Accidental hypothermia Tereza Prokopová Hypothermia2 Learning objectives ̶ Student will learn the degrees of hypothermia and their symptoms. ̶ Student will be able to discuss the mechanisms of heat loss. ̶ Student will learn the basics of FA in hypothermia. Hypothermia3 Definition ̶ Involuntary drop of the body temperature < 35°C ̶ Life threatening situation ̶ Body looses heat faster than generates ̶ Not necessary freezing weather Hypothermia4 Heat losses ̶ Radiation ̶ Evaporation ̶ Conduction ̶ Convection Hypothermia5 Symptoms and degrees Hypothermia6 Therapy ̶ Transport to warm place ̶ Limit patient movement ̶ Avoid additional heat losses ̶ Change wet clothes ̶ Start rewarming from the core ̶ If disorder of consciousness nothing p.o. ̶ Do not give the patient alcohol ̶ If moderate or severe hypothermia seek expert help ̶ If cardiac arrest start CPR Hypothermia7 Hypothermia wrap Hypothermia8 Learning outcomes ̶ Student is able to name the degrees of hypothermia and describe their symptoms. ̶ Student is able to name the mechanisms of heat loss. ̶ Student is able to describe the basics of FA in hypothermia. Hypothermia9 Thank you for your attention Hypothermia10 Sources ̶ 39340 ̶ t_entry573c77e35e61585a053d7baf/573c78115e61585a053d7bc e/files/S0300-9572_15_00329-9_main.pdf? ̶ Pictures: ̶ ̶ Simulation Centre, Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University 2020