Heatstroke, sunburn Aneta Mrkvičková Heatstroke, sunburn2 Learning objectives ̶ Student will learn the difference between heatstroke and sunburn. ̶ Student will learn how to evaluate the condition of a patient with hyperthermia and provide first aid. Heatstroke, sunburn3 Heatstroke = overheating Definition Sunburn ̶ Overheating of the organism due to exposure to high temperature (exceeding the maximum body temperature) ̶ The organism is no longer able to cool down effectively (failure of thermoregulation) ̶ Overheating of the body, especially the head, when exposed to the sun and high outside temperatures Heatstroke, sunburn4 Causes ̶ Too high outside temperature ̶ Inappropriate clothes ̶ High relative humidity (sweating is not working) ̶ Insufficient drinking regime ̶ Sunburn is caused by a long stay in the heat and in the sun without a head covering Heatstroke, sunburn5 Symptoms ̶ Hypertermia (up to 41°C) ̶ Red hot skin ̶ Headaches, dizziness ̶ Nausea, vomiting ̶ Tachycardia, tachypnoea ̶ Convulsions from fluid and ion loss ̶ Disorientation, unconsciousness ̶ Manifestations may appear after several hours Heatstroke, sunburn6 First aid- heatstroke ̶ Prevent further heating - move the affected person to a colder room, to the shade, cold wraps ̶ CAVE for hypothermia ̶ If the patient is conscious, we serve drinks (ideally ionic drinks, mineral water) ̶ In case of impaired consciousness, we proceed according to SSS ABC Heatstroke, sunburn7 First aid- sunburn ̶ The same procedure as for heatstroke ̶ In addition, we put cold wrap on the head ̶ Headache can be relieved with paracetamol (=acetaminophen) if the patient is conscious and does not vomit Heatstroke, sunburn8 Prevention ̶ Sufficient drinking regime (non-alcoholic drinks) ̶ Adequate clothing, including a head covering ̶ Adequate physical activity Heatstroke, sunburn9 Learning outcomes ̶ Student is able to explain the difference between heatstroke and sunburn. ̶ Student is able to describe how to provide FA in case of heatstroke and sunburn. ̶ Student is able to list possible preventive steps for heatstroke and sunburn. Heatstroke, sunburn10 Sources ̶ https://cprguidelines.eu/sites/573c777f5e61585a053d7ba5/conten t_entry573c77e35e61585a053d7baf/573c78115e61585a053d7bc e/files/S0300-9572_15_00329-9_main.pdf? ̶ https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/320226 Simulation Centre, Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University 2020