Massive external bleeding Tereza Prokopová First Aid practice (aVLPO011c) First Aid - practice (aVLPO011c) Learning outcomes ̶ Student knows how to secure his safety during the massive bleeding management. ̶ Student knows direct pressure as the first step in the massive bleeding management. ̶ Student knows the pressure bandage indication. Bleeding ̶ Divided by: ̶ Localization ̶ Internal ̶ External ̶ Type of vessel ̶ Arterial ̶ Venous ̶ Capillary ̶ Intensity ̶ Massive ̶ Minor ̶ Adult blood volume: 4.5 – 6 L First Aid - practice (aVLPO011c) First Aid – practice (aVLPO011c) S-S-S ̶ Safety ̶ Stimulate ̶ Shout ̶ Shake • The patient is responsive ➢ Continue with communication ➢ Apply direct pressure ➢ Apply tourniquet • The patient is not responsive ➢ Apply tourniquet ➢ Open the airway ➢ Check for breathing ➢ Call the ambulance ➢ Start CPR if needed ̶ Shout for help First Aid (aVLPO011c) Massive bleeding management Direct pressure Hemostatic dressing + direct pressure Tourniquet First Aid - practice (aVLPO011c) Direct pressure First Aid - practice (VLPO011c) Hemostatic dressing ̶ Apply directly into the wound ̶ Apply direct pressure on the dressing ̶ Fixate Obr.: First Aid - practice (VLPO011c) Turniquet ̶ At least 5 cm width ̶ Apply proximally to the wound ̶ Apply over a thin layer of clothes ̶ Use on thigh and arm ̶ Do not apply over the joints ̶ !CAVE: never apply on neck! Obr.: First Aid - practice (VLPO011c) Pressure bandage ̶ Sterile wound dressing ̶ Pressure layer ̶ Fixation layer First Aid – practice (aVLPO011c) Pressure bandage ̶ Use for not massive bleeding ̶ Additional in massive bleeding algorithm ̶ Over hemostatic dressing ̶ Cover still leaking wound distally to turniquet Take home message ̶ Firstly secure your and the victim´s safety. ̶ Direct pressure is the first step in the massive bleeding algorithm. ̶ Turniquet should not be eased at the scene. First Aid - practice (aVLPO011c) Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University 2022