Textové pole: APPLICATION FORM FOR REVIEWERS SCRIPTA MEDICA Journal for Biomedical Research would you like TO CO-OPERATE WITH US? would you like to become our reviewer? In such a case, please Write TO us or you can complete the form BELOW for better communication. If you are undecided, please read our Information for Reviewers. We provide detailed guidance on our website. The Editor-in-chief can assure you that we only provide Double-blind reviews. What does it mean? A Double-blind review means that both the reviewer and the author remain anonymous. We are interested in topics that you are willing to review. Please let us know your specialisation (honours) and write to us what kind of papers you are interested in. You will be included in our List of reviewers and then you will be asked to review. You will be asked to evaluate an article on a number of criteria which are described in the Information for Reviewers. (Please have a look at our website.) Step one: Please complete the form for reviewers: First name Family name Title(s) Full affiliation address with town postcode and country Current address Telephone number E-mail Type of papers Date and signature Step two: Please send us your completed form by post or by e-mail. We will contact you to check the information. Scripta Medica, mkorcova°med.muni.cz