001) 1.07 Year (P=0.006) Suicides in England and Wales Referred to Calendar Month of Birth 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Frequency (cycles per 12 years) Suicides(N/100,000Births) 1.0y 0.5y ~0.42y ~2.2y 0.73y* ~7.5y Figure 2. Spectrum of the incidence of suicide in Minnesota, by calendar date of death (1968-2002), irrespective of gender. Note prominent half-year component particularly related to geomagnetics (top); below, spectrum of the incidence of suicide in England and Wales, by calendar date of birth (1955- 1966), irrespective of gender. * Validated nonlinearly. Period = 0.727y (95% confidence limits: 0.703, 0.751y). © Halberg. 46 Congruence Beyond the seasons (Figure 1) and associations of suicide with ambient electromagnetic fields (6) and geomagnetic storms (4, 7), there is a putative signature of the solar wind, namely an ~1.3-year cycle in Minnesotans in the USA committing suicide (8, 9), Figure 2 (top). This ~1.3year component was theoretically identified by CW (10) as a beat frequency of solar rotation rates and was abundantly validated for diverse variables gauging solar activity (11-19). In the as-yet relatively short time series stemming from satellite measurements during about 40 years in the solar wind's speed, the sigma of its speed, and its proton density, the 1.3-year period is wobbly, drifting, bifurcating and joining in frequency and waxing and waning in amplitude to the point of being no longer detected, and in this sense of intermittency, spectral behavior in gliding spectra is described as aeolian and accordingly broader spectral regions were dubbed a far-transyear (1.2 years [ - CI] < [ + CI] < 1.9 years), and thus tentatively separated from a near-transyear (1.00 year < [ - CI] < [ + CI] < 1.20 years). The latter was also found, among other variables (7), in spectra of time series of suicide in Minnesota (8, 9). The far-transyear also characterized sudden cardiac death in several locations (7, 20). In the incidence pattern of suicides in Minnesota (by the day of death), the solar wind's ~1.3-year far-transyear was second in prominence overall and had numerically the largest amplitude in the para-annual region, very slightly exceeding the prominence of the also statistically significant seasons, Figure 2 (top). A near-transyear of 1.07 years had a slightly smaller amplitude than that of the calendar year component. The relative prominence of cycles in the visible range, such as a calendar-year component as a photic, thermic and social entity, vs. non-photic cycles has been taken as an approximate and tentative gauge of the importance of their relative roles played in human health and broader affairs. Thus, we assessed the roles of invisible weather in space and/or geomagnetic disturbance on the one hand vs. the associations of seasonal changes of weather on earth on the other hand. These associations of photic vs. nonphotic spectral prominence varied geographically for phenomena such as suicide (8, 9) or sudden cardiac death (7, 20). The 10th revision of the International Classification of Diseases separated the diagnosis of sudden cardiac death from cardiac arrests associated with myocardial infarctions, limiting it to electrical accidents of the heart, i.e., to cases with no history of heart disease and no findings at autopsy (when this latter examination was possible; 7). In this ICD- 10, code I46.1, another prediction by CW, a spectral component of 0.42 year length has been found in several geographic locations (7). These conditions may be influenced not only through any link between helio- and geomagnetics, but also by other perhaps direct effects of particle emissions from the sun, ultraviolet flux and gravitation, all associations summarized as nonphotic (to contrast them with photic associations in the visible domain of the day and the calendar year). A prominent half-yearly cycle in geomagnetics (4, 21-23), dominating the spectrum of suicides by the day of death irrespective of gender in Minnesota, based on data over 35 years, had the highest amplitude and the latter had thus been associated with geomagnetic activity. Obviously, similar periods validated by an inferential statistical comparison of their CIs of s for congruence or similarity, Figure 3, do not prove causality; they constitute a first basis for a followup amplification or damping (addition or subtraction) remove-and-replace approach that examines any association with the biosphere of time-varying environmental behavior, e.g., of an environmental cycle, the subtraction including a failure to detect the cycle (removal). Thus far, the behavior of the biospheric cycles examined by this approach showed damped persistence after removal of the corresponding environmental spectral component (7, 24-26). This phenomenon, dubbed bioresonance, can last for long spans after the environmental counterpart is no longer detected. 47 Figure 3. Congruence vs. similarity vs. dissimilarity can be gauged by CIs (95% confidence intervals) of characteristics such as the period or phase of a neighboring spectral component in two or more concomitantly sampled time series of the same variables or of different variables within tissues, organs, organ systems, individuals, populations, disciplines and, most interestingly, when they are transdisciplinary, as are transyears or trans- and cis-half-years. Congruence implies overlying CIs (100%) or overlapping ones (<100%), while similarity implies close CIs that do not overlap (0% congruence). The concept of % congruence awaits elaboration. © Halberg. Nonphotic prominence in Minnesota, England and Wales There was also a clear spectral peak at a trial of 0.5 year in the spectrum of suicides by the day of birth (rather than by that of death, the only kind of statistics analyzed from Minnesota and Australia) in England and Wales (9), but in the latter location the most prominent component was one with a period shorter than a year with a of ~0.73-year length, i.e., on this side (cis) of the 48 year, a cis-year. In the data from England and Wales, there was also a component of ~0.42 year which, as noted, corresponds to another beat period of solar rotations, predicted as a result of a decades-long modeling by CW (26-32). This cis-half-year is an abundantly documented (albeit in relatively short series), highly variable (33-40) feature of solar activity and is also reflected in increasing numbers of geographic locations in sudden cardiac death, Figure 4 (7, 20, 41-43). Figure 4. Because of limited available data and many other inaccessible data, a curtain of uncertainty hides any time- and geographic (geomagnetic or dip-magnetic) site-specificity of various spectral aspects in the incidence of sudden cardiac death in many locations, with some exceptions recorded herein. Thus, as compared to a far-transyear of about 16 months and with a cis-half-year of about 5 months (cY/2), but no calendar year in Minnesota and in Tokyo, we find both a calendar year and a far-transyear in Arkansas and in the Czech Republic. At the latter site a cis-half-year is detected after 1999, but not before. In some locations the calendar year and the 0.5 year are the sole peaks in the para-annual and para-semiannual region. © Halberg. A 0.5 year peak dominating the spectrum of suicide incidence in Minnesota was also found in England and Wales in statistics by the day of birth of those committing suicide. Geomagnetic disturbance was thus putatively associated with suicide in all locations investigated, as were the seasons. The 0.5-year peaklet in suicide incidence in Australia characterizes notably males. Non-photic signature in female and photic in male and overall suicides in Australia In incidence statistics by the day of death, the calendar year dominates in Australia overall, Figure 5, and in males, Figure 6, but not in females, Figure 7. Transyears that were prominent in Minnesota are also found in Australia at ~1.21 years in females, Figure 7, and at ~1.71 years in males, Figure 6, that are both represented overall in Figure 5. When the data from Australia are separated into those of males that were the majority (and had a trend removed), the impression gained from all data in Figure 5 is supported by the prominence of the seasons in males, Figure 6, yet there is also a peak, among others, at the presumably solar signature of an ~0.42-year and at the putatively geomagnetic 0.5-year. In data from females in Figure 7, a (putatively solar) ~0.56- year 49 Coexisting Photic and Non-photic Components in the Incidence Pattern of Suicides in Australia (1968-2001)* 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 Frequency (cycles/year) Amplitude(N/day) 1.0 Year 0.5 Year 1/3 Year 0.394Y [0.391, 0.396] 1.714Y [1.681, 1.746] 1.212Y [1.189, 1.234] 0.422Y [0.419, 0.424] 1.006Y [0.999, 1.012] 0.502Y [0.498, 0.506] 9.14Y [8.58, 9.71] 0.738Y [0.730, 0.746] 3.30Y [3.19, 3.40] * Original data of Michael Berk. Data detrended (removal of linear trend). Number of cases: 66,028. Figure 5. Suicide incidence (coded by day of death) in Australia shows a prominent photic year and nonphotics such as a putative geomagnetic circasemiannual component and putative solar transyears and a cis-half-year. © Halberg. component is found. As already noted, it has been reported as a beat frequency of solar dynamics (10), and is numerically more prominent than the yearly and half-yearly components. The marked gender difference in Australia is based on a relatively smaller number of females as compared to males, and deserves further study in other geographic locations. Two sites were examined by the day of death (Australia and Minnesota) and one location by the day of birth: it can be suggested, as in the case of sudden cardiac death (7, 20, 43), that photic and non-photic components are present in all locations, irrespective of the kinds of statistics by day of death vs. of birth. The seasons dominate in Australian males and in Australians overall (because of the larger number of males), but not in Australian females and not in Minnesota, nor in England and Wales. Among non-photics, the ~1.3-, 0.56- and 0.42-year components may be primarily solar and the 0.5-year component, partly terrestrial in origin. It remains to be elucidated why and how three of the solar rotation's beat periods have biospheric signatures, but not the other seven thus far. How do 1.33, 0.56 and 0.42 differ from the other beat periods in terms of physics? In evidence accumulated thus far, the ~0.42-year component has a special place. With an also-present far- and near-transyear, the cis-halfyear characterizes breakdown products of steroidal hormones critical to survival and reproduction. The broad-scale geographic mapping of factors underlying mood by focus on the extreme of depression in the form of suicide remains a challenge. It is already known that negative affect has both a solar and a geomagnetic component with a (non-photic) of 7 days, while positive affect is predominantly circadian (44). With the new information on hand, the role played by the cosmos 50 Dominant Seasons in the Incidence Pattern of Suicides by Males in Australia (1968-2001)* 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 Frequency (cycles/year) Amplitude(N/day) 1.0 Year 0.5 Year 1/3 Year 0.397Y [0.394, 0.399] 1.718Y [1.681, 1.754] 0.421Y [0.418, 0.423] 1.004Y [0.997, 1.010] 0.502Y [0.499, 0.505] 9.16Y [8.50, 9.82] 5.50Y [5.18, 5.82] 1.99Y [1.94, 2.03] 0.741Y [0.734, 0.748] * Original data of Michael Berk. Data detrended (removal of linear trend). Number of cases: 50,169. Figure 6. Coexisting photic and nonphotic components in suicides by males in Australia. © Halberg. Dominant Solar about 0.56-year Component in the Incidence Pattern of Suicides by Females in Australia (1968-2001)* 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 Frequency (cycles/year) Amplitude(N/day) 1.0 Year 0.5 Year 1/3 Year 0.385Y [0.382, 0.387] 1.214Y [1.193, 1.236] 0.563Y [0.560, 0.567] 9.19Y [8.37, 10.01] 3.300Y [3.188, 3.412] 0.685Y [0.678, 0.692] * Original data of Michael Berk. Number of cases: 15,859. Figure 7. Nonphotic prominence in the incidence spectrum of suicides by females in Australia. © Halberg. 51 can be explored at likely built-in windows of new resonant frequencies to be investigated in populations and in the few documented individuals by addition and subtraction up to a removeand-replace approach where the amplification and damping of one or the other of the intermittent environmental spectral components is done by the cosmos (7, 24, 25). Certain frequency windows are identified for further study in the para-annual region of spectra of the incidence patterns of suicide, such as the ~1.3-year far-transyear (7, 45) and three windows that are very narrow in the parasemiannual region, since the s are close to each other. A precise half-yearly component in circulating melatonin at middle latitudes by night (46) relates putatively to geomagnetics. It has been mapped as a distinctly different entity (as far as CIs of the s are concerned) as compared to ~0.56- and 0.42-year cycles, predicted as solar beat periods (10) and found to have CIs not overlapping the precise half-year length. To complicate the issue, when the circulating melatonin was determined with serial independence as to individuals in 172 patients in blood drawn from each of them at 6 consecutive 4-hour intervals was analyzed as six separate series, each series consisting of data from a given clock-hour, the CIs of the s all overlapped the 0.42-year (47). The CIs of s from analyses of two more (related) series of circulating melatonin MESORs and circadian amplitudes of the patients' set as a whole also overlapped the 0.42-year length (47). The resolution of the relative prominence of cycles with periods of ~0.42-, 0.50- and 0.56-year, should they coexist concurrently in some future study, will require very long series, notably if the time courses of these components in the environment and, among others, in suicide are to be compared, as was done for the biological week (25) and the far-transyear (7). Moreover, for the case of the same data on melatonin circulating in the blood of 172 patients studied during several years, in which a cis-halfyear is found by extended (linear-nonlinear) cosinor (47), a precise half-yearly component was previously reported by a different (population-mean cosinor) approach (46). Transdisciplinary discussions It could be chance that in a 15-year series of daily 17-ketosteroid excretions, a predicted (10) 0.42-year period and transyears were found. Periods with CIs all covering the 0.42-year length found in the melatonin circulating in the blood of 172 patients in Florence (47) could also be due to random sampling error, yet somehow the 172 patients studied over several years had to be synchronized and solar activity comes to mind as the synchronizer. With so many peaks in the spectra demonstrated elsewhere and here in Figures 2 and 5-7, many if not all of them could come about by the ever-present chance. But if the needed much longer series should become amenable for analyses, the role of chance could be reduced. Also with respect to underlying mechanisms (46, 47), it seems pertinent that Monteleone et al. (48; cf. 49) found that bright light (2000 lux) applied between 02:00 and 04:00 to human subjects depressed circulating melatonin by 40% more in women as compared to men, in keeping with a stronger solar effect in females. This finding could not be confirmed with exposure at an earlier time of night (50, 51), nor was a gender difference relating to melatonin found by others (studying mean values only) (52-54). Melatonin reportedly responds to magnetic fields (55) or magnetic storms (56-58) and is latitude-dependent (59); studies of its chronome over years with serially-independent sampling as to many more individuals seem highly desirable and may allow scrutiny of the results herein. As to the degree of generality apart from suicides and from sudden cardiac death, the fartransyear has been documented in terrorism (60-62), in Gallup Polls (63), in human natality in the Philippines (64) and Brazil (65) and in epilepsy (66) and strokes (67) in Slovakia, but not in natality in Japan (68) or Italy (69), another example of a geographic difference in the time structure of epidemiological variations. 52 Figure 8. We need not ignore the many signatures of the cosmos with validated statistical significance of anticipated periods that characterize: a. dozens of decades-long time series of blood pressure and heart rate; b. other physiology and psychology, including mental functions; c. religious proselytism; d. suicide; e. sudden cardiac death; f. terrorist activity for the past 39 years; g. 2,556 years of international battles compiled by Raymond Holder Wheeler; h. military expenditures for training in non-medical science; i. degrees earned; j. Gallup Polls; and k. political and military actions in nearly 200 years, meta-analyzed from the much broader treasure of data compiled by Alexander Leonidovich Chizhevsky. While chance can never be ruled out, it would be further greatly reduced by systematic lifetime monitoring of physiology in health, of pathology and disease, notably in archives to separate effects of sun and earth, many of which are beneficial. Other effects such as extreme cold and heat or extreme light can be met by countermeasures such as housing, heating and air conditioning. The task remains to develop countermeasures to those nonphotic effects that can be documented as harmful. While the earth is the immediate actor, and for that action the sun is the modulator, with the biosphere reacts to both terrestrial and solar factors, the roles of actor, reactor and modulator are continuously changing. In the greenhouse effect, organisms are the actors, as shown by a double-headed arrow (B2). There may be other more subtle effects of synchronized human action upon the earth. Original drawing by Mary Sampson. © Halberg. 53 Figure 8 attempts to describe the status quo of ignorance. The invisible (except, e.g., for northern lights) effects of space weather complement those of the visible light and of felt heat (and cold). They play a role in psychiatry and far beyond, as does the broader cosmos, gauged, e.g., by galactic cosmic rays (C, Fig. 8). The ~1.71-year far-transyear is also a characteristic of cosmic rays (70-72). When exposure to environmental cycles (their aeolian nonstationary nature notwithstanding) lasts for eons, they are eventually coded as bioresonance periods in the genes ( in Figure 8), yet are amplified or dampened by the continuing cosmic influences. But resonance may also be found in the relations of earth and sun. When the latter ceases to display a given period and then resumes it, such as an ~35-year cycle, the antipodal geomagnetic index aa may continue to exhibit that cycle in the interim. A bidirectional arrow in Figure 8 indicates that the biosphere changes the surface of the earth. The question whether the biosphere can substantially influence its cosmic as well as the physical earthly environment is beyond the scope of available evidence here summarized (73, 74). But the explanation of the status and of the origin of some cycles shorter than the Schwabe period can be considered in the following. Introduction to the origin of solar g-mode periodicities < 11 years A number of solar periodicities shorter than a dominant 11-year Schwabe cycle in time have been accepted as real at convincing probability levels, (for example, 40, 75, 76). But even these strong signals are not seen all the time. Their amplitudes occasionally are within the noise in the data, making them undetectable. Either they are still there, but weak, or they are gone and will be re-excited later. We describe a model that can explain the first case. The other case (gone and reexcited) may also be of interest to chronomics but it is more complicated and not discussed here. a.) The Clockwork of Rotating g-Modes This section summarizes the model (10, 31) operating deep inside the sun, Figure 9, which causes a small fraction of the upward moving energy to vary, as if controlled by a series of clocks. Although the clocks keep very good time, we shall see that the strength of each beat unavoidably changes from one beat to the next. Upward flowing energy is the ultimate cause of phenomena seen at the sun's surface and above (visible radiation, flares, mass ejections, solar wind, etc.). So when this energy flow varies on some schedule, it should be detectable in many solar observables and many biospheric variables influenced directly or indirectly by the sun. The physical elements that can cause this are global oscillations of the sun called g-modes (77, 78). Each mode involves about 90% of the solar mass in its motion; thus it has tremendous stability even though its amplitude is small. The oscillation periods are of the order of hours but that is not what regulates the solar clocks. Instead it is the rotation rates of the modes when particular groups of them couple to form what is called a set (l), where l is an integer. Figure 9 shows how a set distorts the sun (highly magnified) as it oscillates. On the surface you can see that the strongest oscillation amplitudes concentrate near the equator in a limited range of longitudes. This is called a hot spot because that is where the set deposits the greatest amount of heat per unit area, which it supplies from its own kinetic energy. A second hot spot is located symmetrically on the other side of the sun. The hot spot extends to all depths inside the sun but its strength peaks at the two radii shown in the cutaway section and then it declines exponentially toward the center and toward the surface. Many more details on these sets are available in reference (31). All sets rotate slightly slower than the solar mass in which they oscillate. There is a unique rate for each value of l. For the lowest degree sets for which there is observational evidence, Table 1 shows the rotation periods apparent to an earthbound observer. Also, the rotation rate relative to the fixed stars is given in nanohertz. These rates stand on three observational legs: A study of more than two centuries of sunspot numbers (10), the internal solar rotation curve from helioseismology (79), and a half century of 10.7 cm solar radio flux records (28). 54 A B Figure 9. This cutaway sketch illustrates the set of g-modes for l = 4 oscillating inside the sun. Oscillatory power is concentrated along a straight line passing through the origin and intersecting the surface near the equator but not on it. We see only half of the power concentration since it extends to the opposite side of the sun. This structure rotates like a rigid body about the Sun’s spin axis at a rate depending on l. When its rotation causes its hot spot to overlap with that of another set, extra energy is released, which affects observables at the sun's surface. Contour maps of these power distributions are available (31). Table 1: Rotation rates of g-mode sets and their beat periods (28) Rotation Beat Period (years) L Apparent Period (days) Absolute Rate (nHz) L' = 3 4 5 G 2 35.05 361.87 0.425 0.335 0.295 0.242 3 31.50 399.12 1.58 0.967 0.562 4 30.66 409.15 2.50 0.873 5 30.16 415.50 1.34 G 29.26 427.29 In addition to the low l values, the sunspot data also showed evidence for a strong feature at considerably higher l. Since rotation rates for high l are too close to be resolved by existing data, it is treated as one feature and called set(G). It had more impact on the sunspot data than any other set and is presumably the strongest of them (10). On time scales shorter than the Sun’s 11 year cycle, the sets in Table 1 are those that would most prominently affect events on the Sun. b.) Rotational Beat Periods and their Heat Pulses When the hot spot of a set such as Figure 9 rotates past the spot of another set, extra heat is deposited at that place and time. The amount of heat is more than the simple sum of their separate effects because the hot spots interact nonlinearly. This gives great significance to the frequency at which two particular spots will overlap. In symbols, the beat period between two rotating sets is P = [ (f1 - f2)k ]-1 55 where f1 and f2 are the rotation frequencies of the sets (e. g., Table 1). The factor k = 2 takes account of the fact that each set has two hot spots per rotation. (For certain phenomena most sensitive to latitude distributions, k =1.) The last few columns in the table show these beat periods. They impose themselves on various events at the sun's surface and beyond because the sun can utilize the extra energy made available at period P to magnify all the forms of solar activity (flares, sunspots, radiation, etc.) and even the solar wind. All beat periods in Table 1 have been calibrated with over two centuries of monthly mean sunspot numbers and a half century of solar radio flux as mentioned above. Extra decimal places in rotation frequencies are carried over from the theory to protect the difference frequencies (beats). But the rotation frequencies contain an additive constant that is still uncertain to perhaps 2%. Beat periods in the table are accurate to about 1%. If two rotating sets were the only ones in the sun, then a beat would release the same amount of heat every time. But there are other sets and sometimes they happen to be close to the region where the hot spots of f1 and f2 are interacting. Thus the total amount of heat released at a certain beat period will vary depending on what other hot spots happen to be nearby at that time. This explains why these periodicities are strong some of the time and at other times are too weak to be detected at the sun's surface. Of the ten solar beat periods in Table 1, only three seem to have been found in the earth's biosphere so far in the human circulation and other aspects of physiology, pathology and sociology, including suicide. Two of them (1.34 and 0.56 yr) involve the set(G) which is the strongest set, at least in its ability to influence the sunspot numbers (10). Since that set has the smallest horizontal size (i.e., in latitude and longitude) it is supplying a very concentrated dose of energy to small areas. That may be why it is observed so well in a highly local effect like a sunspot or solar active region. But the strength of set(G) rather than its size is more relevant to the biosphere where, e. g., a 1.34 yr period is detectible in each of 44 mostly decades long physiological time series from of the order of a dozen subjects. The third biosphere period, the cis-half-year (0.42 yr) is associated with the beat between two solar sets with the lowest values of l. They are the sets that have the largest horizontal sizes. They may have more effect on a larger scale effect like the solar wind. The details of how the g-mode sets would affect a particular solar feature have never been worked out quantitatively. Many such physical details of the Sun remain to be studied. Even more unknown, then, would be how effective a solar beat period could be in affecting the biosphere and perhaps encoding itself into DNA on Earth. Extensive future observations are far more likely to answer such questions than theoretical modeling. Conclusion and Epilogue Systematically aligned physical and biospheric, in individuals lifelong monitoring is overdue to complement the foregoing analyses of suicide and other much more extensive archival studies. Individuals' monitoring must not be left to a very few highly motivated subjects, but should proceed, preferably as family monitoring. One scientist, RBS, who started monitoring blood pressure (BP) at 20 years of age, persuaded his father SBS to undertake BP monitoring when the latter was in his sixties. RBS now has 41 years of around-the-clock data that complement 23 years of data from SBS (80, 81). YW began monitoring his own BP at 35 years of age and now has 21 years of mostly half-hourly data; he monitored his son FW's BP from birth and has new data with gaps up to 15 years of age (82, 83). A lifetime study or two may eventually thus be pieced together by data from father and son. Current spotcheck-based physiology and medicine will eventually include automatic wombto-tomb monitoring in its scope, for which the technology is available in the experimental 56 laboratory, albeit not yet unobtrusively and noninvasively for the human. What Humboldt started with Gauss and Sabine made into a magnetic crusade (84), which has proceeded to a systematic monitoring of the environment near and far by satellite, should be complemented by surveillance in the biosphere prospectively. A thorough analysis of the few accumulated longitudinal series that cover around-the-clock up to 40 years retrospectively is equally overdue, and certainly the further retrospective and prospective analysis of archives is desirable. Reference cycles in human development and aging would then become available to replace imaginary baselines (85). The planned extension of studies on suicides as a function of latitude and longitude is overdue, but we are dealing with the consequence of extreme depression that originates from lesser abnormalities in mood that need further scrutiny of their circadian-infradian cycles. Solar signatures are found not only by noninvasive cardiology in health and disease, but also in mental functions, such as the rating of mood and vigor and the estimation of 1 minute around the clock about 5 times/day over 36 years. The series of mood ratings is characterized by an ~0.56-year (a trans-half-year). In the series on time estimation, some spectral components are congruent only with corresponding counterparts in the spectrum of the solar wind's speed, while other spectral components of the same mental function are congruent only with periods in geomagnetics and still other spectral components in this human mental function are congruent with both sun and earth, Figure 8. Fewer components in the para-annual and para-semiannual spectral regions have no environmental counterpart. The chance of monitoring solar activity biospherically and prospectively is a challenge in particular in noninvasive cardiology because the same data that serve for immediate health care can also be used, if they are recorded via a website for medical investigation and further for transdisciplinary research, as will become apparent from the BIOCOS contribution to these same proceedings. Archival studies have to be complemented by longitudinal monitoring of human and other biospheric variables. Special thanks are expressed to the Phoenix Study Group, composed of volunteering members of the Twin Cities chapter of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (http://www.phoenix.tc-ieee.org), who are building a website (http://www.sphygmochron.org/) so that in exchange for the time series from cardiology in everyday practice, we can, with the same data, monitor solar activity in the light of its important associations with the biosphere and can apply the existing software for archival studies (86). 1. Halberg F. Physiologic considerations underlying rhythmometry, with special reference to emotional illness. Symposium on Biological Cycles and Psychiatry. In: Ajuriaguerra J de, editor. Symposium Bel-Air III. Cycles biologiques et psychiatrie. Geneva: Georg / Paris: Masson et Cie; 1968. p. 73-126. 2. Halberg F. Laboratory techniques and rhythmometry. In: Mills JN, editor. Biological Aspects of Circadian Rhythms. London/New York: Plenum Press; 1973. p. 1-26. 3. 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Appendix 2 of Halberg F, Cornélissen G, Regal P, Otsuka K, Wang ZR, Katinas GS, Siegelova J, Homolka P, Prikryl P, Chibisov SM, Holley DC, Wendt HW, Bingham C, Palm SL, Sonkowsky RP , Sothern RB, Pales E, Mikulecky M, Tarquini R, Perfetto F, Salti R, Maggioni C, Jozsa R, Konradov AA, Kharlitskaya EV, Revilla M, Wan CM, Herold M, Syutkina EV, Masalov A V, Faraone P , Singh RB, Singh RK, Kumar A, Singh R, Sundaram S, Sarabandi T, Pantaleoni GC, Watanabe Y, Kumagai Y, Gubin D, Uezono K, Olah A, Borer K, Kanabrocki EA, Bathina S, Haus E, Hillman D, Schwartzkopff O, Bakken EE, Zeman M. Chronoastrobiology: proposal, nine conferences, heliogeomagnetics, transyears, near-weeks, near-decades, phylogenetic and ontogenetic memories. Biomed & Pharmacother 2004; 58 (Suppl 1): S179- S186. 81. Sothern SB, Sothern RB, Katinas GS, Cornélissen G, Halberg F. Sampling at the same clockhour in long-term investigation is no panacea. Proc., Int. Conf. on the Frontiers of Biomedical Science: Chronobiology, Chengdu, China, September 24-26, 2006, p. 208-211. 82. Watanabe Y, Cornélissen G, Halberg F, Otsuka K, Ohkawa S-I. Association by signatures and coherences between the human circulation and helio- and geomagnetic activity. Biomed & Pharmacother 2001; 55 (Suppl 1): 76s-83s. 83. Watanabe Y, Cornélissen G, Hellbrügge T, Watanabe F, Otsuka K, Schwartzkopff O, Halberg F. Partial spectral element in the chronome of a human neonatal heart rate at term. Biomed & Pharmacother 2002; 56 (Suppl 2): 374s-378s. 84. Clark S. The Sun Kings: The Unexpected Tragedy of Richard Carrington and the Tale of How Modern Astronomy Began. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press; 2007. 224 pp. 85. Halberg F, Cornélissen G, Sothern RB, Otsuka K, Revilla M, Siegelova J, Fiser B. Circadian stage-dependent infradian-modulated changes in a mental function during aging. These proceedings. 62 86. Halberg F. Challenges from "60 years of translational chronobiology". Uchenyerye zeaniski Tavricheskogo natsional'iogo Universiteta im V.I. Vernadskogo, Seriya "Biologia, khaimiya" 2007; 20 (19): 107-122, AND Kofler W, ed. Proceedings, International Interdisciplinary Workshop, Natural Cataclysms and Global Problems of the Modern Civilization, Baku, Azerbaijan, September 24-27, 2007. Transactions of the International Academy of Science H&E. Baku/Innsbruck: ICSD/IAS; 2007. p. 165-178. Support GM-13981 (FH), University of Minnesota Supercomputing Institute (GC, FH), MSM 0021622402 63 Reasons for a protocol for radiation treatment aimed at exploiting weekly rhythms Francine Halberg1 , Germaine Cornélissen2 , Franz Halberg2 , Waldemar Ulmer3 , Salvador Sanchez de la Peña4 , Jarmila Siegelova5 , Othild Schwartzkopff2 and the broader BIOCOS project 1 Marin Cancer Institute, Greenbrae, and University of California at San Francisco, CA, USA 2 Halberg Chronobiology Center, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA 3 VARIAN International, Zug, Switzerland 4 Chronomic Res Center, Escuela Nacional de Medicina y Homeopatía-IPN, Mexico City, Mexico 5 Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic Abstract: Circadian timing’s merits have been documented earlier, but the administration of treatment at optimal clock hours may be difficult to implement in the clinic from a practical viewpoint, since it may require service outside routine scheduling hours. Scheduling along the scale of the week, as here proposed, does not depend on irregular treatment hours. Circaseptan optimization is promising in the experimental laboratory but has not yet been tested systematically in the radiotherapeutic clinic. Our purpose herein is to advocate a practical protocol. Aim: To assess any benefit from chronotherapy of lung cancer by using daily radiation doses varying along the scale of the week. In our time structure (chronome), an about-weekly schedule is partly built-in (1), while, like many other rhythms, it is also driven by society and the environment (1, 2), just as circadians are (3). CRx of Human Oral Cancer 0 20 40 60 80 -8 -4 0 4 8 Treatment Time (Hours from Peak Tumor Temperature) 2yDisease-FreeSurvival(%) Average Gain: 200 % C Minimum Gain: 428 % D P=0.02 (Peak test) CRx of Human Oral Cancer 0 20 40 60 80 minimum average maximum conventional Treatment Time (Hours from Peak Tumor Temperature) 2yDisease-FreeSurvival(%) Gain: 200 % Gain: 428 % Gain: 214 % D C Rx as usual Figure 1a. Radiotherapy timed at peak tumor temperature leads to faster tumor regression (not shown) and to more than doubling of the 2-year disease-free survival rate, as compared to reference groups treated 4 or 8 hours before or after the tumor temperature peak. Data from Prof. emeritus B.D. Gupta and Dr. Akhil Deka. © Halberg. Figure 1b. Gain from radiotherapy timed at peak tumor temperature, gauged by the 2-year disease-free survival rate, is assessed by comparison with the average or lowest disease-free survival, when treatment is administered 4 or 8 hours before or after the tumor temperature peak, or when it is given “as usual” without consideration of circadian stage. © Halberg. Circadian background: Disease-free survival was doubled in patients with tumors of the oral cavity by timing radiotherapy along the scale of the day, when treatment was administered at the circadian stage of highest tumor temperature, Figure 1a (4, 5). The gain at the best time by reference to the worst time was 428%; by reference to the average it was 200%. There was a gain of 214% by comparison with treatment as usual, Figure 1b (4, 5). These findings were empirical, yet supported by common sense, once it was realized that many tumors and most loads undergo a spectrum of rhythms. 64 Figure 2. Rhythm determines cost of single load. Hours of changing resistance. As a function of the body's rhythms, a potentially harmful stimulus, such as a drug given in the same dose at different times to different yet compatible individuals (top) will have drastically different effects; not even risk is incurred at one time from a stimulus that is deadly at another time. It is thus common sense to give a potentially harmful drug at the time of highest resistance to it (bottom). See Figures 3 and 4 for scheduling a series of treatments (10). © Halberg. Figure 3. Relations of external loads to internal cost in rhythmic systems. The effects of repeated stimuli -- such as a course of drug or nutriceutical administration -- can be time-dependent; if so, a series of doses given in a time-invariant way might involve risk or result in death, whereas the same total dosage will be well tolerated when given in a way varying with due regard for the body's rhythms (10). By the same token, the desired beneficial effect will also be rhythm stage-dependent, and again dosing will have to be made dependent on timing. © Halberg. 65 Figure 4. Murine tolerance of ara-C on different schedules. Study IV (L1210; inoc. 01.26.1972). Survival time of leukemic BDF1 mice on different drug administration schedules (top) and timing of doses of ara-C (bottom) in sinusoidal and reference schedule consisting of 4 courses of 240 mg/kg/24 h each. When the same total dose of ara-C is given, certain sinusoidal drug administration schedules are definitely better tolerated by the mice than are other sinusoids or a currently conventional reference treatment of 8 equal doses over a 24-hour span (10). © Halberg. 66 Figure 5. As a follow-up on a circadian rhythm in LD50 (20), a rhythm in therapeutic index was found by 1973 (10) and awaits use in the clinic, where it already doubled 2-year disease-free survival of patients with perioral cancers using the tumor temperature as a marker, Figure 1. © Halberg. 67 HARM OR HELP*: With or without chronobiologic patterning, the same total dose per week of LENTINAN inhibits or enhances malignant growth, respectively Figure 6. The same total dose of the same molecule, lentinan, depending on the circadian and circaseptan patterns of its administration, stimulates vs. inhibits the growth of a subsequently implemented malignancy (left) or shortens or lengthens survival (right). © Halberg. Extension of timing to weekly optimization. In the laboratory, the importance of optimizing circadian and infradian timing (6, 7) was also documented for immunotherapies, Figures 6 and 7. Opposite effects are thus found, as shown in Figure 6, and a 30% gain in efficacy, above any gain from optimization according to the daily cycle, is documented in Figure 7 (8), while the optimization of radiotherapy by circadian and circaseptan timing in the laboratory is shown in Figure 8. 68 Figure 7. Cyclosporine chronotherapy of pancreas-allo-transplanted rats suggests further gain in graft function from doses varying from day to day according to a weekly periodicity, beyond the circadian stage-dependence of equal daily doses. Data of T Liu. © Halberg. Combined circaseptan and circadian optimization of radiotherapy. Tumor cells of 4 different types of cancer were shown to grow not uniformly but according to rhythms with periods of 1 day and 1 week, the 1-week cycle being the most prominent (6, 7). Moreover, when radiation was applied at the time of highest cell division of these daily and weekly cycles, tumor kill by radiation was statistically significantly more effective than when it was given at the time of lowest cell division, Figure 8. Moreover, an about-weekly cycle may be amplified in surface temperature measured over a cancerous vs. a healthy breast (9). 69 Figure 8. Time course of tumor cell growth pooled across all four kinds of tumor cells and both pH values shown after normalization for weeks 2 and 3 of study to illustrate circaseptan-over-circadian prominence. Irradiation shortly after the circaseptan-circadian maximum of -ATP is associated with larger tumor cell kill (lesser survival) than irradiation shortly after the circaseptan-circadian minimum of -ATP (middle). © Halberg. 70 Figure 9. Task 3, illustrated in the left lower box, has been achieved in Figures 1 and 8 for radiation treatment. © Halberg. More generally, a properly timed sinusoidal treatment pattern has been superior to an equal-dose schedule, Figures 4-9 (10). These results from the laboratory, Figures 2-6, and many others all suggest the possibility of increasing treatment efficacy and bettering outcomes by taking advantage of weekly cycles of gradually increasing and decreasing doses, as planned in the following protocol. 71 Suggested protocol for consideration or critique by all comers Aim. To exploit for timed treatment any circaseptan schedules restricted to the five working days do not require activities during odd hours outside current schedules and hence are more readily implemented than the circadians. Patients: Patients with newly diagnosed Stage I-III non-small cell lung cancer are eligible. They are to be stratified by stage, chemotherapy regimen, age group, and gender. Outcomes: Before start of treatment and at 3-month intervals after initiation of treatment, maximal tumor diameter in two dimensions will be determined by CT scan. Tumor regression will be evaluated by the difference at each follow-up between maximal tumor diameter at that time and prior to treatment. Other outcome measures will be time to progression and overall survival. Toxicity will also be assessed during treatment and at each follow-up using the RTOG criteria (a six-point scale of bladder and bowel symptoms, produced by the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group). Treatment: With or without concurrent chemotherapy, radiation therapy will consist of a total dose of 6000 cGy, to be administered over 6 weeks, 5 days a week (Monday-Friday). A given patient will be scheduled to always receive radiation therapy at the same time of day. Each daily treatment time will be recorded for each patient. Treatment will always start on a Monday. Patients on chemotherapy generally receive 12 mg of dexamethasone as part of their anti-emetic regimen. All patients in this study will receive the same dose on day 1 of treatment for potential synchronization of the weekly cycle. There will be 6 groups. - Group 1 will receive equal 200cGy doses per day. - Groups 2-6 will receive the same weekly dose of 1000cGy that will be administered in different fraction sizes varying between 175 and 220cGy per day, according to a weekly cycle. The 5 groups will differ in terms of the start dose, as follows: Week day Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Monday 175 193 220 220 193 Tuesday 193 220 220 193 175 Wednesday 220 220 193 175 193 Thursday 220 193 175 193 220 Friday 193 175 193 220 220 Sample size: This observational study will serve to determine uncertainties involved, to serve as a basis for sample size calculation. With the proposed design, patients can be accrued sequentially, so that as results accumulate, the required sample size can be determined and progressively refined, and patients can be recruited until the desired sample size is met. The major criterion will be the desirability to detect a 50% difference between best and worst outcome with 80% confidence. Statistical considerations have shown the superiority of the cosinor over the more usual one-way analysis of variance to achieve this goal (11, 12). Relatively small numbers of subjects evenly spread over the cycle to be investigated (such as a 24-hour cycle) have already served for determining the optimal treatment time (13, 14), including radiotherapy of perioral (15) and lung (16) cancer. 72 Marker rhythmometry: In the case of prior timed radiation treatment, tumor or oral temperature were used as organismic markers of treatment time (5, 17). Markers should indeed be used, the sooner the better, in follow-up investigations aimed at the other optimization of benefit from circaseptan timing of radiotherapy. They are here omitted in order to minimize the therapist’s load and deviations from the current routine, so as to render the study practical without special support. Magnetic resonance spectroscopy has already been examined in clinically healthy subjects as a putative marker for circadian timing based on high-energy phosphate metabolism (18). This was also the approach taken in the experimental laboratory on cancer cells, yielding statistically significant differences in tumor cell kill as a function of circadian-circaseptan timing, Figure 8 (6, 7). Moreover, when there are no specific cancer markers for the kind of tumor to be treated, possibly even unspecific markers may serve as an index superior to an arbitrarily fixed clock hour or day of the week (19). One option being considered in this protocol is the possibility to synchronize the circaseptan component by the administration of a fixed dose of steroids, already given to patients undergoing complementary chemotherapy. Conclusion: Chronotherapy started with the demonstration of a circadian rhythm in the response to whole-body X-ray irradiation (20). The importance of circaseptans soon was also seen (21). As compared to the cost of instrumentation for radiotherapy, timing is very cheap, and its benefits in the laboratory are duplicated for the case of circadian timing in the clinic. Circaseptans can also be considered for optimization in the clinic on the basis of evidence obtained in the laboratory. Marker rhythms remain to be sought for all aims in Figure 9, in keeping with common sense, Figures 2 and 3, and laboratory evidence, Figures 4-8, so that the gains made in the clinic, Figure 1, can be augmented by infradians. References 1. Halberg F, Engeli M, Hamburger C, Hillman D. 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Support: GM-13981 (FH), University of Minnesota Supercomputing Institute (GC, FH), MSM 0021622402 74 Brückner-Egeson-Lockyer (BEL) climate cycle in original Brückner’s, Lockyer’s and follow-up data Franz Halberg1 , Germaine Cornélissen1 , Jerzy Czaplicki2 , S.R. Prabhakaran Nayar3 , Jarmila Siegelova4 1 Halberg Chronobiology Center, Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA 2 Institute of Pharmacology and Structural Biology, CNRS UMR 5089, Toulouse, France 3 Department of Physics, Kerala Univ., Kariavattom, Trivandrum, India 4 Masaryk Univ., Brno, Czech Republic Cycles of 30 to 40 years are dubbed BEL, after the initials of Eduard Brückner (1), Charles Egeson (2) and W.J.S. Lockyer (3) and his father Norman Lockyer (4), who discovered (1-3) or discussed (4) about (~) 33-35-year cycles, the former two in terrestrial climate, the latter two aligning periodic changes in solar cycle length with climate, an association subsequently reported again without reference to an ~30-year cyclicity or its discoverers (5-7). The BEL findings, immediately (8) and later again (9, 10) questioned by some, confirmed by others (11), sensational a century ago (12), with notable exceptions (13, 14) forgotten, are here inferentially statistically validated as nonstationary (to the point of intermittency) and as transdisciplinary, extending from meteorology to societal affairs. Elsewhere in these proceedings, we report the BEL in a consumer price index over centuries, in over 2.5 millennia of international battles assembled by Raymond H. Wheeler, and military-political affairs presented rightly by Alexander Leonidovich Chizhevsky as setting the course of history. Elsewhere also, we report on the BEL in human heart rate, in a mental function, the estimation of 1 minute, and in the interplanetary magnetic field, findings suggesting a possible origin in heliogeomagnetics (15). The biosphere mirrors space weather, also in the circulation of blood. Solar variability may be monitored via several of its biospheric associations, notably as a dividend from individualized self-assessed preventive cardiologic health care. Background By contrast to the rapid development of an inferential statistical circadian physiology in the last 60 years (16-20), based on the relatively easy replicability of a 24-hour profile, infradians -- spectral components with a period, , longer than 28 hours -- are less extensively explored with uncertainties such as CIs (95% confidence intervals) of their parameters (15, 21-32). The longer the period of a cycle, the more time it takes to assess it, the fewer will be the numbers of documented cycles available for analysis, the greater will be the uncertainties of any prospective quantifications; and accordingly the broader have to be the tentative limits set for the range of a given cyclicity. Despite the great duration requirements for prospective approaches to infradians, immediate benefit may well be anticipated from focusing retrospectively (as well as prospectively) on infradians in archives and in already-accumulated, decades-long psychophysiological monitoring records, e.g., within the aims of a project on The BIOsphere and the COSmos, BIOCOS (22), which advocates eventually lifelong monitoring across generations. With advice from Roederer (33), solar-terrestrial associations in the biosphere were classified as photic, when relating to electromagnetic radiation in the visible domain, whereas nonphotics were related to corpuscular emissions from the sun or from beyond and more broadly to heliogeomagnetics, ultraviolet flux, gravitation etc. Nonphotics such as transyears -- neartransyears (1.00 year < [ - CI] < [ + CI] < 1.20 years) and far-transyears (1.2 years [ - CI] < [ + CI] < 1.9 years) (30) -- were broadly classified as spectral regions; components described in physics by adjectives such as "quasiperiodic", "quasipersistent" (34) or "mid-term", among other names, often drift in frequency, bifurcate, rejoin, and wax and wane in amplitude to the point of becoming transiently undetectable, be it because they are obscured by noise or they actually disappear from a given spectral line or band to reappear, e.g., to be re-excited later. The nonstationary behavior, particularly characteristic of the solar wind's speed (15, 23), has been 75 described as aeolian (after Aeolus, mythical ruler of the winds), in keeping with a consensus meeting of physicists and engineers with physicians and other biologists (35). The transdisciplinary validation of aeolian biospheric behavior by corresponding cycles' length in physics and vice versa, was added as a desirable possibility to the definition. Aeolian transyears in some but not in other geographic locations characterize human natality (24, 25 vs. 36, 37), morbidity (27-29) and mortality from myocardial infarction (26), sudden cardiac death (26, 28, 38), suicide (30, 31) and violence (32, 39, 40). The further documentation, prospectively of 500-year cycles, not only in the concomitant emergence on different continents that did not communicate with each other of leading physicians, poets and historians (41, 42; cf. 15), but also in climate will take more than a few generations. Different cultures may prospectively reveal, along the scale of millions of years, myriadennian cycles already mapped on the ocean floor (43, 44). Circatranstridecadals Transtridecadal, aeolian cycles longer than (beyond = trans) 30 and shorter than 40 years, such as the BEL, are defined as having a CI of its overlapping the 30-40-year range, even when the point estimate of lies outside that range. These broad limits are proposed in view of the great variability and hence of the great extent of uncertainty associated with ~35-year cycles that have to be assessed often on the basis of data hardly covering more than a single cycle, notably in prospective biospheric studies. We dubbed this ~35-year cycle the Brückner-Egeson-Lockyer, briefly BEL. Brückner documented it most extensively (1); Egeson's publication preceded Brückner's by a few months and covered a shorter span less densely (2); he had the audacity to refer to "sunspot causality" in the title and the scholarship to quote Lord (Francis) Bacon (1561- 1626): "They say it is observed in the Low Countries [...] that every five and thirty years the same kind and suit of years and weathers comes about again; as great frosts, great wet, great droughts, warm winters, summers with little heat, and the like; and they call it the Prime" (LVIII. Of Vicissitude of Things, in Essays, Civil and Moral; 1597). W.J.S. Lockyer's contribution was an ~35-year period in the changing length of the sunspot cycle, which he promptly related to climate (3), as did his father Sir Norman Lockyer, discoverer of helium and founder of the journal Nature, in a historical perspective written for the journal Science (4). To cite W.J.S. Lockyer verbatim: "There is an alternate increase and decrease in the length of a sunspot period reckoning from minimum to minimum. ... The total spotted area included between any two consecutive minima varies regularly. The cycle of this variation is about thirty-five years. ... The climate variations indicated by Professor Brückner are generally in accordance with the thirty-five-year period" (3). That the length of the solar cycle relates to environmental temperature was subsequently repeatedly reported (5-7), including a historical review (6), albeit without any citation of the Lockyers or of an ~35-year cycle in climate and in "the frequency of aurorae and magnetic storms" (3), for which a scholarly review by Samuel M. Silverman provided power spectral corroboration (45). Procedures and scope. We here analyze Brückner's original summarizing chart, Figure 1 (1), and W.J.S. Lockyer's data in the light of information accumulated in the interim, Figure 2. The latter shows all Zürich relative sunspot (Wolf) numbers that became available in the interim bracketing those considered by the original investigators indicated by horizontal arrows. The variability of the solar cycle's length is shown in Figure 3 by two methods, one based on official cycle lengths, the other by chronomic serial sections, both computed from a longer series of Zürich numbers than Brückner and Lockyer had at their disposal. In Figure 4, we present results as global spectral windows computed from data taken off Brückner's chart as point estimates of the s with CIs given in the middle, as well as by chronomic serial sections, left and right, the latter to see how the data vary as a function of time. For the latter purpose, in serial sections, we use intervals, each covering about 3 cycles (105 years). 76 Figure 1. Brückner's chart summarizing his secular ~33.3-year variation (1) neither shows a regular cycle to the unaided eye, nor was it convincing in a mathematical analysis to Arthur Schuster (9), the opinionleading analyst of his time, who introduced periodograms, for seeking hidden periods. Figure 2. Displays of the durations of the ascending (Rise to Max), descending (Fall to min), and entire cycle length of consecutive solar activity cycles as reflected by sunspots between 1610.8 and 2000.3. Variability in overall solar cycle length is shown with its uncertainty. Variability in stages shows that the recently longer descending vs. the ascending stage of the solar cycle did not consistently prevail 200 or more years ago. The more limited spans of serial data available to Brückner, Egeson and the Lockyers are highlighted with double-headed horizontal arrows. © Halberg. 77 About 35-year cycles in climate are examined as part of a broad, partly novel spectrum of transdisciplinary periods. With geographic site- and time-dependence, nonphotic components not only coexist with photic ones such as the seasons, but can even replace the yearly component. Thus we arrive at biospheric associations with physical solar-terrestrial indices, steps toward breaking down disciplinary barriers, as suggested by Gregori (46) and Roederer (47). Biospheric studies then become tools of the physicist as well as vice versa. The dangers of extrapolating from data limited to a few cycles, if not from hardly more than a single cycle, are noted at the outset. Thereby we also emphasize the urgent need for monitoring the many aspects of the biosphere and of aligning the results thus obtained with transdisciplinary ones. Lifelong physiological familial monitoring over generations should be investigated with much longer continuous systematic as-one-goes analyzed archival surveillance. This endeavor could match and enlarge the scope of the ongoing physical geomagnetic, solar and cosmic surveillance started by Humboldt with Gauss's (48) and Sabine's (49) magnetic "crusade", and extended by manned and in particular by unmanned satellites (50) in astrophysics complemented by telescope-based observations of solar magnetism. The BEL constitutes critical control information for the foreseeable future and beyond, for those concerned with global warming and other problems of our civilization in health and disease. Methods for a transdisciplinary chronomic (time-structural) analysis (51-55) beyond those leading to the figures here presented seem desirable for an inferential statistical scrutiny not only of the forgotten BEL in the Figure 1 data originally interpreted only by Brückner's ingenious eyeballing but also for exploring the BEL's origins (56) and its signatures in the biosphere (57). Results. Figure 4 quantifies the irregular cycles, i.e., the nonstationarity (sometimes intermittency) of Brückner's variables in Figure 1’s time plots. Figures 2 and 3 show the variability in solar cycle length with the uncertainties added in a tabulation on top of Figure 3, which with Table 1 shows the CI of the amplitudes of each , including one of ~38 years, rather close to Lockyer's ~35-year variation. Table 2 summarizes some of the spectral components found in the time series taken off Brückner's chart. One glance suffices to show that a transtridecadal was the only statistically significant component in rainfall in the window examined and that a BEL was not found in the sunspot data considered by Brückner, shown with a horizontal double-headed arrow in Figure 2. The column entitled "PR" (percent rhythm, i.e., coefficient of determination, namely the percentage of the total variance contributed by a given spectral component) was biggest for a BEL not only in rainfall but also for environmental temperature, cold winters and ice-free rivers, but not for the wine harvest. For the latter variable, the CIs of the A slightly overlapped zero, as they did for the A of ice-free rivers. When the time course of the same variables is analyzed in separate chronomic serial sections of the span documented, Figure 4, sporadic intervals each of 105 years show statistical significance, indicated by dots bracketing the plotted acrophases, , for each of the variables and in the case of rainfall and the frequency of cold winters, statistical significance for a BEL prevailed in the majority of the intervals analyzed. In the top row of Figure 4 on the left, the presence of dots indicates a nearly consistent statistical significance in environmental temperature. For several other variables, the intermittent presence of dots bracketing the acrophase indicates intermittent statistical significance. With the trial and interval used for analysis, BEL is statistically significant only part of the time in 4 variables other than the almost consistent periodicity in only one time series on the top left of Figure 4. The right section of Figure 4 again summarizes each series of Brückner's chart by a chronomic serial section with the fit of the precise period best fitting a given series, shown in the middle of Figure 4. This approach allows validation of the period indicated on the right of each row of at least some intervals of all time series, except for Zürich sunspot numbers in the bottom row of the chronomic serial sections of Figure 4. 78 Table1:Durationscharacterizingthe~11-yearcycleinZürich(Wolf)numbers(WN)analyzedfrom1600tothepresentin 2008* Endpoint Period** (BestFit)(y) P-value (H0:A=0) M(y)A(y)(˚) Nonlinearperiod(y)*** [95%CI] A[95%CI][1-parameterCI] RisetoMax44.440.0514.760.81-157˚43.15[40.33,45.98]0.91[-0.14,1.96][0.26,1.57] FalltoMin26.670.0146.300.88-315˚26.80[25.71,27.88]0.88[-0.05,1.82][0.30,1.47] WNcyclelength38.100.03711.060.93-246˚38.05[35.57,40.54]0.93[-0.22,2.09][0.22,1.65] *M:MESOR(midline-estimatingstatisticofrhythm),arhythm-adjustedmean A:Amplitude(halftheextentofpredictablechangewithinacycle) :Acrophase(timeofoverallhighvaluesrecurringineachcycle),expressedin(negative)degrees,with360˚equatedtotrialperiod: tRef(0˚)=1600. CI:Confidenceinterval **Linearinfrequencyanalysis;fundamentalperiod=400years(y);harmonicincrement=0.5(18harmonics). ***Nonlinearresultsqualifiedbythechoiceoftrialperiod,selectedastheperiodofthelinearly-determinedspectralpeak;whenthe anticipatedperiodof35yearsisusedastrialperiod,resultsarenotstatisticallysignificantandfailtoconvergetospectralpeaks detectedlinearly.Itseemsimportanttoalwaysconsiderboththeanticipatedpeak(hereof35years,basedonW.J.S.Lockyer'sreport, andthereafteranypeaksthatarenotanticipated,andhenceresultsaretentative).TheCIsoftheamplitudeyieldedbytheconservative approachoverlapzero,albeitonlyslightly(firstsetofCIs),whilethoseofa1-parameterapproach(inbold)rejectthezero-amplitude (nocycle)assumption. 79 Figure 3. Variations of sunspot cycle length in Zürich relative sunspot (Wolf) numbers in a broader perspective than was available to Brückner, the Lockyers and Egeson. From a table listing dates of solar minimum and maximum since the minimum of 1610.8 until the estimated maximum of 2000.3, durations of consecutive solar cycle lengths were derived, as were durations from minimum to maximum ("Rise to Max") and from maximum to minimum ("Fall to min"), all assigned to the date of minimum (start of cycle). The data spanning about 400 years were analyzed by least squares spectra, in the frequency range of one cycle in 400 years to one cycle in about 22.2 years (18 harmonics, with a half harmonic increment). Components that accounted singly for most of the variation had periods of 44.4 (Rise to Max), 26.7 (Fall to min), and 38.1 (entire cycle length) years. When using as initial value the individual best-fitting periods found linearly, the conservative CIs for the amplitude overlapped zero, while the 1-parameter CIs did not (Table 1, and top of the graph). Period estimates and their CIs were 43.15 [40.33, 45.98], 26.80 [25.71, 27.88], and 38.05 [35.57, 40.54] years for Rise to Max, Fall to min, and cycle length, respectively, with corresponding amplitudes (and 1-parameter CIs) of 0.91 [0.26, 1.57], 0.88 [0.30, 1.47], and 0.93 [0.22, 1.65] years. © Halberg. 80 CHRONOMIC SERIAL SECTIONS OF BRÜCKNER's CHART (1565-1885) AT FIXED 35-YEAR PERIOD (left) AND AT NONLINEARLY ASSESSED BEST-FITTING PERIOD (right) Figure 4. To study any time-varying behavior, Brückner's original series were each analyzed as a whole by the extended linear-nonlinear cosinor, and results are shown in the middle of this figure as periods with their CIs (95% confidence intervals) in parentheses. The global periods are bracketed by chronomic serial sections, carried out with intervals of 105-year length displaced with increments of 5 years for the fit of a period of precisely 35 years on the left side of this graph, whereas on the right, the serial sections are repeated with the period best-fitting a given series, differing slightly among the time series (shown in the middle section of the graph). Statistical significance is indicated by bracketing dots above and below the acrophase. Dots are consistently seen only for environmental temperature in the top rows on the left and right and for the frequency of cold winters in the penultimate row on the right. For rainfall, statistical significance is seen for over half of the available data span in the third row on the left and right, while a P<0.05 from the zero-amplitude test is more limited in rows 2, 4 and 5. A BEL cycle component in the spectrum of Zürich relative sunspot (Wolf) numbers during the spans here analyzed (bottom row) was not detected. This chronomic serial section, while showing the sometimes aeolian intermittent nature of BEL, validates and qualifies Brückner's intuition and accounts for Schuster's caution. The cycle is aeolian, including intermittency. © Halberg. 81 Irregular nonstationary behavior in the variables analyzed is characteristic of aeolian behavior; what is critical, the behavior is amenable not only to inferential statistical analyses but also to transdisciplinary validation, e.g., by the detection of beat and other periods found in solar dynamics as signatures in biospheric variables and vice versa for physical ones. The transdisciplinary covariation becomes informative when, upon removal and replacement of a spectral component in a physical variable (done by the cosmos), there is corresponding behavior in the biospheric variable (38, 58, 59). The evidence for a rhythm between the biosphere and the solar wind's speed becomes convincing when an amplification of the biospheric component by the presence of an environmental counterpart is accompanied by the damping of the biospheric component in the absence of the environmental counterpart (38, 58, 59). The solar wind is certainly a major driver in the biosphere, revealing a BEL cycle in its speed and in proton density among other counterparts in the interplanetary magnetic field (56) and in the biosphere (57). As compared with the ~10.5-year Schwabe cycle in sunspots, we are dealing with much more irregular BEL cycles of smaller amplitudes, but not necessarily lacking importance, as noted elsewhere (14, 58, 59). Moreover, the power spectrum of a nearly 500-year series of 45,000 auroral observations analyzed by Samuel M. Silverman (45) globally in his Figure 5, based on monthly averages from 1500 to 1942, a sharp peak at ~33.3 years, as a follow-up on results from 1001-1900 (60, 61). Brückner deserves credit for including in his database the time of harvest in vineyards (1) along with that of cold winters. These variables allowed him in his climate research to backtrack to the year 1020. Analyzed globally, the no-35-year cycle assumption yields P=0.065. As to behavior in time in a chronomic serial section in Figure 4, only a few intervals are associated with a P<0.05, as apparent from dots bracketing the acrophase. But borderline significance globally and significance in some intervals of a predicted transtridecadal cycle is noteworthy and complements the thorough scholarship of Nico Stehr (14). Brückner realized that the cycle he discovered has wide implications (62): in his monograph, he even presented statistics of an infectious disease, typhus (14; cf. 1). His legacy, in our climateconscious era, is the systematic collection of long time series to check the far-reaching conclusions already drawn by Brückner in 1890 and by the Lockyers soon thereafter. On October 11, 1912, Brückner lectured at Columbia University in New York, suggesting that human migration to the USA and westward in the USA depended on his wet/dry cycles (12, 63). He also focused on rainfall. It is telling that in a picture he is shown with an umbrella. Rainfall and cloud cover remain important variables, being related to our cosmos (63, 64). More generally, nonphotic cycles coexist with and can override and replace seasonal effects, thus opening a broad chapter of biometeorology in space. We need to continue to map nonphotics systematically, with point-andinterval estimates of parameters, globally and as a function of time, as done for BEL in Figure 4 and Table 2. Figure 5. Power spectrum of monthly auroral occurrence for New England for the interval 1800-1948. Lag = 1200, truncated at 10; power at 11.1 = 32.2. Reproduced by permission of Samuel M. Silverman (45). 82 In the 21st century, Maravilla et al. (65) report on a "possible peak at around 30 years" in a time series of (solar) polar coronal hole evolution. A spectrogram of this time series, with frequency on the ordinate and time on the abscissa displaying peaks as contours, validates this spectral component only for a relatively small section of that time series, not globally in our hands, where the global peak's point estimate is at ~29.14 years. In a 2006 publication in turn, we read: "The wavelet decomposition analysis also [among other cycles] exhibits the presence of a 33-year variation in all the solar terrestrial parameters with a minimum amplitude centered around 1997" (13). The much broader-than-circadian mapping of nonphotic as well as photic components in the spectral element of time structures is an overdue complement to Alexander von Humboldt's legacy, nearly 150 years after his death, and to the legacies of Raymond Holder Wheeler (66) and Alexander Leonidovich Chizhevsky (67). Table 2. Extended cosinor analyses of Brückner's charted data (in Figure 2)* Linear analyses Nonlinear analyses (trial period = 35 years) Variable Period (y) PR P Period (95% CI) Amplitude (95% CI) Rainfall 33.9 57.5 <0.001 33.63 (29.87, 37.40)** 3.99 (1.31, 6.68) 85.5 11.6 0.179 36.9 39.5 <0.001Temperature 25.0 38.0 0.001 36.82 (32.64, 41.00)** 1.54 (0.33, 2.75) 67.7 11.8 0.020 36.1 8.4 0.066Wine Harvest 25.4 10.3 0.035 36.27 (33.28, 39.26)** 1.09 (-.37, 2.56) 95.6 10.5 0.109 58.0 15.3 0.036Cold Winters 40.6 31.0 <0.001 40.63 (37.37, 43.88)** 1.60 (0.36, 2.84) 54.2 22.9 0.016 36.1 21.7 0.020Ice-Free Rivers 24.3 21.2 0.024 35.81 (31.43, 40.20)** 2.64 (-.31, 5.59) 81.2 59.3 <0.001 Sunspots 25.4 8.0 NS Not statistically significant‡¶ *The point-and-interval estimates for environmental temperature and rainfall prompt admiration for Brückner's intuition and success in eyeballing. Four point estimates of the period of 36.82, 33.63, 36.27 and 35.81 and three interval estimates of the amplitude are in keeping with his proposition of s(a)ecular variation in the sense of a variation corresponding to one human generation of 33.3 years. Note for wine harvest and ice-free rivers that the 95% confidence intervals given in () of the amplitude slightly overlap zero; those suggestive estimates remain inconclusive. ‡In denser monthly data starting in January 1749 (rather than 1735 in Brückner's chart) and ending in 1885 (as in Brückner's chart), the frequencies of one cycle in 33-35 years correspond to a trough. In a longer span, ending in July 2003, there is at most a tiny peak accounting for no more than 0.3% of the total variance. ¶The nearest peaklet detected in Wolf numbers with a period of 25.75 years has a confidence interval of (22.14, 29.36 years). 83 It is to the credit of the Lockyers in turn to have shown on relatively limited data, Figure 2, not only a periodicity of ~35 years in the length of the solar cycle, but also of having associated this periodicity with climate, referring to the agreement of their results with Brückner's findings. A. Wolfer in 1902 concluded "... from examination of the relative numbers and epochs from 1750 [to his time] that no regular periodicity exists and that 'the continued existence of a 35-year cycle is not yet demonstrated". Clough in 1905 was more positive (11). So are we, based on more than another century's evidence that validate W.J.S. Lockyer's contribution in 1901, Table 1 and Figure 3 (3). By 1991, a number of physiological and pathological cycles were each validated in inferential statistical terms as biospheric signatures of solar frequencies (21). They were charted in 70 pages of figures, some of them complex, complementing an introduction to chronobiology (68). Further accumulating data will require complementary maps of chronomics, i.e., cycles around as well as in us and of their time course in the face of additions and subtractions (58, 59). Discussion The aligned mapping of time structure in and around us and the study of similarities and differences in their temporal behavior must go on not only for the sake of a better understanding of solar dynamics. It can start as a cost-effective dividend from a preventive noninvasive cardiology aiming to nip major severe debilitating vascular diseases in the bud. The same long-term monitoring that ushers in a new health care also extends modern technology to the recognition that cycles constitute life as it evolved and still depends on the cycles of our environment (59). Chronomics, by extending focus to infradians, provides critical information for any research in time, as already documented for aging, that in different circadian stages shows interactions of photic and nonphotic cycles, to the extent that time passes faster at 60 as compared to 25 years of age at one circadian stage (09:00-12:00), while the opposite is found at another stage in the evening. Moreover, the change with age at certain circadian stages is modulated by a BEL, as documented elsewhere in these Proceedings. Reference standards for BEL must accordingly be mapped at various circadian stages, since evidence is on hand to show that the detection of a halfyearly cycle in human blood pressure is possible in the evening but not in the morning (69). Maps of infradians may place all research in time, organic and inorganic, on a more solid basis. A website for both analyses of data for health care delivery and use of the same information for transdisciplinary research in chronomics is a step in the direction of systematic mapping. Legislation to support test pilots for lifetime physiologic monitoring in the family across generations, begun thus far only by two pairs of father and son (69-72), constitutes another important step; it does not, however, replace longitudinal mapping from womb to tomb. Conclusion Figure 3 and Table 1 validate, in inferential statistical lines, William J.S. Lockyer's report of an ~35-year period in solar cycle length, in the light of data accumulated from before and after those he examined. As to terrestrial variables, Eduard Brückner's scholarship also withstands inferential scrutiny in Figure 4, Wolfer's admonition and Schuster's and Kostin's concerns notwithstanding. Credit is also to be given (according to Norman Lockyer and to Rudolf Wolf) to Giovanni Battista Riccioli, who associated sunspots with weather on earth apparently soon after sunspots were discovered by Galileo, Scheinert and others. Figure 6 takes artistic license by depicting a meeting of individuals who in real life lived generations apart. It is apparently the only pictorial depiction of Riccioli, who in turn was preceded by Polybius (73) in relating climate to human affairs, including aggression, an important topic then and now. 84 Figure 6. Giovanni Battista Riccioli (1598-1671) is credited by Norman Lockyer (4) and Rudolf Wolf (74) with an early association of sunspots with weather on earth. Since no authentic images of Riccioli are known to exist, we include a fanciful artistic depiction of Riccioli with Tycho Brahe (1546-1601). "[This photo was taken] in a conference in Prague celebrating the 400th anniversary of the death of Tycho Brahe. It is a small detail of a larger ceiling mural in one of the rooms in the Clementinum, the old Jesuit college in downtown Prague, just off the Charles Bridge. ... The building today houses the Czech national library. ... [T]he likeness to Tycho Brahe's other known images is quite good ... Considering that Riccioli was only 3 at most when Tycho died, the 'conversation' depicted must be emblematic rather than historical." (Jole R. Shackelford, Adjunct Assistant Professor, History of Medicine, University of Minnesota, personal communication, 30 April 2008) 85 1. Brückner E. Klimaschwankungen seit 1700 nebst Beobachtungen über die Klimaschwankungen der Diluvialzeit. Wien und Olmütz: E. Hölzel; 1890. 324 pp. (Penck A, Hrsg. Geographische Abhandlungen, Band IV.) 2. Egeson C. Egeson's weather system of sun-spot causality: being original researches in solar and terrestrial meteorology. Sydney: Turner & Henderson; 1889. 63 pp. 3. Lockyer WJS. The solar activity 1833-1900. Proc Roy Soc Lond 1901; 68: 285-300. 4. Lockyer N. Simultaneous solar and terrestrial changes. Science 1903; 18: 611-623. 5. Friis-Christensen E, Lassen K. Length of the solar cycle: an indicator of solar activity closely associated with climate. Science 1991; 254: 698-700. 6. Lassen K, Friis-Christensen E. Variability of the solar cycle length during the past five centuries and the apparent association with terrestrial climate. J Atmos Solar-Terr Phys 1995; 57: 835-845. 7. Kelly PM, Wigley TML. Solar cycle length, greenhouse forcing and global climate. Nature 1992; 360: 329-331. 8. Wolfer A. Revision of Wolf's sun-spot relative-numbers. Monthly Weather Review 1902; 30: 171-176. 9. Schuster A. On Newcomb's method of investigating periodicities and its application to Brückner's weather cycle. Proc Roy Soc Lond A 1914; 90: 349-355. 10. Kostin SI. Is the Brikner (Brueckner) cycle real? Directorate of Scientific Information Services Ottawa (Ontario), May 1965. 4 pp. http://stinet.dtic.mil/oai/oai?verb=getRecord&metadataPrefix=html&identifier=AD0615768 11. Clough HW. Synchronous variations in solar and terrestrial phenomena. Astrophysical J 1905; 22: 42-75. 12. Rain Affects Emigration. New York Times, October 12, 1912. http://query.nytimes.com /mem/archive-free/pdf?res=9C05E1DC133CE633A25751C2A9669D946396D6CF 13. Prabhakaran Nayar SR. Periodicities in solar activity and their signature in the terrestrial environment. ILWS Workshop 2006, Goa, February 19-24, 2006. 9 pp. 14. Stehr N, von Storch H, eds (Stehr B, Gamlin G, trans). Eduard Brückner: the sources and consequences of climate change and climate variability in historical times. Dordrecht/Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers; 2000. 338 p. 15. 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Japan Soc. for Aerospace and Environmental Medicine, Nagoya, Japan, November 8-9, 1991. University of Minnesota/Medtronic Chronobiology Seminar Series, #1, December 1991, 21 pp. of text, 70 figures. 22. Halberg F, Cornélissen G, Otsuka K, Watanabe Y, Katinas GS, Burioka N, Delyukov A, Gorgo Y, Zhao ZY, Weydahl A, Sothern RB, Siegelova J, Fiser B, Dusek J, Syutkina EV, Perfetto F, Tarquini R, Singh RB, Rhees B, Lofstrom D, Lofstrom P, Johnson PWC, Schwartzkopff O, International BIOCOS Study Group. Cross-spectrally coherent ~10.5- and 21-year biological and physical cycles, magnetic storms and myocardial infarctions. Neuroendocrinol Lett 2000; 21: 233-258. 23. Halberg F, Bakken EE, Katinas GS, Cornélissen G, Zaslavskaya RM, Blank MA, Syutkina EV, Breus TK, Watanabe Y, Masalov A, Chibisov SM. Chronoastrobiology: Vernadsky's future science ? Benefits from spectra of circadians and promise of a new transdisciplinary spectrum of near-matching cycles in and around us. 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Halberg F, Cornélissen G, Katinas G, Tvildiani L, Gigolashvili M, Janashia K, Toba T, Revilla M, Regal P, Sothern RB, Wendt HW, Wang ZR, Zeman M, Jozsa R, Singh RB, Mitsutake G, Chibisov SM, Lee J, Holley D, Holte JE, Sonkowsky RP, Schwartzkopff O, Delmore P, Otsuka K, Bakken EE, Czaplicki J, International BIOCOS Group. Chronobiology's progress: season's appreciations 2004-2005. Time-, frequency-, phase-, variable-, individual-, age- and site-specific chronomics. J Applied Biomedicine 2006; 4: 1- 38. http://www.zsf.jcu.cz/vyzkum/jab/4_1/halberg.pdf 39. Cornélissen G, Halberg F, Wendt HW, Sothern RB, Chibisov SM, Kulikov SI, Agarwal RK. Weak magnetoperiodism rather than socio-photo-thermoperiodism characterizes human terrorism detection of about 1.3-year aeolian transyear but not precise 1.0-year cycle. Proc. 8th International Congress "Health and education millennium", Moscow, Russia, November 14-17, 2007, p. 77-80. 40. Grigoryev PYe, Vladimirskii BM. 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Berlin: Akademie-Verlag; 1977. 202 pp. + plates. 49. Clark S. The Sun Kings: The Unexpected Tragedy of Richard Carrington and the Tale of How Modern Astronomy Began. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press; 2007. 224 pp. 50. Foerstner A. James Van Allen: The First Eight Billion Miles. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press; 2007. 322 pp. 51. Halberg F. Chronobiology. Annu Rev Physiol 1969; 31: 675-725. 52. Halberg F. Chronobiology: methodological problems. Acta med rom 1980; 18: 399-440. 53. Cornélissen G, Halberg F. Chronomedicine. In: Armitage P, Colton T (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Biostatistics, 2nd ed. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons Ltd; 2005. p. 796-812. 54. Refinetti R, Cornélissen G, Halberg F. Procedures for numerical analysis of circadian rhythms. Biological Rhythm Research 2007; 38 (4): 275-325. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09291010600903692 55. Czaplicki J, Cornélissen G, Halberg F. 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The Next 100 Years of Yukawa's Dream, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University, October 15-20, 2007. p. 45-47. 60. Charvatova-Jabukcova I, Strestik J, Krivsky L. The periodicity of aurorae in the years 1001- 1900. Stud Geophys Geor 1988; 32: 70-77. 61. Fritz H. (Reed WW, trans). The periods of solar and terrestrial phenomena. Monthly Weather Review 1928; 56: 401-407. Originally published as Die Perioden solarer und terrestrischer Erscheinungen in Vierteljahrschrift der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zurich, Heft 1, 1890. 62. Brückner E. The settlement of the United States as controlled by climate and climatic oscillations. In: Memorial Volume of the Transcontinental Excursion of 1912 of the American Geographical Society of New York. New York: American Geographical Society; 1915. p. 125-139. 63. Abbot CG. Solar variation and weather, a summary of the evidence, completely illustrated and documented. 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Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press; 1923. 74. Wolf R. Geschichte der Astronomie. Münich: Druck und Verlag von M. Oldenbourg; 1877. 815 pp. Support GM-13981 (FH), University of Minnesota Supercomputing Institute (GC, FH), MSM 0021622402 90 Should 7-day/24-hour chronobiologically interpreted blood pressure monitoring replace single measurements before cataract surgery? Germaine Cornélissen1 , Franz Halberg1 , Stephen C. Kaufman1 , Salvador Sanchez de la Peña2 , Kuniaki Otsuka3 , Jarmila Siegelova, Bohumil Fiser and the broader BIOCOS group 1 University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA 2 Chronomic Res. Center, Escuela Nacional de Medicina y Homeopatía-IPN, Mexico City, Mexico 3 Tokyo Women's Medical University, Medical Center East, Tokyo, Japan Abstract. In an 89-year-old man (FH), who monitored his blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR) around-the-clock at half-hour intervals for decades (with interruptions) and continued to do so before, during and after cataract surgery, we seek any alterations in the time structure of BP and/or HR in relation to this intervention (even though FH recognized no anxiety himself). First, we look at BP and HR within the individualized range of the subject at the given time by a sequential test, and second by reference to broader standards derived from clinically healthy peers of the same gender and corresponding age. The sequential test applied to detect any abnormalities used an individualized reference standard and found changes hidden in the normal range of peers, while data remained within that range. In the week following successful mid-week surgery, the circadian amplitude of diastolic BP increased above peer limits, a reason for caution in the interpretation of the results during the week of intervention as possibly related to subconscious anxiety about the surgery. If they were so related at all, these abnormalities were exceeded by the pleasure (in retrospect "tension") associated with preparations of materials for publication at a conference, including this report. Apart from testing for physical or emotional loads (stress), we advocate, for any and all estimations of health more generally, a chronobiologically interpreted ambulatory automatic 7-day/24-hour BP and HR monitoring (C-ABPM) as soon as an appointment for a preoperative or any other health check is made, including cataract surgery. Background. Concern about BP variability was emphasized in a doctoral thesis in 1880 (1; cf. 2), by Theodore C. Janeway (3) in 1904, by Frederic C. Bartter, head of the Hypertension-Endocrine Branch of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the 1970s (4), and subsequently by others (5). In 2008, we have tools to assess this variability (6), which has not yet been accounted for by official guidelines (7). Chronobiologic evidence in Table 1 (8) and Figures 1 and 2 (6, 8-10) has led to vascular variability disorders, VVDs. Several coexisting VVDs constitute vascular variability syndromes, VVSs, which cannot be detected without C-ABPM, Figure 2. Opinion leaders already discourage in their recommendations (11) -- albeit not (yet) in official guidelines (7) -- reliance upon office BP measurements, as is now practiced for any health check. Consensus meetings (10) recommend a chronobiologically interpreted 7-day/24-hour profile obtained by automatic ambulatory BP monitoring (C-ABPM), which can detect prehypertension (8, 9), prediabetes (12, 13) and elevations of the circadian amplitude and MESOR of BP associated with minimal change retinopathy (14), another reason for monitoring BP in ophthalmology. Outcomes in a 7-year follow-up could be predicted from 9 days of half-hourly around-theclock ambulatory automatic monitoring, but not from 2-, 3- or 4-day profiles (15). The same study showed that the response to surgery detected an increase in BP and HR in the morning and a decrease in the afternoon (15; figure on lower inside cover of 10). Conceivably, a "white-coat hypertension" in the morning will be a "white-coat hypotension" in the afternoon. Terms such as "white-coat effect" or "masked hypertension", originating from justified concern to account for variability, prompt much investigation (16-38) to account for plain false positive and false negative diagnoses due to variability, but are no substitute for C-ABPM 7/24 for ruling out abnormality (8, 9, 91 12, 13) and much longer C-ABPM to evaluate VVDs and VVSs (Figures 1 and 2), that carry a risk larger than a high BP, and/or to study the development of high BP, also one of the VVDs. Table 1. Outcomes of chronobiological screens of blood pressure and heart rate* N of patients N at follow-up Sampling N measurements: Total (outcomes) Finding 10 10 (up to 5y) 5/day daily Up to 9,125 (only partially analyzed) Among P. Scarpelli's patients, the 4 who died with malignant hypertension had a larger circadian BP amplitude than the 6 who were still alive (SBP: t=1.84; P=0.103; DBP: t=2.99; P=0.017) 63 21 after 28y ~every 4h for 2 days 756 (252) 9 of 10 subjects without CHAT are alive while 7 of 11 subjects with CHAT are dead 28 years later (chi-square=6.390; P<0.01) 56 56 Concomitant LVMI every 15min for 24h 5,376 (5,376) Classification by Y. Kumagai of patients by LVMI (<100; 100-130; >130 g/m2) reveals elevation of circadian amplitude at LVMI in 100- 130 range whereas MESOR elevation occurs only at LVMI >130. 221 221 (time of delivery) every 1h/48h in each trimester of pregnancy (336 profiles) 16,128 (16,128) In addition to an 8 mmHg difference in mean value between women who will or will not develop complications (gestational hypertension, preeclampsia) already observed during the first trimester of pregnancy, the occurrence of complications is also associated with BP profiles characterized by an elevated circadian BP amplitude. In particular, one case (JK) of CHAT where warning was not heeded, was followed 8 weeks later by severe pre-eclampsia, premature delivery and 26 months of hospitalization of offspring at a cost of about $1 million 297 297 after 6y every 15min for 48h 57,024 (57,024) CHAT or a reduced circadian standard deviation of heart rate, or an excessive pulse pressure (>60 mm Hg) are large risk factors (larger than hypertension) for cerebral ischemic events, nephropathy and coronary artery disease, even when the blood pressure is within acceptable limits. 2039 2039 Concomitant LVMI Hourly averages for 24h 48,936 (48,936) LVMI is increased in patients with CHAT, a reduced circadian standard deviation of heart rate, or an elevated pulse pressure. The relation between LVMI and the circadian endpoints is nonlinear. 23 12 after 7y every 15min for 9 days 19,872 (10,368) 10 of 20 patients with no consistent BP abnormality are alive and well; 2 of 3 patients with consistent BP abnormality reported an adverse vascular event (P=0.015 by Fisher's Exact Test). 80 80 Response to treatment administered 2 h before daily BP peak vs. control group treated 3 times a day every 4h for 24h before and on treatment 960 (960) With smaller doses of medications, BP was lowered by R. Zaslavskaya to a larger extent and treatment was accompanied by fewer complications. Treatment: propranolol, clonidine, or alpha-methyldopa (P<0.05 for each effect) 18 18 (12 weeks) every 30min ( 24h) on 3 regimens 2592 ( 2592) Treating CHAT may prevent adverse vascular events: As compared to placebo, nifedipine (1 mg b.i.d. at 08 & 20) increases and benidipine (4 mg/day at 08) decreases the circadian amplitude of blood pressure. The resulting increase vs. decrease in the incidence of CHAT on nifedipine vs. benidipine may account for the corresponding difference between the number of stroke events of 7.6 vs. 3.5 and the total number of cardiovascular events of 20.4 vs. 8.8 per 1,000 person-years. Totals: 2,807 2,754 160,769 (>141,636) *SBP and DBP: Systolic and Diastolic blood pressure; HR: heart rate; CHAT: Circadian Hyper-AmplitudeTension, a condition defined by a circadian amplitude exceeding the upper 95% prediction limit of acceptability (for healthy peers matched by gender and age). CHAT is a VVD, as is, among others, an excessive pulse pressure (PP), a deficient (below-threshold) HR variability (DHRV), an odd timing of the circadian BP but not of the HR rhythm (BP ecphasia), and a reliably diagnosed high BP, MESOR-hypertension or MH. LVMI: left ventricular mass index. By comparison with some classical studies, the number of measurements in chronobiological work completed thus far is likely to be larger, and confounding by inter-subject variability smaller. 92 Figure 1. Illustrative results supporting the need for continued surveillance, and for a chronomic analysis of blood pressure series. I: Nocturnal hypertension: data stacked from 11 days of around-the-clock monitoring. Office spotchecks cannot detect nocturnal pathology. II A: Among risk factors, an excessive circadian blood pressure (BP) amplitude (A) raises the risk of ischemic stroke most. II B: Among risk factors, an excessive circadian blood pressure (BP) amplitude (A) raises the risk of nephropathy most. II C: An excessive circadian BP A is a risk factor for ischemic stroke independent from the 24-hour mean (MESOR). III A: Individualized assessment (by CUSUM) of a patient’s initial response and subsequent failure to respond to autogenic training (AT) (EO, F, 59 y). III B: Individualized BP chronotherapy. Lower circadian double A (2A) and MESOR (M) after switching treatment time from 08:30 (left) to 04:30 (right)*. III C – Control chart assesses individualized anti-MESOR-hypertensive chronotherapy. Chronomics detects nocturnal escape from hypotensive treatment taken in the morning (I above); a circadian overswing, CHAT; a risk of stroke and nephropathy, greater than hypertension (IIA-B), even in MESOR-normotension (IIC) and monitors transient and/or lasting success of treatment (IIIA-C). Merits are: · Detection of abnormality during the night when the dose of medication taken in the morning may no longer be effective in certain patients, facts not seen during office visits in the afternoon but revealed as consistent abnormality by around-the-clock monitoring; · Detection of abnormal circadian pattern of blood pressure (CHAT, “overswinging”) associated with a risk of cerebral ischemia and nephropathy larger than other risks (including “hypertension”) assessed concomitantly (IIA and B); · Finding that CHAT carries a very high risk even among MESOR-normotensives who do not need anti-hypertensive drugs (IIC); · Availability of statistical procedures such as a self-starting cumulative sum (CUSUM) applicable to the individual patient to determine whether an intervention such as autogenic training is effective and if so for how long it remains effective (IIIA); · N-of-1 designs for the optimization of treatment timing: the same dose of the same medication can further lower the same subject's blood pressure MESOR and circadian amplitude when the timing of daily administration is changed (IIIB and C), as ascertained by as-one-goes (sequential) testing and parameter tests, procedures applicable to the given individual. © Halberg. 93 Figure 2. Based on C-ABPM 7/24, a decreased heart rate variability (DHRV), gauged by the standard deviation of HR, in relation to a threshold, preferably eventually assessed by reference to data from clinically healthy gender- and age-matched peers, a circadian hyper-amplitude-tension (CHAT) and an elevated pulse pressure (EPP) (the difference between systolic [S] and diastolic [D] blood pressure [BP], i.e., between the heart's contraction or relaxation, or the extent of change in pressure during a cardiac cycle) are separate vascular variability disorders (VVDs) that may coexist to form vascular variability syndromes (VVSs), along with other risk conditions such as an abnormal circadian timing of BP but not of HR, not shown, and of course with or without an abnormal, e.g., elevated BP average (MESOR), i.e., MESOR-hypertension. Vascular disease risk is elevated in the presence of any one of these VVDs and is elevated further when more than a single VVD or other risk factor is present, suggesting that these abnormalities in variability of BP and HR are mostly independent and additive. Abnormalities in the variability of BP and HR, impossible to find in a conventional office visit (the latter aiming at the fiction of a "true" blood pressure), can raise cardiovascular disease risk (gauged by the occurrence of a morbid event like a stroke in the next six years) from 4% to 100%. By comparison to subjects with acceptable BP and HR variability, the relative cardiovascular disease risk associated with a DHRV, an EPP and/or CHAT is greatly and statistically significantly increased. These VVDs and VVSs, silent to the person involved and to the care provider, notably the risk of CHAT, can usually be reversed by chronobiologic self-monitoring and thus self-help, also with a nonpharmacologic approach in the absence of MESOR-hypertension. © Halberg. Methods. FH, an 89-year-old man planning to have cataract surgery on his right eye, was informed that his use of Flomax® (tamsulosin hydrochloride), an -1 blocker for benign prostatic hypertrophy, may cause a condition known as intraoperative floppy iris syndrome (IFIS). IFIS results in prolapse of a billowing, floppy iris, causing progressive intraoperative miosis which increases the risk of intraoperative complications. Because of these increased surgical risks, the package insert for Flomax states that "If you are contemplating cataract surgery, make certain to advise your eye surgeon that you have taken Flomax". On the day of surgery, FH was brought into the preoperative holding area, where a retrobulbar anesthetic was administered. The anesthetic consisted of a 50% mixture of 2% lidocaine and 50% mixture of 0.75% bupivicaine. After approximately 15 minutes, FH was transported to the operating room. He was given O2 by nasal cannula while his BP, HR, respiratory rate and blood oxygenation 94 were monitored by anesthesia personnel. FH was prepped and draped in a sterile fashion, after which the surgery commenced. The iris demonstrated poor dilation, which was likely to be secondary to the use of Flomax. A Malyugin ring was placed to expand the pupil and stabilize the iris. The remainder of the cataract surgery progressed in a standard fashion. Upon completion, FH's operated eye was patched closed and he was taken to the recovery room. FH had monitored his BP around-the-clock at half-hourly intervals for decades (with interruptions) with a TM-2421 monitor from A&D (Tokyo, Japan). He provided data for analyses by cosine fitting (top) and by stacking (bottom), summarized in a sphygmochron (39) in Figures 3 and 4. Cosinors were prepared on a daily basis (not shown) to examine characteristics of BP and HR variability on the day of surgery and during the days and weeks preceding and following the operation. Comparisons were made by parameter tests (40; cf. 39) and sequential testing (cusums) (41). Results. The sphygmochron in Figure 3 summarizes the chronobiologically interpreted monitoring profile for the week bracketing surgery. On top, the upper half of parametric analyses yields measures of predictable extent of change, or double amplitude, 2A, and of timing of change, or acrophase, , as well as a midline-estimating statistic of rhythm, or MESOR, M, that are listed with reference ranges of acceptable values from clinically healthy peers matched by gender and age. The HR-M is below an age- and gender-matched peer-threshold HR-M; the timing of the circadian HR rhythm is odd, but these alterations were noted for the subject during the preceding years. Figure 4, another sphygmochron, summarizes results for the subsequent week. A diastolic BP overswing, CHAT, short for circadian hyper-amplitude-tension, is then diagnosed. A finding in the week of surgery of an elevation of the circadian DBP-2A, which was then still in the acceptable range, is exaggerated rather than damped in the week following successful uncomplicated surgery. Figures 5a and 5b show the original data in the week bracketing the day of surgery and the following week, while the data of the day of surgery are seen in Figure 6, with dots representing measurements during the procedure and bracketing it by minutes rather than hours. Figures 7-9 show stacked data with a large circadian BP swing in the week bracketing surgery (left) and in the following week (right) after successful recovery. Figure 10 reveals that the sequential individualized test by cumulative sums led to a breakout from the decision interval for 3 of the 7 endpoints monitored, namely SBP-M and DBP-M and DBP-A, as indicated by an asterix on the abscissa. The sphygmochron in Figure 4 shows that this circadian amplitude alteration was more pronounced in the week following successful surgery. Discussion. Chronobiologically interpreted ambulatory, automatic BP and HR monitoring has been suggested as a test of the emotional and physical load impinging upon an individual (42-45). In FH, unknown to him, changes in BP MESORs and in his diastolic but as yet not in the systolic circadian amplitude were detected in the week bracketing surgery. There were no detectable changes in HR or pulse pressure by cusum (41). The finding of an effect of the load (unconscious worry about the operation, if any), within the physiologic range of clinically healthy gender- and age-matched peers, is remarkable if one's attention is restricted to the week bracketing surgery, but is minor if compared to the greater alterations associated with the task of preparing this paper and a number of more complex reports for publication in a forthcoming conference volume. 95 Name:--------------------- Patient #: FHal389 Age: 89 Sex: M To: Patient Peer Group Patient Peer Group Patient Peer Group Value Reference Value Reference Value Reference Limits Limits Limits Range Range Range Range Range Range Range Range Range (hr:min) (hr:min) (hr:min) (mmHg x hour) (mmHg x hour) (mmHg x hour) (mmHg x hour)(in 1,000's units) (mmHg x hour)(in 1,000's units) (mmHg x hour)(in 1,000's units) Individualized bounded indices: (STD = Standard)(Min = Minimum)(Max = Maximum)(HBI = Hyperbanic Index) INTERVENTION NEEDED MORE MONITORING NEEDED No Annually Yes Drug Non-Drug As soon as possible Other specify_________________________ Prepared By_________________________________________ Date____/____/________ 1) Unusually long standing or lying down during waking: unusual activity, such as exercise, emotional loads, or schedule changes, e.g. shiftwork; etc.; 2) Salt, calories, kind and amount, other, etc. Copyright, Halberg Chronobiology Center, University of Minnesota, Mayo Hospital, Rooms 715, 733-5 (7th floor), Minneapolis Campus, Del Code 8609, 420 Deleware Street SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA. Fax 612-624-9989. For questions, call F. Halberg or G. Cornelissen at 612-624-6976. SPHYGMOCHRON-TM Monitoring Profile over Time; Computer Comparison with Peer Group Limits Blood Pressure (BP) and Related Cardiovascular Summary. (DOUBLE AMPLITUDE) TIMING OF OVERALL Monitoring From: Comments: CHRONOBIOLOGIC CHARACTERISTICS ADJUSTED 24-h MEAN 8/2/2008 16:30 HIGH VALUES (ACROPHASE) (hr:min) SYSTOLIC BP (mmHg) DIASTOLIC BP (mmHg) 28.09 3.41-34.00 23.34 0.00-27.55 (MESOR) PREDICTABLE CHANGE HEART RATE (bpm) 137.9 109.3-141.6 83.2 69.6-86.8 60.6 65.9-87.9 3.70 0.00-33.40 14:38 8:30-18:27 14:41 8:54-16.58 23:47 9:39-18:57 DURING 24 HOURS HBI* 10-YEAR CUMULATIVE PERCENT TIME OF ELEVATION TIMING OF EXCESS 20:55 20:04 0:00 EXTENT OF EXCESS 79 11 0EXCESS 8/9/2008 11:32 22 3 0 STD (MIN; MAX)* STD (MIN; MAX)* STD (MIN; MAX)* 7.8% 7.4% 0.0% Figure 3. Sphygmochron of the data during the week bracketing the operation. Abnormality such as that for HR was present during prior years and does not seem pertinent to cataract surgery. Other abnormality in Figure 10 needs a personalized reference standard provided by cusums for FH on the basis of his accumulating data. © Halberg. 96 Name:--------------------- Patient #: FHal390 Age: 89 Sex: M To: Patient Peer Group Patient Peer Group Patient Peer Group Value Reference Value Reference Value Reference Limits Limits Limits Range Range Range Range Range Range Range Range Range (hr:min) (hr:min) (hr:min) (mmHg x hour) (mmHg x hour) (mmHg x hour) (mmHg x hour)(in 1,000's units) (mmHg x hour)(in 1,000's units) (mmHg x hour)(in 1,000's units) Individualized bounded indices: (STD = Standard)(Min = Minimum)(Max = Maximum)(HBI = Hyperbanic Index) INTERVENTION NEEDED MORE MONITORING NEEDED No Annually Yes Drug Non-Drug As soon as possible Other specify_________________________ Prepared By_________________________________________ Date____/____/________ 1) Unusually long standing or lying down during waking: unusual activity, such as exercise, emotional loads, or schedule changes, e.g. shiftwork; etc.; 2) Salt, calories, kind and amount, other, etc. Copyright, Halberg Chronobiology Center, University of Minnesota, Mayo Hospital, Rooms 715, 733-5 (7th floor), Minneapolis Campus, Del Code 8609, 420 Deleware Street SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA. Fax 612-624-9989. For questions, call F. Halberg or G. Cornelissen at 612-624-6976. SPHYGMOCHRON-TM Monitoring Profile over Time; Computer Comparison with Peer Group Limits Blood Pressure (BP) and Related Cardiovascular Summary. (DOUBLE AMPLITUDE) TIMING OF OVERALL Monitoring From: Comments: CHRONOBIOLOGIC CHARACTERISTICS ADJUSTED 24-h MEAN 8/9/2008 13:00 HIGH VALUES (ACROPHASE) (hr:min) SYSTOLIC BP (mmHg) DIASTOLIC BP (mmHg) 27.84 3.41-34.00 27.95 0.00-27.55 (MESOR) PREDICTABLE CHANGE HEART RATE (bpm) 135.1 109.3-141.6 82.5 69.6-86.8 61.1 65.9-87.9 2.83 0.00-33.40 14:54 8:30-18:27 15:12 8:54-16.58 20:43 9:39-18:57 DURING 24 HOURS HBI* 10-YEAR CUMULATIVE PERCENT TIME OF ELEVATION TIMING OF EXCESS 21:10 20:52 0:00 EXTENT OF EXCESS 60 22 0EXCESS 8/16/2008 15:00 16 6 0 STD (MIN; MAX)* STD (MIN; MAX)* STD (MIN; MAX)* 9.9% 7.4% 0.0% Figure 4. Sphygmochron revealing (in bold) a diastolic circadian overswing, called circadian hyper-amplitude-tension, CHAT, associated, when persistent, with a risk of severe disease greater than a high blood pressure, but reversible in FH by relaxation or drugs (found on the basis of years of prior monitoring to be transient and amenable to treatment). The appearance of CHAT in the week following surgery, rather than in that of the intervention, prompts one to compare the lesser association with surgery of the breakout from the decision interval of the sequential test of the circadian DBP amplitude in Figure 10 with the appearance in Figure 4 of CHAT, the latter perhaps as a response to the pleasure of completing scientific papers. © Halberg. 97 Figure 5a. Data bracketing cataract surgery on August 6, 2008, scheduled for 1:30 pm. The unaided eye sees an elevation of SBP and DBP on 2 days before surgery, but also sees elevations after surgery. Sequential tests in Figure 10 are more objective. © Halberg. Figure 5b. Data from the week following that of mid-week surgery. © Halberg. 98 Figure 6. Original C-ABPM data of FH connected by lines on the day of monitoring with data of FH from the institute where surgery was performed, added as dots. © Halberg. Systolic Blood Pressure Bracketing Surgery Following Week 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 0:00 2:00 4:00 6:00 8:00 10:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 18:00 20:00 22:00 0:00 Time (Clock Hours) SBP(mmHg) SBP SBP-lo SBP-hi 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 0:00 2:00 4:00 6:00 8:00 10:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 18:00 20:00 22:00 0:00 Time (Clock Hours) SBP(mmHg) SBP SBP-lo SBP-hi Figure 7. Systolic blood pressure plexogram of FH: data during the week bracketing surgery (left) and the following week (right), stacked along an idealized day at half-hour intervals, framed by time-varying reference limits from clinically healthy peers matched by gender and age. © Halberg. 99 Diastolic Blood Pressure Bracketing Surgery Following Week 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 0:00 2:00 4:00 6:00 8:00 10:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 18:00 20:00 22:00 0:00 Time (Clock Hours) DBP(mmHg) DBP DBP-lo DBP-hi 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 0:00 2:00 4:00 6:00 8:00 10:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 18:00 20:00 22:00 0:00 Time (Clock Hours) DBP(mmHg) DBP DBP-lo DBP-hi Figure 8. Diastolic blood pressure plexogram of data of FH during the week bracketing surgery (left) and the following week (right), stacked along an idealized day at half-hour intervals, framed by time-varying reference limits from clinically healthy peers matched by gender and age. © Halberg. Heart Rate Bracketing Surgery Following Week Figure 9. Heart rate plexogram of data of FH during week bracketing surgery (left) and the following week (right), stacked along an idealized day at half-hour intervals, framed by time-varying reference limits from peers matched by gender and age. © Halberg. 100 Date SBP-M DBP-M HR-M PP SBP-2A DBP-2A HR-2A 19-Jul-08 112.1 67.7 62.1 44.4 21.40 5.23 7.64 20-Jul-08 119.3 70.1 60.2 49.2 20.51 17.21 10.89 21-Jul-08 129.7 73.6 64.2 56.1 33.12 8.35 3.97 22-Jul-08 115.8 69.4 65.7 46.4 13.90 11.56 27.55 23-Jul-08 125.7 72.4 60.9 53.3 6.27 11.03 5.66 24-Jul-08 122.2 69.5 61.4 52.7 27.76 20.07 6.51 2-Aug-08 125.8 77.6 58.5 48.2 11.05 12.23 2.15 3-Aug-08 131.0 79.3 63.4 51.7 11.99 20.93 9.60 4-Aug-08 143.6 84.9 64.1 58.7 37.29 24.73 18.20 5-Aug-08 137.4 86.3 56.2 51.1 36.62 30.04 5.49 6-Aug-08 145.6 82.5 57.5 63.1 23.79 15.08 6.46 7-Aug-08 135.3 84.1 61.0 51.2 32.80 33.27 9.01 8-Aug-08 143.5 87.0 63.9 56.5 40.83 33.04 7.82 100 110 120 130 140 150 16-Jul-08 21-Jul-08 26-Jul-08 31-Jul-08 5-Aug-08 10-Aug-08 Time (calendar date) SBP-M(mmHg) 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 16-Jul-08 21-Jul-08 26-Jul-08 31-Jul-08 5-Aug-08 10-Aug-08 Time (calendar date) DBP-M(mmHg) * 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 16-Jul-08 21-Jul-08 26-Jul-08 31-Jul-08 5-Aug-08 10-Aug-08 Time (calendar date) SBP-2A(mmHg) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 16-Jul-08 21-Jul-08 26-Jul-08 31-Jul-08 5-Aug-08 10-Aug-08 Time (calendar date) DBP-2A(mmHg) * * 50 55 60 65 70 16-Jul-08 21-Jul-08 26-Jul-08 31-Jul-08 5-Aug-08 10-Aug-08 Time (calendar date) HR-M(beats/min) 40 45 50 55 60 65 16-Jul-08 21-Jul-08 26-Jul-08 31-Jul-08 5-Aug-08 10-Aug-08 Time (calendar date) PP(mmHg) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 16-Jul-08 21-Jul-08 26-Jul-08 31-Jul-08 5-Aug-08 10-Aug-08 Time (calendar date) HR-2A(beats/min) Figure 10. Cumulative sums serve for sequential testing. Asterix on abscissa of rows 1 and 2 (left) and row 2 (right) indicates detection of deviation from norm. © Halberg. The elderly man here monitored (FH) is professionally active, usually 7 days a week, including the morning before surgery, scheduled for 13:30, and the hours after surgery and the continuance of his endeavors involving reading. Thus, his eyesight is important to him, but he was unaware of any anxiety and pursued his activities routinely. Hence the detection by cusum of an increase in the circadian DBP-A and of the SBP-M and DBP-M is noteworthy in the absence of conscious concern about the operation. These changes for a relatively brief span are almost certainly a physiologic response. But in other subjects, a CHAT of longer duration can be a useful warning even when the cardiologist's stress test is non-contributory, Figure 11 (46-48). Monitoring of BP for the week prior to surgery may be part of preoperative screening, yet the restriction of the monitoring 101 span to a week of recording holds only until automatic, unobtrusive and affordable devices become available. Figure 11. Excessive circadian BP-A is a more sensitive warning (flag) than a conventional “stress test”*. A myocardial infarction (MI) in April 1996, after an ignored chronobiologic warning of a fulminant CHAT, was necessary to convince a 35-year-old man (BR) of the need for C-ABPM. Four months before the MI, BR reluctantly agreed to be monitored for 7 days, but stopped after 1 day (of a weekend; Profile 1: 12/02/1995); 18 days later, he returned for another 7 days, but monitored only for 2 added days (midweek; Profile 2: 12/20-21/1995) 4 months before a myocardial infarction (MI) in April 1996: Endpoint (units)* SBP (mmHg) DBP (mmHg) HR (beats/min) Profiles 1 2 1 2 1 2 MESOR 130.3 144.0** 81.0 86.5* 70.6 82.4*** 2A (amplitude) 40.5 57.5* 20.0 45.8*** 27.1 29.2 (hr:min) 15:39 15:06 16:34 14:52 15:25 15:33 PTE (%) 17 54.8 8.5 15.8 0 9.2 tEx (hr:min) 14:49 14:59 22:56 16:23 - 15:57 Index (HBI or TCI) 29 230 7 92 0 15 PTE: percent time elevation (of BP or HR above time-specified reference limit computed on upper 95% prediction limit); tEx: timing of excess; index: extent of excess measured as area under the curve delineated by time-specified upper reference limit; for BP; HBI: hyperbaric index in mmHg x h during 24h; for HR; TCI: tachycardic index, in beats/min x h during 24h. Values in bold are outside chronodesmic (time-varying and time-specified) reference limits. P: *0.05; **<0.01; ***<0.001. In BR's first profile, only the SBP-2A was deviant; 18 days later, the SBP-MESOR and both the SBP-2A and DBP-2A and HBIs were deviant. 102 We routinely advocate a 1-week BP and HR profile at the outset, since there are cases where MESOR-hypertension was observed for up to 5 initial days of monitoring but not for a year thereafter, and since there can be large day-to-day differences in MESOR and 2A when monitoring is limited to 24 hours (in addition to any weekend vs. weekday difference, as part of multiseptan variation). With these qualifications, in BR, a circadian hyper-amplitude-tension, CHAT, with MESOR-normotension may have alternated with or preceded (as in the Okamoto rat and in human studies) the MESOR elevation of the second profile (see tabulation above), then associated with an elevated HBI of SBP and DBP. The recommended continued monitoring after the first profile and the urged immediate treatment after the second profile were not acted upon. The subject went to a care provider, who ordered a stress test which was acceptable. He started long-term monitoring 4 months later, after having had an MI. BR and others could be isolated cases, but not 297 patients followed prospectively for 6 years, established first on a population basis in the hands of Kuniaki Otsuka (47, 48), the high relative vascular disease risk of CHAT, which can be fleeting or gradual as well as fulminant. With a proxy outcome, the left ventricular mass index, the risk of CHAT involving the heart, as well as the brain, kidney and eye, has been extended to a much larger number of patients, Table 1. An increase of the human BP-2A can precede adverse vascular events at the time when as yet there is no change in other parametric or non-parametric chronobiologic or conventional indices for a deviant BP. Methods here used allow us to extend inferential statistical considerations from groups to the given patient. Preferably with more user-friendly instrumentation, yet with education in chronobiology irrespective of the kind of available tools, the monitoring of BP in time and its chronobiologic interpretation should prompt action for timely vascular disease prevention. © Halberg. C-ABPM should constitute part of a preoperative screening routine and should further serve in research for a post-operative follow-up, so that the effects in spans bracketing the operation can be compared with those of other loads. Thus, an emotional load is detected by chronobiologically interpreted changes in the circadian amplitude of DBP and of changes in BP-MESORs coincident with cataract-related (or any other) surgery, yet their effect compares unfavorably with that of other loads. 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The ECG is already combined with blood pressure measurements around the clock in an automatic instrument for ambulatory use. Eventually, other variables such as the EEG will also be recorded automatically, ambulatorily, unobtrusively and affordably. Such monitoring has been started on a few "test pilots", but not yet from womb to tomb. Monitoring in schools could examine the merits of prehabilitation, i.e., of diagnosing and treating pre-hypertension (1, 2), prediabetes (3, 4) and other vascular variability disorders (VVDs), and if several VVDs coexist, the resulting vascular variability syndromes (VVSs). Thereby, incapacitation by morbid events such as strokes and the great cost of rehabilitation will be reduced by self-surveillance cost-free, for prehabilitation (5-7). With such records, it will become possible, as a dividend, to consider and analyze some of the already-known psychophysiological signatures of the cycles of the habitat near and far, including those of solar interplanetary and galactic as well as terrestrial variability (5, 8-19). Background. Not only cycles with a period that fits, in length, within the lifetime of an individual organism, but also those with a longer period, detected on a population basis, are pertinent in an epidemiological context. Cycles with a period occupying decades and much longer ones, some exceeding by far several individuals' lifespan have already been found in populations as in nature (9, 10; cf. 19). A tridecadal cycle was described by Charles Egeson, who wrote in 1889 that "we hear Lord Bacon say: '... every five and thirty years the same kind and suit of years and weathers come about again; as great frosts, great wet, great droughts, warm winters, summers with little heat and the like, and they call it the Prime'" (20). Shortly after Egeson, Eduard Brückner documented, more extensively albeit macroscopically, a 33-35-year variation (21), which was elaborated in relation to the length of the sunspot cycle by W.J.S. Lockyer (22), with comment in a historical context in the journal Science by his father Sir Norman Lockyer (23), discoverer of helium and founder of the journal Nature (24; cf. 25). Transtridecadals have been reported as a possible 35.6-year period by Dolores Maravilla et al. (26) in polar coronal holes, where this period is found in a spectrogram only transiently in the early 1990s, Figure 1. They are also cited by S.R. Prabhakaran Nayar (27) as a 33-year variation, the latter with an indication of a high degree of generality in solar-terrestrial associations. Materials and methods. Against this background, a database consisting of 40 series (OMNI2; ftp://nssdcftp.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacecraft_data/omni/) was analyzed chronomically by the extended cosinor (28-30), to start with globally, as whole series. Results. By the criterion of a positive lower limit of the CI (95% confidence interval) of the amplitude (i.e., by the rejection of the zero-33-year amplitude assumption), five of the OMNI2 series qualify as BEL, Table 1 (one of these variables, Na/Np, the alpha/proton ratio, is noted only in this table's footnote). 107 Table 1: Brückner-Egeson-Lockyer (BEL) cycle in heliogeomagnetics* Variable Period (years) [95% CI] Amplitude (%M)** [95% CI] Interplanetary magnetic field Proton Temperature 34.28 [26.99, 41.57] 13.62 [6.56, 20.68] Sigma (Bx) 31.87 [24.70, 39.04] 6.81 [3.41, 10.71] Plasma Speed 33.04 [20.10, 45.97] 2.47 [0.10, 4.83] Planetary geomagnetic index Kp 32.65 [28.27, 37.03] 12.74 [8.58, 16.86] *Monthly means from 1963 to 2003 (41 years), analyzed by the extended cosinor with nonlinear least squares, using 33.0 years as a trial period. By the criterion of a CI of the period overlapping the 30-40-year range and, if so, of a positive lower limit of the CI of the amplitude, 5 time series in the OMNI2 database qualify as compatible with a BEL cycle. Na/Np (alpha/proton ratio: http://nssdcftp.gsfc.nasa.gov/spacecraft_data/omni/omni2.text) also has a period of 36.84 years [29.97, 43.72]; 22 other variables converge to periods shorter than 30 years or longer than 40 years; 3 others do not reach statistical significance, and the remaining 10 do not converge, i.e., do not allow a period estimate with the trial period used. Zürich (Wolf) sunspot numbers for the span from 1745 to 2003 yield a period of 29.068 (27.92, 30.22) years. **%M: percentage of MESOR Figure 1. Spectrogram of coronal holes with calendar date on the abscissa and period in years on the ordinate reveal prominent, slightly longer than 10-year Schwabe cycles, other drifting components and a component around 29.14 years that for only a relatively short span, near the beginning of the last quarter of the display, shows a peak crossed by the upper horizontal line drawn at 35.6 years. © Halberg. 108 Note, at a 32-year trial period on the ordinate, a consistent spectral component in the geomagnetic index Ap (top) and an intermittent one in Zürich relative sunspot numbers (bottom) Wavelet spectrum of geomagnetic disturbance Wavelet spectrum of relative sunspot numbers, WN Figure 2: Top: Wavelet spectrum of the planetary geomagnetic index Ap, displaying the time course of this variable. Compared to other oscillations with a relatively short period, the semiannual oscillation of the Ap index is very strong and is seen as a band present during most of the time, in keeping with results on the antipodal index aa in Figure 3. The strength of oscillations corresponding to about 1, 1.3, 3.3 and 5.5 years varies with time. The band in the 9- to 11-year range is very strong during the spans from 1934 to 1972 and from 1980 to 1996. Although the 33year BEL-period is also strong, it is embedded in the cone of influence outside the paraboloidal curve. Bottom: Wavelet spectrum of Zürich (Wolf) numbers showing a prominent about 11-year Schwabe cycle during 1850 to 2000, with maximal amplitude during 1944-1998, interrupted within the cone of resolution only during a minimum in that circadecadal cycle. The wavelet spectrum of Zürich numbers differs from the wavelet spectrum of Ap (top), also in keeping with the results of the extended cosinor. Solar effects may bring about the about 33-year variation by solar wind speed rather than by phenomena mediated by the number of sunspots. A transtridecadal period BEL cycle is intermittent in the wavelet spectrum of Zürich sunspot numbers. 109 Figure 3. The merits of studying variation in time with the overall data summary, as done in Figure 2, are here implemented by a separate aligned gliding spectral window (left) and a global spectral window of the antipodal geomagnetic disturbance index aa. © Halberg. Chronomics are thus in keeping with the assumption that a BEL cycle may originate in the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF), notably since it was not detected as a constant component with coronal holes, Figure 1. The solar wind may act directly and/or by displacing galactic cosmic rays and/or via terrestrial magnetism, as suggested by the finding of a BEL cycle in a planetary geomagnetic index, Kp, Table 1. The consequences of BEL may pertain to other aspects of the environment, such as temperature, in which a concomitant 35-year variation was consistently documented (31). While the periodicity of a "Brikner" or Brückner cycle was questioned (32, 33), the results in Table 1 are presented to add evidence concerning its degree of generality, with estimates of the uncertainty involved and a hint at a mechanism underlying the BEL's origins (as noted specifically in the solar wind that may act upon the biosphere directly and/or by the effect of displacing galactic cosmic rays and/or by affecting terrestrial magnetic disturbances). Discussion. A presentation complementary to that in Table 1 is shown in a wavelet spectrum provided in Figure 2 for the geomagnetic activity index Ap (top), and for Zürich (Wolf) relative sunspot numbers (bottom). This wavelet approach has the advantage of resolving the time course of a spectral component, which more often than not varies by drifting and bifurcating in frequency and in amplitude by waxing and waning to the point of disappearing and reappearing, be it because the signal is lost or because it is too weak to emerge from the noise. In this figure, the power corresponding to each period indicates a strong time-dependence, including intermittency. The 110 thick contours plotted in this figure enclose regions of greater than 95% confidence for a red noise process. Also important is the cone of the influence region, delineated by a paraboloidal curve, where edge effects arising from truncation of the time series can be important. Hence the region external to this curve is considered with this qualification. In Figure 2 (top), a strong contour corresponding roughly to a 32-year variation is readily apparent, and is continuous, whereas Figure 2 (bottom) showing the wavelet spectrum of Zürich (Wolf's) relative sunspot numbers along a much longer abscissa (1840-2003) than that for Ap (1932-2003), the component corresponding to 32 years is clearly intermittent. This result can be aligned with extended cosinor analyses which did find the BEL cycle in a 40-year series during a relatively recent span, but did not detect an about 33-year variation in the Zürich numbers available to and interpreted by Brückner as not pertinent, or in a much longer series of Zürich numbers. Thus, an about 33-year variation in sunspots is intermittent by cosinor and by a wavelet spectrum (Figure 2, bottom), but an exception is the span from 1967 to 2007, when it is demonstrable by cosinor with one of the models used, as a descriptor of the waveform and in that case, it had the smallest amplitude, Table 2. By contrast, during the same 40-year span, the circatridecadal component of heart rate of a clinically healthy man (RBS) had the largest amplitude in the infradian spectral region in the domain of years and decades. The related weak counterpart in Zürich (Wolf's) numbers to a relatively more prominent biospheric tridecadal component can perhaps be interpreted as indicating that a BEL cycle is genetically coded. Heliogeophysical cycles (in the solar wind and/or other aspects of the IMF, Table 1, or the length of the sunspot cycle) may have exhibited a transtridecadal cycle for billions of years. This renders it likely that the tridecadal component in human heart rate is coded in genes, and a remove-andreplace approach (8, 34, 35) can help clarify this problem. Figure 4. Similar cycle lengths characterize solar wind speed and geomagnetism, yet the lengths of the ascending versus the descending stages differ in the same Schwabe cycle. Partial results from wavelet decomposition using Daubechies wavelets. 111 Table 2: Periods and their uncertainties in Zürich (Wolf) numbers¶ Variable (units) MESOR (units)* Period (y) [CI] Amplitude [CI] Acrophase (°) [CI]* Congruence s ENVIRONMENT 32.82 [23.40, 42.16]** 13.91 [9.45, 18.37] -218 [-199, -238] S1 10.56 [10.34, 10.78] 65.08 [59.28; 70.89] -217 [-213, -221] S2 Schwabe value, S (Wolf numbers [WN], count) 72.74 [69.96, 75.83] 8.02 [7.52, 8.52] 16.83 [11.34, 22.32] -83 [-68, -98] ¶ Components fitted concomitantly: CIs (95% confidence intervals) in [ ]. *MESOR = midline-estimating statistic of rhythm; 1 cycle = 360°. **This component, validated by two separate programs as descriptor of the waveform in the particular 3-component model used, was not detected with statistical significance when the shorter-than-10-year component was omitted, or when Zürich numbers over spans longer than the one considered herein were similarly analyzed. Since Figure 2 (top) shows an about 33-year variation in geomagnetic activity, documented in Table 1 only globally, without depicting its time course, it strengthens an inquiry into the origin of the BEL cycle in space weather. Table 1 reveals a congruent period for solar wind speed (SWS) and Kp, suggesting, as wavelet analyses do (27) that the solar wind and/or the broader interplanetary magnetic field and/or galactic cosmic rays, may all be considered as possibly underlying the BEL cycle, which all methods used validate as a transdisciplinary entity. In Brückner's original data, it is an aeolian, nonstationary entity (31). Figure 4 bears upon another aspect of the extent of agreement between solar wind speed (SWS) and geomagnetics gauged by Ap (27). The daily average values of solar wind speed and the Ap index during the span from 1964-2003 were subjected to wavelet decomposition using Daubechies wavelet ('db3' from the wavelet tool kit of MATLAB for 12 levels of successive approximations and details). The circatranstridecadal periods seem to be the same, but an asymmetry suggests that the effect in SWS persists in Ap while the strength of SWS starts declining. The coefficients obtained on reconstruction, plotted against time to identify various oscillations present (not shown) include a circatranstridecadal cycle demonstrated for SWS and geomagnetics (Ap), Figure 4. The two variables have a common time domain insofar as the cycles' length is very similar. SWS, however, has a faster (shorter) ascending stage and a slower (longer) descending stage while the opposite holds true for Ap, Figure 4. Figure 3 is of methodological interest, showing for a limited spectral window the merit of complementing a global summary of periods with CIs (right) with a gliding least-squares spectrum, an approach applicable to non-equidistant data, with the qualification that long gaps could create artifacts. Figure 1 shows a spectrogram of (equidistant) data on coronal holes for which a 35.6-year period had been reported but could not be confirmed by cosinor. It is readily apparent that a peak in that spectral region occurs only during the beginning of the last fourth of the graph and is short-lived, and that the main periods in this variable are in the region of trial periods shorter than 30 years and are not likely to account for a BEL cycle. Of historic interest, however, is a 33-year peak reported by Samuel M. Silverman (36) and by Clough (37) who in 1933 wrote about the BEL cycle in the frequency of aurorae, Nile floods, Arizona pine growth and wheat prices. 112 It will be desirable in the future to fit multiple cosine models to the now longer time series that have accumulated since Egeson's, Brückner's and the Lockyers' time, e.g., on rainfall and temperature and accordingly, to stack data for the cycle lengths found as plexograms for an analysis of variance, and to compare waveforms in this way and/or by Daubechies wavelets (Figure 4). Brückner's terrestrial variables and other biospheric data may or may not reveal an asymmetry of their stages, but if they did so, their resembling the SWS pattern may suggest that the effect of the SWS is direct or vice versa, if the pattern had a slow ascending and a faster descending stage, terrestrial magnetic disturbance may be the proximate cause of other environmental (temperature, rainfall) or biospheric (human heart rate) BEL cycles. Any pattern of geomagnetics should be best gauged by the longer (than Ap) antipodal aa series to explore any direct effect of terrestrial magnetism, tasks for the future. In the interim, it can be noted that by the criterion of congruence, some components in biospheric variables have overlapping or overlying CIs of their periods corresponding to those of geomagnetics; others are congruent with periods of the solar wind, and fewer biospheric periods are congruent with both helio- and geomagnetics. Beyond the criterion of congruence, a remove-and-replace approach (8, 34, 35) to the time courses of possibly interacting variables is highly desirable and awaits implementation, the sun willing, since this entity does the removal and replacement or at least the addition and subtraction, i.e., the waxing and waning of amplitudes. Brückner preceded Chizhevsky in recognizing the broad impact of cosmos-related climate change. Chizhevsky in turn assembled, among many others, data on "universal human militarypolitical activity" from 1748 until 1922 (38). Our meta-analysis by an extended cosinor of data from Chizhevsky's graph, taken off a curve (at guesstimates of the intervals used), yields mostly an anticipated number of previously reported components in solar variability. The major component in the decadal/multidecadal range is a Schwabe cycle of about 10.1 years accounting for about 13.2% of the total variance. The corresponding percentage rhythm (PR) contributed by a Gleissberg cycle of about 77.3 years is 9.1%. There is also a global cycle contribution with a period of about 17.7 years, with a PR of 8.2% and an unaccounted-for neighboring spectral peak at about 14.4 years with a PR of 7.2%. The Hale cycle component of about 22.5 years accounts for 5.4% of the variance. A further period of about 30.74 (95% CI: 27.53, 33.95) years with a PR of 5.1% provides another hint of the broad (here including military and political) importance of the BEL cycle, among other related consequences of weather in extraterrestrial space in human affairs, in violence (39-42) and in war as well as peace, beyond "any change from wet and cold to dry and warm climates", that according to Brückner determined immigration from Europe to the USA and the westward migration within the USA (43). The topic of secular periods of solar activity and synchronous variation in terrestrial phenomena, reviewed by H.W. Clough in 1933 (37), can also be extended to include the biosphere. It is hardly surprising to find that the BEL cycle is a prominent component, second only to the Schwabe cycle in the spectrum of the aurora (36). Conclusion. The BEL transtridecadal cycle characterizes the proton temperature and the speed of the solar wind, among other aspects of heliogeomagnetics. 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We reside in the sun's atmosphere. Biomed & Pharmacother 2005; 59 (Suppl 1): S1-S4. Acknowledgments: The authors are grateful to KW Ogilvie (NASA GSFC), AJ Lazarus (MIT) and MR Aellig (MIT) for access to the Omniweb data. Support: GM-13981 (FH), University of Minnesota Supercomputing Institute (GC, FH), MSM 0021622402 116 BODY MASS INDEX (BMI), PULSE PRESSURE (PP) AND PREMETABOLIC SYNDROME Germaine Cornélissen1 , Jarmila Siegelova2 , Jerome Abramson3 , Balasasikumar Sundaram4 , Jack Mandel3 , Dan Holley4 , Franz Halberg1 1 Halberg Chronobiology Center, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA 2 Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic 3 Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA 4 San Jose State University, San Jose, California, USA Aim. To complement the detection of pre-hypertension (1, 2) and pre-diabetes (3, 4) with chronobiologically interpreted ambulatory blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR) monitoring by focus with the same approach upon obesity. Background. On 140 clinically healthy adults, Abramson et al. (5) reported a positive association of markers of inflammation and BP variability. In a slightly extended subject population, the MESOR of HR and the pulse pressure (PP) were found to be positively associated with C-reactive protein (CRP) (6). Vascular variability disorders (VVDs) (7), such as CHAT (Circadian Hyper-Amplitude-Tension, a condition characterized by an excessive circadian BP variation), were also detected in this population of clinically healthy subjects (6). Method. The data from Abramson et al. (5, 6) are reanalyzed herein with another smaller sample of clinically healthy immigrants from Silicon Valley (8) to examine any relation to BMI of PP and markers of inflammation. Results. Figure 1 shows an association of PP with BMI (r=0.418, P <0.001) which holds separately for subjects with BMIs below and above 30 kg/m2 , as seen in Figure 2. A similar relation is found for men and for women in the USA, but only for women in 7-day records from the Czech Republic. Figures 3 and 4 show some association with BMI of CRP (r=0.431, P <0.001) and tumor necrosis factor (r=0.164, P<0.042). Figure 5 is in keeping with the assumption that inflammation, gauged by CRP, relates to PP (r=0.296, P < 0.001). We had earlier found in young 117 healthy individuals that an increased BMI is associated with a lower double amplitude of systolic and diastolic blood pressure (8). Discussion. All of the correlation coefficients reported herein are below 0.5, and there are discrepancies in that a gender difference seen in less unreliable 7-day records from the Czech Republic is not reproduced in the less reliable 24-hour profiles from the USA. That profiles for 2, 3 and 4 days scan fail when longer series separate severe or early outcomes from health has been reported earlier (4, 9). The US sample allowed a check on ethnic differences that were not found in the limited available sample. The gender difference found in Europeans in Europe, but not in "white" Americans, remains a puzzle. The data suffice, however, to suggest that prospective studies are warranted to investigate, notably in schools, any associations of VVDs, such as an elevated PP, with other aspects of physiology and pathology, notably obesity (10), so as to institute timely preventive treatment. Supported by grant MSM 0021622402 Support GM-13981 (FH), University of Minnesota Supercomputing Institute (GC, FH). REFERENCES 1. Cornélissen G, Halberg F, Otsuka K, Singh RB, Chen CH. Chronobiology predicts actual and proxy outcomes when dipping fails. Hypertension 2007; 49: 237-239. doi:10.1161/01.HYP.0000250392.51418.64 2. Halberg F, Cornélissen G, Halberg J, Schwartzkopff O. Pre-hypertensive and other variabilities also await treatment. Am J Medicine 2007; 120: e19-e20. doi:10.1016/j.amjmed.2006.02.045. 3. Sanchez de la Pena S, Gonzalez C, Cornélissen G, Halberg F. Blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR) and non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) chronobiology. Int J Cardiol 2004; 97 (Suppl 2): S14. 4. Gupta AK, Greenway FL, Cornélissen G, Pan W, Halberg F. Prediabetes is associated with abnormal circadian blood pressure variability. J Human Hypertension 2008; 22: 627-633 doi:10.1038/jhh.2008.32. 118 5. Abramson JL, Lewis C, Murrah NV, Anderson GT, Vaccarino V. Relation of C-reactive protein and tumor necrosis factor-alpha to ambulatory blood pressure variability in healthy adults. Am J Cardiol 2006; 98: 649-652. doi:10.1016/j.amjcard.2006.03.045. 6. Abramson J, Cornélissen G, Mandel J, Halberg F. Blood pressure overswinging, CHAT, found by 24-hour monitoring, needs validation by follow-up. Proceedings, International Conference on the Frontiers of Biomedical Science: Chronobiology, Chengdu, China, September 24-26, 2006, p. 43-45. 7. Halberg F, Cornélissen F, Schwartzkopff O, Blagonravov ML, Chibisov SM, Otsuka K, Siegelova J, Beaty L, Nolley E, Sanchez de la Peña S, Zaslavskaya R, Radysh IV. Vascular variability disorders (VVDs) and syndromes (VVSs): MESOR-hypertension, CHAT and other. Proceedings, 1st International Workshop, Physiology of adaptation and quality of life: problems of traditional medicine and innovation, People's Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia, May 14-16, 2008. p. 401-403. 8. Sundaram B, Hanumansetty R, Cornélissen G, Otsuka K, Katinas G, Siegelova J, Homolka P, Sanchez de la Peña S, Borer K, Schaffer E, Holley DC, Halberg F. Blood pressure and pulse dynamics quantify everyday life's emotions -- if excessive by circadian overswinging, CHAT. Am J Hypertens 2004; 17 (5 Part 2): 57a-58a. 9. Schaffer E, Cornélissen G, Rhodus N, Halhuber M, Watanabe Y, Halberg F. Outcomes of chronobiologically normotensive dental patients: a 7-year follow-up. JADA 2001; 132: 891- 899. 10. Després JP. Cardiovascular disease under the influence of excess visceral fat. Critical Pathways in Cardiology 2007; 6: 51-59. 119 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 BMI (kg/m 2 ) PP(mmHg) r=0.418, P<0.001 All subjects Figure 1 120 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 BMI (kg/m2 ) PP(mmHg) r=0.283, P=0.069 Key: Open circles: BMI<30 Filled circles: BMI>30 r=0.348, P<0.001 Figure 2 121 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 BMI (kg/m 2 ) Log10(CRP) r=0.431, P<0.001 All subjects Figure 3 122 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 BMI (kg/m 2 ) Log10(TNF-) r=0.164, P=0.042 All subjects Figure 4 123 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 PP (mmHg) Log10(CRP) All subjects r=0.295, P<0.001 Figure 5 124 Auroral aeolian periodicity during 1545-1724, including the Maunder minimum Germaine Cornélissen1 , Franz Halberg1 , Miguel Revilla2 , Jarmila Siegelova3 , Othild Schwartzkopff1 , Jerzy Czaplicki4 , Salvador Sanchez de la Peña5 , Wilfried Schröder6 and the BIOCOS group 1 Halberg Chronobiology Center, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA 2 Dept Applied Mathematics and Computation, Univ of Valladolid, Valladolid, Spain 3 Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic 4 Institute of Pharmacology and Structural Biology, CNRS UMR 5089, Toulouse, France 5 Chronomic Res. Center, Escuela Nacional de Medicina y Homeopatía-IPN, Mexico City, Mexico 6 Geophysikalische Station, Bremen-Rönnebeck, Germany Abstract. Myocardial infarctions increase in frequency in association with a magnetic storm (1-3), as does the aurora. Geomagnetic disturbances are accompanied by a decrease in heart rate variability (4-6). We here assess cyclicity, with its uncertainties when possible, in the incidence of aurorae in the 16th , 17th and earliest 18th centuries (1545-1724) in central Europe, with focus upon the Maunder minimum (from 1645 to 1715). During the second, but not the first half of this span, 95% confidence limits could be and were computed for each parameter separately, albeit not conservatively, for a persisting circadecadal component, using the 1-parameter approach of Marquardt's nonlinear algorithm (7). Background. The yearly incidence of aurorae during the span 1545-1724 compiled by Wilfried Schröder and Hans-Jürgen Treder (8) was analyzed by linear-nonlinear rhythmometry with the extended cosinor (9-11; cf. 7). A global least-squares spectrum reveals several peaks, among which one corresponding to about 11.4 years is not the most prominent. Of similar or larger prominence are other peaks corresponding to periods of about 139-150, 72, 47, 29, and 23.4 years, the latter close to a peak of about 22 years previously reported by Usoskin, Mursula and Kovaltsov for sunspot activity (12-14), and of about 18.8, 12.7, 8.3, and 7.4 years, as well as to periods shorter than 6 years, beyond our scope herein. Methods. The question investigated is whether any relative prominence of an about 11-year cycle, as reflected in observations of the northern lights, as an (only approximate) proxy for sunspots, was present during the Maunder minimum (from 1645 to 1715) and, if so, whether any of its characteristics were altered (8, 15, 16). Least squares spectra were computed from 35-year intervals (corresponding roughly to the Brückner-Egeson-Lockyer cycle) pergressively moved by increments of 5 years throughout the time series, the first interval spanning the years 1545-1579 and the last one spanning the years 1690-1724 (30 intervals, among which 8 occurred during the Maunder minimum and 14 did not even partially cover the Maunder minimum). The trial periods varied between 35 and 3.5 years, in harmonic progression with a harmonic increment of 0.2. For each interval, results at a trial period of 10.5 years (anticipated best fitting period for Zürich numbers (also called Wolf numbers, after Rudolf Wolf; available only after 1700) were considered, namely the percentage rhythm (PR, i.e., the proportion of variance accounted for by the fitted 10.5-year cosine model), the MESOR (M, midline estimating statistic of rhythm), amplitude (A, half the extent of predictable change within one cycle), and relative amplitude (expressed as % of MESOR). The period of the component accounting for the highest variance among the trial periods in the least-squares spectra was determined for each interval, together with its PR. 125 Using a trial period of 11 years, nonlinear analyses also determined the best-fitting period with a measure of its uncertainty and that of its corresponding A, using Marquardt's algorithm (7). 95% confidence intervals were determined as 1-parameter limits and as conservative limits (estimated jointly for all parameters). Results. Results from both approaches are summarized in Table 1. The different endpoints from linear rhythmometry were compared by Student t-test between intervals prior to (outside) or during the Maunder minimum. Results need to be qualified by the fact that intervals were overlapping, thereby failing to respect the assumption of independence. Table 1: Circadecadal point estimates of auroral cycles' incidence before and during the Maunder minimum*, with uncertainties** Interval Start End Period, (years) 1-parameter** (95% CI of ) Amplitude, A (N/y) (Conservative** 95% CI of A) (1-parameter** 95% CI of A) 1545 1579 9.92 (8.09, 11.75) 1.72 (-0.40, 3.84) (0.41, 3.03) 1550 1584 9.18 (7.89, 10.46) 2.54 (0.06, 5.01) (1.00, 4.07) 1555 1589 9.36 (8.23, 10.49) 2.42 (0.19, 4.65) (1.04, 3.81) 1560 1594 8.28 (7.13, 9.44) 2.14 (0.13, 4.16) (0.89, 3.40) 1565 1599 9.54 (8.47, 10.61) 2.70 (0.62, 4.79) (1.41, 4.00) 1570 1604 10.79 (8.23, 13.36) 2.05 (-0.30, 4.39) (0.59, 3.50) 1575 1609 11.07 (8.76, 13.38) 2.03 (0.06, 4.00) (0.80, 3.26) 1580 1614 11.57 (9.59, 13.55) 2.23 (0.14, 4.32) (0.93, 3.53) 1585 1619 14.85 (11.15, 18.56) 1.39 (-0.18, 2.96) (0.42, 2.36) 1590 1624 10.66 (8.01, 13.31) 1.26 (-0.63, 3.15) (0.09, 2.43) 1595 1629 11.22 (8.03, 14.41) 1.31 NS 1600 1634 12.34 (6.79, 17.89) 1.01 NS 1605 1639 9.06 (5.51, 12.60) 0.83 NS 1610 1644 11.02 (0.62, 21.42) 0.50 NS 1615 1649 9.50 (4.81, 14.20) 0.75 NS 1620 1654 NS 1625 1659 12.00 (6.16, 17.85) 0.81 NS 1630 1664 11.02 (5.40, 16.65) 0.67 NS 1635 1669 12.11 (7.95, 16.27) 0.64 NS 1640 1674 17.22 (7.85, 26.59) 0.59 NS 1645 1679 7.40 (5.51, 9.29) 0.51 NS 1650 1684 9.15 (7.02, 11.27) 0.63 NS 1655 1689 10.24 (5.95, 14.53) 0.45 NS 1660 1694 10.66 (6.89, 14.44) 0.57 NS 1665 1699 9.91 (5.10, 14.72) 0.38 NS 1670 1704 12.71 (9.18, 16.24) 0.77 (-0.44, 1.99) (0.02, 1.53) 1675 1709 11.95 (8.42, 15.49) 1.42 (-0.85, 3.69) (0.00, 2.83) 1680 1714 12.04 (8.51, 15.56) 1.65 (-0.87, 4.17) (0.08, 3.21) 1685 1719 11.35 (9.11, 13.60) 2.99 (-0.59, 6.57) (0.77, 5.21) 1690 1724 13.10 (9.30, 16.91) 2.72 NS *Trial period: 11 years; Interval: 35 years; Increment: 5 years; NS: not statistically significant. Note that the last three spans during the Maunder minimum allow assessment of the uncertainty of the period estimate by a 95% confidence interval of the amplitude which does not overlap zero (last 3 columns). **One-parameter and conservative limits were computed according to Marquardt’s algorithm (7). 126 Whether intervals only partially covering the Maunder minimum are included or excluded in the comparison, Student-t tests show that, as expected, the Maunder minimum is associated with a smaller PR at a trial period of 10.5 years, and that both the MESOR and amplitude are smaller, Table 2. Of interest, however, is the observation that there is no statistically significant difference in the relative amplitude (underlined), Table 2. Moreover, among the trial periods in the leastsquares spectra, the period of the component contributing most to the overall variance is shorter during the Maunder minimum, Table 2. This is best seen for the frequency (1/period), which follows a uniform distribution, whereas that of the period is long-tailed, Table 2. The difference in PR at the best-fitting period between intervals prior to or during the Maunder minimum is much smaller than that at the fixed 10.5-year period. Whereas the difference remains statistically significant when intervals partially covering the Maunder minimum are excluded, it is not statistically significant when all intervals are included, Table 2. Best-fitting periods corresponding to the longest or shortest trial periods were excluded, as they indicated that a maximum could not be reached within the window investigated. Table 2: Comparison of results from linear rhythmometry outside and during the span from 1645-1715, the Maunder minimum* Intervals compared All intervals (20 vs. 8) Interval overlapping 1645-1715 excluded (14 vs. 8) Means Student t P Means Student t P Endpoint Outside During Outside During At trial period of 10.5 years PR 11.5 5.3 1.767 0.088 15.1 5.3 2.857 0.010 M 3.37 1.93 6.495 <0.001 3.57 1.93 9.378 <0.001 A 1.17 0.58 2.150 0.040 1.37 0.58 3.284 0.004 A/M(%) 34.3 29.4 0.563 0.578 37.9 29.4 1.250 0.226 At trial period accounting for largest variance in least-squares spectra Period (years) 13.6 6.51 2.046 0.051 15.2 6.51 2.571 0.018 Frequency (1/period) 0.112 0.198 -2.958 0.007 0.088 0.198 -4.495 <0.001 PR 27.7 23.6 1.487 0.149 30.6 23.6 2.964 0.008 *PR: Percentage Rhythm (proportion of variance accounted for by fitted model; %); M: MESOR (midlineestimating statistic of rhythm; rhythm-adjusted mean); A: Amplitude: measure of half of extent of predictable change within one cycle; M and A expressed as N of aurorae/year. Discussion and Conclusion. By the criterion of Marquardt's 1-parameter 95% confidence interval, the persistence of cycles during the second half of the Maunder minimum is documented with the uncertainties involved, whereas only point estimates of the amplitude could be computed during the first half of the Maunder minimum (cf. also 15). The results in Table 1, insofar as they lend themselves as a proxy, must be viewed in the light of observation on sunspot activity reporting that the change in the Maunder minimum was abrupt (12-14). Abruptness is indeed suggested by our failure to compute a 95% confidence interval for the period around the start of the Maunder minimum (1620-1654 interval). The loss of statistical significance for a Schwabe cycle, gauged by the overlap of zero by the 95% confidence interval for the amplitude, however, starts with the 1595-1629 interval, preceding the Maunder minimum. The aurorae, just like geomagnetic fluctuations, may not necessarily be the best proxy for sunspot activity, but may be a sensitive proxy. Other approaches based on sunspots are pertinent (12-14) and their report of an abrupt change in the Maunder minimum is here confirmed, notwithstanding the prior loss of statistical significance here reported before 1645, actually during a span including the Thirty Years 127 War, which devastated central Europe and thus did not allow for many observations. It would be interesting to scrutinize any records of cardiovascular and other disease during vs. before and after the Maunder minimum as another proxy for solar effects in the biosphere (17, 18). 1. Halberg F, Breus TK, Cornélissen G, Bingham C, Hillman DC, Rigatuso J, Delmore P, Bakken E, International Womb-to-Tomb Chronome Initiative Group: Chronobiology in space. Keynote, 37th Ann. Mtg. Japan Soc. for Aerospace and Environmental Medicine, Nagoya, Japan, Nov 8-9, 1991. 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Cornélissen G, Prabhakaran Nayar SR, Czaplicki J, Siegelova J, Mendoza B, Halberg F. BrücknerEgeson-Lockyer (BEL) cycle in heliogeomagnetics. These proceedings. 18. Halberg F, Cornélissen G, Schwartzkopff O, Bakken EE. Cycles in the biosphere in the service of solar-terrestrial physics? In: Schroeder W (Ed.) Case studies in physics and geophysics. Bremen: Wilfried Schroeder/Science Edition, 2006, p. 39-87. [Beiträge zur Geophysik und Kosmischen Physik/Journal for the History of Geophysics and Cosmical Physics, Special issue, 2006/2. ISSN 1615-2824] Support GM-13981 (FH), University of Minnesota Supercomputing Institute (GC, FH), MSM 0021622402 128 On Gaps and Interpolation Methods to Avoid Errors in Period Estimation with Conventional Time Series Analysis Jerzy Czaplicki1 , Jarmila Siegelova, Bohumil Fiser, Germaine Cornélissen2 and Franz Halberg2 1 Institute of Pharmacology and Structural Biology, CNRS UMR 5089, Toulouse, France 2 Halberg Chronobiology Center, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic Abstract While methods for time series analysis have been developed to deal with missing values in equidistant time series and/or in altogether non-equidistant data, commonly available software usually assumes data to be sampled at equal intervals. In the presence of gaps, data are sometimes compressed to eliminate the gaps without adjusting the time scale. This procedure leads to errors in period estimates and alterations of the actual frequency/time structure in spectrograms. An obvious example consisting of a 7-day record of systolic blood pressure was simulated. Gaps of 6 hours on 6 instances randomly distributed over the 7 days were introduced and the resulting data analyzed in various ways. Several methods of interpolation are considered to fill gaps, so that programs applicable only to equidistant data can be used. Results from a linear prediction by singular value decomposition (LP-SVD) are presented, showing how in the selected case, it can restore the actual time structure in conventional spectrograms. These results are compared with those of least squares spectra and chronobiological serial sections that are readily applicable to non-equidistant data. Introduction Spectrograms depict the time-frequency dependence of analyzed signals. Under usual conditions, the locations of peaks correspond to frequencies present in the signal at given instants in time. Unfortunately, input signals often present deficiencies, mostly associated with a transitory absence of measurements (such as interruptions of self-measurements during sleep). These gaps sometimes appear frequently for short time spans, or they can last for longer spans on fewer occasions, for instance in association with instrument failure. When gaps are ignored by compressing the data, the actual frequency/time structure is altered, leading to erroneous period estimates. Some peaks shift in the frequency domain, some may be lost and others may be spuriously generated. This leads to important errors in period estimations. Accordingly, an analysis of data with gaps is far from straightforward. Least squares spectra can bridge a few missing values, but as the gaps widen, there comes a point when artifacts predominate because of insufficient information. As long as critical information is not lost, interpolation methods may also be used to fill the gaps, thus allowing the data to be analyzed by a large selection of conventionally available methods of time series analysis. In general, discontinuous data produce spectra with parasitic oscillations of the sin(x)/x type, whose amplitudes may be important enough to render any analysis useless. On the other hand, simple interpolation schemes may fail to represent the characteristics of the signal. Instead, we have opted for a variant of a linear prediction approach. 129 Interpolation methods A number of methods permit the estimation of missing parts of a signal. Their common characteristic is the analysis of the available signal to extract a set of coefficients, which best describe the mutual interdependence of the measured points (in the least-squared sense). These so-called auto-regressive techniques lead to several common algorithms, depending mostly on the definition of the target error function, which is to be minimized. First, we have tried the auto-correlation method [1]. It has the advantage of producing stable solutions, but makes an assumption that the signal is zero outside the analyzed interval, and may produce important undesirable end-point effects. Another formulation of this approach is the auto-covariance method [2, 3], which works on signals extending beyond the analyzed intervals, but whose solutions are not guaranteed to be stable. Indeed, in some cases our solutions were unacceptable, because of large deviations of the predicted points from the general trends of the analyzed signals. Another approach is the Burg’s algorithm [2, 4], which appeared in the context of maximum entropy methods. It is stable and takes into account both forward and backward prediction, but is known for introducing bias in frequency estimation and for splitting peaks into several components, particularly for higher-order estimations. Thus far, the best results have been obtained with the LP-SVD (linear prediction by singular value decomposition) method [5]. This technique is robust and worked well in all cases for which we have conducted tests. In order to obtain a set of predicted points as close as possible to the signal from which they are derived, we have adopted the following procedure. For each gap in the input data we analyze two sets of points: the one directly preceding it and that which follows the gap. For the first set we apply the LP-SVD method to calculate a forward prediction, covering the gap. Next, we calculate the backward prediction for the second set of points. Ideally, they should produce two identical sets of predictions. In practice, however, this is not the case. It is due to noise inherent in the data, as well as to the finite length of the two data sets from which predictions are obtained. Then, we combine the two predicted sets of points, by computing a weighted average, based on the assumption that the further we stray from the end of valid data (i.e. to the right from the end of the first data set and to the left from the beginning of the second data set), the lower the probability that the prediction is correct. The end result is substituted back to the original time series, and it is this full signal which is further transformed into a spectrogram. Illustrative example An example of the application of this approach is given in Figures 1-6. While the selected illustrative example may appear obvious to some, it was purposely chosen to unmistakably show that data compression, occasionally misused by some investigators, is not an option when the time structure of a phenomenon needs to be assessed. Fig. 1 (top left) shows the original data, a synthetic signal with noise, consisting of 168 points, representing a signal with a period of 24 hours, sampled once an hour for seven consecutive days. The simulated signal has a mean value of 120 mmHg, a circadian amplitude of 20 mmHg and an acrophase of -270° (18:00). Noise consists of uniformly distributed random numbers in the range of -5 to +5 mmHg. Data were removed over 6 intervals, each covering 6 hours. Fig. 1 (middle left) shows the series with gaps. Fig. 1 (bottom left) shows the series resulting from considering all available data as being continuous, as if there were no gaps, an approach that is tempting but intuitively unreasonable. Fig. 1 (right) illustrates the corresponding least squares spectra. A spectral peak at 24 hours is readily apparent for the original series (top right). Very similar results are obtained for the series with gaps, the only difference being a slightly higher noise level that in some cases could be misinterpreted as small peaks (middle right). A clear shift in frequency occurs, however, when gaps are ignored and data are considered to be continuous (bottom right), validating the 130 prediction from intuition. Indeed, instead of having 7 peaks in 168 hours, corresponding to a period of 168/7 = 24 hours, the compressed series consists of 7 peaks in 168 – 6x6 = 132 hours, corresponding to a period of 132/7 = 18.9 hours. Fig. 2 is obtained by fitting a 24-hour cosine curve by least squares to data in a 24-hour interval displaced throughout the time series by 1 hour. This procedure is known as a chronobiologic (or chronomic) serial section based on the least squares fit of cosine function(s) [6-8]. The data from Fig. 1 are shown again in the top row. In the second row, the lower curve represents the MESOR (midline estimating statistic of rhythm, a rhythm-adjusted mean value), and the distance between the two curves corresponds to the 24-hour amplitude of the signal, plotted at the midpoint of the 24-hour interval considered for analysis. The 24-hour acrophase (phase of the maximum) is plotted in the third row. The P-value from the zero-amplitude (no-rhythm) test is shown in the fourth row and the number of data per interval is plotted in the fifth row. It can be seen that for the original data series (left), the number of data is constant, that the MESOR, 24-hour amplitude and acrophase assume similar values throughout the time series, and that the circadian rhythm is invariably statistically significant. In the presence of gaps (middle), the number of data per interval changes as a function of time, but affects only slightly the estimates of the MESOR and 24-hour amplitude and acrophase, statistical significance being invariably reached as well. But when the data are compressed by ignoring the gaps (right), large variations in the MESOR and 24-hour amplitude are observed as a function of time, and the 24-hour acrophase is steadily drifting to earlier and earlier times, in keeping with the shift to a higher frequency (or shorter period), as seen in the least squares spectrum (Fig. 1, bottom right). Fig.3 shows the spectrogram of the original data without gaps. Basically, spectrograms are Fourier transforms of a product of original data and a window function, which moves in time. The window length is adjustable and affects the time and frequency resolutions. Herein, the frequency resolution was maximized by setting the window length to the number of data N (N/2 at both ends of the time series). In the LP-SVD algorithm, 1/3 of the number of points used to predict data was used as number of coefficients. In Fig. 3, the dashed black horizontal line marks the 24-hour “target” period. Fig. 4 shows the same spectrogram, obtained on data with 6 gaps, eliminated by compressing the remaining data points. One can see a large shift in frequency, appearing now at 19.25 hours. An attempt to obtain a spectrogram from a fragment of data, consisting of continuously sampled points, for a short time between gaps, leads to Fig. 5. The significant width of the frequency profile is due to the very small number of available points. Fig. 6 shows the spectrogram of data, where gaps were replaced with points, obtained from predictions, as described above. As can be seen, we have recovered the correct period of 24 hours. Results in Fig. 6 do not relate to the original data but to a series that has been modified to fill the gaps by the LP-SVD algorithm. Hence, it does not reflect the greater uncertainty of the location of the spectral peak by spreading out of the contours at times when original data are missing, a task for future work. The satisfactory result in Fig. 6 does not guarantee that the method will work in all cases. We are working on modifications, aimed at improving this approach by introducing different statistical weights due to differences in lengths of the data segments used in forward/backward predictions. Discussion The LP-SVD algorithm is not the only approach available to fill gaps. An alternative approach suggested by Professor Christopher Bingham consists of computing a spectrum from an autoregressive operator computed from an autocorrelation function computed from the nonmissing data, yielding a very sharp peak near a frequency of 1/24 hours with an order of the 131 autoregressive operator of 15. With missing data, however, the autocorrelation function is often not positive definite, in which case there is a somewhat artificial limit on the order of the autoregression. Such a least squares approach may not be far removed in spirit from the LPSVD algorithm, which attempts to filter out some of the noise in the predictors in the autoregression, so as to come closer to the autoregressive relationship that the underlying mean function is assumed to have. Self-measurements may be missed during sleep and instrument failure may be responsible for gaps, for instance in physiological data collected by ambulatory monitors or in physical data recorded by satellites. It seems important to include, as blanks, in each analysis of a given time series also analyses of a set of (say 100) noise series generated to simulate the characteristics of the actual data in terms of sampling and noise, which may be colored rather than white. Just as in the development of laboratory techniques, there invariably were blanks and standards, the same precautions should apply in chronobiology and chronomics. Standards could consist of comparing results from several approaches on complete reference time series analyzed as such or after removing data to match the sampling of the actual time series under study, to see whether the time structure is at all altered by the presence of gaps, and, if so, to what extent. Spectrograms provide a global view of the time-frequency dependencies in analyzed signals. Since our attention herein was focused on periods, the subsequent optimizations concern the frequency resolution, at the expense of the time dimension. Consequently, exact time instants at which frequencies change are blurred. For this reason, it is beneficial to compare the results obtained from spectrograms with those coming from several different approaches, such as chronomic serial sections and gliding or global least square spectra. The combination of results from several sources can only be beneficial for the understanding of the studied phenomena. It should also be stressed that whatever the method used to fill gaps, the assumption is made that data that would have been collected during gaps carry no new information. If this is not the case, results will be misleading, as will those obtained with methods based on least squares. Extreme caution is thus to be used whenever gaps are not reasonably few and far apart. Conclusion The best validation of a periodicity detected in a time series that has a transdisciplinary counterpart record is to compare their time/frequency behavior, e.g., by spectrograms and by chronomic serial sections that provide for a specific spectral component uncertainties for each parameter (MESOR, amplitude, and acrophase). Notably when dealing with wobbly signals with characteristics such as period, amplitude and/or phase that change as a function of time, it is then possible to assess by a remove-and-replace approach [9, 10] whether the changes in the time series of interest coincide with or are congruent with those of the counterpart series, serving as reference. References: 1. M.H. Hayes, “Statistical Digital Signal Processing and Modeling”, J. Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1996. 2. S. Kay, “Modern Spectral Estimation”, Prentice Hall, 1988. 3. P. Stoica and R. Moses, “Introduction to Spectral Analysis”, Prentice Hall, 1997. 4. S. Orfanidis, “Optimum Signal Processing”, 2nd ed., Macmillan, 1988. 132 5. W.H. Press, S.A. Teukolsky, W.T. Vetterling and B.P. Flannery, “Numerical Recipes in Fortran”, 2nd ed., Cambridge University Press, 1992. 6. Halberg F, Engeli M, Hamburger C, Hillman D. Spectral resolution of low-frequency, smallamplitude rhythms in excreted 17-ketosteroid; probable androgen induced circaseptan desychronization. Acta endocrinol (Kbh) 1965; 50 (Suppl 103): 5-54. 7. Halberg F. Chronobiology. Annu Rev Physiol 1969; 31: 675-725. 8. Cornélissen G, Halberg F. Chronomedicine. In: Armitage P, Colton T (eds.) Encyclopedia of Biostatistics, 2nd ed. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons Ltd; 2005. p. 796-812. 9. Cornélissen G, Halberg F, Wendt HW, Bingham C, Sothern RB, Haus E, Kleitman E, Kleitman N, Revilla MA, Revilla M Jr, Breus TK, Pimenov K, Grigoriev AE, Mitish MD, Yatsyk GV, Syutkina EV. Resonance of about-weekly human heart rate rhythm with solar activity change. Biologia (Bratislava) 1996; 51: 749-756. 10. Halberg F, Cornélissen G, Katinas G, Tvildiani L, Gigolashvili M, Janashia K, Toba T, Revilla M, Regal P, Sothern RB, Wendt HW, Wang ZR, Zeman M, Jozsa R, Singh RB, Mitsutake G, Chibisov SM, Lee J, Holley D, Holte JE, Sonkowsky RP, Schwartzkopff O, Delmore P, Otsuka K, Bakken EE, Czaplicki J, International BIOCOS Group. Chronobiology's progress: season's appreciations 2004-2005. Time-, frequency-, phase-, variable-, individual-, age- and site-specific chronomics. J Applied Biomedicine 2006; 4: 1- 38. http://www.zsf.jcu.cz/vyzkum/jab/4_1/halberg.pdf Acknowledgements: The kind and critical comments of Professor Christopher Bingham are gratefully incorporated in this note within the confines of the authors’ competence. Support : GM-13981 (FH), University of Minnesota Supercomputing Institute, MSM 0021622402. 133 Legends to figures Figure 1. Test series here illustrated for noninvasive cardiology by systolic blood pressure (left): original equidistant data (top), with six 6-hour gaps randomly distributed (middle), and after elimination of gaps by compression (bottom). Corresponding least squares spectra (right) are characterized by a 24-hour spectral peak as long as the original time scale is preserved, in the absence (top) or presence (middle) of gaps, but with a peak spuriously shifted toward a shorter period of about 18.7 hours (bottom). In this obvious illustrative example, the erroneous period estimate can be derived intuitively from the chronogram showing 7 cycles in 168 – 6x6 = 132 hours, corresponding to a period of 132/7 = 18.9 hours, close to the spectral peak when only integer harmonics are assessed. Figure 2. Chronobiologic-chronomic serial sections of the original data without gaps (left), with gaps (middle), and after compression of the gaps (right). The spuriously shorter period detected in the latter case is evidenced by the downward drift of the 24-hour acrophase to earlier and earlier times. The acrophase (phase of the maximum of the 24-hour cosine fitted by least squares to data in a 24-hour interval displaced by 1 hour throughout the time series) is expressed in (negative) degrees, with 360° 24 hours, and 0° set to 00:00). Figure 3. Spectrogram of original data (no gaps). The horizontal dashed black line at 24 hours represents the “target” period of the simulated signal. The outer contours correspond to the bandwidth of the detected component, with narrower and narrower contours associated with the increasing strength of the signal best detected in the middle of the time series, when the short-term Fourier transform is using all data available for analysis. Results closer to the start or the end of the data series only use partial data, a fact also accounting for the larger bandwidth as compared to that at the middle of the time series. Figure 4. Spectrogram of data with gaps that have been compressed. A shift in frequency is clearly observed, the signal’s period estimate being well shorter than the “target” of 24 hours, represented by the horizontal dashed line. Figure 5. Spectrogram of partial data (second fragment covering the span from the 15th to the 34th hour). Whereas the estimated period is close to the target of 24 hours, the frequency resolution is much poorer, as evidenced by the much broader bandwidth, in keeping with the much shorter length of the series used for analysis (only 20 hours). Figure 6. Spectrogram of data with gaps filled by means of a linear prediction by singular value decomposition (LP-SVD) algorithm. In the case examined, the signal is sufficiently well restored to allow the detection of a 24-hour signal similar to that found in the original data without gaps (see Fig. 3). Results do not convey the loss of information in relation to missing values that should then be associated with a greater uncertainty of the location of the spectral peak, as reflected by a spreading out of the contours. 134 Figure 1 Figure 2 135 Figure 3 Figure 4 136 Figure 5 Figure 6 137 Ambulatory profile in a non-ambulatory subject: a sphygmochron with gaps (when we should measure again, not interpolate) Harald Hörmann1 , Jarmila Siegelova, Bohumil Fiser, Germaine Cornélissen2 , Franz Halberg2 1 Medizinische Universität Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria 2 University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA Aim. To document that non-ambulatory individuals can obtain a monitoring profile over time for a computer comparison with peer group limits, a sphygmochron, while pursuing a very active life. Background. Elsewhere in these proceedings, we indicate different methods for interpolation when there are gaps in the data and the dangers arising from compressing the data when they are included for an assessment of their time structure. Here in turn we summarize the data with large unintended gaps occurring for technical reasons and this handicap notwithstanding, briefly indicate the usefulness of the results for a preliminary assessment by sphygmochron. Subject. HH, a male adult professional 46 years of age, uses a wheelchair for mobility. On August 6th, 1991, due to a strong impact on his spine after a bicycle downhill accident, he was diagnosed as paraplegic with a complete lesion at TH 4-6, accompanied by a haematopneumothorax and several lesions in higher segments of the spine up to C1 without any functional restrictions following these. The diagnosis can be compressed to complete paraplegia at TH4-6 and is up to date until present. Functional restrictions of inner organs are within the typical restrictions for complete paraplegia resulting from injury of higher segments of the thoracic spine. HH carried the TM-2430 ambulatory blood pressure and heart rate monitor manufactured by A&D (Tokyo, Japan) during a visit in Minnesota in July 2008 and resumed monitoring with interruptions upon his return to Innsbruck in August 2008. Circadian Pattern of SBP (HHoe001a, M, 46y) 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 0:00 2:00 4:00 6:00 8:00 10:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 18:00 20:00 22:00 0:00 Time (Clock Hours) SBP(mmHg) Figure 1. Plexogram (a term used for stacking data over an idealized day, as done here at half-hour intervals for 24 hours, or along any other time scale) shows acceptability of systolic (S) BP values of HH, a male professional with paraplegia using a wheelchair for mobility, while active in his chosen health-related profession revealing changes along the 24hour scale, here confounded by transmeridian dyschronism, since the subject was monitoring after a flight from Austria to Minnesota and after a return flight. © Halberg. 138 Circadian Pattern of DBP (HHoe001a, M, 46y) 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0:00 2:00 4:00 6:00 8:00 10:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 18:00 20:00 22:00 0:00 Time (Clock Hours) DBP(mmHg) Figure 2. Acceptability of diastolic (D) BP of HH, revealing, as does Figure 1, an updown pattern that can be tested for circadian rhythmicity. © Halberg. Circadian Pattern of HR (HHoe001a, M, 46y) 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 0:00 2:00 4:00 6:00 8:00 10:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 18:00 20:00 22:00 0:00 Time (Clock Hours) HR(beats/min) Figure 3. Acceptability of HR of HH showing variability from well below 60 beats/min to nearly 100 beats/min. © Halberg. 139 Name:--------------------- Patient #: HHoe001a Age: 46 Sex: M To: Patient Peer Group Patient Peer Group Patient Peer Group Value Reference Value Reference Value Reference Limits Limits Limits Range Range Range Range Range Range Range Range Range (hr:min) (hr:min) (hr:min) (mmHg x hour) (mmHg x hour) (mmHg x hour) (mmHg x hour)(in 1,000's units) (mmHg x hour)(in 1,000's units) (mmHg x hour)(in 1,000's units) Individualized bounded indices: (STD = Standard)(Min = Minimum)(Max = Maximum)(HBI = Hyperbanic Index) INTERVENTION NEEDED MORE MONITORING NEEDED No Annually Yes Drug Non-Drug As soon as possible Other specify_________________________ Prepared By_________________________________________ Date____/____/________ 1) Unusually long standing or lying down during waking: unusual activity, such as exercise, emotional loads, or schedule changes, e.g. shiftwork; etc.; 2) Salt, calories, kind and amount, other, etc. Copyright, Halberg Chronobiology Center, University of Minnesota, Mayo Hospital, Rooms 715, 733-5 (7th floor), Minneapolis Campus, Del Code 8609, 420 Deleware Street SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA. Fax 612-624-9989. For questions, call F. Halberg or G. Cornelissen at 612-624-6976. SPHYGMOCHRON-TM Monitoring Profile over Time; Computer Comparison with Peer Group Limits Blood Pressure (BP) and Related Cardiovascular Summary. (DOUBLE AMPLITUDE) TIMING OF OVERALL Monitoring From: Comments: CHRONOBIOLOGIC CHARACTERISTICS ADJUSTED 24-h MEAN 28 07 2008 22:30 HIGH VALUES (ACROPHASE) (hr:min) SYSTOLIC BP (mmHg) DIASTOLIC BP (mmHg) 16.74 6.4-39.40 11.82 4.84-29.80 (MESOR) PREDICTABLE CHANGE HEART RATE (bpm) 113.5 98.4-135.1 64.4 60.3-87.2 76.2 56.4-91.2 19.44 5.26-36.20 15:59 11:48-17:40 16:18 11:08-16:48 15:03 11:44-17:20 DURING 24 HOURS HBI* 10-YEAR CUMULATIVE PERCENT TIME OF ELEVATION TIMING OF EXCESS 00:00 00:00 00:00 EXTENT OF EXCESS 0 0 0EXCESS 09 08 2008 17:01 0 0 0 STD (MIN; MAX)* STD (MIN; MAX)* STD (MIN; MAX)* 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Figure 4. Sphygmochron consisting of an upper parametric and a lower non-parametric part indicating absence of any chronobiologically detectable abnormality. © Halberg. 140 Timeplot of oscillometric readings of HHoe001a 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 7/28/08 7/30/08 8/1/08 8/3/08 8/5/08 8/7/08 8/9/08 8/11/08 Time (calendar date) BloodPressure(mmHg) 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 HeartRate(beats/min) SBP DBP HR Figure 5. Dense record around July 30 in Minnesota and interrupted record in August in Innsbruck. © Halberg. Results. When non-parametrically his circadian pattern is demonstrated by stacking data from different days at the same intended 48-hour timepoints, 30 min apart, of an idealized day, we obtain the curve in Figure 1, in which continuous lines show the limits of acceptability for systolic (S) BP, derived from clinically healthy peers matched by gender and age (1-3). We find that with the exception of one measurement, all SBP mean values are within these limits for HH. Figure 2 presents corresponding data on HH's diastolic (D) BP which again, with just 5 exceptions (vs. 43 acceptable values), is within the peer group limits. Figure 3 shows the acceptability of all but one HR mean out of 48. A summary for different days is shown for each of these three variables and from three other derived variables in Table 1, which shows the great variability of mean values from day to day for SBP from 106 to 123 mm Hg. Figure 4 shows a summary by sphygmochron. All parametric endpoints also show acceptability insofar as for the three variables summarized, the values are all within also-shown acceptable limits. We do not recommend the pattern of measurements that underlies this sphygmochron based on original data displayed in Figure 5. We do wish to emphasize that even a very severely handicapped professional can use the instrumentation and that, gaps notwithstanding, a tentative diagnosis of an acceptable BP can be postulated which in our experience, rather than being filled in by computations, is best complemented by an uninterrupted long record to look for infradian as well as circadian endpoints. 141 Table 1: Means, their ratios, and standard deviations of 6 vascular variables investigated Wakeup Time = 7:00 Bed Time = 23:00 Begin Day Time = 10:00 End Day Time = 20:00 Begin Night Time = 0:00 End Night Time = 6:00 Systolic Blood Pressure (SBP) Day 24-Hour Day Time Night Time DNR% N Mean StDev N Mean StDev N Mean StDev 1 43 109.37 15.91 18 111.78 9.55 13 98.77 8.23 11.89 2 45 113.56 21.47 19 126.74 19.95 12 95.67 15.27 27.36 3 55 122.58 17.46 29 124.14 15.66 12 116.50 17.15 6.23 4 49 106.06 12.53 12 103.42 4.96 6 117.83 11.16 -13.59 5 18 109.56 14.78 5 123.60 14.57 12 104.67 11.52 17.28 6 3 116.67 8.08 1 126.00 0.00 1 112.00 0.00 12.00 Overall 213 113.02 17.77 84 119.11 16.50 56 105.45 15.29 12.09 Diastolic Blood Pressure (DBP) Day 24-Hour Day Time Night Time DNR% N Mean StDev N Mean StDev N Mean StDev 1 43 60.88 11.99 18 62.72 5.93 13 52.92 3.84 16.09 2 45 65.69 14.98 19 73.00 14.09 12 56.33 17.27 25.37 3 55 69.24 12.52 29 71.83 12.31 12 60.50 10.26 16.36 4 49 59.06 9.10 12 60.17 6.00 6 69.33 9.69 -15.52 5 18 63.11 11.89 5 72.40 14.67 12 60.50 8.52 18.86 6 3 68.67 4.16 1 70.00 0.00 1 72.00 0.00 -2.91 Overall 213 63.93 12.69 84 68.49 11.97 56 59.00 11.53 14.84 Heart Rate (HR) Day 24-Hour Day Time Night Time DNR% N Mean StDev N Mean StDev N Mean StDev 1 43 72.47 16.80 18 84.44 12.30 13 55.08 4.97 40.53 2 45 79.49 21.27 19 84.00 19.93 12 68.75 17.19 19.19 3 55 77.11 14.43 29 81.14 14.46 12 71.17 11.52 12.93 4 49 72.88 16.32 12 81.33 17.96 6 82.83 9.60 -2.06 5 18 74.17 13.05 5 80.80 15.59 12 71.50 12.12 12.54 6 3 73.00 2.00 1 71.00 0.00 1 75.00 0.00 -5.48 Overall 213 75.39 16.87 84 82.38 15.68 56 68.30 14.07 18.67 Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) Day 24-Hour Day Time Night Time DNR% N Mean StDev N Mean StDev N Mean StDev 1 43 77.05 12.41 18 79.07 6.57 13 68.21 5.03 14.11 2 45 81.64 15.58 19 90.91 13.39 12 69.44 15.41 26.29 3 55 87.02 12.86 29 89.26 11.99 12 79.17 10.58 11.60 4 49 74.73 8.69 12 74.58 5.09 6 85.50 9.35 -14.61 5 18 78.59 11.87 5 89.47 14.46 12 75.22 7.61 18.12 6 3 84.67 4.37 1 88.67 0.00 1 85.33 0.00 3.94 Overall 213 80.30 13.17 84 85.36 12.19 56 74.48 11.41 13.55 142 Pulse Pressure (PP) Day 24-Hour Day Time Night Time DNR% N Mean StDev N Mean StDev N Mean StDev 1 43 48.49 10.87 18 49.06 6.91 13 45.85 5.64 6.62 2 45 47.87 16.49 19 53.74 19.64 12 39.33 13.26 30.09 3 55 53.35 13.52 29 52.31 13.27 12 56.00 15.93 -6.92 4 49 47.00 12.01 12 43.25 5.33 6 48.50 8.64 -11.17 5 18 46.44 10.84 5 51.20 4.82 12 44.17 12.49 15.14 6 3 48.00 8.00 1 56.00 0.00 1 40.00 0.00 33.33 Overall 213 49.09 13.26 84 50.62 13.02 56 46.45 12.81 8.50 Double Product (DP) Day 24-Hour Day Time Night Time DNR% N Mean StDev N Mean StDev N Mean StDev 1 43 79.50 22.43 18 93.99 13.41 13 54.35 6.37 49.86 2 45 89.90 26.73 19 103.61 15.61 12 65.95 20.24 41.89 3 55 93.99 19.93 29 100.22 19.14 12 82.44 15.99 18.92 4 49 77.67 20.81 12 84.33 19.82 6 97.74 15.64 -17.27 5 18 80.88 15.79 5 98.49 11.71 12 74.31 11.80 29.90 6 3 85.07 3.96 1 89.46 0.00 1 84.00 0.00 6.42 Overall 213 85.21 22.66 84 97.15 17.65 56 72.31 19.32 29.15 Discussion. The data and the analyses reveal that an active paraplegic can wear the cuff with the monitor during daily activities and during sleep at night. While for the first number of days of monitoring he noticed a reduction in the quality of sleep, he did remark that while active yet sitting, without having to move the wheelchair around, the measurement is not much of a burden. Again, one must not generalize from an exceptionally active and strong individual. It can be anticipated, however, that in the foreseeable future there will be a further simplification of the instrumentation needed for automatic ambulatory chronobiologically interpreted BP and HR monitoring. With such affordable instrumentation, medicine will change in keeping with an extended view (4, 5). The current view of health care is based on spotchecks in health care offices. An extended view will prevent us from flying blind by providing a view of variability and of any rules in that variability that reflect life as it may have evolved from the big bang, as a small part of the concomitantly evolving cosmos. In the health care of individuals, the view will be extended by a positive definition of health replacing health defined as the absence of disease. The endpoints from continued monitoring will be dynamic; already today they can detect prediabetes, prehypertension and a premetabolic syndrome (3, 6, 7). By the introduction of a sphygmochron in elementary and secondary education (8), their discussion for medical students will then become superfluous and will be replaced by analyses far beyond the sphygmochron here illustrated. Conclusion. A severely handicapped professional using chronobiologically interpreted BP monitoring, can manage to use the current available instrumentation (e.g., from A&D) to evaluate greatly changing variables automatically, even though he is restricted to a wheelchair. Such monitoring as a sine qua non extends the view and practice of health care by computer aided selfhelp, as an aspect of social medicine. 143 References 1. Halberg F, Cornélissen G, Wall D, Otsuka K, Halberg J, Katinas G, Watanabe Y, Halhuber M, Müller-Bohn T, Delmore P, Siegelova J, Homolka P, Fiser B, Dusek J, Sanchez de la Peña S, Maggioni C, Delyukov A, Gorgo Y, Gubin D, Carandente F, Schaffer E, Rhodus N, Borer K, Sonkowsky RP, Schwartzkopff O. Engineering and governmental challenge: 7-day/24-hour chronobiologic blood pressure and heart rate screening. Biomedical Instrumentation & Technology 2002: Part I, 36: 89-122; Part II, 36: 183-197. 2. Halberg F, Cornélissen G, Halberg J, Fink H, Chen C-H, Otsuka K, Watanabe Y, Kumagai Y, Syutkina EV, Kawasaki T, Uezono K, Zhao ZY, Schwartzkopff O. Circadian HyperAmplitude-Tension, CHAT: a disease risk syndrome of anti-aging medicine. J Anti-Aging Med 1998; 1: 239-259. (Editor's Note by Fossel M, p. 239.) 3. Cornélissen G, Halberg F, Otsuka K, Singh RB, Chen CH. Chronobiology predicts actual and proxy outcomes when dipping fails. Hypertension 2007; 49: 237-239. doi:10.1161/01.HYP.0000250392.51418.64. 4. Kofler WW. Progress in development of a comprehensive theory of a human person as a social being. Science without Borders, Transactions of the International Academy of Science H&E, 2003/2004; 1: 10-15. 5. Kofler WW. The need on a "critical extended evolution related view" of reality as a basis for an "extended view" of health. Science without Borders, Transactions of the International Academy of Science H&E, 2003/2004; 1: 27-54. 6. Halberg F, Cornélissen G, Halberg J, Schwartzkopff O. Pre-hypertensive and other variabilities also await treatment. Am J Medicine 2007; 120: e19-e20. doi:10.1016/j.amjmed.2006.02.045. 7. Gupta AK, Greenway FL, Cornélissen G, Pan W, Halberg F. Prediabetes is associated with abnormal circadian blood pressure variability. J Human Hypertension 2008; 22: 627-633. doi:10:1038/jhh.2008.32. 8. Halberg F, Smith HN, Cornélissen G, Delmore P, Schwartzkopff O, International BIOCOS Group. Hurdles to asepsis, universal literacy, and chronobiology—all to be overcome. Neuroendocrinol Lett 2000; 21: 145-160. Support GM-13981 (FH), University of Minnesota Supercomputing Institute (GC, FH), MSM 0021622402 144 C-ABPM reveals solar cis-halfyear and transyear signatures in human diastolic blood pressure George S. Katinas1 , Franz Halberg1 , Germaine Cornélissen1 , Salvador Sanchez de la Peña2 , Jerzy Czaplicki3 , Jarmila Siegelova4 and the BIOCOS project 1 Halberg Chronobiology Center, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA 2 Chronomic Res. Center, Escuela Nacional de Medicina y Homeopatía-IPN, Mexico City, Mexico 3 Institute of Pharmacology and Structural Biology, CNRS UMR 5089, Toulouse, France 4 Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic Aim. To seek in human diastolic (D) blood pressure (BP) a theoretically predicted solar beat period (1) which was amply documented in physics (2-11) and in biomedicine (12-20). Subject, method and background. GSK, a physician-scientist, 72 years of age at the start of automatic, chronobiologically interpreted ambulatory BP monitoring (C-ABPM) with few gaps around the clock for >10 years (from March 31, 1998, to June 29, 2007), used a TM-2421 instrument from A&D (Tokyo, Japan). Analyses were by extended cosinor that had already revealed the cis-half-year in sudden cardiac death in some but not in all geographic regions tested (12-14). Earlier studies had also revealed spectral components with a period, , longer than a calendar year, dubbed transyears (12-20). Results. In the spectral window of data of GSK, now covering a decade, a predicted ~0.422year component was a peak, as were a far-transyear of 1.202-year length and a near-transyear. Discussion. Several medical scientists and opinion leaders have self-measured their BP systematically a sufficient number of times a day for chronomic (time structural) analyses, from the time of encountering chronobiology until their death (21, 22); they set an example for others who also may not wish to base treatment on single spotchecks in a health care office. Cosinorinterpreted self-measurements, advocated by many long ago (23), while helpful and currently gaining access into practice, were not readily feasible, however, without a noteworthy interruption of activities during waking and (what matters more) disturbance of sleep (24). New, relatively unobtrusive instrumentation now makes C-ABPM possible and cost-effective and will save lives. Illustrative results and problems encountered in as-one-goes self-surveys, among others (25), by GSK (26) have been published. GSK's thorough record also revealed that both MESORhypertension and CHAT (circadian hyper-amplitude-tension) can be intermittent conditions even under treatment, and treatment is best adjusted based on monitoring, rather than "flying blind" (27). Since an ~0.42-year and a transyear had been predicted based on theory about beat periods of solar rotations (1), and had been found not only in solar-terrestrial physics but also in biology, we anticipated such a period, and indeed found it in GSK. Conclusion. Monitoring blood pressure and heart rate for health care can also serve transdisciplinary science, seeking signatures of the sun's activity in the biosphere. 1. Wolff CL. The rotational spectrum of g-modes in the sun. Astrophys J 1983; 264: 667-676. 2. Rieger A, Share GH, Forrest DJ, Kanbach G, Reppin C, Chupp EL. A 154-day periodicity in the occurrence of hard solar flares? Nature 1984; 312: 623-625. 3. Bogart RS, Bai T. Confirmation of a 152-day periodicity in the occurrence of solar flares inferred from microwave data. Astrophys J 1985; 299: L51-L55. 4. Bai T, Cliver EW. A 154 day periodicity in the occurrence rate of photon flares. Astrophys J 1990; 363: 299-309. 145 5. Bai T, Sturrock PA. Evidence for a fundamental period of the sun and its relation to the 154 day complex of periodicities. Astrophys J 1993; 409: 476-486. 6. Kile JN, Cliver EW. A search for the 154 day periodicity in the occurrence rate of solar flares using Ottawa 2.8 GHz burst data, 1955-1990. Astrophys J 1991; 370: 442-448. 7. Oliver R, Ballester JL. Short-term periodicities in sunspot areas during solar cycle 22. Solar Physics 1995; 156: 145-155. 8. Carbonell M, Ballester JL. The periodic behaviour of solar activity: the near 155-day periodicity in sunspot areas. Astron Astrophys 1992; 255: 350-362. 9. Kiplinger AL, Dennis BR, Orwig LE. Detection of a 158-day periodicity in the solar hard Xray flare rate. Bull Am Astronom Soc 1984; 16: 891. 10. Ballester JL, Oliver R, Carbonell M. The near 160 day periodicity in the photospheric magnetic flux. Astrophys J 2002; 566: 505-511. 11. Ballester JL, Oliver R, Carbonell M. Return of the near 160 day periodicity in the photospheric magnetic flux during solar cycle 23. Astrophys J 2004; 615: L173-L176. 12. Halberg F, Cornélissen G, Katinas G, Tvildiani L, Gigolashvili M, Janashia K, Toba T, Revilla M, Regal P, Sothern RB, Wendt HW, Wang ZR, Zeman M, Jozsa R, Singh RB, Mitsutake G, Chibisov SM, Lee J, Holley D, Holte JE, Sonkowsky RP, Schwartzkopff O, Delmore P, Otsuka K, Bakken EE, Czaplicki J, International BIOCOS Group. Chronobiology's progress: season's appreciations 2004-2005. Time-, frequency-, phase-, variable-, individual-, age- and site-specific chronomics. J Applied Biomedicine 2006; 4: 1- 38. http://www.zsf.jcu.cz/vyzkum/jab/4_1/halberg.pdf 13. Cornélissen G, Schnaiter D, Halberg F, Mitsutake G, Otsuka K, Fiser B, Siegelova J, Jozsa R, Olah A, Bakken EE, Chibisov S (presenter). A cis-half-year characterizes the incidence of sudden cardiac death also in and near Austria. In: Proceedings, International Symposium, Problems of ecological and physiological adaptation, People's Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, 30-31 Jan 2007. Moscow: People's Friendship University of Russia; 2007. p. 545-551. Cf. also p. 542-545. 14. Hamamatsu A, Cornélissen G, Otsuka Ku, Halberg F, Chibisov S (presenter). Linearnonlinear rhythmometry documents a transyear and a cishalfyear in sudden cardiac death (ICD 10, code I46.1) in Tokyo. In: Proceedings, International Symposium, Problems of ecological and physiological adaptation, People's Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, 30-31 Jan 2007. Moscow: People's Friendship University of Russia; 2007. p. 542-545. 15. Cornélissen G, Masalov A, Halberg F, Richardson JD, Katinas GS, Sothern RB, Watanabe Y, Syutkina EV, Wendt HW, Bakken EE, Romanov Y. Multiple resonances among time structures, chronomes, around and in us. Is an about 1.3-year periodicity in solar wind built into the human cardiovascular chronome? Human Physiology 2004; 30 (2): 86-92. 16. Cornélissen G, Halberg F, Rostagno C, Otsuka K. A chronomic approach to cardiac arrhythmia and sudden cardiac death. The Autonomic Nervous System 2007; 44: 251-254. 17. Mikulecky M, Florida PL. Daily birth numbers in Davao, Philippines, 1993-2003: Halberg's transyear stronger than year. Abstract, 26th Seminar, Man in His Terrestrial and Cosmic Environment, Upice, Czech Republic, May 17-19, 2005. 18. Mikulecky M. Reanalyza natality v jizni brazilii -- opet dominuje Halbergova parasezonalita: International Conference on the Frontiers of Biomedical Science: Chronobiology, Chengdu, China, September 24-26, 2006, p. 188-193. 19. Kovac M, Mikulecky M. Secular rhythms and Halberg's paraseasonality in the time occurrence of cerebral stroke. Bratisl Lek Listy 2005; 106 (2): 423-427. 146 20. Kovac M, Mikulecky M. Time sequence of epileptic attacks from the point of view of possible lunisolar connections. International Conference on the Frontiers of Biomedical Science: Chronobiology, Chengdu, China, September 24-26, 2006, p. 175-179. 21. Levine H, Halberg F. Circadian rhythms of the circulatory system. Literature review. Computerized case study of transmeridian flight and medication effects on a mildly hypertensive subject. U.S. Air Force Report SAM-TR-72-3. Brooks AFB, Texas: USAF School of Aerospace Medicine, Aerospace Medical Division (AFSC); April 1972. 64 pp. 22. Bartter FC, Delea CS, Baker W, Halberg F, Lee JK. Chronobiology in the diagnosis and treatment of mesor-hypertension. Chronobiologia 1976; 3: 199-213. 23. Halberg F, Johnson EA, Nelson W, Runge W, Sothern R. Autorhythmometry—procedures for physiologic self-measurements and their analysis. Physiol Tchr 1972; 1: 1-11. 24. Stinson SM, Cornélissen G, Scarpelli PT, Halberg F. Self-measurement and ambulatory monitoring of blood pressure: a subject's chronobiological perspective. Biomed & Pharmacother 2002; 56 (Suppl 2): 333s-338s. 25. Halberg F, Cornélissen G, Schack B, Wendt HW, Minne H, Sothern RB, Watanabe Y, Katinas G, Otsuka K, Bakken EE. Blood pressure self-surveillance for health also reflects 1.3-year Richardson solar wind variation: spin-off from chronomics. Biomed & Pharmacother 2003; 57 (Suppl 1): 58s-76s. 26. Katinas GS, Cornélissen G, Otsuka K, Haus E, Bakken EE, Halberg F. Why continued surveillance? Intermittent blood pressure and heart rate abnormality under treatment. Biomed & Pharmacother 2005; 59 (Suppl 1): S141-S151. 27. Fossel M. Editor's Note (to Halberg F, Cornélissen G, Halberg J, Fink H, Chen C-H, Otsuka K, Watanabe Y, Kumagai Y, Syutkina EV, Kawasaki T, Uezono K, Zhao ZY, Schwartzkopff O. Circadian Hyper-Amplitude-Tension, CHAT: a disease risk syndrome of anti-aging medicine. J Anti-Aging Med 1998; 1: 239-259). J Anti-Aging Med 1998; 1: 239. Support GM-13981 (FH), University of Minnesota Supercomputing Institute (GC, FH), MSM 0021622402 147 Pain and the cardiovascular system revisited in a long-term monitoring George S. Katinas1 , Germaine Cornélissen1 , Franz Halberg1 , Salvador Sanchez de la Peña2 , Jerzy Czaplicki3 , Jarmila Siegelova4 and the greater BIOCOS project 1 Halberg Chronobiology Center, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA 2 Chronomic Res. Center, Escuela Nacional de Medicina y Homeopatía-IPN, Mexico City, Mexico 3 Institute of Pharmacology and Structural Biology, CNRS UMR 5089, Toulouse, France 4 Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic We report a perhaps individualized threshold in pain-associated systolic (S) and diastolic (D) blood pressure (BP) elevation and the lack of a corresponding increase, instead a decrease in heart rate (HR) in the case of an elderly man (GSK) with MESOR-hypertension (1). He used the TM- 2421 ambulatory monitor manufactured by A&D (Tokyo, Japan), recording BP and HR at halfhour intervals around the clock with very few interruptions, by now for over 10 years, so that an unusually thorough objective assessment is possible. The data in Figures 1-3 show first a gradual and an abrupt increase in pain, quantified as-one-goes along a scale of 1-10 and an apparently differing response of BP and HR. A threshold for BP elevation with pain is apparent in GSK for BP and HR. HR may respond with a lowering rather than an increase. The responses to pain are abrupt, but subside in response to physical therapy. A BP decrease with a lowering of pain is seen for SBP and DBP and an increase for HR. Conceivably, BP monitoring during painful procedures may provide an objective measure of response, and may deserve further testing in gauging the extent of physical intervention and the response to physical and other therapy on groups, even when such studies are noted for the given individual, in case the macroscopic changes described herein await further quantification by parameter tests (2) and cumulative sum control charts (3). Figure 1. Gradual increase in pain is not associated with an increase in blood pressure (BP) up to an abrupt pain increase associated with an abrupt increase in systolic (S) BP which quickly responds to a lowering of pain by return of SBP to pre-pain values, in response to physical therapy in an elderly man, GSK. © Halberg. 148 Figure 2. Diastolic blood pressure (DBP) response to pain and to physical therapy in an elderly man, GSK. © Halberg. Figure 3. Changes in heart rate (HR) in response to pain and physical therapy in an elderly man, GSK. © Halberg. 1. Katinas GS, Cornélissen G, Otsuka K, Haus E, Bakken EE, Halberg F. Why continued surveillance? Intermittent blood pressure and heart rate abnormality under treatment. Biomed & Pharmacother 2005; 59 (Suppl 1): S141-S151. 2. Bingham C, Arbogast B, Cornélissen Guillaume G, Lee JK, Halberg F. Inferential statistical methods for estimating and comparing cosinor parameters. Chronobiologia 1982; 9: 397-439. 3. Cornélissen G, Halberg F, Hawkins D, Otsuka K, Henke W. Individual assessment of antihypertensive response by self-starting cumulative sums. J Medical Engineering & Technology 1997; 21: 111-120. Support GM-13981 (FH), University of Minnesota Supercomputing Institute (GC, FH), MSM 0021622402 149 HARM VS. BENEFIT FROM LOSARTAN WITH HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE AT DIFFERENT CIRCADIAN TIMES IN MESOR-HYPERTENSION OR CHAT Yoshihiko Watanabe*§, Germaine Cornélissen•, Franz Halberg•, Larry Beaty•, Jarmila Siegelova‡, Kuniaki Otsuka§, Earl E. Bakken¶ *Department of Sports Medicine, School of Sports Sciences, Waseda University, Tokorozama, Saitawa, Japan §Department of Medicine, Tokyo Women's Medical University, Medical Center East, Tokyo, Japan •Halberg Chronobiology Center, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA ‡Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic ¶North Hawaii Community Hospital Inc., Kamuela, Hawaii, USA Abstract. Two new male patients, Sa, 65 years of age, with MESOR-hypertension (MH), and Su, 66 years of age, with circadian hyper-amplitude-tension, CHAT, were studied by chronobiologically interpreted automatic ambulatory blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR) with 7-day/24-hour monitoring monitoring, C-ABPM 7/24. The last 7 days of a no-hypotensivetreatment (Rx) span were monitored [1)] and compared with C-ABPM 7/24 for effects on BP and HR at the end of several weeks on 50 mg Losartan -- (L) [2)] followed by L with 12.5 mg hydrochlorothiazide (L+H) [3)] -- both 2. and 3. at breakfast and then on a set of 5 differently timed treatment spans on L+H, administered (to approach 5 different circadian stages) upon awakening or 3, 6, 9 or 12 hours after awakening [4)-8)]. At the end of each L+H Rx stage, and earlier at the end of no Rx or L only at breakfast or L+H only at breakfast, BP was also monitored for 7 days (C-ABPM). Circadian characteristics were assessed by cosinor on each day's data and compared among the 5 Rx times by a 1-way analysis of variance. A circadian rhythm characterized the responses of the MESOR (M) and circadian amplitude (A) of systolic (S) and diastolic (D) BP and of pulse pressure (PP) of Su and the response of SBP-M and DBP-M of Sa. In Su, the effect was desired at the two late test times (9 and 12 hours after awakening) but at 3 earlier test times, the circadian overswing was actually increased. The effect of L+H in the morning in Su was harmful; in the evening beneficial. Such undesirable effects are currently not picked up in data that are not collected and/or analyzed chronobiologically. Care providers who collect data that do not lend themselves to a chronobiologic analysis or refrain from using C-ABPM, offered cost-free by BIOCOS, may in very many people unintentionally induce a risk greater than a high BP, and hence may do harm. Ignorance is no excuse, certainly not in the face of a series of prior consensus meetings advocating an indispensable chronobiologic approach in keeping with "first do no harm" (1). Introduction. Chronobiologically interpreted ambulatory blood pressure (BP) monitoring (C-ABPM) underlies an individualized approach for reliably diagnosing vascular variability disorders, VVDs, such as MESOR-hypertension (MH), or CHAT, short for circadian hyperamplitude-tension (1, 2) or an above-threshold pulse pressure, and once the diagnosis is ascertained, C-ABPM is best continued for finding the appropriate timing for the administration of non-drug or drug treatment. By a C-ABPM one may avoid harm due to timing that escapes notice in current practice, but if detected can be readily corrected, sometimes only by changing the timing of drug administration. Background. For 240 mg of diltiazem, a change of treatment from 08:30 to 04:30 reduced both the MESOR and the circadian amplitude (3). CHAT, associated with sotalol 80 mg given 150 twice daily, can be avoided by omitting the evening dose (4). More generally, a long series of studies in the laboratory shows gains from chronotherapy summarized in Table 1. Subjects and methods. For the patients investigated, the schedule of monitoring with a device (TM-2421 or TM-2430) for ambulatory monitoring from A&D (Tokyo, Japan) and their laboratory determinations are shown in Tables 2 and 3. Methods of analysis are given with their results in Tables 4-6 and in Figures 1-12. Results. Figure 1 illustrates for SBP that the kinds of time series investigated cannot be readily quantified and compared by the unaided eye, just as most cells are not seen without microscopes. Figures 2 and 3 show results for the SBP M and A, analyzed in Figure 4: both effects (upon M and upon A) are circadian rhythmic. Figures 2 and 3 also show that the SBP MESOR had been lowered at all test times by L+H, but not the circadian amplitude. What is most important, at 3 of the 5 treatment times, CHAT, a risk of stroke greater than a high BP (2), is exacerbated rather than reduced. Figures 5-7 show results for Su's DBP M and A and a rhythm is again present, indicating that treatment can and should be optimized by timing. Figures 8-10 summarize the statistically significant circadian rhythms in the response of the SBP-M of patient Sa and one of lesser (borderline) statistical significance in Sa's SBP-A. Sa's DBP-M also responds rhythmically to L+H, as seen in Figure 11, as does the pulse pressure of Su but not of Sa in Figure 12. Discussion. The failure of current health care to diagnose and treat risks greater than that of MH such as a 7-day CHAT (1) -- that may need only a change in the timing of medication to be eliminated (1-6) and that can be exacerbated by unmonitored and/or chronobiologically uninterpreted treatment -- can be compared historically with the resistance to antisepsis and asepsis (7). We paraphrase Oliver Wendell Holmes, who had recognized the problem of puerperal fever before Semmelweis and Lister (8) did, and hope that chronomic facts (Holmes referred to "medical logic"), will be further checked, considered and taught in modern-day schools (9, 10). A single office BP measurement is no longer regarded as reliable by opinion leaders (11), and even an around-the-clock profile (1) cannot reliably detect a VVD, nor can a day-night ratio do equally so with statistical significance in the light of outcomes (12-16). An international project on The BIOsphere and the COSmos, BIOCOS (17), provides participants with an 80% reduction in the purchase price of automatic monitors of BP and HR for ambulatory use and with chronomic analyses in the light of an accumulating reference data base, qualified by gender and age in exchange for the data. Some readers may use this opportunity for their own health care and/or that of their family, friends and acquaintances. Some may decide to monitor themselves in the long term for basic science as well. Treatments at different times are not equivalent. Just as does the marker rhythm of tumor temperature in the treatment of cancer, Table 1 (18), C-ABPM offers an opportunity for increasing therapeutic benefit and preventing harm. Moreover, C-ABPM allows 1. an optimal diagnosis, 2. optimal timing and 3. an ongoing check of treatment effects and 4. indications for change when needed. 151 TowardIndividualizedChronotherapyofCircadianHyper-Amplitude-Tension(CHAT) SystolicBloodPressure(mmHg)(M,66y)DiastolicBloodPressure(mmHg) 0 50 100 150 200 250 11/2811/2911/3012/0112/0212/0312/0412/0512/0 No Treatment0 30 60 90 120 150 180 11/2811/2911/3012/0112/0212/0312/0412/0512/ 0 50 100 150 200 250 12/2612/2712/2812/2912/3012/3101/0101/0201/0 Lat Breakfast 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 12/2612/2712/2812/2912/3012/3101/0101/0201/ 0 50 100 150 200 250 01/2301/2401/2501/2601/2701/2801/2901/3001/3 L+Hat Breakfast 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 01/2301/2401/2501/2601/2701/2801/2901/3001/ 0 50 100 150 200 250 03/1203/1303/1403/1503/1603/1703/1803/1903/2 L+Hat Awakening 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 03/1203/1303/1403/1503/1603/1703/1803/1903/ 0 50 100 150 200 250 04/1604/1704/1804/1904/2004/2104/2204/2304/2 L+H 3hafter Awakening0 30 60 90 120 150 180 04/1604/1704/1804/1904/2004/2104/2204/2304/ 0 50 100 150 200 250 06/0406/0506/0606/0706/0806/0906/1006/1106/1 L+H 6hafter Awakening0 30 60 90 120 150 180 06/0406/0506/0606/0706/0806/0906/1006/1106/ 0 50 100 150 200 250 07/0907/1007/1107/1207/1307/1407/1507/1607 L+H 9hafter Awakening0 30 60 90 120 150 180 07/0907/1007/1107/1207/1307/1407/1507/1607/ 0 50 100 150 200 250 08/0608/0708/0808/0908/1008/1108/1208/1308 L+H 12hafter Awakening0 30 60 90 120 150 180 08/0608/0708/0808/0908/1008/1108/1208/1308/ Figure1.OriginaldataofSu,amalepatient66yearsofage,withCHAT(circadianhyper-amplitude-tension)before(ontop)andaftertreatment(Rx)with50mgofLosartan(L) aloneorLwith12.5mgofhydrochlorothiazide(L+H),atbreakfastinthesecondandthirdrows,respectively.Thenext5rowsshowdatawithRxatawakeningandat3,6,9and 12hoursthereafter.Albeitnotshown,similardataforothervariablesofthesamepatientandforanothermalepatient,Sa,65yearsofage,werealsoobtained.7-daycosine curveswerefittedtoalldatafrombothpatients,butasinglevalueforeach,theMESOR,M,andamplitude,A,fromthefittothe7-dayseriesasawholedidnotallowdetectionof thecircadianorcircaseptanrhythmstage-dependenceoftheresponsewhetherevaluatedbyANOVAorasinglecosinor(notshown).Asummaryofseparatefitsofa24-hour cosinetoeach24-hour(ratherthanasingle168-hour)datasectionsufficedtogetstatisticallysignificantresults,obtainedfromtestsofthezeroAassumption(wheneachtime seriesinthelastweekofoneofthe5treatmenttimesyielded7separatedailyMsandAs).Similarcalculationsforacircaseptanresponsewouldrequiredataover7ormore circaseptancycles.©Halberg. 152 Figure 2. All treatments with Losartan (L) 50 mg and hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 mg lowered circadian systolic blood pressure MESOR at all test times in analyses in Figure 4, but this response was not quantitatively the same, Tables 4 and 5 and Figure 4. © Halberg. Chronomic (time-structural) surveillance starts with a chronobiologically interpreted 7-day around-the-clock record (C-ABPM) which (until affordable automatic monitors become available for everybody's continuous surveillance) suffices only to rule out, but not to rule in and to treat a VVD. When the 7-day record is repeatedly abnormal and confirms the VVD, it serves to recognize and treat any risk elevation as well as overt disease, but again not blindly. Monitoring is to be continued to ascertain whether and, if so, for how long treatment effects last, be it for lowering an increased risk and/or in surveilling the success or failure of BP M or A lowering or raising, as need be. Once longitudinal records are available, statistical inference can be obtained for the individual patient by means of parameter tests (19) and by sequential testing such as that by the self-starting cumulative control chart (20). An initial decline in M coincides with the start of treatment (21 and Figure 15 therein). Relying on an N-of-1 chronobiologic pilot design, treatment time in relation to clock-time was then advanced by 4 hours, initially every 17 days, and at shorter intervals thereafter. Rx at 12:00 was associated with a reversal of the up-to-then continuous decrease. For that subject, TT in (21), treatment in the evening was associated with an elevation in the circadian amplitude of BP. It is clear that treatment has to be individualized when in Su treatment in the morning elevated the 153 Figure 3. Very different responses to treatments with Losartan (L) 50 mg and hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 mg of the circadian amplitude of patient Su's blood pressure, analyzed in Table 5 and Figure 4. © Halberg. amplitude, inducing or exacerbating CHAT, while treatment in the evening eliminated CHAT. Such an increase in circadian amplitude of BP may induce iatrogenic CHAT in many other, possibly millions of patients, thereby increasing cardiovascular disease risk unknowingly. Against this background, it must be re-emphasized that in Su, who had (mild) CHAT to start with, treatment with L+H exacerbated CHAT in the morning, but not when the same dose was given in the evening, Figures 4 and 7 (cf. also 21 for the difference in patient TT). We must not generalize, but individualize by monitoring, so that we do not fly blind (22) to the possibility that by eliminating the lower risk of MH, we acquire the higher risk of CHAT. The large risk of CHAT is illustrated elsewhere (6 and Figure 2 IIA-C therein). It was shown in another study that switching the timing of medication every day was too fast a schedule (23). In the present study, the intervals between spans of treatment at different clock-hours were of several weeks, and only the last week was monitored. During this final monitoring week, there were trends, Table 6. The asone-goes weekly analysis of the monitoring may be used for deciding on the interval between changes in medication, while also accounting for trends (21). In the case of Su and Sa, a week's monitoring after several weeks on the drug has allowed the detection of response rhythms. Shorter yet uninterrupted monitoring, e.g., with initial changes every 17 days, has also worked (21) and when a first cycle of treatments is repeated to once more reascertain the best time, the interval between changes may be shortened (21). Conclusion. The monitoring of Su and Sa and much earlier background information should suffice to recommend that any patient on treatment for high BP should be monitored to find out the best treatment, apart from ruling out that other VVDs are not traded for a lower BP average. 154 Chronotherapy Individualized by Monitoring of a Patient (Su, M, 66y) with Circadian Overswing (CHAT*) Finds Best Treatment Times for Lowering both MESOR (top) and an Excessive Circadian Amplitude (bottom) 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 00:00 03:00 06:00 09:00 12:00 15:00 18:00 21:00 00:00 Treatment Time (hours from awakening, AW) SBP-M(mmHg) 1-way ANOVA: F=9.225; P<0.001 Cosinor: PR=43%; P<0.001 AW +3h +6h +9h +12h Treatment Effect No Treatment Upper limit of acceptability for SBP-M based on clinically healthy peers matched by gender and age 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 00:00 03:00 06:00 09:00 12:00 15:00 18:00 21:00 00:00 Treatment Time (hours from awakening, AW) SBP-A(mmHg) 1-way ANOVA: F=5.666; P=0.002 Cosinor: PR=32%; P=0.002 AW +3h +6h +9h +12h No Treatment: CHAT diagnosed Treatment Effect CHAT exacerbated CHAT eliminated Upper limit of acceptability for SBP-A based on clinically healthy peers matched by gender and age HARM BENEFIT * CHAT: Circadian Hyper-Amplitude-Tension, a vascular variability disorder. Bottom: Note that a treatment can be useful when given in the evening, but is actually harmful when taken on awakening and later in the morning, when it exarcerbates CHAT, a condition that carries a risk of morbid events greater than an elevated mean value of blood pressure. Figure 4. Monitoring of patient Su reveals for his systolic blood pressure a good time for both a hypotensive effect and a lowering of an excessive circadian amplitude by treatments with Losartan (L) 50 mg and hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 mg when medication is taken 9 or 12 hours after awakening. Note from the lower graph on amplitude, A, that the same treatment given on awakening or 3 or 5 hours thereafter can actually do harm, further raising an already elevated circadian A. Neither CHAT nor the effect of treatment upon this condition are conventionally detectable in office visits and escape a 24-hour profile as well when it is 155 not interpreted in the light of chronobiologic reference standards, and even when it is so interpreted, the record is not long enough to rule out a transient abnormality that may be only a physiological response. Changing the timing of medication during consecutive spans shows differences in the efficacy of treatment. An empirical approach to chronotherapy, here implemented immediately after diagnosis, should ascertain that the treatment is effective and not harmful. Optimization of treatment effects by timing can be achieved for the individual patient by systematically changing, e.g. advancing the clock-hour of treatment on a standardized routine of activity and sleep. Successful treatment of MESORhypertension assessed by a self-starting cumulative sum (control) chart was aimed earlier to optimize hypotensive treatment for a then-just-diagnosed 24-year-old individual (TT) who switched his Rx first every 17 days by 4 hours and then mostly at shorter intervals. A statistically significant decrease in MESOR was indicated by the breakout outside the decision interval of a negative (CUSUM) line (21). With continued Rx, the blood pressure MESOR leaves the decision interval, indicating a statistically significant decrease in overall blood pressure. At a certain timepoint, the amplitude is increased, and this can be immediately detected by CABPM with CUSUM when monitoring is continuous, as shown elsewhere (17 and Figures 15 and 16 therein). © Halberg. Figure 5. All treatments with Losartan (L) 50 mg and hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 mg lower the MESOR of patient Su's diastolic blood pressure but again not equally, Table 5. In this patient, treatment in the evening lowers the excessive SBP amplitude. © Halberg. 156 Figure 6. Treatments with Losartan (L) 50 mg and hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 mg affect the circadian amplitude, A, of diastolic blood pressure of patient Su in different ways, raising the high normal amplitude further, at 3 hours after awakening, including CHAT, vs. lowering the A as desired (see Table 5) when the same dose is given in the evening. © Halberg. 65 70 75 80 85 90 00:00 03:00 06:00 09:00 12:00 15:00 18:00 21:00 00:00 Time (hours from awakening) DBP-M(mmHg) 1-way ANOVA: F=8.447; P<0.001 Cosinor: PR=40%; P<0.001 AW +3h +6h +9h +12h Treatment Effect No Treatment Upper limit of acceptability for DBP-M based on clinically healthy peers matched by gender and age 0 4 8 12 16 20 00:00 03:00 06:00 09:00 12:00 15:00 18:00 21:00 00:00 Time (hours from awakening) DBP-A(mmHg) 1-way ANOVA: F=5.589; P=0.002 Cosinor: PR=38%; P<0.001 AW +3h +6h +9h +12h No Treatment Treatment Effect Iatrogenic CHAT CHAT eliminated Upper limit of acceptability for DBP-A based on clinically healthy peers matched by gender and age Figure 7. Patient Su: Effects of Losartan (L) 50 mg and hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 mg upon the diastolic blood pressure MESOR and amplitude show a very great circadian time-dependence, whether by analysis of variance or cosinor (P<0.001). A MESORhypotensive effect is greater 9 and 12 hours after awakening than at earlier times in the day, and CHAT at these times is eliminated while it was induced with the same treatment taken 3 hours after awakening. © Halberg. 157 Figure 8. All treatments with Losartan (L) 50 mg and hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 mg lower the systolic blood pressure M of patient Sa (Tables 4 and 5). © Halberg. Figure 9. Along the 24-hour time scale, there are differences in the response to Losartan (L) 50 mg and hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 mg of the circadian amplitude of patient Sa's systolic blood pressure. A marked circadian blood pressure response rhythm is of borderline statistical significance (Table 4). © Halberg. 158 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 00:00 03:00 06:00 09:00 12:00 15:00 18:00 21:00 00:00 Time (hours from awakening) SBP-M(mmHg) 1-way ANOVA: F=3.135; P=0.029 Cosinor: PR=25%; P=0.012 AW +3h +6h +9h +12h Treatment Effect No Treatment: MESOR-hypertension diagnosed Upper limit of acceptability for SBP-M based on clinically healthy peers matched by gender and age 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 00:00 03:00 06:00 09:00 12:00 15:00 18:00 21:00 00:00 Time (hours from awakening) SBP-A(mmHg) 1-way ANOVA: F=2.829; P=0.043 Cosinor: PR=15%; P=0.075 AW +3h +6h +9h +12h Treatment Effect No Treatment Upper limit of acceptability for SBP-A based on clinically healthy peers matched by gender and age Figure 10. Patient Su: A cosinor and an analysis of variance show a circadian periodic response of the systolic MESOR to Losartan (L) 50 mg and hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 mg. The analysis of variance also shows a difference in response of the circadian amplitude of systolic blood pressure of patient Sa. © Halberg. 65 70 75 80 85 90 00:00 03:00 06:00 09:00 12:00 15:00 18:00 21:00 00:00 Time (hours from awakening) DBP-M(mmHg) 1-way ANOVA: F=5.013; P=0.003 Cosinor: PR=33%; P=0.002 AW +3h +6h +9h +12h Treatment Effect No Treatment Upper limit of acceptability for DBP-M based on clinically healthy peers matched by gender and age 0 3 6 9 12 15 00:00 03:00 06:00 09:00 12:00 15:00 18:00 21:00 00:00 Time (hours from awakening) DBP-A(mmHg) 1-way ANOVA: F=0.785; P=0.544 Cosinor: PR=8%; P=0.295 AW +3h +6h +9h +12h Treatment Effect No Treatment Upper limit of acceptability for DBP-A based on clinically healthy peers matched by gender and age Figure 11. Patient Sa. A cosinor and an analysis of variance show a circadian periodic response of the systolic MESOR to Losartan (L) 50 mg and hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 mg. The analysis of variance also shows a difference in response of the circadian amplitude of systolic blood pressure of patient Sa. © Halberg. 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 00:00 03:00 06:00 09:00 12:00 15:00 18:00 21:00 00:00 Time (hours from awakening) PP(mmHg) 1-way ANOVA: F=4.756; P=0.004 Cosinor: PR=3%; P=0.605 AW +3h +6h +9h +12h Treatment Effect No Treatment Upper limit of acceptability for PP Fitted cosine curve 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 00:00 03:00 06:00 09:00 12:00 15:00 18:00 21:00 00:00 Time (hours from awakening) PP(mmHg) 1-way ANOVA: F=7.258; P<0.001 Cosinor: PR=32%; P=0.002 AW +3h +6h +9h +12h Treatment Effect No Treatment Upper limit of acceptability for PP Figure 12. Patient Sa (left) and patient Su (right): Losartan 50 mg combined with hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 mg reduce, with circadian stage dependence, a somewhat elevated pulse pressure which is still within the physiologic range for patient Sa, with a time effect validated by ANOVA (top), but no rhythm is seen by cosinor. There is again a statistically highly significant circadian response rhythm in pulse pressure, validated by cosinor and ANOVA for patient Su, with circadian hyper-amplitude-tension (bottom half). © Halberg. 159 1. Halberg F, Cornélissen G, International Womb-to-Tomb Chronome Initiative Group: Resolution from a meeting of the International Society for Research on Civilization Diseases and the Environment (New SIRMCE Confederation), Brussels, Belgium, March 17-18, 1995: Fairy tale or reality ? Medtronic Chronobiology Seminar #8, April 1995, 12 pp. text, 18 figures. URL http://www.msi.umn.edu/~halberg/ 2. Cornélissen G, Delcourt A, Toussaint G, Otsuka K, Watanabe Y, Siegelova J, Fiser B, Dusek J, Homolka P, Singh RB, Kumar A, Singh RK, Sanchez S, Gonzalez C, Holley D, Sundaram B, Zhao Z, Tomlinson B, Fok B, Zeman M, Dulkova K, Halberg F. Opportunity of detecting pre-hypertension: worldwide data on blood pressure overswinging. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 2005; 59 (Suppl 1): S152-S157. 3. Halberg F, Cornélissen G, Wall D, Otsuka K, Halberg J, Katinas G, Watanabe Y, Halhuber M, Müller-Bohn T, Delmore P, Siegelova J, Homolka P, Fiser B, Dusek J, Sanchez de la Peña S, Maggioni C, Delyukov A, Gorgo Y, Gubin D, Carandente F, Schaffer E, Rhodus N, Borer K, Sonkowsky RP, Schwartzkopff O. Engineering and governmental challenge: 7day/24-hour chronobiologic blood pressure and heart rate screening. Biomedical Instrumentation & Technology 2002: Part I, 36: 89-122; Part II, 36: 183-197. 4. Shinagawa M, Kubo Y, Otsuka K, Ohkawa S, Cornélissen G, Halberg F. Impact of circadian amplitude and chronotherapy: relevance to prevention and treatment of stroke. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 2001; 55 (Suppl 1): 125s-132s. 5. Kumagai Y, Cornélissen G, Fujimura A, Halberg F, Kharlitskaya EV, Ikonomov O, Blagonravov ML, Chibisov SM, Radysh IV. Chronotherapy of vascular variability disorders: a challenge for the clinic. Proceedings, 1st International Workshop, Physiology of adaptation and quality of life: problems of traditional medicine and innovation, People's Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia, May 14-16, 2008. p. 404-407. 6. Halberg F, Cornélissen G, Halberg J, Schwartzkopff O. Pre-hypertensive and other variabilities also await treatment. Am J Medicine 2007; 120: e19-e20. doi:10.1016/j.amjmed.2006.02.045. 7. Halberg F, Cornélissen G, Delmore P, Schwartzkopff O, International Womb-to-Tomb Chronome Group: The costs of ignoring a long-overdue chronomedicine: the chronome initiative emerging from the catacombs. Neuroendocrinol Lett 2003; 24 (Suppl 1): 247-256. 8. Sutcliffe J, Duin N. A History of Medicine. New York: Barnes & Noble; 1992. 256 pp. 9. Halberg Franz, Cornélissen G, Katinas G, Syutkina EV, Sothern RB, Zaslavskaya R, Halberg Francine, Watanabe Y, Schwartzkopff O, Otsuka K, Tarquini R, Perfetto P, Siegelova J. Transdisciplinary unifying implications of circadian findings in the 1950s. J Circadian Rhythms 2003; 1: 2. 61 pp. www.JCircadianRhythms.com/content/pdf/1740-3391-2-3.pdf 10. Kiser K. Father Time. Minnesota Medicine 2005 [November]: 26-29, 42-43. 11. Pickering TG. Masked hypertension and white-coat hypertension. In: Proceedings, 59th Annual Meeting, Japan Society of Neurovegetative Research, Tokyo, November 1-3, 2006. p. 32. 12. Gupta AK, Greenway FL, Cornélissen G, Pan W, Halberg F. Prediabetes is associated with abnormal circadian blood pressure variability. J Human Hypertension 2008; 22: 627-633. doi:10:1038/jhh.2008.32. 13. Schaffer E, Cornélissen G, Rhodus N, Halhuber M, Watanabe Y, Halberg F. Outcomes of chronobiologically normotensive dental patients: a 7-year follow-up. JADA 2001; 132: 891- 899. 14. Otsuka K, Cornélissen G, Halberg F. Predictive value of blood pressure dipping and swinging with regard to vascular disease risk. 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Halberg F, Cornélissen G, Katinas G, Tvildiani L, Gigolashvili M, Janashia K, Toba T, Revilla M, Regal P, Sothern RB, Wendt HW, Wang ZR, Zeman M, Jozsa R, Singh RB, Mitsutake G, Chibisov SM, Lee J, Holley D, Holte JE, Sonkowsky RP, Schwartzkopff O, Delmore P, Otsuka K, Bakken EE, Czaplicki J, International BIOCOS Group. Chronobiology's progress: Part II, chronomics for an immediately applicable biomedicine. J Applied Biomedicine 2006; 4: 73-86. http://www.zsf.jcu.cz/vyzkum/jab/4_2/halberg2.pdf. 22. Fossel M. Editor's Note [to Halberg F, Cornélissen G, Halberg J, Fink H, Chen C-H, Otsuka K, Watanabe Y, Kumagai Y, Syutkina EV, Kawasaki T, Uezono K, Zhao ZY, Schwartzkopff O. Circadian Hyper-Amplitude-Tension, CHAT: a disease risk syndrome of anti-aging medicine]. J Anti-Aging Med 1998; 1: 239. 23. Prikryl P, Cornélissen G, Neubauer J, Prikryl P Jr, Karpisek Z, Watanabe Y, Otsuka K, Halberg F. Chronobiologically explored effects of telmisartan. Clinical and Experimental Hypertension 2005; 2 & 3: 119-128. Support GM-13981 (FH), University of Minnesota Supercomputing Institute (GC, FH), MSM 0021622402 161 Table 1: Susceptibility rhythms leading to individualized inferential statistical chronopharmacology and chronotherapy Year Description Author(s) 1952, 1953 2800-fold increase in sensitivity of a corticosteroid assay by accounting for circadian stage (Figure 1 in 2 vs. 1) Halberg (1, 2) 1955 Circadian susceptibility rhythm to noise Halberg, Bittner, Gully, Albrecht & Brackney (3) 1955 - - - - - - - - - - " - - - - - - - - - - - - an endotoxin Halberg, Spink, Albrecht & Gully (4) 1958 Manipulability of a susceptibility rhythm by lighting regimen Halberg, Jacobson, Wadsworth & Bittner (5) 1958 Detection of (growth) hormone effect on mitoses depends on circadian stage Litman, Halberg et al. (6) 1959 Effect of ethanol depends on circadian stage Haus, Hanton & Halberg (7) 1959 Individualized sequential testing Johnson, Haus, Halberg & Wadsworth (8) 1959 Circadian susceptibility rhythm to a drug (ouabain) Halberg & Stephens (9) 1960 LD50 to whole-body X-irradiation depends on circadian stage Halberg (10, discussion) 1961 Circadian susceptibility rhythm to Librium Marte & Halberg (11) 1963 - - - - - - - - - - " - - - - - - - - - - - - acetylcholine Jones, Haus & Halberg (12) 1964 - - - - - - - - - - " - - - - - - - - - - - - fluothane Matthews, Marte & Halberg (13) 1967 Cosinor method Halberg, Tong & Johnson (14) 1969 Methodological and conceptual context Halberg (15) 1969 Chronotherapy with penicillin Reinberg et al. (16) 1970, 1972 Chronotherapy with arabinosyl cytosine (ara-C) Cardoso et al. (17), Haus et al. (18) 1973 Rhythm in chronotherapeutic indices of hydrochlorothiazide and adriamycin Halberg et al. (19), Levine et al. (20), Shiotsuka et al. (21) 1974, 1975 Formulation of rules of chronopharmacology and chronotherapy; demonstration of shift of susceptibility rhythm to adriamycin by meal timing Halberg (22-24) 1977 Doubling of 2-year survival by timing radiotherapy Halberg (25) 1979 Ara-C chronotherapy brings about cancer cures Halberg, Nelson, Cornélissen, Haus, Scheving & Good (26) 1979 More antihypertensive chronotherapy Güllner, Bartter & Halberg (27) 1992 Individualized cancer marker-guided chronochemotherapy Halberg et al. (28) 1995 More antihypertensive chronotherapy and its optimization by timing Halberg et al. (29) 1997 Individualized sequential testing of chronotherapy Cornélissen, Halberg, Hawkins, Otsuka & Henke (30) 2004 "Tree of life" Halberg et al. (31) 2006 Toxicity marker-guided chronochemotherapy Halberg et al. (32) 1. Halberg F. Some correlations between chemical structure and maximal eosinopenia in adrenalectomized and hypophysectomized mice. J Pharmacol exp Ther 1952; 106: 135-149. 2. Halberg F. Some physiological and clinical aspects of 24-hour periodicity. Journal-Lancet (Minneapolis) 1953; 73: 20-32. See Figure 1. 3. Halberg F, Bittner JJ, Gully RJ, Albrecht PG, Brackney EL. 24-hour periodicity and audiogenic convulsions in I mice of various ages. Proc Soc exp Biol (NY) 1955; 88: 169-173. 4. Halberg F, Spink WW, Albrecht PG, Gully RJ. Resistance of mice to brucella somatic antigen, 24-hour periodicity and the adrenals. J clin Endocrinol 1955; 15: 887. 5. Halberg F, Jacobson E, Wadsworth G, Bittner JJ. Audiogenic abnormality spectra, 24-hour periodicity and lighting. Science 1958; 128: 657-658. 6. Litman T, Halberg F, Ellis S, Bittner JJ. Pituitary growth hormone and mitoses in immature mouse liver. Endocrinology 1958; 62: 361-364. 7. Haus E, Hanton EM, Halberg F. 24-hour susceptibility rhythm to ethanol in fully-fed, starved and thirsted mice and the lighting regimen. Physiologist 1959; 2: 54. 162 8. Johnson EA, Haus E, Halberg F, Wadsworth GL. Graphic monitoring of seizure incidence changes in epileptic patients. Minn Med 1959; 42: 1250-1257. 9. Halberg F, Stephens AN. Susceptibility to ouabain and physiologic circadian periodicity. Proc Minn Acad Sci 1959; 27, 139-143. 10. Halberg F. Temporal coordination of physiologic function. Cold Spr Harb Symp quant Biol 1960; 25: 289-310. Discussion on LD50, p. 310. 11. Marte E, Halberg F. Circadian susceptibility rhythm of mice to librium. Fed Proc 1961; 20, 305. 12. Jones F, Haus E, Halberg F. Murine circadian susceptibility-resistance cycle to acetylcholine. Proc Minn Acad Sci 1963; 31: 61-62. 13. Matthews JH, Marte E, Halberg F. A circadian susceptibility-resistance cycle to fluothane in male B1 mice. Canadian Anaesthetists' Society J 1964; 11: 280-290. 14. Halberg F, Tong YL, Johnson EA. Circadian system phase—an aspect of temporal morphology; procedures and illustrative examples. Proc. International Congress of Anatomists. In: Mayersbach H v, ed. 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Cornélissen G, Halberg F, Hawkins D, Otsuka K, Henke W. Individual assessment of antihypertensive response by self-starting cumulative sums. J Medical Engineering & Technology 1997; 21: 111-120. 31. Halberg F, Otsuka K, Katinas G, Sonkowsky R, Regal P, Schwartzkopff O, Jozsa R, Olah A, Zeman M, Bakken EE, Cornélissen G. A chronomic tree of life: ontogenetic and phylogenetic 'memories' of primordial cycles - keys to ethics. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 2004; 58 (Suppl 1): S1-S11. 32. Halberg F, Prem K, Halberg F, Norman C, Cornélissen G. Cancer Chronomics I: Origins of timed cancer treatment: early marker rhythm-guided individualized chronochemotherapy. J Exp Ther Oncol 2006; 6: 55-61. 163 Table 2: Monitoring spans on patients investigated and timings on treatment (Rx)* Su: 66-year-old man, height 167 cm, body weight 70 kg, BMI 25.1, with circadian hyper-amplitude-tension (CHAT) Patient start end medication timing medication start 1 20071128 20071205 No hypotensive drug start 20071226 20080102 Losartan50mg* after breakfast 20071206 20080123 20080130 L+H1Tab* after breakfast 20080110 20080312 20080318 0 h 20080131 20080416 20080423 3 h 20080320 20080604 20080611 6 h 20080423 20080709 20080716 9 h 20080612 20080806 20080813 12 h 20080717 Sa: 65-year-old man, height 163 cm, body weight 58 kg, BMI 21.8, with MESOR-hypertension Patient start end medication timing medication start 2 20071213 20071220 No hypotensive drug start 20080103 20080110 Losartan50mg* after breakfast 20071221 20080125 20080201 L+H1Tab* after breakfast 20080111 20080314 20080321 0 h 20080202 20080415 20080421 3 h 20080322 20080520 20080527 6 h 20080423 20080624 20080701 9 h 20080528 20080729 20080805 12 h 20080702 *L: Losartan 50mg; L+H: Losartan 50mg + hydrochlorothiazide 12.5mg 164 Table3:LaboratorydataofpatientsinvestigatedduringtreatmentwithLosartan50mgandLosartan50mg+ hydrochlorothiazide12.5mg* Su:66-year-oldman,height167cm,bodyweight70kg,BMI25.1,withcircadianhyper-amplitude-tension(CHAT) PtstartendNaClUalbUVNorAdAdBNPPRAAldCrUANaKT-chTGHDL-chLDL-chBSHbA1C 1200711282007120511.2440.121005253315.48.5106 200712262008010212.111760 200801232008013012.457.81960818246.812099.50.934.41394.218570651061636.1 200803122008031812.737.41950451267.42246.70.874.917213762832046.2 200804162008042310.911800267249.62366.50.875.513941769956961636.2 200806042008061116.5717.8161037714.61671.50.813.718017163951586.3 200807092008071613.3894041011.43172.60.814.31404.317210755941416.3 200808062008081311.39.21150335208.10.814.11404.117694531042206.4 Sa:65-year-oldman,height163cm,bodyweight58kg,BMI21.8,withMESOR-hypertension PtstartendNaClUalbUVNorAdAdBNPPRAAldCrUANaKT-chTGHDL-chLDL-chBSHbA1C 2200712132007122014.94270055512014.0270.20.862.71414.221013855132112 200801032008011015.722970 20080125200802017.94527007211978.03198.50.873.61424.3208127491281075.3 20080314200803218.4419308051166.02601090.883.31384.2213214481291125.1 200804152008042110.233050639697.0581370.894.31394.322985571561065.3 20080520200805279.39322805871229.0301170.893.41404.221494551361065.3 200806242008070110.72526405728810.01101050.883.51384.1200171441181025.3 200807292008080514.5626503378715.0871080.913.61393.8214128491401035.3 *L=Losartan50mg;L+H=Losartan50mg+hydrochlorothiazide12.5mg NaCl=Sodiumintake(g/day),Ualb=urinaryalbumin(mg/day),UV=urinaryvolume(ml/day)NorAd=Noradrenaline(pg/ml),Adrenaline (pg/ml) BNP=brainnatriureticpeptide(pg/ml),PRA=plasmareninactivity(pg/ml),Ald=aldosterone(pg/ml),UA=uricacid,NaandKserum concentrations,Tch=totalcholesterol,TG:triglycerides,HDL:highdensitylipoprotein,LDL:lowdensitylipoprotein,HbA1C=A1C hemoglobin. 165 Table 4: Summary of effects investigated by analysis of variance in two men, Su, 66 years of age, and Sa, 65 years of age* SBP DBP HR PP HR/SD ANOVA F P F P F P F P F P M 9.23 6.18 8.45 <0.01 1.36 0.27 Su A 5.67 <0.01 5.59 <0.01 0.44 0.78 7.26 <0.01 1.47 0.24 M 3.14 0.03 5.01 <0.01 3.57 0.02 Sa A 2.83 0.04 0.78 0.54 0.32 0.86 4.76 <0.01 0.32 0.86 *S: systolic; D: diastolic; BP: blood pressure (mm Hg); HR: heart rate (beats/min); PP: pulse pressure; HR/SD: standard deviation (SD) of HR; M: MESOR (midline-estimating statistic of rhythm), a chronome (time structure)-, in this case circadian rhythm-adjusted mean; A: Amplitude (one-half of the total change accounted for by the fitted cosine curve); F: F-test; P: P-value from test of equality of parameters. 166 Table5:Summaryofeffectsinvestigatedbycosinorintwomen,Su,66yearsofage,andSa,65yearsofage* VariablePRPMESOR±SEAmplitude(95%CI)Acrophase(95%CI) SBP-M43<0.001113.8±2.1010.6(5.2,16.1)-154˚(-116,-176) SBP-A320.00215.5±1.76.6(2.4,11.2)-153˚(-101,-181) DBP-M40<0.00173.9±1.15.5(2.6,8.5)-158˚(-120,-180) DBP-A38<0.0019.9±1.04.3(1.9,6.6)-147˚(-99,-174) HR-M30.65871.5±0.70.8()-162˚() HR-A50.4546.8±0.91.5()-172˚() PP32<0.0139.9±1.35.1(1.8,8.4)-149˚(-95,-179) Su(patientwithcircadian hyper-amplitude-tension, CHAT) HR-SD40.51513.0±0.91.0()-324˚() SBP-M250.012113.8±0.763.5(1.1,5.9)-175˚(-135,-198) SBP-A150.0758.4±1.03.2()-217˚() DBP-M330.00269.7±0.53.2(1.5,4.9)-183˚(-161,-200) HR-M270.00774.6±0.94.2(1.5,6.9)-176˚(-140,-197) HR-A40.53910.1±1.11.7()-173˚() DBP-A80.2955.6±0.71.5()-219˚() PP30.60544.2±0.60.6()-121˚() Sa(patientwithMESOR- hypertension) HR-SD30.64111.3±0.81.2()-186˚() *S:systolic;D:diastolic;BP:bloodpressure(mmHg);HR:heartrate(beats/min);PP:pulsepressure;HR-SD:standarddeviation (SD)ofHR;M:MESOR(midline-estimatingstatisticofrhythm),achronome(timestructure)-,inthiscasecircadianrhythm-adjusted mean;A:Amplitude(one-halfofthetotalchangeaccountedforbythefittedcosinecurve);PR:percentrhythm;P:P-value. 167 Study Stage slope (mmHg/day) r P slope (mmHg/day) r P Patient Sa NoRx -1.558 -0.226 <0.001 -0.592 -0.145 0.008 Losa 0.136 0.019 0.727 -0.263 -0.061 0.255 PBkft -0.319 -0.049 0.376 0.052 0.012 0.822 P-00 -0.469 -0.053 0.336 -0.378 -0.075 0.169 P-03 0.957 0.111 0.056 0.211 0.036 0.532 P-06 -0.790 -0.095 0.083 -0.514 -0.088 0.110 P-09 0.032 0.004 0.940 0.364 0.073 0.189 P-12 0.703 0.089 0.110 0.245 0.044 0.432 Patient Su NoRx -1.984 -0.193 0.001 -0.876 -0.111 0.064 Losa -2.148 -0.201 <0.001 -1.338 -0.165 0.003 PBkft -0.179 -0.016 0.780 -0.239 -0.027 0.646 P-00 -1.172 -0.091 0.127 -1.408 -0.153 0.010 P-03 0.074 0.006 0.914 -0.366 -0.040 0.495 P-06 2.337 0.176 0.002 0.182 0.021 0.711 P-09 -0.237 -0.023 0.681 -0.267 -0.035 0.535 P-12 -0.707 -0.063 0.265 -0.174 -0.024 0.665 Systolic BP Diastolic BP Table 6. TRENDS AS A FUNCTION OF TIME 168 Time-specified norms reveal full systolic but incomplete diastolic early MESORhypertension, MH Yoshihiko Watanabe12 , Germaine Cornélissen3 , Kuniaki Otsuka2 , Miguel Revilla4 , Jerzy Czaplicki5 , Othild Schwartzkopff3 , Jarmila Siegelova6 , Franz Halberg3 and the broader BIOCOS project 1 Dept Sports Medicine, School of Sports Sciences, Waseda Univ, Tokorozama, Saitawa, Japan 2 Dept of Medicine, Tokyo Women's Medical University, Medical Center East, Tokyo, Japan 3 Halberg Chronobiology Center, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA 4 Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Valladolid, Spain 5 Institute of Pharmacology and Structural Biology, CNRS UMR 5089, Toulouse, France 6 Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic Aim. Relatively unobtrusive, (on a family-and-friends basis easily) affordable instrumentation for relatively dense (e.g., half-hourly) automatic blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR) monitoring has become available, serving for ambulatory use (ABPM) in the hands of an international project on The BIOsphere and the COSmos, BIOCOS (corne001@umn.edu), for a chronobiologic (C) parametric (cosines-fit-based) and non-parametric (time-qualified stackingbased) interpretation, i.e., for C-ABPM. With C-ABPM for at least 7 days/24 hours, a reliable Circadian Stage-Dependence of Infradian Modulation of Systolic Blood Pressure (SBP) Reveals Transyears Primarily by Night* 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Frequency (cycles/15 years) SBP-A(mmHg) 02:30-05:30 06:30-09:30 10:30-13:30 14:30-17:30 18:30-21:30 22:30-01:30 * Results by population-mean cosinor summarizing data collected during 6 different 4-hour intervals (data at separate clock hours analyzed separately); Data from YW (M, born 23 Nov 1952), cardiologist who monitoed himself around the clock mostly at 30-min intervals with only few short interruptions from August 1987 to Jan 2003 (between ages 35 and 50). 12.5[10.0,16.7]y 1.47[1.34,1.65]y Period (years [95% confidence limits] 1.013[0.980,1.079]y 0.507[0.495,0.534]y Figure 1. Data collected around-the-clock for 15 years by YW at half-hour intervals were averaged hourly. Data from each clock hour (24 separate time series) were analyzed by least squares spectra. Results from 4 consecutive clock hours (assigned at midpoints) were summarized by population-mean cosinor and compared among the six 4-hour circadian stages (shown as six curves in this graph). © Halberg. 169 Nam e:--------------------- Patient #: YW Age: 55 Sex: M To: Patient Peer Group Patient Peer Group Patient Peer Group Value Reference Value Reference Value Reference Lim its Lim its Lim its Range Range Range Range Range Range Range Range Range (hr:m in) (hr:m in) (hr:m in) (m m Hg x hour) (m m Hg x hour) (m m Hg x hour) (mmHg x hour)(in 1,000's units) (mmHg x hour)(in 1,000's units) (mmHg x hour)(in 1,000's units) Individualized bounded indices: (STD = Standard)(Min = Minim um )(Max = Maxim um )(HBI = Hyperbanic Index) INTERVENTIO N NEEDED M ORE M ONITO RING NEEDED No Annually Yes Drug Non-Drug As soon as possible Other specify_________________________ M ESOR-Hypertension Prepared By_____G erm aine Cornelissen________________ Date_19_/_Aug_/_2008____ 1) Unusually long standing or lying down during waking: unusual activity, such as exercise, em otional loads, or schedule changes, e.g. shiftwork; etc.; 2) Salt, calories, kind and am ount, other, etc. Copyright, Halberg Chronobiology Center, University of Minnesota, Mayo Hospital, Room s 715, 733-5 (7th floor), Minneapolis Cam pus, Del Code 8609, 420 Deleware Street SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA. Fax 612-624-9989. For questions, call F. Halberg or G. Cornelissen at 612-624-6976. 8/18/2008 2:30 65 1 0 STD (M IN; M AX)* STD (M IN; M AX)* STD (M IN; M AX)* 78.3% 3.1% 0.0% 236 4 0EXCESS 22:46 23:30 0:00 EXTENT OF EXCESS DURING 24 HOURS HBI* 10-YEAR CUM ULATIVE PERCENT TIM E OF ELEVATION TIM ING OF EXCESS 10.43 5.26-36.20 16:05 11:48-17:40 15:22 11:08-16:48 16:14 11:44-17:20 HEART RATE (bpm ) 142.5 98.4-135.1 87.3 60.3-87.2 74.6 56.4-91.2 HIGH VALUES (ACROPHASE) (hr:m in) SYSTOLIC BP (m m Hg) DIASTOLIC BP (m m Hg) 23.61 6.4-39.40 11.83 4.84-29.80 (M ESOR) PREDICTABLE CHANGE (DOUBLE AM PLITUDE) TIM ING OF OVERALL M onitoring From : Com m ents: CHRONOBIO LOG IC CHARACTERISTICS ADJUSTED 24-h M EAN 1/4/2008 9:30 SPHYGM OCHRON-TM M onitoring Profile over Tim e; Com puter Com parison w ith Peer Group Lim its Blood Pressure (BP) and Related Cardiovascular Sum m ary. Figure 2. The top section of the sphygmochron, between the first two heavy horizontal lines, shows that the MESOR of SBP is outside the limit of acceptability for peers, as is the MESOR of DBP. For SBP in Figure 3, most single mean values by clock-hour and -minute are within peer-group limits, albeit very close to the upper continuous line limit in Figure 3. In Figure 4, the stacking of the data can mislead to call "normal" what is already abnormal. The DBP MESOR's deviation from the upper limit is small, 0.1 mmHg. It may seem far-fetched to base decisions on a difference of a small fraction of 1 mmHg for individuals used to judge at best a few 24-hour profiles or single values. In the case of YW in turn, there are sets of values for over half a year, here summarized in Figures 2-5, and further information in the light of 21 years of previous sphygmochrons. We conclude, from the upper parametric part of the sphygmochron in this figure, that we detect earliest abnormality in DBP as well as SBP, at variance with the lower half of the sphygmochron providing results from the inspection of a non-parametric stacking section with an abnormality only of SBP. © Halberg. diagnosis of MESOR-hypertension (MH) can be more thoroughly approximated than in the nowconventional approaches, but eventually dense monitoring from birth to death is advocated. Nondrug treatment, including relaxation and diet, notably a reduction of sodium intake, if and only if documented as desirable by monitoring, is then pertinent (1, 2). When non-drug intervention fails, 170 drug treatment can be considered again with continued monitoring and an optimization of any effect by timing, in keeping with an international consensus meeting (3). Background. A physician-scientist, YW, has been using C-ABPM for over 2 decades (4-10). He started at 35 years of age in August 1987 with half-hourly measurements around-the-clock with the aim (in August 2008) of continuing the monitoring. He has used and plans to further use the accumulating time series for the analysis of aging as it may differ in various circadian and other rhythm stages (11), and, as the case may be, to detect any anomaly seen as a vascular variability disorder (VVD) (12). At the same time, YW has been seeking and finding signatures of heliogeomagnetic and/or of any other non-photic environmental factors (5), including those of the about (~) 10-year Schwabe cycle (13). The half-hour density of the data also allows the study of interactions between circadian stages and different infradian rhythms that are dependent upon or are demonstrable only during certain limited stages of the about-daily cycle (10, 11, 14). Different time series, each limited to a specific fraction of the 24-hour day, used to approximate different circadian stages (10, 11), can lead to inferences different from each other and from those drawn from around-the-clock data, Figure 1. In addition to cardiologic and transdisciplinary research, we here explore or demonstrate, as the case may be, the practical merits in an improved health care by an individualized computeraided self-surveillance of one's cardiovascular variability. This aim was clearly stated in Ignaz Zadek's doctoral thesis for his medical degree in Berlin in 1880 (15) and published one year later (16). Zadek wanted to focus on BP variability in a given patient (15, 16). His concept was extended by Theodore C. Janeway of Johns Hopkins University in 1904 (17). It should be noted that Janeway, an opinion leader in his time, before examining a patient insisted on gathering enough data to study periodic variations (we emphasize his use of the plural "variations", indicating his interest not just in the change from day to night along the 24-hour scale, but also in variability from day to day and along longer time series such as years [18]). There are many rhythmic variations of BP in addition to circadians (18-22). Beyond finding periodicities mimicking the Schwabe cycle on himself noted above, YW has also already demonstrated aboutyearly cycles that drift and can be absent for long spans (of years), replaced by transyears, cycles with periods, , longer than a year, mimicking the s found in the solar wind's speed and proton content (20, 21). Method. While the extended cosinor (23-25) and cross-spectral analyses were used for research, a sphygmochron, as a BP and related cardiovascular summary, Figure 2, was prepared on the continuously accumulating data as discussed elsewhere (18, 26) and as a screen for a VVD that was found, namely systolic and diastolic MESOR-hypertension, based on a computer comparison with peer group limits of YW's last over-7-month long section of his 21-year monitoring profile over time. Results. Figures 3-5 are plexograms, showing 48 averages of data stacked at intervals of 30 minutes along an idealized 24-hour scale, irrespective of day of sampling. Each point corresponds to the average of many values at roughly the same clock-hour and minute within a bin on different consecutive days from January 4 to August 18, 2008. It is clear from Figure 3 for SBP that the majority of these plexogram values are (as yet) only very slightly, yet clearly outside the normal range, delineated on the basis of data from clinically healthy peers of the same gender and age. For diastolic BP in Figure 4, only three of 48 average values are unacceptable (3.1%), yet they all approach the upper limit of acceptability. All HR values in Figure 5 are well within the range of peers matched by gender and age. 171 Circadian Pattern of SBP (YW, M, 55y) 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 0:00 2:00 4:00 6:00 8:00 10:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 18:00 20:00 22:00 0:00 Time (Clock Hours) SBP(mmHg) SBP SBP-lo SBP-hi Figure 3. Data covering 7.5 months stacked around the clock at half-hour intervals. Most of the SBP values lie slightly but clearly outside the upper limit of peers of the same gender and age. See discussion in Figure 2 legend. © Halberg. In the upper parametric portion of Figure 2, the conclusion that SBP was abnormal is derived first from an abnormal MESOR of 142.5 mmHg for SBP. The abnormality of SBP is also seen from stacking, a nonparametric approach (summarized in the section between the second and third heavy horizontal lines): the extent of excess for this variable exceeded the upper limit of acceptability of 50 mmHg x hour for a basic index (limit not shown). Furthermore, the percentage time above the upper limit was found more than three-fourths of the time (78.3%), a further nonparametric result. 172 Circadian Pattern of DBP (YW, M, 55y) 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0:00 2:00 4:00 6:00 8:00 10:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 18:00 20:00 22:00 0:00 Time (Clock Hours) DBP(mmHg) DBP DBP-lo DBP-hi Figure 4. DBP values are high, close to but mostly below the upper limit of acceptability. Nonetheless, as seen in Figure 2, their MESOR is abnormal. The cosinor detects abnormality in the time-qualified normal range. © Halberg. By contrast, in the lower part of the sphygmochron DBP abnormality is observed only 3.1% of the time and excess is practically zero (1 mmHg x hour rather than over 50 as for SBP). In this case, however, the upper parametric portion is the decisive diagnosis: the DBP MESOR, a rhythmadjusted average, is above the upper limit by 0.1 mmHg, a difference which will seem trivial for anyone used to looking at the "true" (imaginary) single BP measurement or even at the mean of a 24-hour profile. The merit of this diagnosis cannot be suggested based on a single case, but it is in keeping with the assumption that, on a population basis, for each mmHg, an increase in risk does occur when the population size is large enough, and if a population is still larger, the increase of 0.1 mmHg will also count. If a line is to be drawn somewhere, the sphygmochron shows that most systolic values are above and most diastolic values are high yet below the prediction limit of peers. 173 The point of a sphygmochron in the case of YW at this time is that there is a double systolic and diastolic BP disorder that constitutes a solid warning and is best treated and that can be picked up by cosinor while DBP is still in the range of peers. Circadian Pattern of HR (YW, M, 55y) 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 0:00 2:00 4:00 6:00 8:00 10:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 18:00 20:00 22:00 0:00 Time (Clock Hours) HR(beats/min) HR HR-lo HR-hi Figure 5. HR values are well within the normal range of peers, distant from both upper and lower limits. © Halberg. Whether drug or non-drug treatment is indicated must remain the decision of the cardiologist/scientist/subject, who at this time prefers to lower his salt intake, fully aware that the lowering of sodium intake must not be done blindly, without monitoring. This dietary manipulation can raise rather than lower BP-M in a small number of subjects, whereas it is apparently not pertinent on still other subjects (2). Only testing again while monitoring BP and manipulating sodium intake can provide an answer that has to be sought for each given individual. Discussion. Garages are monitored continuously to prevent crime, including rape. Experimental animals are being monitored to develop new drugs. Those for whom the drugs are 174 being developed should also be monitored to find out when non-drug treatment should start as well as when drug treatment should begin, once non-drug approaches are documented by C-ABPM to have failed. In the case of YW, the stage has been detected when, on an over half-yearly C-ABPM basis, both SBP and DBP became parametrically abnormal, something that summaries and displays of stacked data could confirm for SBP but not (yet) for DBP. This inspection of stacked data fails to indicate abnormality in DBP, as compared to peers of the same gender and age, but not values close to the upper limit. Do we witness the moment when the MESORs have become abnormal, but not yet the underlying single values? Did an increase in circadian amplitude precede that in MESORs, as in the case of an Okamoto rat (27), and did an increase in LVMI (28) precede the MESOR-increases? All of these questions await further scrutiny in YW's database and in time series of others. A methodological point to be emphasized for both variables is that, in the case of YW with an assessment of cosinor yielded parameters, abnormality can be detected early before a nonparametric approach detects it in DBP as well as SBP. Conclusion. C-ABPM, when continued as a tool of preventive cardiology, can detect an earliest individualized VVD and can prompt intervention while the same data serve for transdisciplinary research (29). 1. Halberg F, Cornélissen G, Otsuka K, Watanabe Y, Katinas GS, Burioka N, Delyukov A, Gorgo Y, Zhao ZY, Weydahl A, Sothern RB, Siegelova J, Fiser B, Dusek J, Syutkina EV, Perfetto F, Tarquini R, Singh RB, Rhees B, Lofstrom D, Lofstrom P, Johnson PWC, Schwartzkopff O, International BIOCOS Study Group. Cross-spectrally coherent ~10.5- and 21-year biological and physical cycles, magnetic storms and myocardial infarctions. Neuroendocrinol Lett 2000; 21: 233-258. 2. Cornélissen G, Kawasaki T, Uezono K, Delea C, Halberg F. II: Blood pressure rhythms and salt. Ann Ist Super Sanità 1993; 29: 667-677. 3. Halberg F, Cornélissen G, International Womb-to-Tomb Chronome Initiative Group: Resolution from a meeting of the International Society for Research on Civilization Diseases and the Environment (New SIRMCE Confederation), Brussels, Belgium, March 17-18, 1995: Fairy tale or reality ? Medtronic Chronobiology Seminar #8, April 1995, 12 pp. text, 18 figures. URL http://www.msi.umn.edu/~halberg/ 4. Watanabe Y, Cornélissen G, Halberg F. Thousands of blood pressure and heart rate measurements at fixed clock hours may mislead. Neuroendocrinol Lett 2003; 24: 339-340. 5. Watanabe Y, Cornélissen G, Halberg F, Otsuka K, Ohkawa S-I. Association by signatures and coherences between the human circulation and helio- and geomagnetic activity. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 2001; 55 (Suppl 1): 76s-83s. 6. Watanabe Y, Cornélissen G, Katinas G, Sothern RB, Halberg F, Watanabe M, Watanabe F, Otsuka K. Non-photic, non-thermic circadecadal solar cycle interaction with cardiovascular circannual and circasemiannual variation in heated air-conditioned habitat. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 2003; 57 (Suppl 1): 55s-57s. 7. Watanabe Y, Otsuka K, Watanabe H, Asahi Y, Sato C, Murayama M, Sugai J, Halberg F. Circannual rhythm of blood pressure and heart rate in ambulatory blood pressure monitoring. The Autonomic Nervous System 1992; 29: 17-23. 175 8. Watanabe Y, Cornélissen G, Halberg F, Otsuka K, Ohkawa S-i, Kikuchi T, Siegelova J. Need for chronobiologic reference values (chronodesms) smoothed over age: a problem awaiting a BIOCOS solution. Scripta medica (Brno) 2000; 73: 105-110. 9. Watanabe Y, Katinas G, Cornélissen G, Sothern RB, Siegelova J, Fiser B, Dusek J, Homolka P, Prikryl P, Singh RB, Schwartzkopff O, Halberg F. Time course of blood pressures over 18 years analyzed separately by day and by week. In: Halberg F, Kenner T, Fiser B, Siegelova J, eds. Proceedings, Symposium, Noninvasive Methods in Cardiology. Brno, Czech Republic: Department of Functional Diagnostics and Rehabilitation, Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University; 2006. p. 42-46. 10. Watanabe Y, Halberg F, Cornélissen G, Katinas G, Watanabe F, Otsuka K, Bakken EE, Sothern RB, Sothern SB. Various modulations by the seasons and by paraseasonality at different circadian stages. The Autonomic Nervous System 2007; 44: 255-258. 11. Halberg F, Sothern RB, Cornélissen G, Czaplicki J. Chronomics, human time estimation and aging. Submitted. 12. Halberg F, Cornélissen F, Schwartzkopff O, Blagonravov ML, Chibisov SM, Otsuka K, Siegelova J, Beaty L, Nolley E, Sanchez de la Peña S, Zaslavskaya R, Radysh IV. Vascular variability disorders (VVDs) and syndromes (VVSs): MESOR-hypertension, CHAT and other. Proceedings, 1st International Workshop, Physiology of adaptation and quality of life: problems of traditional medicine and innovation, People's Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia, May 14-16, 2008. p. 401-403. 13. Schwabe H. Sonnen-Beobachtungen im Jahre 1843. Astronomische Nachrichten 1844; 21: 254-256 (no. 495). 14. Sothern SB, Sothern RB, Katinas GS, Cornélissen G, Halberg F. Sampling at the same clockhour in long-term investigation is no panacea. Proceedings, International Conference on the Frontiers of Biomedical Science: Chronobiology, Chengdu, China, September 24-26, 2006, p. 208-211. 15. Zadek I. Die Messung des Blutdrucks am Menschen mittelst des Basch'chen Apparates. Berlin, med. F., Diss., 25. Nov 1880. Berlin: Schumacher; 1880. 48 p. 16. Zadek I. Die Messung des Blutdrucks am Menschen mittelst des Basch'chen Apparates. Z klin Med 1881; 2: 509-551. 17. Janeway TC. The clinical study of blood pressure. New York: D. Appleton & Co.; 1904. 300 pp. 18. Halberg F, Cornélissen G, Wall D, Otsuka K, Halberg J, Katinas G, Watanabe Y, Halhuber M, Müller-Bohn T, Delmore P, Siegelova J, Homolka P, Fiser B, Dusek J, Sanchez de la Peña S, Maggioni C, Delyukov A, Gorgo Y, Gubin D, Carandente F, Schaffer E, Rhodus N, Borer K, Sonkowsky RP, Schwartzkopff O. Engineering and governmental challenge: 7day/24-hour chronobiologic blood pressure and heart rate screening. Biomedical Instrumentation & Technology 2002: Part I, 36: 89-122; Part II, 36: 183-197. 19. Cornélissen G, Masalov A, Halberg F, Richardson JD, Katinas GS, Sothern RB, Watanabe Y, Syutkina EV, Wendt HW, Bakken EE, Romanov Y. Multiple resonances among time structures, chronomes, around and in us. Is an about 1.3-year periodicity in solar wind built into the human cardiovascular chronome? Human Physiology 2004; 30 (2): 86-92. 176 20. Cornélissen G, Halberg F, Breus T, Syutkina EV, Baevsky R, Weydahl A, Watanabe Y, Otsuka K, Siegelova J, Fiser B, Bakken EE. Non-photic solar associations of heart rate variability and myocardial infarction. J Atmos Solar-Terr Phys 2002; 64: 707-720. 21. Halberg F, Cornélissen G, Regal P, Otsuka K, Wang ZR, Katinas GS, Siegelova J, Homolka P, Prikryl P, Chibisov SM, Holley DC, Wendt RW, Bingham C, Palm SL, Sonkowsky RP, Sothern RB, Pales E, Mikulecky M, Tarquini R, Perfetto F, Salti R, Maggioni C, Jozsa R, Konradov AA, Kharlitskaya EV, Revilla M, Wan CM, Herold M, Syutkina EV, Masalov AV, Faraone P, Singh RB, Singh RK, Kumar A, Singh R, Sundaram S, Sarabandi T, Pantaleoni GC, Watanabe Y, Kumagai Y, Gubin D, Uezono K, Olah A, Borer K, Kanabrocki EA, Bathina S, Haus E, Hillman D, Schwartzkopff O, Bakken EE, Zeman M. Chronoastrobiology: proposal, nine conferences, heliogeomagnetics, transyears, near-weeks, near-decades, phylogenetic and ontogenetic memories. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 2004; 58 (Suppl 1): S150-S187. 22. Halberg F, Cornélissen G, Katinas G, Tvildiani L, Gigolashvili M, Janashia K, Toba T, Revilla M, Regal P, Sothern RB, Wendt HW, Wang ZR, Zeman M, Jozsa R, Singh RB, Mitsutake G, Chibisov SM, Lee J, Holley D, Holte JE, Sonkowsky RP, Schwartzkopff O, Delmore P, Otsuka K, Bakken EE, Czaplicki J, International BIOCOS Group. Chronobiology's progress: season's appreciations 2004-2005. Time-, frequency-, phase-, variable-, individual-, age- and site-specific chronomics. J Applied Biomedicine 2006; 4: 1- 38. http://www.zsf.jcu.cz/vyzkum/jab/4_1/halberg.pdf 23. Halberg F. Chronobiology: methodological problems. Acta med rom 1980; 18: 399-440. 24. Cornélissen G, Halberg F. Chronomedicine. In: Armitage P, Colton T, editors. Encyclopedia of Biostatistics, 2nd ed. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons Ltd; 2005. p. 796-812. 25. Refinetti R, Cornélissen G, Halberg F. Procedures for numerical analysis of circadian rhythms. Biological Rhythm Research 2007; 38 (4): 275-325. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09291010600903692 26. Halberg F, Cornélissen G, Otsuka K, Sanchez de la Peña S, Schwartzkopff O, Watanabe Y, Pati AK, Wall DG, Delmore P, Borer K, Beaty LA, Nolley ES, Adams C, Siegelova J, Homolka P, Dusek J, Fiser B, Prikryl P. Why and how to implement 7-day/24-hour blood pressure monitoring? Int J Geronto-Geriatrics 2005; 8 (1): 1-31. 27. Halberg J, Halberg E, Hayes DK, Smith RD, Halberg F, Delea CS, Danielson RS, Bartter FC. Schedule shifts, life quality and quantity modeled by murine blood pressure elevation and arthropod lifespan. Int J Chronobiol 1980; 7: 17-64. 28. Kumagai Y, Shiga T, Sunaga K, Cornélissen G, Ebihara A, Halberg F. Usefulness of circadian amplitude of blood pressure in predicting hypertensive cardiac involvement. Chronobiologia 1992; 19: 43-58. 29. Halberg F, Schwartzkopff O, Cornélissen G, Otsuka K. Life's waves in space-time in and around us. Invited presentation, Nishinomiya-Yukawa International & Interdisciplinary Symposium 2007, What is Life? The Next 100 Years of Yukawa's Dream, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University, October 15-20, 2007. p. 45-47. Support GM-13981 (FH), University of Minnesota Supercomputing Institute (GC, FH), MSM 0021622402 177 Differing far-transyear/calendar year amplitude ratios in blood pressure vs. heart rate in adolescence Fumihiko Watanabe1 , Germaine Cornélissen2 , Yoshihiko Watanabe1 , Jarmila Siegelova3 , Jerzy Czaplicki4 , Franz Halberg2 and the broader BIOCOS project 1 Dept Sports Medicine, School of Sports Sciences, Waseda Univ, Tokorozama, Saitawa, Japan, and Dept of Medicine, Tokyo Women's Medical University, Medical Center East, Tokyo, Japan 2 Halberg Chronobiology Center, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA 3 Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic 4 Institute of Pharmacology and Structural Biology, CNRS UMR 5089, Toulouse, France Abstract. We mapped the time structure during childhood and adolescence of systolic (S) and diastolic (D) blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR) to find that a far-transyear dominated over the calendar year in a boy's (FW) spectra of BP and vice versa in the spectrum of HR. Only transyears and no calendar year components were found in the BP and HR of the boy's father (YW) in a record starting at 35 years of age and continuing for over a decade around the clock at 30-minute intervals. Background, Subject and Method. The extended cosinor (1-3) was used on data from FW, a clinically healthy boy who had been monitored for the first 40 days of life at half-hour intervals, revealing a gradual transition from dominant (non-photic) infradian (about half-weekly and weekly) components to a (photic) circadian rhythm (4). Here, we examine the relative prominence of nonphotic infradians in the para-annual spectral region, also mapped in the boy's father (5, 6). Neartransyears (1.00 year < [ {period} - CI {95% confidence interval}] < [ + CI] < 1.20 years) and fartransyears (1.2 years [ -CI < [ + CI] < 1.9 years) have been documented elsewhere (7). Results. Figure 1 describes for FW the well-known trends during childhood and adolescence of BP and HR self-measured daily on awakening. As anticipated, the trend is ascending in systolic (S) BP and diastolic (D) BP (top two rows) and descending in HR (bottom row). The trends in BP appear linear, those in HR curvilinear. Hence the two BP series were linearly detrended, whereas a second-order polynomial was used to detrend the HR data. Results from the extended cosinor on the residuals are shown in Figures 2 and 3 and are partly summarized further in Table 1. The data suffice to assess, with uncertainties, a transyearly component that is more prominent than the yearly (circannual) component for SBP and DBP, while a calendar year dominates the spectrum of HR. All three variables reveal a component longer than a year in the category of a far-transyear (7). A 7-day synchronized circaseptan rhythm and a precise 3.5-day rhythm are seen for the HR of FW (Figure 3), whereas only a circasemiseptan component is societally synchronized in SBP but not in DBP, and a circaseptan peak differs from precisely 7 days in both SBP and DBP. Discussion. Information from series of single measurements at a fixed clock-hour is not necessarily the same as that based on around-the-clock profiles and can mislead, as shown on himself by YW, the father of FW (5) and by others elsewhere (8, 9). Results on infradians can differ as a function of circadian stage to the extent that a circasemiannual component of probable geomagnetic origin is apparent in BP measurements taken in the evening for 22 years by a father (SBS) starting measurements in his 60s, whereas in the spectrum of his measurements taken in the morning, there is a valley at the 0.5-year trial period (8). SBS's son, RBS, started self-measurements in his early 20s and is still self-measuring in his own 60s (10). An alignment of measurements from two generations provides a perspective over most of a lifetime, yet remains to be qualified in that inferences remain tentative. With this background, it is noteworthy that in data collected at awakening, in the BP of FW, a transyear prevails, whereas an about-yearly change is statistically significant but of lower amplitude, Table 1. The reverse is true overall for HR in FW, Table 1. 178 Figure 1. Time course of systolic (S) and diastolic (D) blood pressure and heart rate (HR) measured daily upon awakening by a boy (FW) 8 to 15 years of age, participating in familial autorhythmometry. © Halberg. 179 Figure 2. Components in a spectral window of the systolic (S) and diastolic (D) blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR) of FW. Note that as compared to the calendar year component's amplitude, A, numerically, the A of the also-present transyears is larger for SBP and DBP and smaller for HR (see also Table 1). © Halberg. 180 Figure 3. Spectral components in a window complementing that in Figure 2 of the systolic (S) and diastolic (D) blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR) of FW. Note the 7-day synchronized circaseptan component with a circasemiseptan in HR but no corresponding prominent societallysynchronized component in BP. © Halberg. 181 In the case of FW's father, between 35 and 55 years of age, transyears replace any calendar-yearly component in BP and HR. It remains to be clarified whether the spectral structure of measurements taken at other clock-hours differs from that in the morning, as shown for SBS (8) and YW (6, 11). Transyears are also found in the incidence of natality as a population phenomenon in some geographic locations such as the Philippines (12) and Brazil (13), but not in Japan (14) or Italy (15). In a spectrum, transyears characterize the incidence of sudden cardiac death in some geographic locations, where they can replace the calendar year, but not in other locations (7, 16), where there is only a calendar year, and at still other sites, both a calendar year and a transyear coexist. Transyears are also reported in spectra of the incidence of strokes (17) and epilepsy (18) in Slovakia. The mapping of the infradian aspects in physiology and pathology opens new perspectives in the otherwise neglected range of infradian cycles, as yet ignored by reference only to timeunspecified normal values. Conclusion. Transyears, signatures of the solar wind's speed, can characterize the human circulation on awakening, during a span bracketing puberty in an 8-15-year-old boy (FW). Without extrapolating the details here recorded to other clock-hours and other individuals, it seems worthwhile to extend the monitoring of the circulation to families in order to recognize early infradian as well as circadian abnormality and to attempt to treat it (cf. 6). 1. Halberg F. Chronobiology: methodological problems. Acta med rom 1980; 18: 399-440. 2. Cornélissen G, Halberg F. Chronomedicine. In: Armitage P, Colton T, editors. Encyclopedia of Biostatistics, 2nd ed. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons Ltd; 2005. p. 796-812. 3. Refinetti R, Cornélissen G, Halberg F. Procedures for numerical analysis of circadian rhythms. Biological Rhythm Research 2007; 38 (4): 275-325. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09291010600903692 4. Watanabe Y, Nintcheu-Fata S, Katinas G, Cornélissen G, Otsuka K, Hellbrügge T, Schwartzkopff O, Bakken E, Halberg F. Methodology: partial moving spectra of postnatal heart rate chronome. Neuroendocrinol Lett 2003; 24 (Suppl 1): 139-144. 5. Watanabe Y, Cornélissen G, Halberg F. Thousands of blood pressure and heart rate measurements at fixed clock hours may mislead. Neuroendocrinol Lett 2003; 24: 339-340. 6. Watanabe Y, Cornélissen G, Siegelova J, Halberg F. Far- and near-transyears, but no calendar year in infradian blood pressure dynamics before MESOR-hypertension. These proceedings. 7. Halberg F, Cornélissen G, Katinas G, Tvildiani L, Gigolashvili M, Janashia K, Toba T, Revilla M, Regal P, Sothern RB, Wendt HW, Wang ZR, Zeman M, Jozsa R, Singh RB, Mitsutake G, Chibisov SM, Lee J, Holley D, Holte JE, Sonkowsky RP, Schwartzkopff O, Delmore P, Otsuka K, Bakken EE, Czaplicki J, International BIOCOS Group. Chronobiology's progress: season's appreciations 2004-2005. Time-, frequency-, phase-, variable-, individual-, age- and site-specific chronomics. J Applied Biomedicine 2006; 4: 1-38. http://www.zsf.jcu.cz/vyzkum/jab/4_1/halberg.pdf 8. Sothern SB, Sothern RB, Katinas GS, Cornélissen G, Halberg F. Sampling at the same clockhour in long-term investigation is no panacea. Proceedings, International Conference on the Frontiers of Biomedical Science: Chronobiology, Chengdu, China, September 24-26, 2006, p. 208-211. 9. Halberg F, Sothern RB, Cornélissen G, Czaplicki J. Chronomics, human time estimation and aging. Submitted. 10. Sothern RB, Katinas GS, Cornélissen G, Halberg F. A 38-year record, albeit informative, is not yet enough: womb-to-tomb monitoring is overdue. Appendix 2 of Halberg F, Cornélissen G, Regal P, Otsuka K, Wang ZR, Katinas GS, Siegelova J, Homolka P, Prikryl P, Chibisov SM, Holley DC, Wendt HW, Bingham C, Palm SL, Sonkowsky RP , Sothern RB, Pales E, Mikulecky M, Tarquini R, Perfetto F, Salti R, Maggioni C, Jozsa R, Konradov AA, 182 Kharlitskaya EV, Revilla M, Wan CM, Herold M, Syutkina EV, Masalov A V, Faraone P , Singh RB, Singh RK, Kumar A, Singh R, Sundaram S, Sarabandi T, Pantaleoni GC, Watanabe Y, Kumagai Y, Gubin D, Uezono K, Olah A, Borer K, Kanabrocki EA, Bathina S, Haus E, Hillman D, Schwartzkopff O, Bakken EE, Zeman M. Chronoastrobiology: proposal, nine conferences, heliogeomagnetics, transyears, near-weeks, near-decades, phylogenetic and ontogenetic memories. Biomed & Pharmacother 2004; 58 (Suppl 1): S179- S186. 11. Watanabe Y, Halberg F, Cornélissen G, Katinas G, Watanabe F, Otsuka K, Bakken E, Sothern RB, Sothern SB. Differing modulations by seasons, Halberg's paraseasonality, and geomagnetics found at different circadian stages. In: Proceedings, 59th Annual Meeting, Japan Society of Neurovegetative Research, Tokyo, November 1-3, 2006. p. 61-63. 12. Mikulecky M, Florida PL. Daily birth numbers in Davao, Philippines, 1993-2003: Halberg's transyear stronger than year. Abstract, 26th Seminar, Man in His Terrestrial and Cosmic Environment, Upice, Czech Republic, May 17-19, 2005. 13. Mikulecky M. Reanalyza natality v jizni brazilii -- opet dominuje Halbergova parasezonalita: International Conference on the Frontiers of Biomedical Science: Chronobiology, Chengdu, China, September 24-26, 2006, p. 188-193. 14. Yamanaka T, Cornélissen G, Kazuma M, Kazuma N, Murakami S, Otsuka K, Siegelova J, Dusek J, Sosikova M, Halberg F. Further mapping of the natality chronome, in Toda City (Japan) Maternity Hospital. Scripta medica 2005; 78: 99-106. 15. Cornélissen G, Halberg F, Mikulecky M, Florida P, Faraone P, Yamanaka T, Murakami S, Otsuka K, Bakken EE. Yearly and perhaps transyearly human natality patterns near the equator and at higher latitudes. Biomed & Pharmacother 2005; 59 (Suppl 1): S117-S122. 16. Halberg F, Cornélissen G, Otsuka K, Fiser B, Mitsutake G, Wendt HW, Johnson P, Gigolashvili M, Breus T, Sonkowsky R, Chibisov SM, Katinas G, Siegelova J, Dusek J, Singh RB, Berri BL, Schwartzkopff O. Incidence of sudden cardiac death, myocardial infarction and far- and near-transyears. Biomed & Pharmacother 2005; 59 (Suppl 1): S239-S261. 17. Kovac M, Mikulecky M. Secular rhythms and Halberg's paraseasonality in the time occurrence of cerebral stroke. Bratisl Lek Listy 2005; 106 (2): 423-427. 18. Kovac M, Mikulecky M. Time sequence of epileptic attacks from the point of view of possible lunisolar connections. International Conference on the Frontiers of Biomedical Science: Chronobiology, Chengdu, China, September 24-26, 2006, p. 175-179. Support GM-13981 (FH), University of Minnesota Supercomputing Institute (GC, FH), MSM 0021622402 183 Table1:Transyeardominatesovercalendar-yearinbloodpressure,andviceversainheartrateforaboy(FW)* Variable(units) Trialperiod (years) Period(years) (95%CI) Amplitude(A) (95%CI) Amplituderatios(%) (vs.1-yearA) 1.301.45(1.41,1.50)3.56(2.58,4.54)137 1.001.006(0.977,1.035)2.60(1.59,3.61)SBP(mmHg) 0.400.384(0.377,0.390)1.68(0.68,2.67)65 1.301.47(1.42,1.53)2.05(1.38,2.71)133 1.000.996(0.953,1.028)1.54(0.86,2.22)DBP(mmHg) 0.400.377(0.368,0.386)0.83(0.17,1.50)54 1.301.28(1.20,1.36)0.99(0.33,1.65)69 1.000.983(0.950,1.016)1.43(0.79,2.07)HR(beats/min) 0.400.346(0.340,0.351)1.11(0.47,1.75)78 *Extendedcosinoranalysesofdailysystolic(S)anddiastolic(D)bloodpressure(BP)andheartrate(HR)self-measurementsupon awakeningbyaboyduringabout8yearsfrom8to15yearsofage(13Oct2001-16Aug2008).95%CI:95%confidenceinterval; amplitude:measureofone-halfoftheextentofchangewithinonecyclepredictablebythefittedcosinemodel.InYW,thefatherof FW,noyearlycomponentisdemonstrableduringadecadeofdataobtainedduringaspanwhenhewas35to46yearsofage, precedingbyanotherdecadethediagnosisofMESOR-hypertension.Aligningtheresultsfrommonitoringofbothfatherandson alongthescaleofagemayprovideinformationbutwilleventuallyhavetobecheckedbylifetimemonitoringoffamilies.Untilthen, thebestthatcanbedoneistomonitormoresubjectsopportunistically. 184 Transyears, no calendar-year in blood pressure decades before MESOR-hypertension: normal or abnormal? Yoshihiko Watanabe12 , Germaine Cornélissen3 , Franz Halberg3 , Dewayne Hillman3 , Jerzy Czaplicki4 , Robert B. Sothern3 , Kuniaki Otsuka2 , Jarmila Siegelova5 and the broader BIOCOS project 1 Dept Sports Medicine, School of Sports Sciences, Waseda Univ, Tokorozama, Saitawa, Japan 2 Tokyo Women's Medical University, Medical Center East, Tokyo, Japan 3 Halberg Chronobiology Center, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA 4 Institute of Pharmacology and Structural Biology, CNRS UMR 5089, Toulouse, France 5 Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic Aim. To map, in a clinically healthy cardiologist/scientist (YW) (1-7), any infradian cycles that characterize the blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR) for a possible diagnostic use of their alterations during a decade preceding the parametric diagnosis of both systolic (S) and diastolic (D) MESOR-hypertension. Subject. The first section (August 26, 1987, to August 4, 1998) of a 21-year record of YW, is analyzed herein by the extended cosinor, in retrospect after the diagnosis of MESOR-hypertension (MH) was established on the basis of YW's data from January to August 2008, both parametrically and nonparametrically for SBP and parametrically for DBP by a sphygmochron, a summary over time of BP and related variables, interpreted in the light of reference values from peers matched by gender and age (8). Methods. Original data from 1987 to 1998 are shown in Figure 1 between two horizontal lines that correspond to the mean ± 3 standard deviations for SBP, mean arterial pressure (MAP) and DBP, all based on oscillometric measurements, and HR. Values outside these lines are compressed to fit within the lines and the rest of the ordinate. The unaided eye sees ups and downs but cannot quantify the time structure (chronome) of these variations. Daily averages, shown in Figure 2 (left), are analyzed by linear least-squares spectra (9-14), with results shown in Figure 2 (right). Results. Both a near-transyear and a far-transyear are seen in the spectra of SBP, DBP and HR, demonstrated in Figure 2 (right). Their 95% confidence intervals also given in Table 1 do not overlap the precise calendar year, which actually corresponds to a trough rather than a peak for the case of SBP and DBP and is on the descending slope (no peak) for HR. Discussion. Two other subjects with treated MESOR-hypertension, FH (15) and GSK (16), documented earlier that transyears can replace the calendar yearly component. The latter in turn, in a record of self-measurements of BP by a clinically healthy normotensive subject (RBS), who monitored himself about 5 times a day from 20 to 60 years of age, was prominent and dominated over transyears that were also present (17). An about 1.3-year transyear component was invariably detected in all of several dozen decades-long series examined thus far (18, 19). Whether or not a MESOR-hypertensive subject has an alteration in the para-annual range of the BP and HR spectra, e.g., in one or several infradian amplitude ratios, is currently only a basic question. It will have to be examined in data from many subjects in health and disease. It may gain practical meaning once affordable unobtrusive automatic instrumentation becomes available for lifetime automatic sequentially chronobiologically analyzed monitoring for which the analytical procedures are available (10-15, 20). 185 Figure 1. Display of original truncated data. © Halberg. Conclusion. Whether or not the dominance of transyears over calendar years in the human adult constitutes an infradian aspect of pre-hypertension, found thus far in one subject by longitudinal BP monitoring, remains to be clarified on additional subjects. 1. Watanabe Y, Cornélissen G, Halberg F. Thousands of blood pressure and heart rate measurements at fixed clock hours may mislead. Neuroendocrinol Lett 2003; 24: 339-340. 2. Watanabe Y, Cornélissen G, Halberg F, Otsuka K, Ohkawa S-I. Association by signatures and coherences between the human circulation and helio- and geomagnetic activity. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 2001; 55 (Suppl 1): 76s-83s. 3. Watanabe Y, Cornélissen G, Katinas G, Sothern RB, Halberg F, Watanabe M, Watanabe F, Otsuka K. Non-photic, non-thermic circadecadal solar cycle interaction with cardiovascular circannual and circasemiannual variation in heated air-conditioned habitat. Biomed & Pharmacother 2003; 57 (Suppl 1): 55s-57s. 186 Figure 2. Daily means, computed from data in Figure 1, are shown on the left. Results from least squares spectra show the relative prominence of anticipated spectral components on the right and in Table 1. © Halberg. Table 1: Para-annual infradians in the pre-MESOR-hypertensive circulation at ages 35-46 y (YW, male physician-scientist)* Period Far-transyear (95% CI) Near-transyear (95% CI) Half-year (95% CI) ~0.36-year (95% CI) Variable Systolic BP 1.47 (1.42, 1.52) 1.103 (1.078, 1.129) 0.505 (0.497, 0.514) 0.360 (0.356, 0.364) Diastolic BP 1.52 (1.47, 1.57) 1.071 (1.048, 1.094) 0.508 (0.502, 0.515) 0.359 (0.354, 0.365) Heart rate 1.53 (1.48, 1.58) 1.038 (1.013, 1.064) 0.513 (0.501, 0.525) 0.365 (0.361, 0.369) *BP: blood pressure; CI: confidence interval of point: near-transyear: 1.00 y < [ {period} - CI {95% confidence interval}] < [ + CI] < 1.20 y; far-transyear: 1.2 y [ - CI] < [ + CI] < 1.9 y. 187 4. Watanabe Y, Otsuka K, Watanabe H, Asahi Y, Sato C, Murayama M, Sugai J, Halberg F. Circannual rhythm of blood pressure and heart rate in ambulatory blood pressure monitoring. The Autonomic Nervous System 1992; 29: 17-23. 5. Watanabe Y, Cornélissen G, Halberg F, Otsuka K, Ohkawa S-i, Kikuchi T, Siegelova J. Need for chronobiologic reference values (chronodesms) smoothed over age: a problem awaiting a BIOCOS solution. Scripta medica (Brno) 2000; 73: 105-110. 6. Watanabe Y, Katinas G, Cornélissen G, Sothern RB, Siegelova J, Fiser B, Dusek J, Homolka P, Prikryl P, Singh RB, Schwartzkopff O, Halberg F. Time course of blood pressures over 18 years analyzed separately by day and by week. In: Halberg F, Kenner T, Fiser B, Siegelova J, eds. Proceedings, Symposium, Noninvasive Methods in Cardiology. Brno, Czech Republic: Department of Functional Diagnostics and Rehabilitation, Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University; 2006. p. 42-46. 7. Watanabe Y, Halberg F, Cornélissen G, Katinas G, Watanabe F, Otsuka K, Bakken EE, Sothern RB, Sothern SB. Various modulations by the seasons and by paraseasonality at different circadian stages. The Autonomic Nervous System 2007; 44: 255-258. 8. Watanabe Y, Cornélissen G, Otsuka K, Revilla M, Czaplicki J, Schwartzkopff O, Siegelova J, Halberg F and the broader BIOCOS project. Time-specified norms reveal full systolic but incomplete diastolic early MESOR-hypertension, MH. These proceedings. 9. Halberg F, Tong YL, Johnson EA. Circadian system phase—an aspect of temporal morphology; procedures and illustrative examples. Proc. International Congress of Anatomists. In: Mayersbach H v (Ed.) The Cellular Aspects of Biorhythms, Symposium on Biorhythms. New York: Springer-Verlag; 1967. p. 20-48. 10. Halberg F. Chronobiology: methodological problems. Acta med rom 1980; 18: 399-440. 11. Cornélissen G, Halberg F. Chronomedicine. In: Armitage P, Colton T, editors. Encyclopedia of Biostatistics, 2nd ed. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons Ltd; 2005. p. 796-812. 12. Refinetti R, Cornélissen G, Halberg F. Procedures for numerical analysis of circadian rhythms. Biological Rhythm Research 2007; 38 (4): 275-325. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09291010600903692 13. Halberg Franz, Cornélissen G, Katinas G, Syutkina EV, Sothern RB, Zaslavskaya R, Halberg Francine, Watanabe Y, Schwartzkopff O, Otsuka K, Tarquini R, Perfetto P, Siegelova J. Transdisciplinary unifying implications of circadian findings in the 1950s. J Circadian Rhythms 2003; 1: 2. 61 pp. www.JCircadianRhythms.com/content/pdf/1740-3391-2-3.pdf 14. Halberg F, Cornélissen G, Wall D, Otsuka K, Halberg J, Katinas G, Watanabe Y, Halhuber M, Müller-Bohn T, Delmore P, Siegelova J, Homolka P, Fiser B, Dusek J, Sanchez de la Peña S, Maggioni C, Delyukov A, Gorgo Y, Gubin D, Carandente F, Schaffer E, Rhodus N, Borer K, Sonkowsky RP, Schwartzkopff O. Engineering and governmental challenge: 7day/24-hour chronobiologic blood pressure and heart rate screening. Biomedical Instrumentation & Technology 2002: Part I, 36: 89-122; Part II, 36: 183-197. 15. Halberg F, Cornélissen G, Katinas G, Tvildiani L, Gigolashvili M, Janashia K, Toba T, Revilla M, Regal P, Sothern RB, Wendt HW, Wang ZR, Zeman M, Jozsa R, Singh RB, Mitsutake G, Chibisov SM, Lee J, Holley D, Holte JE, Sonkowsky RP, Schwartzkopff O, Delmore P, Otsuka K, Bakken EE, Czaplicki J, International BIOCOS Group. Chronobiology's progress: season's appreciations 2004-2005. Time-, frequency-, phase-, 188 variable-, individual-, age- and site-specific chronomics. J Applied Biomedicine 2006; 4: 1- 38. http://www.zsf.jcu.cz/vyzkum/jab/4_1/halberg.pdf 16. Katinas GS, Cornélissen G, Otsuka K, Haus E, Bakken EE, Halberg F. Why continued surveillance? Intermittent blood pressure and heart rate abnormality under treatment. Biomed & Pharmacother 2005; 59 (Suppl 1): S141-S151. 17. Sothern RB, Katinas GS, Cornélissen G, Halberg F. A 38-year record, albeit informative, is not yet enough: womb-to-tomb monitoring is overdue. Appendix 2 of Halberg F, Cornélissen G, Regal P, Otsuka K, Wang ZR, Katinas GS, Siegelova J, Homolka P, Prikryl P, Chibisov SM, Holley DC, Wendt HW, Bingham C, Palm SL, Sonkowsky RP , Sothern RB, Pales E, Mikulecky M, Tarquini R, Perfetto F, Salti R, Maggioni C, Jozsa R, Konradov AA, Kharlitskaya EV, Revilla M, Wan CM, Herold M, Syutkina EV, Masalov A V, Faraone P , Singh RB, Singh RK, Kumar A, Singh R, Sundaram S, Sarabandi T, Pantaleoni GC, Watanabe Y, Kumagai Y, Gubin D, Uezono K, Olah A, Borer K, Kanabrocki EA, Bathina S, Haus E, Hillman D, Schwartzkopff O, Bakken EE, Zeman M. Chronoastrobiology: proposal, nine conferences, heliogeomagnetics, transyears, near-weeks, near-decades, phylogenetic and ontogenetic memories. Biomed & Pharmacother 2004; 58 (Suppl 1): S179- S186. 18. Cornélissen G, Masalov A, Halberg F, Richardson JD, Katinas GS, Sothern RB, Watanabe Y, Syutkina EV, Wendt HW, Bakken EE, Romanov Y. Multiple resonances among time structures, chronomes, around and in us. Is an about 1.3-year periodicity in solar wind built into the human cardiovascular chronome? Human Physiology 2004; 30 (2): 86-92. 19. Cornélissen G, Halberg F, Rostagno C, Otsuka K. A chronomic approach to cardiac arrhythmia and sudden cardiac death. The Autonomic Nervous System 2007; 44: 251-254. 20. Halberg F, Cornélissen G, Halberg J, Schwartzkopff O. Pre-hypertensive and other variabilities also await treatment. Am J Medicine 2007; 120: e19-e20. doi:10.1016/j.amjmed.2006.02.045. Support GM-13981 (FH), University of Minnesota Supercomputing Institute (GC, FH), MSM 0021622402 189 Chronomics: Anxiety disorder in adolescence and heart rate asynchronized with weekly schedule Yoshihiko Watanabe1 , Germaine Cornélissen2 , George S. Katinas2 , Fumihiko Watanabe1 , Bohumil Fiser, Jarmila Siegelova, Othild Schwartzkopff2 , Franz Halberg2 1 Tokyo Women's Medical University, Medical Center East, Tokyo, Japan 2 Halberg Chronobiology Center, Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA Abstract Circadian rhythms that are not synchronized by the environment have been associated with emotional disorders. Automatic hourly around-the-clock measurements of blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR) of a 14-year-old Japanese boy for 38 days allow a test for asynchronization with the daily and/or weekly routines. Transient, barely synchronized about 7-day (circaseptan) components in BP and the lack of an external circaseptan synchronization of HR were found in this boy. Findings may relate to his history of transient sweating and palpitations that prevented him from attending school at 13 years of age and/or to his family history of vascular disorders. Introduction Evidence for a lack of synchronization with the environmental routine of the about 24-hour core temperature rhythm had led to the coining of circadian (1) and to a Ross Pediatric Conference (2). Circadian desynchronization of adrenocortical function from the societal routine, specifically with a view of emotional disorders, including mania and depression, was reviewed in 1968 (3) and continues to be actively investigated in the laboratory as in the clinic (4-8). Focus upon circaseptan and other infradian rhythms is not new. Our meta-analyses of BP and HR in a thesis published in 1880 and republished in 1881 allow us to demonstrate about 3.5- and about-7-day rhythmicity in addition to changes along the 24-hour scale. Janeway in 1904 wrote about BP periodicities in plural; he could have been referring to about 24-hour and about 7-day rhythms (1). Automatic longitudinal vascular monitoring on an adult patient during an episode of depression revealed differential systolic (S) vs. diastolic (D) BP vs. HR behavior in the spectral region of one week, Figure 1 (9). Here, we show partial lack of circaseptan synchronization of HR, if not of BP with the societal 7-day routine, of interest in particular in a 14-year-old Japanese boy who had episodes of anxiety in school. Such a spectral finding has been earlier related to an episode of depression in an adult (9) and the symptoms of transient sweating and palpitations at 13 years of age in this boy came to mind. Adolescents with anxiety disorders are reportedly at an increased risk of subsequent anxiety, depression, illicit drug dependence and educational underachievement as young adults (10; cf. 11). This boy's data are also of particular interest from the viewpoint of earliest BP rhythm alterations and high BP later in life (12). He has a family history of vascular disease, and from this viewpoint his BP and HR had been monitored every 30 minutes during the first 40 days of his life (12). Case report The boy's paternal grandfather died at 47 years of age of renal failure with malignant hypertension associated with a pheochromocytoma. His maternal grandfather took medication for high BP; his maternal grandmother had breast, gastric and uterine cancer by the time of her death. His paternal grandmother underwent six surgeries for uterine cancer, colonic cancer and degeneration of the spine and on each knee joint. His mother had surgery for breast cancer in the summer of 2006. The boy's BP and HR were monitored around the clock, mostly at 30-minute intervals for 40 days (October 20-November 28, 1992). 190 Figure1.Contourmapfromamovingperiodogramondataofa42-year-oldwomanwithbipolaremotionalillness.Theperiodisplottedonthe abscissaandtimeontheordinate.Adifferentbehaviorisevidentinthecircadianbandofsystolicbloodpressure(SBP),ascomparedwiththe behaviorofdiastolicbloodpressure(DBP)andheartrate(HR),duringtheepisodeofdepressionoccurringaroundOctober26.During depression,thecircadianbandofSBPfadesgreatly(itpracticallydisappears)andthemainvariancemovestotheinfradianregion(tothe right),whereasacomparablechangeisnotapparentforDBPandHR.©Halberg. 191 Thereafter, once a week, he monitored BP and HR for 24 hours at 60-minute intervals for 8 weeks, until April 4, 1993. At 9 years of age on October 13, 2001, he started to monitor his BP and HR once daily in the morning. Problems arose at 13 years of age: In February 2005, he passed his junior high school entrance examination. In March, he graduated from elementary school; in April he entered a private junior high school, but during this month he could not attend school because of feelings of anxiety about the school. From April to July he spent most of his time at home. In July, he started to attend a public junior high school, where he made good friends. In 2006, when his best friend moved out of town, he made new friends in his new class, and in April 2006 he started swimming school. At 14 years of age, he was monitored again. His BP and HR were measured automatically with a TM-2430 monitor from A&D (Tokyo, Japan), mostly every hour by day and night from July 26 to September 10, 2006. Figures 2-4 show a circadian rhythm's consistent predominance in a gliding spectral window, while Figures 5-7 show combined gliding (left) and global spectral windows ("global" only in the sense of summarizing the entire series). The 24-hour synchronized circadian rhythm stands out for all three variables in all of the gliding and global displays. The 24hour synchronization is apparent numerically on the right, in that the 95% confidence interval of the period overlaps 24 hours and that of the 12-hour harmonic overlaps 12 hours, the latter component likely an expression of a nonsinusoidal circadian waveform. In Figure 7, the nonoverlap of 168 hours by the 95% confidence interval of the circaseptan period of HR indicates a lack of synchronization of the subject's pulse with a weekly schedule. CIRCADIAN DOMINANCE OVER EXTRACIRCADIANS IN GLIDING SPECTRUM OF HUMAN SYSTOLIC BLOOD PRESSURE WITH PERSISTING CIRCASEPTANS AND CIRCASEMISEPTANS (14-YEAR-OLD JAPANESE BOY)* * Born 19.10.1992; his systolic blood pressure was measured at mostly 60-minute intervals from 26 July 2006 for the ensuing 38 days and analyzed as a gliding (moving) spectrum in separate weekly intervals, displaced in 12-hour increments through the data set. A great prominence of circadians, shown by height and darker shading, corresponds to larger amplitudes. Amplitude(mmHg) 13.6 10.2 6.8 3.4 0.0 10 12 16 24 84 168 29-Jul 2-Aug 6-Aug 10-Aug 14-Aug 18-Aug 22-Aug 26-Aug 30-Aug ~1/2-week-c ~1-week-component (c) (circaseptan) ~1/2-day-c ~1-day-c (circadian) Time (calendar date) Period (hours) Figure 2. Time structure of systolic blood pressure showing circadian dominance and infradian intermittency while an about half-day component may reflect variability in the circadian waveform of a 14-year-old Japanese boy. © Halberg. 192 CIRCADIAN DOMINANCE OVER EXTRACIRCADIANS IN GLIDING SPECTRUM OF HUMAN DIASTOLIC BLOOD PRESSURE WITH PERSISTING CIRCASEPTANS AND CIRCASEMISEPTANS (14-YEAR-OLD JAPANESE BOY)* * Born 19.10.1992; his diastolic blood pressure was measured at mostly 60-minute intervals from 26 July 2006 for the ensuing 38 days and analyzed as a gliding (moving) spectrum in separate weekly intervals, displaced in 12-hour increments through the data set. A great prominence of circadians, shown by height and darker shading, corresponds to larger amplitudes. Amplitude(mmHg) 11.2 8.4 5.6 2.8 0.0 10 12 16 24 84 168 29-Jul 2-Aug 6-Aug 10-Aug 14-Aug 18-Aug 22-Aug 26-Aug 30-Aug ~1/2-week-c ~1-week-component (c) (circaseptan) ~1/2-day-c ~1-day-c (circadian) Time (calendar date) Period (hours) Figure 3. Time structure of diastolic blood pressure showing circadian dominance and infradian intermittency while an about halfday component may reflect variability in the circadian waveform of a 14-year-old Japanese boy. © Halberg. CIRCADIAN DOMINANCE OVER EXTRACIRCADIANS IN GLIDING SPECTRUM OF HUMAN HEART RATE WITH INTERMITTENTLY PERSISTING CIRCASEPTANS (14-YEAR-OLD JAPANESE BOY)* * Born 19.10.1992; his heart rate was measured at mostly 60-minute intervals from 26 July 2006 for the ensuing 38 days and analyzed as a gliding (moving) spectrum in separate weekly intervals, displaced in 12-hour increments through the data set. A great prominence of circadians, shown by height and darker shading, corresponds to larger amplitudes. Amplitude(beats/min) 11.2 8.4 5.6 2.8 0.0 10 12 16 24 84 168 29-Jul 2-Aug 6-Aug 10-Aug 14-Aug 18-Aug 22-Aug 26-Aug 30-Aug ~1-week-component (c) (circaseptan) ~1/2-day-c ~1-day-c (circadian) Time (calendar date) Period (hours) Figure 4. Time structure of heart rate showing circadian dominance and infradian intermittency while an about half-day component may reflect variability in the circadian waveform of a 14-year-old Japanese boy. © Halberg. 193 Figure 5. Gliding spectrum (left) aligned with global spectrum (right) of systolic blood pressure of a 14-yearold Japanese boy. Note that the 95% confidence intervals of the period of three components cover the week, day and half-day, respectively. © Halberg. Figure 6. Gliding spectrum (left) aligned with global spectrum (right) of diastolic blood pressure of a 14-yearold Japanese boy. Note that 95% confidence interval of an infradian peak does not cover the precise halfweek (= 84 hours). © Halberg. 194 Figure 7. Gliding spectrum (left) aligned with global spectrum (right) of heart rate of a 14-year-old Japanese boy. Note lack of circaseptan synchronization by 95% confidence interval of a circaseptan component not covering a precise week (= 168 hours). © Halberg. Table 1: Nonlinear estimation of about 7-day and about 21-day periods ( , in days) in the circulation of a Japanese boy (14 years of age) Spectral region Circaseptan Circavigintan Variable Kind of data Original Daytime means Original Systolic blood pressure (SBP) 7.64* (6.78-8.50) Not statistically significant 21.97* (16.7-27.2) Mean arterial pressure (MAP)c Not assessed 7.41* (6.67-8.15) Diastolic blood pressure (DBP) 7.45† (6.53-8.37) 7.37* (6.74-8.00) Heart rate (HR) 8.19* (7.39-8.99) 8.05* (7.29-8.81) SBP x HRc Not assessed *P<0.05; †borderline statistical significance; c calculated Note (in bold) that for variables involving heart rate, the 95% confidence intervals (given in parentheses) of the circaseptan period do not cover the precise week. 195 Table 1 shows again that the 95% confidence interval of the circaseptan period of HR does not cover the precise week, as do the corresponding 95% confidence intervals of SBP and DBP, yet the confidence intervals of these variables also barely cover 7 days. The external circaseptan asynchronization of HR is further supported and extended in analyses restricted to the daytime means: in these time series, the circaseptan periods not only of HR but also of the double product both have a 95% confidence interval that does not overlap precisely 7 days. The corresponding confidence intervals of the circaseptan periods of DBP and mean arterial pressure barely cover precisely 168 hours. Longer series would have been required to detect for the boy's BP any probable external circaseptan asynchronization with the societal routine. Table 2: Larger cardiovascular prominence of circaseptans in neonates and of circadians in adults, gauged by amplitude ratios (AR)* Mean AR and 95% confidence interval Comparison Variable Neonates (40) Adults (15) Student t (P) Systolic BP 2.23 (1.66, 2.99) 0.15 (0.09, 0.24) 9.545 (<0.001) Diastolic BP 1.57 (1.18, 2.09) 0.13 (0.08, 0.21) 9.024 (<0.001) HR 2.32 (1.78, 3.01) 0.16 (0.11, 0.25) 11.848 (<0.001) *Data series on BP and HR analyzed by the least-squares (cosinor) fit of 24-hour and 7-day cosine curves to data series each covering at least 7 days around-the-clock. The prominence of circaseptans early in extrauterine life raises the question whether this chronome component may have evolved by resonance with solar wind-related (geomagnetic) disturbance and/or may (also) currently constitute a response to our cosmos. The endogenicity of BP and HR circaseptans is supported by their free-running under conditions of an isolette for prematures or in social isolation for adults or for SBP in an afebrile boy (with intermittent fever) on a daily routine in the presence of a 24-hour synchronized circadian of locomotor activity. Discussion In the BP and HR of a clinically healthy-appearing newborn with a family history of vascular disorders and cancer, about 7-day and other infradian (with a period longer than 28 hours) cycles dominate during the first several weeks of life in terms of a much larger double amplitude (extent of predictable change) as compared to that of the circadian variation (12). This finding is in keeping with Table 2, summarizing earlier studies on 40 newborns by comparison to data on 15 adults. Circadian variations, initially less prominent than infradians, Figures 8-10, become dominant only after the third week of life for the ensuing weeks (and until late in maturity). Again at 14 years of age, we find about 7-day variations persisting in SBP and DBP and HR. In these variables, circaseptans can disappear and reappear. Their behavior is quasi-persistent, revealed as intermittent for all three variables and showing an alternation of circaseptans with circasemiseptans in SBP and DBP during adolescence, Figures 2 and 3, as they did postnatally (12). The subject was monitored during vacation. In the presence of a fully 24-hour synchronized circadian rhythm, a circaseptan asynchronization with the societal week of HR (and of the double product) characterizes an adolescent who happened to exhibit a transient anxiety disorder, consisting of sweating and palpitation, at 13 years of age, while attending school. As noted, after graduation from elementary school in March 2005 (at 13 years of age), in April he entered a private junior high school but anxiety prevented him from attending it. From April to July he spent 196 most of the time in his home. In July, he started to go to a public high school, could soon socialize, made friends there and at the time of this writing seems to be content. Whether his circaseptan asynchronization of HR was a residual from an anxiety disorder comes to mind in view of a prior association between alterations of circaseptan rhythms during an episode of depression in an adult (9), but to our knowledge control data on other adolescents covering weeks are not available. There is evidence, however, for altered HR variability in patients with panic disorder (13). 0.00 1.45 2.90 4.35 5.80 7.25 8.70 10.15 11.60 13.05 0-1.45 1.45-2.9 2.9-4.35 4.35-5.8 5.8-7.25 7.25-8.7 8.7-10.15 10.15-11.6 11.6-13.05 ** in a healthy boy, born 19.10.1992, whose blood pressure was measured at mostly 30-minute intervals from 20.10 for the ensuing 40 days, and analyzed as a moving spectrum in separate weekly intervals, displaced in 12-hour increments through the data set. An initially greater relative prominence of infradians, shown by height and darker shading, corresponding to a larger percentage rhythm, contrasts with the relative prominence of circadians and circasemidians in later weeks of life, while any ultradians with still higher frequencies and any trends and chaos, two other chronome elements, are here unassessed. 168 24 16 12 10 Period (hours) 24-Oct 28 1-Nov 5 9 13 17 21 25 Time (calendar date) ! *PercentageRhythm(%) ~ 1-week-component (c) ~ 12-hour c ~ 1-day c Figure 8. Changing relative prominence* of some components in a partial spectral element of the postnatal human systolic blood pressure chronome**. Infradian-to-circadian moving systolic blood pressure spectrum of a boy at term: side view of relative prominence. © Halberg. 0.00 0.62 1.24 1.87 2.49 3.11 3.73 4.35 4.98 5.60 * in a healthy boy, born 19.10.1992, whose blood pressure was measured at mostly 30-minute intervals from 20.10 for the ensuing 40 days, and analyzed as a moving spectrum in separate weekly intervals, displaced in 12-hour increments through the data set. An initially greater prominence of infradians (see ~ 1 week c, left), shown by height and color, corresponding to a larger amplitude, contrasts with the prominence of circadians and circasemidians in later weeks of life, while any ultradians with still higher frequencies and any trends and chaos, two other chronome elements, are here unassessed. Amplitude(mmHg) 168 24 16 12 10 Period (hours) 24-Oct 28 1-Nov 5 9 13 17 21 25 Time (calendar date) ~ 12-hour c ~ 1-week-component (c) ~ 1-day c Figure 9. Changing relative prominence* of some components in a partial spectral element of the postnatal human diastolic blood pressure chronome**. Infradian-to-circadian moving diastolic blood pressure spectrum of a boy at term: side view of relative prominence. © Halberg. 197 0.00 1.09 2.18 3.27 4.36 5.45 6.54 7.63 8.72 9.81 0-1.09 1.09-2.18 2.18-3.27 3.27-4.36 4.36-5.45 5.45-6.54 6.54-7.63 7.63-8.72 8.72-9.81 * in a healthy boy, born 19.10.1992, whose heart rate was measured at mostly 30-minute intervals from 20.10 for the ensuing 40 days, and analyzed as a moving spectrum in separate weekly intervals, displaced in 12-hour increments through the data set. An initially greater prominence of infradians (see ~ 1 week c, left), shown by height and color, corresponding to a larger amplitude, contrasts with the prominence of circadians and circasemidians in later weeks of life, while any ultradians with still higher frequencies and any trends and chaos, two other chronome elements, are here unassessed. Amplitude(beats/min) 168 24 16 12 10 Period (hours) 24-Oct 28 1-Nov 5 9 13 17 21 25 Time (calendar date) ~ 1-week-component (c) ~ 3-day c ~ 1-day c ~ 12-hour c Figure 10. Changing relative prominence* of some components in a partial spectral element of the postnatal human heart rate chronome**. Infradianto-circadian moving heart rate spectrum of a boy at term: side view of relative prominence. © Halberg. Figure 11. Circaseptan acrophases, , in the 17-ketosteroids and volume of urine excreted by a healthy man*. Different behavior of the about-weekly variation in urinary excretion of 17-ketosteroids (top) and urine volume (bottom) recorded by a clinically healthy man after self-administration of androgen. The acrophase (phase of maximum) of a 7-day cosine curve is plotted on the ordinate, expressed in (negative) degrees, with 360˚ equated to 7 days, and 0˚ (reference) set to midnight between Saturday and Sunday prior to start of data collection. Analyses performed on data in a 182-day interval progressively displaced in 28-day increments throughout the 15-year record (abscissa). © Halberg. 198 Figure 12. About 21-day component in spectrum of systolic blood pressure of a 14year-old Japanese boy. © Halberg. In addition to the social routine's precise 7-day schedule, physical environmental conditions also involve cyclic counterparts to a near-week such as a near 7-day oscillation in geomagnetic activity (1) and in rainfall (14). Components corresponding in period length to those detected for the subject were not found in the geomagnetic index Kp during the 38 days of his monitoring. His HR is asynchronized with the geomagnetic variation as well as from the societal routine. Circaseptan asynchronization, in the presence of a social weekly schedule in urine volume was demonstrated earlier for the urinary excretion of 17-ketosteroids in a healthy man treated with a heavy dose of androgen, Figure 11 (15). Figure 12 shows that the SBP of this 14-year-old boy also exhibits an about 23-day (circavigintan) spectral component. The nonlinearly estimated period is of 21.3 days with a 95% confidence interval extending from 16.0 to 26.7 days, when accounting for the prominent circadian rhythm, Figure 12. A similar component has been reported in the 17-ketosteroid excretion of a clinically healthy adult man who collected and analyzed his 24-h urinary 17-ketosteroid excretion over 15 years (15). Hence this component has been tentatively interpreted as the gauge of a possible male sex cycle (the subject does not yet shave). Much additional mapping with unobtrusive affordable instrumentation will be necessary to diagnose asynchronization and other variability disorders of BP and HR at birth or during adolescence, an important task since alteration of variability in the range of acceptable values represents risks greater than hypertension in adults and can be detected by a time structural (chronomic) analysis (16, 17). Toward this goal, Figures 2-7 and 12 constitute first maps that include infradian as well as circadian physiologic variability and show changes in their relative prominence differing in adolescence as compared to analyses of data collected neonatally (12). Figures 1-10 illustrate an approach by a computer-implemented temporal microscopy of physiological variables. In that context, they introduce an inferential statistical methodology for the study of psychiatric time series in the context of transdisciplinary ones with aeolian wobbly spectral components. The long-term aim is the detection of earliest disease risks at birth and in adolescence by broadening the perspective from now-useful circadians (16-19) to other assessable variations already sought in 1904 and found in data published in 1880 and 1881 (1). The Phoenix Project, a group of Minnesota engineers (http://www.phoenix.tc-ieee.org), aims to build unobtrusive, generally applicable non-cuff, electrode-independent inexpensive instrumentation for 199 monitoring BP and HR automatically and to provide analytical software for a time-structural analysis in the light of reference values from peers matched by gender and age (http://www.sphygmochron.org/). The analytical service is available cost-free from a project on The BIOsphere and the COSmos, BIOCOS, by contacting corne001@umn.edu. As to about 3.5- and 7-day cycles, they usually complement the almost-ubiquitous circadians, along with other spectral components including about 20- and 30-day and about 5- and ~6-month rhythms, as well as annual and paraannual ones (20). The recognition that a seemingly free-running about-weekly schedule resides in part in living matter came first from the breakdown products of the very adrenocortical and gonadal hormones (17-ketosteroids = 17-KS) that are important for survival and reproduction; the circadian story repeated itself. First found was an apparently free-running rhythm in 17-KS with a period close to yet different from precisely 7 days. On weekends, the subject (CH) drank an extra cup of tea and a bottle of beer, a schedule that synchronized the volume he excreted and measured, but not the steroid metabolites contained in his urine which he determined for 15 years by the same method, with the same reagents bought at the outset (15). In other words, the precise 7-day period found for CH in the urine volume in which the metabolites had been determined, coexisted with a period of about (but different from precisely) 7 days in the excreted steroidal metabolite and was also different (desynchronized) from another near-7-day period in the planetary geomagnetic index Kp during the urine's collection span (1, 15). Second, there was the observation that circaseptans appear after the administration of a single stimulus that carries no 7-day information, as in the case of a partial hepatectomy studied by Hübner (21) in rats and by us after kidney or heart transplantation in rodents and humans (22-24). Single stimulus induction of circaseptans, or rather their manifestation after a single stimulus, traced back to antiquity, was also the topic of a classic book on circaseptans by Günther Hildebrandt and Ingrid Bandt-Reges (25; see also 26). Third, as to ontogeny, a dominant weekly pattern, much more prominent than the alsopresent circadian component in the same data, was seen in a survey of more than 181 profiles of BP, each profile on a separate baby, each measured every 30 minutes for 48 hours on different 2 consecutive days of the first week of life (27), and in several hundred additional longitudinal monitorings for several weeks during the first months of life (28). By the fourth week of life, the circadian component usually dominated the human spectrum (12). In a crayfish, the circaseptan dominated the activity pattern at the age of 6 months (29). In the case studied herein, aeolian circaseptans persisted into adolescence, albeit they came and went and were only quasi-persistent. Fourth, again as to ontogeny, the circaseptans regain relative prominence with elderly age, concurrently with a circadian decrease in amplitude (30). Fifth, as to phylogeny, the giant unicell Acetabularia acetabulum, standardized in light and darkness alternating every 12 hours, thereafter released into continuous light, after signal averaging of electrical activity, shows a circaseptan rhythm with a free-running near-one-week period, with a much larger amplitude than that of the also free-running circadian rhythm (20). Assuming that this alga has not changed in the interim, this eukaryote may tell us about the environmental cycles it adapted to when it developed, perhaps 500 million years ago (31) at a time that physical instruments cannot yet readily trace and the length of the day was several hours shorter than today. Sixth, like Acetabularia, tumor cell cultures, as spheroids or as monolayer, also show a major circaseptan peak in -ATP concentration, with a superposed circadian in amplitude that is barely one-third of the circaseptan (32, 33). While Acetabularia shows free-running circadians and circaseptans, the tumor cells are 1- and 7-day synchronized and when Acetabularia shows a 200 dispersion of periods after a first cycle or so, the tumor cells remain 1- and 7-day synchronized for six consecutive cycles. Tumor cell kill by radiation was much better at the circadian and circaseptan peak of the -ATP marker, as compared to radiation administered at the circaseptan and circadian minimum (32, 33), but the synchronizing stimulus is not identified in this case. Seventh, remove-and-replace approaches, that led over half a century ago to mechanisms of circadian rhythms (1) also served in the case of circaseptans. About 7-day rhythms opened a new chapter in chronomics, the aligned recording of variables in and around us. Again a remove-andreplace approach proved to be helpful, but it was not via an interference with the organism, such as eye removal leading to free-running or bilateral adrenalectomy or suprachiasmatic nuclear lesioning leading to different consequences in the case of different biological variables. This time it was the cosmos, notably the sun, not the surgeon (in blinding) or genetics (in the case of congenitally blind ZRD mice; 1), that did the removal and the cosmos also was responsible for the replacement: when solar activity had 7-day components in its (Walsh) spectra (computed in St. Petersburg by Vernova et al. (34), human HR (in Minnesota and Connecticut) had these components amplified in its spectrum, and vice versa when these components were lacking in the sun's record, the corresponding components in heart rate were damped, but not lost, showing that they were also partly built in (35; cf. also 15). This coding of the circaseptans in our genes is compatible with resonance. Hence it is hardly surprising to find an occasional pull of a biological circaseptan acrophase by a geomagnetic cycle with a proximal frequency, e.g., for one variable but not for another. While in the case of circadian rhythms the assumption that free-running indicated the built-in nature of rhythms led to successes at the molecular level, in that case and more so in the case of infradians, we must remember that organisms are open systems to their environments and there is in any case a complementary system of the cosmos, that influences along infradian as well as circadian scales the difference between survival and sudden cardiac death (36), suicide (37) and being killed by the hand of others (38-40). 201 References 1. Halberg Franz, Cornélissen G, Katinas G, Syutkina EV, Sothern RB, Zaslavskaya R, Halberg Francine, Watanabe Y, Schwartzkopff O, Otsuka K, Tarquini R, Perfetto P, Siegelova J. Transdisciplinary unifying implications of circadian findings in the 1950s. 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Support GM-13981 (FH), University of Minnesota Supercomputing Institute (GC, FH), MSM 0021622402 204 A transtridecadal cycle in human heart rate: Selective infradian, notably multidecadal solarphysiologic BEL congruences Robert B. Sothern, George S. Katinas, Bohumil Fiser, Jarmila Siegelova, Germaine Cornélissen, Franz Halberg Halberg Chronobiology Center, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA Abstract Noninvasive cardiology surveys vascular variability to detect earliest prehypertension, prediabetes and a premetabolic syndrome. The data obtained for such prehabilitation can also be used to monitor space weather. Thereby, we detect, in the human circulation as in a mental function, genetically coded signatures of irregular nonstationary and hence questioned environmental cycles. By inferential statistical methods and by transdisciplinary counterparts, we here validate a cycle originally documented by plots of data for the unaided eye by three scientists -- Eduard Brückner, Charles Egeson and William J.S. Lockyer -- hence dubbed the BEL cycle, from their last-name initials. A set of analytical methods resolves solar-terrestrial-biospheric associations, good or bad, in individuals', populations' and ecosystems' health and illness. Figure 1. Brückner at an advanced age. Courtesy of Dr. Reinhold Steinacker, O.Univ.-Prof., Head, Vice-Dean; Mag. Walter Lang and Dr. Franz Holawe, Department of Meteorology and Geophysics, Faculty of Geosciences, Geography and Astronomy, University of Vienna, Austria. Background In an 1877 book on the history of astronomy, Rudolf Wolf (1) cites observation of meteor showers in the Leonids that have a period of 33 ¼ years, "meaning that a maximum happens only about every 33 years (i.e., 1799, 1833, 1866)". In a 324-page monograph published in 1890, Eduard Brückner (2), Figure 1, very thoroughly compiled extensive data over several centuries in the case of severe winters from 1000 to 1775. He suggested cycles of 34.87 years, which he documented with many tables and figures and an overall chart, aligning variation in environmental temperature, rainfall, ice-free rivers, cold winters and the wine harvest with Zürich relative sunspot (Wolf) numbers. He reported that his cycle was independent of that in sunspots (which he assumed to undergo an about 55-year cycle). Human migrations from Europe to North America and westward within North America were associated by Brückner with his wet-dry cycle (3, 4). Alternations of wet and dry climate and their possible signatures were highly variable from one cycle to the next, 205 yet when Brückner averaged them for consecutive spans of about 2 centuries each, he arrived at the 34.8-year length; we here refer to an over- (beyond = trans) tridecadal, i.e., transtridecadal or circaquinseptennian cycle. A few months before Brückner (in 1889), Charles Egeson (5) published his research on solar meteorology, reporting a trans-tridecadal weather cycle in rainfall, thunderstorms and westerly winds in the month of April for Sydney, Australia, with the length of the period varying from 33 to 34 years. William J.S. Lockyer (6) deserves credit for finding an ~35-year period in the length of the sunspot cycle and for aligning this cycle with terrestrial weather. In 1901, William Lockyer (6) concluded that the time between consecutive minima in sunspots underwent an about 35-year variation, as did the total spotted area between any two consecutive minima, all in keeping, per Lockyer (6), with Brückner (2): "The climate variations indicated by Professor Brückner are generally in accordance with the 35-year period" (6). W.J.S. Lockyer added that the frequency of aurorae and magnetic storms also shows indications of a 35-year period (6). Based largely on the details in (1), the story of solar-terrestrial meteorology since antiquity was given 2 years later in the journal Science by William Lockyer's father, Sir Norman Lockyer (discoverer of helium in the sun's atmosphere and founder of the journal Nature) (7). Sir Norman began with a statement in 1903 that remains timely in 2008: "There are very many cases recorded in the history of science in which we find that the most valuable and important applications have arisen from the study of the ideally useless. Long period weather forecasting, which at last seems to be coming into the region of practical politics as a result of the observation of solar changes, is another example of this sequence" (7). Sir Norman Lockyer then traced the history of solar-terrestrial variables to ancient China, which was aware of sunspots and of "a magnetic force which acts upon a needle" (7). The BEL reports were documented by no more than curves for visual inspection by the unaided eye, a circumstance prompting Arthur Schuster in 1914, at his time the leading numerical investigator of hidden periods in his field, to examine Brückner's data and to question the justification of calling the Brückner cycle a periodicity: he explicitly indicated, however, that he did not wish to detract from the phenomenon's importance (8). Subsequently, S.I. Kostin questioned any "Brückner or 'Brikner''' cycle explicitly (in 1965; 9), while Felix Sigel in 1979 referred to the "Brikner" cycle as a multiple of Schwabe's circadecadal periodicity in Zürich relative sunspot (Wolf) numbers (10). In 2003, in an article on fire cycling, there is again a misspelled reference to "Brikner's climatic cycle", described as "minor" yet properly identified in the range from 36-41 years (11). Since 2000, the GKSS-Forschungszentrum (Geesthacht, Germany) has awarded the Eduard Brückner Prize every three years for outstanding interdisciplinary work in climate research (12); yet several investigators in solar-terrestrial atmospheric physics and/or geophysics in the USA, when asked by one of us in 2008, said they had never heard of the "Brikner" or Brückner cycle. Thus, in 2008 the original discoverers of trans-tridecadals are, at least in the USA, mostly forgotten. Without citation to Egeson, Brückner or the Lockyers, and without reference to a transtridecadal cycle, the close relation of changes in the length of the solar cycle to climate (11) was documented in 1991 (13); other pertinent papers had been reviewed in a historical context by 1995 (14). A possible 35.6-year variation was reported early in the 21st century in coronal holes (15), yet in a spectrogram, it was a transient. It was not a peak in a (global) analysis of the entire series by the extended cosinor analysis method. 33-year variations were found "... in all the solarterrestrial parameters ..." in 2006 by Nayar, who applied wavelet decomposition analysis to sunspot numbers and solar wind velocity, among other variables (16). For cases of both accepted and questioned cycles in or around us, we had proposed that, as three highly desirable steps, a test of the zero-amplitude (no cycle) assumption combined with point-and-interval estimation should be carried out first. Second, we advocated the search for a 206 Figure 2. Congruence or similarity in characteristics such as the period or phase of a spectral component in two or more concomitantly sampled time series of the same variables or of different variables within intracellular entities, cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, individuals, populations, disciplines and, most interestingly, when they are transdisciplinary, as are transyears or trans- and cis-half-years. © Halberg. 207 transdisciplinary counterpart, i.e, a component with a corresponding cycle length, defined as congruent by overlapping or overlying CIs (95% confidence intervals) of the periods, s, involved, Figure 2 (17; cf. 18-20). Third, we advocate, when possible, a remove-and-replace approach (17). These criteria apply when the period of one data series is mimicked transdisciplinarily in another; it then provides strong support in transdisciplinary terms for the reality of aeolians (see below), notably when the intermittent nature of the phenomena in a given discipline prompt "lingering doubts", to cite verbatim a physicist (C. Wolff) questioning his own report of an 0.42-year period. The cycle of about 5 months length was predicted by Charles Wolff (21-24) and found to characterize hard solar flares by Rieger (25) and others (26-34) in other aspects of solar activity; it was biospherically validated in sudden cardiac death (ICD10, code I46.1) in Minnesota, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Austria and Tokyo (35-37), and in suicide (38-40), in circulating melatonin (20), in the 17-ketosteroid excretion of a clinically healthy man during 15 years and in the diastolic blood pressure of a treated MESOR-hypertensive man, GSK, with an intermittent circadian overswing, CHAT (41). The intermittent and otherwise nonstationary waxing and waning in amplitude to the point of disappearing and reappearing, bifurcating and rejoining, and drifting in frequency, found in the solar wind's speed, was dubbed "aeolian". Results In a clinically healthy man, RBS, a transtridecadal cycle characterizes his heart rate measured for 40 years about 2-7 times daily (on the average about 5 times daily). A cycle of about 32.9 years stands out clearly in a spectrum (Figure 3 right) and is visualized in a model fitted to the display of original data as a function of time (Figure 3 left). It is congruent with a cycle in Zürich (Wolf) numbers during the same span, which is visualized in Figure 4. The CIs in Figures 3 and 4 give quantitative details (in parentheses) of uncertainties in heart rate and Zürich numbers. The circadecadal congruence differs among the 3 vascular variables in Figure 5. Selective infradian congruence is also seen for circaseptan components in Figure 6. There is further selective mental-environmental congruence in the transyear window of bioresonance. In a relatively small spectral window of a 36-year series of the around-the-clock estimation of 1 minute (TE), we find four cases of congruent spectral components in this mental function matching those in both solar wind speed (S) and a geomagnetic index, aa (E). There were another four cases of congruence between TE and S only (not E) and two added cases of congruence between aa (E) only (not S) and TE. This may be interpreted as in keeping with both direct effects of S or E and/or of S acting via E. Selective congruence may be limited to certain circadian stages. This is the case of a human mental function (TE) which is modulated by BEL in a 36-year-long time series, as discussed elsewhere in these proceedings. Congruence may vary in time, i.e., may be transient or intermittent, as in the case of a cis-half-year in 17-ketosteroid excretion vs. that in the planetary magnetic disturbance index Kp, suggesting that the biological counterpart is partly built-in since it persists when the environmental counterpart is not detected. 208 Figure 3. *Weekly averages of data from RBS, clinically healthy man, 21 years of age at start of selfmeasurements 5-7 times per day during 1967-2006 (N=1978). Transtridecadal Brückner-Egeson-Lockyer cycle (BEL) of 32.9 years in human heart rate of RBS given with its 95% confidence interval in the spectral window (right), derived from original data shown on the left with the fitted model. Note that numerically the BEL cycle has the largest amplitude in the window examined, while it is the smallest in Figure 4 in Zürich numbers. © Halberg. Figure 4. Composite 3-cmponent model fitted to data (bottom right), with contribution by each separate component also shown (top and bottom left) with nonlinearly resolved period (in years) and 95% confidence interval in person. Minor transtridecadal BEL aspect of Zürich sunspot numbers, top left, as compared to other components with much larger amplitude (top right and bottom left) and by contrast to the prominent BEL in heart rate in *RBS (clinically healthy man, about 20.5-years of age at start of monitoring) shown in Figure 3. Entire model shown at the bottom on the right. © Halberg. 209 Gaa BSC WN SBP DBP HR * BSC = Hale's Bipolarity Sunspot Cycle (odd cycles coded negative); WN = Schwabe's relative sunspot numbers (Wolf Numbers); Gaa = Geomagnetic aaIndex; SBP = Systolic Blood Pressure; DBP = Diastolic Blood Pressure; HR = Heart Rate. Cardiovascular data collected during 38 y by RBS, a MESOR-normotensive man, 20.5 y old at start of ongoing ~5 daily self-measurements. Width of horizontal bars = 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for all s. All series in same span (May 11 1967 to Nov 07 2005). Thin connecting lines and shading indicate overlapping CIs. Conclusion (tentative; based on limited data): CIs of s of some cardiovascular spectral components overlap (when driven ?) or do not overlap (but are near) environmental reciprocal s (when they are endogenous ?); alternatives, including chance, not ruled out. TRANSDISCIPLINARY MAPPING: ENVIRONMENTAL RECIPROCALS TO PHYSIOLOGICAL CYCLES; SOLAR SIGNATURES IN THE HUMAN CIRCULATION: MULTIDECADAL - MULTIANNUAL CONGRUENCE * Frequency (cycles per 40 y, log scale) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Period ( , years, y) 40 30 1020 5715 95% CI C O S M O S M A N = Small lack of overlap: endogenous, driven or chance ? Figure 5. Differential congruence of environmental and physiological peaks in RBS, a clinically healthy man who self-measured blood pressure and heart rate about 5 times a day from the age of ~20 to about 60 years. On top, Hale's bipolarity sunspot cycle (BSC) is congruent by the criterion of overlapping, if not overlying 95% confidence intervals of periods with systolic (S) and diastolic (D) blood pressure at some frequencies and with heart rate at a different frequency. Differential congruences are also seen between Zürich relative sunspot numbers or geomagnetics and the physiological variables and further among environmental or physiological variables themselves. Congruences are a first step for the study of biospheric variables by the consequences of subtraction vs. replacement of an environmental frequency. This figure, summarizing 40 years of physiological data, should point first to the need for replicating congruence studies on populations of self-monitoring subjects, since a replication on the same individual is lengthy and involves interactions with age. By the same token, congruence studies are desirable at shorter infradian periods, as in Figure 6. © Halberg. 210 CIRCASEPTAN CONGRUENCE IN CERTAIN ENVIRONMENTAL SPECTRAL COMPONENTS AND IN SOME CARDIOVASCULAR COUNTERPARTS 6.706.806.907.007.107.20 Period (days, d) SOLAR WIND's (SW) SPEED HEART RATE (HR) SYSTOLIC BLOOD PRESSURE (SBP) DIASTOLIC BLOOD PRESSURE (DBP) Point estimation 95% CI** 6.78 d 7.00 d **** *** Dst Kp Ap 6.82 d7.01 d 7.03 d * All peaks are statistically significant (P<0.001) by linear-nonlinear least squares cosinor spectra (not corrected for multiple testing). HR, SBP and DBP (N=124,263 each): half-hourly records of GSK, a 72-year old man at start of around-the-clock monitoring; SW (N=69,845) hourly values from http://omniweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/ ; Dst, Ap and Kp 3-hourly data (N=23,376 each) from http://spidr.ngdc.noaa.gov/ . ** CI: confidence interval. *** Two separate spectral peaks without CI-overlapping. **** All available daily SW data during 1963-2005. Figure 6. Human heart rate monitored around the clock for over 8 years is characterized by an about 6.78day circaseptan component with a 95% confidence interval congruent with a matching component found in solar wind speed for the corresponding span as well as for a much longer span of over 40 years of all data available at the time of analysis. A similar component is also found to characterize several indices of geomagnetic activity (Dst, Ap, Kp). A similar component is not found, however, for blood pressure measured concomitantly, characterized by a 7-day synchronized and several other non-7-day circaseptans, two of which are congruent with the periods of indices of helio- and at least 2 indices of geomagnetic activity, of which only one also has a congruence with a period of heart rate. Another period of blood pressure and heart rate, is congruent with geo- but not with heliomagnetic activity. The closeness of the spectral bumps if not hills, however, does not yield the same opportunity for emphasizing selectivity as compared to similar congruences among spectrally well-separated peaks such as those in the decadal and transyearly ranges, Figures 4 & 5. Precisely because of the much better demonstrability of heliogeobiocongruence in the case of distant peaks, those in a crowded very narrow spectral range must not be dismissed by questioning the validity of very many circaseptan components, some of which demonstrably (by chronomic serial section) occur at different times during the observation span. Rules based on lessons learned from congruence among different distant peaks may or may not be found to apply to peaks, e.g., in the circaseptan spectral region. One such rule is that blood pressure and heart rate can be congruent, each with a different spectral component of the same environmental variable in a subject studied over nearly 4 decades, Figure 5. This rule is confirmed and extended by data only over 8 years in the circaseptan range, where the 8 years cover 416 cycles, many more than the 40 years can cover in a circadecadal range (a minimum of 4 decadal cycles and hardly more than a tridecadal cycle). Moreover, any global summary such as those in Figures 5 and 6 is best extended by a chronobiologic-chronomic 211 serial section that reveals the time courses of the spectral components. Global congruences await analysis of variations in congruence with time. © Halberg. Conclusion In all cases of congruence, time courses of corresponding serial data covering preferably the longest available documented spans of the variables involved have to be aligned and examined for any consistent reproducible consequences associated with a remove-and-replace or at least subtraction-and-addition approach (35-40, 42). 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We have designed a new 2-week hospitalized phase II Cardiac Rehabilitation (CR) program in Japan. The purpose of the present study is to determine long-term effects on physical parameters; especially insulin resistance and myocardial remodeling in patients with acute myocardial infarction. Methodology Twenty-five patients (20 men, 5 women, mean age: 52±11years, peak CK 2378±1881 IU/l, mean EF 60±18%) with AMI were enrolled in this program. Plasma propeptide of type I procollagen (PICP), HOMA-R and proinsulin were evaluated. The physical status was assessed by the exercise tolerance (AT and peak VO2), exercise frequency, serum lipid profiles and BMI. All the parameters were evaluated before, 1, 6 and 12 months after the participation in the program. Results Serum lipid profiles (HDL cholesterol, triglyceride), BMI, peak VO2 and AT were improved significantly, PICP was stable at the 1, 6 and 12 months follow-up. Eighty percent of patients had regular exercise activity (REA). There was no significant difference in PICP between REA and the sedentary subjects. Pro-insulin and HOMA-R were stable at the 1, 6 and 12 months follow-up. The change in HOMA-R was not related to exercise tolerance; it strongly correlated with the change in BMI 215 (r=0.61). Conclusion These results suggest that Phase II CR program do not accelerate myocardial remodeling and our 2-week hospitalized Phase II CR program contributes to not only maintain insulin sensitivity but also improve in the management of other cardiac risk factors. Key words diabetes – rehabilitation – cardiovascular risk – myocardial infarction – exercise Introduction While the mortality from acute myocardial infarction (AMI) has fallen, it remains a leading cause of mortality and morbidity in the Western world. Approximately 50% of deaths from AMI occur in the first hour prior to admission to hospital which emphasizes the importance of primary and secondary prevention. In the past decade several studies suggested that there are some ways to go in this regard, especially the lifestyle changes and risk factor modification in the post-AMI patients. Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in people with type 2 diabetes (non-insulin dependent – NIDDM). Compared to people without diabetes, people with diabetes have strongly increased risk of coronary heart disease (1, 2). People with type 2 diabetes without prior myocardial infarction have as high a risk of death from coronary heart disease as non-diabetic patients with a previous history of myocardial infarction (3, 4). Effective management of patients after AMI through lifestyle modification can delay the onset of complications, including cardiovascular and metabolic disorders. However, there are several problems which are not completely solved. First of all, the period of hospitalization during Phase I cardiovascular rehabilitation (CR) becoming shorter as a result of recent advances in medical interventions (stent, PTCA) and also for economic reasons. The lifestyle modification, particularly in terms of daily exercise, cessation of smoking and a balanced food intake, should be acquired during Phase II CR (or so-called recovery stage, since discharge from hospital until return to work) and maintained thereafter. But according to numerous recent reports the participation in the Phase II CR remains still very low - only 9-15% in U.S.A., 14-23% in U.K. and 5-12% in Japan of all the patients after AIM participate in Phase II CR. The main reasons why the participation ratio in Phase II CR is low, are the lack of the primary physician’s 216 recommendation for participation, long commute time (frequent visit rate and long distance to visit local hospitals, so that the patients have a hard time to modify their life-style), patient “denial” of severity of illness and history of depression (5). A new 2-week hospitalized phase II cardiac rehabilitation program (2-WCR) has been designed and administered by a multidisciplinary team. The objective of this pilot study was to evaluate the effectiveness of 2WCRP on insulin resistance and cardiac remodeling in non-insulin dependent (NIDDM) patiens and to clarify whether the physical and psychological status of these patients improved after participation in the program. Patiens and methods Twenty-five patients with AMI and NIDDM (age 52.2 ± 11 years, 20 men, 5 women, mean EF 60 ± 18%, peak creatinkinase 2378 ± 1881 IU/l) referred from primary care were enrolled in the 2 weeks lasting rehabilitation program. This program consisted of exercise training, education and counseling, and another 34 patients with AMI who did not participate in the program served as the control group. The physical status was assessed by symptom-limited spiroergometry and determination of exercise tolerance (AT and peak VO2). Spiroergometry was performed by all patients according to a standardized protocol by Wasserman et al. (1999) (6). The test was done at progressively increasing working rate (10 W/min) to the maximal tolerance level on an electromagnetically braked bicycle ergometer. Heart rate was monitored continuously using 12-lead electrocardiograph and blood pressure was measured non-invasively every 2min. The peak workload was recorded; oxygen uptake and carbon dioxide production were calculated breath by breath (CPX/D system, Medical Graphics Corporation, St. Paul, Minneapolis), interpolated, and averaged over 10-s periods. Peak oxygen uptake (VO2peak) and oxygen uptake at anaerobic threshold ( VO2AT) were determined according to the method by Wasserman et al. (1999). Individual Body Mass Index was calculated according to the formula BMI = weight (kg)/ height2 (m2 ). Rehabilitation protocol Two-week non-pharmacological rehabilitation program in hospital was performed as a group based exercise and group (individual) education training. Exercise training consisted of bicycle ergometry (for 2 x 30 min/day at the 80-100% of heart rate at the level of individually 217 determined anaerobic threshold), walking (1-2 km/day) and stretching performed every day in group classes supervised by a physiotherapist. Education program was done in group classes taught by nurse, physiotherapist and dietitian, and consisted of group lecture (30 - 60 min/day), individual nutrition counseling (60 min/day) and individual discharge instruction (60 min/day). Biochemical parameters HOMA-R. The HOmeostasis Model Assessment (HOMA) Ratio is a mathematical model which can estimate an individual's degree of insulin sensitivity and level of beta cell function from simultaneous measurements of fasting plasma glucose and fasting plasma insulin concentrations. HOMA-R models the physiologic glucose-insulin feedback system and estimates an individual's insulin sensitivity based on the assumption that any one combination of glucose and insulin is associated with a given insulin sensitivity, or, conversely, their insulin resistance. HOMA-R has become a much used method for estimating insulin sensitivity and beta cell function in people with non-insulin treated type 2 diabetes. PPIICCPP ((carboxyterminal propeptide of type I procollagen)). Collagen type I and III are the major fibrillar collagen in the myocardium. PICP is cleaved from the pro-collagen molecule during collagen synthesis and released into the bloodstream. Some studies demonstrated that plasma PICP level in 2-3 weeks after AIM were significantly higher in the group with dilation of myocardium than in the group with no dilation (8). Proinsulin. Proinsulin is a predictor of insulin that is enzymatically cleaved from insulin. Several studies have suggested that proinsulin concentrations are strongly related to cardiovascular risk factors and carotid wall thickness than are insulin concentrations. Increased proinsulin concentrations predict death and morbidity caused by CHD over a period of 27 years, independent of other major cardiovascular risk factors (9). The changes in exercise performance, BMI and selected biochemical parameters were evaluated after 1, 6 and 12 months after discharge home. The physical activity lasting over 20 min and realized more than 2 times per week was considered as home-based regular physical activity. 218 Ethics Before inclusion in the study all the subjects provided informed consent. The study was approved by the local Ethics Committee, and conformed with the principles outlined in the Declaration of Helsinki and to the GCP guidelines of the European Community. Statistics All data are presented as mean ± SD. Statistical analysis was performed using the McNemar test of symmetry and Wilcoxon paired test. The P value < 0.05 was considered as significant. Results The evaluation of exercise habits revealed, that 17 patients (70%) maintained regular exercise activity (REA group) during long-term follow-up (> 2 times per week), while 8 patients (30%) had lower level of exercise activity (LEA group; < 2 time per week). After participation in the 2-WCRP, the exercise tolerance (VO2peak) increased significantly (Fig.1) Fig.1 Exercise tolerance - peak VO2 was improved significantly in the REA group after 6 and 12 months 0 10 20 30 40 50 1M 6M 12M (ml/kg/min) peakVO2 ・ * * * P < 0.05 0 10 20 30 40 50 1M 6M 12M (ml/kg/min) peakVO2 ・ NS REA group LEA group 219 Also the BMI and serum lipid profiles of the patients in REA group were significantly improved (Fig.2 and 3). Fig.2 Changes in BMIChanges in BMI 0 10 20 30 40 pre 1M 6M 12M BMI (kg/m2) ANOVA - NS total BMI improved significantly in the REA group after 12 months of follow-up BMI 0 10 20 30 40 Pre 1M 6M 12M (kg/m2) REA group (n = 17) LEA group (n = 8) * * P<0.05 both groups Fig.3 Serum lipid profiles (triglycerides and HDL cholesterol were improved significantly in REA group after 1, 6 and 12 months * p<0.05 ** P<0.01 (mean±SD) (mg/dl) TG 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Pre 1M 6M 12M ANOVA,NS HDL 0 20 40 60 80 100 Pre 1M 6M 12M (mg/dl) ** ** ** LEA REA(mg/dl) ** P<0.01 ** ** At the 6-month follow-up these parameters remained improved and regular physical activity was maintained. Even at the 12-month follow-up, lipid profiles remained improved and also the 220 intensity and frequency of regular physical activity was kept. PICP and proinsulin remained stable at 1, 6 and 12 months follow-up and these changes were without statistical significance (Fig.4 and 5). The parameter HOMA-R improved significantly at the long-term follow-up (Fig.4). Fig.4 Proinsulin level remained stable, and HOMA-R improved significantly (*P� 0.05) at the 6 and 12 months follow-up HOMA-R 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1M 6M 12M LEA REA 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 1M 6M 12M (pmol/L) LEA REA proinsulin ANOVA - NS ANOVA - NS * P<0.05 * Fig.5 * p<0.05 ** p<0.01 Changes in PICPChanges in PICP 0 50 100 150 pre 1M 6M 12M (µg/l) PICP REA group (n = 17) LEA group (n = 8) 0 50 100 150 1M 6M 12M (µg/l) PICP ANOVA - NSANOVA - NS both groups PICP was stable at the 1, 6 and 12 months follow-up and there were no significant difference between both groups 221 The changes in HOMA-R were not related to exercise tolerance but strongly correlated with the change in BMI (Fig.6). Fig.6 ΔBMI ΔHOMA-R -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 r = 0.64 P < 0.01 ΔHOMA-R BMI ΔAT/Kg ΔHOMA-R -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 -.06 -.04 -.02 0 .02 .04 .06 r=0.01 ΔAT. kg-1 ΔHOMA-R The change in ΔHOMA-R was not related to exercise tolerance, but strongly correlated with the change in BMI (r = 0.61). Discussion One of the primary aims of cardiovascular rehabilitation is the secondary prevention of risk factors. Modified diets and routine exercise programs effectively lower levels of LDL-C and elevate levels of HDL-C. Exercise substantially reduces systolic and diastolic blood pressures during and after the exercise period. Exercise also contributes to weight loss and improves regulation of capillary blood glucose concentrations in patients with DM. Exercise training programs result in physiologic changes, such as improved peripheral utilization of oxygen and glycolytic-oxidative metabolic capacity, which improve functional capacity to decrease cardiac effort. Blood flow increases during and after active exercise. Physical training elevates muscular metabolic demand, and increased collateral circulation is the presumed mechanism of symptomatic improvement. Coexisting cardiac limitations should be considered when an exercise program is planned. Gradual improvement should be seen within 3-6 months of exercise is a noninvasive and inexpensive activity with minimal complications and is an invaluable first-line treatment for patients with AIM. Most patients with AIM, including those with concomitant 222 diabetes, can undertake exercise with a high level of safety. However, exercise is not without risk, and the recommendation that people with diabetes participate in physical activity is made on the basis that the benefits outweigh the risks. The American Diabetes Association developed a position statement on exercise in the management of type 1 and type 2 diabetes (9). These guidelines aim to minimize the possible risks of exercise for people with diabetes and recommend that particular attention be paid to appropriate screening, program design, monitoring and patient education when developing an exercise program. Nevertheless, people with AIM complicated with diabetes have a poorer short- and long-term prognosis than people without diabetes (10). Diabetic patients after AIM have 2x higher mortality than non-diabetics and cardiovascular death accounts for 80% of the mortality in diabetics (11). If no contraindications to exercise exist, the type of exercise that a person with diabetes performs is generally a matter of personal preference. Most research documenting the benefits of physical activity for people with diabetes incorporate aerobic activity such as walking, cycling, rowing, or swimming and circuit type resistance exercise (12, 13, 14, 15). An area of ongoing concern is the possible adverse effect of physical activity on existing complications of diabetes. It has been suggested that people with complications of diabetes are often told to refrain from exercise for fear of deterioration of the condition and development of further complications (16). This leads to further compromise of physical and cardiovascular conditioning. It is important to develop exercise prescriptions for individuals with diabetes complications that will result in improved participation in normal activities and psychosocial well being while minimizing risk of further deterioration. In addition to giving consideration to the varied physical characteristics related to exercise prescription for people with AIM and diabetes, attention should also be paid to the different psychological characteristics associated with exercise adherence. People with NIDDM report a higher frequency of relapse from physical activity programs than the general population (17). They often have a low self-efficacy for changing physical activity behavior and have little belief in the beneficial effects of physical activity (18). Furthermore, the most frequently cited barriers to physical activity generally relate to AIM and include physical discomfort from exercise, being too overweight to exercise and having little or no support (19, 20). These factors, that may reduce exercise adherence, need to be given due consideration when integrating such patients into cardiac rehabilitation. The 2-WCR program is a new multidisciplinary program involving doctors, nurses, cardiac technicians, dietitians, pharmacists and psychologists. As well as a structured 223 exercise program with cardiac monitoring aimed at optimizing exercise capability, this approach enables the patient’s concerns to be dealt with and educated by the appropriate people in the early post-infarction period. Conclusion The management of post-AMI patients presents many challenges and also many opportunities to improve prognosis. The benefits of cardiovascular rehabilitation involve the physical, emotional, and psychosocial aspects of a patient's life. With persistence, patients achieve improvements in exercise tolerance and functional capacity. A reduction in cardiac symptoms, as well as perceived stress and anxiety, occurs and lead to improved productivity and psychological well-being. Patients learn to adapt and become self-reliant as they realize that they can influence their hypertension, DM, weight, and smoking activity by means of behavioral and lifestyle modifications. With comprehensive rehabilitation, the patient's QOL improves, they return to work faster than they otherwise might, and their rates of hospital readmission are reduced. It is vital to assess risk factors such as NIDDM and to deal with them appropriately. The 2-week hospitalized phase II cardiac rehabilitation program represents a new approach in standard rehabilitation programs and patients can derive physical and psychological benefit from it. This study suggests that 2-WCR program do not accelerate myocardial remodeling, could provide beneficial effects on the patient's physical recovery phase and may also contribute to the prevention of the onset of other cardiac risk factors. This study was supported by the grant MSM 0021622402 References 1. Lehto S, Pyorala K, Miettinen H, et al. Myocardial infarct size and mortality in patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. J Intern Med 1994; 236: 291-297. 2. Mak K, Moliterno D, Granger C, et al. 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Dept. of Physiology, Dept. of Physiotherapy end Rehabilitation, Dept. of Functional Diagnostics and Rehabilitation, Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University, St. Anna Teaching Hospital, Brno, CZ INTRODUCTION Stiffness of large arteries has been related to cardiovascular mortality (1). Methods are used to estimate this stiffness include cardiac ultrasound and pulse wave velocity (PWV)(2). The arterial stiffness can be expressed by various indexes. Except PWV it is the aortic compliance and the cardio-ankle vascular index (CAVI) (3). The relationship between these indexes is determined by mathematical equations. The aim of the present paper was to calculate PWV and CAVI in a group of normotensive and hypertensive subjects where the aortic compliance was non-invasively measured and compare the results with published data obtained from isolated aortas of human cadavers. METHODS The stiffness parameter beta is reported to be independent of blood pressure and is calculated as: BETA = ln(Ps/Pd)*D/dD..........................................................................................................(1) where Ps and Pd are respectively the systolic and diastolic blood pressure in mmHg. D is the diameter of the blood vessel and dD is the change of D. D/dD can be replaced by 2*V/dV where V is the volume of the tube, the volume of aorta in our case. BETA = ln(Ps/Pd)*2*V/dV......................................................................................................(2) The relationship between volume elastic modulus V*dP/dV (index of the stiffness) and PWV is expressed by formula PWV2 = (V*dP/dV)/ .............................................................................................................(3) where is blood density. Aortic compliance is dV/dP. Thus V/dV= *PWV2 /dP.................................................................................................................(4) If we substitute equation (4) for equation (2) we obtain the stiffness parameter BETA = CAVI = ln(Ps/Pd)*2*( /dP)*PWV2 ..................... ...................................................(5) 228 and volume measurement by ultrasound is superfluous. The last equation express the relationship between CAVI and PWV. On the other hand direct comparison of these parameters with compliance (dV/dP) is not possible because the value V (aortic volume) is missing. The estimates of V from cadaver studies we used in our comparison. The cadaver study includes 27 aortas from subjects 20 to 83 years old. The results after (4) are published in Kenner Wetterer monograph (5). The compliance data were obtained by noninvasive measurement from 8 healthy man 27+9 years old (from 21 to 49 years) with 24-hours blood pressure 121+10 / 75+8 mmHg, from 10 not-treated hypertensive man 48+8 years old (from 38 to 58 years) with 24 hours blood pressure values 147+12 / 88+9 mmHg and from 6 hypertensive patients treated with verapamil (slow release formula) 240 mg/24 h for 3 months. The mean age was 43+9 years (from 32 to 53). Twenty four-hours blood pressure values were 143+7 / 88+4 mmHg before treatment and 131+4 / 80+4 mmHg at the time of compliance investigation. The method and the results of compliance measurement are described elsewhere (5). RESULTS The results of the cadaver study are seen in Fig.1. From the Fig. it 1 is clear that the slopes of the curves (which corresponds to the compliance dV/dP are pressure dependent. The parameters of the best fitted polynomal curves are seen in Table 1. together with compliance values at 80 mmHg (value of diastolic pressure), the parameters of linear relationship between compliance and pressure and calculated PWV at 90 mmHg (value of mean arterial pressure) and CAVI (which is not pressure-dependent). PWV was calculated after equation (3). Because PWV is aortic pulse wave velocity which is different from cardio-ankle pulse wave velocity, we calculated at first aortic beta after equation (5) and then we calculated CAVI using the regression equation CAVI = 7.5 + 0.15*aortic BETA (3). For CAVI we assume Ps/Pd = 120/80 mmHg. 229 Aorta, pressure-volume diagram 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 50 100 150 200 250 mmHg ml 20-39 years 40-59 years 60-69 years 70-83 years Fig. 1 Pressure-volume diagram of cadavers´ aortas The results of the analysis of our compliance data are seen in Table 2. The compliance values were non-invasively measured as well as coefficients A and B, which we used for calculation of compliance at 80 mmHg. The volume V was not measured in our study and thus we used the values of V from cadavers’ aortas studies for the calculation of PWV estimate again for mean pressure of 90 mmHg. Calculation of CAVI we performed identically as in cadavers’ aortas analysis. Tab. 1 Cadavers´ aortas study Ages (n) a b c A B dV/dp (80mmHg) PWV BETA aortic CAVI years ml/mmHg m/s 20 – 39 (8) 40.54 1.897 -0.0051 1.897 -0.0102 1.081 11.71 21.08 10.66 40 – 59 (9) 76.77 1.778 -0.0050 1.778 -0.0100 0.978 13.20 26.78 11.51 60 – 69 (5) 105.10 1.849 -0.0054 1.849 -0.0108 0.985 14.20 31.00 12.15 70 -83 (6) 144.40 1.510 -0.0045 1.510 -0.0090 0.790 15.95 39.11 13.36 Legend: parameters a, b, c correspond to equation; volume = a + b* pressure +c* pressure2 ; parameters A, B: compliance = A + B* pressure; dV/dP (80mmHg): compliance at pressure 80 mmHg; PWV: pulse wave velocity; BETA: aortic stiffness; CAVI cardio-ankle vascular index. 230 Tab. 2 Human noninvasive study Group (n) dV/dp A B dV/dp (80mmHg) PWV BETA aortic CAVI Ml/mmHg ml/mmHg m/s Normotensives (6) 1.18±0.25 2.328 0.0154 0.969 11.77 21.29 10.69 Hypertensives (10) 0.96 ±0.21 2.219 0.0144 0.923 13.37 27.48 11.62 Treated hypertensives (6) 0.90 ±0.11 1.843 0.0122 0.745 13.86 29.50 11.92 Legend: dV/dp (±SD): measured compliance. Other parameters as in Table 1. Despite completely different experimental situation the results of both analyses are similar. Most interesting finding is similar regression coefficient B despite the fact that the smooth muscle cells in cadavers’ aortas are dead. DISCUSSION Several studies determined the aortic compliance invasively and the values correspond to our non-invasive methods. Also the regression coefficient between diastolic pressure and compliance B (0.0157 ml*mmHg-2 ) is similar in our study and in study of Lie at al. (x). They found a value B = 0.0131 ml*mmHg-2 . In all compliance studies a big variation of compliance among various subjects was observed. From this point of view it is surprising the accord between cadavers’ aortas data and data of living subjects. Comparison of PWV calculated from our data and PWV measured in healthy subjects revealed that our data corresponds to the high 2.5 centile of PWV variation in cadavers’ aortas and in our healthy subjects in all age categories. On the other hand our data from hypertensive and treated hypertensive patients. It is interesting that the stiffness is higher in treated hypertensive patients than in non-treated. This finding can explain the fact, that blood pressure in treated patients was initially higher and the treatment normalize blood pressure relatively quickly but remodeling of arterial wall needs much more time. Our analysis indicates that all parameters, aortic compliance, PWV and CAVI can be used for estimation of arterial stiffness. It seems to be that stiffness data are more reliable for determination of patient prognosis without treatment than blood pressure measurement. For screening the method must be simple to perform. Here is the CAVI measurement advantage. CAVI is only age dependent. PWV is pressure and age dependent. However CAVI and aortic compliance measurement are not equal. CAVI take into account the atherosclerosis of arteries of lower extremities. Thus aortic compliance and CAVI measurement are complementary. 231 Aortic compliance is pressure and age dependent but can be relatively simply normalized for distinct value of diastolic pressure. The complicated methodical approach causes a limitation of aortic compliance method for screening purposes. Support MSM0021622402 SUMMARY Stiffness of large arteries has been related to cardiovascular mortality. It can be expressed by pressure wave velocity (PWV), aortic compliance (C) and by the cardio-ankle vascular index (CAVI). C was measured noninvasively in normotensive and hypertensive human subjects and in human cadavers’ aortas, PWV and CAVI were calculated. Despite completely different experimental situation the results of both analyses were similar. Also regression coefficients between C and blood pressure were similar in both experimental conditions. REFERENCES 1. BOUTOUYRIE P, TROPEANO AI, ASMAR R et al. Aortic stiffness is an indipendent predictor of primary coronary events in hypertensive patients: A longitudinal study. Hypertension 2002;39:10-15. 2. BAOYING LI, HAIQING GAO, XIAOLI LI et al. Correlation between brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity and arterial compliance and cardiovascular risk factors in elderly patients with arteriosclerosis. Hypertens Res 2006; 29:309-314. 3. TAKAKI A, OGAWA H, WAKEYAMA T et al. Cardio-ankle vascular index is a new noninvasive parameter of arterial stiffness. Circ J 2007;71:1710-1714. 4. YAMBE T, YOSHIZAWA M, SAIJO Y et al. Brachio-ankle pulse wave velocity and cardio-ankle vascular index (CAVI). Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy 2004;58:95-98. 5. SHIRAI K, UTINO J, OTSUKA K et el. A novel blood pressure-independent arterial wall stiffness parameters; Cardio-ankle vascular index (CAVI). 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Hypertension 1989;14:129-136. 233 AMBULATORY ARTERIAL STIFFNESS INDEX IN PATIENTS MONITORED FOR 6 CONSECUTIVE DAYS Siegelová J., Fišer B., Havelková A., Dobšák P., Dušek J.,Pohanka M., Cornélissen G.* , Halberg F.* Dept. of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Dept. of Functional Diagnostics and Rehabilitation, Dept. of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University, St. Anna Teaching Hospital, Brno, CZ, * Halberg Chronobiology Center, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA INTRODUCTION Stiffening of large arteries predicts adverse cardiovascular outcomes (1-3). Measurements of arterial stiffness require ultrasound equipment to measure peripheral arteries in the subject in the supine or sitting position (4). The ambulatory arterial stiffness index (AASI) is defined as one minus the regression slope of diastolic on systolic pressure during 24 h ambulatory blood pressure monitoring and might be a measure of arterial stiffness (5, 6). The stiffer arterial tree the closer the regression slope and AASI are ranging from 0 to 1, respectively (7, 8). In the present paper we attempted to estimate the reliability of AASI determination in individual patients. Studying the infradian rhythms in chronobiology of blood pressure we perform ambulatory blood pressure monitoring for 7 consecutive days (9, 10, 11). This enables us to obtain 6 values of AASI in 6 full consecutive days. The preliminary results from our laboratory were published (12). METHODS The set being monitored consisted of fourteen patients after myocardial infarction in the past history more than 6 months before, of mean age 63 ± 6.5 and mean ejection fraction of the left ventricle 43 ± 12.3 %. The patients underwent phase II of cardiovascular rehabilitation (controlled ambulatory rehabilitation program) lasting two to three months with the frequency of three times in a week at the Department of Functional Diagnostics and Rehabilitation of St. Anna Teaching Hospital. 234 In the course of rehabilitation they went through 7-day ambulatory monitoring of blood pressure. During blood pressure recording they did not interrupt their pharmacotherapy. The seven-day blood pressure monitoring was made by using the instrument TM – 2421 of the Japanese firm AD on the principle of oscillometric methods of blood pressure measurement. The regime of measurement of blood pressure was done for 7 days repeatedly every 30 minutes from 5 to 22 h during the day time and once in an hour from 22 to 5 h at night (Siegelová et al. 2004). The measured blood pressure values for every patient from the monitored set were statistically processed in the form of arithmetic means for systolic and diastolic blood pressure value during each hour for every measured day. The average SBP and DBP and their standard deviations (SD) in the given days were determined by the calculation of arithmetic mean of these values. These data were used for every consecutive day of seven day monitoring to calculate the slope of diastolic on systolic pressure and to calculate the ambulatory arterial stiffness index (AASI) as one minus regression slope of diastolic on systolic blood pressure. The study was approved by local ethic committee and the patients signed the informed consent. RESULTS Results of AASI values together with 24-hour mean values of systolic (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) of 14 patients are seen in Table 1. 235 Tab. 1 Variability of 24-hour blood pressure values and AASI in 14 patients calculated for 6 consecutive days SBP (mmHg) DBP (mmHg) AASI RAGE (Y) 6 d ±SD MIN MAX 6 d ±SD MIN MAX 6 d ±SD MIN MAX MIN MAX 1 74 113 3 110 117 57 2 55 62 0,72 0,13 0,56 0,83 0,14 0,49 2 68 134 3 131 139 86 2 84 89 0,56 0,15 0,32 0,77 0,36 0,77 3 66 128 4 124 134 75 3 73 81 0,70 0,17 0,50 0,99 0,02 0,72 4 56 106 4 102 113 67 4 62 73 0,61 0,22 0,20 0,86 0,19 0,89 5 60 118 3 115 123 63 2 60 66 0,84 0,16 0,59 1,10 -0,20 0,68 6 58 124 7 115 134 66 3 60 70 0,68 0,12 0,51 0,87 0,22 0,71 7 58 126 7 114 137 72 4 64 78 0,61 0,10 0,50 0,79 0,40 0,73 8 60 107 4 103 113 65 4 60 69 0,69 0,12 0,50 0,90 0,13 0,90 9 72 128 4 123 132 63 1 62 65 0,74 0,12 0,54 0,89 0,38 0,69 10 61 113 5 108 119 71 2 68 73 0,69 0,11 0,48 0,83 0,45 0,72 11 54 117 2 112 120 76 1 73 77 0,39 0,09 0,20 0,49 0,59 0,82 12 66 133 6 126 144 87 4 82 91 0,23 0,17 0,02 0,58 0,61 0,94 13 53 141 6 129 147 90 5 80 93 0,22 0,16 0,00 0,44 0,68 0,9 14 70 119 3 115 123 67 5 60 75 0,51 0,2 0,28 0,76 0,34 0,64 SBP, mean systolic blood pressure; DBP, mean diastolic blood pressure; AASI, ambulatory arterial stiffness index; r, correlation coefficient between DBP and SBP; 6d, mean of 6 days values; SD, standard deviation; min, max, minimum and maximum 24-hours values. The mean systolic and diastolic blood pressure variations are seen in Tab 1 as well as the inter-individual variations of AASI and there are large. DISCUSSION The simplest explanation for the variation in AASI is that it reflects spontaneous variability in arterial stiffness from one session to another. However, it should be considered that AASI is under the influence of other sources of variability, which are necessarily related to arterial functional properties (13). Due to mathematical reasons AASI obtained form standard regression analysis depends on day-night blood pressure change (14), and hence variation in the latter may be expected to induce variation in the former. The reproducibility of day-night blood pressure changes and of the dipper-nondipper classification is far from being optimal. In a recent study (15) in which 150 hypertensive patients underwent 24-hour blood pressure monitoring twice, between session agreement for the dipping-nondipping classification was found to vary from fair-to- 236 moderate and the coefficient of repeatability of day-night blood pressure change was as high as 42-49 %. Such a large variation can be expected to influence variability of AASI as well. The strong relation between AASI and day-night blood pressure changes is further confirmed by the paradoxical finding that daytime and night-time AASI are both much higher (0.48 ±0.26 and 0.40 ± 0.21) than the corresponding 24-h values (0.31 ± 0.17), emphasizing its limited ability to specifically reflect arterial wall properties (16). A further source of variation in AASI values is represented by the night/day ratio of blood pressure measurements number. In our study we calculated the AASI from the blood pressure values, given in regiment one per hour. In the literature it was demonstrated that the dependency of AASI of the number of daytime and nocturnal readings is a phenomenon related to the above relationship between day-night blood pressure reduction and AASI (17). The is a need for more substantial data on AASI repeatability in larger cohorts of hypertensive patients and in the normal individuals in any case, due attention should be paid to the influence of day-night blood pressure changes and to that of daytime and night-time betweenreading time intervals on AASI and its variability (18). The inter-individual variation of AASI is large. It doesn’t mean that the determination of AASI as a risk factor of individual patient is useless, but that the determination of AASI from 24-hour blood pressure monitoring should be supplemented by blood pressure self-monitoring lasting several days irrespective of the method of AASI calculation. Support MSM0021622402 REFERENCES 1. Benetos A, Safar M, Rudnichi A et al. 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Hypertension 2007;50:e65. 238 PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND 24-HOUR PROFILE OF BLOOD PRESSURE ALENA HAVELKOVÁ, JARMILA SIEGELOVÁ, BOHUMIL FIŠER, LEONA MÍFKOVÁ, PAVEL HOMOLKA, PAVEL VANK, MICHAL POHANKA, GERMAINE CORNÉLISSEN*, FRANZ HALBERG* Dept. of physiotherapy and rehabilitation, Department of Functional Diagnostics and Rehabilitation, Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University, St. Anna Teaching Hospital, Brno, CZ, *Halberg Chronobiology Center, University in Minnesota, USA INTRODUCTION Sedentary life and excessive body mass contribute to the risk of hypertension development (1- 8). It has been demonstrated that physical exercises decrease the risk of hypertension development. In our clinic we carry out 7-day ambulatory monitoring of blood pressure (9-12). It enables us to monitor blood pressure changes induced by exercises in the course of the following 24 hours if we compare them with the values in subsequent next 24 hours. This approach takes fully into consideration circadian fluctuation of blood pressure. The aim of the study was to compare 24-hour course of blood pressure immediately after the exercises with the values from the following day when the patient did no exercises. METHODOLOGY The set being monitored consisted of 10 patients after myocardial infarction of the age (63 ± 6,3) years and ejection fraction (43 ± 12,3) %. The patients were subjected to phase II of cardiovascular rehabilitation (controlled ambulatory rehabilitation program) lasting two to three months with the frequency of three times a week at the Department of Functional Diagnostics and Rehabilitation of St. Anna Teaching Hospital. The duration of the training unit was 60 min and it consisted of warm-up phase (10 min), aerobic phase (25 min), toning phase (15 min) and relaxation phase (10 min). In the course of rehabilitation they underwent 7-day ambulatory monitoring of blood pressure. During TK recording they did not interrupt pharmacotherapy. 7-day monitoring of blood pressure was made by means of the instrument TM – 2421 of Japanese firm AD operating on the principle of oscillometric analysis. The instrument measured blood pressure for 7 days repeatedly every 30 min from 5 to 22 o'clock and once an hour from 22 to 5 o'clock. If a value not much probable from the point of view of the instrument setting was recorded, another check measurement was made (Siegelová et al. 2004). 239 The results were processed by using Halberg cosinor analysis. The data were smoothed by a sinusoidal curve. The mean value of the sinusoid, designated MESOR, and amplitude of circadian fluctuation were determined. The measured TK values of each patient from the monitored set were statistically processed in the form of arithmetic means for every hour after the completion of exercises for the time of 48 hours. This enabled us to compare the means in individual hours after the exercises with the hour means obtained 24 hours later, i.e. in the day when the patient did no exercises. We calculated therefore for every patient differences in individual hours between the day immediately after the exercises and the subsequent day without exercises. Statistical significance was tested by Wilcoxon test. The study was accepted by ethical commission and the patients signed their informed approval. RESULTS The result was comparison of two 24-hour profiles of blood pressure, the first one beginning immediately after the exercises, the second one shifted by 24 hours. In the second case the patient did no exercises. Halberg cosinor analysis demonstrated that there are no differences in 24-hour MESOR and circadian amplitude between both profiles both in systolic and in diastolic blood pressure (Fig. 1, 2). Comparison of hour differences indicated that only in the first hour after the exercises systolic pressure is lower than in the check course (p<0,01). Also in the second hour after the exercises the value is lower, the difference, however, is not statistically significant any more. In the other hours both profiles were not different (Fig. 3, 4). We have found no differences in diastolic pressure. The analysis of differences is in accordance with the finding of the same MESOR quantities and amplitudes. The analysis shows that the exercises do not change profiles of 24-hour blood pressure immediately after the exercises. Positive effect of the exercises must be explained by other mechanisms than by means of blood pressure changes in the day following after the exercises. 240 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 STK DTK STK DTK mmHg day with exercises day without exercises Fig. 1 MESOR of circadian fluctuation of systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure in the day with exercises and in the day without exercises AMPLITUDA 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 STK DTK STK DTK den se cvi ením den bez cvi ení mmHg Fig. 2 Amplitude of circadian fluctuation of systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure in the day with exercises and in the day without exercises 241 STK -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 as (h) DIF(mmHg) Fig. 3 Difference of systolic blood pressure between the day with exercises and the day without exercises in individual hours of the day DTK -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 as (h) DIF(mmHg) Fig. 4 Difference of diastolic blood pressure between the day with exercises and the day without exercises in individual hours of the day 242 DISCUSSION Meta-analysis of controlled studies demonstrated convincingly that aerobic exercises decrease systolic and diastolic blood pressure (13). We have shown that the exercises themselves do not decrease blood pressure in the subsequent hours. Other mechanisms must be therefore taken in consideration. The information found in literature indicate that one of possible explanations can be related to the decrease of body mass. A number of published data and a logical explanation exist. Adipose tissue produces leptin that increases sympathetic activity and thus blood pressure. It seems, however, that physical activity is positive also when body mass is not decreased. One of possible explanations can be in affecting of psychological stress. Psychological stress increases blood pressure even in young people (14). Physical activity and feeling of a better fitness in patients with cardiovascular diseases reduces their fear of further progression of the disease and stress connected with it, and exercising can therefore be beneficial even due to this mechanism. Supported by grant MSM 0021622402. LITERATURE 1. Williams P.T. 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Arterioscler Tromb Vasc Biol, 2007, 27, 1811-1819. 6. Paffenbarger R.J., Wing A.L., Hyde R.T., Jung D.L. Physical activity and incidence of hypertension in college alumni. Am J Epidemiol, 1983, 117, 245-257. 7. US Department of Health and Human Services. Physical activity and health: a report of the Surgeon general. Atlanta, GA: US Department of Health and Human Services, Centers 243 for disease control and prevention, national center for chronic disease prevention and health promotion, 1996. 8. Williems P.T., Franklin B. Vigorous exercise and diabetic, hypertensive, and hypercholesterolemia medication use. Med Sci Spors Exer, 2007, 39 1939-1941. 9. Siegelová, J. & Fišer, B.. Diagnostika hypertenze – sou asnost a budoucnost. Vnit ní léka ství, 2005, 51 (S 3), s. 50 – 53. 10. Siegelová, J., Fišer, B. & Dušek, J.. 24-hodinové monitorování krevního tlaku u nemocných s esenciální hypertenzí. Vnit ní léka ství, 1993, 39 (2), s. 183 – 190. 11. Siegelová, J., Fišer, B. & Dušek, J.. Nové trendy v monitorování krevního tlaku. Postgraduální medicína, 2004, 6 (5), s. 474 – 477. 12. Halberg, F., Cornélissen, G. & Schwartzkopff, O.. Seven day blood pressure measurement: Contraversion in single 24-h profiles of blood pressure and heart rate. In Halberg, F., Kenner, T., Fišer, B., Siegelová, J. Noninvasive Methods in Cardiology, 2006, s. 10 – 26. 13. Whelton S.P., Chin A., Xin X., He J. Effect of aerobic exercise on blood pressure: a metaanalysis of randomized, controlled trials. Ann Intern Med, 2002, 136, 493-503. 14. Al-Kubati M., Fišer B., Siegelová J.: Baroreflex sensitivity during psychological stress. Physiol. Res., 1997, 46, 27-33. SUMMARY The aim of the study was to compare 24-hour course of blood pressure immediately after the exercises with the values from the following day when the patient did no exercises. The set being monitored consisted of 10 patients after myocardial infarction of the age (63 ± 6,3) years and ejection fraction (43 ± 12,3) %. In the course of rehabilitation the patients were subjected to 7-day ambulatory blood pressure monitoring. During the blood pressure recording their pharmacotherapy was not interrupted. The analysis shows that the exercises do not change 24-hour blood pressure profiles immediately after the exercises. Positive effect of the exercises must be explained by other mechanisms than by means of blood pressure changes in the day following after the exercises. KEY WORDS: circadian fluctuation of blood pressure, physical activity, 7-day ambulatory blood pressure monitoring 244 INTERVAL AND CONTINUOUS TRAINING IN CARDIOVASCULAR REHABILITATION IN MEN AFTER ACUTE MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION: INFLUENCE ON AEROBIC CAPACITY AND PERFORMANCE ON THE LEVEL OF ANAEROBIC THRESHOLD VERONIKA CHLUDILOVÁ, LEONA MÍFKOVÁ, ALENA HAVELKOVÁ, JAROSLAVA POCHMONOVÁ, NABIL ABDULAH IBRAHIM AL-MAHMODI, BOHUMIL FIŠER, FRANTIŠEK VÁRNAY, JARMILA SIEGELOVÁ Dept. of physiotherapy and rehabilitation and Department of Functional Diagnostics and Rehabilitation, Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University, St. Anna Teaching Hospital, Brno, CZ INTRODUCTION Cardiovascular rehabilitation is a universally accepted part of the complex care of patients with cardiovascular disease. It starts already during hospitalization and after the discharge to home care it continues in the form of controlled out-patient rehabilitation program individual training at home (1). It increases physical fitness, improves quality of life (2-4) and decreases cardiovascular mortality (5,6). Dynamical endurance aerobic activities are the basis of each training unit (7-9,13,14). The best known and most widespread type of aerobic training is the training with continuous work load. Interval training (1,10) can be an alternative training method for persons with a low tolerance of load, with a lower contractility of left ventricle, or for elderly people. AIM OF THE STUDY To evaluate the effect of 12-week controlled out-patient rehabilitation program with continuous and interval work load on aerobic capacity and performance on the level of anaerobic threshold in men after acute myocardial infarction (AIM) treated by percutaneous thoracoplasty of coronary artery (PTCI with stent implantation). SET OF PATIENTS 36 men patients after AIM were included into the study. According to ejection fraction of left ventricle (EF) they were divided into two groups. The group with a higher EF (54 ±7,7 %, group K, n=18) went in aerobic phase through the training with continuous work load, the 245 second group with a lower EF (47 ±12,7 %, group I, n=18) went in aerobic phase through the interval training. Controlled out-patient rehabilitation was started within 12 weeks after AIM. AIM diagnosis was identified at 1st internal cardioangiological clinic of Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University, St. Anna Teaching Hospital in Brno (treated by PTCI with stent implantation). During rehabilitation all patients were symptomatically stable and their medication was not changed. The groups did not differ in age, their characteristic is given in Table 1. Table 1 Characteristic of the set Group K Group I Number (n) 18 18 Age (years) 57 ± 12 60 ± 7 Ejection fraction (%) 54 ± 7.7 47 ± 12.7 Starting RHB (weeks after AIM) 6 ± 2.5 5 ± 3.4 METHODOLOGY Methods of examination Before the beginning of rehabilitation (RHB) program and after its completion we made spiroergometric examination to symptom-limited maximum (Pulmonary Function System 1070, MedGraphics, USA). The examination was started by monitoring resting EKG in lying and sitting position (Schiller CS 100), followed by 3-minute adaptation in sitting position on ergometer. The work load was increased every 2 minutes by 20 W to symptom-limited maximum. Anaerobic threshold was determined from the course of changes of ventilatoryrespiratory parameters. For the use of RHB it was expressed in watts, heart rate and degrees of RPE (Borg scale). Before the beginning of resistance training (i.e. in the 3rd week of RHB program) we made isometric test („handgrip“, DHG-SY3, Recens) to verify blood pressure response to isometric load. In the case of a normal response the entrance 1-RM test (one repetition maximum test) was made in three exercises of resistance training. The test was repeated in the 6th week and in the 12th week of RHB program. 246 Rehabilitation program The controlled out-patient RHB program lasted 12 weeks altogether with frequency three times a week. The training unit lasted 60 minutes and consisted of warm-up phase (10 min), aerobic phase (1st to 2nd week 40 min; 3rd to 12th week 25 min), toning phase (3rd to 12th week 15 min) and relaxation phase (10 min). The patients in „K“ group went in aerobic phase through continuous training, in „I“ group they went through interval training. For the interval training the following modification was chosen: 30 s of working phase with intensity on the level of anaerobic threshold and 60 s of relaxation phase with the minimum work load 5 watts. The interval training was indicated by residual ischemia, low ejection fraction of left ventricle, generally low tolerance of work load. The warm-up phase was aimed at preparing cardiovascular and motoric system to further load, prevention of muscular-skeletal lesion. It consisted of dynamical endurance exercises (simple floor gymnastic exercises, exercises with gymnastic apparatus) and stretching of muscle groups with a tendency to shortening. The aerobic phase was effected on a bicycle ergometer (Ergoline REHA E900) controlled by the program ErgoSoft+ for Windows. The aerobic training intensity was determined on the anaerobic threshold level. The resistance training was realized on multifunctional muscle conditioning machines TKHC COMPACT. Four exercises were done (bench press, pull down, leg extension on the machine and sitting-lying positions). The resistance training intensity was determined by the method 1-RM and training loads were determined in percents of maximum: 30-60 % 1-RM each week increase by 10 %). The number of sequences was 3 - 5 with ten repetitions. Before starting the resistance training, the patients were thoroughly informed about proper breathing and technique of doing exercises. Modified Schultz autogenic training was used for relaxation. In the course of the whole training monitoring of heart rate, blood pressure and degree of RPE, during the aerobic phase also EKG was carried out. Statistical processing Statistical processing was made in the programs Microsoft Excel and Statistica, version 8. Distribution was tested by Lillefors modification of Kolmogorov-Smirnov test of normality. According to the result either paired t-test or Wilcoxon test for dependent specimens were used. The significance level was determined to 0,05, at the statistical significance on this level 247 the testing was made on the level 0,01 (0,001). The results are presented as means with standard deviations. RESULTS After the completion of the program a statistically significant increase of the oxygen intake on the level of anaerobic threshold in both groups was recorded (table 2). VO2ANP increased in „K“ group by 13 %, VO2ANP/kg by 11 %. VO2ANP increased in „I“ group by 20 %, VO2ANP/kg also by 20 %. Table 2 Parameters of aerobic capacity on the level of anaerobic threshold Group K Group I Before RHB After RHB p Before RHB After RHB p VO2ANP (ml.min-1 ) 1086±190,6 1225±291.5 0.001 995±209,9 1194±242,6 0.05 VO2ANP/kg(ml.min-1 .kg-1 ) 12.9 ± 1.7 14.3 ± 2.5 0.01 11.6 ± 3.30 13.9 ± 3.71 0.05 VO2ANP = oxygen intake on the level of anaerobic threshold Tolerance of work load on the level of anaerobic threshold also improved statistically significantly in both groups (table 3). WANP in „K“ group increased by 15 % and WANP/kg by 17 %. In „I“ group WANP increased by 35 % and WANP/kg by 37 %. Table 3 Performance parameters on the level of anaerobic threshold Group K Group I Before RHB After RHB p Before RHB After RHB p WANP (W) 62 ± 14.2 71 ± 19.4 0.01 52 ± 10.2 70 ± 16.1 0.001 WANP/kg(W.kg-1 ) 0.7 ± 0.17 0.8 ± 0.19 0.05 0.6±0.17 0.8 ± 0.26 0.001 WANP = performance on the level of anaerobic threshold DISCUSSION The training with continuous work load and the interval training are used widely not only in sports activities, but also in rehabilitation. The interval training in cardiovascular rehabilitation is often recommended and conducted individually with regard to the health and functional state, to the age and gender of the patient. Work load intensity, duration of working and relaxation phases in interval training and the total number of exercise intervals differ according to the orientation of the training (10-12). Mífková et al. (11) used in her study the following modification of interval training: 30 s of working phase on the level of anaerobic threshold and 60 s of relaxation phase on the level of 5 watts. 38 men with ischemic heart disease were monitored in the study. Both groups differed in age and ejection fraction. The 248 total work done by the patients in this interval training modification was 2,5 to 3 times lower than in the group of patients for which the continuous training was prescribed. In the final spiroergometric examination there was no statistically significant difference between the groups with interval and continuous training either in performance parameters or in parameters of aerobic capacity (evaluated on the level of the highest values achieved). Both in interval and continuous type of the training similar results were obtained at the same training work load intensity. In our study we used the same modification of interval training: (30 s of working phase with intensity on the level of anaerobic threshold and 60 s on the level of 5 W). We evaluated selected parameters on the level of anaerobic threshold. The patients in our group did not differ in age, but they differed in ejection fraction. Ejection fraction in the group with interval training was considerably lower than in the group with continuous training (low ejection fraction is one of indications for interval training). The benefit of interval training lies in the possibility of obtaining improvement even in risk patients (11). In our study we verified the method in patients with decreased ejection fraction of left ventricle and in patients with residual ischemia and generally low tolerance of work load. In these patients preference should be given to interval training before continuous one, also for safety reasons (11). CONCLUSION The group with interval training (I) had already before the starting of the program a lower oxygen intake and a lower tolerance of work load than the group with continuous training (K). After the completion of the program the oxygen intake on the level of anaerobic threshold increased statistically significantly in both groups (VO2ANP increased in „K“ group by 13 %, VO2ANP/kg by 11 % . VO2ANP increased in „I“ group by 20 %, VO2ANP/kg also by 20 %). The tolerance of work load increased statistically significantly on the level of anaerobic threshold in both groups. (WANP increased in „K“ group by 15 % and WANP/kg by 17 %. In „I“ group WANP increased by 35 % and WANP/kg by 37 %.) In both groups we recorded statistically significant improvement of the monitored parameters after 12-week rehabilitation program. Both types of the training were well tolerated. Supported by grant MSM 0021622402 249 LITERATURE 1. Chaloupka V, Siegelová J, Špinarová L. a kol. Rehabilitace u nemocných s kardiovaskulárním onemocn ním. Cor Vasa 2006; 48: K 127-45. 2. Izawa K, et al. Improvement in physiological outcomes and health-related quality of life following cardiac rehabilitation in patients with acute myocardial infarction. Circ J. 2004; 68(4):315-320. 3. McKelvie RS, Teo KK, Roberts RM. et al. Effects of exercise training in patients with heart failure: the Exercise Rehabilitation Trial (EXERT). Am Heart J.2002; 144(1):23-30. 4. Pollock ML, Franklin BA, Balady GJ et al. Resistance exercise in individuals with and without cardiovascular disease: benefits, rationale, safety, and prescription. Circulation.2000;101:828-833. 5. Špa ek R, Widimský P. Infarkt myokardu.1. vyd.Praha: Galén, 2003. 6. Špinar J, Vítovec J. a kol. Ischemická choroba srde ní.1. vyd.Praha:Grada Publishing, 2003. 7. Clausen JP.Circulatory adjustments to dynamic exercise and effect of physical training in normal subjects and in patients with coronary artery disease. Prog Cardiovasc Dis 1976;18:456-495. 8. Thompson PD.The benefits and risks of exercise training in patients with chronic coronary artery disease.JAMA.1988; 259:1537-1540. 9. Balady GJ, et al.Cardiac rehabilitation programs. Circulation.1994;90:1602-1610. 10. Siegelová J., Mifková L., Novák M. a kol. Interval and continuous training in cardiovascular rehabilitation. Eur.J. Cardiovascular Prev.Rehabilitation 2006, 13, Suppl.1., 85. 11. Mífková L, Siegelová J, Vymazalová L. a kol. Intervalový a kontinuální trénink v kardiovaskulární rehabilitaci. Vnit lék 2006; 52 (1): 44-50. 12. Mookerjee S. The Application of interval training for exercise prescription in cardiac rehabilitation. J Cardiopulm Rehabil 1998; 18: 233-235. 13. Mífková L, Kožantová L, Siegelová J. a kol. Kombinovaný trénink u pacient po akutním infarktu myokardu. Med Sport Boh Slov 2005; 14(3): 115-123. 14. Chludilová V, Várnay F, Mífková L. a kol. Zm ny transportního systému kyslíku vlivem kombinovaného tréninku u muž s akutní a chronickou ischemickou chorobou srde ní. XV. sjezd Spole nosti rehabilita ní a fyzikální medicíny,Luha ovice, ISBN 978-80-254- 1238-1, Spole nost rehabilita ní a fyzikální medicíny, 2008, 77. SUMMARY The purpose of the study was to examine the effect of two modifications of aerobic training (interval and continuous) during 12 weeks of controlled out-patient cardiovascular rehabilitation program on aerobic capacity and performance on the level of ventilatory anaerobic threshold. 36 males were included in our study. They were divided into two subgroups. Group K (EF 54±7.7 %, n=18) passed aerobic phase of the program with continuous work load, in group I (EF 47±12.7 %, n=18) interval training was prescribed. 250 Intensity of the training was on the level of ventilatory anaerobic threshold in both groups. The groups did not differ in age. Symptom-limited spiroergometry was provided before and after rehabilitation program. The rehabilitation program was carried out three times a week for 60 min. Oxygen intake was increased in both studied groups (VO2ANP was increased in „K“ by 13 %, VO2ANP/kg by about 11 %. VO2ANP was increased in „I“ by 20 %, VO2ANP/kg by 20 %). The work load on the level of anaerobic threshold improved significantly (WANP was increased by 15 % in „K“ and WANP/kg by about 17 % in „K“. WANP was increased by about 35 % and WANP/kg by about 37 % in “I”). Statistically significant improvement in aerobic capacity and performance on the level of anaerobic threshold was observed in both groups. Both modifications of aerobic training were well tolerated. KEY WORDS Cardiovascular rehabilitation, continuous training, interval training, infarctus myocardium. 251 BAROREFLEX SENSITIVITY IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS LUMÍR KONE NÝ, PETR POSPÍŠIL, FARAG HASSAN ANBAIS, BOHUMIL FIŠER, JARMILA SIEGELOVÁ, PETR DOBŠÁK Dept. of physiotherapy and rehabilitation and Department of Functional Diagnostics and Rehabilitation, Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk UniveSMity, St. Anna Teaching Hospital, Brno, CZ INTRODUCTION Disseminated multiple sclerosis (SM) is a chronic system autoimmunity disease causing, on the basis of dissemination of demyelinisation focuses in CNS region, functional neurological deficit. The course is typically episodical, with acute attacks of demyelinisation occurring in irregular intervals and bringing about often increasing motor deficit and loss of sensoric functions (1). Dysfunctions of autonomic nervous system (ANS) are quite a frequent phenomenon in SM. They are characterized particularly by dysfunctions of urinary bladder, disorder SM of sexual and sudomotoric functions (2-4). Autonomic dysfunctions affecting the cardiovascular system regulation, however, are also documented more and more frequently (5-11). Incidence of these dysfunctions varies as to frequency, importance of abnormities and autonomic reflex tests being used (5,6,10,12,13). Alterations of cardiovascular system parameters SM were demonstrated in SM patients both at rest and during physical load when ANS is responsible for compensation of hemodynamic cardiovascular response to physical stress. Autonomic dysfunctions can lead therefore to limitation of physical load capacity and can contribute to the fatigue of SM patients that has not yet been explained (14-19). Cardiovascular autonomic functions in SM are most frequently followed-up by means of conventional reflex tests (5,6,20,21). These methods are limited mainly by difficult interpretation and differentiation of the sympathetic or parasympathetic component of cardiovascular regulation by autonomic nervous system. A contemporary trend in testing of autonomic nervous system is based on examination of heart rate variability (HRV) the results of which we have published already (22,23). Monitoring of baroreflex sensitivity (BRS) is another possibility of evaluation of cardiovascular regulation. 252 AIM Our study is aimed at finding out whether disturbed regulation of blood circulation is connected with the degree of clinical disability in the set of patients with disseminated cerebrospinal sclerosis. We evaluated the regulation of blood circulation by means of determination of baroreflex sensitivity (BRS), clinical disability of patients with SM was evaluated according to Kurtzke’s Expanded Disability Status Scale, EDSS. METHODOLOGY The examined set of patients consisted of patients with diagnoses from neurological outpatients' department for SM of 1st neurological clinic of Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University, St. Anna Teaching Hospital, and from the team of Unie ROSKA Brno-m sto. The patients with internal, metabolic and other diseases which could influence validity of the results of autonomic testing, were excluded from the study. The patients were tested in clinically stabilized state of the disease. They confirmed their participation in the study by signing „Informed approval of the patient“; the study was accepted by the relevant ethical commission of St. Anna Teaching Hospital in Brno. Clinical evaluation of disability by EDSS scale was performed before the examination of autonomic nervous system. EDSS (Kurtzke’s Expanded Disability Status Scale) (26) is a standard scale for evaluation of disability of SM patients. It is a neurological examination with evaluation by 0.5 point, in the interval from 0 (no functional disorder or impairment) to 10 (death because of SM), impact of SM disease on 8 basic functional systems. BRS (baroreflex heart rate sensitivity) characterizes the function of baroreceptors participating in maintaining blood pressure and heart rate and expresses the level of activity of autonomic nervous system. Extension of heartbeat interval R - R (CI) in milliseconds at increasing of SBP by 1 mm Hg is an indicator of BRS. BRS value (ms. mmHg-1 ) is the function expressing the relation between spontaneous fluctuation of SBP and R - R intervals. The examination was carried out by means of non-invasive continuous recording of heart rate and blood pressure made by TASK FORCE MONITOR (CNS System, Graz, Austria) (25), by beat-by-beat measurement method. 5-minute record was made in 253 supine position with controlled breathing rate according to the metronome 0.33 Hz, for comparison of the results between the patients. By software processing of continuous recording of heart rate and blood pressure (BP) by sequential analysis there are found events of at least three or more consecutive monotonous changes of SBP with a minimal deviation 1 mmHg/1 heartbeat and, at the same time, at least three consecutive monotonous changes of RR intervals with a minimal change 4 ms/1 heart beat. The events of SBP changes can thus have BP up-events or BP down-events. Then regression terms for all up-events and all down-events and mean values for both types of events are calculated. The results are given separately for up- and down-events and further as the total BRS for all events in ms/mmHg. The values are given as mean ± SD. Impossibility of a reliable measurement of BRS because of low number of events (less than 8) we considered to be a disturbed cardiovascular regulation. Heart rate variability (HRV) was also examined by the instrument TASK FORCE MONITOR (CNS System, Graz, Austria) (25). We evaluated, by means of spectral analysis, very low-frequency component of HRV (0.02 - 0.05Hz, VLF-RRI), low-frequency component of HRV (0.05 - 0.15Hz, LF-RRI), high-frequency component of HRV (0.15 - 0.50Hz, HF-RRI), total spectral power (HRV TP), index of sympathovagal balance (LF/HF), length of cardiac interval (RRI), heart rate SF. Statistical analysis of the data (program STATISTICA for Windows – version 7.7) was made by means of t-test for independent specimens and Wilcoxon test. RESULTS 27 patients with verified SM disease, in the remission stage (mean age 43.4 years, duration of SM disease 6.4 let, EDSS 3.25) were examined. On the basis of evaluation of BRS examination we divided the set into two groups according to the number of down- or up-events of blood pressure. The group A with disturbed cardiovascular regulation consists of patients with BP up-events or BPdown events 8. The group B consists of patients with the number of events 8. Characteristic of anthropometric data and characteristic of SM disease in both groups are in Table 1. 254 Table 1 Basic anthropometric data and data characterizing SM disease in examined groups (the values are expressed as mean ± SD) Totally 27 SM patients Group A (BRS 8 events) Group B (BRS 8 events) n= 13 N=14 Gender 2M/11F 3M/11F Age 46.3 ± 8.7 40.5 ± 6.2 Height [m] 1.7 ± 0.1 1.7 ± 0.1 Mass [Kg] 67.7 ± 12.6 69.0 ± 12.6 BMI 23.8 ± 4.3 23.8 ± 4.1 Body surface area [m2 ] 1.80 ± 0.13 1.81 ± 0.14 EDSS 4.2 ± 1.2 2.1 ± 0.5 * Duration of SM 6.3 ± 7.6 6.5 ± 5.7 RR form 8 9 SP form 4 3 PP form 1 2 RR form- relabs-remittent form of SM disease, SP - form secondary progression, PP - form primary progression, BMI - body mass index, * p < 0.05 Examined indicators of baroreflex sensitivity are in Table 2. Table 2 Results of baroreflex sensitivity (BRS) in monitored groups Controlled breathing 0.33Hz Group A Group B R-R Interval [ms] 826.3 ± 102.0 837.0 ± 115.9 HR [heartbeat/min] 74.0 ± 9.0 73.4 ± 10.3 SBP [mmHg] 115.0 ± 13.7 114.2 ± 5.4 DBP [mmHg] 78.2 ± 9.8 74.9 ± 4.3 n (number of up-events) Not evaluated * 12.9 ± 5.3 BRS up-events [ms/mmHg] Not evaluated * 13.7 ± 6.4 N (number of down-events) Not evaluated * 15.4 ± 8.8 BRS down-events [ms/mmHg] Not evaluated * 12.5 ± 4.6 n (number of all events) Not evaluated * 28.3 ± 13.3 BRS all events [ms/mmHg] Not evaluated * 13.2 ± 5.4 HR – heart rate, SBP, DBP - systolic, diastolic BP, BRS up-events - absolute value of baroreflex sensitivity for up-events, BRS down-events - absolute value of BRS for down-events, BRS all events absolute value BRS all events, n – number of recorded events, * not evaluated by sequential analysis of BRS because of insufficient number of recorded events Additional examined values of heart rate variability (HRV) are given in Table 3 with statistical significance of comparison between the groups. 255 Table 3 Results of heart rate variability (HRV) HRV controlled breathing 0,33Hz Group A Group B P VLF-RRI [ms²] 357.8 ± 878.5 112.3 ± 93.1 NS LF-RRI [ms²] 178.7 ± 312.2 475.4 ± 1070.5 NS HF-RRI [ms²] 298.6 ± 551.3 551.1 ± 1356.8 NS TP-RRI [ms²] 835.0 ± 1205.3 1138.8 ± 2440.5 NS LF/HF [1] 1.4 ± 1.5 1.6 ± 1.3 NS R-R Interval [ms] 826.3 ± 102.0 837.0 ± 115.9 NS SF [bpm] 74.0 ± 9.0 73.4 ± 10.3 NS VLF-RRI - very low-frequency component of HRV (0.02 - 0.05Hz), LF-RRI - low-frequency component of HRV (0.05 - 0.15Hz), HF-RRI - high-frequency component of HRV (0.15 - 0.50Hz), TP – total power of HRV, LF/HF - index of sympatho-vagal balance, RRI - interval of RR, SF- heart rate, NS - low statistical significance DISCUSSION Disorder of regulation of cardiovascular functions in SM is clinically less frequent, but potentially dangerous (35). These abnormalities were studied in the past on the basis of a number of examination of cardiovascular reflexes with a different measure of informative value. That is why the results and interpretation of disorders of cardiovascular functions often diverge in the published papers. Abnormalities of cardiovascular reflexes were proved controversially in both branches of sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous supply (3,5,6,9-11,29). Saari et al. (2004) (27) documented that the measure of disability in SM correlates with reduction of cardiovascular response and also with the volume of lesions of central nervous system, verified by means of magnetic resonance examination. According to the authors it can be supposed that particularly lesions of midbrain, ale also, even if with a lesser impact, lesions of hemispheres are responsible for most of cardiovascular abnormalities. This hypothesis was indicated already by the results of Acevedo et al. (5) who established connection of cardiovascular dysfunctions in SM with affection of reflex paths in the brain-stem. A partial response to the question whether autonomic cardiovascular regulation in SM is affected by direct mechanism, was given by the study of authors Sanya et al. (28) that investigated carotid baroreflexes in patients with SM separately for parasympathetic and sympathetic cardiovascular regulation. Baroreflex function was not reduced only in 256 cardiac regulation of baroreflex, also sympathetic regulation of tonus of arterial bed was affected. The authors think that indirect impairment of sympathetic vasomotor regulation can be responsible for postural disorders and vertigo that are described in as many as 49 % of SM patients (29). The finding of sympathetic vasomotor disorder of the function and its correlation with general fatigue in SM was established also in the study of authors Flachenecker et al. (31). The results of our study indicate that mechanisms of baroreflex control in the group B with EDSS 2.9 with a clearly expressed BRS in the values corresponding to the average age of healthy population seem to be in the range of reference standard values (36, 37,38). In this group there were measured values of BRS of BP up-events 13.7 ± 6.4 ms/mmHg, BP down-events 12.5 ± 4.6 ms/mmHg and mean BRS for BP totalevents 13.2 ± 5.4 ms/mmHg. On the other hand, in the second group of SM patients (group A) for BRS determination by sequential method in 13 patients was not found a sufficient number of BP up-events or BP down-events. This difference between the groups A and B can be hypothetically explained by dissimilarity of autonomic regulation of BRS and increase of sympathetic tonus in the group A can be supposed. The group A does not differ statistically significantly from the group B either in anthropometric values or in duration of the disease (6.3 ± 7.6 vs. 6.5 ± 5.7 let). The groups do not differ either in proportional representation of the forms of SM disease. It can be explained by the significant difference of the extent of clinical disability of autonomic nervous system. In the group A there is a larger measure of disability according to EDSS (3,6 ± 1,4) than in the group B (2.9 ± 1.4). We have not found, however, correlation between the indicators of BRS and EDSS. HRV indicators show a generally lower total power (TP) in the group A (835.0 ± 1205.3 ms2 ) than in the group B (1138.8 ± 2440.5 ms2 ) and decrease of LF and HF of HRV component as against the group B (178.7 ± 312.2 vs. 475.4 ± 1070.5ms2 ; 298.6 ± 551.3 vs. 551.1 ± 1356.8 ms2 ); it was not statistically significant, however. On the basis of our results we can conclude that a lower degree of clinical disability need not be connected with cardiovascular regulation impairment and a higher degree can mean its impairment at the level of baroreceptors. Question arises whether reduced baroreflex sensitivity of heart rate will increase the risk of occurrence of cardiovascular diseases in SM patients. Fleming et al. (34) found out that elderly SM 257 patients have a lower probability of falling ill with such diseases as acute IM, heart failure, hypertension, angina pectoris and cerebrovascular diseases than their contemporaries of the same age. Slawta et al. (33) documented on the group of 123 women with SM that the risk of heart diseases is approximately the same as in normal population. Even if we meet serious cardiovascular diseases in connection with SM relatively rarely in our clinic, there exists a possibility of lesion of cardiovascular functions in SM patients. Verification of our results requires, however, further examination of SM patients. CONCLUSION Sequential analysis of baroreflex sensitivity of heart rate established in 14 patients (group B – mean age 40.5 ± 6.2, duration of the disease 6.5 ± 5.7, EDSS 2.9 ± 1.4) baroreflex regulation to be in compliance with the reference values. This method could not be evaluated in 13 patients (group A - mean age 46.3 ± 8.7, duration of the disease 6.3 ± 7.6, EDSS 3.6 ± 1.4) because of a low number of recorded up- or downevents. We regard the difference between the groups A and B as dissimilarity of autonomic regulation of BRS. The results indicate that a lower degree of clinical disability need not be connected with cardiovascular regulation impairment and a higher degree can mean its impairment at the level of baroreceptors. Supported by grant MSM 0021622402. LITERATURE: 1. HAVRDOVÁ, E. Roztroušená skleróza. PRAHA: TRITON, 2002, 3.vyd. 110 s., ISBN 80-7254- 280-X 2. BETTS CD, JONES SJ, FOWLER CG, FOWLER CJ. Erectile dysfunction in multiple sclerosis. 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Nieren und Hochdruckkrankheiten 24(1), 1995:20-22 37. FIŠER B. SIEGELOVÁ J., DUŠEK J., CORNELISSEN G., HALBERG F.: Determination of heart rate baroreflex sensitivity in man by spectral analysis during 24 houSM period. Scripta medica 66, 1993:11-14 38. SIEGELOVÁ J., FIŠER B., DUŠEK J., AL-KUBATI M., MAYER P.: The effect of Isoptin SR240 therapy on baroreflex heart rate sensitivity in essential hypertension. Scripta medica 67(Suppl 1), 1994:13-16 260 SUMMARY Our study is aimed at finding out whether disturbed regulation of blood circulation is connected with the degree of clinical disability in the set of patients with disseminated cerebrospinal sclerosis. We evaluated the regulation of blood circulation by means of determination of baroreflex sensitivity (BSM), clinical disability of patients with SM was evaluated according to Kurtzke’s Expanded Disability Status Scale, EDSS. Patients and methodology: We examined 27 patients with clinically defined disseminated sclerosis in the remission stage (mean age 43,4 yeaSM, duration of SM 6,4 yeaSM, EDSS 3,25). The examination was carried out by means of non-invasive continuous recording of heart rate and blood pressure made by TASK FORCE MONITOR (CNS System, Graz, Austria), by beat-by-beat measurement method. 5minute record was made in supine position with controlled breathing rate according to the metronome 0,33 Hz. By software processing of continuous recording of heart rate and blood pressure by means of sequential BSM analysis there were evaluated upevents, down-events and total BSM for all events. On the basis of evaluation of BSM examination we divided the set into two groups. The group A (13 patients, mean age 46,3 ± 8,7, duration of the disease 6,3 ± 7,6, EDSS 4,2 ± 1,2) consisted of patients with the number of up- or down-events 8. The group B (14 patients, mean age 40,5 ± 6,2, duration of the disease 6,5 ± 5,7, EDSS 2,1 ± 0,5) consisted of patients with the number of events 8. Results: Sequential analysis of BSM in the group B: up-events 13,7 ± 6,4 ms/mmHg, down-events 12,5 ± 4,6 ms/mmHg, all events 13,2 ± 5,4 ms/mmHg. In the group A BSM could not be evaluated by sequential analysis because of a low number of recorded up- or down-events, which we regard as disturbed cardiovascular regulation. Conclusion: Sequential analysis of baroreflex sensitivity of heart rate established in 14 patients (group B – mean age 40,5 ± 6,2 yeaSM, duration of the disease 6,5 ± 5,7 yeaSM, EDSS 2,1 ± 0,5) baroreflex regulation to be in compliance with the reference values. This method could not be evaluated in 13 SM patients (group A – mean age 46,3 ± 8,7 yeaSM, duration of the disease 6,3 ± 7,6 yeaSM, EDSS 4,2 ± 1,2) because of a 261 low number of recorded up- or down-events indicating disturbed cardiovascular regulation of blood circulation. 262 EFFECTIVITY OF PHYSIOTHERAPY IN STROKE IN ACUTE PHASE MARTINA TARASOVÁ, BARBORA BÁRTLOVÁ, EVA NOSAVCOVOVÁ, ABDUL KARIM AL FADHLI, PETR POSPÍŠIL, LUMÍR KONE NÝ, BOHUMIL FIŠER, PETR DOBŠÁK, JARMILA SIEGELOVÁ Dept. of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Department of Functional Diagnostics and Rehabilitation, Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University, St. Anna Teaching Hospital, Brno, CZ INTRODUCTION Optimal rehabilitation of stroke (CMP) is based on analysis of factors influencing the rehabilitation potential of the patient. These factors include: measure of disablement, other diseases, level of cognitive functions, limitation of daily life activities, barriers in the neighbourhood and social integration. Several tests are used for quantification of the monitored parameters (1, 2, 3, 4, 5). Testing of condition of the patients before and after the treatment is a necessary part of determination of medical treatment and evaluation of effect of physiotherapy. It enables to compare successfulness of various medical treatments and quality of clinical workplaces by means of an objective evaluation. Testing by means of special scales and tests made or suitable for the given group of patients gives evidence of the measure of functional disablement and enables to determine: - functional potential of the patient - functional prognosis - treatment efficacy It objectifies condition of the patient and enables statistical evaluation and comparison of effect of therapy and shows the actual range of disablement in comparison with the stated diagnose. CMP is a serious disease. Quality of life in stroke is given not only by local neurological symptoms, such as motor and sensory deficits of neurological functions and aphasia, but also by the presence of negativity, depression, fatigue, vascular dementia and frequent falls with injuries and bone fractures (2). Testing of condition of the patients after stroke in acute rehabilitation is necessary for evaluation of the process of the whole disease and for verification of both medication therapy and complete rehabilitation. 263 AIM The aim of the study was analysis of affecting functional state of the patients after stroke (CMP) with moderate and light disablement with intensive rehabilitation treatment. METHODOLOGY The group consisted of 96 patients of average age 62,1 ± 12,0 years (range 30 -91 years) with the diagnose I 60 – I 69 (generally impairment of CNS with motor disorder) with moderate and light affection of motor and cognitive functions, evaluated according to the measure of functional disablement (Functional Independence Measure, FIM, 6, 7, 8), who were hospitalized after acute attack of CMP in Ist neurological clinic of St. Anna Teaching Hospital in Brno. In the group there were 36 women of average age 61.6 ± 13.4 years (range 30-83 years) a 60 men of average age 62,5 ± 11,3 years (range 34-91 years). Age distribution of the monitored group is in Table 1. Table 1. Age distribution of patients with stroke 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 44 a mén 45 - 54 55 - 64 65 -74 75 a více age (years) The average duration of hospitalization was 14,2 ± 7,5 days (minimum 3 days and maximum 42 days) and 78 patients were discharged from hospital for home care, 18 patients to a longterm care hospital. Arteria carotis interna sinistra was the most often affected arterial territory in this group. Lateralization of the disease is in Table 2. 264 Table 2. Lateralization of the disease Lateralization of the disease Symptoms number right-hand side hemiparesis 39 left-hand side hemiparesis 35 VB territory (CVS, cerebelum sy) 22 VB territory – vertebrobasilar territory, CVS – central vestibular syndrome The following test scales were used for evaluation of the disablement measure and possibilities of monitoring (9, 10, 11, 12): For evaluation of activity (disability): Functional independence measure (FIM) Barthel test (BI) – assessing independence For measurement of impairment: Mini-mental state examination according to Folstein (MMSE) – evaluation of cognitive functions and mental conditions. Evaluation of the general condition and walking according to Chedok McMaster rehabilitation centre, Canada (CH) For evaluation of quality of life: Index of quality of life - short version of SF 36- Index of quality of life Short Form (SF 36) The tests ware carried out on the first day of rehabilitation (entry) and then at discharging from neurological clinic (exit). Methods of rehabilitation Rehabilitation treatment in our clinic was made on the basis of the prescription and the contents of exercise unit, choice of exercises and methodologies was based on kinesiologic analysis, functional examination of independence and current condition of the patient. Intensity was, as necessary, 1-2x daily of individual exercises at least 5 days in a week with application of facilitation elements and methods, the patients were provided also with logopaedic and psychological care. The study was accepted by local ethical commission and the patients signed their informed approval. The results are presented as average ± standard deviation. For statistical evaluation Wilcoxon test for paired values was used. 265 RESULTS We give the results of functional state of CMP patients at neurophysiotherapeutic treatments acquired by means of test scales. Examinations were made at the beginning of rehabilitation and at discharging from neurological clinic. The results are presented in the form of tables. Evaluation of activity (disability): Table 3 Evaluation of functional state by means of FIM in patients with stroke in acute phase characteristic of the group FIM entry x ± SD FIM exit x ± SD difference exit-entry statistical significance whole group (n = 96) 98.2 ± 15.7 110.9 ± 13.5 12.7 p 0.01 group of women (n = 36) 99.8 ± 16.8 112.8 ± 11.8 13 p 0.01 group of men (n=60) 98.0 ± 15.0 109.8 ± 11.7 11.8 p 0.01 n – number of patients, SD – standard deviation, x – average, p 0,001-level of statistical significance; FIM functional independence measure Table 4 Evaluation of functional state by means of BI in patients with stroke in acute phase characteristic of the group BI entry x ± SD BI exit x ± SD difference exit-entry statistical significance whole group (n = 96) 78.2 ± 16.7 94.5 ± 8.6 16.3 p 0.001 group of women (n = 36) 76.9 ± 17.5 93.5 ± 9.5 16.6 p 0.001 group of men (n=60) 78.9 ± 16.4 95.0 ± 7.9 16.1 p 0.001 n – number of patients, SD – standard deviation, x – average, p 0,001- level of statistical significance; BIBarthel index 266 Evaluation of impairment: Table 5 Evaluation of functional state by means of MMSE in patients with stroke in acute phase characteristic of the group MMSE entry x ± SD MMSE exit x ± SD difference exit-entry statistical significance whole group (n = 96) 25.2 ± 4.7 28.0 ± 2.6 2.8 p 0.001 group of women (n = 36) 25.3 ± 4.8 28.2 ± 2.5 2.9 p 0.001 group of men (n=60) 25.1 ± 4.7 27.8 ± 3.0 2.7 p 0.001 n – number of patients, SD – standard deviation, x – average, p 0,001- level of statistical significance; MMSEMini mental State Examination Table 6 Evaluation of functional state by means of CH in patients with stroke in acute phase characteristic of the group CH entry x ± SD CH exit x ± SD difference exit-entry statistical significance whole group (n = 96) 79.8 ± 16.2 92.0 ± 11.6 12.2 p 0.001 group of women (n = 36) 79.1 ± 17.5 91.5 ± 12.4 12.4 p 0.001 group of men (n=60) 80.2 ± 15.5 92.4 ± 11.1 12.2 p 0.001 n – number of patients, SD – standard deviation, x – average, p 0,001- level of statistical significance; CH test: Chedock Mc Master Rehabilitation center Evaluation of quality of life: Numerical formulation of dimensions of life quality – individual dimensions influencing quality of life are based on the questionnaire SF-36 and are calculated as mean values of specific questions from the questionnaire structured in a particular way. These dimensions attain the values from 0 to 100. A lower value means generally worse value of the given dimension and decreases total quality of life, a higher value means generally better value of the given dimension and increases total quality of life. 267 The patients in all monitored groups evaluated Physical role, i.e. limitation of physical activity because of health state, as the worst part of quality of life. Mental health was evaluated as the best one. Elderly patients (70 years of age and older) assessed their general physical health to be the worst. The biggest differences are apparent in perceiving Emotional role in the group of men and women, namely 21,8, with better subjective perception of women. Then quite a big difference was recorded in the categories Physical role, evaluated better by women with the difference 11,2, and Pain, tolerated better by men with the difference 9,3. Table 7 Dependence of final functional state according to FIM on index of quality of life – general mental and physical health SF 36 in patients with stroke in acute phase FIM x PCS FIM x MCS PCS x MCS correlation coefficient correlation coefficient correlation coefficient whole group 0.175 NS 0.053 NS 0.485** group of women 0.123 NS 0.096 NS 0.557* group of men 0.237 NS -0.015 NS 0.469* group under 70 years of age 0.197 NS 0.067 NS 0.685** group of 70 years of age and older 0.074 NS -0.355 NS 0.112 NS n – – number of patients, SD – standard deviation, x – average, p 0,001- level of statistical significance; FIM functional independence measure, MCS – total motoric score, PCS – mental total score DISCUSSION Rehabilitation in patients after CMP is aimed at achieving maximal functional independence. Rehabilitation treatments were based on the recommended medical treatments of CMP (13, 14, 15, 16, 17). In these patients so called 24-hour therapy program proved to be suitable requiring cooperation of doctors, attending staff, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, psychologists and family members. Successful therapy lies not only in isolated muscle exercising, however, it is important to practice meaningful, goal-directed activities with the patient, e.g. movements on the bed, shifting from supine to sitting position and then to standing position, training of self-attendance, etc. The patient learns to feel better 268 his body and to control it in space, to involve the affected parts of his body in routine daily activities, and he is more motivated as well. Motor disablement of a half of the body is the most typical affection of patients after ictus, for most of them, however, the consequences are much more complex. Moving abilities and cooperation of the patient can be complicated, in addition to the loss of locomotion, from the following reasons: - disorders of muscle tonus, presented either as hypertonia (spasticity) or hypotonia - disorders of sensitivity and sensorial functions (neglect, pusher syndrome, hemianopsia) - psychic troubles, affection of autonomic functions - disorder of proprioception, disorder of body perception, loss of balance and equilibrium reactions - disorder of stereognosis, dyspraxie, gnostic troubles - phatic, communication troubles The given perception problems result in disturbing the image of one´s own body in space, so called body image. The goal-directed stimulation of senso-motor functions has, in this case, a considerable therapeutic effect. It must be emphasized that in one-sided affection of brain, including also ictus, significant troubles at both sides of body occur. From acute phase of the disease therapeutic rehabilitation is important for further life of the patient. Several facilitation methods are used for affection of voluntary locomotion disorder, muscular unbalance and pathological reflection changes. A number of individual methods were developed, being often named after the authors (NDT = neuro-developmental treatmentBobath concept, proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation-PNF, Brunnström, Rood, Perfetti, Johnstone, Brunkowov, Vojta, Forced use, Method of sensomotoric stimulation, Biofeedback, Templ Fay, Mi atský, Affolter, 17). Their common feature is a reflection action leading to facilitation of voluntary locomotion, at the same time, however, to inhibition of pathological reflection activity (spasticity). In the states after CMP they can be used in acute phase already, when they influence recurring voluntary locomotion and simultaneously carrying out of purposeful movements in walking and self-attendance activities. Even if evaluation of the measure of disablement is fundamentally important for assessment of seriousness of stroke, it cannot encompass all main factors influencing quality of life. They include not only health state, but also social and economic conditions, mental state, fulfillment of aims in life, culture and value system in various geographical conditions. 269 Quality of life is a subjectively perceived level of living by means of which people evaluate their physical, emotional and social abilities (1, 2). Evaluation of quality of life becomes an integral part of studies in which health state of patients in different branches of medicine is followed for a long time and the conception of quality of life covers a wide scale of perceiving life (2). Our results show that patients after stroke achieve a lower number of points in subjective evaluation of quality of life, and in all aspects, as it had been expected in generic disorders causing disability (7, 8). As the questionnaire SF-36 is a simple and cheap means for determination of quality of life, the information provided by this questionnaire could be used both before and after specific therapies for determination of changes in quality of life by means of the changes in points of patients, concurrently with clinical measurements of seriousness of the disease (12). We asked a question whether there is a dependence of functional state of patients with CMP (tested by FIM) in the time of their discharging from the clinic and quality of life evaluated according to SF 36. According to our results there is no statistically significant correlation of both states. CONCLUSION The results proved that a complex therapy along with intensive rehabilitation led in patients after CPM in acute phase to improvement of their functional state and reduction of the measure of impairment of motor and cognitive functions; the differences were statistically significant. The results show that the patients after CMP assessed their physical health to be worse than mental health. We have found no relation between FIM and SF 36 in the group of patients after CMP by means of correlation analysis. There is correlation between the index General physical health and the index Mental Health and it is apparent that in younger patients physical health influences significantly mental health. We have not found this significant correlation in the patients older than 70 years of age. Supported by VZV MSM0021622402 270 LITERATURE 1. Amber, Z. Cévní p íhody mozkové a význam randomizovaných klinických studií. es. Slov.Neurol. Neurochir., 59, 1996, s.18-20. 2. Astrom M, Asplund K. Handicap and quality of life after stroke. In Bogousslavsky J (ed) Long term effects of stroke. New York : Marcel Dekker; 2002: 25-50. 3. Bobathová, B. Hemiplégia dospelých. Bratislava: Lie reh Gúth, 1997. 175 s. ISBN 80- 967383-4-8. 4. Granger, CV., Brownscheidle, CM. 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Quality of Life for Patients with Chronic Illness http://www.nih.gov/ninr/about/legislation/chronic_illnesss.htm 11. Curtis, J.R., et al.: Measure of the Quality of Dying and Death: Initial Validation Using After-Death Interviews with Family Members. J. Pain Sympt. Management, 2002, vol. 24, no.1, p. 17 31 12. SF-36® Health Survey Scoring Demonstration, http://www.sf-36.org/ SF-36® Health Survey Scoring Demonstration.htm 13. Janda, V.-Kraus, J. Neurológia pre rehabilita ných pracovníkov. Martin: Osveta, 1988. 233 s. 14. Va ásková, E. a kol. Hodnocení nemocných po cévní mozkové p íhod testy sob sta nosti na l žkovém rehabilita ním pracovišti. Rehabilitace a fyzikální léka ství. 2003, 2, s. 60-64 15. Va ásková, E. a kol. Náhlé cévní p íhody mozkové – testování v rehabilita ní pé i. Rehabilitace a fyzikální léka ství, 1994, 1, s. 28-31. 16. Va ásková, E. Testování v rehabilita ní praxi-cévní mozkové p íhody. NCONZO Brno, 2004.65 s. ISBN 80-7013-398-8. 17. WHO.Rehabilitace po cévní mozkové p íhod . Praha: Grada Publishing, 2004, 200 s. ISBN 80-247-0592-3. SUMMARY The aim of the study was analysis of functional state of patients by means of test scales in the set of patients after acute stroke (CPM) with moderate and light disablement in the course of hospitalization in I neurological clinic LF MU with intensive rehabilitation treatment. 271 96 patients were examined before and after complete rehabilitation and the measure of functional disablement, functional disorder and quality of life were tested. The results proved that a complex therapy along with intensive rehabilitation led in patients after CPM in acute phase to improvement of their functional state and reduction of the measure of impairment of motor and cognitive functions; the differences were statistically significant. Key words: stroke, impairment of function, rehabilitation 272 MUSCLE STRENGTH EXAMINATION OF HAND AND MOTOR SKILLS OF HAND IN PATIENTS WITH CEREBRAL PALSY LENKA DRLÍKOVÁ1 , ALENA HAVELKOVÁ, MOHSIN KAID ALI HASHIM2 , FARAG HASSAN ANBAIS2 , ASHREF ALI ERAJHI2 , MICHAL MAŠEK2 , LUMÍR KONE NÝ2 , HELENA ZEMANOVÁ1 , BOHUMIL FIŠER, JARMILA SIEGELOVÁ2 1 Home for handicapped children and youth, Kociánka, CZ, 2 Dept. of physiotherapy and rehabilitation, Department of Functional Diagnostics and Rehabilitation, Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University, St. Anna Teaching Hospital, Brno, CZ INTRODUCTION International Classification of Functioning is the document of WHO directing our attention in assessment of patients mainly to functional abilities and possibilities of participation in society (1). Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) is an important instrument for evaluation of gross motor skills in children with cerebral palsy (DMO) within the framework of their common functions. Recently, The Manual Ability Classification System (MACS) has been developed as a relevant method of classification for evaluation of fine motor skills of hand in DMO (2,3). The test evaluates fine motor skills by the technique used in GMFCS already. In another aspect, both classification systems are also important for Evidence Based Practice because easy scoring and quick realization enable the common language to be established both for professionals and for parents of children included in a very heterogeneous group of DMO (4). Childhood cerebral palsy involves a diversified group of patients with long-time demands on rehabilitation. Characteristics of DMO are different in individual papers. The group for the research of DMO in Europe Surveillance of Cerebral Palsy in Europe recommends the DMO syndrome to be characterized as follows: It is the category of permanent, but not unchangeable disorders of motion and/or posture and motor functions, evolving on the basis of non-progressive disturbance, lesion or abnormality of the developing immature brain (5). 273 AIM The aim of this study is evaluation of the results of The Manual Ability Classification System (MACS), Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS), and muscle strength examination measured by dynamometer in children with cerebral palsy. METHODS Set of patients We examined 51 patients with DMO in the age ranging from 8 years to 26 years 8 months (average age 17,3 ± 4,2). 8 patients were at the age of 8 - 12 years, 20 patients were at the age of 12 - 18 years, 23 patients were older than 18 years. The set consisted of 28 girls and 23 boys. The subtypes of DMO were determined according to the classification of Mr. and Mrs. Bobath. The patients with DMO suffered from spastic form in 47 cases, in 10 patients it was hemiplegia, in 18 patients diplegia, in 3 patients triplegia, in 16 patients quadruplegia, in 1 patient ataxic form, in 3 patients dyskinetic form. All patients are in charge of Home for handicapped children and youth Kociánka in Brno. Tests GMFCS and MACS Functional test for evaluation of fine motor skills in DMO: The patients were included, according to functional skills of hand, on the basis of observation of a physiotherapist in one of 5 levels of MACS (5th level means the most serious disablement). This classification is focused on skills performed by the patient in usual daily situations, it should not serve for evaluation of the maximum potential. It evaluates the common work of both hands. In the scale of the test of gross motor functions GMFCS the examined patients were included in one of five levels characterizing in the best way their gross motor skills in usual environment on the basis of observation of a physiotherapist (5 means the most serious disablement). This system evaluates gross motor functions on the basis of initiation of motion stressing the sitting position, movements and mobility. The differences between the groups are given by limitations, by necessity of using aids or wheelchair and by reduced quality of motion (2). The maximum handgrip was measured by hand dynamometer, first on the upper extremity with a lesser motor disablement, and then on the second upper extremity. The examined patients were sitting on a chair or a wheelchair during the measurement. The upper extremity was not supported, the arm was in adduction close to the body, flexion in elbow 90o , central 274 position of forearm and wrist. The position of some patients was modified because of contractures. RESULTS Tests GMFCS and MACS All 51 patients with DMO were included in functional levels 1- 5 according to the test of gross motor functions GMFCS. We assessed the score of the functional test for evaluation of fine motor skills of hand MACS and muscle strength of dominant and non-dominant upper extremities in patients with DMO. Tab. 1 Correlations distribution of the fine motor skills test (MACS) and of the gross motor skills test (GMFCS) in patients with DMO MACS levels GMFCS levels I II III IV V TOTAL I 8 5 - - - 13 II 2 2 2 - - 6 III 2 4 2 - - 8 IV - 1 2 - - 3 V - - 11 8 2 21 TOTAL 12 12 17 8 2 51 Distribution of the group into individual categories of gross motor skills (according to GMFCS) and fine motor skills (according to MACS) is in Table 1 and graph 1. 14 patients with DMO (27%) had better results in MACS, conformity in both tests was in 30 patients (59%), 7 patients (14%) had better results in GMFCS. It means that GMFCS does not correlate with MACS in 73% of patients. 275 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 1 2 3 4 5 kategorie poetproband GMFCS MACS Graph 1 – Results of the test of gross motor skills (GMFCS) and of the test of fine motor skills (MACS) in patients with DMO Muscle strength in patients with DMO Muscle strength of the hand with a lesser disablement in the whole set was in the range from 34 to 442 N (average 235.8± 85.9), muscle strength of the second hand was in the range from 5 to 376 N (average 66.7± 66.2). Relationship between muscle strength of the hand with a lesser disablement and functional ability of the hand according to MACS can be seen on graph 3 and relationship between muscle strength and GMFCS is represented on graph 4. Correlation between muscle strength of the hand and MACS is low, but statistically significant (R= 0.342; p < 0.05); between muscle strength and GMFCS there is no correlation. 276 y = -0,0046x + 3,1596 R2 = 0,1169 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 Maximální sílá kon etiny (N) MACS Graph 3 - Relationship between muscle strength of the hand with a lesser disablement and functional ability of the hand according to MACS y = -0,0039x + 3,7955 R2 = 0,0393 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 Maximální síla kon etiny GMFCS Graph 4 - Relationship between muscle strength of the hand with a lesser disablement and functional ability of the hand according to GMFCS 277 DISCUSSION The test MACS serving for elimination of influence of gross motor skill disorders places emphasis on handling things in personal space of the examined patient. Eliasson et al. gives intrinsic coefficient of correlation in the group of observers physiotherapists 0.97, in the group parents - physiotherapists 0.96 (3). We expected that correlation between handgrip and motor tests would be low. We confirmed thus the assumption that measurement of strength cannot serve even for a rough estimate of the level of disablement. Beckung and Hagberg in their study also dealt with the function of hand in DMO, they used, however, for evaluation the test Bimanual Fine Motor Function (BFMF), that cannot be compared either with the score of functional test for evaluation of fine motor skills of hand MACS in patients with DMO or with examination of muscle strength measured by dynamometer, and its reliability has not yet been tested. BFMF is directed more at the disorder, while MACS more at the activity (6). In evaluation of GMFM and MACS in individual patients with DMO we arrived at similar results as Carnahan et al. in the study of relation of GMFCS and MACS. These authors found conformity between MACS and GMFCS in 53% of patients, better MACS than GMFCS in 20% of patients and better GMFCS than MACS in 27% of patients (7). This leads to the same conclusions as our study. The score of functional test for evaluation of fine motor skills of hand in DMO MACS describes very well the functional state of the child with DMO. This evaluation can be used for improving the quality of communication between professionals and parents of these children. It is also evident, however, that the function arises from the organ, but the mere description of the state of the organ, e.g. muscle strength measured by dynamometer, does not give a clear picture of the patient in such a varied group as DMO. Supported by grant MSM 0021622402. LITERATURE 1. World Health Organisation (2001): International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health. Geneva: World Health Organisation 2. Palisano, R.: GMFCS-E&R, CanChild Centre for Childhood Disability Research, McMaster University 278 3. Eliasson A.C., Krumlinde- Sundholm L., Rosbland B., Beckung E., Arner M., Ohrwall AM, Rosenbaum P, (2006): The Manual Ability Classification system for children with cerebral palsy: scale development and evidence of validity and reliability. Dev Med Child Neurol. 48:549-554 4. Steenbergen B. (2006): Using the MACS to facilitate communication about manual abilities of children with cerebral palsy- commentary. Dev Med Child Neurol 48:948-948 5. SCPE. http://www-rheop.ujf-grenoble.fr/scpe2/site_scpe/index.php Cit. 10.6.2008 6. Beckung E., Hagberg G. (2002): Neuroimpairment, activity limitations, and participation restrictions in children with cerebral palsy. Dev Med Child Neurol. 44:309-316 7. Carnahan K.D., Arner M., Hägglund G. (2007): Association between gross motor function (GMFCS) and manual ability (MACS) in children with cerebral palsy. A population-based study of 359 children. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 8:50. SUMMARY The aim of this study is evaluation of the results of The Manual Ability Classification System (MACS), Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS), and muscle strength examination measured by dynamometer in children with cerebral palsy. We examined 51 patients with cerebral palsy in the age ranging from 8 years to 26 years (average age 17.3± 4.2) living in the Home for handicapped children and youth Kociánka Brno. The group consisted of 28 girls and 23 boys. Maximum handgrip was measured by hand dynamometer in both upper extremities. After the examination by a physiotherapist the patients were categorized according to their gross motor skills using Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) and fine motor skills using The Manual Ability Classification System (MACS). Muscle strength in the better hand in the whole group ranged from 34 to 442 N (average 235.8± 85.9), in the second hand from 5 to 376 N (average 66.7± 66.2). The results show a weak correlation between muscle strength of handgrip and MACS, but it is statistically significant (R= 0.342; p < 0.05), correlation between muscle strength of handgrip and GMFCS does not exist. Key words: cerebral palsy, dynamometry, Gross Motor Function Classification System, The Manual Ability Classification System 279 QUALITY OF LIFE AFTER CARDIOVASCULAR REHABILITATION IN CHRONIC ISCHEMIC HEART DISEASE JAROSLAVA POCHMONOVÁ, LEONA MÍFKOVÁ, LUCIE VYMAZALOVÁ, ALENA HAVELKOVÁ, ASHREF ALI ERAJHI, PAVEL HOMOLKA, PAVEL VANK, JARMILA SIEGELOVÁ Dept. of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation and Department of Functional Diagnostics and Rehabilitation, Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University, St. Anna Teaching Hospital, Brno, CZ INTRODUCTION Rehabilitation of cardiac patients plays a significant clinical and psychological role. It helps the patients in the process of decondition and physiological changes appearing after acute myocardial infarction. Cardiovascular rehabilitation induces the feeling of security and helps the patient to return to normal life activities. Cardiovascular rehabilitation turns out to be important for a better physical performance and a feeling of health (1, 2). It leads to the increase of performance and capacity of the transport system for oxygen. Subjective perceiving of quality of life is also related to it. Quality of life (QOL) reflects how a person takes his position in the world in the context of culture and value systems in which he lives, and in relation to his aims, expectations, life style and interests (3). Even if correlation between increased performance and improved quality of life can be expected, this relation is not obvious. The function of cardiovascular system in patients with heart arrhytmias being at risk of a sudden cardiac death improves in the case of pacemaker implantation. In some cases, however, nervous patients can experience psychological disorders after pacemaker implantation that can be accompanied by anxiety and depressions. In clinical practice we meet very often with a discrepancy between the opinion of the doctor and the patient. AIMS OF THE STUDY The aim of the study was to compare influence of 12-week combined training on subjectively perceived quality of life and on objectively measured indicators of performance (expressed as maximal achieved performance and performance converted 280 to 1 kg of the body mass) and on capacity of the transport system (expressed as maximal oxygen intake and maximal oxygen intake converted to 1 kg of the body mass) in patients with ischemic heart disease determined by coronarography with regard to their gender. METHODOLOGY The group of examined patients included 84 men (62±9 years) with coronarography determined ischemic heart disease (with means ejection fraction EF 48±10 %) and 19 women (64±7 years, mean EF 46±8 %) who participated in 12-week rehabilitation program. Graph 1 Basic characteristic of the group of patients Legend: age (years), EF (%), BMI (body mass index), women – yellow, men – dark The patients included in cardiac rehabilitation had to comply with the following criteria: they did not suffer acute myocardial infarction or attack of unstable angina pectoris in the period of three months before the beginning of exercises, no patient had valvular defect or insufficiently compensated hypertension. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 age EF BMI 281 The patients with serious rhythm disorders, with symptoms of haemodynamic instability, with substantial marks of ischemia at rest or at load were excluded. Also the patients with uncontrolled hypertension and other conditions and diseases making rehabilitation exercises impossible were not included into the group. Before starting rehabilitation all patients were subjected to basic clinical examination and Doppler echocardiography by the instrument SONOS 5500 (Hewlett Packard). Before the starting and after the finishing of the rehabilitation program a spiroergometric exercise test on a bicycle ergometer was made. 12-lead electrocardiogram was recorded by the instrument Cardiovit CS 100 – Schiller. Ventilatory-respiratory values were determined by means of the analyzer of gases Pulmonary Function System 1 070 – MedGraphics CPX/D, USA, fitted with software for their analysis and evaluation. The examination was made in morning hours and the patients were advised beforehand to take the morning dose of their usual medication. The reason of the examination and its expected results were explained to all patients. 12-lead electrocardiogram at rest was monitored from the beginning of the exercise test. Within the adaptation phase lasting 2 – 5 minutes in the sitting position on ergometer for stabilization of parameters the resting values of heart rate (HR) and blood pressure (BP) were read. The protocol with graded load without interruptions up to the symptom-limited maximum was determined for the examination. The patient kept the speed rate in the range of 50 – 55/min. In the course of examination SF was read from ECG record each two minutes, the examined patient assessed the rating of perceived exertion (RPE) and his BP was measured by auscultation method with a mercury manometer. Respiratory parameters in breath were determined by means of an analyzer of breath gases in real time breath-by-breath. In addition to achieving the symptom-limited maximum generally valid criteria were used for finishing the test, so called end points (4, 5). Seattle Angina Questionnaire. To find out subjective perception of health state and affecting quality of life, the patients were given Seattle Angina Questionnaire (SAQ) to be filled out in the beginning of the rehabilitation program and after its termination. Questionnaire is divided into five parts (hereafter and in the results SAQ 1-5) and it contains nineteen items altogether. 282 Part 1 (SAQ 1) The patient indicates how chest pain or anginous pain restricted him during the last four weeks in performing the given activities. The activities are arranged according to physical severity. Part 2 (SAQ 2) It deals with comparison of the current health state with the period four weeks ago as to the frequency of occurrence of anginous difficulties in performing usual daily activities. Part 3 (SAQ 3) The patient indicates how many times a day or a week in the past month, in comparison with the same period four weeks ago, he had anginous difficulties and how many times he had to take nitroglycerin because of them. Part 4 (SAQ 4) The patient indicates subjective feeling of the therapy and his satisfaction with it. Part 5 (SAQ 5) The last part should describe how the patients feel quality of their life with the present illness and its potential fatal termination. Rehabilitation program The ambulatory controlled exercise training program lasted 12 weeks with the frequency three times a week. The training unit lasted 60 min and consisted of four phases (6, 7). The warm-up phase was aimed at preparing the cardiovascular and locomotive system for additional load, prevention of musculoskeletal lesion. The exercise training was composed of dynamic endurance exercises (simple floor exercises, exercises with gymnastic apparatus) and stretching of muscle groups tending to be shortened. The aerobic phase took place on a bicycle ergometer (Ergoline REHA E900) controlled by the program ErgoSoft+ for Windows. Intensity of aerobic training was set at the aerobic threshold level. The strength training was performed on multifunctional toning machines TK-HC COMPACT. Four exercises were done (benchpress, pull down, leg extension on the apparatus and sitting-lying positions). Intensity of strength training was set by the method 1-RM and training loads were determined in per cents of maximum: 30-60 % 1RM (every week increasing by 10 %). The number of series was 3 - 5 with ten repetitions. Before starting the strength training the patients were thoroughly informed about proper breathing and performing of exercises. Relaxation phase: modified Schultz autogenic training was used. 283 Heart rate, blood pressure and RPE degree were monitored in the course of the whole training, during the aerobic phase and in 1-RM test also ECG. The examination protocol of the study was accepted by local ethical commission and the patients signed their informed approval. The results are given as average ± standard deviations, for statistical evaluation Wilcoxon test for paired values was used. RESULTS After going through the rehabilitation program the body mass and BMI neither in men nor in women were changed and also the initial systolic and diastolic pressure, maximal achieved diastolic pressure, maximal heart rate and both resting and maximal product heart rate-pressure (product of systolic blood pressure and heart rate /100) have not been statistically significantly changed in both cases. Our results indicated in the group of men (before versus after) a significant change of systolic blood pressure at maximum load (196.9±28.2 mmHg v. 203.4±27.1 mmHg; p<0.05), heart rate (HR) initial (64.7±10.9 cpm v. 61.9±10.4 cpm; p<0.05). The increase of performance occurred, it is statistically significant only in men, however (graph 2, 3). Maximal muscle strength increased in the group of men: WmaxSL 113.35±33.14 W v. 123.0±35.6 W; p<0.01; WmaxSL.kg-1 1.3±0.4 W v. 1.45±0.45 W; p<0.01. The transport system for oxygen at achieving the symptom-limited maximum (VO2SL) was improved: 1691.±411.8 ml/min v. 1833.8±45.2 ml/min, p<0.01; VO2SL.kg- 1 19.9±4.8 ml/min/kg v. 21.6±5.7 ml/min/kg, p<0.01; MET 5.7±1.4 v. 6.2±1.7, p<0.01. Quality of life measured by means of the questionnaire in the group of men improved after rehabilitation considerably in all aspects: SAQ1 80.7±18.8 v. 84.9±15.8, p<0.01; SAQ2 79.6±21.6 v. 86.4±16.1, p<0.01; SAQ3 83.5±16.1 v. 88.5±14.4, p<0.01; SAQ4 88,4±16,1 v. 93.0±10.4, p<0.01; SAQ5 66.6±17.5 v. 73.6±17.6, p<0.01. In the group of women we recorded a significant increase of the transport system capacity: VO2SL 1134.8±155.4 ml/min v. 1215.0±184.6 ml/min, p<0.05; VO2SL.kg-1 15.1±2.4 ml/min/kg v. 16.3±2.4 ml/min/kg, p<0.05; MET 4.4±0.7 v. 4.70±0.67, p<0.05. The questionnaire for quality of life in women indicated increased quality of life in all aspects: SAQ1 69.0±20.5 v. 75.7±16.2, p<0.01; SAQ2 78.0±18.2 v. 88.0±16.4, p<0.05; 284 SAQ3 77,5±20,8 v. 84,2±17,1, p<0,01; SAQ4 89,9±12,7 v. 93,9±9,0, p<0,05; SAQ5 62,82±20,6 v. 72,15±17,27, p<0,01. Graph 2 Increase of maximal performance after cardiovascular rehabilitation in men Legend: Wmax (W), before and after, women – yellow, men – dark; Graph 3 Increase of maximal performance (to 1 kg of the body mass) after cardiovascular rehabilitation in men Legend: Wmax per kg, before and after, women – yellow, men – dark W max (W) ženy muži 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 ** W maximální/kg (W.kg -1 ) ženy muži 0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 ** 285 DISCUSSION The relation between quality of life and results of functional examination by load was studied in a number of the papers (8, 9, 10). The definition of quality of life given in the introduction to our study. The quality of life is influenced by the particular culture in the given population. That is why it is useful to study the relations separately in all cultural backgrounds. We have proved in our study a positive influence of cardiovascular rehabilitation on quality of life in patients with chronic ischemic heart disease in men and women in the Czech Republic. CONCLUSION 12-week combined training in men with ischemic heart disease resulted in increase of their performance and capacity of the transport system. They attained a lower heart rate at rest and at the same time increased values of maximal systolic pressure at the achieved higher performance. As a result of 12-week combined training male patients had fewer anginous difficulties in performing normal daily activities and they did not have to take nitroglycerin because of these difficulties. The men included into the training were also evidently more satisfied with the course and quality of therapy after the training. The most important improvement, however, was achieved, as assumed, in subjective perception of quality of life. In women with ischemic heart disease 12-week combined training led to increased capacity of the transport system, neither performance nor the other monitored parameters changed significantly, but occurrence of anginous difficulties in performing normal daily activities and necessity of taking nitroglycerin decreased. Supported by grant MSM0021622402 LITERATURE 1. Dafoe W., Huston P., Current trends in cardiac rehabilitation: Can. Med. Assoc. J. 1997, 156, 27-32. 286 2. Giannuzi P., Temporelli P.L., Corra U., et al. Attenuation of unfavorable remodeling by exercise training in postinfarction patients with left ventricular disfunction: results of the exercise in left ventricular disfunction trial. Circulation 1997, 96, 1790-1797. 3. DRAGOMIRECKÁ, E. – ŠKODA, C. 1997. Kvalita života. Vymezení, definice a historický vývoj pojmu v sociální psychiatrii. . S. Psychiatrie, ro . 93, .2, s. 102-108. 1. 4. CHALOUPKA, V. Siegelová J, Špinarová L. a kol. Rehabilitace u nemocných s kardiovaskulárním onemocn ním. Cor Vasa 2006; 48: K 127-45. 5. PLACHETA, Z. – SIEGELOVÁ, J. – ŠTEJFA. et al. 1999. Zát žová diagnostika v ambulantní a klinické praxi. Grada Publishing, s. 51-178, ISBN 80-7169-271-9 6. JAN ÍK, J. – DOBŠÁK, P. – SVA INOVÁ, H. – SIEGELOVÁ, J. – PLACHETA, Z. 2002. Zát žová vyšet ení u nemocných s chronickým srde ním selháním. Kardiol. Revue, ro . 3., s. 175-179. 7. JAN ÍK, J. – VANK, P. – MÍFKOVÁ, L. – CHLUDILOVÁ, V. – FIŠER, B. – SIEGELOVÁ, J. – EICHER, J. CH. 2004. Aerobní trénink kombinovaný se silovými prvky u nemocných s chronickou ischemickou chorobou srde ní: vliv na variabilitu srde ní frekvence. In Optimální p sobení t lesné zát že a výživy. Hradec Králové: Gaudeamus, s. 213-216, ISBN 80-7041-666-1. 8. Arena R, Humphrey R, Peberdy MA. Relationship between the Minnesota living with heart failure questionnaire and key ventilatory expired gas measures during exercise testing in patients with heart failure. J Cardiopulmonary Rehab, 2002, 22,273-277. 9. Gottlieb SS, Fisher ML, Freudenberger R et al. Effect of exercise training on peak performance and quality of life in congestive heart failure patients. J Card Fail, 1999, 5,188-194. 10. Belardinelli R, Georgiou D, Cianci G, Purcaro A. Randomized, controlled trial of long-term moderate exercise training in chronic heart failure: effect on functional capacity quality of life, and clinical outcome (see comments). Circulation, 1999,99,11731182. SUMMARY The aim of the study was to compare influence of 12-week combined training on subjectively perceived quality of life and on objectively measured indicators of performance (expressed as maximal achieved performance and performance converted to 1 kg of the body mass) and on capacity of the transport system (expressed as maximal oxygen intake and maximal oxygen intake converted to 1 kg of the body mass) in patients with ischemic heart disease determined coronographically with regard to their gender. 287 12-week combined training in men with ischemic heart disease resulted in increase of their performance and capacity of the transport system. They attained a lower heart rate at rest and at the same time increased values of maximal systolic pressure at the achieved higher performance. As a result of 12-week combined training male patients had fewer anginous difficulties in performing normal daily activities and they did not have to take nitroglycerin because of these difficulties as frequently as before the training. The men included into the training were also evidently more satisfied with the course and quality of therapy after the training. The most important improvement, however, was achieved, as assumed, in subjective perception of quality of life. In women with ischemic heart disease 12-week combined training led to increased capacity of the transport system, neither performance nor the other monitored parameters changed significantly, but occurrence of anginous difficulties in performing normal daily activities and necessity of taking nitroglycerin decreased. Key words: Quality of life, combined training, chronic ischemic heart disease, gender difference 288 AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM IN PARKINSON’S DISEASE PETR POSPÍŠIL, LUMÍR KONE NÝ, PAVEL VANK, HANA SROVNALOVÁ* , IRENA REKTOROVÁ* , JARMILA SIEGELOVÁ Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Department of Functional Diagnostics and Rehabilitation, * I Department of Neurology, Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University, St. Anna Faculty Hospital in Brno, Brno, CZ INTRODUCTION: Autonomic nervous system dysfunction is an integral part of symptomatology of idiopathic Parkinson’s disease (PD) from its early outset (3, 19, 21, 24, 29, 36, 37). Clinical studies examine the function of autonomic nervous system by means of standard autonomic tests – orthostatic test (32), Valsalva´s maneuver (5, 40), isometric exercise test (40), ratio of heart rate increase to 15th heartbeat after standing up from supine position to its decrease to 30th heartbeat (30:15 ratio; 4), ratio of the longest RR interval in expiration to the shortest RR interval in inspiration (E:I ratio; 4), evaluation of reaction of heart rhythm and blood pressure to deep breathing test (5, 40) and tilt table test (4, 25), sympathetic skin response (4, 43) etc. A number of studies document, according to the applied method of examination, that the progression of autonomic dysfunction is proportional to the course of development of other PD symptoms (5, 23, 25, 28, 32, 40). Measurement of heart rate variability (HRV) and its analysis is a non-invasive examination revealing autonomic dysfunction in mild stage of PD already (6). Decrease of spectral power in mild stage of PD disablement was documented in short-term HRV examination by Rodriguez (35), Haapaniemi (11) gives consistent results in 24-hour HRV analysis. Even if spectral power of HRV decreases naturally with increasing age, influence of age as a unique factor inducing this decrease was not confirmed in PD patients. Dysfunction of autonomic nervous system in PD patients demonstrates a marked dependence mainly on the disease progression evaluated according to motor scale UPDRS III or H&Y score (H&Y) UPDRS V (40). Influence of anti-parkinsonian medication as the only factor influencing the development of symptomatology of autonomic dysfunction was disproved as well. Presence of autonomic dysregulation was described and well documented also in the 289 studies evaluating spectral power of HRV in patients with idiopatic PD even before starting this medication (9, 20, 26). Evaluation of the measure of dysfunctions of autonomic nervous system is a permanent subject of the research (1, 4, 5, 7, 23, 30, 41). Most of preceding studies, however, have not yet been dealing adequately with important factors of day time of short-term HRV examination, differences in the extent of disablement by PD, type of dopaminergic or other pharmacotherapy, changes of breathing rate during examination etc. (5). AIM OF THE STUDY: Evaluation of disorder of autonomic cardiovascular regulation in PD patients in mild and advanced stage according to H&Y score by means of spectral analysis of short-term HRV examination. DESIGN AND METHODS: 25 PD patients whose diagnosis was established at the Ist Neurological Clinic of St. Anna Faculty Hospital in Brno were included into the study (8). Absence of other diseases and anti-parkinsonian or other pharmacological therapy influencing results of HRV examination was the condition of inclusion into the study (2, 3, 12, 14, 16, 22, 27, 33, 40). The patients included into the study also met criteria of stable medication without any changeat least in the last 4 weeks before the examination, compliance of usual daily schedule including medication, in the day before the examination without excessive physical activity, in the night before the examination at least 6 hours of good sleep, in the morning before the examination only light breakfast without coffee, tea, alcohol, with regard to the age of patients, at least 2 hours before the examination. The patients were divided into two groups according to the measure of clinical disablement. H&Y score in the range of 1-1.5 was a criterion for inclusion into the group “SI”; H&Y score in the range of 2-3 was a criterion for inclusion into the group „SII“. 290 Basic anthropometric characteristics of the groups are given below in Table l as mean ± SD: Table 1: Basic anthropometric characteristic of evaluated groups of PD patients H&Y AGE (years) BMI PD DURATION (years) Group SI 1.3±0.3 65.7±11.0 24.7±2.5 7.6±3.9 Group SII 2.3±0.4 68.2±7.1 26.7±2.1 5.7±3.0 Examined patients underwent short-term measurement and spectral analysis of heart rate variability in supine position (15, 20). The methodology of metronome-paced breathing rate f = 0.33 Hz (18, 34, 38, 39, 42) was used for reducing the effect of different rate of spontaneous breathing on spectral power in the groups of patients subjected to examination (5, 13, 28, 31, 40). Graphic representation of the effect of controlled breathing on spectral power is given below in Graph 1. Graph 1: Example of graphic representation of the results of spectral analysis of heart rate variability by the system Task Force Monitor, CNSystems Medizintechnic GmbH. All HRV tests were accomplished always in morning hours between 9 and 11 a.m. The measure of autonomic dysfunction evaluated by means of spectral analysis of HRV was compared between the groups of patients with a different degree of clinical disablement according to H&Y. The differences of values of selected parameters of spectral analysis of HRV between the groups SI and SII were statistically evaluated by Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (test of distribution) and T test (Statistica, StatSoft Inc., version 7, 2004). The study was accepted by ethical commission of Masaryk University in Brno and all participants of the study signed their informed consent. 291 RESULTS: The results of selected parameters of spectral analysis of short-term examination of HRV are given below in Table 2 (mean ± SD): total power (TP, ms2 ), power in lowfrequency band (0.04-0.14 Hz; Power LF; ms2 ), power in high-frequency band (0.15- 0.4 Hz; Power HF; ms2 ) and ratio Power LF / Power HF (LF/HF). Table 2: Results of HRV spectral analysis, metronome-paced breathing (f = 0,33 Hz) TP (ms2 ) Power LF (ms2 ) Power HF (ms2 ) LF/HF Group SI 438 ± 411 132 ± 95 251 ± 315 1.0 ± 0.6 Group SII 123 ± 108 40 ± 37 47 ± 62 1.9 ± 2.3 P *0.018 **0.005 *0.038 N.S. Graphic representation of the difference of selected parameters of spectral analysis of short-term HRV examination during metronome-paced breathing (f = 0.33 Hz) is given below (Graph 2). Graph 2: Comparison of selected parameters of spectral analysis of HRV 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 Power LF SII.Power LF SI. Power HF SI. Power HF SII. TP SI. TP SII. ms 2 ** * * p 0.01 p 0.05 p 0.05 In statistical comparison of selected parameters of spectral analysis of HRV, a significant difference was found between the group SI with a milder degree of disablement and the group SII with a more advanced degree of disablement according to H&Y. In the group SII a statistically significant decrease of total power (TP) and of power in low-frequency (Power LF) and high-frequency (Power HF) spectral band 292 occurred. The change of ratio of low-frequency power and high-frequency power (LF/HF) was not statistically significant. DISCUSSION: Autonomic dysfunctions in PD patients progress in accordance with progression of the disease (25, 32, 40). Their exact examination and scoring in the present clinical practice are still more important. Examination of short-term heart rate variability meets demanding criteria of a noninvasive and objective, reproducible, reliable and valid test of autonomic regulation (10, 15, 35). Kallio (20) recommends, because of a higher sensitivity, application of spectral analysis (frequency domain) of HRV before time analysis (time domain). It was proved that the measure of disorder of autonomic control of heart function is identical with the nigrostriatal dopaminerg system disorder (1, 4). We have demonstrated statistically at two examined groups, SI with a mild degree of disablement (H&Y = 1.3) and SII with a more advanced degree of disablement (H&Y = 2.3), with the difference in the measure of clinical disablement of 1 degree, a significant difference of the total power and the power in low-frequency and high-frequency spectral component in the short-term examination of HRV. We consider the short-term examination and its spectral analysis also to be sufficiently sensitive for evaluation of autonomic dysfunctions progression in PD. Our results are in accordance with the testing of other authors using similar methods of HRV examination. Linden (25) made a comparative study with two groups of average age 67.6 years with a higher H&Y (2.1 vs. 3.3) and found out also significant decrease of low-frequency and high-frequency spectral power in the group with a higher H&Y in comparison with the group with a lower H&Y. Rodriguez (35) presents decrease of power in all spectral bands in the group of examined patients with PD of average age 30.8 years in comparison with the group of examined patients with PD of average age 61.9 years and a higher H&Y. The same results found out by means of spectral analysis of HRV, ie. autonomic dysfunction progression in connection with the disease development, are given also by Deiseroth (5) in his study made on 30 patients in the age of 39-84 years. 293 Van Dijk (40) determined dependence of a reduced autonomic response in the shortterm examination of HRV on age, duration of anti-parkinsonian medication and higher H&Y and, on the contrary, excluded a direct relation with duration of the disease. Devos (6), unlike the preceding authors, takes in the methodology of examination into consideration also the day time of examination, pharmacotherapy, breathing rate and previous physical load. He compares the results of the short-term examination of HRV of three groups of examined PD patients with a different degree of motor dysfunction according to the motor scale UPDRS III. (7.0 vs. 8.9 vs. 19.0) and of the control group, average age being always 61 years. In all groups of examined PD patients he finds significant differences in all spectral bands of HRV. The results of Hisayoshi study (17) prove in the mild stage of PD in comparison with the corresponding control group of healthy subjects only decrease of spectral power in the low-frequency band. The difference in spectral power in the short-term examination of HRV between the group of healthy population and age corresponding to examined PD patients in the mild stage is denied only by Krygowska-Wajs (23). Her methodology of examination does not take into consideration, however, all factors influencing the results of the short-term examination of HRV and does not use methodology of controlled breathing. In another study (24), where she evaluates the changes of heart rate in mild stage of PD by means of the tilt table test (30:15 ratio), a statistically significant difference between the examined patients in mild stage of PD and the check group of healthy population of the corresponding age and sex is already confirmed. Piha (32) attained the same conclusions on the basis of testing orthostatic hypotension. Statistically significant changes of spectral power in mild grade PD patients (H&Y = 1.5) in comparison with the control group of healthy subjects are given also by Haapaniemi in his study (11) based on the results of 24-hour HRV examination. CONCLUSION: We established a greater disorder of autonomic regulation of heart rate in the group of patients in advanced stage of PD (H&Y = 2.3) in comparison with the group in mild stage of PD (H&Y = 1.3). On the basis of our results demonstrating statistically significant difference between the groups with average H&Y score differing by one 294 degree (1.3 vs. 2.3) in the spectral power values (TP 438 vs. 123 ms2 , Power LF 132 vs. 40 ms2 , Power HF 251 vs. 47 ms2 ) we consider spectral analysis of short-term examination of HRV to be a suitable method of evaluation of autonomic dysfunction in PD patients. Supported by grant MSM0021622402 LITERATURE: 1. Amino, T. et al. (2005) Proufound cardiac sympathetic denervation occurs in Parkinson’s disease. Brain Pathology, 15/1, s. 29-34. 2. Bhattacharya, K. F. et al. (2003) Selegiline in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease: its impact on orthostatic hypotension. Parkinsonism and Related Disorders, 9, s. 221–224. 3. Bouhaddi, M. et al. (2004) Impaired cardiovascular autonomic control in newly and long-term-treated patients with Parkinson’s disease: involvement of L-dopa therapy. Autonomic Neuroscience-Basic and Clinical, 116/1-2, s. 30-38. 4. 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(1992) Autonomic dysfunction in men with Parkinson’s disease. European Neurology, 32/3, s. 134-140. 38. Stark, R. et al. (2000) Effects of paced respiration on heart period and heart period variability. Psychophysiology, 37, s. 302-309. 39. Strauss-Blasche, G. et al. (2001) Relative timing of inspiration and expiration affects respiratory sinus arrhytmia. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology, 27, s. 601-606. 40. Van Dijk, J. G. et al. (1993) Autonomic nervous system dysfunction in Parkinson’s disease: relation with age, medication, duration and severity. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 56, s. 1090-1095. 41. Visser, M. et al. (2004) Assessment of autonomic dysfunction in Parkinson’s disease: the SCOPA AUT. Movement Disorders, 19/11, s. 1306-1311. 42. Yasuma, F., Hayano, J. (2004) Respiratory sinus arrhytmia. Why does the heartbeat synchronize with respiratory rhytm? Chest, 125/2, s. 683-690. 43. Zakrzewska-Pniewska, B. Jamrozik, Z. (2003) Are electrophysiological autonomic tests useful in the assessment of dysautonomia in Parkinson’s disease? Parkinsonism and Related Disorders, 9, s. 179-183. 297 SUMMARY: Exact quantitative evaluation method of autonomic dysfunction in Parkinson’s disease (PD) for everyday clinical use has not been developed yet. The aim of this study was to evaluate autonomic cardiovascular regulation in mild and advanced stages of PD with the use of heart rate variability (HRV) examination. 25 patients entered the study and passed short-term HRV examination in supine position with metronome-controlled breathing f = 0.33 Hz. Following parameters of power spectral analysis were evaluated: Total Power (TP; ms2 ), Low Frequency Power (0.04-0.14 Hz; Power LF; ms2 ), High Frequency Power (0.15-0.4 Hz; Power HF; ms2 ) and Ratio Power LF / Power HF (LF/HF). The results show statistically significant decrease of TP (438 vs. 123 ms2 ), Power LF (132 vs. 40 ms2 ) and Power HF (251 vs. 47 ms2 ) in the group of patients with a higher mean H&Y (1.3 vs. 2.3; T test). The change of LF/HF was not statistically significant. The short-term examination of heart rate variability fulfils the criteria for test objectivity, reproducibility, reliability and validity. We proved a higher impairment of autonomic cardiovascular regulation in the group of PD patients with advanced PD (H&Y = 2.3) than in mild PD (H&Y = 1.3). Short-term HRV examination is also sensitive enough to be used for comparison of the difference of autonomic dysfunction corresponding to the change of impairment by 1 grade in H&Y score. KEYWORDS: Parkinson’s disease; autonomic dysfunction; heart rate variability; UPDRS; Hoehn & Yahr score; metronome-controlled breathing; rehabilitation 298 PATIENTS WITH STROKE: RESULTS OF PHYSIOTHERAPY AND OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY BARBORA BÁRTLOVÁ, EVA NOSAVCOVOVÁ, MARCELA NOVÁKOVÁ, LENKA DRLÍKOVÁ, ABDUL KARIM AL FADHLI, FARAG HASSAN ANBAIS, ASHREF ALI ERAJHI, JARMILA SIEGELOVÁ Dept. of physiotherapy and rehabilitation and Department of Functional Diagnostics and Rehabilitation, Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University, St. Anna Teaching Hospital, Brno, CZ INTRODUCTION Stroke is the third most frequent cause of death. Improved quality of medical care in acute phase of stroke reduced mortality and extended life of disabled persons, many surviving patients, however, are afflicted with serious residual functional deficit in the field of motor and cognitive functions. These patients require then considerable economic cost for further treatment and subsequent long-term care. After CMP a differential movement ability of hand can be lost and overlooked and uncorrected disorders can be then the cause of the resulting ineptitude of the patient in usual handling activities. A lot of people after stroke live with a substantial sensomotor disability of the upper limb worsening considerably the level of their functional independence. This disability can be frustrating for them, it can increase the risks of their impairment and can bring about worse social contacts. That is why the early starting of comprehensive rehabilitation that should be able to prevent the origin or at least reduce the measure of various types of disabilities is very important. Occupational therapy (ET) that is dominant in helping to restore personal independence in daily life activities is an integral part of comprehensive rehabilitation. The results of various studies show that the patients who went through ET have a higher degree of independence in daily life activities than the patients without ET (1, 7, 8, 14). AIM OF THE STUDY The aim of our study was to evaluate the results of subsequent rehabilitation in 148 patients with diagnosis I60 – I69, general affection of central nervous system on the basis of vascular disease with motor activity and cognitive functions disorder, divided into the group attending only physiotherapy, and into the group going through the combination of physiotherapy and occupational therapy, and evaluation of 299 independence measure in basic daily activities by means of the test of functional examination (Functional Independence Measure, FIM test) and Barthel test (BT). GROUP OF EXAMINED PATIENTS In 2007 174 patients with diagnosis I 60 – 69, CNS affection on the basis of vascular disease with motor activity disorder, were hospitalized in After-treatment and rehabilitation ward in our hospital. 89 of them were discharged to home care …………………………………. 51 % 59 of them were discharged to social service institutions ………………….. 34 % 12 of them were moved back to emergency ward …………………………… 7 % 14 of them died ……………………………………………………………… 8 % FIM test and BT were evaluated in the group of 148 patients from the total number of 174, who completed the rehabilitation and occupational therapy program and were discharged to home care or to institutions for social services, separately in the group of 94 patients for whom only physiotherapy was prescribed, and in 54 patients who went through both physiotherapy and occupational therapy. The average age of the patients for whom only physiotherapy was prescribed was 79 years and the average age of the patients, who went also through occupational therapy was 72 years. The age distribution of the patients in both groups can be seen in graph 1. 5 4 5 14 28 25 49 10 7 1 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 < 60 60-69 70-79 80-89 90-99 PHYSIOTHERAPY PHYSIOTHERAPY + ERGOTHERAPY P Graph 1 Age distribution of all 148 patients with CMP 300 Duration of rehabilitation in our ward on average was 49 days; in the group of patients for whom only physiotherapy was prescribed it was on average 47 days and in the patients for whom also occupational therapy was prescribed it was on average 54 days. Intensity of rehabilitation was 1 hour of individual physiotherapy and half an hour of occupational therapy 5 days in a week. 4 4 26 11 16 12 20 7 18 8 7 5 1 2 1 2 1 3 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 < 15 16-30 31-45 46-60 61-75 76-90 91-105 106-120 > 121 PHYSIOTHERAPY FYZIOTERAPIE + ERGOTHERAPY Graph 2 Duration of hospitalization in patients with stroke METHODOLOGY For evaluation of functional fitness of the patients we used the test of Functional Independence Measure (FIM test) and Barthel test, evaluating independence in basic everyday activities and thus suitable for monitoring progress of the treatment. FIM test – or measurement of functional independence, evaluates 18 activities in 6 categories: 1. Self attendance, 2. Control of sphincters, 3. Displacements, 4. Mobility, 5. Communication, 6. Social abilities. Each item has a scale consisting of seven points, 301 when 1 means full assistance and 7 full independence. The total score can be 18 – 126 points (2, 5, 6, 9, 11, 14). Barthel test – test of basic everyday activities evaluates 10 activities: 1. Eating, drinking, 2. Dressing, 3. Taking a bath, 4. Personal hygiene, 5. Continence of defecation, 6. Continence of urination, 7. Using WC, 8. Displacement from the bed to the chair, 9. Walking on even ground, 10. Climbing stair. Individual items are evaluated mainly in three degrees of dependence – does not accomplish (0), accomplishes with assistance (5) and accomplishes independently without assistance (10). The total score can be therefore 0 – 100 points (2, 3, 4, 6, 13, 15). As Barthel test does not contain evaluation of cognitive components, we used only the corresponding items of evaluation of motor score of FIM test to compare the results with FIM test. RESULTS We compared the results of motor score of FIM test and the results of Barthel test at the beginning of rehabilitation and at discharge in the group of 94 patients for whom only physiotherapy was prescribed, and in the group of 54 patients who went through both physiotherapy and occupational therapy (ET). Groups FIM input FIM output Barthel input Barthel output Patients with physiotherapy 28 16 34 19** 37 30 47 33** Patients with physiotherapy and ET 35 16 49 15** 49 27 74 24** ** p < 0,0001 For evaluation of functional state of input and output parameters of both tests we used Wilcoxon paired test and the results showed statistically significant improvement of the function at the level p < 0.001 in both functional tests in all groups. 302 Fyzioterapie + Ergoterapie 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 Pouze fyzioterapie 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Graph 3. Results of functional independent measure (FIM test) before and after 3month rehabilitation in both groups of patients with CMP Fyzioterapie + Ergoterapie 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Pouze fyzioterapie 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Graph 4 Results of functional Barthel test (BT) before and after 3-month rehabilitation in both groups of patients with stroke DISCUSSION Functional disorders accompanying stroke are often a serious complication for senior patients. Conclusions of our tests, however, confirm the assumption that age is not a factor excluding in advance senior patients from the rehabilitation program and that also elderly people are able to improve their physical functions, which leads to improvement of their quality of life and reduces social and economic impacts on the society. The measured results show that a long-term rehabilitation of patients with stroke connected with occupational therapy brings about a substantial improvement of their independence in basic daily activities. With regard to increasing number of elderly people in the population, connected with a high number of disabilities and polymorbidities, the utmost necessity of prevention and rehabilitation programs directed at this very segment of our population is more and more noticeable (7, 10, 12, 15). 303 On the basis of functional tests (BT and FIM test) we have proved effectiveness of rehabilitation in the patients after stroke. Rehabilitation and occupational therapy are indicated in all patients, regardless their age and a measure of functional impairment. CONCLUSION The results of the test of functional examination after the subsequent rehabilitation of 148 patients with the diagnosis of general affection of central nervous system on the basis of vascular disease with motor activity and cognitive functions disorder, divided into the group attending only physiotherapy and into the group going through the combination of physiotherapy and occupational therapy, showed improvement of both groups of patients in basic daily activities. Supported by grant MSM0021622402 LITERATURE 1. Desrosiers, J., Bourbonnais, D., Corriveau, H., Gosselin, S., Bravo, G.(2005). Effectiveness of unilateral and symmetrical bilateral task training for arm during the subacute phase after stroke: a randomized controlled trial, Clinical Rehabilitation 2005; 19: 581-593. 2. Grünerová, M. (2005). Neurorehabilitace. Praha: Galén. 3. Guth, A. (1995). Vyšetrovacie a lie ebné metodiky pre fyzioterapeutov. Bratislava: LIE REH 4. Kalvach, P. (1997). 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SUMMARY The aim of this study was to evaluate the questionnaire Functional Independence Measure (FIM) and Barthel test (BT) in 148 patients with stroke with impairment of motor and cognitive functions before and after three months of physiotherapy and combination of physiotherapy and occupational therapy. Methods: We examined 148 patients with stroke by means of FIM questionnaire and Barthel test. Results and conclusion: We have found an improvement of functional state in our patients after physiotherapy and combination of physiotherapy and occupational therapy. Key words: stroke, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, functional independence measure