First aid in case of suspected thoracic trauma Marek Kovář 2 Learning objectives ̶ Student learns the division of chest trauma ̶ Student will learn first aid management for chest injuries ̶ Student will learn to recognize the symptoms of respiratory distress 3 Chest injuries ̶ Trauma is the most common cause of death in patients under 40 years of age ̶ According to the mechanism of injury, their division is: 1. Blunt 2. Penetrating ̶ Vital organs are stored and protected in the chest, so chest injury has serious, often fatal consequences. 4 Chest injuries ̶ can be life-threatening for the possibility of injury: Respiratory system Chest injury Pneumothorax Lung contusion Bleeding from lung tissue Respiratory tract injuries Airway obstruction Hemothorax Circulatory system Cardiac tamponade Heart valves damage Myocardial contusion Vascular injuries Hemothorax 5 Blunt injuries ̶ Objects exert force on a larger area, causing bruising, abrasions, hemorrhages and lacerations ̶ They do not have to leave obvious marks on the skin, or they may appear later ̶ Life-threatening for the frequent possibility of injury to internal organs ̶ Typical mechanisms: falls, impacts, runs over, crushing… 6 Penetrating injuries ̶ Objects penetrate or damage the skin ̶ More obvious than blunt injuries, their severity depends on the injured organs and the size of the bleeding ̶ If the foreign body is still in the wound, do not take it out in prehospital care, for a risk of developing unstoppable bleeding ̶ Typical injury mechanisms: stabbing, cutting, shooting,… 7 Examination for chest trauma ̶ Primary examination ̶ We follow the SSS ABC protocol ̶ Secondary examination ̶ Comprehensive examination of the chest and organs stored in it ̶ Many injuries of the chest and thoracic organs are difficult to diagnose in PP conditions, watch for signs of developing shock and respiratory distress, or breathing disorders 8 Respiratory distress - Very unpleasant shortness of breath, choking, crouching, feeling of lack of air - Often accompanied by a typical breathing pattern - shallow, extremely fast, strenuous breathing with small volumes - Requiring effort, work, often no other activity can be performed, exhalation often needs to be forced - One-word communication, if phonation is possible at all - Auxiliary respiratory muscles, automatically selected sitting position, or forward bend are often involved in breathing. - You can hear wheezing when inhaling or exhaling - stridor images/6/atemnot-5131ac36.jpg 9 Pneumothorax ̶ Air penetration into the pleural cavity ie into the space between the lungs and the chest wall ̶ Leads to lung collapse on the affected side, causes dyspnoea it is important to monitor the symmetry of breathing movements and listening to breathing ̶ Open – connection between the atmosphere and the pneumothorax enabling air exchange ̶ Closed – communication between the atmosphere and pneumothorax is closed most often caused by injury to the lungs or airways by the skeleton or by trauma itself ̶ Tension – a life-threatening condition in which with each breath the air in the pleural cavity accumulates and oppresses the surrounding organs !Do not close the wound of an open pneumothorax, there is a risk of causing a tension pneumothorax Blausen_0742_Pneumothorax.png 10 Take-home message ̶ Chest trauma is often a life-threatening injury ̶ Especially in blunt trauma, the disability may not be obvious at first, it is necessary to respond to the manifestations of the shock. ̶ Many interventions can only be performed by a professional or can be solved at hospital, don’t delay by calling 911/112 ̶ Apply the SSS ABC approach and monitor vital signs 11 Learning outcomes ̶ Student can recognize signs of respiratory distress. ̶ Student will divide the basic types of chest injuries. ̶ Student can name life-threatening conditions associated with chest injuries. Zápatí prezentace12 References ̶ AUSTIN, Margaret, Rudy CRAWFORD a Vivien J. ARMSTRONG. První pomoc: autorizovaná příručka organizací St John Ambulance, St Andrew's First Aid a British Red Cross. V Praze: Slovart, 2015. ISBN 978-80-7391-386-1. ̶ MONSIEURS, Koenraad G., Jerry P. NOLAN, Leo L. BOSSAERT, et al. European Resuscitation Council Guidelines for Resuscitation 2015. Resuscitation [online]. 2015, 95, 1- 80 [cit. 2020-08-19]. DOI: 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2015.07.038. ISSN 03009572. Dostupné z: Simulation Centre, Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University 2020