1 Allergic reactions, anaphylaxis Marek Kovář 2 Learning objectives • The student will learn the symptoms of allergic reactions. • The student will learn first aid for allergies and anaphylaxis. • The student will learn what an allergy first aid kit is and how to use an epinephrine pen correctly. 3 What is an allergic reaction? ̶ Exaggerated reaction of the human immune system to a foreign substance - the so-called "Allergen" ̶ The most common allergens include: ̶ Plant pollens, dust, mold, mites ̶ Pets ̶ Animal poison ̶ Foodstuffs ̶ Medicines 4 What are the symptoms of an allergic reaction? ̶ Local – a local reaction caused by the allergen encountering the body ̶ Skin – swelling, redness, paleness ̶ Mucosal – cold, cough, lacrimation ̶ General ̶ Skin – urticaria, angioedema, oedema, pruritus ̶ Digestive system – nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, convulsions ̶ Respiratory system – stridor, hoarseness, cough, dyspnoea ̶ Circulatory system – hypotension, heart arrythmias ̶ Nervous system – syncope, convulsions, alterations of consciousness ̶ Shivering ̶ Anaphylactic reaction 5 What is anaphylaxis? ̶ Life threatening situation !!! ̶ An allergic reaction with a severe course, affecting organism in general ̶ One of the causes of shock development ̶ Can cause ̶ swelling of the airways, shortness of breath until respiratory arrest ̶ drop in blood pressure, shock until circulatory arrest ̶ fall in consciousness, malaise, unconsciousness 6 When to call 911? General symptoms appear History of severe allergic reaction 7 First aid Skin symptoms • Avoid exposure or elimination of the allergen • Physically cool the affected area • Observe vital signs Dyspnoea • Sitting or semi-sitting position, secure airways • Call 911 • Apply an epinephrine pen Patient collapse • Lying position with raised lower limbs – ‘anti-shock position’ • Call 911 • Apply an epinephrine pen unconscious • Follow the ‘ABC’ algorithm 8 First aid kit with allergy medication ̶ An allergy sufferer can be equipped with her/his own medication ̶ The allergy sufferer himself is instructed on how to take the medication. ̶ The kit should also include instructions on what medications, what form, and what dose to administer ̶ These are most often as pills, inhalers and epinephrine injection 9 Epinephrine injection / pen ̶ Used for intramuscular administration of adrenaline in an anaphylactic reaction ̶ The injection is in a form that the allergy sufferer can self-administer ̶ The site of application is usually the thigh muscle ̶ Leave the injection at the injection site for 10 seconds After 5-15 minutes without improvement, the 2nd dose can be given 10 Epinephrine injection / pen ̶ Video application of an epinephrine pen in First Aid e-learning. 11 Biphasic anaphylactic reaction ̶ In some cases, a second anaphylactic reaction occurs ̶ It most often occurs a few hours after anaphylaxis ̶ The allergy sufferer must be monitored in a monitored bed for at least 24 hours after anaphylaxis ̶ Always call 911, even if the anaphylactic symptoms go away Immediate response Second wave 12 Take home message ̶ Severe forms of allergies and anaphylaxis are life-threatening conditions ̶ Carefully monitor the condition of the allergy sufferer, respond to the onset of general manifestations of allergy ̶ Call 911 in time ̶ Find out an allergic history and possibly arrange an allergy first aid kit ̶ In case of dyspnoea or worsening of consciousness, apply an adrenaline pen 13 Learning outcomes • The student can describe the process of an anaphylactic reaction. • The student knows the contents of the allergy first aid kit and knows what it is for. • The student can describe the procedure for the application of epinephrine pen. Lékařská fakulta Masarykovy univerzity 2021