Paediatric CPR – algorithm including newborn life support Martina Kosinová První pomoc – přednáška (aVLPO011, aZLPO011p)1 2 Learning objectives ̶ Student will learn the individual steps of the BLS algorithm in a child. ̶ Student will learn how to open the child's airways. ̶ Student will learn the correct technique of performing chest compressions in a child. První pomoc – přednáška (aVLPO011, aZLPO011p) 3 Guidelines 2015 Neonate ̶ NLS – Nenatal life support (Resuscitation and support of transition of infants at birth) Infant → 18 years ̶ PBLS – Paediatric Basic Life Support První pomoc – přednáška (aVLPO011, aZLPO011p) 4 Basic algorithm No signs of life? Not reacting? Safety both of child and rescuer Verbal and tactile stimulation Shout for help Open the airway Not breathing normally? 5 rescue breaths 15 compression: 2 breaths S Safety S Stimulate S Shout for help A Airway B Breathing C Circulation AED První pomoc – přednáška (aVLPO011, aZLPO011p) 5 První pomoc – přednáška (aVLPO011, aZLPO011p) S Safety 6 Response to a stimulation ̶ Verbal stimulation ̶ Tactile stimulation Doesn‘t answer, cry or move? První pomoc – přednáška (aVLPO011, aZLPO011p) S Stimulate 7 Shout for help + AED ̶ a lone rescuer: immediately start CPR (in the very high likelihood of a primary shockable rhythm, if directly accessible, he or she can rapidly collect and apply an AED ̶ More than one rescuer: 2nd rescuer immediately call for help and then collect and apply an AED (if feasible). ̶ Infant and children below 8 years: paediatric attenuator První pomoc – přednáška (aVLPO011, aZLPO011p) S Shout for help 8 Breathing normally? ̶ Turn the child carefully on his back ̶ Open the child’s airway by tilting the head and lifting the chin ̶ Neutral head position (infant) ̶ Place your hand on his forehead and gently tilt his head back (Do not push on the soft tissues under the chin as this may obstruct the airway. This is especially important in infants.) První pomoc – přednáška (aVLPO011, aZLPO011p) A Airway 9 Is the victim breathing normally? ̶ Keeping the airway open ̶ Look ̶ Listen ̶ Feel …for normal breathing Not breathing normally? 10 s První pomoc – přednáška (aVLPO011, aZLPO011p) B Breathing 10 If breathing is not normal or absent: ̶ Carefully remove any obvious airway obstruction. ̶ Give five initial rescue breaths → usually respiration ethiology of cardiac arrest ̶ Call EMS! První pomoc – přednáška (aVLPO011, aZLPO011p) B Breathing 11 5 rescue breaths Infant • Neutral head position • Cover the mouth and nose of the infant with your mouth/ only mouth/ only nose in the older infant. • Make sure you have a good seal. • 1s • Watch for chest to rise up and fall with rescue breath. • Repeat 5 times Child over 1 year of age • Head tilt and chin lift • Pinch the soft part of the nose and place your lips around the mouth. • Make sure you have a good seal. • 1s • Watch for chest to rise up and fall with rescue breath. • Repeat 5 times For both infants and children, if you have difficulty achieving an effective breath, the airway may be obstructed: • Open the child’s mouth and remove any visible obstruction. • Reposition the head. Make up to five attempts to achieve effective breaths. První pomoc – přednáška (aVLPO011, aZLPO011p) 12 I.K. Maconochie et al. / Resuscitation 95 (2015) 223–248 První pomoc – přednáška (aVLPO011, aZLPO011p) Infant Child over 1 year of age 13 Look for signs of life Movement Coughing Normal breathing První pomoc – přednáška (aVLPO011, aZLPO011p) 14 No signs of life ̶ In BLS do not check the pulse! ̶ Unconscious child, not breathing normally = start chest compressions ̶ In all children continue with 15 : 2 ratio (compression : ventilations) till the ambulance come První pomoc – přednáška (aVLPO011, aZLPO011p) C Circulation 15 Chest compressions Infant • Lower half of the sternum • Depress the sternum by at least one third of the anterior–posterior diameter of the chest (4 cm) • Preferred encircling technique with two thumbs (alternative technique for the lone rescuer: tips of two fingers) • Rate: 100-120/min • 15:2 Child over 1 year of age • Lower half of the sternum • Depress the sternum by at least one third of the anterior–posterior diameter of the chest (5 cm) • Place the heel of one hand on the sternum, lift the fingers, your arms strait, place yourself above the victim’s chest • Rate: 100-120/min • 15:2 První pomoc – přednáška (aVLPO011, aZLPO011p) C Circulation 16 Chest compressions I.K. Maconochie et al. / Resuscitation 95 (2015) 223–248 První pomoc – přednáška (aVLPO011, aZLPO011p) Infant Child over 1 year of age C Circulation 17 A lone rescuer Call for ambulace More than one rescuer ̶ With mobile phone - call help first (and activate the speaker function) immediately after the initial rescue breath ̶ If no phone is readily available perform 1 min of CPR before leaving the child. ̶ one start the CPR, second call the ambulance immediatelly and then collect and apply an AED První pomoc – přednáška (aVLPO011, aZLPO011p) První pomoc – přednáška (aVLPO011, aZLPO011p)18 Do not interrupt resuscitation until ̶ The child shows signs of life. ̶ Ambulance arrive and také over the CPR ̶ You become exhausted 19 Paediatric CPR Newborn Life Support První pomoc – přednáška (aVLPO011, aZLPO011p) 20 Newborn Life Support ̶ Algorithm for resuscitation and support of transition of infants at birth ̶ Facilitation of the fetal-to-neonatal transition (The absorption of lung fluid, the aeration of the lungs, the initiation of air breathing, and cessation of the placental circulation) ̶ 6-10 % of newborns require some help in transition in first minutes after the birth ̶ 85% of babies born at term initiated spontaneous respirations within 10 to 30 s of birth ̶ An additional 10% responded during drying and stimulation ̶ 3% initiated respirations following positive pressure ventilation ̶ Only 0.1% received chest compressions and/or adrenaline První pomoc – přednáška (aVLPO011, aZLPO011p) 21 Basics from NLS Temperature Possition Open the airway Stimulation První pomoc – přednáška (aVLPO011, aZLPO011p) 22 Basic algorithm No signs of life? Not reacting? Safety both of child and rescuer Verbal and tactile stimulation Shout for help Open the airway Not breathing normally? 5 rescue breaths 15 compression: 2 breaths S Safety S Stimulate S Shout for help A Airway B Breathing C Circulation AED První pomoc – přednáška (aVLPO011, aZLPO011p) 23 Learning outcomes ̶ Student is able to describe the technique of performing rescue breaths in children of all ages. ̶ Student is able to name the individual steps of the BLS algorithm in a child. ̶ Student is able to describe the differences in the CPR of a child and an adult. První pomoc – přednáška (aVLPO011, aZLPO011p) Lékařská fakulta Masarykovy univerzity 2021