Masaryk University • Faculty of Medicine • Brno • Czech Republic
Edited by: Cornélissen G., Siegelová J., Dobšák P.
Brno 2018
© 2018 Masarykova univerzita
ISBN 978-80-210-9109-2
Under the auspices of
Doc. PhDr. Mikuláš Bek, Ph.D., Rector of Masaryk University, Brno
Prof. MUDr. Martin Bareš, Ph.D., Dean of Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University, Brno
Reviewed by: Prof. MUDr. Kamil Javorka, DrSc.
Jessenius Faculty of Medicine in Martin
Comenius University in Bratislava
Slovak Republic
Biological Rhythms Described by Professor Franz Halberg
and Johann Gregor Mendel Scientific Studies....................................................................................... 5
Jarmila Siegelova
Comments on the 2018 ESC/ESH and 2017 ACC/AHA Consensus Blood Pressure Guidelines
Regarding the Use of Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring (ABPM)............................................ 15
Germaine Cornelissen, Larry A Beaty, Jarmila Siegelova, Yoshihiko Watanabe, Kuniaki Otsuka,
and Members of the Phoenix Study Group For the Investigators of the Project on the BIOsphere
and the COSmos (BIOCOS)
Changes with Kp in the Circadian Rhythm of Circulating Melatonin................................................ 33
Cathy Lee Gierke, Roberto Tarquini, Federico Perfetto, Jarmila Siegelova, Germaine Cornelissen
Circadian Time Structure in Patients with Acute Hemispheral Cerebral Infarction
Compared to Clinically Healthy Bedridden and Ambulatory Controls.............................................. 43
Linda Sackett-Lundeen, Erhard Haus, Manuel Ramirez-Lassepas, David Lakatua, Jacqueline Swoyer,
Cathy Lee Gierke, Germaine Cornelissen
Prof. MUDr. Bohumil Fiser, CSc. (22.10.1943 – 21.3.2011) Studied the Whole Live Baroreflex
Sensitivity and Chronobiology ........................................................................................................... 57
Jarmila Siegelova
Influence of Compression Aids on Baroreflex in Patients after Cervical Spinal Cord Injury............. 63
Jana Svacinova, Katarina Ondrusova, Michal Javorka, Zuzana Novakova, Marie Novakova
Seven Day/24-h Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring in Night Shift Workers.............................. 71
Jarmila Siegelová, Alena Havelková, Krábková M., Jiří Dušek, Michal Pohanka, Leona Dunklerová,
Petr Dobšák, Germaine Cornélissen
Prof. MUDr. Pavel Braveny, CSc. (25.1.1931 – 31.7.2018) and International Congresses of
Noninvasive Methods in Cardiology in Masaryk University, Brno..................................................... 79
Jarmila Siegelova
Prof. MUDr. Petr Dobšák, CSc. 60 Years of Age............................................................................... 85
Jarmila Siegelova
Neuro-muscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES) in Rehabilitation of Chronic Diseases.................. 103
Petr Dobšák
Medical situation and our activities in Kenya....................................................................................161
Mitsuo Takei, Miki Iwane
Seven Day /24 h Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring.................................................................167
Prof. MUDr. Jarmila Siegelova, DrSc.
In Memoriam Clara Maria Kenner, Dr. in
Phil. Mag. A
Phil. (1967 - 2018)...................................... 179
Jarmila Siegelova, Petr Dobšák
How Life in Space Can Benefit Older Persons on Earth!...................................................................181
Nandu Goswami
Biological Rhythms Described by Professor Franz Halberg and
Johann Gregor Mendel Scientific Studies
Jarmila Siegelova
Department of Physiotherapy, Department of Sport Medicine and Rehabilitation, Faculty of Medicine,
Masaryk University, St. Anna Teaching Hospital, Brno, CZ
Prof. Dr. Franz Halberg (1919-2013) is a founder of modern chronobiology. Unlike other famous
scientists devoting their activities mostly to presentation of honorary lectures at international scientific
conferences Professor Halberg continued in scientific work until 2013. In the last 5 years we continue
the chronobiological studies in Masaryk University together with Professor Dr. Germaine Cornélissen,
Director of Halberg Chronobiology Center University of Minnesota, USA and we follow Professor
Franz Halberg scientific legacy.
In 1990 Prof. Halberg and Cornelissen visited Masaryk University in Brno for the first time and
presented chronobiological results in cardiovascular parameters in man at the Brno Symposium.
Immediately, an intensive cooperation started between the Brno team, consisting of Prof. Bohumil
Fiser, emeritus head of the Physiology Department, Czech Minister of Health and executive board
member of WHO; Dr. Jiri Dusek, Prof. Jamila Siegelova, and Prof. Franz Halberg and Prof. Germaine
Cornelissen from University of Minnesota, USA.
In Brno at that time we carried out the beat-to-beat noninvasive measurement of blood pressure,
developed by Prof. Jan Penaz and young scientist Prof. Fiser, as well as measurements of baroreflex
sensitivity and heart rate variability and Prof. Siegelova had the equipment for ambulatory 24-h blood
pressure monitoring for adults. The University of Minnesota lent us equipment for oscillometric
measurement of blood pressure in newborn children. We started common scientific work while our data
collected on the Czech population were at first faxed, later on line sent via e-mail to Chronobiological
laboratories in Minnesota, Halberg Chronobiology Center and analyzed in the University of Minnesota,
Then for 30 years until now the chronobiological data from Brno were immediately analyzed by
Prof. Cornelissen and the results of these analyses served not only for scientific work, but also for
therapy of the Czech population. Between the years 1990 and 2008 the Brno team consisting of Prof.
Fiser, Dr. Dusek and Prof. Jamila Siegelova collected 73.888 sets of blood pressure and heart rate
measurements and all data were analyzed by Prof. Cornelissen the following day. The daily data
exchange and analysis continues until now. Very important chronobiological findings were made on
newborn children’s blood pressure, on blood pressure changes after the timed administration of low
dose aspirin, on baroreflex sensitivity, and on groups of normotensive and hypertensive patients given
antihypertensive therapy and without therapy. The cooperation resulted in many common publications.
From 1990 every year, sometimes twice a year, common meetings were organized in Masaryk
University Brno, such as MEFA Congress or chronobiological congress presenting a lot of latest
findings and scientific lectures, with the participation of Prof. Cornelissen and Prof. Halberg from
Minnesota; Prof. Thomas Kenner, former president of the University of Graz, Austria; and Prof. J.P.
Martineaud, Hopital Lariboisiere, Medical Faculty, Paris, France. Prof. Cornelissen prepared a lot of
publications for congresses and symposia in Brno.
Prof. Franz Halberg appreciated scientific approaches of Johann Gregor Mendel (20.7.1822-6.1.1884).
Johann Gregor Mendel was a natural scientist, founder of genetics and a discoverer of the basic laws of
heredity. He worked as a monk and later abbot of the Augustinian monastery in Brno.
Based on his experiments, he formulated three rules that later became known as Mendel’s
inheritance laws. Later, his experimental data have been reviewed many times. Mendel was excellent
mathematician and used the basic of statistics.
Prof. Franz Halberg also took part in symposium 1995 in Brno Mendel Forum, where Mendel work
was presented.
In many lectures in Brno he cited Mendel´s findings and ideas and he admired the data that Mendel
summarized from meteorology in the Central Europe.
Franz Halberg write a lot of articles about Mendel. Let me cited:
“Mendel, the meteorologist at heart, concomitantly mapped physical conditions and diseases,
first with the head of a hospital in Brno, and continued recording them after the latter’s death,
implementing meteorology in relation to the epidemiology of disease. Mendel the meteorologist
practicing chronomics was the topic of a lecture delivered at a symposium held at the Mendelianum in
Brno, Czech Republic, here summarized with an update, and was also the topic of a keynote opening
a symposium given in Nagoya, Japan, published in 1991.
The development of chronobiology under the guidance of Professor Franz Halberg, the science
(logos) of life (bios) in time (chronos), and of chronomics, against the background of Mendel’s
contributions goes far beyond genetics. In keeping with Mendel the meteorologist, Professor Franz
Halberg documented for chronobiological rhythms that light and food are not the only external switches.
The “master switch”, light, can be overridden more often and more critically than we visualize by
feeding or by a magnetic storm.
Very important hypothalamic “oscillators” are not the only internal mechanism of biological
rhythms. Time structures, chronomes, reside in every biological unit and in man.
Chronomes in us have a strong genetic component which, in turn, entered the genome in response
to environmental chronomes, explored meteorologically by Mendel. The more remote environmental
origin of rhythms and their less remote genetic aspect both qualify biological chronomes as the legacy
of Mendel the meteorologist as well as the geneticist.
The need for coordinated physical and biological monitoring, the topic of a project on The BIOsphere
and the COSmos, briefly BIOCOS, the project governed by Professor Germaine Cornelissen from
Halberg Chronobilogy Ceneter, to complement genomics, can also be viewed as the legacy of Mendel
the meteorologist/cartographer. Some of Mendel’s meteorological data were meta-chrono-analyzed.
Mendel himself published more often on meteorology than on what became genetics.
Prof. Franz Halberg, the father of chronobiology and excellent teacher, declares Johann Gregor
Mendel as a chronobiologist.
In 1987 Prof. Cornelissen was appointed the secretary of the North American branch of the
International Society for Research on Civilization Diseases and the Environment (SRMCE). She
summarized and published numerous papers on risks of civilization diseases and on morbidity and
mortality of cardiovascular diseases. In 1994 Prof. Cornelissen became coordinator of international
chronobiology project Womb-to-Tomb Study, now BIOCOS (The BIOsphere and the COSmos). The
Brno team is a member of both international projects.
On November 22, 1994 BIOCOS was described for the first time. The BIOsphere and the COSmos,
BIOCOS, as the task of building a novel transdisciplinary spectrum was pursued, and further periods
of decades, centuries, and thousands and millions of years were documented. Much of the evidence
was provided very successfully by Germaine Cornelissen, PhD, Professor of Integrative Biology and
Physiology at the University of Minnesota.
Prof. Germaine Cornelissen has been the director of Halberg Chronobiology Center of University
of Minnesota and of project BIOCOS until today.
We from Masaryk University continue together with Prof. Germaine Cornelissen, Halberg
Chronobiology Center to participate on chronobiological studies in the footsteps of Professor Franz
1. Franz Halberg, Germaine Cornelissen, Denis Gubin, Gennady Gubin, Bohumil Fiser, Jiri Dusek,
seclusorum, praematurorum, seniumque: In honorem Johannis Penazensis modo Mendeliano,
Goedeliano, Keplerianoque. Cardiovascular Coordination in Health and Blood Pressure Disorders,
Masaryk University, 1996, 8-10.
2. Franz Halberg, Germaine Cornelissen, Hans Wendt, Jarmila Siegelova, Jiri Dusek, Bohumil Fiser.
New trends in chronocosmobiophysics and the need for a space weather report, Folia Mendeliana
31-32, Supplementum ad Acta Musei Moraviae, Scientiae naturales LXXXI-1 I, I 996/97, 13-15.
3. F. Halberg, G. Cornelissen, R. Tarquini, F. Perfetto, O. Schwartzkopfr, J. Siegelova, G. S. Katinas
& E. E. Bakkeni. Diversity In time complements diversity in space: Chronobiology and chronomics
complement Mendel‘s genetics and Purkinje‘s · selfexperimentation. Neinvazivní metody
v kardiologii, MEFA 2003, 6-7.
4. Franz Halberg, Germaine Cornélissen, George S. Katinas, Yoshihiko Watanabe, Jarmila Siegelova.
Follow-Up To The Cornelissen-Series: Inheritance Of Form In Space From Parents And Of Form
In Time From The Cosmos; From Brno‘s Mendel And Siegelova, Respectively. Cosmic inheritance
rules: congruence and selective assortment; implications for health care and science. Noninvasive
Methods in Cardiology, Masaryk University, 2009, 13 – 48.
5. Franz Halberg, Germaine Cornélissen, Anna Matalova, Jarmila Siegelova, Robert Sonkowsky,
Sergei M. Chibisov, Waldemar Ulmer, Douglas Wilson, Miguel Revilla, George S. Katinas, Pavel
Homolka, Jiri Dusek, Bohumil Fiser, Salvador Sanchez de la Pena, Othild Schwartzkopff, Larry
A. Beaty. MENDEL‘s LEGACY. Omnis cycluse cosmo: Mendel‘s chronoastrobiological legacy for
transdisciplinary science in personalized health care. Noninvasive Methods in Cardiology, Masaryk
University, 2009, 77 – 111.
6. Franz Halberg, Germaine Cornélissen, Pavel Prikril, George Katinas, Jiri Dusek, Pavel Homolka,
Zdenek Karpisek, Robert P. Sonkowsky, Othild Schwartzkopff, Bohumil Fiser, Jarmila Siegelova
and International BIOCOS Project Team. Chronomics complements genetics in Brno. What
Johann Gregor Mendel wished, Jarmilka Siegelova accomplished: broadening system times and
transdisciplinary time horizons. The importance of chronobiology in diagnosing and therapy of
internal diseases, Masaryk University, 2002, 7 – 56.
7. Halberg F., Cornélissen G., Tarquini R., Perfetto F., Schwartzkopff O., Siegelová J., Fišer B.,
Katinas G. S., Bakken E. E. Diversity in time complements diversity in space: chronobiology
and chronomics complement Mendel’s genetics and Purkinje’s self-experimentation. SCRIPTA
MEDICA (Brno) 2006, 79 (3): 135–140.
8. Siegelová Jarmila. International projects “Womb to Tomb” and “BIOCOS (Biosphere and the
Cosmos)” in Halberg Chronobiology Center, Minnesota: Germaine Cornelissen. Noninvasive
Methods in Cardiology, Masaryk University, 2012, 96 – 113.
9. Proceedings of the 1st Int.Fair of med.Technology and Pharmacy. Brno: Eds T.Kenner,
J.P.Martineaud, P.Mayer, B.Semrád, J.Siegelová, B. Fišer. 1993.
10. Halberg F, Kenner T, Fiser B, Siegelova J(eds): Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University, Brno
11. Halberg F, Kenner T, Fiser B, Siegelova J(eds): Chronobiology and non-invasive methods in
cardiology. Brno : IDV PZ, MU, 1999. ISBN 80-7013-279-5.Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk
University, Brno (1999).
12. Halberg F, Kenner T, Fiser B (eds): The importance of chronobiology in diagnosis and therapy of
internal diseases. Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University, Brno (2002)
13. Halberg F, Kenner T, Siegelova J (eds): The importance of chronobiology in diagnosis and therapy
of internal diseases. Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University, Brno (2003)
14. Cornelissen G, Kenner T, Fiser B, Siegelova J (eds): Chronobiology in medicine. Faculty of
Medicine, Masaryk University, Brno (2004)
15. Halberg F, Kenner T, Fiser B, Siegelova J (eds): Nonivasive methods in cardiology 2006. Faculty of
Medicine, Masaryk University, Brno (2006)
16. Halberg F, Kenner T, Fiser B, Siegelova J(eds): Nonivasive methods in cardiology 2007. Faculty of
Medicine, Masaryk University, Brno (2007)
17. Halberg F, Kenner T, Fiser B, Siegelova J (eds): Nonivasive methods in cardiology 2008 Faculty of
Medicine, Masaryk University, Brno (2008)
18. Halberg F, Kenner T, Fiser B, Siegelova J (eds): Nonivasive methods in cardiology 2009 Faculty of
Medicine, Masaryk University, Brno (2009)
19. Halberg F, Kenner T, Fiser B, Siegelova J(eds): Nonivasive methods in cardiology 2010; Faculty of
Medicine, Masaryk University, Brno (2010)
20. Halberg F, Kenner T, Siegelova J (eds): Nonivasive methods in cardiology 2011; Faculty of Medicine,
Masaryk University, Brno (2011)
21. Halberg F, Kenner T, Siegelová J, Dobšák P (eds): Noninvasive Methods in Cardiology 2012;
Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University, Brno, 179 p. ISBN 978-80-210-66026-5.
22. Kenner T, Cornélissen G, Siegelová J, Dobšák P (eds): Noninvasive Methods in Cardiology 2013;
Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University, Brno, 144 p. ISBN 978-80-210-6534-5.
23. Kenner T, Cornélissen G, Siegelová J, Dobšák P (eds): Noninvasive Methods in Cardiology 2014;
Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University, Brno, 149 p. ISBN 978-80-210-7514-6.
24. Kenner T, Cornélissen G, Siegelová J, Dobšák P (eds): Noninvasive Methods in Cardiology 2015;
Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University, Brno, 135 p. ISBN 978-80-210-8031-7.
25. Kenner T, Cornélissen G, Siegelová J, Dobšák P (eds): Noninvasive Methods in Cardiology 2016;
Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University, Brno, 145 p. ISBN 978-80-210-8391-2.
26. Cornélissen G, Siegelová J, Dobšák P (eds): Noninvasive Methods in Cardiology 2017; Faculty of
Medicine, Masaryk University, Brno, 157 p. ISBN 978-80-210-8794-1.
27. Otska K, Cornélissen G, Halberg F. Chronomics and Continous Ambulatory Blood Pressure
Monitoring. Vascular Chronomics From 7-Day/24-Hour to Lifelong. Springer: Tokyo, 2016, p. 870,
ISBN 978-4-431-54630-6.
Figure 1: Mendel Forum 1995, in Moravian Museum in Ditrichstein Palast in Brno: Václav Adolf Kovanič from
Hovorany by Čejč, author Mendel Medals of the Moravian Museum of the Earth and the Mendel Plaque of the
Academy of Sciences, Dr. Jiřina Relichová MU, Dr. Anna Matalová, Director of Mendelianum, part of Moravian
Museum, P. Tomáš Josef Martinec, OSA, abbot of the Augustinian monastery of Brno, Singo Nakazawa from
Tokyo, from the Japan Mendel Society, which sponsored the conference, behind is Professor RNDr. Eduard
Schmidt, CSc., Rector of Masaryk University, Petr Šuler, Director of the Ministry of Health, Dr. Pidra from MU,
Brigitte Hoppe Heidelberg, Germany, Jan Janko Society for the History of Science and Technology from Prague,
Dr. Z. Neubauer from University Giessen, Germany. Among them, Roger J. Wood from U. Manchester, Prof. Emil
Paleček, Academy of Sciences, Dr. from Romania, Dr. Ludmila Marvanová, History Dept. in Brno, Ing. Pavel
Osmer from VUT Brno, in second row from the right Prof. Siegelova, Dr. Al-Kubati, Prof. Fiser, in the niche of
the door is Prof. Franz Halberg, USA.
Figure 2: Prof. Jarmila Siegelova, Prof. Franz Halberg, USA and Dinko Mintchev from the Bulgarian Academy
of Sciences during presentation, 1995
Figure 3: Prof. Jarmila Siegelova, Prof. Emil Palecek, Prof. Eduard Schmidt, Prof. Franz Halberg, USA
Figure 4: Prof. Franz Halberg, USA during the lecture in Mendel Forum 1995
Figure 5: Professor Franz Halberg publication: The original results of J.G. Mendel were analyzed by Halberg
Chronobiology Center USA. On November 17, 1882, Mendel made the connection between sunspots and the
aurora during a solar maximum that was not unusual whether it is viewed in the context of centuries (top), that of
years (second row), of months (third row) or of days (bottom row). © Halberg.
Figure 6: Prof. Franz Halberg publication: Mendel’s drawings of sunspots show almost-daily changes in their
appearance; sometimes the sun’s disk is free of spots. These observations led him to postulate a connection
between sunspots and the aurora.
Figure 7: Participants of the Mendel Forum 1995 at the statue of J.G. Mendel in Mendel Monastery, Brno
Comments on the 2018 ESC/ESH and 2017 ACC/AHA
Consensus Blood Pressure Guidelines Regarding the Use of
Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring (ABPM)
Germaine Cornelissen1
, Larry A Beaty1
, Jarmila Siegelova2
, Yoshihiko Watanabe3
, Kuniaki Otsuka4
and Members of the Phoenix Study Group For the Investigators of the Project on the BIOsphere and
the COSmos (BIOCOS)
Halberg Chronobiology Center, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA; 2
Masaryk University, Brno, Czech
Republic; 3
Women’s Medical University, Tokyo, Japan; 4
Executive Medical Center, Totsuka Royal Clinic, Tokyo
Women’s Medical University, Tokyo, Japan
Dedicated to the memory of Earl Bakken and Franz Halberg.
The new guidelines by the American College of Cardiology (ACC) and the American Heart
Association (AHA) and those by the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and the European Society
of Hypertension (ESH) have summarized and evaluated available evidence with the aim to provide
recommendations regarding the best management strategies for an individual patient with a given
condition. Selected experts in the field provided a critical evaluation of diagnostic and therapeutic
procedures, including an assessment of the risk/benefit ratio. Herein, we focus on recommendations
specifically made in relation to the use of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM). These
recommendations are critically reviewed from a chronobiologic perspective. Evidence is provided to
support the merit of a broader use of ABPM.
In terms of diagnosis, the ESC/ESH guidelines from 2013 stated that “Office BP is recommended for
screening and diagnosis of hypertension” [1]. In 2018, their recommendation is that “It is recommended
to base the diagnosis of hypertension on:
◆ Repeated office BP measurements; or
◆ Out-of-office BP measurement with ABPM and/or HBPM if logistically and economically
feasible” [1].
The new concept regarding blood pressure (BP) measurement consists of a “wider use of outof-office
BP measurement with ABPM and/or home BP monitoring (HBPM), especially HBPM, as
an option to confirm the diagnosis of hypertension, detect white-coat and masked hypertension and
monitor BP control” [1].
Noteworthy is the emphasis placed on HBPM, and on the detection of white-coat hypertension and
masked hypertension, two conditions long known to underlie the limitation of clinic BP measurements.
Herein, we provide evidence for the merit of extending the use of ABPM beyond these conditions. We
also discuss the relative merits and limitations of HBPM as compared to ABPM.
Shift from Single to Multiple BP Measurements
The ESC/ESH guidelines recognize the usefulness of multiple unattended BP measurements:
“Automated multiple BP readings in the doctor’s office improve the reproducibility of BP measurement,
and if the patient is seated alone and unobserved, the ‘white-coat effect’ can be substantially reduced
or eliminated” [1]. It is noted that “the BP values are lower than those obtained by conventional office
BP measurement and are similar to, or even less than, those provided by daytime ABPM or HBPM”
By their nature, out-of-office measurements, obtained by means of ABPM and/or HBPM, generate
multiple BP measurements. It is thus not surprising that the guidelines recognize their usefulness in
that respect: “Out-of-office BP measurement … provide a larger number of BP measurements than
conventional office BP in conditions that are more representative of daily life” [1].
One issue, however, is that out-of-office measurements are defined as “the use of either HBPM or
ABPM, the latter usually over 24 hours”. Restricting ABPM to 24 hours fails to consider:
◆ The large day-to-day variability in BP (Figure 1) [2]; and
◆ The novelty effect (Figure 2) [3].
Figure 1: Large day-to-day variability Figure 2: Novelty effect: as compared
(of at least 7 mmHg from one day to another to the first day of monitoring (horizontal line
in the 24-hour MESOR (M) of systolic at 0.0), the 24-hour MESOR (M) of systolic
BP (SBP). BP (SBP) is on average more than 2.5 mmHg
© Halberg Chronobiology Center lower on the 6 subsequent days of monitoring.
© Halberg Chronobiology Center
Home Blood Pressure Monitoring
The ESC/ESH guidelines provide the following information regarding HBPM: “Home BP is the
average of all BP readings performed with a semiautomatic, validated BP monitor, for at least 3 days
and preferably for 6–7 consecutive days before each clinic visit, with readings in the morning and
the evening, taken in a quiet room after 5 min of rest, with the patient seated with their back and
arm supported. Two measurements should be taken at each measurement session, performed 1–2 min
apart” [1].
Note that more emphasis is placed on the standardization of measurements than on the length of
monitoring, which is limited to just a few days prior to a clinic visit. Many patients in need of antihypertensive
medication, however, routinely take morning and/or evening measurements every day. It
is this longitudinal aspect of HBPM that is most attractive since it allows the visualization of any trend
prompting to seek medical advice.
The ESC/ESH guidelines also note that “Recent meta-analyses of the few available prospective
studies have further indicated that HBPM better predicts cardiovascular morbidity and mortality than
office BP. There is also evidence that patient self-monitoring may have a beneficial effect on medication
adherence and BP control” [1].
While HBPM certainly fills the above-noted merits, it should be considered that HBPM restricted to
morning and evening measurements is not capable of providing a reliable assessment of the circadian
variation in BP. As shown in Figure 3, BP measurements during the rest/sleep span are needed to
estimate the circadian variation in BP [4].
Figure 3: Single nightly measurement added to 9 days of 4-hourly sampling during waking greatly improves
circadian parameter estimation of BP. © Halberg Chronobiology Center
Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring
The ESC/ESH guidelines regard the use of ABPM as follows: “ABPM provides the average of BP
readings over a defined period, usually 24 hours. The device is typically programmed to record BP at
15–30 min intervals, and average BP values are usually provided for daytime, nighttime, and 24 hours.
ABPM values are, on average, lower than office BP values” [1]. They note that “ABPM is a better
predictor of hypertension-mediated organ damage than office BP. 24-hour ABPM mean has been
consistently shown to have a closer relationship with morbid or fatal events, and is a more sensitive
risk predictor than office BP of cardiovascular outcomes such as coronary morbid or fatal events and
stroke” [1].
Considering the large day-to-day variability in BP (Figure1) and the novelty effect (Figure 2), several
consensus meetings of the BIOCOS (BIOsphere and the COSmos) Investigators have recommended that
ABPM be carried out for at least 7 days at the outset, and that the data be interpreted chronobiologically
[5]. This view differs from the guidelines in two major ways:
◆ First, a 24-hour profile is not enough; and
◆ Second, the circadian pattern of BP should be determined and evaluated in the light of timespecified
reference values, and not limited to daytime, nighttime, and 24-hour mean values.
Circadian Variation in Blood Pressure
The circadian variation in BP is noted in the guidelines, notably the decrease during rest/sleep:
“BP normally decreases during sleep. Although the degree of nighttime BP dipping has a normal
distribution in a population setting, an arbitrary cut-off has been proposed to define patients as ‘dippers’
if their nocturnal BP falls by more than 10% of the daytime average BP value; however, the ‘dipping’
status is often highly variable from day to day and thus is poorly reproducible” [1].
Note that experts responsible for the guidelines acknowledge both the arbitrary threshold of 10%
used for a classification in terms of “dipping” and the poor reproducibility of the day-night ratio. Both
issues have long been raised by us [6].
The guidelines list a number of conditions accounting for an insufficient nightly decrease in BP:
“Recognized reasons for an absence of nocturnal BP dipping are sleep disturbance, obstructive sleep
chronic kidney disease, diabetic neuropathy, and old age” [1]. One argument for considering nocturnal
BP cited by the guidelines is that “Studies that accounted for daytime and nighttime BP in the same
statistical model found that nighttime BP is a stronger predictor of outcomes than daytime BP” [1].
It should be noted, however, that nighttime BP is best determined during undisturbed sleep.
When assessed by means of ABPM, nightly values gain from being evaluated in the light of the
entire circadian profile, which can then be interpreted chronobiologically. Doing so recognizes that
both CHAT (Circadian Hyper-Amplitude-Tension, a 24-hour amplitude exceeding a threshold value)
and ecphasia (acrophase occurring outside the anticipated interval, often related to a reversal of the
circadian BP rhythm) are associated with a large increase in cardiovascular disease risk [7].
Should the Circadian Variation Be Described by the Day-Night Ratio?
The ESC/ESH guidelines state that a dampened circadian variation, assessed by the day-night
ratio, is a predictor of risk, pointing to the fact that risk is primarily increased when BP is higher by
night than by day: “The night-to-day ratio is also a significant predictor of outcome, and patients with
a reduced nighttime dip in BP (i.e. <10% of the daytime average BP or a night-to-day ratio >0.9) have
an increased cardiovascular risk. Moreover, in those in whom there is no nighttime dip in BP or a
higher nighttime than daytime average BP, there is a substantial increase in risk” [1]. They also refer
to “extreme dipping”, but call the relation to risk as being paradoxical: “Paradoxically, there is also
some evidence of increased risk in patients who have extreme dipping of their nighttime BP” [1]. Note
that from a chronobiologic perspective, these findings are not paradoxical: they reflect abnormalities
in circadian phase (ecphasia) and amplitude (CHAT).
In several outcome studies, reliance on the circadian amplitude and acrophase, determined by fitting
a model (consisting of cosine curves with periods of 24 and 12 hours), has consistently been found to
be superior to the use of the day-night ratio, as illustrated in Figure 4. In part, the difference can be
accounted for by different factors:
◆ The estimation of amplitude and acrophase considers the entire BP profile instead of specific subspans.
The circadian waveform of BP changes as a function of age. Particularly in the elderly, a
post-prandial dip in early afternoon becomes accentuated, Figure 5. This decrease in BP in the
middle of the day affects the computation of the day-night ratio more than it does for the estimation
of the amplitude and acrophase.
◆ The definition of CHAT and ecphasia relies on reference values derived from ABPM records of
clinically healthy peers that are qualified by gender and age, and eventually also by ethnicity.
Accounting for gender differences and changes as a function of age contrasts with the arbitrary use
of 10% for the day-night ratio applied across the board. Importantly, the chronobiologic reference
standards account for the nonlinear relation of cardiovascular disease risk as a function of the
circadian amplitude, Figure 6. Doing so also reduces the extent of day-to-day variability in a
classification in terms of “dipping” based on the day-night ratio illustrated in Figure 7 for the case
of a 12-year ABPM record from a man, 74 years of age at start, treated for high BP [8].
Figure 4: Using left ventricular mass index as a surrogate outcome measure, a classification in terms of the
day-night ratio only finds a small increase in cardiovascular disease risk associated with “reverse dipping” but
not with “non-dipping” (left); by contrast, both ecphasia and CHAT are associated with much larger increases in
cardiovascular disease risk (right). © Halberg Chronobiology Center
Figure 5: Changes as a function of age in the circadian waveform of SBP in Caucasian women. Note the
accentuated post-prandial dip in early afternoon in women 60-80 years of age (right) as compared to women
20-40 years of age (left). © Halberg Chronobiology Center
Figure 6: Nonlinear relationship Figure 7: Very poor reproducibility
of cardiovascular disease risk as a function of of the day-night ratio, determined in a 12-year
the 24-hour amplitude of BP. Risk increases record, account for in part by the circannual
only after a threshold value is exceeded (CHAT). modulation of the circadian amplitude of BP.
© Halberg Chronobiology Center © Halberg Chronobiology Center
Advantages and Disadvantages of ABPM and HBPM: ESC/ESH Perspective
The ESC/ESH guidelines define hypertension differently depending on whether BP was measured
in the office, by ABPM or by HBPM. Thresholds for systolic and diastolic BP of 140 and/or 90 mmHg
are recommended if BP is measured in the office. For HBPM, thresholds of 135 and/or 85 mmHg are
recommended. In the case of ABPM, thresholds of 130 and/or 80 mmHg are recommended for the
24-hour mean. Additional cutoff values for daytime and nighttime means of 135 and/or 85 mmHg and
of 120 and/or 70 mmHg, respectively, are also listed [1].
Advantages of ABPM viewed by the ESC/ESH are that it can identify white-coat and masked
hypertension; it provides a stronger prognostic evidence; nighttime measurements can be obtained;
measurements are obtained in real-life settings; additional prognostic value is obtained from BP
phenotypes; and “abundant” information can be obtained from a single 24-hour session, including
short-term BP variability. Disadvantages are that ABPM is expensive, not always available, and it can
be uncomfortable.
By comparison, advantages of HBPM viewed by the ESC/ESH are that it can also identify whitecoat
and masked hypertension; it is inexpensive and widely available; that measurements can be taken
in a home setting; that it can engage the patient; and that it can easily be repeated and used over long
spans to assess day-to-day variability in BP. Disadvantages are that HBM only provides static BP
measurements; that it may be prone to measurement error; and that it cannot measure BP during sleep.
The ESC/ESH guidelines also list clinical indications for HBPM or ABPM [1]: conditions in
which white-coat hypertension or masked hypertension is more common; postural and post-prandial
hypotension; evaluation of resistant hypertension; evaluation of BP control, notably in high-risk patients
on anti-hypertensive medication; exaggerated BP response to exercise; presence of considerable BP
variability in office measurements; and evaluation of symptoms consistent with hypotension during
treatment. ABPM rather than HBPM is recommended specifically when nocturnal BP and the “dipping:
status need to be assessed [1].
From a chronobiologic perspective, limiting the use of ABPM to 24 hours in special patient
populations is short-sighted. Altered circadian patterns of BP variability have been shown to be
associated with an increase in cardiovascular disease risk, even in normotensive individuals [5-7, 9-15],
Figure 8. These results suggest that ABPM should be available for everybody, since these conditions
cannot be diagnosed based on routine clinic measurements.
Community-wide 7-day/24-hour ABPM on 206 men and women 24-79 years of
age indicated that:
◆ Outcomes after a 5-year follow-up differed with statistical significance between individuals
diagnosed as normotensive or hypertensive (> 130/80 mmHg), but no such difference could be
shown when the diagnosis was based on the first 24 hours of monitoring [15], and
◆ Outcomes also differed with statistical significance between individuals as high versus low
risk, assessed by also considering BP variability and other “vascular variability disorders” (i.e.,
abnormal circadian patterns of BP and/or heart rate) [15].
The argument has been made that savings made by preventing the occurrence of more adverse
events achieved by the across-the-board use of ABPM may very well cover the cost of ambulatory BP
monitors and of the chronobiologic analysis and interpretation of the data thus obtained [16].
Figure 8: Even in normotensive individuals, an excessive circadian amplitude of BP is associated with a large
and statistically significant increase in the risk of cerebral ischemic events. Results from a 6-year prospective
outcome study [15]. © Halberg Chronobiology Center
Figure 9: Clinically healthy women have Figure 10: In clinically healthy men
a lower MESOR (24-hour rhythm-adjusted mean) and women, the MESOR of systolic
of systolic BP than men. BP increases with age
© Halberg Chronobiology Center © Halberg Chronobiology Center
Treatment of Hypertension
The ESC/ESH guidelines state that “No outcome-based randomized controlled trial has used ABPM
or HBPM to guide the treatment of hypertension. Thus, ABPM and HBPM BP targets are based on
extrapolation from observational data rather than on outcome trials”. They note that “In population
studies, the difference between office and out-of-office BP levels decreases as office BP decreases, to
a point of around 115–120/70 mmHg, at which office and 24-hour ABPM mean BP values are usually
similar” and that “This convergence has also been confirmed in treated patients” [1].
Such an interpretation, however, ignores BP variability and inter-individual differences. As noted
above, chronobiologic trials indicate that an abnormal circadian pattern can be associated with an
increased cardiovascular disease risk in the absence of an elevated BP average (Figure 8).
Hypertension in Older Patients
Referring to older patients (above 65 years of age), the ESC/ESH guidelines note the increased
prevalence of hypertension as a function of age: “The prevalence of hypertension increases with age,
with a prevalence of 60% over the age of 60 years and 75% over the age of 75 years” [1]. Accordingly,
their recommendation consists of the following: “In very old patients, it may be appropriate to initiate
treatment with monotherapy. In all older patients, when combination therapy is used, it is recommended
that this is initiated at the lowest available doses. The possible occurrence of postural BP should be
closely monitored and symptoms of possible hypotensive episodes checked by ABPM” [1].
From a chronobiologic perspective, several consensus meetings [5, 14] advocated to map age trends
in clinical health as well as differences in relation to gender and ethnicity, so that acceptable limits
account for such physiological effects. As repeatedly demonstrated, systolic BP increases at least until
about 80 years of age, whereas diastolic BP reaches a maximum around 50 years of age. Women are
also well known to have a lower BP but a higher heart rate than men. These differences, assessed in
the Brno database [17], are illustrated in Figures 9 and 10.
Blood Pressure Measurement in Pregnancy
In agreement with the general recommendations discussed above, white-coat hypertension and
conditions such as diabetes and/or kidney disease are the primary reasons to consider ABPM in the
EAS/ESH guidelines: “ABPM is superior to office BP measurement for the prediction of pregnancy
outcome. ABPM helps avoid unnecessary treatment of white-coat hypertension, and is useful in the
management of high-risk pregnant women with hypertension and those with diabetic or hypertensive
nephropathy” [1].
From a chronobiologic perspective, special reference values have been derived for each trimester
of pregnancy [18]. As illustrated in Figure 11, these reference values account for the decrease in BP
during the second trimester, and for the steady increase in heart rate [19, 20]. Such chronobiologic
standards detected impending risk in one pregnant woman who presented with otherwise acceptable
24-hour BP means [21].
Figure 11: Reconstructed time course of the MESOR (24-hour rhythm-adjusted mean) of BP and heart rate (HR)
during pregnancy in clinical health (N=161; solid curves) or in the presence of gestational hypertension (N=25;
dashed curves). © Halberg Chronobiology Center
Hypertension in Diabetes Mellitus
The ESC/ESH guidelines state: “Recording 24-hour ABPM in apparently normotensive people
with diabetes may be a useful diagnostic procedure, especially in those with hypertension-mediated
organ damage” [1].
From a chronobiologic perspective, it has long been recognized that some patients with diabetes
present with a reversed circadian BP variation, BP being higher by night than by day [22]. Such
reversal of the circadian BP rhythm has been associated with the presence of autonomic nervous
dysfunction [23]. But 7-day/24-hour ABPM may be able to predict pre-diabetes by detecting abnormal
BP variability [24], thereby providing an opportunity to initiate countermeasures in a more timely
Blood Pressure Control in Hypertension: Drug Adherence
The usefulness of ABPM or HBPM in checking whether a patient is responding to treatment is also
recognized in the ESC/ESH guidelines: “Directly observed treatment, followed by BP measurement
over subsequent hours via HBPM or ABPM, can also be very useful to determine if BP really is
poorly controlled despite witnessed consumption of medication in patients with apparent resistant
hypertension” [1].
Need for Future Studies
The ESC/ESH guidelines mention as major gaps in the available evidence the need to determine
“the incremental benefit for cardiovascular risk prediction of the addition of out-of-office BP (HBPM
and ABPM) to office BP measurement” and “the optimal BP treatment targets according to HBPM
and ABPM” [1].
From a chronobiologic viewpoint, however, the real benefits of ABPM will be fully appreciated
only when repeated monitoring for spans longer than 24 hours guide personalized chronotherapy
[25, 26]. It is not enough to lower an elevated BP, it is even more important to restore an acceptable
circadian BP profile [27].
The 2017 ACC/AHA Guidelines
As compared to the 2014 guidelines, the scope of the 2017 ACC/AHA Guidelines for the Prevention,
Detection, Evaluation, and Management of High Blood Pressure in Adults is more extensive,
including the definitions of hypertension, diagnostic workup and evaluation, lifestyle management
strategies for prevention and treatment, BP treatment thresholds and initial drug choices, and longterm
monitoring [28]. Most recommendations support a more aggressive diagnostic and treatment
approach, consistent with growing evidence from clinical trials and epidemiological studies [29]. The
2017 ACC/AHA guidelines, however, give only little consideration to ABPM, and consider HBPM
to be equally meritorious in many situations: “Although ABPM is generally accepted as the best
out-of-office measurement method, HBPM is often a more practical approach in clinical practice. …
Both ABPM and HBPM typically provide BP estimates that are based on multiple measurements. A
systematic review conducted by the US Preventive Services Task Force reported that ABPM provided
a better method to predict long-term cardiovascular-disease outcomes than did office BPs. … A small
body of evidence suggested, but did not confirm, that HBPM could serve as a similar predictor of
outcomes” [28].
The 2017 ACC/AHA guidelines [28] enumerate the following tasks ahead in relation to ABPM use:
◆ ABPM and HBPM provide enhanced ability to both diagnose hypertension and monitor treatment.
Although evidence is sufficient to recommend incorporating these tools into clinical practice,
more knowledge about them is required.
◆ Areas of inquiry include closer mapping of the relationship of outcomes to ABPM and HBPM,
so that definitions of hypertension and hypertension severity based on these measures can be
developed, including the importance of masked hypertension, white-coat hypertension, and
nocturnal hypertension.
◆ Reproducibility of ABPM and HBPM must be studied; cohorts should include a broader range of
◆ The practicality and cost of incorporating ABPM into Electronic Health Records (EHR) and
routine care should be assessed.
Even though much evidence in chronobiology is already available to support the usefulness of
HBPM and ABPM, it is our task to provide additional information to convince practitioners of the
merit to routinely screen for abnormal BP variability, for Vascular Variability Disorders (VVDs) in
particular [14]. White-coat hypertension and masked hypertension are obvious patient populations
who can benefit from ABPM, but ABPM should also be considered for everyone, since cardiovascular
disease risk can be associated with abnormal features of BP variability in the absence of an elevated BP
per se. Practicality and cost have been invoked to limit the use of ABPM. New technologies, however,
are emerging that may solve this issue [30], notably if most of the monitoring and data analysis can be
performed by individuals themselves, who may seek medical advice only when needed.
Advances in technology are acknowledged in the ACC/AHA guidelines: “Technology for
measurement of BP continues to evolve with the emergence of cuffless devices and other strategies
that provide the opportunity for continuous noninvasive assessment of BP. The accuracy, cost, and
usefulness of these new technologies will need to be assessed” [28].
These efforts are certainly worthwhile, although cuffless devices are not necessarily the only
possible solution, at least in the short term. Whether wrist devices can be modified for accurate
ambulatory automatic BP measurements, for instance, is being investigated by the Phoenix Study
Group of volunteering members of the Twin Cities Section of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers ( [31].
More surprising are other plans outlined in the ACC/AHA guidelines: “Further research on
improving accuracy of office BP measurements, including number of measurements, training
of personnel measuring BP, and device comparisons, will help standardize care and thus improve
outcomes” [28].
Chronobiologic evidence accumulated thus far casts doubt on the likelihood of success of such
measures, given the high variability in BP. Many factors in health affect BP, from genetics and lifestyle
(nutrition, salt intake, alcohol consumption, smoking, activity and exercise) to the environment (altitude,
meteorological conditions, space weather) and emotions [32-40]. Assessing BP variability, combined
with reliance on longitudinal around-the-clock monitoring interpreted in the light of time-specified
reference values qualified by gender, ethnicity and age, may prove to be a more fertile ground to
improve outcomes.
Discussion and Conclusion
Both the European and the American guidelines agree on the merit of ABPM as a better predictor of
adverse cardiovascular outcomes, as being better able to identify white-coat and masked hypertension,
and as a valuable tool to assess nocturnal BP. Because of the cost and practicality of ABPM, the
guidelines recommend its use only for 24 hours and in special patient populations. Even when ABPM
is used, however, the data analysis is limited to the computation of daytime, nighttime, and 24-hour
mean values, and of the day-night ratio for a classification in terms of ‘dipping”, using an arbitrary
limit of 10% applied across-the-board, even though the guidelines mention ethnic differences and
changes as a function of age in the prevalence of hypertension.
Apart from cost, cuff inflation has indeed been a major hurdle that has limited the use of ABPM.
It is thus understandable that much effort is being devoted to the development of cuffless devices,
which will need to be fully validated before their use can be recommended. The use of wrist cuffs
on the other hand has been increasing, as apparent from the growing interest in HBPM, although it
requires the wrist to be positioned at heart’s level to yield trustworthy measurements. The fact that
HBPM readily allows longitudinal monitoring is a real advantage since it can reveal the presence of
an untoward trend, prompting the patient to seek medical advice. Longitudinal monitoring, however,
is not part of the ESC/ESH guidelines, which only recommend HBPM for 3 days prior to a clinic visit
[1]. Only morning and/or evening measurements from HBPM are recommended in the guidelines, in
stark contrast with self-measurements which have been practiced by chronobiologists since the early
1970s [41]. Self-measurements were advocated to be taken a few times a day, at intervals of about 3
to 4 hours from the time of awakening to bedtime, with nighttime measurements taken whenever
waking up spontaneously during the night or preferably taken while asleep by a family member. Selfmeasurements
are thus amenable to analysis for an assessment of the circadian variation, and specific
reference values for them have been derived in clinical health [42].
The issue of cost associated with the use of ABPM needs to be revisited.
◆ First, the higher cost stems from its limited use. A larger demand is likely to bringing the cost
considerably down.
◆ Second, part of the inflated cost of ABPM is related to its use by medical professionals. Making
ABPM publicly available in libraries or community centers would also help lower the cost.
◆ Third, once ABPM is being performed, its implementation would gain from being reevaluated.
Prolonging the monitoring from 24 hours to 7 days will barely increase the cost, and in return,
much additional information can be obtained. In view of the large day-to-day variability in all
circadian parameters, a more reliable BP profile will be available to guide the need and timing
of treatment. Analyzing the data chronobiologically, abnormalities not only in MESOR, but also
in circadian amplitude and acrophase can be detected when they are interpreted in the light of
reference values from clinically healthy peers matched by gender and age. VVDs such as CHAT
and ecphasia, which can be present in the absence of an elevated 24-hour BP mean, have been
repeatedly shown to have superior predictive values than a classification in terms of “dipping” [6, 7,
14]. Moreover, only ABPM can assess a patient’s response to treatment in terms of all VVDs. Not
all anti-hypertensive medications have an effect on the circadian amplitude of BP [43]. Moreover,
chronotherapy needs to account for the chronodiagnosis [44] since the optimal timing of treatment
with a given anti-hypertensive drug is likely to differ between a patient with CHAT who has
elevated BP values during the day and a patient with ecphasia who has elevated BP values during
the night. Personalized chronotherapy [25] is estimated to help about two thirds of the patient
◆ Fourth, once the benefits of chronobiologically-interpreted ABPM are fully appreciated, both in
terms of a more accurate diagnosis and as a guide to the optimization of treatment by timing,
insurance companies will realize the merit of investing in an ounce of prevention rather in a pound
of needed care [45, 46].
The ESC/ESH guidelines mention that no outcome-based randomized controlled trial has used
ABPM or HBPM to guide the treatment of hypertension [1], but several chronobiologic studies
have been conducted, which documented the merit of timed treatment [26, 30]. One important task
that is urgently needed, however, is a rigorous comparison of outcomes between patients treated
chronobiologically or conventionally. Can restoring a healthy pattern of BP variation help prevent
adverse outcomes? Only limited indirect evidence is available thus far suggesting that it may be more
important to restore acceptable circadian variation in BP than to lower BP more [27].
Finally, one topic apparently not covered by the guidelines relates to the detailed analysis of the BP
waveform. Much work has already been done in this area in Brno and deserves further investigation.
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Germaine Cornélissen
Halberg Chronobiology Center
University of Minnesota, Mayo Mail Code 8609
420 Delaware St. S.E. Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA
TEL +1 612 624 6976 FAX +1 612 624 9989
Halberg Chronobiology Fund
University of Minnesota Supercomputing Institute
A&D (Tokyo, Japan)
Changes with Kp in the Circadian Rhythm of Circulating
Cathy Lee Gierke1
, Roberto Tarquini2
, Federico Perfetto3
, Jarmila Siegelova4
, Germaine Cornelissen1
Halberg Chronobiology Center, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA; 2
Scuola di Scienze della Salute
Umana, Florence, Italy; 3
University of Florence, Florence, Italy; 4
Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
Geomagnetic storms, generated by high-energy changes in the solar wind, which produces major
shifts in the Earth’s magnetosphere, are monitored and measured by the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in the USA, and governmental organizations around the world
because of their potential to impact systems on Earth. Solar coronal mass ejections (CME), highspeed
solar wind streams (HSS), and solar flares are some of the solar activities associated with
disruptive changes in radiation belts, atmospheric density, atmospheric heating, and magnetic currents,
which in turn have impacts on satellites, power grids, pipelines, radio signals and navigation systems.
Polar aurorae are a visible manifestation of these powerful storms, and can sometimes be seen 2/3
of the hemisphere away, they are so strong. Much of the destructive power of these storms is due to
the disruptive influence that magnetic forces produce in electrical systems, by inducing powerful or
unexpected electrical currents.
Global geomagnetic storm strength is quantified by the Kp index, which is derived from 3-hour
measurements of local geomagnetic activity, known as K-indices, collected from a number of stations
at different latitudes and longitudes around the world. Values of Kp range from 0 to 9, where 0 indicates
quiet conditions and 9 indicates a major geomagnetic storm with strong aurorae visible (Bartels et al.,
1939), Figure 1.
Figure 1: Relative activity represented by Kp-indices, and frequecy of occurrence
in an 11-year solar activity cycle.
Geomagnetic disturbances tend to be stronger and more frequent when solar activity is high. They
have been shown to be associated with changes in health and welfare of living organisms on earth,
as well as on electronic technologies. Biological systems are, after all, electrochemical in nature.
Various studies have shown that periods of increased solar activity were associated with physiological
changes. For instance, decreases in blood pressure have been reported (Dimitrova et al., 2004; Feigin
et al., 2014; Ghione et al., 1998; Hrushesky et al., 2011). Changes in melatonin concentrations have
also been associated with high geomagnetic disturbances (Burch et al., 2008; Cornelissen et al., 2009;
Tarquini et al., 1997; Weydahl et al., 2000). Heart rate variability (HRV) was found to be lower
in 8 astronauts monitored during a magnetic storm, compared to 41 others monitored during quiet
conditions (Baevsky et al., 1997). Higher heart rate and reduced HRV have also been documented
longitudinally by 7-day/24-hour ECG (Otsuka et al., 2001), and results corroborated by others
(McCraty et al., 2017). In a study in Minnesota, USA, the incidence of mortality due to myocardial
infraction increased by 5% during years of maximum solar activity compared to years of minimum
activity (Cornelissen et al., 2002). Magnetic storms are felt more strongly at latitudes closer to the
poles, and melatonin concentrations have been found to decrease at higher latitudes (Cornelissen et
al., 2009; Wetterberg et al., 1999; Weydahl et al., 2000). Depression and suicide rates are higher in
spring and fall, which coincide with the times of maximal geomagnetic disturbance (Cornelissen et
al., 2010; Halberg et al., 2005).
As to the question of the mechanism whereby these phenomena impact life forms, there is indeed
evidence for the pineal, or possibly other parts of the brain, to be involved in the reception and
mediation of the effect of electric, magnetic and electromagnetic field effects (Cherry, 2002; McCraty
et al., 2017; Wilson et al., 1986). Brain waves (EEGs) and calcium ion fluxes have been altered
by environmental electromagnetic fields in the same range as EEGs, which have been related to
geomagnetic storms (Cherry, 2002). The effect is thought to be a resonant absorption of an oscillating
signal (Adey, 1993; Bawin et al., 1996).
Melatonin is secreted principally by the pineal gland, in a rhythm determined, at least in part, by
the suprachiasmatic nuclei, reflecting the circadian light/dark cycle (Claustrat et al., 1995; Wurtman,
2000). Melatonin and the suprachiasmatic nuclei are important in communications and coordination
of the circadian system throughout the body. It is for this reason we look at melatonin and changes in
melatonin related to global geomagnetic storms. If melatonin is impacted by geomagnetic storms, the
entire body could be affected in a ripple of cascading changes downstream.
Predictable changes occur over the 24-hour day in many biological variables, and these periodicities
must be accounted for in study designs to avoid confounding results. The age of personalized medicine,
which factors in the effect of genetics and epigenetics into the diagnosing of human illness, is resulting
in further refinements in our understanding and our diagnostic tools. Both of these advances have
only recently been widely recognized as biological fundamentals. If space weather and geomagnetics
are also a factor in human health, exposing the connections will further benefit the important task of
improving human health.
Subjects and Methods
We analyzed melatonin data from two populations of 172 (S1: 40 males; 132 females) and 171
(S2: 61 males; 110 females) mostly healthy subjects in Florence, Italy. These data had previously
been analyzed (Tarquini et al., 1997) by cosinor (Halberg, 1980; Cornelissen, 2014). Subjects were
hospitalized under standardized conditions. Domestic lights were turned off from 22:00 to 06:30 in all
seasons without correction for legal time, but natural light was not shielded. Venous blood samples for
melatonin assay were taken every 4 hours for 24 hours, beginning at 08:00, and collected into chilled
tubes. Nightly samples were obtained using a flashlight, mostly without awakening the subjects. Thus
each subject provided data at 6 time points.
Analyses were carried out separately for each study, as data averages were too different between
them to pool the data sets. At each circadian time point, linear regressions with Kp were carried out on
the original melatonin data. Since melatonin has been found to change with age, changes in melatonin
were also linearly regressed as a function of both Kp and age, using Kp values taken from the day
of sampling. Similar analyses were performed using Kp values taken from the day prior to blood
sampling, since effects of magnetic storms are not necessarily immediate and may last for more than
one day (Otsuka et al., 2001).
Data were log10
-transformed (to satisfy assumptions underlying the use of the cosinor) and analyzed
by single cosinor to estimate circadian rhythm characteristics (Tarquini et al., 1997). In order to
test whether the circadian amplitude of melatonin is reduced in response to a magnetic storm, the
anticipated decrease in the circadian amplitude as a function of age had to be accounted for first.
Thus, the circadian amplitude of the log10
-transformed data is regressed with age. Chi-square and
Student’s t-tests were applied to the residuals from this linear regression. If magnetic storms (gauged
by daily average values of Kp ≥ 4) were associated with a reduced circadian amplitude of melatonin, as
previously found (Burch et al., 2008; Weydahl et al., 2000), one would expect Kp values corresponding
to negative residuals from the regression model (i.e., amplitudes below the regression line) to be on
average higher than those corresponding to positive residuals (i.e., amplitudes above the regression
line). Likewise, one would expect to find the number of high Kp values (≥ 4) to be larger in association
with negative than with positive residuals.
In Study 1 (S1), there were 21 of 172 circadian profiles recorded on days when Kp ≥ 4, whereas
in Study 2 (S2), there were only 5 of 171 records on days when Kp ≥ 4. During the duration of our
investigations, there were few moderate geomagnetic storms (general range: 4 ≤ Kp < 7) and no major
storms (general range: Kp ≥ 7) (Table 1).
Table 1: Kp data summary. No major storms occurred during either study span*
Kp N N, Kp≥4 min Max Mean SD
S1 172 21 0.500 5.410 2.523 1.174
S1 (day-1) 172 21 0.325 4.990 2.716 1.113
S2 171 5 0.500 4.510 2.102 0.881
S2 (day-1) 171 6 0.287 4.340 2.059 0.957
* S1: Study 1; S2: Study 2; N: Number of 24-hour records; N, Kp≥4: Number of 24-hour records on days when
Kp assumed a daily average of at least 4; min: minimum daily average of Kp; Max: maximum daily average of
Kp; Mean: average daily Kp on days of blood sampling; SD: standard deviation of daily Kp on days of blood
Kp data, reflecting 3-hour spans, were obtained from Since they are reported
in GMT time, which is one hour off from Florence, Italy, no adjustment for time zone was needed.
Figure 2 shows the original melatonin data from Study 1 at each of six different circadian stages,
4 hours apart. The inset shows the circadian rhythm of melatonin averaged over all subjects.
Analysis of original melatonin data
Melatonin measurements at each of the 6 times (08:00, 12:00, 16:00, 20:00, 00:00, 04:00) were
regressed against Kp values on the day of blood sampling. Because melatonin has been reported to
decrease with age (at least during the night), age was also added to the regression model. In Study 1,
higher Kp values were significantly associated with lower melatonin concentrations, for measurements
taken at midnight (P=0.043), Table 2. This result is consistent with previous studies showing that
higher Kp values are associated with lower melatonin concentrations (Burch et al., 2008; Weydahl
et al., 2000). A relationship between melatonin and either Kp or age was not found at any other time
Figure 2: Study 1: Raw melatonin data at 6 time points, 4 hours apart, covering 24 hours. Inset: Circadian
melatonin rhythm averaged across all subjects.
Table 2: Study1: Regression with Kp and age of melatonin at 6 different circadian time points*
8:00 R2
0.016 overall P 0.270 20:00 R2
0.008 overall P 0.501
Coef SE t-test P-value Coef SE t-test P-value
Age 0.058 0.039 1.493 0.137 Age 0.037 0.038 0.987 0.325
Kp -0.422 0.557 -0.758 0.449 Kp -0.384 0.535 -0.717 0.474
12:00 R2
0.021 overall P 0.168 0:00 R2
0.024 overall P 0.129
Coef SE t-test P-value Coef SE t-test P-value
Age 0.053 0.030 1.751 0.082 Age 0.008 0.063 0.132 0.895
Kp -0.374 0.431 -0.868 0.387 Kp -1.817 0.892 -2.036 0.043
16:00 R2
0.021 overall P 0.171 4:00 R2
0.004 overall P 0.743
Coef SE t-test P-value Coef SE t-test P-value
Age 0.052 0.032 1.629 0.105 Age -0.032 0.061 -0.527 0.599
Kp -0.490 0.456 -1.075 0.284 Kp 0.518 0.848 0.610 0.542
* Kp: Kp on day of sampling; SE: Standard Error; P-value from test of H0
: Coef = 0.
Because there may be a delay in observing an effect, the regression was also done using daily Kp
averages from the day before blood sampling (Table 3). Regression of melatonin with both Kp and
age, using Kp averages from the day before blood sampling, was statistically significant at 4 of the
6 time points, showing that rising Kp are associated with decreasing melatonin concentrations. The
association between melatonin and Kp is stronger when considering Kp on the day prior to blood
sampling as compared to the same day as blood sampling, suggesting that the impact of geomagnetic
disturbances is not immediate.
Table 3: Study1: Regression with Kp and age of melatonin at 6 different circadian time points*
8:00 R2
0.049 overall P 0.015 20:00 R2
0.016 overall P 0.247
Coef SE t-test P-value Coef SE t-test P-value
Age 0.050 0.038 1.308 0.193 Age 0.033 0.038 0.873 0.384
Kp -1.470 0.577 -2.549 0.012 Kp -0.781 0.561 -1.393 0.166
12:00 R2
0.030 overall P 0.078 0:00 R2
0.061 overall P 0.005
Coef SE t-test P-value Coef SE t-test P-value
Age 0.049 0.030 1.625 0.106 Age -0.011 0.062 -0.176 0.860
Kp -0.685 0.452 -1.516 0.131 Kp -3.051 0.921 -3.311 0.001
16:00 R2
0.045 overall P 0.021 4:00 R2
0.038 overall P 0.040
Coef SE t-test P-value Coef SE t-test P-value
Age 0.046 0.032 1.461 0.146 Age -0.034 0.059 -0.566 0.572
Kp -1.103 0.474 -2.327 0.021 Kp -2.194 0.873 -2.513 0.013
* Kp: Kp on day prior to blood sampling; SE: Standard Error; P-value from test of H0
: Coef = 0.
Table 4: Study 2: Regression with Kp and age of melatonin at 6 different circadian time points*
8:00 R2
0.016 overall P 0.273 20:00 R2
0.015 overall P 0.287
Coef SE t-test P-value Coef SE t-test P-value
Age -0.164 0.145 -1.133 0.259 Age 0.035 0.060 0.585 0.559
Kp 2.878 2.714 1.061 0.290 Kp -1.585 1.108 -1.430 0.155
12:00 R2
0.022 overall P 0.152 24:00 R2
0.085 overall P 0.001
Coef SE t-test P-value Coef SE t-test P-value
Age 0.063 0.033 1.934 0.055 Age -0.761 0.198 -3.835 <0.001
Kp 0.253 0.610 0.415 0.679 Kp 2.125 3.657 0.581 0.562
16:00 R2
0.012 overall P 0.371 4:00 R2
0.106 overall P <0.001
Coef SE t-test P-value Coef SE t-test P-value
Age 0.023 0.017 1.334 0.184 Age -0.863 0.222 -3.883 <0.001
Kp 0.186 0.328 0.568 0.571 Kp 7.632 4.082 1.870 0.063
* Kp: Kp from day of sampling; SE: Standard Error; P-value from test of H0
: Coef = 0.
The strongest relationships between melatonin and Kp are found at midnight (Tables 2-4) and 4:00
(Tables 3 & 4). Melatonin is at its peak during the nighttime hours, and Kp also peaks around midnight.
In Study 2, no association was found between melatonin and Kp, either on the date of blood
sampling, or one day earlier (Table 4). This is understandable in view of the lack of geomagnetic
activity during the span of Study 2.
Single cosinor modeling of circadian rhythm in circulating melatonin
Cosinor analysis can be used to model the circadian rhythm of melatonin. Using a 24-hour cosinor
model, a determination can be made whether circadian characteristics, such as the 24-hour amplitude,
change in response to changing values of Kp. The data were log10
-transformed to satisfy assumptions
underlying the use of the cosinor method. Since the circadian amplitude of melatonin has been shown
to decrease with increasing age (Cornelissen et al., 2000; Lee Gierke et al., 2016), any effect of Kp on
the circadian amplitude of the log10
-transformed melatonin data needs to take this result into account.
Accordingly, the amplitude of melatonin was first regressed as a function of age. Residuals were then
used to test whether magnetic storms (defined here as Kp ≥ 4) were associated with a further decrease
in the circadian amplitude of melatonin.
As shown in Figure 3, the circadian amplitude of melatonin decreases with advancing age in
subjects from Study 1 (P=0.029). The average daily value of Kp on days when residuals were negative
(i.e., when the circadian amplitude of melatonin was below the regression line) was indeed higher
(N=99, Kp=2.56) as compared to that on days when residuals were positive (i.e., when melatonin was
above the regression line; N=73, Kp=2.48) (t =0.425; P=0.671). Using Kp from the day before blood
sampling, Kp was again higher in relation to negative residuals (Kp=2.886) as compared to positive
residuals (Kp=2.486) (t = 2.365; P=0.019).
Figure 3: Study 1: This model was used to determine whether a larger number of Kp values ≥4 is associated
with negative residuals (amplitudes below regression line) as compared to positive residuals (amplitudes below
regression line), and whether, on average, Kp is higher on days of blood sampling corresponding to negative
versus positive residuals.
Whereas in Study 1, negative residuals in the regression of the circadian amplitude of log10
as a function of age were more likely to be associated with a magnetic storm on the day
prior to blood sampling (13.1%) as compared to positive residuals (9.6%), this difference was not
statistically significant (c2
= 0.513, P = 0.474).
A decrease in the circadian amplitude of log10
-transformed melatonin data was also found in Study
2 (P <0.001), Figure 4. In this study, however, negative residuals are associated with a lower Kp
average as compared to positive residuals, whether considering Kp on the day of blood sampling (t =
-2.255, P = 0.025) or on the preceding day (t = -1.189, P = 0.236). Such a result opposite to expectation
can be accounted for by the fact that Study 2 took place during a solar minimum when there were
hardly any magnetic storms.
Figure 4: Study 2: This model was used to determine whether a larger number of Kp values ≥4 is associated
with negative residuals (amplitudes below regression line) as compared to positive residuals (amplitudes below
regression line), and whether, on average, Kp is higher on days of blood sampling corresponding to negative
versus positive residuals.
Discussion and Conclusion
Results for Study 1 showed a relationship of smaller melatonin amplitudes when Kp is higher.
They are consistent with other findings that magnetic storms are associated with a reduced circadian
amplitude of melatonin (Burch et al., 2008; Cornelissen et al., 2009; Tarquini et al., 1997; Weydahl et
al., 2000). Because melatonin, mainly secreted by the pineal gland, is so key to the circadian rhythm
found in living things, it is important to understand the effects of geomagnetic disturbances.
Significantly, dampened circadian rhythms have been found to be associated with decreases in
wellness. Heart rate variability is one variable commonly understood to decrease with age and illness,
and to be associated with morbidity (Alabdulgader et al., 2018; Baevsky et al., 1997; Cornelissen et
al., 2002; McCraty et al., 2017; Otsuka et al., 2001; Wetterberg et al., 1999). A decreased circadian
amplitude of melatonin is found in patients with cancer (Halberg et al., 2006; Tarquini et al., 1999), and
melatonin has been used to treat cancer (Li et al., 2018; Reiter et al., 2017). The circadian amplitude of
blood pressure also deceases with age and infirmity (Cornelissen et al., 2016).
Considering melatonin determinations at different circadian stages, results indicated that melatonin
was almost invariably negatively related to Kp, notably during the night, when using Kp on the day
prior to blood sampling instead of on the day of study itself. These results suggest that the response to
a magnetic storm is not immediate. A larger effect during the night can be accounted for by the higher
nightly values of melatonin and the fact that Kp also peaks around midnight.
A decrease in melatonin during the night is in agreement with a reduced circadian amplitude of
melatonin in response to higher geomagnetic activity, since it usually occurs as a result of lowered
nighttime values, daytime values being usually quite low. When the data are log10
however, an increase in daytime values can also account for a decrease in circadian amplitude.
Results for Study 2 did not show a relationship between melatonin and Kp. But there were hardly
any geomagnetic disturbances during Study 2, which corresponded to a minimum in solar activity,
when magnetic storms are less frequent.
If magnetic storms are associated with changes in the amplitude of melatonin, there may be impacts
to public health because melatonin is an important hormone with a strong circadian rhythm that
is known to drive other bodily rhythms. Studies have already identified some health-related risks
associated with geomagnetic storms and/or solar activity: lowered HRV (Alabdulgader et al., 2018;
Baevsky et al., 1997, McCraty et al., 2017), increased incidence of myocardial infarctions (Cornelissen
et al., 2002; Hrushesky et al., 2011), increased incidence of depression and suicide (Halberg et al.,
2005). Further research into health-related impacts of geomagnetic storms is indicated.
Of interest in further understanding effects of space weather on human pathophysiology, it will
be important to determine which specific aspects of the cosmic environment are responsible for
various conditions related to human health. Increased radiation occurs during geomagnetic storms,
environmental geomagnetics are disrupted, resulting in other environmental changes. Understanding
the specific causes will aid in understanding health effects, and where to expect greater effects on
health (such as at higher altitude or at higher latitude).
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Clin Endocrinol Metab 85, 2135–2136.
Germaine Cornélissen
Halberg Chronobiology Center
University of Minnesota, Mayo Mail Code 8609
420 Delaware St. S.E. Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA
TEL +1 612 624 6976 FAX +1 612 624 9989
Halberg Chronobiology Fund
Circadian Time Structure in Patients with Acute Hemispheral
Cerebral Infarction Compared to Clinically Healthy Bedridden
and Ambulatory Controls
Linda Sackett-Lundeen1,2
, Erhard Haus2†
, Manuel Ramirez-Lassepas3
, David Lakatua†2
, Jacqueline
, Cathy Lee Gierke1
, Germaine Cornelissen1
Halberg Chronobiology Center, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA, 2
St. Paul Ramsey Medical Center,
Department of Pathology, St. Paul, MN, USA, 3
St. Paul Ramsey Medical Center, Department of Neurology, St. Paul,
Dedicated to the memory of Erhard Haus, David Lakatua, and Jacqueline Swoyer
Cerebral infarction is a major cause of neurologic dysfunction which can also lead to death. Many
other systems in the body are affected by cerebrovascular events, while also affecting their risk or
cause. The cardiovascular system has been closely associated with cerebral infarction (stroke), which
can cause arrhythmias, other ECG abnormalities, and changes in the circadian pattern of blood
pressure. This study was designed to examine the circadian rhythms of blood and urinary variables,
and of clinical functions such as blood pressure in patients following a cerebral infarction. This article
focuses on the cardiovascular time structure with the aims of:
1. Evaluating changes in the circadian time structure of patients following a stroke and establishing
any role the rhythm disruption may have had on the deficits/dysfunction following the initial
2. Assessing disturbances in other known non-neurologic rhythms, such as cardiovascular changes
that may complicate the patient’s recovery;
3. Determining the extent of circadian disruption related to bed confinement by monitoring a group
of otherwise clinically healthy individuals following the same protocol as the stroke patients and
comparing their time structure to that of clinically healthy ambulatory controls.
Bedridden & Ambulatory Controls, Blood Pressure, Cerebral Infarction, Circadian Rhythm, Stroke
It is well known that strokes follow circadian, circaseptan, and circannual patterns in incidence
(Cornelissen et al., 1993, Elliott, 1998, Johansson et al., 1989, Manfredini R et al., 2005, RamirezLassepas
et al., 1980, Smolensky et al., 2005, 2014). The cardiovascular system has been closely
associated with cerebral infarction (stroke), which can cause arrhythmias, other ECG abnormalities,
and changes in the circadian pattern of blood pressure (Eguchi et al., 2002, Klingelhofer & Sander,
1997). Because of the relationship the central nervous system has with other systems in the body, the
original goal of the study was to determine whether any circadian disruption follows the stroke event
and/or whether pre-existing circadian disruption underlined its manifestation.
The original investigators had already reported on the effect of cerebral infarction on the circadian
periodicity of plasma cortisol (Ramirez-Lassepas et al., 1975). The evaluation of the cardiovascular
data is presented in this article.
Subjects and Methods
To evaluate the circadian time structure in patients following an acute hemispheral cerebral infarction
(HCI), clinically healthy controls who followed the same protocol of bedrest and parenteral feeding
were also studied. In order to assess any changes in circadian time structure related to continued
bedrest in health, some of the healthy controls were also examined while ambulatory. The study thus
consisted of three groups: stroke patients, bedridden controls, and ambulatory controls (Table 1). After
receiving information about the study, all participants were asked to sign a consent form.
Table 1: Population Information on Stroke Patients, and on Bedridden and Ambulatory Controls.
Group Variables Number Sex
Stroke Patients: Clinical Data 8
3 Women,
5 Men
54 - 72 48 - 96 1 - 4
Blood & Urine 12
4 Women,
8 Men
54 - 72 48 - 72 4
Bedridden Controls: Clinical Data 12
6 Women,
6 Men
45 - 65 48 4
Blood & Urine 12
6 Women,
6 Men
45 - 65 48 4
Ambulatory Controls: Clinical Data 5
1 Woman,
4 Men
45 - 65 48 4
Blood & Urine 5
1 Woman,
4 Men
45 - 65 48 4
Twelve stroke patients (4 women and 8 men) presented at St. Paul Ramsey Hospital (now Regions
Hospital) with an acute hemispheral cerebral infarction (HCI) within twelve hours after onset
of neurological symptoms. This was the first HCI in all 12 patients. The patients were seen in the
Emergency Department before entering the study protocol. None of these patients suffered any severe
alteration of neurological function or level of consciousness. They did not require any antihypertensive
medications, corticosteroids, or osmotic diuretics. All patients were put on bedrest and administered
the basic metabolic requirements of water, calories, and electrolytes parenterally for the entire duration
of the study. The intravenous solution was 5% dextrose in one-half strength saline with the addition
of potassium chloride. The patients’ fluid intake and output was also recorded. The patients were
followed for at least 48 hours and up to 96 hours in the study protocol.
Twelve bedridden controls (6 women and 6 men) were enlisted in the study. These subjects followed
the same environmental changes as the patients, including 48 hours of bedrest at the hospital and
only parenteral feeding with the same formulation as the patients. Like the patients, the head of the
bed could not be elevated more than 30°. All controls had a thorough physical examination, including
electrocardiogram and chest X-ray. None of the controls were on any medications.
Not all 12 bedridden controls were able to participate as ambulatory controls, however; only five
did return as ambulatory controls. They were monitored for 48 hours and were allowed to follow their
usual physical activity. They were allowed to leave the hospital between sampling times during the
day, but stayed overnight at the hospital for two nights, going to bed by 00:00 and rising before 08:00.
Their rooms had windows with natural lighting and they could control the light themselves. They were
provided a regular hospital cafeteria diet, which included different choices of meals. There were no
food restrictions, except that they were asked not to eat between meals. All controls were told to refrain
from drinking (alcohol), excessive exercise, and sex during the study.
All three groups had clinical data recorded along with the collection of blood and urine samples.
Clinical measurements in the stroke patients were obtained at 1- to 4-hour intervals, depending on the
individual patient. In both sets of controls, the clinical measurements were taken at 4-hour intervals
for 48 hours, but the blood pressure and heart rate of ambulatory controls were only taken for 28
hours. All three groups had systolic (S) and diastolic (D) blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR), and oral
temperature (OT) measured. Mean arterial pressure (MAP [(SBP + (2 x DBP))/3]), pulse pressure (PP
[SBP-DBP]), and pulse pressure product (PPP [(HR x SBP)/100]) were calculated from the SBP, DBP
and HR data. The majority of patients and bedridden controls, but not the ambulatory controls, also
had central venous pressure (CVP) and respiratory rate (RR) measured. The collection of clinical data
in the patients started depending on the time they were admitted into the hospital and into the study.
The collection of samples in the controls, whether bedridden or ambulatory, started at 20:00 on the
first day and went until 16:00 on the third day.
All clinical data were analyzed from each patient and control subject by single cosinor and then
summarized by population-mean cosinor (Halberg, 1980) for each variable in each group. For each
variable, parameter tests (Bingham et al., 1982) were performed, comparing all three groups and then
the stroke patients to the ambulatory controls and to the bedridden ridden controls; the bedridden
controls were also compared to the ambulatory controls. The circadian characteristics of the 5 subjects
monitored as ambulatory or bedridden controls were also compared by the parameter tests and paired
t test.
The results of the population-mean cosinor and the parameter tests show statistically significant
differences in the MESOR, circadian amplitude and/or acrophase among the three groups, as shown
in Figures 1-5. On a population basis, the stroke patients have a statistically significant circadian
rhythm only in HR (P = 0.047), and a circadian rhythm of borderline statistical significance in DBP
(P = 0.055). The bedridden controls have statistically significant rhythms in SBP (P = 0.044) and in
MAP (P = 0.040). The ambulatory controls, despite their small sample size of 5, showed statistically
significant rhythms in HR (P = 0.036) and PPP (P = 0.026).
Comparison of Stroke Patients to Bedridden and Ambulatory Controls
Figures 1a-c show the differences in MESOR and circadian amplitude found between the stroke
patients and the two groups of controls. Figure 1a illustrates the significant difference in MESOR
of SBP, DBP, and OT among all three groups. The difference in the MESOR of HR did not reach
statistical significance (P > 0.05). When comparing the stroke patients to the bedridden controls,
there is a statistically significant difference in the MESOR of SBP, DBP, and OT, and a borderline
statistically significant difference in the MESOR of HR (P = 0.054). Stroke patients differ from
ambulatory controls in the MESOR of SBP and OT, the difference in DBP bordering significance
(P = 0.052). The circadian amplitude of HR of ambulatory controls differs statistically significantly
from that of the stroke patients and the bedridden controls. The circadian amplitude of OT differs
statistically significantly between the stroke patients and the ambulatory controls.
Figure 1a: MESOR and circadian amplitude differences in SBP, DBP, HR, and OT between stroke patients (ST)
in blue, bedridden controls (BD) in red, and ambulatory controls (AC) in green.
The calculated variables, MAP, PP, and PPP, show statistically significant differences in
MESOR among all three groups, as well as between stroke patients and either bedridden or ambulatory
controls (Figure 1b). Differences in circadian amplitude were only statistically significant for PPP
when comparing all three groups or ambulatory to bedridden controls.
Figure 1b: MESOR and circadian amplitude differences in MAP, PP, and PPP between ST, BD, and AC.
There was only a statistically significant difference in the MESOR of RR (P = 0.012) between
stroke patients and bedridden controls (Figure 1c), with no difference between those two groups in
central venous pressure (CVP). These two variables did not show a statistically significant difference
in circadian amplitude between the two groups.
Figure 1c: MESOR and circadian amplitude differences in CVP and RR between ST and BD.
Figure 2 shows the large range of variability in the MESOR (top), circadian amplitude (middle) and
acrophase (bottom) of HR (left) and OT (right) within each group. Population-mean cosinor estimates
of the MESOR and circadian amplitude are shown as bars, within which individual estimates are
displayed with a measure of their uncertainty. On the amplitude graphs, the solid horizontal line
above the bar is the arithmetic mean (phase-unweighted average). As anticipated, it is larger than the
phase-weighted average derived from the population-mean cosinor (height of bar). On the acrophase
graphs, the top square in each section is the population estimate, followed by the individual acrophases
for each participant shown as circles. All solid filled symbols (squares or circles) indicate statistical
significance by single or population-mean cosinor; lightly colored ones indicate lack of statistical
significance. The circadian acrophase of HR differs with statistical significance between the stroke
patients and the ambulatory controls.
Figure 3 shows the population-mean cosinor results for HR and OT as polar plots. Ellipses represent
95% confidence regions for the joint estimation of the circadian amplitude and acrophase. They indicate
the extent of inter-individual variation in each group. The confidence interval of the HR acrophase in
both the stroke patients and the ambulatory controls is very large, covering 12 hrs 48 min in the stroke
patients and 10 hrs 48 min in the ambulatory controls.
Figure 2: Dispersion of individual estimates of MESOR, circadian amplitude and acrophase of HR and OT in
ST, BD, and AC, shown with their standard error (MESOR, amplitude) or 95% confidence limits (acrophase),
together with their respective population-mean cosinor estimates (bars). Note that population estimates of the
amplitude are phase-weighted and are therefore smaller than the corresponding (phase-unweighted) arithmetic
means shown as lines above the bars.
Figure 3: Polar plots of HR (left) and OT (right) in ST, BD, and AC.
Comparison of Stroke Patients to Bedridden Controls
To illustrate differences in the circadian time structure between the stroke patients (ST, blue) and
the bedridden controls (BD, red), the respective 24-hour cosine models were displayed, using the
parameter estimates from the population-mean cosinor (Figures 4a-c). In each graph, the ranges are
kept the same on both vertical axes, but the scales were shifted since the MESORs may differ greatly
between the two groups.
As seen in Figure 4a (left), stroke patients have a much higher SBP MESOR (168 vs. 121 mmHg)
and a greatly dampened circadian variation (double amplitudes of 1.7 vs. 9.0 mmHg) as compared to
the bedridden controls. Their DBP is also elevated (90.5 vs. 73.1 mmHg), but with a similar extent of
daily change and an acrophase peaking 4 hrs and 44 min earlier than the bedridden controls (Figure
4a, right). SBP reached significance in the bedridden controls (P = 0.044) but not in the stroke patients
(P = 0.906). Borderline statistical significance was reached for both stroke patients (P = 0.055) and
bedridden controls (P = 0.061) in the case of DBP.
The circadian variation in HR and OT is almost in antiphase between the stroke patients and the
bedridden controls (Figure 4b). The circadian acrophase of HR in the stroke patients is 7 hrs 48 min
earlier than the bedridden controls, but their temperature acrophase occurs 6 hrs and 36 min later.
Moreover, stroke patients have a higher MESOR of HR (79.3 vs. 70.4 beats/min) and OR (99.6 vs. 97.9
°F). No major difference in the circadian amplitude is noted between these two groups. The circadian
rhythm of HR is statistically significant in the stroke patients (P = 0.047), but not in the bedridden
controls (P = 0.315). On a population basis, a statistically significant rhythm in OT could not be
demonstrated in either group.
Figure 4a: Differences in circadian profiles of SBP and DBP in ST and BD.
Figure 4b: Differences in circadian profiles of HR and OT in ST and BD.
In agreement with results for SBP, DBP, and HR, the MESOR of MAP, PP, and PPP is
also higher in stroke patients as compared to bedridden controls (by 27 mmHg, 29 mmHg, and 49
mmHgxbeats/min%, respectively) (Figure 4c). The smaller circadian amplitude of MAP of the stroke
patients as compared to the bedridden controls can be accounted for by their greatly dampened
circadian variation in SBP. The larger circadian variation of HR in the stroke patients, combined with
the almost opposite circadian variation of SBP and HR in the bedridden controls can account for the
larger circadian variation of PPP in the stroke patients. As in the case of DBP, the circadian acrophase
of MAP occurs earlier (by 5 hrs and 48 min) and that of PP occurs later (by 5 hrs 24 min) in the
stroke patients as compared to the bedridden controls. A circadian rhythm could be demonstrated with
statistical significance only for MAP in the bedridden controls (P = 0.040).
Similar to the other variables, the MESOR of CVP and RR is higher in the stroke patients as
compared to the bedridden controls, Figure 1c. Stroke patients have only a 0.95 mmHg higher CVP
MESOR than the bedridden controls, while their RR MESOR is 3.4 breaths/min higher. A circadian
rhythm in these variables could not be detected with statistical significance.
Figure 4c: Differences in circadian profiles of MAP, PP, and PPP in ST and BD.
Comparison of Bedridden and Ambulatory Controls
Figure 5a shows that ambulatory controls have a higher SBP MESOR than when they were
bedridden, as could be anticipated. Similarly, their HR and PPP MESOR is also higher when they
are ambulatory than when they are bedridden, Figure 5b. Moreover, the circadian amplitude of HR
and PPP is also larger then, Figure 5b. Whereas the circadian acrophase of HR and PPP peaks in the
afternoon, as expected, when ambulatory, they are greatly altered during bedrest, in part because a
circadian rhythm cannot be detected with statistical significance in this case.
Figure 5a: Differences in circadian profiles of SBP in BD and matched AC.
Figure 5b: Differences in circadian profiles of HR (left) and PPP (right) in BD and matched AC.
It has been known that neurological changes occur after a cerebral infarction and other neurologic
events, some causing neurologic dysfunction and even death. Even though not all non-neurologic
alterations have been investigated, it is known that some of those changes occur in the cardiovascular
system. This study aimed to go further to evaluate any changes/alterations in the circadian time
structure of the cardiovascular system after a stroke. At the same time, there was the opportunity
to also evaluate a group of clinically healthy bedridden controls of which a subgroup was willing to
come back to be studied while ambulatory. Other investigators have studied the time structure in stroke
patients, but without being able to study controls concomitantly.
A major shortcoming of this study was the lack of appropriate follow-up of the stroke patients. Longterm
outcomes could have been associated with the extent of circadian rhythm alteration observed in
almost all variables considered herein. It would have been interesting to learn how long it took for the
circadian time structure to be restored in the stroke patients. Nevertheless, the study yielded some
interesting results.
All stroke patients studied herein showed alterations in their circadian profiles as compared to
clinically healthy subjects. The MESOR of their BP, HR, and OT was higher. Five of 8 stroke patients
had temperatures up to 102 °F, with many over 100 °F occurring during the night time, a finding in
need of further investigation since a review of the literature did not show any report of a reversed
circadian temperature rhythm in stroke patients. On a population basis, a circadian acrophase of oral
temperature occurring during the night is to be aligned with a circadian acrophase of heart rate also
occurring during the night in stroke patients. An elevated heart rate has been associated with advanced
white matter lesions in ischemic stroke patients (Kwon et al., 2014), but this study does not mention
anything about the circadian timing of heart rate in these patients. A reversal or dampening of the
circadian variation in heart rate was reported, however, post-stroke in a rat model (Tabuchi et al.,
2001). Other differences in the circadian characteristics of stroke patients as compared to bedridden
or ambulatory controls are difficult to interpret in view of the small number of study participants, the
relatively short duration of monitoring done by staff rather than with automated devices, and the failure
to invariably detect a statistically significant circadian rhythm in all variables considered herein. At the
time of the study, ambulatory blood pressure monitors (ABPM) were not yet available.
Other alterations in the circadian characteristics observed in the stroke patients include an elevated
blood pressure, in agreement with previous reports. High blood pressure in acute stroke is reported to
be elevated in up to 75% to 82% of cases (Chalmers, 2005; Willmot et al., 2004). Survivors of stroke,
both hypertensive and non-hypertensive patients, also reportedly present a chronic disruption of their
circadian blood pressure rhythm (Castilla-Guerra et al., 2009). Differences in the circadian amplitude
and/or acrophase are compatible with the fact that the patients were bedridden and fed parenterally.
The major alterations in the circadian time structure of these patients may relate primarily to the
hemispheral cerebral infarction, as previously suggested (Klingelhöfer & Sander, 1997). The patients
were not on any antihypertensive medication prior to the stroke and did not have a prior event.
Other studies have indicated that an altered circadian rhythm in blood pressure, notably an excessive
circadian amplitude of blood pressure, is predictive of ischemic cerebral events (Otsuka et al., 1996,
1997). Patients with intra-cerebral hemorrhage were reported to have a higher incidence of abnormal
circadian characteristics of blood pressure than patients with cerebral infarction, the major differences
relating to a larger circadian amplitude of systolic blood pressure, a smaller standard deviation of heart
rate, and a larger incidence of circadian acrophases of diastolic blood pressure occurring at times
outside prediction limits in health (Jiang et al., 2010). Future studies could follow-up patients found
to be at a higher risk of stroke, so that those who will suffer an adverse event could be monitored
more thoroughly, preferably by ABPM immediately after a stroke event and at intervals thereafter,
so that longitudinal changes in the circadian time structure of their clinical variables can be mapped.
Information to be derived from such studies could then shed light on any additional treatment measures
that may help their full recovery.
1. Bingham C, Arbogast B, Cornelissen Guillaume G, Lee JK, Halberg F. Inferential statistical
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4. Cornélissen G, Breus TK, Bingham C, Zaslavskaya R, Varshitsky M, Mirsky B, Teibloom M,
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7. Halberg F. Chronobiology: methodological problems. Acta med rom 1980; 18: 399-440.
8. Jiang Z, Li W, Liu Y, Wang Y, Wang Z, Xiao J, Guo H, Cornelissen G, Halberg F. Circadian blood
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9. Johansson B, Widner H, Norrving B, Wu J, Halberg F. Stroke incidence: circadian and circaseptan
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10. Klingelhöfer J, Sander D. Cardiovascular consequences of clinical stroke. Baillieres Clin Neurol
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12. Manfredini R, Boari B, Smolensky MH, Salmi R, la Cecilia O, Maria Malagoni A, Haus E,
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13. Otsuka K, Cornelissen G, Halberg F. Predictive value of blood pressure dipping and swinging with
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Prof. MUDr. Bohumil Fiser, CSc. (22. 10. 1943 – 21. 3. 2011)
Studied the Whole Live Baroreflex Sensitivity
and Chronobiology
Jarmila Siegelova
Dept. of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Dept. of Sport Medicine and Rehabilitation, Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk
University, St. Anna Teaching Hospital, Brno, CZ
In this year 2018 we remember 75 years from the birth of Prof. Bohumil Fiser. In the Department
of Physiology as a young scientist he started the work together with Prof. Jan Penaz, who discovered
the volume clamp methods of beat to beat measurement of blood pressure.
This measurement also gave Prof. Fiser the opportunity to study the role of baroreflex.
Many scientists thought that the role of hypertension is negligible despite the fact that baroreflex is the
most important regulatory mechanism of blood pressure. This opinion was supported by the observation
of baroreflex resetting. The resetting is in other words the shift of the curve of the relationship between
carotid sinus pressure and systemic arterial pressure to the higher values of systemic arterial pressure.
But this opinion was not shared by all scientists; the most prominent opponent Professor Slight claimed
that it is clear that all forms of hypertension – whether primary or secondary to renal, hormonal, or
environmental influences – have a neurogenic component. More recent evidence suggests that neural
mechanisms, particularly impairment of arterial baroreflexes, play an important part.
In the recent years the long-term control of blood pressure was re-evaluated. The recent opinion
is based on chronic electrical stimulation of carotid baroreceptor afferent fibers, on re-evaluation of
time of chronic resetting lasting several days according to the more recent experiments. Furthermore
decreased baroreflex gain appears to precede hypertension.
Years ago baroreflex sensitivity was regarded to correspond to the capability of the parasympathetic
nervous system to react to a gross stimulus and thus concerns primarily vagal reflexes. Prof. Bohumil
Fiser measured baroreflex heart rate sensitivity in ms/mmHg and it was the adequate method to study
the blood pressure control function of baroreflex. The determination of baroreflex gain was necessary
and Prof. Fiser used different methods of analysis of baroreflex in man.
The founder of modern chronobiology professor Franz Halberg demonstrated many years ago that
the reliable diagnosis of blood pressure disorders can be performed on the basis of 24 hours of blood
pressure monitoring at least. The recent Prof. Halberg studies suggest seven days monitoring to obtain
a reliable estimates.
One of the study of Professor Fiser indicated the necessity to re-evaluate the role of the blood
pressure decrease during the night.
Because the process of resetting lasts about 48 hours, the night decrease of blood pressure influences
the baroreflex resetting. The normal chronobiology of blood pressure is therefore a factor protecting
against hypertension.
This results of barorreflex sensitivity obtained by Prof. Fiser showed the necessity of studying
chronobiology of autonomous nervous system using analysis of biological oscillation in man in health
and disease, as was also presented in the 10th
ESGCO (European Study Group on Cardiovasculation
Oscillation, September 17th
2018, Vienna, Austria), organized by Prof. Maximilian Moser,
University of Graz, Austria. In the future we will continue Bohumil Fiser studies and we will never
forget him.
Figure 1: Professor MUDr. Jan Penaz, CSc. and Professor MUDr. Bohumil Fiser, CSc. in Congress
of Noninvasive Methods in Cardiology 1994, Brno
Figure 2: Professor MUDr. Bohumil Fiser, CSc., MUDr. Jiri Dusek, CSc., Professor MUDr. Jarmila Siegelova,
DrSc. in Congress 7th
European Meeting on Hypertension, Milan, Italy 1995
Figure 3: Baroreflex studies in Paris, Dept. of Physiology, Medical Faculty of Paris VII in 1995, from the right
Professor Dr. Jean-Paul Martineaud, Paris, Professor MUDr. Jarmila Siegelova, DrSc., MUDr. Jiri Dusek, CSc.,
Professor Dr. Etienne Savin, Paris, Professor MUDr. Bohumil Fiser, CSc. and Dr. Philipe Bonnin
Figure 4: Chronobiological study of blood pressure in University of Minnesota, USA, 1995, From the right
MUDr. Jiri Dusek, CSc., Professor MUDr. Jarmila Siegelova, DrSc., Professor Dr. Franz Halberg, USA,
Professor Dr. Germaine Cornelissen, USA, Dr. Anna Portela, Spain and Professor MUDr. Bohumil Fiser, CSc.
Figure 5: Professor MUDr. Jarmila Siegelova, DrSc., Professor Thomas Kenner, M.D. dr.h.c. mult., University
Graz, Austria and Professor MUDr. Bohumil Fiser, CSc., in Symposium in Graz, Austria, 2006
1. Sleight, P. Baroreflex and Hypertension. In Petersson P.B., Kirchheim H.R. (Eds.)
Baroreceptor Reflexes. Integrative Functions and Clinical Aspects. Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 1991.
p. 271-290.
2. BROOKS, V. L., SVED, A. F. pressure to change? Re-evaluating the role of baroreceptors in the
long-term control of arterial pressure. Am J Physiol Regul Integral Comp Physiol., vol. 288, p.
3. SCHWARTZ, P.J. VANOLI, E., STRAMBA-BADIALE, M. et al. Autonomic mechanisms and
sudden death: New insight from the analysis of baroreceptor reflexes in conscious dogs with and
without a myocardial infarction. Circulation, 1988, vol. 78, p. 816-824.
4. Halberg, F. Cornélissen, G., Otsuca, K. et al. Cross-spectrally coherent similar to
10.5-and 21-year biological and physical cycles, magnetic storms and myocardial infarctions.
Neuroendocrinology letters, 2000, vol. 21, p. 233-258.
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Influence of Compression Aids on Baroreflex in Patients after
Cervical Spinal Cord Injury
Jana Svacinova1
, Katarina Ondrusova1
, Michal Javorka2,3
, Zuzana Novakova1
, Marie Novakova1
Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic, 2
Department of
Physiology, Jessenius Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia, 3
Biomedical Center Martin,
Jessenius Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia
Key words
Cervical spinal cord injury, orthostatic hypotension, baroreflex, compression aids
Patients after cervical spinal cord injury (SCI) suffer not only from senso-motoric deficit but
also from autonomic dysfunction (Weaver and Polosa, 2005). These factors significantly influence
cardiovascular system and blood pressure regulation resulting in resting as well as in orthostatic
hypotension (OH) (Claydon et al., 2006). Verticalization as an important part of rehabilitation has
positive effect on physical and psychical condition of patients and symptoms associated with OH
negatively interfere with the rehabilitation of SCI patients.
Hemodynamics in cervical SCI is impaired on many levels. Although parasympathetic nerves
regulating heart are anatomically intact, cervical spinal cord lesion interrupts sympathetic neural
pathways. Loss of supraspinal control over the splanchnic and lower limbs significantly decreases total
peripheral vascular resistance, which defines arterial BP (Weaver et al., 2012). The lacks of muscle
pump activity in the lower limbs culminates in venous blood pooling in the legs with a risk of venous
distension, venous valve insufficiency, blood stasis and increased risk of deep venous thrombosis (Popa
et al., 2010). All these factors decrease venous return into the heart and consequently stroke volume
(Hopman et al., 1998; Rimaud et al., 2012). Moreover lack of sympathetic chronotropic and inotropic
effect cannot increase cardiac output in case of BP drop. Problem with maintenance of arterial BP
during orthostasis influences cerebral blood flow, which is subjectively perceived as OH symptoms,
like light-headedness, dizziness, blurred vision etc. in extreme ending as syncope (Chao and Cheing,
2008; Claydon et al., 2006).
Compression over-knee stockings are used as non-pharmacological prevention of deep venous
thrombosis, venous insufficiency, orthostatic hypotension and edema formation in lower limbs not
only in SCI patients (Ibegbuna et al., 1997; Popa et al., 2010; Rimaud et al., 2012, 2008).
Effect of compression aids to baroreflex function in SCI was never studied yet. Baroreflex is shortterm
regulatory mechanism of arterial BP regulation. BP is changed by heart rate (HR) and total
peripheral vascular resistance (TPR) and it is very important during orthostatic challenge. Sympathetic
vascular branch of baroreflex is clearly impaired by cervical spinal lesion. However cardiac baroreflex
should be partially preserved due to intact vagal nerves (Krassioukov and Claydon, 2006; Weaver et
al., 2012).
Cardiac baroreflex function can be estimated as an interaction between inter-beat intervals (IBI) and
systolic blood pressure (SBP). Baroreflex sensitivity (BRS), defined as change of IBI caused by change
of SBP by 1 mmHg, was the largely studied baroreflex function parameter in SCI (Phillips et al., 2012).
Coherence is parameter of synchronicity between IBI and SBP mediated by baroreflex. In our previous
paper we showed, during orthostasis cardiac baroreflex function parameters correlated with the spinal
lesion level: the higher level of the spinal lesion, the lower coherence and BRS (Ondrusova et al., 2017).
This paper focused on effect of compression aids on cardiac baroreflex function in cervical SCI,
because these patients usually suffer from OH. Because baroreflex control over blood pressure during
orthostasis is impaired in cervical SCI, we hypothesize compression aids help to improve not only
blood pressure but also causal coherence and BRS.
The study was approved by Ethic committee of Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University Brno. All
subjects included in the study signed informed consent and were informed about the aims of this study
and about used examination methods.
Patients with transversal spinal cord lesion (CSCI) in segments C5-C7 of trauma etiology were
included in this study. All patients were classified as AIS A (Krishna et al., 2014). Total of 10 patients
(9 men, 1 woman) were examined, aged 18 - 35 years. Time from spinal cord injury varied from 2
to 12 years. BMI: 22±5 kg/m2. All examined subjects were in chronic stage of SCI and they were
stabilized, without acute health problems, without such kind of medication which might affect the
results of measurement.
Experimental protocols
The study protocol consisted of four phases:
1) 10 minutes at rest in sitting position on a wheelchair without compression aids,
2) 8 – 10 minutes in the orthostatic phase without compression aids
3) 8 – 10 minutes in the orthostatic phase using compression aids.
Between phase 2 and 3, at least ten minutes resting phase in wheelchair was placed. Phase 2 and 3
were performed in random order and more times in consequent days, if it was necessary.
During each phase arterial blood pressure was measured continuously using the non-invasive
volume-clamp plethysmography method (Finometer, FMS, Netherlands). Compression aids consisted
of abdominal corset and elastic compression stockings (Loana Lonaris Cotton, Czech Republic, 19 - 21
mmHg). Upright position during orthostatic phases was ensured by verticalizer Balance Thera-trainer
(Medica Medizintechnik GmbH, Germany). The patients reviewed their subjective feelings during
orthostatic positions (presence of OH symptoms).
Data analysis
Sequences of systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), pulse pressure (PP) and
inter-beat intervals (IBI) were detected beat-to-beat from the continuous BP signal. Inter-beat interval
was defined as a time interval between two neighbouring local BP minima corresponding to diastolic
BP. For other analysis 300 samples long sequences were used.
IBI and SBP interact in closed-loop containing two directions of variability transfer: from SBP to
IBI (baroreflex direction mediated by neural pathways) and from IBI to SBP (mechanically given nonbaroreflex
direction). Bivariate autoregressive model was used to mathematically open closed-loop
IBI - SBP interaction and evaluate only causal baroreflex pathway (Faes and Nollo, 2010; Porta et al.,
2002). Two important variables were computed: causal coherence Cohsbp→ibi representing the strength
of linear coupling from SBP to IBI and gain of transfer function from SBP to IBI containing causal
coherence is an assessment of baroreflex sensitivity (BRS).
Because of the non-Gaussian data distribution and small number of patients, non-parametric analysis
was performed. Median (lower quartile, upper quartile) of each analyzed parameter was calculated for
each phase. Each combination of two phases was compared and difference between two phases was
evaluated by pair Wilcoxon test.
Compared to the rest, IBI significantly decreased during both orthostatic phases (Fig 1). SBP, DBP
and PP significantly decreased only during orthostasis without compression aids. While Coh sbp→ibi
did not change, BRS decreased during both orthostatic phases as compared to the rest (Fig 2).
When patients used compression aids during orthostasis, SBP, PP and Coh sbp→ibi were significantly
higher than in orthostatic phase without using compression aids. Likewise BRS was higher when
compression aids were used, but difference was borderline significant (p = 0.059). DBP and IBI were
not significantly influenced by compression aids.
According to the subjective description of orthostatic symptoms, patients can be divided in two
groups. Five patients did not suffer from OH symptoms regardless to using of compression aids. Other
five patients felt better tolerance to OH (lowered intensity of OH symptoms) when compression aids
were used.
Figure 1: Systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), pulse pressure (PP) and inter-beat
intervals (IBI) during sitting, during orthostasis without compression aids and during orthostasis, when
compression aids were used. Short horizontal line represents median.Significance
(Wilcoxon test): p < 0.05*, p < 0.01**, p < 0.001***.
Figure 2: Causal coherence (Coh2sbp→ibi) and baroreflex sensitivity (BRSsbp-ibi) during sitting, during
orthostasis without compression aids and during orthostasis, when compression aids were used. Short horizontal
line represents median. Significance (Wilcoxon test): p < 0.05*, p < 0.001***.
Blood pressure control changes during orthostatic challenge
function during orthostatic challenge in patients afters cervical SCI. Arterial BP is defined by stroke
volume, total peripheral resistance and heart rate. Regulation of all these variables is influenced by
cervical SCI (Claydon et al., 2006; Krassioukov and Claydon, 2006). Loss of sympathetic supraspinal
control over the most of vessel system led to the blood redistribution in arterial as well as in venous
system during the verticalization of SCI patients (Weaver et al., 2012). Impaired mechanisms of venous
return, decreased heart filling and therefore decreased stroke volume manifested as decreased PP in
CSCI. Decreased venous return accompanied by low peripheral resistance led to significant arterial
BP decrease in upper part of body during orthostasis (Popa et al., 2010). Vagal branch of baroreflex
was anatomically intact therefore suppression of cardiovagal activity via baroreflex increased heart
rate (Phillips et al., 2012), but heart rate increase was insufficient to prevent BP drop.
Compression stockings are usually used to prevent blood stasis, deep venous thrombosis, venous
distension (Chao and Cheing, 2008; West et al., 2012; Wieling and Groothuis, 2012). These effects
of compression aids helped to increase venous return and in consequence stroke volume. Several
authors have explored the options of blood-redistribution in SCI during exercise or body-position
change during physiotherapy to improve performance or to limit post-exercise hypotension and/or OH,
decrease venous capacitance in SCI patients who are not able to adjust their hemodynamics (Hopman
et al., 1998; Houtman et al., 1999; Popa et al., 2010; Rimaud et al., 2008). In this study compression
aids prevented to significant BP drop during orthostasis. Significantly higher SBP and PP during
orthostasis with compression aids supported assumption of increased venous return and heart filling.
Changes in cardiovagal baroreflex function
Baroreflex is a most important short term-mechanism controlling BP during orthostatic challenge.
Parameters of baroreflex function, Coh2sbp→ibi and BRS, suggested cardiac baroreflex impairment
during orthostasis in CSCI. Previous studies in healthy able-bodied showed, that Coh2sbp→ibi, and
other parameters of causal SBP-IBI coupling mediated by baroreflex were low in resting supine or
sitting position and it increased during orthostasis (Faes et al., 2013; Ondrusova et al., 2017; Porta et al.,
2002, 2011). Unchanged Coh2sbp→ibi in CSCI during orthostasis was probably given by suppression
of vagal control of the sinoatrial node in CSCI caused dysfunction of cardiac baroreflex information
transfer from SBP to IBI.
Decrease of BRS can be explained on the graph in Fig 3, where the BRS is shown as curve slope of
IBI in dependence on the SBP. Slope of IBI-SBP curve is relatively linear in physiological BP range,
i.e. in baroreflex operating range. Slope of curve decreased in area of extremely decreased SBP. BP
and BRS in CSCI were in physiological values during sitting. Verticalization caused significant BP
decrease to a curve area with lower slope, i.e. lover BRS.
Improved BP during orthostasis with compression aids was accompanied by the increase of
Coh2sbp→ibi and dampening of BRS decrease. Compression aids likely dampened suppression of
vagal control over the heart which increased coupling between SBP and IBI and improve information
transfer via cardiovagal baroreflex. However in case of BRS, probably slight improving of BP caused
shift to the right in the IBI-SBP curve, i. e. to the interval with higher slope (Parlow et al., 1995). This
shift was observed as a significant BRS increase, when compression aids were used during orthostasis
in compare to the orthostasis without compression aids (Fig 3). In other words, function of BRS was
probably unchanged in cervical SCI, but operation point in the function was shifted by BP drop from
the physiological values to the area with low slope of curve.
Figure 3: Dependence of IBI on SBP. BRS is defined as a slope of this curve. Three phases of measurement of
CSCI patients are marked as point on a curve. Graph modified from publications (Parlow et al., 1995).
Subjective feeling of patients
Five SCI patients did not feel symptoms of OH regardless on compression aids. Another five patients
felt significant improvement, when compression aids were used during orthostasis.
We suppose that resistance to the OH and its consequences is individual. Firstly spinal cord lesion
of patients was transversally large but incomplete. Position of the lesion and its intervention to the
autonomic neural pathways is therefore individual (Weaver and Polosa, 2005). Secondly, effectiveness
of cerebral blood flow regulatory mechanisms influencing presence of OH symptoms could be variable
(Weaver et al., 2012). Some author suggested that autoregulation of cerebral blood flow rather than
systemic BP control plays a dominant role in the adaptation to OH in patients with SCI. (Bisharat et
al., 2002; Claydon et al., 2006; Gonzalez et al., 1991).
Cervical SCI patients often suffer from OH given by loss of sympathetic supraspinal control. OH
symptoms significantly interfere during physiotherapy and limit the patient‘s daily activities. Problem
with BP regulation cannot be fully solve without the change of arterial peripheral resistance, but
compression aids are able to prevent considerable BP drop during orthostasis and dampened baroreflex
parameters decrease. However baroreflex function probably was not changed, only operation point
of in SBP-IBI relationship was shifted by OH. Method of BRS and coherence evaluation respecting
causality of SBP-IBI interaction showed sensitive enough to detect positive effect of compression aids
to the cardiac baroreflex BP regulation.
MUNI/A/1157/2017, VEGA č.1/0117/17, APVV-0235-12 and ITMS project “BioMed Martin” no.
ITMS 26220220187.
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Seven Day/24-h Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring
in Night Shift Workers
Jarmila Siegelová, Alena Havelková, Krábková M., Jiří Dušek, Michal Pohanka, Leona Dunklerová,
Petr Dobšák, Germaine Cornélissen*
Department of Physiotherapy, Department of Sport Medicine and Rehabilitation, Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk
University, St. Anna Teaching Hospital, Brno, CZ, *University of Minnesota, USA
Franz Halberg and Germaine Cornelissen using ambulatory blood pressure monitoring showed
the need to account day-to-day changes of blood pressure and heart rate and the necessity to
circadian assessment of the hour-to- hour variability in cardiovascular parameters. Together with
the Chronobiology Center of Minnesota we participate in the international project BIOCOS. The
presentation in 2018 adds new results to this project BIOCOS (1,2,3,4,5,6).
Shift work schedule involving irregular or unusual hours, is becoming popular among people
because of the high demand for flexibility and productivity in the workforce in modern society (7). It
is reported that 15-30% of workers in America and Europe are engaged in different degrees of shift
work, and the trend is increasing rapidly (8,9).
The purpose of the study
The aim of the study was to compare the 7-day/24-h blood pressure monitoring in healthy subjects
and nurses working in day and night work shifts.
We examined 297 healthy subjects and 6 women (age 33 ± 12 years, body weight 70 ± 21 kg, mean
height 165 ± 5 cm) and 4 men (age 28 ± 7 years, body weight 93 ± 11 kg, mean height 185 ± 5 cm).
The monitoring week in nurses was composed from the days with day work, days with night work
and free days.
During the monitoring we evaluate the sleep time in different days in every nurse.
The subjects and nurses were recruited for seven-day ambulatory blood pressure monitoring.
Medical Instruments TM2431 (A&D, Japan) were used for ambulatory blood pressure monitoring
(oscillation method). One-hour means of systolic and diastolic blood pressure were evaluated. We
calculated mean systolic and diastolic blood pressure for seven days and every 24-hour profile.
The regime of measurement of blood pressure was done for 7 days repeatedly every 30 minutes
from 5 to 22 h during the day time and once in an hour from 22 to 5 h at night.
Figure 1: Seven day /24-h blood pressure profile in healthy subject is shown in Fig. 1 and we can see circadian
rhythm in blood pressure and double product
In Fig. 1 is presented the record from seven day/24-h blood pressure monitoring in healthy subject
with regular sleep. In the upper part we can see blood pressure (mmHg) and heart rate (b.p.m.), in the
lower part double product (mmHg.bpm/100). In both parts of the record in one week (time in h) we
can see the presence of circadian rhythm in cardiovascular parameters, increase during daytime and
decrease at night.
Figure 2: Seven day /24-h blood pressure profile in nurse is shown in Fig. 2. We cannot see circadian rhythm in
blood pressure and double product
Fig.2 is showing record from seven day/24-h blood pressure monitoring in nurse (women) with shift
work with irregular sleep. In the upper part we can see blood pressure (mmHg) and heart rate (b.p.m.),
in the lower part double product (mmHg.bpm/100). In both parts of the record in one week (time in h)
we can see the impairment of circadian rhythm in cardiovascular parameters.
Figure 3: Seven day /24-h blood pressure profile in nurse is shown in Fig. 3. We cannot see circadian rhythm in
blood pressure and double product
In Fig. 3 is presented the record from seven day/24-h blood pressure monitoring in nurse (man) with
shift work with irregular sleep. In the upper part we can see blood pressure (mmHg) and heart rate
(b.p.m.), in the lower part double product (mmHg.bpm/100). In both parts of the record in one week
(time in h) we can see the impairment in circadian rhythm of cardiovascular parameters.
Tab. 1: Working shifts in different days of 7 day/24-h blood pressure monitoring
nurse No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1W N F F F N F D
2W D N F F D N F
3W D N F D F D F
4W N F D D N F D
5W D D N N D F D
6W F F D F F D D
1M N N F F D D F
2M F D F D F N F
3M D D N F F N F
4M N F D N F F D
W – woman, M – man, N – night shift, D – day shift, F – free day
Tab. 1 gives working days during the day time (D), working day with the work at night (N) and
free day (F) that we can see in 6 women (W) and 4 men (M) during seven day/24-h blood pressure
Tab. 2: Sleep hours in different days of 7 day/24-h blood pressure monitoring
nurse No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1W 3 h 9.5 h 11.5 h 5.5 h 5 h
2W 11 h 5 h 7 h 8 h 3.5 h
3W 10 h 7 h 5 h 8 h 6.5 h 10 h 7.5 h
4W 9 h 6 h 12 h 11.5 h 5.5 h
5W 7 h 8 h 2.5 h 3.5 h 9 h 7 h
6W 7.5 h 6.5. h 7 h 8.5 h 6.5 h 6.5 h 7 h
1M 4 h 3 h 8 h 6.5 h 5 h 7 h 8.5. h
2M 6 h 10 h 6 h 10 h 8.5 h 4 h
3M 7.5 h 9.5 h 4 h 8 h 4 h
4M 2 h 8.5 h 11.5 h 2.5 h 13 h 7 h 9.5 h
W – woman, M – man, h – hours of sleep
In Tab. 2 there are presented sleep hours in different days in 10 nurses during seven day/24-h blood
pressure monitoring.
Tab. 3: Sleep hours per week of 7 day /24-h blood pressure monitoring
nurse No hours
1W 34.5
2W 34.5
3W 52.5
4W 39
5W 37
6W 43.5
1M 42
2M 44.5
3M 33
4M 53.5
mean 37,75
SD 2,75
W – woman, M – man, h – hours of sleep
In Tab. 3 there are presented sums of sleep hours in the week in 10 nurses during seven day/24-h
blood pressure monitoring. The mean value of sleep per week in 10 nurses was 37.75 h per week.
In healthy subjects the sleep hours per day vary from seven to night-hours, per weeks from 49 to 63
hours. As it was shown in Table 3 our nurses have different decrease in sleep hours.
The sleeping in nurses is also shifted to different timing of the day, so that we can see the interruptions
in circadian rhythm.
Tab. 4: 7 day/24-h blood pressure and heart rate MESOR
nurse No
1W 134 79 82
2W 121 78 78
3W 129 70 72
4W 114 67 75
5W 110 70 78
6W 134 85 64
1M 122 75 73
2M 129 78 76
3M 130 76 78
4M 140 85 64
mean 126,3 76,3 74
SD 7,64 4,7 4,6
W – woman, M – man, h – hours of sleep
In Tab. 4 is presented MESOR of seven day/24-h ambulatory blood pressure monitoring. The Tab. 4
shows individual values of MESOR of systolic and diastolic blood pressure and MESOR of heart rate.
The mean value from the week monitoring of MESOR of systolic blood pressure was 126±7.6 mmHg,
of diastolic blood pressure 76±5 mmHg, of heart rate 74±5 bpm. These mean MESOR values are
also presented in Fig. 4 for the whole group and week. We calculated from our seven day/24-h blood
pressure monitoring mean values for every hour of all cardiovascular parameters and mean values for
24-h for every day and seven day mean values and we got the same results.
Tab. 5: Seven day/24-h blood pressure and heart rate circadian amplitude
W – woman, M – man, h – hours of sleep
In Tab. 5 is presented circadian amplitude of seven day/24-h ambulatory blood pressure monitoring.
The Tab. 5 shows individual values of circadian amplitude of systolic and diastolic blood pressure and
circadian amplitude of heart rate. The mean value from the week monitoring of circadian amplitude
of systolic blood pressure was 9.7±3.8 mmHg, of diastolic blood pressure 7.9±1.9 mmHg, of heart rate
6.1±2.1 bpm. The circadian amplitude for the whole week and the whole group is seen in Fig. 5.
Figure 4: Mean values of MESOR of 7 day/24-h blood pressure and heart rate
Figure 5: Mean values of amplitude of 7 day/24-h blood pressure and heart rate
Shift work evokes circadian disruption, which disturbs the function of the intrinsic clocks in our
body. Our body clocks tend to delay every day and require time to fully adjust after abrupt changes in
any schedule that misaligns the external day length with the length of the bodily day. Work at night
also means light at night (10, 11).
Shift work shows in Wang (7) study that each five years in shift work increases the risk of
cardiovascular disease events by 5%. Each five years in shift work increases cardiovascular morbidity
by 6% (13, 14).
Night-time workers are prone to cancer. Shift work is also know to present risk of insufficient sleep,
insufficient physical activity, unhealthy diet, overweight, obesity, hypertension and diabetes mellitus
type II. All risk factors in nurses aged 45 – 64 years increase the risk of ischemic heart disease (10, 12).
Seven day/24-h ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in night shift workers – nurses shows
impairment of circadian rhythm depending on different working shifts.
The timing of working shifts in our study group is very irregular, in seven days are the days with
day work shift, night work shift and free days.
In every individual nurse were different length of sleeping hours and the sleep was irregular to the
relationship of day/night time.
In healthy subjects the sleep hours per day vary from seven to nine hours, per weeks from 48 to 63
hours and our nurses have different decrease in sleep hours per week.
The seven day/24-hour systolic blood pressure profiles vary from 110 to 140 mmHg and we can
not use reference values for 24-h ambulatory blood pressure monitoring, while there is impairment in
circadian rhythm because of irregular night work. The similar condition is valid for diastolic blood
The circadian amplitudes vary in every nurse according to the working conditions.
The study in our nurse group, using the 7-day/24-h blood pressure monitoring, showed great
impairment of circadian rhythm in blood pressure and heart rate.
Further studies should show the necessity to improve the working conditions to lower the circadian
rhythm impairment.
1. Halberg F, Cornélissen G, Halberg E, Halberg J, Delmore P, Shinoda M, Bakken E. Chronobiology
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Prof. MUDr. Pavel Braveny, CSc. (25.1.1931 – 31.7.2018)
and International Congresses of Noninvasive Methods in
Cardiology in Masaryk University, Brno
Jarmila Siegelova
Department of Physiotherapy, Department of Sport Medicine and Rehabilitation, Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk
University, St. Anna Teaching Hospital, Brno, CZ
Prof. MUDr. Pavel Braveny, CSc. (was born in Brno, January 25 1931 and passed away on July 31,
2018 at the age of 87 years) graduated in 1951-1956 from the Faculty of Medicine of Brno University.
In 1957 he became a lecturer at the Department of Physiology of the Faculty of Medicine J.E. Purkyně,
now Masaryk University Brno, and in 1969 he achieved his habilitation.
From political reasons in the seventies of the last century he had to leave and moved to II. internal
clinic of St. Anna Teaching Hospital as a researcher worker; with him moved also doc. MUDr. Josef
Sumbera, CSc. and prof. MUDr. Jarmila Siegelova, DrSc. In 1990 he returned to the Department of
Physiology and became Head of Department of Physiology (1990-1995). In 1990-1991 he was Dean
of the Faculty of Medicine, in 1992-1998 the Vice-Rector of Masaryk University Brno for Science.
Since 2000 he has been an Emeritus Professor at the Faculty of Medicine and he has been at the
Department of Physiology his death. Professor Braveny participated also many times with us in the
congresses and workshops of Noninvasive Methods in Cardiology, organized by Professor Siegelova
since 1990 every year until now. Professor Braveny was an internationally recognized capacity in
the field of normal and pathological physiology, especially cardiovascular physiology. He contributed
scientifically and pedagogically significantly to the development of this field in the Czech Republic.
We should never forget that the historical progress in science and medicine was achieved also due to
the work of Professor Pavel Braveny.
Professor MUDr. Pavel Braveny, CSc. and Professor Franz Halberg, M.D., dr.h.mult. in Congress of Noninvasive
Methods in Cardiology in Brno 1994
Professor MUDr. Pavel Braveny, CSc. and Professor MUDr. Jan Penaz, CSc. in Congress of Noninvasive
Methods in Cardiology in Brno 1994
MUDr. Hana Svačinová, Ph.D., Professor MUDr. Jarmila Siegelová, DrSc., MUDr. Jiří Dušek, CSc.and
Professor MUDr. Pavel Braveny, CSc. in Congress of Noninvasive Methods in Cardiology in Brno 2002
Professor MUDr. Pavel Braveny, CSc., PhDr. Karla Pochyla, Professor Dr. Helena Illnerová, DrSc., Professor
MUDr. Jaroslav Blahos, DrSc., Professor RNDr. Eduard Schmidt, DrSc., Professor Bohumil Fiser, CSc. and
Professor MUDr. Jan Zaloudik, CSc. in Congress of Noninvasive Methods in Cardiology in Brno 2003
Professor Dr. Germaine Cornelissen, Ph.D., PhDr. Karla Pochyla, Professor Dr. Helena Illnerová, DrSc.,
Professor MUDr. Jaroslav Blahos, DrSc., Professor RNDr. Eduard Schmidt, DrSc., Professor Bohumil
Fiser, CSc., Professor MUDr. Jan Zaloudik, CSc. and Professor MUDr. Pavel Braveny, CSc., in Congress of
Noninvasive Methods in Cardiology in Brno 2003
DrSc., Professor Bohumil Fiser, CSc., Professor MUDr. Pavel Braveny, CSc. and Professor MUDr. Jan Zaloudik,
CSc. in Congress of Noninvasive Methods in Cardiology in Brno 2003
Professor Thomas Kenner, M.D., dr.h.c.mult., Brigite Kenner (from behind), Professor MUDr. Pavel Braveny,
CSc., Doc. MUDr. Josef Sumbera, CSc., Professor Jarmila Siegelova, DrSc. in Congress of Noninvasive Methods
in Cardiology in Brno 2013
Prof. MUDr. Petr Dobšák, CSc.
60 Years of Age
Jarmila Siegelova
Department of Physiotherapy, Department of Sport Medicine and Rehabilitation, Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk
University, St. Anna Teaching Hospital, Brno, CZ
Professor Dobšák, Head of the Department of Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation (2007 – until
now), Head of the Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation (2012 – until now), Faculty of
Medicine, Masaryk University, Brno is a highly regarded scientist of worldwide renown in the field of
normal and pathological physiology, internal medicine, sport medicine and a successful organizer in
the field of physiotherapy.
On October 3, 2018 Petr Dobšák celebrated his sixtieth birthday, full of physical and intellectual
During his studies at the Faculty of Medicine of Masaryk University he had been working in the
Pathological Physiology where he extended his considerable knowledge of medicine; that became a
basis for his further activities, mainly in the research of cardiovascular system in animal studies, and
after his graduation in 1984.
Then he continued his scientific and teaching activities in the Department of Pathological
Physiology as a lecturer. He was appointed a candidate for science (CSc.) in the field of Pathological
Physiology1992. Let me give some personal memory. During the presentation of his scientific thesis on
Microcirculation in animal studies, he also in the discussion showed his extraordinary knowledge of
French language in the discussion with Professor Dr. E. Savin from Paris and showed the international
range of his experimental work.
In the year 1994 he started as Assistant Professor of the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology
in University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences Brno. From this University he obtained the
study stay in University of Burgundy, Dijon, France. His international scientific work continued and
resulted in a lot of scientific publications. In University of Burgundy he started also the first clinical
studies in the Department of Cardiology, under Professor E. Wolf, together with Dr. Eicher on the low
frequency electrical stimulation of skeletal muscles in patients with chronic heart failure.
In 1997 he moved back to Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University in the Department of Functional
Diagnostics and Rehabilitation (now Department of Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation) under the
head of Prof. MUDr. Jarmila Siegelova, DrSc.
Since 1997 Prof. MUDr. Petr Dobšák, CSc. has been working at the Department of Functional
Diagnostics and Rehabilitation and he continued his earlier co-operation with Professor Jean-Eric
Wolf and dr. Jean-Christoph Eischer and co-operation with Japanese scientists. In the Department
of Functional Diagnostics and Rehabilitation there were given lectures from Prof. Kou Imachi, Dipl.
Eng., PhD, University of Tokyo, Prof. Masaki Anraku, MD, PhD, University of Tokyo, Prof. Yusuke
Abe, MD, PhD, University of Tokyo, Prof. Atsushi Baba, MD, PhD, University of Tokyo, Associate
Prof. Itsuro Saito, Dipl.Eng., PhD, University of Tokyo, Associate Prof. Takashi Isoyama, Dipl. Eng.,
PhD, University of Tokyo, Prof. Kozaburo Hayashi, Dipl. Eng., PhD, University of Osaka, Prof. ShinIchi
Nitta, MD, PhD, Tohoku University Sendai, Prof. Makoto Tamai, MD, PhD, Tohoku University
Sendai, Prof. Masahiro Kohzuki, MD, PhD, Tohoku University Sendai, Associate Prof. Yusuke Inoue,
Dipl. Eng., PhD, Tohoku University Sendai, Prof. Kouji Shirai, MD, PhD, Toho University Chiba, Dr.
Kazuhiro Shimizu, MD, PhD, Toho University Chiba, Msc. Akihiro Ogawa, PhD, Toho University
Chiba, Japan, and this continued in the Department too.
Professor Dobšák also presented a lot of his scientific findings in international congresses and
workshops in Japan every year, many times in France, in Hungary, in Austria, in Turkey, in Italy, in
He participated in international project with Japan (2000 - 2001 - visiting professor at the Research
Center for Advanced Science and Technology, University of Tokyo, Japan. He was investigator of
the research project: “Microcirculatory patterns in artificial heart recipients”, under the famous Prof.
Kou Imachi and Prof. Yusuke Abe). The scientific cooperation with Japan continued in next project
(2004 - 2007 - visiting researcher and researcher of the international grant project: “Investigation
into the mechanism of muscle power improvement by low-frequency electrical stimulation and its
clinical application for chronic heart failure patients”, Tohoku University Bioengineering Research
Organization, Sendai, Japan) and from 2008 - co-investigator of the international clinical project:
“CAVI (Cardio-Ankle Vascular Index) - New Global Arterial Stiffness Index”, evaluation of the
prognostic significance of the CAVI parameter in healthy persons and patients with various types of
so-called cognitive diseases within the Czech Republic of Development, Aging and Cancer, Tohoku
University of Sendai, Japan, and Fukuda Denshi Co., Tokyo, Japan.
Professor Dobšák in the studies of Cardio-Ankle Vascular Index (CAVI) summarized a lot of
data from the Czech population, in different pathological status, for example in patients with cardiac
diseases, in patients with metabolic diseases in healthy population in middle Europe and also the effect
of pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapy.
Professor Dobšák participated in European Project (OPVK, MŠMT CZ.1.07/2.2.00/28.0240) in the
years 2012 - 2014 „Modification of the system of education in Physiotherapy” (Modifikace systému
vzdělávání v oblasti fyzioterapie za účelem zvýšení konkurenceschopnosti absolventů) and the project
was successfully defended.
Department of Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation and Department of Physiotherapy and
Rehabilitation, Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University, Brno continued in international cooperation
also under leadership Professor Dobšák together with Professor Siegelová in cooperation with Medical
Faculty, Lariboisiére Hospital (France), with Halberg Chronobiology Center of the University of
Minnesota (USA), namely with Professor Franz Halberg and Professor Germaine Cornélissen, and
with University in Graz (Austria), with Professor Thomas Kenner and Professor Nandu Goswami.
Scientific, medical, and organization capabilities of Professor Dobšák were appreciated by a
number of awards, citations and memberships in scientific societies. Professor Dobšák has not only an
extraordinary diligence, but also modesty and tolerance, almost permanent good mood and friendly
relation to people. He is always ready to give advice and assistance to younger colleagues to whom
he imparts his extensive scientific, research and pedagogical experience. His productive life is filled
mainly with professional work and with work which is of benefit to the public.
Dear Professor Dobšák, I would like to wish you for myself and on behalf of all colleagues and
friends and all those to whom you have been helping and who like you, many happy years, success in
your work and first of all good health.
1. Kincl, V., Panovský, R., Máchal, J., Jančík, J., Kukla, P., Dobšák, P. The long-term effects of
individual cardiac rehabilitation in patients with coronary artery disease (2018) Cor et Vasa, Article
in Press.
2. Wohlfahrt, P., Cífková, R., Movsisyan, N., Kunzová, Š., Lešovský, J., Homolka, M., Soška, V.,
Dobšák, P., Lopez-Jimenez, F., Sochor, O. Reference values of cardio-ankle vascular index in a
random sample of a white population (2017) Journal of Hypertension, 35 (11), pp. 2238-2244. Cited
3 times.
3. Varnay, F., Mifková, L., Homolka, P., Dobšák, P. Irregular breathing during the cardiopulmonary
exercise test - from mildly irregular breathing pattern to periodic breathing of oscillatory ventilation
type [Nepravidelnosti dýchání pri spiroergometrickém vyšetření - od mírné nepravidelnosti
dechového vzoru až po periodické dýchání typu oscilující ventilace] (2017) Vnitrni Lekarstvi, 63
(3), pp. 175-182.
4. Mifkova, L., Varnay, F., Homolka, P., Dobšak, P. An assessment of VO2kinetics in
the recovery phase of cardiopulmonary exercise test in patients with heart disease-importance
and classification [Vyhodnoceni kinetiky VO2v zotavovací fázi spiroergometrického
vyšetřeni u kardiologicky nemocných-význam a klasifikace] (2017) Vnitrni Lekarstvi, 63 (2), pp.
5. Konecny, P., Horak, S., Kadlcik, T., Dobsak, P., Mikulik, R. Swallowing problems (dysphagia) after
brain stroke (case reports) [Poruchy Polykání Po Iktu] (2017) Rehabilitacia, 54 (3), pp. 175-180.
6. Wotke, J., Homolka, P., Vasku, J., Dobsak, P., Palanova, P., Mrkvicova, V., Konecny, P., Soska, V.,
Pohanka, M., Novakova, M., Yurimoto, T., Saito, I., Inoue, Y., Isoyama, T., Abe, Y. Histopathology
Image Analysis in Two Long-Term Animal Experiments with Helical Flow Total Artificial Heart
(2016) Artificial Organs, 40 (12), pp. 1137-1145. Cited 1 time.
7. Zalud, L., Kotova, M., Kocmanová, P., Dobsak, P., Kolarova, J. Breath Analysis Using a Timeof-Flight
Camera and Pressure Belts (2016) Artificial Organs, 40 (6), pp. 619-626. Cited 2 times.
8. Siegelova, J., Havelkova, A., Dobsak, P. Seven-day/24-h ambulatory blood pressure monitoring:
Night-time blood pressure and dipping status (2016) Journal of Hypertension, 34 (4), p. 807. https://
9. Siegelova, J., Havelkova, A., Dusek, J., Pohanka, M., Dobsak, P., Cornélissen, G. Seven-day/24hour
ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in patients after myocardial infarction in the Czech
Republic (2016) World Heart Journal, 8 (2), pp. 157-170.
10. Chromy, A., Zalud, L., Dobsak, P., Suskevic, I., Mrkvicova, V. Limb volume measurements:
comparison of accuracy and decisive parameters of the most used present methods (2015)
SpringerPlus, 4 (1), art. no. 707, pp. 1-15. Cited 1 time.
11. Konečný, P., Elfmark, M., Horák, S., Kadlčík, T., Dobšák, P., Mikulík, R. Dysphagia after
cerebrovascular accident [Dysfagie po cévní mozkové příhodě] (2015) Rehabilitace a Fyzikalni
Lekarstvi, 22 (4), pp. 181-184. Cited 5 times.
12. Dobsak, P., Soska, V., Sochor, O., Jarkovsky, J., Novakova, M., Homolka, M., Soucek, M., Palanova,
P., Lopez-Jimenez, F., Shirai, K. Increased cardio-ankle vascular index in hyperlipidemic patients
without diabetes or hypertension (2015) Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis, 22 (3), pp. 272-
283. Cited 15 times.
13. Mífková, L., Várnay, F., Homolka, P., Jančík, J., Panovský, R., Dobšák, P., Siegelová, J., Špinarová, L.
Direct versus indirect methods of determining the exercise intensity in cardiovascular rehabilitation
[Přímé versus nepřímé metody stanovení intenzity zatížení v kardiovaskulární rehabilitaci] (2015)
Kardiologická Revue, 17 (2), pp. 141-148.
14. Dobšák, P., Soška, V., Šrámková, T., Mifková, L., Mrkvicová, V., Palanová, P., Siegelová, J.,
Shirai, K. Clinical significance of the parameter cavi (Cardio-ankle vascular index) in prevention,
diagnosis and therapy [Klinický význam parametru CAVI (cardio-ankle vascular index) v prevenci,
diagnostice a terapii] (2014) Kardiologická Revue, 16 (4), pp. 272-279.
15. Soska, V., Dobsak, P., Pohanka, M., Spinarova, L., Vitovec, J., Krejci, J., Hude, P., Homolka, P.,
Novakova, M., Eicher, J.-C., Wolf, J.-E., Dusek, L., Siegelova, J. Exercise training combined with
electromyostimulation in the rehabilitation of patients with chronic heart failure: A randomized
trial (2014) Biomedical Papers, 158 (1), pp. 98-106. Cited 5 times.
16. Kotova, M., Zalud, L., Kolarova, J., Dobsak, P. Continuous monitoring of respiration during
rehabilitation (2014) Biosystems and Biorobotics, 7, pp. 487-492. Cited 2 times. https://www.scopus.
17. Meluzin, J., Tomandl, J., Podrouzkova, H., Gregorova, Z., Soska, V., Dobsak, P., Pecen, L.,
Stepanova, R. Can markers of collagen turnover or other biomarkers contribute to the diagnostics
of heart failure with normal left ventricular ejection fraction? (2013) Biomedical Papers, 157 (4), pp.
331-339. Cited 4 times.
18. Soska, V., Frantisova, M., Dobsak, P., Dusek, L., Jarkovsky, J., Novakova, M., Shirai, K., Fajkusova,
risk factors (2013) Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis, 20 (5), pp. 443-451. Cited 11 times.
19. Panovský, R., Kukla, P., Jančík, J., Meluzín, J., Dobšák, P., Kincl, V., Svobodník, A. The prognostic
effect of different types of cardiac rehabilitation in patients with coronary artery disease (2013) Acta
Cardiologica, 68 (6), pp. 575-581. Cited 1 time.
20. Dobšák, P., Tomandl, J., Spinarova, L., Vitovec, J., Dusek, L., Novakova, M., Jarkovsky, J., Krejci, J.,
Hude, P., Honek, T., Siegelova, J., Homolka, P. Effects of Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation and
Aerobic Exercise Training on Arterial Stiffness and Autonomic Functions in Patients With Chronic
Heart Failure (2012) Artificial Organs, 36 (10), pp. 920-930. Cited 11 times. https://www.scopus.
21. Soska, V., Dobsak, P., Dusek, L., Shirai, K., Jarkovsky, J., Novakova, M., Brhel, P., Stastna, J.,
Fajkusova, L., Freiberger, T., Yambe, T. Cardio-ankle vascular index in heterozygous familial
hypercholesterolemia (2012) Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis, 19 (5), pp. 453-461. Cited
18 times.
22. Dobsak, P., Homolka, P., Svojanovsky, J., Reichertova, A., Soucek, M., Novakova, M., Dusek,
L., Vasku, J., Eicher, J.-C., Siegelova, J. Intra-dialytic electrostimulation of leg extensors
may improve exercise tolerance and quality of life in hemodialyzed patients (2012) Artificial
Organs, 36 (1), pp. 71-78. Cited 33 times.
23. Panovský, R., Kukla, P., Jančár, R., Meluzín, J., Jančík, J., Kincl, V., Poloková, K., Mífková, L.,
Havelková, A., Látalová, R., Dobšák, P., Pešl, M. The effect of regular physical activity on the left
ventricle systolic function in patients with chronic coronary artery disease (2011) Physiological
Research, 60 (6), pp. 869-875. Cited 1 time.
24. Svačinová, H., Mrkvicová, V., Pochmonová, J., Rosenbergová, B., Siegelová, J., Dobšák, P.,
Vítovec, J. Combined exercise training in men with metabolic syndrome after acute coronary
event [Kombinovaný trénink u mužů s metabolickým syndromem po akutní koronární příhodě]
(2011) Vnitrni Lekarstvi, 57 (9), pp. 764-771. Cited 2 times.
25. Konečný, L., Pospíšil, P., Vank, P., Mífková, L., Pochmonová, J., Havelková, A., Siegelová, J.,
Dobšák, P. Combination of aerobic and resistant training in multiple sclerosis (2010) Scripta Medica
Facultatis Medicae Universitatis Brunensis Masarykianae, 83 (2), pp. 98-106. Cited 7 times. https://
26. Kukla, P., Panovský, R., Jančár, R., Kincl, V., Várnay, F., Chludilová, V., Dobšák, P., Jančík, J.,
Siegelová, J. Assessment of the left ventricle diastolic function in a group of patients with chronic
ischaemic heart disease and regular physical activity (2010) Scripta Medica Facultatis Medicae
Universitatis Brunensis Masarykianae, 83 (2), pp. 137-141.
27. Pospíšil, P., Konečný, L., Katzer, L., Tarasová, M., Fišer, B., Siegelová, J., Dobšák, P. Cardiovascular
parameters and baroreflex sensitivity in Parkinson‘s disease (2010) Scripta Medica Facultatis
Medicae Universitatis Brunensis Masarykianae, 83 (2), pp. 107-114. Cited 1 time. https://www.
28. Havelková,A.,Mífková,L.,Pochmonová,J.,Anbais,F.H.,Erajhi,A.A.,Bártlová,B.,Fišer,B.,Várnay,
F., Dobšák, P., Siegelová, J. Cardiovascular rehabilitation programme in men after acute myocardial
infarction (2010) Scripta Medica Facultatis Medicae Universitatis Brunensis Masarykianae, 83 (2),
pp. 92-97.
29. Dobšák, P., Sosíková, M., Dušek, L., Souček, M., Nováková, M., Yambe, T., Wolf, J.-E., Vítovec,
J., Špinarová, L., Soška, V., Fišer, B., Siegelová, J. Arterial stiffness in Czech population
measured by VaSera® 1500 (2010) Scripta Medica Facultatis Medicae Universitatis Brunensis
Masarykianae, 83 (2), pp. 85-91. Cited 2 times.
30. Fišer, B., Siegelová, J., Dobšák, P., Dušek, J., Cornélissen, G., Halberg, F. Baroreflex open-loop gain
during 24 hours (2010) Scripta Medica Facultatis Medicae Universitatis Brunensis Masarykianae,
83 (1), pp. 38-40.
31. Fišer, B., Siegelová, J., Dobšák, P., Dušek, J. Cardio-ankle vascular index, aortic compliance, and
pressure wave velocity as measures of arterial stiffness (2008) Scripta Medica Facultatis Medicae
Universitatis Brunensis Masarykianae, 81 (3), pp. 175-180.
32. Kohzuki, M., Nagasaka, M., Dobšák, P., Svačinová, H., Siegelová, J., Wolf, J.E. Effects of
phase II cardiac rehabilitation of insulin resistance and myocardial remodeling in patients with
acute myocardial infarction (2008) Scripta Medica Facultatis Medicae Universitatis Brunensis
Masarykianae, 81 (3), pp. 165-174.
33. Tarasová, M., Bártlová, B., Nosavcovová, E., Al Fadhili, A.K., Pospíšil, P., Konečný, L., Pohanka,
M., Fišer, B., Dobšák, P., Siegelová, J. Effectiveness of physiotherapy in acute phase of stroke
(2008) Scripta Medica Facultatis Medicae Universitatis Brunensis Masarykianae, 81 (3), pp. 185-
34. Siegelová, J., Fišer, B., Havelková, A., Dobšák, P., Pohanka, M., Dušek, J., Cornélissen, G., Halberg,
F. Seven-day ambulatory blood pressure monitoring and ambulatory arterial stiffness index (2008)
Scripta Medica Facultatis Medicae Universitatis Brunensis Masarykianae, 81 (3), pp. 181-184.
35. Konečný, L., Pospíšl, P., Anbais, F.H., Fišer, B., Pohanka, M., Siegelová, J., Dobšák, P. Baroreflex
sensitivity in multiple sclerosis (2008) Scripta Medica Facultatis Medicae Universitatis Brunensis
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37. Svačinová,H.,Siegelová,J.,Dobšák,P.,Fišer,B.,Mífková,L.,Chludilová,V.Differentiatedapproach
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38. Konečný, L., Pospíšil, P., Dufek, M., Drlíková, L., Anbais, F.H., Erajhi, A.A., Dobšák, P., Vank, P.,
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39. Pospíšil, P., Konečný, L., Zmeškalová, M., Srovnalová, H., Rektorová, I., Nosavcovová, E., Sosíková,
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40. Vašků, J., Wotke, J., Dobšák, P., Baba, A., Rejthar, A., Kuchtíčková, S., Imachi, K., Abe, Y., Saito,
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41. Bertaux, G., Eicher, J.-C., Petit, A., Dobšák, P., Wolf, J.-E. Anotomic Interaction Between
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42. Dobšák, P., Nováková, M., Fišer, B., Siegelová, J., Balcárková, P., Špinarová, L., Vítovec, J.,
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43. Dobšák, P., Novakova, M., Baba, A., Vasku, J., Isoyama, T., Saito, I., Abe, Y., Chinzei, T., Imachi, K.
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45. Dobšák, P., Nováková, M., Siegelová, J., Fišer, B., Vítovec, J., Nagasaka, M., Kohzuki, M., Yambe,
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47. Vašků, J., Dobšák, P., Wotke, J. Maintenance of the internal environment in total artificial
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48. Jančík, J., Siegelová, J., Dobšák, P., Svačinová, H., Placheta, Z., Fišer, B., Dušek, J., Panovský, R.,
Špinarová, L., Eicher, J.C. Heart rate variability in patients with heart failure: Effect of exercise
training (2004) Scripta Medica Facultatis Medicae Universitatis Brunensis Masarykianae, 77 (5-6),
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49. Eicher, J.C., Dobšák, P., Berteau, O., Walker, P., Vergès, B., Maillefert, J.F., Casillas, J.M., Brunotte,
F., Louis, P., Wolf, J.E. Rehabilitation in chronic congestive heart failure: Comparison of bicycle
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50. Mífková, L., Dobšák, P., Jančík, J., Eicher, J.C., Svačinová, H., Placheta, Z., Kožantová, L.,
Vohlídalová, I., Špinarová, L., Vítovec, J., Wolf, J.E., Siegelová, J. Improvement of muscular
performance in patients with chronic heart failure after some weeks of low-frequency electrical
stimulation (2004) Scripta Medica Facultatis Medicae Universitatis Brunensis Masarykianae,
77 (5-6), pp. 291-296. Cited 1 time.
51. Eicher, J.-C., De Nadai, L., Soto, F.-X., Falcon-Eicher, S., Dobsák, P., Zanetta, G., Petit, J.-M.,
Portier, H., Louis, P., Wolf, J.-E. Bacterial endocarditis complicating mitral annular calcification:
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52. Baba, A., Dobsak, P., Saito, I., Isoyama, T., Takiura, K., Abe, Y., Chinzei, T., Vasku, J., Imachi,
K. Microcirculation of the bulbar conjunctiva in the goat implanted with a total artificial heart:
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54.Jančík, J., Dobšák, P., Eicher, J.-C., Várnoyavá, L., Kožantová, L., Siegelová, J., Svačinová, H.,
Placheta, P., Toman, J. Increase in muscle strength after low-frequency electrical stimulation
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55. Dobšák, P., Courderot, C., Jančík, J., Siegelová, J., Svoboda, L., Sosíková, M., Vohlídalová, I.,
Eicher, J.-C. Cardioprotective and antiapoptotic effects of aminoguanidine (2003) Scripta Medica
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56. Siegelová, J., Hofírek, I., Fišer, B., Dušek, J., Placheta, Z., Jančik, J., Dobšák, P., Svačinová, H.,
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57. Baba, A., Dobsak, P., Mochizuki, S., Saito, I., Isoyama, T., Takiura, K., Shibata, M., Abe, Y.,
Chinzei, T., Vasku, J., Imachi, K. Evaluation of Pulsatile and Nonpulsatile Flow in Microvessels
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58. Baba, A., Vasku, J., Dobsak, P., Saito, I., Ishimaru, M., Isoyama, T., Takiura, K., Ozeki, T., Abe,
Y., Chinzei, T., Imachi, K. Pathophysiologic study of goats with undulation pump total artificial
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59. Jančík, J., Svačinová, H., Dobšák, P., Siegelová, J., Placheta, Z., Meluzín, J., Panovský, R. Combined
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60. Vašků, J., Dobšák, P. Total artificial heart: The adaptation and pathophysiological deviations in
the recipient (2003) Artificial Organs, 27 (1), pp. 14-20. Cited 3 times.
61. Dobšák, P., Vašků, J., Baba, A., Isoyama, T., Saito, I., Siegelová, J., Jančík, J., Svačinová, H.,
Imachi, K. Microvessels of bulbar conjunctiva in UPTAH goats (2003) Artificial Organs,
27 (1), pp. 114-114. Cited 7 times.
62. Dobšák, P., Vašků, J., Jančík, J., Eicher, J.-C., Wotke, J. Pathogenesis of various forms of infection
in artificial hearts (2003) Pathophysiology, 9 (3), pp. 161-178. Cited 3 times. https://www.scopus.
63. Dobsak, P., Siegelova, J., Eicher, J.C., Jancik, J., Svacinova, H., Vasku, J., Kuchtickova, S., Horky, M.,
Wolf, J.E. Melatonin protects against ischemia-reperfusion injury and inhibits apoptosis in isolated
working rat heart (2003) Pathophysiology, 9 (3), pp. 179-187. Cited 51 times. https://www.scopus.
64. Jančík, J., Svačinová, H., Dobšák, P., Siegelova, J., Placheta, Z., Šrubařova, S., Pochmonova, J.,
Tomíčková, J. The response of basic haemodynamic parameters to the water immersion during the
exercise unit of the cardiovascular rehabilitation [Reakce základních hemodynamických parametrů
na vodní imerzi v rámci cvičební jednotky kardiovaskulární rehabilitace] (2002) Eurorehab, (4), pp.
195-199. Cited 1 time.
65. Jančík, J., Siegelová, J., Homolka, P., Svačinová, H., Placheta, Z., Karpíšek, Z., Dobšák, P., Dušek,
J., Fišer, B., Toman, J., Meluzín, J. Exercise training in patients with chronic coronary disease
(2002) Scripta Medica Facultatis Medicae Universitatis Brunensis Masarykianae, 75 (3), pp. 151-
156. Cited 1 time.
66. Dobšák, P., Siegelova, J., Wolf, J.E., Rochette, L., Eicher, J.C., Vasku, J., Kuchtickova, S., Horky, M.
Prevention of apoptosis by deferoxamine during 4 hours of cold cardioplegia and reperfusion: In vitro
study of isolated working rat heart model (2002) Pathophysiology, 9 (1), pp. 27-32. Cited 18 times.
67. Varnayova, L., Sosikova, M., Vohlidalová, I., Kožantová, L., Dobšák, P. Isometric muscle strength
m. quadriceps femoris with men and women after the implantation of the total endoprosthesis of
the knee joint [Izometrická svalová síla m. quadriceps femoris u mužů a žen po implantaci totální
endoprotézy kolenního kloubu] (2002) Eurorehab, (2), pp. 92-98.
68. Svačinová, H., Homolka, P., Olšovský, J., Žáčkovaá, V., Siegelová, J., Placheta, Z., Karpíšek,
Z., Jančík, J., Dobšák, P. Training program and cardiorespiratory parameters in obese patients
with type 2 diabetes mellitus (2002) Scripta Medica Facultatis Medicae Universitatis Brunensis
Masarykianae, 75 (3), pp. 157-162. Cited 1 time.
69. Svačinová, H., Siegelová, J., Olšovský, J., Žáčková, V., Fišer, B., Dušek, J., Placheta, Z., Jančík,
J., Dobšák, P. Baroreflex sensitivity in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: Effect of exercise
training (2002) Scripta Medica Facultatis Medicae Universitatis Brunensis Masarykianae, 75 (4),
pp. 209-214. Cited 1 time.
70. Siegelová, J., Hofírek, I., Fišer, B., Dušek, J., Placheta, Z., Jančík, J., Dobšák, P., Svačinová, H.,
Vank, P., Toman, J. Relationship between pulse pressure and baroreflex sensitivity in patients
with essential hypertension (2002) Scripta Medica Facultatis Medicae Universitatis Brunensis
Masarykianae, 75 (2), pp. 101-104. Cited 2 times.
71. Jančík, J., Siegelová, J., Homolka, P., Svačinová, H., Placheta, P., Várnayová, L., Kožantová, L.,
Dobšák, P., Dušek, J., Fišek, B., Špinarová, L., Toman, J., Eicher, J.C. Low-frequency electrical
stimulation of skeletal muscles in patients with chronic heart failure (2002) Scripta Medica Facultatis
Medicae Universitatis Brunensis Masarykianae, 75 (4), pp. 203-208. Cited 4 times. https://www.
72. Dobšák, P., Eicher, J.C., Siegelová, J., Jančík, J., Svačinová, H., Wolf, J.E. Bacterial endocarditis
as a complication in calcified mitral ring (2001) Scripta Medica Facultatis Medicae Universitatis
Brunensis Masarykianae, 74 (1), pp. 31-38. Cited 2 times.
73. Maca, K., Dobsak, P., Boccaccini, A.R. Fabrication of graded porous ceramics using aluminacarbon
powder mixtures (2001) Ceramics International, 27 (5), pp. 577-584. Cited 47 times.
74. Martineaud, J.P., Savin, E., Siegelová, J., Fišer, B., Dušek, J., Dobšák, P., Placheta, Z. Relationship
between blood pressure and blood flow in the brachial artery in hypertensives (2001) Scripta
Medica Facultatis Medicae Universitatis Brunensis Masarykianae, 74 (1), pp. 11-18. https://www.
75. Siegelová, J., Fišer, B., Dušek, J., Placheta, Z., Dobšák, P., Savin, E., Martineaud, J.P. Relationship
between arterial blood pressure and carotid blood flow in essential hypertension treated with
enalapril (2001) Scripta Medica Facultatis Medicae Universitatis Brunensis Masarykianae, 74 (1),
pp. 19-24.
76. Dobšák, P., Courderot-Masuyer, C., Siegelová, J., Svačinová, H., Jančík, J., Vergely-Vanriessen, C.,
Rochette, L. Antioxidant properties of aminoguanidine: A Paramagnetic Resonance test (2001)
Scripta Medica Facultatis Medicae Universitatis Brunensis Masarykianae, 74 (1), pp. 45-50. Cited 6
77. Jančik, J., Svačinova, H., Siegelová, J., Dobšák, P., Placheta, Z., Fišer, B., Dušek, J., Meluzín, J.,
Toman, J., Savin, E., Martineaud, J.P. Baroreflex sensitivity in patients with chronic coronary artery
disease: Influence of eight week‘s exercise training (2001) Scripta Medica Facultatis Medicae
Universitatis Brunensis Masarykianae, 74 (1), pp. 39-44.
78. Vašků, J., Dobšák, P. Pathophysiological study of the heterotopic experimental cervical
allotransplantation of the canine heart (2000) Journal of Congestive Heart Failure and Circulatory
Support, 1 (4), pp. 235-248. Cited 1 time.
79. Trunec, M., Dobšák, P., Cihlář, J. Effect of powder treatment on injection moulded zirconia
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80. Dobsak, P., Courderot-Masuyer, C., Zeller, M., Vergely, C., Laubriet, A., Assem, M., Eicher, J.-C.,
Teyssier, J.-R., Wolf, J.-E., Rochette, L. Antioxidative properties of pyruvate and protection of the
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81. Siegelova, J., Kadanka, Z., Moran, M., Fiser, B., Homolka, P., Dobsak, P., Dusek, J., Cornelissen,
G., Halberg, F. 24-h blood pressure profile in patients with sleep apnea syndrom: The effect of
therapy (1998) Scripta Medica Facultatis Medicae Universitatis Brunensis Masarykianae, 71 (4), pp.
82. Siegelova, J., Fiser, B., Al-Kubati, M., Dobsak, P., Dusek, J. Noninvasive determination of baroreflex
sensitivity in hypertensives treated five years with enalapril (1997) Scripta Medica Facultatis
Medicae Universitatis Brunensis Masarykianae, 70 (6), pp. 239-244. Cited 1 time. https://www.
83. Dobšák, P., Dostál, M., Nečas, J., Sehnalová, O., Vašků, J., Kuchtícková, S. Microcirculation of
a bulbar conjunctiva in calves with the total artificial heart: Results of a long-term study (1996)
Pathophysiology, 3 (4), pp. 213-217. Cited 10 times.
84. Eicher, J.-C., Falcon-Eicher, S., Soto, F.-X., Dobsak, P., Duong, M., Brenot, R., Wolf, J.-E. Mitral
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85. Maillet-Vioud, C., Bertrand, B., Tribouilloy, C., Messner-Pellenc, P., Cohen, A., Dobsak,
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1. Halberg F, Kenner T, Siegelová J, Dobšák P (eds): Noninvasive Methods in Cardiology 2012;
Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University, Brno, 179 p. ISBN 978-80-210-66026-5.
2. Kenner T, Cornélissen G, Siegelová J, Dobšák P (eds): Noninvasive Methods in Cardiology 2013;
Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University, Brno, 144 p. ISBN 978-80-210-6534-5.
3. Kenner T, Cornélissen G, Siegelová J, Dobšák P (eds): Noninvasive Methods in Cardiology 2014;
Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University, Brno, 149 p. ISBN 978-80-210-7514-6.
4. Kenner T, Cornélissen G, Siegelová J, Dobšák P (eds): Noninvasive Methods in Cardiology 2015;
Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University, Brno, 135 p. ISBN 978-80-210-8031-7.
5. Kenner T, Cornélissen G, Siegelová J, Dobšák P (eds): Noninvasive Methods in Cardiology 2016;
Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University, Brno, 145 p. ISBN 978-80-210-8391-2.
6. Cornélissen G, Siegelová J, Dobšák P (eds): Noninvasive Methods in Cardiology 2017; Faculty of
Medicine, Masaryk University, Brno, 157 p. ISBN 978-80-210-8794-1.
Figure 1: From the right MUDr. J. Dušek, CSc., Prof. MUDr. P. Dobšak, CSc., Prof. MUDr. B. Fišer, Masaryk
University, St. Anna Teaching Hospital, Brno, CZ, Joint Meeting of Czech Physiology Society and english
Physiological Society London in Prague, in 1998
Figure 2: From the right Prof. Jean-Eric Wolf, M.D. and Dr. Jean-Christophe Eicher, Center of Cardiology II,
Hôpital du Bocage Dijon, France, Prof. Masahiro Kohzuki, Department of Internal Medicine and Rehabilitation
Science, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine, Japan, standing Prof. MUDr. P. Dobšak, CSc., Prof.
MUDr. J. Siegelová, Masaryk University, St. Anna Teaching Hospital, Brno, CZ in 2004
Figure 3: Prof. MUDr. P. Dobšak, CSc. in 21st
Scientific Meetiong of the Interantional Society of Hypertension,
Fukuoka, Japan in 2006
Figure 4: Prof. MUDr. P. Dobšak, CSc. and Prof. MUDr. J. Siegelová, DrSc. in The 23st
Scientific Meeting of the
International Society of Hypertension, Vacouver, Canada 2010
Figure 5: Prof. MUDr. P. Dobšak, CSc. in Congress of European Society of Hypertension, Milan, Italy in 2011
Neuro-muscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES) in
Rehabilitation of Chronic Diseases
Petr Dobšák
Department of Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation, Department of Physiotherapy, St. Anne´s Faculty Hospital in Brno,
Masaryk University Brno, Czech Republic
Using electrical stimulation (ES) to trigger
muscular activity is not a completely new
In 1790, Luigi Galvani first observed muscular
contractions after connecting electrical wires
to leg muscles severed from the body of frogs.
Luigi Galvani
(1737 – 1798)
Michael Faraday
(1791 – 1867)
In 1831, Michael Faraday showed that
electrical currents could stimulate nerves
to create active movement.
He developed the „faradization
technique“ which was an effective
treatment for motor paralysis.
Stèphane Leduc
(1853 – 1939)
In 1902, Stèphane Leduc designed an
intermittent direct current unit, which
became the basis for modern low-frequency
electrostimulation therapy.
The use of Leduc´s stimulation unit became
popular in the treatment of a variety of
diseases during the period from 1920 to
Leduc’s classic experiment showing that
electricity was responsible for moving
substances into the skin (iontophoresis)
Sir John C. Eccles
(1903 – 1997)
In the period 1957-1961,
Sir John C. Eccles, one of the
pioneers in the research of
the features of red and white
muscles, defined rule that
muscle function is
determined by the type
of innervation.
He implanted a nerve from
cat red fiber into a white fiber.
Consequently, the white fiber was
completely transformed to red one
(„muscle plasticity“).
Buller AJ, Eccles JC et al. Interactions between motoneurones and muscles in respect
of the characteristic speeds of their responses. J Physiol London 1960; 178: 326-42.
Pioneer work:
Dr. Yakov Kots became famous for
using electro stimulation in the
training program of Russian
athletes and his resulting studies
were made public at the
1976 Montreal Olympics.
The electrical current (high
frequencies 1.000 – 2.500 Hz) used
for stimulating athletes was called
„Russian Current“ or „Kots
current“, and was soon also used by
the athletes of other countries, thus
becoming a widespread sports training
Dr. Yakov Kots
In the late 70s, dr. Kots
successfully applied
his method in the
treatment in one of
most famous ice
hockey players,
Vyacheslav Fetisov
(multiple world
champion and Olympic
champion with
the USSR national
ice-hockey team).
Electrical stimulation
has made
a fundamental contribution
to the understanding
of the influence of
motor neuron activity
muscle fiber phenotypes.
Fibre type is determined by the
pattern of stimulation from the driving motor neuron
which innervates the muscle.
A years ago it was demonstrated, that slow
(„red“; oxidative; fatigue-resistent) fibers require
continuous and permanent low-frequency ES,
whereas the fast („whie“; glycolytic; fatigable)
need intermittent high frequency ES.
Types of skeletal muscle fibers
(a routine classification)
(slow – oxidative) (fast - oxidative - glycolytic) (fast - glycolytic)
type I type IIBtype IIA
fatigablefatigablefatigue resistant
Cross-sectional view of muscle fiber types (m.soleus):
Skeletal muscle is - in fact - a mixture of type I, IIA
and IIB muscle fibers and their different isoforms.
Courtesy: M. Müntener
Henneman's size principle states, that during
gradually increased effort, motor units are
recruited from smallest to largest:
Henneman´s principle = hierarchical order of recruitment
Terminal diferentiation of the fibers
is not completely constant
muscle fibers are
highly dynamic („plastic“ *)
system ready for transformation
(* The term „muscle plasticity“ was introduced by John C. Eccles in 1959.)
This is of great clinical importance !
In electrically evoked contractions motor units
are recruited in a “nonselective“ or „random order”
regardless of fiber type:
Electrical stimulation causes an immediate synchronic
depolarization of all motor units, including the
largest ones !
Transformation of skeletal muscle fibers:
(By: Pette D. Mammalian Skeletal Muscle Fiber Type Transitions.Int Review of Cytology 1997;170:143-197)
activity exercise
electrical stimulation
In the RHB medicine the most used type of electrical
current is the TENS (i.e. transcutaneous electrical
neuro-stimulation), because it is usually well
tolerated by most patients
(Pette et al. 1999; Maffiuletti et al., 2011):
Moreover, the muscle contractions triggered by electrical
impulses (TENS) activate the sequence of metabolic and
vascular processes very similar to those which
accompany normal (voluntary) muscle activity.
Maffiuletti NA, Minetto MA, Farina D, Bottinelli R. Electrical stimulation for neuromuscular testing and
training: State-of-the art and unresolved issues Eur J Appl Physiol 2011; 111(10): 2391–7.
Pette D, Vrbova G. What does chronic electrical stimulation teach us about muscle plasticity? Muscle
Nerve 199; 22 (6): 666.
of NMES:
Most clinical regimens are based
on frequencies 20 - 50Hz
for optimal results.
Constant low-frequency NMES produces a smooth
contraction at low force levels, and prevents fatigue
and discomfort *.
* Baker LL, Bowman BR, McNeal DR. Effects of waveform on comfort during neuromuscular electrical stimulation.
Clin Orthop 1988;233:75–85.
* Bhadra N, Peckham PH. Peripheral nerve stimulation for restoration of motor function. J Clin Neurophysiol
* De Kroon JR, IJzerman MJ, Chae J, Lankhorst GJ, Zilvold G. Relation between stimulation characteristics and clinical
outcome in studies using electrical stimulation to improve motor control of the upper extremity in stroke.
J Rehabil Med 2005;37(2):65–74.
Maillefert JF, Eicher JC, Walker P et al.:
Effects of low-frequency electrical stimulation of quadriceps
and calf muscles in patients with chronic heart failure.
J Cardiopulm Rehabil 1998; 18(4): 277-82.
Centre de Cardiologie II, Hôpital du Bocage, Dijon, France
Clinical trial (2001 – 2004):
Effects of low-frequency electrical
stimulation on muscle power and
blood supply in patients with
chronic heart failure.
15 patients
(men, mean EF 20%,
mean age 56,5 yrs, NYHA III-IV,
all on waiting list for heart grafting)
underwent 6-week
RHB program based on
low-frequency NMES
of leg muscles.
This was a first (official) clinical use of NMES in
RHB of patients with CHF in the Czech Republic.
electrodes 80 x 130 mm
(Axelgaard, Denmark)
ELPHA 2000
(Danmeter®, Denmark)
Patient R.L.,
55 yrs, NYHA III-IV
(on „waiting list“
for heart graft).
6 weeks
applied to leg
in hospital.
measurement of maximal
muscle power (Fmax
) of leg
extensors by isometric
Doppler velocimetry
of femoral artery
(flow measurement
in 15th
, 30th
, 45th
and 60th
minute of stimulation)
* Changes of the maximal muscle power (Fmax
) of
leg extensors during 6 weeks of LFES (mean ± SD):
* Dobsak P. et al.: Low-frequency electrical stimulation increases muscle strength and
improves blood supply in patients with chronic heart failure. Circ J 2006; 70: 75-82.
* Changes of blood flow during stimulation.
* Dobsak P. et al.: Low-frequency electrical stimulation increases muscle strength and
improves blood supply in patients with chronic heart failure. Circ J 2006; 70: 75-82.
at baseline
= 22.3 [cm.s-1
after 6 weeks of NMES
= 51.9 [cm.s-1
Patient V.M.,
57 yrs, NYHA III-IV
NMES may significantly improve skeletal
muscle power and blood supply in patients
with CHF.
NMES can be recommended for the treatment of
patients with severe grade of chronic heart failure.
Since 2004 started an
international cooperation with the
Department of Internal Medicine &
Rehabilitation Sciences, Tohoku
University of Sendai (Japan).
Tohoku University Biomedical
Engineering Research Organization
Tohoku University School of Medicine
2004 - 2008
Nagasaka M., Kohzuki M., Fujii T. et al. :
Effect of low-voltage electrical stimulation on angiogenic
growth factors in ischaemic rat skeletal muscle.
Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. 2006; 33(7): 623-7.
chronic ES increases
production of
angiogenetic factors
chronic ES enhances
regional blood flow
in stimulated area
Example of blood flow intensity measurement assessed by laser-Doppler imager in a healthy
subject (Dept.of Internal Medicine and Rehabilitation Sciences, Tohoku University of Sendai).
In 2006, at the 14th Annual Congress of Czech Society
for Cardiology in Brno, the low-frequency NMES
has been approved as a convenient method of
rehabilitation, recommended for patients presenting
contraindications for standard exercise training,
including those with severe grade of chronic
heart failure*.
* From 2006 the RHB based on NMES is included in the
official Guidelines of Cardiovascular Rehabilitation,
edited by Czech Society for Cardiology.
Clinical trial (2008 – 2010):
Effects of neuromuscular electrical
stimulation and aerobic exercise training
on arterial stiffness and autonomic
functions in patients
with chronic heart failure.
61 patients
with stable CHF
[mean age 58.9(2.1) years; mean EF 31(4.2) %, NYHA II-III]
were randomly assigned into 2 groups:
a) aerobic training group
(AT; n = 30)
12 weeks of supervised
aerobic exercise training
b) stimulation group
(NMES; n = 31)
12 weeks of NMES of leg
extensors AT HOME
Spiroergometric testing for assessment of functional
parameters and determination of training intensity:
12-lead ECG
(AT-104 PC, Schiller®
Baar, Switzerland)
„breath-by-breath“ analyzer (Power
Cube, Ganshorn®
Medizin Electronic,
Niederlauer, Germany)
electromagnetically braked
bicycle ergometer
(Ergoselect, Ergoline®
, Bitz, Germany)
• Wpeak
. kg -1
• VO2peak
. kg -1
• HRpeak
• BPpeak
= training
• WVAT-1
= training
= training
(Graz, Austria)
recording R-R intervals (RRI)
(5min duration and 300 RRI at least)
heart rate variability (HRV-RRI)
was obtained from the
beat-to-beat data using an
adaptive autoregressive model
Arterial stiffness was studied using recently introduced
parameter called CAVI (Cardio-Ankle Vascular Index):
The equipment (VaSera® 1500) was provided by
Fukuda Denshi Co. Tokyo, in cooperation with
Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer (IDAC),
Tohoku University of Sendai.
Both types of RHB reduced significantly CAVI:
in the group AT from 9.6(0.2) to 8.9(0.2), p<0.012;
in the group NMES from 9.3(0.2) to 8.7(0.2), p<0.013
Arithmetic mean and standard error (SE)
Pair-wise differences expressed as difference arithmetic mean (standard error) and as % of initial value
Significance level of independent component in rmANOVA model
Significance level of pair-wise (time-related) component in rmANOVA model
rm ANOVA model computed using log-transformed data; trimmed mean used for parametric data description in these variables
Group AT ► significant increase of HF parameter (+65.6%;
p=0.001) and decrease of LF/HF ratio (-39.8%; p<0.001):
* Both types of RHB led to significant increase of VO2peak
and also other key functional parameters:
* Dobsak P. et al. Effects of neuromuscular electrical stimulation and aerobic exercise training on arterial stiffness and
autonomic functions in patients with chronic heart failure. Artif Organs 2012; 36(10): 920-30.
AT or NMES RHB training has been shown to improve
arterial stiffness, general autonomic balance and physical
performance in patients with moderate grade of CHF.
This study was one of the first clinical trials focusing on
the effect of exercise training on vascular stiffness
assessed by the new parameter CAVI in patients with
chronic disease.
patient M.N.
(F, 51 yrs.)
marked increase of
Component of HRV
tone) after 12 weeks
Evaluation of the effectiveness
of the 12-weeks exercise training
using combination of
in rehabilitation (RHB) program of
patients with stable form of CHF.
It was speculated that combination of
AT + NMES could have an additive effect.
Clinical trial 2010 – 2012:
Exercise training combined with
electromyostimulation in the
rehabilitation of patients with
chronic heart failure
(a randomized trial).
Patients and methods:
Patients with CHF
(n = 71; age 59 ± 10.2 yrs,
NYHA II/III, EF 35 ± 9.1%)
were randomized into
3 groups:
of given RHB
training program
= 12 weeks.
aerobic training
on electromagnetically braked
bicycle ergometers (REHA E900,
Ergoline®, Germany)
with intensity at the level
of individual VAT (VAT-1)
NMES (at home)
Rehab X-2,
(Malmö, Sweden)
VaSera® 1500 (Fukuda Denshi Co.)
(Department of Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation, St.Anna Faculty Hospital,
Masaryk University of Brno, CZ)
Minnesota questionnaire (MLHF)
(Czech version)
spiroergometric test
* Quality of life (MLHF score):
* Soska V. et al. Exercise training combined with electromyostimulation in the rehabilitation of patients with
chronic heart failure: A randomized trial. Biomed Pap Med Fac Univ Palacky Olomouc Czech Repub
* Results of CAVI measurement in
group AT, AT + NMES and NMES:
Statistical significance of differences evaluated using one way ANOVA
the same letters denote homogeneous groups without statistically significant differences (Tukey post hoc test)
Wilcoxon paired test
* Soska V. et al. Exercise training combined with electromyostimulation in the rehabilitation of patients with
chronic heart failure: A randomized trial. Biomed Pap Med Fac Univ Palacky Olomouc Czech Repub
Comments to the results:
1. Studied exercise trainings did not differ significantly between
themselves and this study failed to objectively demonstrate the
supposed greater benefit from AT + EMS combination
(very likely due to complex pathophysiology of CHF,
limited number of subjects analyzed, etc.).
2. These limitations, however, do not in any way decrease the clinical
importance of NMES, which was shown as very effective method of
cardiovascular rehabilitation.
Since 2009,
the Dept. of Sports Medicine & Rehabilitation, St.Anne´s
Faculty Hospital Brno,
developed and started a new
ID-RHB Exercise Program
(in cooperation with the IInd Department of Internal Medicine,
St.Anne´s Faculty Hospital Brno)
supervised intradialytic exercise
program in the Czech Republic !!!
Study No. 1:
Intradialytic electrostimulation
of leg extensors may improve exercise
tolerance and quality
of life in hemodialysis patients.
2009 - 2012
a) aerobic training
(AT group; n = 11)
training intensity:
of peak workload (Wpeak
determined by ECG
ergometric test
at baseline
bed-side ergometer
Monark 881E Rehab Trainer
(Vansbro, Sweden)
22 patients
with CRI on chronic HD
(8M/12W; mean age 60.4 ± 9.7 yrs;
mean duration of HD 4.8 ± 2.4 yrs):
a) aerobic exercise training
(AT; n = 11)
20 weeks of intradialytic
aerobic exercise training
on bed-side ergometer
b) stimulation group
(NMES; n = 11)
20 weeks of intradialytic
NMES training of of
leg extensors
PALS® Platinum
80 x 130 mm
(Axelgaard, Denmark)
b) stimulation training
(NMES group; n = 11)
dual-channel, battery
powered (2 x 1.5V)
(CEFAR®, Sweden)
All tests were done at baseline and after
20 weeks of the given type of exercise:
ECG ergometric test
(peak workload – Wpeak
dynamometry of leg
extensors (Fmax
6-min „corridor
(walked distance)
Simple questionnaire of QoL:
evaluation of the activities of daily living
(e.g. dressing, walking in a room, showering, climbing
stairs up to the 1st
floor without stops, etc.)
HD patients exercising
on bed-side ergometer
bed-side ergometer
Monark 881E
Rehab Trainer
(Vansbro, Sweden)
Quality of Life (daily/habitual activities assessed
by Borg scales for fatigue and dyspnea)
Significant increase
of the muscle power (Fmax
by isometric
in both groups:
Example of the
measurement of Fmax
at baseline and after
20 weeks of RHB (original
Mean values of
during the
exercise period:
A significant improvement of urea removal ratio (URR) was
observed throughout the ID rehabilitation period in both
experimental groups (compared to 10 non-exercising
patients who were used as control group):
Study No. 2
Home-based training using Neuromuscular
Electrical Stimulation (NMES)
in Patients on Continuous Ambulatory
Peritoneal Dialysis:
A pilot study.
2013 - 2015
* 20 weeks of AT or NMES improved muscle power, peak
workload, walked distance, urea removal ratio
and QoL in HD patients.
NMES has been confirmed as a new and
efficient RHB alternative in HD patients.
* Dobsak P. et al. Intra-dialytic electrostimulation of leg extensors may improve exercise tolerance and
quality of life in hemodialyzed patients. Artif Organs 2012; 36(1): 71-8.
First NMES application was done in all patients under staff
supervision. After familiarization with the stimulation
technique and the correct placement of electrodes, patients
continued the NMES at home.
NMES was applied to quadriceps and calf
muscles of both legs 2 x 30min/day.
PALS® Platinum
80 x 130mm
To assess peak aerobic
capacity (VO2peak
) and to
ascertain the safety of
exercise training, each
participant completed
a maximal incremental
cardiopulmonary exercise
test (spiroergometry) with
12-lead ECG, and blood
pressure monitoring using
standard methodology.
A new type of NFES application protocole was designed:
intermittent biphasic current, frequency modulation 40-60Hz, working
mode „on-off„, 2s ramp-up time, 8s period of contraction, 1s fall-down
time, and 12s period of relaxation:
Based on our long experience, the slower rise time (2s)
is subjectively perceived by the patients as more pleasant.
Results of the initial interview showed that a large
majority of the patients was very sedentary; 89% of them
reported that the bulk of their activity consists of brief walk
(about 20-30 minutes weekly at maximum) or other lightweight
activity, eg. housework (cleaning, cooking,
etc. about 40 min weekly at maximum).
All the patients said that they don´t perform any
type of sport or leisure-time physical activity.
As the main reasons for the low physical activity they reported rapid
onset of premature fatigue (especially of lower extremities),
dyspnea and pain of the locomotor apparatus.
Changes in distance walked in 6 min (6-CWT)
at baseline and after end of rehabilitation program.
median supplemented by min; max and mean supplemented by standard deviation
Wilcoxon paired test
Changes in exercise performance at baseline
and after end of rehabilitation program.
median supplemented by min; max and mean supplemented by standard deviation;
Wilcoxon paired test
Changes in weight, BMI, arterial stiffness (CAVI) and
muscle power (Fmax
) of the leg extensors at baseline
and after end of rehabilitation program.
median supplemented by min; max and mean supplemented by standard deviation
Wilcoxon paired test
1. The main limitation of this pilot study was the small size of the
tested group and also a lack of a control group.
2. It is necessary to take into account the specific conditions of the
organization of provided dialysis care in the Czech Republic,
especially the existence of massive superiority of hemodialysis over
peritoneal dialysis.
3. This situation strongly influenced the availability of a sufficient
number of subjects on PD for the eventual control group - in the
period of implementation of the study, there were only 21 (!)
patients on peritoneal dialysis in St. Anne´s Faculty Hospital Brno.
The results demonstrated that an improvement of
exercise capacity and muscle power can be achieved by
long-term lasting home-based NMES in PD patients.
This pilot study is the first clinical report dealing
with the use of NMES in patients
in CPD.
According to the latest information from
Institute of Health Information and Statistics (ÚZIS) there were 100
hemodialysis centers with 1.272 dialysis beds
in the Czech Republic.
From the 7.155 treated patients, 92% were on
hemodialysis and 8% on peritoneal dialysis.
Despite the mentioned limitations the results and
conclusions of this study can be regarded as valid.
Our own and the international experiences clearly
show that the functional parameters and quality of life in
non-exercising patients on PD or HD progressively
and permanently deteriorate.
Lo CY et al. Benefits of exercise training in patients on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis. Am J Kidney Dis
1998; 32(6): 1011-18.
Molsted S et al. Five months of physical exercise in hemodialysis patients: effects on aerobic capacity, physical
function and self-rated health. Nephron Clin Pract 2004; 96(3): 76-81.
Dobsak P et al. Intra-dialytic electrostimulation of leg extensors may improve exercise tolerance and quality of life in hemodialyzed
patients. Artif Organs 2012; 36(1): 71-8.
Kosmadakis GC et al. Benefits of regular walking exercise in advanced pre-dialysis chronic kidney disease. Nephrol Dial Transplant
2012; 27(3): 997-1004. doi: 10.1093/ndt/gfr364.
Liu YM et al. Effects of Aerobic Exercise During Hemodialysis on Physical Functional Performance and Depression. Biol Res Nurs 2014
So far, in the past 15 years,
we succeeded to apply the
RHB program based on NMES
in 151 patients with
chronic heart failure,
and to 25 patients with
chronic renal insufficieny
(11 on HD and 14 on PD)
with good results.
Limitations of NMES:
NMES = alteration of the normal recruitment order and
the non-physiologic simultaneous activation of MU.
NMES = non-physiologically induced muscle activation
which could decrease efficiency of contraction and
promote the development of neuromuscular fatigue.
Strategies must be designed as part of electrical
stimulation regimens to offset the high degree of
fatigue associated
with NMES.
80 x 130 mm
(Axelgaard, Denmark)
Muscle motor point (MP) identification before the placement of
electrodes is a simple strategy to improve NMES
application in the context of clinical rehabilitation:
Position of the muscle motor points for the quadriceps and gastrocnemii
in 53 healthy subjects (From: Botter et al. Copyright © 2011 Springer).
Recommended measures:
1. NMES application must be optimized to reduce fatigue and
enhance power output by adjusting the associated stimulation
2. A full understanding of the settings that govern the stimulation
is vital for the safety of the patient and the success of the
3. Consideration should be given to:
frequency, pulse width/duration, working mode, intensity
(amplitude), ramp time, pulse pattern, program duration,
program frequency
and targeted muscle group.
Exercise training by NMES promotes neural and muscular adaptations that are
complementary to the effects of voluntary resistance training.
NMES increases physical performance and muscle power, reduce arterial stiffness,
stabilize autonomic nervous system and improve quality of life in patients with
severe chronic diseases
NMES is non-expensive and safe method, does not require systemic activation and
could be easily performed at home without medical supervision.
We assume, that the therapeutic potential that NMES
holds for rehabilitation medicine is immeasurable.
Photo documentation of Prof. MUDr. P. Dobšák, CSc. lecture 24.4.2018 in Graz
Figure 1: Prof. N. Goswami, M.D. introduce the lecture before the team of the Institute of Physiology,
University Graz, the lecture of Prof. MUDr. P. Dobšák, CSc., Masaryk University
Figure 2: The lecture of Prof. MUDr. P. Dobšák, CSc., Masaryk University
Figure 3: The lecture of Prof. MUDr. P. Dobšák, CSc., Masaryk University
Figure 4: Prof. Maximilian Moser, University Graz, discuss the lecture with Prof. MUDr. P. Dobšák, CSc.,
Masaryk University
Figure 5: Prof. N. Goswami, M.D., Graz, close the lecture of Prof. MUDr. P. Dobšák, CSc., Masaryk University
Medical situation and our activities in Kenya
Mitsuo TAKEI, Miki IWANE
Medical Corporation KOSHINKAI, Japan,
Grand Forest Japan Hospital, Nairobi, Kenya
Dr. Mitsuo TAKEI, M.D., Ph.D. CEO and Founder of Medical Corporation KOSHINKAI, Japan. CEO and
Founder of “Grand Forest Japan Hospital”, Nairobi, Kenya Chairman of “Dream World Healthcare Program”,
Nairobi, Kenya
Introduction of Kenya
Population is 44.860.000 people (2014/World Bank). There are 47 tribes in Kenya (Kikuyu, Ruo,
Masai, Somali and so on). Located on the east coast of the African continent of the equator, the area of
Kenya is about 586.000 square kilometers (about 1.5 times larger as Japan). The capital, Nairobi, is the
biggest city in the East Africa. Inner waters are approximately 10.700 square kilometers. Most of the
waters originally come from Lake Turkana and Victoria. Kenya territory is characterized by diverse
landscape, such as high alpine glaciers, large scale of volcanoes, ancient giant hills; flat deserts, coral
reefs, small islands, etc. Kenya was colonized by Great Britain in 1895. Colonization continued for a
long time, until the first president Jomo Kenyatta acquired the independence in 1963. Large number of
English and Indian people stayed in Kenya and obtained Kenya citizenship.
National language: Kiswahili
Official language: English
Religion: Christian, Islam, traditional religions, etc.
Rate of population change: 29.9%
Possible rate of change: no data
Population density: about 68 people/km2
Birthrate: 12.4 (per 1.000 people)
Death rate: 4.3 (per 1.000 people)
Life expectancy: 54 years
Life expectancy (male): 53 years
Life expectancy (female): 56 years
Marriage rate: no data
Divorce rate: no data
History of our activities in Kenya.
The activities started when a Kenyan friend who used to stay in Japan asked us to visit Kenya. At
that time, Kenya´s infrastructure or medical situation was worse and not well oriented. This situation
was a real tragedy. For example, medical service in Kenya was just like the post-war-medical service
in Japan. By seeing the medical circumstances, we were encouraged to do something (“… and acting
with a spirit of chivalry.”). That is the beginning of Kenya project. At first, we establish a local NGO
and since 2013 we started first a Medical Camp in one slum, collaborating with Ministry of Health in
Kenya. Our project tried to be the self-produced type, not depending on donation. The Medical Center
was established in 2016. It is necessary to highlight that some type of Medical Corporation in Kenya
does not exist, and for that reason, our project started as Limited Company.
Our fundamental motto:
“We preserve the dignity and precious lives of the Republic of Kenya and provide health
care and welfare at the Japanese level that can contribute to sustaining and improving
health, existing healthy life span and improving QoL. We acquire the knowledge and skills
necessary for the staff and make efforts to raise humanity on a daily basis and carry out
their obligations with responsibility and awareness.”
We also collaborate with related facilities of Kenya and Japan, aiming to help the society through
activities, such as friendship between Japan and Kenya that emphasizes public benefit and employment
support for the Kenyan citizens.
Project of Medical Camp
We operate health guidance, health check and treatment for poor people in slums in Nakuru
County once a month (from May 2013). In order to help, improve and sustain the health of
Kenyan people, our main goal is giving health examinations for pregnant women, children
and old adults (including non-communicable and infectious disease check, administration
of medicaments, such as vaccination, vermicides, etc). Japanese nurses measure height,
weight and BMI, and save data. We treat approximately 200 ~300 patients in each free
Medical Camp. In total (until August 2018) we have already treated about 50.000 patients
since 2013.
Services provided by the Medical Camp
1. general treatment, medical examination
2. gynecologic check-up
3. HIV test and counselling in pregnant women
4. family planning
5. children health check, medical examination:
✦ vaccination
✦ growth monitoring and nutrition check
✦ administration of vitamin A and vermicide
6. general examination (blood, urine, infectious disease check: malaria, etc.)
7. HIV counselling (except 3)
8. health and sanitation education, health and disease guidance
Constitution of staff and numbers in medical camp
Number of Kenyan staff (the daily wage secured by the Kenya Ministry of Health):
✦ nurse (3),
✦ clinical officer (2),
✦ laboratory medical technologist (1),
✦ nutritionist (1),
✦ pharmacist (1 ),
✦ several medical students and volunteers, etc.
Number of Japanese staff (20 ~ 30 people in total):
✦ doctor,
✦ nurses,
✦ physiotherapists,
✦ occupational therapists,
✦ clinical engineers,
✦ medical technologists, etc.
Forest Japan Medical Centre
We opened Forest Japan Medical Centre in Nairobi on April 11th
2016 (Fig.1). We provided high
quality medical equipment, mainly from Japan (CT scanner, ultrasonography, digital X-ray device,
endoscopy, laboratory equipment, etc.). “Quick diagnosis and treatment” - this is the daily motto of
our center, which we try to follow accurately. We can diagnose also from Japan (remote diagnosis)
using an internet system.
Figure 1: Opening ceremony (Medical Center in Nairobi, April 2016)
Project of training of human resources
Medical staff (Japanese and Kenyan) work together to share the skills and knowledge, aiming
to sustain and improve healthcare. Moreover, we promote a friendship and understanding between
cultures and traditions. The project of training of human resources involves:
1. medical diagnostic service project at Kenya
2. target country : Republic of Kenya
3. duration: June of 2016 ∼ May of 2019 (for 3 years)
4. target area: Nairobi city and Nakuru west sub-county
5. target group: Kenyan medical staff (doctors, nurses, radiographers, laboratory technicians,
ultrasound technicians, pharmacists, etc.) in Nairobi city and Nakuru west sub-county.
Actual and future goals
1. Dispatch Japanese medical staff to Kenya, and educate them (diagnosis, treatment skills, medical
service, etc.).
2. Invite Kenyan medical staff to Japan and train them at Japanese medical facilities.
3. Spreading the information about our activities and educational program for community in Kenya.
4. A lecture and training program for Kenyan medical staff (mainly in Nairobi city), was already
Figures show health check in the Medical Facility at KAIZORA Institute (specialized
in the treatment of children suffering from congenital cognitive disorders).
Seven Day /24 h Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring
Prof. MUDr. Jarmila Siegelova, DrSc.
Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University, Brno
On October 6, 2008, consensus meeting held at Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic,
St.Anna Teaching Hospital, proposed current guidelines for diagnosing high blood pressure, socalled
MESOR hypertension, connected with other “Vascular Variability Disorders”, Excessive
pulse pressure, Circadian-Hyperaplitude-Tension, Deficient Heart Rate Variability, diagnosed on
seven day/24 hour ambulatory blood pressure measurement. The leading scientist was Prof.Dr.Franz
Halberg, d.h.mult. with other participants Prof. Dr. Germaine Cornelissen, Dr. Othild Schwarzkopff,
University of Minnesota, USA, Halberg Chronobiology Center, Prof.Dr.Thomas Kenner, D.H.c.mult.,
University Graz, Austria, Prof. MUDr. Jarmila Siegelová, DrSc., Prof. MUDr.Bohumil Fišer,CSc,
Prof. MUDr. Petr Dobšák,CSc., MUDr.Jiří Dušek, CSc, Prof. MUDr. Zdeněk Placheta, DrSc, MUDr.
Pavel Homolka, PhD., Dr. Mohamned Al-Kubati, PhD. Masaryk University Brno, St.Anna Teaching
Hospital, CZ participated on this consensus.
Figure 1: Right sides Prof. MUDr. B. Fišer, CSc., Prof. Dr. T. Kenner, B. Kenner, Doc. MUDr. M. Pohanka,
Ph.D., Dr. O. Schwartzkopff, Prof. Dr. F. Halberg, MUDr. J. Dušek, CSc., Prof. MUDr. J. Siegelová, DrSc.
(Brno Consensus, 2008)
Figure 2
Many studies confirmed the prognostic significance of night-to-day blood pressure ratio for
prediction of a higher rate of cardiovascular complications.
The prognostic significance of night-to-day blood pressure ratio was proved in a large group of
patients, the clinical significance of this value depends on variation of repeated measurement in
individual patients.
The evaluation of night-to-day blood pressure variability during 7 days of ambulatory blood pressure
measurement was the aim of our study.
Healthy subjects
Thirty subjects (18 males, 12 females), twenty one years to seventy three years old, were recruited
for seven-day blood pressure monitoring. Medical Instruments TM2431 (A&D, Japan) were used for
ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (oscillation method, 30-minute interval between measurements).
One-hour means of systolic and diastolic blood pressure were evaluated, when night-time was
considered from midnight to 0600 h and day time from 1000 to 2200 h, avoiding the transitional
periods. Mean day-time and mean night-time systolic and diastolic pressures were evaluated every day.
Dipper status was evaluated every day. Dippers were defined as those individuals with a 10-20 %
fall in nocturnal blood pressure. Non-dipping was defined as a less than 10 % nocturnal fall, and those
with no fall in blood pressure were defined as reverse-dippers.
The patients were ordered according mean 7-day SBP (patient No 1: 107 mmHg, patient No 30: 131
mmHg; median value: 123 mmHg).
Variability of night-to-day ratio during 7-day monitoring is seen in figure.
Figure 3
Figure 4
Only 4 subjects (13 %) were found which could be classified as SBP dippers or ultra-dippers every
day. Most of the subjects were classified on various days differently, even 8 subjects (27 %) were one
day classified as ultra-dippers and the other day as reverse-dippers.
Similarly no subject classified as DBP dipper or ultra-dipper every day was found. Four subjects
(13 %) were one day classified as ultra-dippers and the other day as reverse-dippers.
The day-to-day variability of night-to-day ratio is large. The dipping status classification in
individual patient is not reliable.
Despite the low night-to-day ratio of blood pressure predicted increased risk for cardiovascular events
in large studies, the determination of this value is useless for management of arterial hypertension in
individual patients
Healthy subjects and exercise
Patients after infarctus of myocardium and exercise
The evaluation of night-to-day blood pressure variability during 7 days of ambulatory blood pressure
measurement was the aim of the present study in patients with coronary heart disease in the days with
exercise and in the days without exercise.
Thirty one patients (all males), forty nine years to eighty four years old (63 ± 7.3 years), were
recruited for seven-day blood pressure monitoring. TM – 2431 of the Japanese firm A&D instruments
were used for ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (oscillation method, 30-minute interval between
measurements). One-hour means of systolic and diastolic blood pressure were evaluated, when
night-time was considered from midnight to 0600 h and day time from 1000 to 2200 h, avoiding
the transitional periods. Mean day-time and mean night-time systolic and diastolic pressures were
evaluated every day.
Dipper status was evaluated every day. Dippers were defined as those individuals with a 10-20 %
fall in nocturnal blood pressure. Non-dipping was defined as a less than 10 % nocturnal fall, and those
with no fall in blood pressure were defined as reverse-dippers.
program) lasting three months with the frequency of three times in a week in St. Anna Teaching
Variability of night-to-day ratio in the days with exercise and without exercise during 7-day blood
pressure monitoring is seen in pictures.
Figure 1: Seven-day ambulatory monitoring blood pressure monitoring in patients with ichemic heart disease:
SBP night to day ratio in the days without exercise
In the days without exercise in SBP only 3 subjects (10 %) were found which could be classified as
SBP dippers or ultra-dippers every day. Most of the subjects were classified on various days differently,
even 3 subjects (10 %) were one day classified as ultra-dippers and the other day as reverse-dippers.
Figure 2: Seven-day ambulatory monitoring blood pressure monitoring in patients with ichemic heart disease:
SBP night to day ratio in the days with exercise
In the days with exercise in SBP only 4 subjects (13 %) were found which could be classified as
SBP dippers or ultra-dippers every day. Most of the subjects were classified on various days differently,
even 3 subjects (10 %) were one day classified as ultra-dippers and the other day as reverse-dippers.
Figure 3: Seven-day ambulatory monitoring blood pressure monitoring in patients with ichemic heart disease:
DBP night to day ratio in the days without exercise
In the days without exercise, similarly no subject were classified as DBP dipper or ultra-dipper
every day. Two subjects (7 %) were classified as DBP dippers, others were one day ultra-dippers and
the other day as reverse-dippers.
Figure 4: Seven-day ambulatory monitoring blood pressure monitoring in patients with ichemic heart disease:
DBP night to day ratio in the days with exercise
In the days with exercise, similarly no subject were classified as DBP dipper or ultra-dipper every
day. Night subjects (27 %) were classified as DBP dippers, others were one day ultra-dippers and the
other day as reverse-dippers.
Despite the low night-to-day ratio of blood pressure predicted increased risk for cardiovascular
events in large studies, the determination during seven day/24 h ambulatory blood pressure monitoring
showed large variability in every patients in different consecutive days of ambulatory blood pressure
The exercise program in cardiovascular rehabilitation does not influenced these night to day ration
of blood pressure variability.
Photo documentation of Prof. MUDr. J. Siegelová, DrSc. lecture 24.4.2018 in Graz
Figure 5: Prof. N. Goswami, M.D. began the lecture before the team of the Institute of Physiology,
first Prof. Maximilian Moser, 24.4.2018 in Graz
Figure 6: Prof. MUDr. J. Siegelová, DrSc. started the lecture, Graz 2018
Figure 7: Prof. MUDr. J. Siegelová, DrSc., Graz 2018
Figure 8: Prof. N. Goswami, M.D. discussed the lecture, Graz 2018
Figure9: Prof. N. Goswami, M.D. in discussion with Prof. MUDr. J. Siegelová, DrSc., Graz 2018
Figure 10: Univ. Prof. Anna Gries, Univ. Prof. Dr. Dieter Platzer, Univ. Prof. N. Goswami, M.D., PD Dipl. Ing.
Dr. Hermut Lackner, Prof. MUDr. J. Siegelová, DrSc., Prof. MUDr. P. Dobšák, CSc., Prof. Dr. Andreas Rössler,
Univ. Prof. Dr. Eugen Gallasch, Univ. Prof. Dr. Daniel Schneditz, Dr. Bianca Brix, Dr. Zdenko Kasac, Dr.
Thomas Lehner, Anita Ertl, Institute of Physiology, Graz 2018
In memoriam Clara Maria Kenner, Dr. in
Phil. Mag. A
Phil. (1967 - 2018)
It is with great sadness that we have learned that Clara Maria Kenner died on Tuesday, October 16,
2018, at the age of 51 peacefully in the circle of her family.
The last visited in family of Prof. Kenner was at the occasion of invited lectures of Prof. MUDr. P.
Dobšák, CSc. and Prof. MUDr. Jarmila Siegelová, DrSc. in Dept. of Physiology Medical University of
Graz, Austria in April 24, 2018.
The visit of family of Univ. Prof. Thomas Kenner. On the picture is Prof. MUDr. Jarmila Siegelová, DrSc., Dr.
Clara Kenner, Univ. Prof. Thomas Kenner, Brigitte Kenner and Prof. MUDr. P. Dobšák, CSc.
Univ. Prof. Dr. Thomas Kenner, M.D. dr. H. mult. cooperated with us the last 28 years in the
Masaryk University, Brno.
Our thoughts are with Professor Kenner´s family at this difficult time.
Prof. MUDr. Jarmila Siegelová, DrSc. and Prof. MUDr. Petr Dobšák, CSc.
How Life in Space Can Benefit Older Persons on Earth!
Nandu Goswami1,2
Head of Gravitational Physiology and Medicine Research Unit, Institute of Physiology, Medical University of Graz,
Harachagsse 21/ V, Graz, Austria, 2
Director of Research, Alma Mater Europea University, Maribor, Slovenia
Physiological deconditioning similar to that seen in spaceflight also occurs on Earth, especially as a
consequence of the aging process and also due to bedrest or bed confinement and/ or immobilization.
Illness or injury in older persons frequently requires hospitalized based care. However, the
immobilization that occurs during hospitalization is itself a major factor in physiological deconditioning
and functional decline and in older persons can further contribute to a downward spiral of increasing
frailty, dizziness upon standing up (orthostatic intolerance) and increased risk and incidence of falls.
Bedrest is used as a ground-based analog for studying the effects of weightlessness on physiological
systems as seen during space flight (Jost, 2008; Pavy Le Traon et al., 2007). Bedrest immobilization
is used routinely by space agencies to simulate effects of physiological deconditioning induced by
spaceflight (Arzeno et al., 2013; Cvirn et al., 2015; Oshea et al., 2015). As older persons spend up to 80%
of their time in hospital bed-confined, bedrest studies can also help in furthering our understanding of
the deconditioning process during hospitalization in older persons.
Astronauts in space spend substantial time doing physical training to counteract the deconditioning
due to the effects of microgravity and to alleviate orthostatic intolerance on return to Earth. Could such
physical activity programs carried out by astronauts in space be used during bedrest immobilization in
older persons to counteract deconditioning as well? This is important as early interventions are known
to be associated with decrease incidence of orthostatic intolerance, falls and falls related injuries (Singh
et al., 2008).
Recent data generated from bedrest studies related to space research suggest that resistance exercise,
together with proper nutrition, is effective in maintaining physiological functionality in astronauts
during spaceflights of up to six months duration. Similarly, some studies have suggested that nutritional
therapy (for example, high protein diet), along with resistance training, improves lean muscle mass and
muscle strength in older persons. This could a long way in decreasing the incidence of orthostatic
intolerance, falls and falls related injuries, especially upon standing up following long term bedrest
confinement (Goswami et al., 2018).
Therefore, knowledge obtained from space research can provide guidance towards optimizing
health care strategies to tackle bed-confined deconditioning, especially in older persons (Goswami et
al, 2017).
1. Arzeno, N.M., Stenger, M.B., Lee, S.M.C., Ploutz- Snyder, R., Platts, S.H. (2013). Sex differences in
blood pressure control during 6◦ head-down tilt bed rest. Am J Physiol Heart Circulation Physiol,
15, 304: H1114–1123.
2. Goswami, N. (2017). Falls and Fall-Prevention in Older Persons: Geriatrics Meets Spaceflight!
Front Physiol. 8: 603-603.
3. Goswami, N., Blaber, A.P., Hinghofer-Szalkay, H., Montani, J.P. (2017). Orthostatic Intolerance in
Older Persons: Etiology and Countermeasures. Front Physiol.8: 803-803.
4. Jost, P.D. (2008). Simulating human space physiology with bed rest. Hippokratia suppl 1: 37–40.
5. O’Shea, D., Lackner, H.K., Rössler, A., Green, D.A., Gauger, P., Mulder, E et al. (2015). Influence
of bed rest on plasma galanin and adrenomedullin at presyncope. Eur J Clin Invest 45, 679-685.
6. Pavy-Le Traon, A., Heer, M., Narici, M., Rittweger, J, Vernikos, J.(2007). From space to earth:
advances in human physiology from 20 years of bed rest studies (1986–2006) Eur J Applied Physiol,
101, 143–194.
7. Petersen, N., Jaekel, P., Rosenberger, A., Weber, T., Scott, J., Castrucci,F., et al. (2016) Exercise
in space: the European Space Agency approach to in-flight exercise countermeasures for longduration
missions on ISS. Extrem Physiol Med. 2016; 5: 9.
8. Singh M, Alexander K, Roger VL, Rihal CS, Whitson HE, Lerman A, Jahngir A, Nair KS. (2008)
Frailty and Its Potential Relevance to Cardiovascular Care. Mayo Clinic Proceedings 2008, 83(10),
* Corresponding author:
Assoc. Prof. Nandu Goswami
MBBS, PhD, Master of Medical Science (Major in Medical Education)
Head of Physiology Division
Otto Loewi Research Center for Vascular Biology, Immunology and Inflammation
Medical University of Graz, Neue Stiftingtalstrasse 6, D-5
A-8036 Graz, Austria.
Tel: + 43 316 38573852 (Office); + 43 316 385 79005 (Fax)
Edited by: Cornélissen G., Siegelová J., Dobšák P.
Published by Masaryk University in 2018
First edition, 2018
Print run: 60 copies
Printed by Tiskárna Knopp s.r.o., U Lípy 926, 549 01 Nové Město nad Metují
ISBN 978-80-210-9109-2