Approach to unresponsive victim Tereza Prokopová Zápatí prezentace2 Learning objectives ̶ Student will learn the algorithm of approach to the unresposive victim. Approach to unresponsive victim 3 Algorithm S Safety S Stimulate S Shout for help A Airway B Breathing C Circulation Approach to unresponsive victim4 Safety ̶ Check the danger ̶ Safety of rescuer is priority ̶ Individual assessment S Safety Approach to unresponsive victim5 Stimulate ̶ Consciousness assessment ̶ Verbal stimulation ̶ Shake S Stimulate Approach to unresponsive victim6 Shout for help ̶ To get help ̶ Shout for help loudly ̶ Do not leave the victim ̶ More hands could be big help S Shout for help Approach to unresponsive victim7 Airway ̶ Open the airway ̶ Head tilt and chin lift ̶ We need to tilt the head thoroughly. ̶ If the pacient is unresponsive, you need to keep the airway open till ambulace come. A Airway Approach to unresponsive victi8 Airway A Airway Approach to unresponsive victim9 Breathing ̶ Check the breathing ̶ First need to open the airway ̶ Search for normal breathing ̶ Chest rising ̶ Can hear breathing ̶ Regular respiratory rate, at least 2 breaths in 10 s ̶ Technique ̶ Look ̶ Listen ̶ Feel ̶ 10 s B Breathing Approach to unresponsive victim10 Breathing ̶ If you are not sure that the victim is breathing, act like the victim is not breathing. B Breathing Approach to unresponsive victim11 Call ambulace ̶ Now we know if the victim is breathing or not ̶ Call ambulance ̶ Záchranka application ̶ Approach to unresponsive victim12 Circulation ̶ Ensure circulation ̶ Start CPR ̶ Quality of CPR ̶ Place: centre of the chest ̶ Depth: 5-6 cm not more than 6 cm ̶ Rate: 100-120/min ̶ Ratio: 30:2 = chest compressions: rescue breaths ̶ High quality of chest compressions and minimal pauses are the most important. C Circulation Approach to unresponsive victim13 Circulation C Circulation Zápatí prezentace14 Learning outcomes ̶ Student is able to list steps in the algorithm of accessment to the unconscious. ̶ Student knows the process of opening the airway. ̶ Student is able to describe how to check the breathing. Approach to unresponsive victim15 Thank you for your attention Aproach to unresponsive victim16 Sources ̶ ̶ ̶ Pictures: ̶ ̶ ̶ vector-19204582 Simulation Centre, Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University 2020